#Hm. It's Friday. Maybe I can actually do a compilation of stuff from today
royalarchivist · 9 months
Fit: Hello, poop doctor! Hello, good to see you.
Pac: Hello poop doctor! Can you check my- my intestines?
Fit: [Cracking up] If it's one of those exams, I'll- I can leave the room.
Pac: OH WAIT- NO NO! NONONONONO! NO! I'm fine! I don't need it. [He stands in the corner of the room] Ramon, throw the water on me, I wanna drown myself here too. I wanna go, please! I said some shenanigans that I regret.
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aisulinn · 6 years
[Translation Script Only] Florist/Bookshop(Karaoso) Manga
Source : 【おそまつ】花書(カラおそ)まとめ【腐】
Artist : 48Sensei/しば [pixiv id: 324108 ] [twitter: 48sensei ] [tumblr: 48sensei]
Please read it side by side with the manga on the link~!
48sensei made a compilation of the florist/bookshop karaoso that they posted on twitter! It’s really cute so I just wanted to share it with you guys!
It’s 42 pages long so.... MORE UNDER THE CUT!
Italic = inner thought (thought bubble or thing that’s not in speech bubble)
Bold = the writing that’s bold in manga
one paragraph = one panel
*__* = sfx
Divider = different section/scene according to the twitter post (note that 48sensei posted the pages separately on twitter)
Radio : Good Morning! The first rank of today’s fortune telling is for you Geminis!
Kara : *yawn*
 Screen : First place = Gemini
             Second place = Sagitarius
             Third place = Aquarius
 Radio : Your lucky item iiis…. RED GERBERA!
 Kara : Heheheheh~ ♪
 Kara : Good morning my flowers. As always, today too you’re beautiful it’s blinding
  PAGE 2
Kara : heh
 Kara : Hello, my lucky baby. You will surely bring me wonderful fortunes today
 Oso : Good morniiing~
 Oso : is it open yet?
Kara : welcome!
 Oso : excuse me, is it okay if I just buy a single flower?
Kara : of course!
  PAGE 3
Oso : okay, good!
 Oso : I want the red…
Kara : Red gerbera…
 Oso : what?
 Kara : A red gerbera...
  PAGE 4
Oso : Wow! How do you know which flower I want? Are you an esper?
Kara : HUH?! Uh…
 Kara: Pardon me, the red gerbera… It’s this flower over here right?
Oso : yup! Sorry to buy just one. I happened to see my fortune today and my lucky item is red gerbera~
 Oso : Now to think about it, this flower was also in the book I read yesterday… so yeah
 Kara : Sir, are you perhaps a Gemini? Because I am one too
 Oso : You too? I saw this morning’s fortune! Haha, somehow I feel like I can relate to you more now
Kara : thank you for the wait
 Oso : thank you
 Kara : *doki*
 Oso: I recently start working on Akatsuka Bookshop. If you like books, please come and stop by! See you!
 Kara: Ah, thank you very much!
 Kara: Thank you, baby. You’re really giving me wonderful fortune
  PAGE 6
 Naration: As he gets closer to Karamatsu, Matsuno Osomatsu starts doing stuff like “Flower Arrangement Fair” or “Gardening Fair” frequently
Co-wrkr1 : Matsuno san, we’re doing that kind of fair agaain~?
Co-wrkr2: Do you like flower that much?
Oso : It’s not that! I told you horticulture system is really popular right now!
Co-wrkr: really, now~?
Oso : Minette sensei~ I did it!!
Ichi : Niisan! FOR REAL?!
 Ichi : then, then?! How far did you go?!
Oso : Karamatsu kun has the same zodiac as me! ❤
Ichi : then?!
 Oso : isn’t that wonderful?! The chance of that is only 1/12!! I wonder if our birthday is close~
 Ichi : eh?
 Ichi : by “did it” you mean, that? That’s all?
Oso : what do you mean “that’s all”? Well, that IS all
  PAGE 8
Ichi : huh??? What the hell! I THOUGHT YOU DID MORE YOU IDIOT! Your hands touched and your hearts went doki ☆ for instance! Or maybe he said something like, “compared to this flower, Matsuno san is more beautiful”. OR MAYBE YOU KNOW? END IT WITH A BANG AND MAKE A DATE PLAN OR SOMETHING? NO?!
Oso : You have a wild imagination, huh
 Ichi : No those ideas are overused and heck they’re actually really lame?? That is why I already expected those from you, niisan…
Oso : I mean you know, today is the first  time I talked to him! Knowing his zodiac is already a great achievement, right?
Ichi : WHAT?
 Ichi : seriously??? I mean, every day, the only thing talk about is this “karamatsu kun”…. That’s why I thought…
Ichi : What?
Oso : He doesn’t even know my name yet…  I’m sorry
  PAGE 9
Ichi : *slump*
 Ichi : hah~~~ I’m really disappointed in you, niisan… Ah~~ The deadline for the storyboard of my next series is in two weeks… Ah~~ It’s impossible… I’m dead… Let’s just die….
Oso : Come on~ I even gathered up enough courage to talk about the lucky flower with him! For you!
 Oso : niichan did his best you know? Don’t you wanna praise me?
 Ichi : …….
 Ichi : did you at least properly show him your appeal?
Oso : I said “I’m working on Akatsuka Book shop! Come by if you love books!” ❤
Ichi : Does he... look like the type that loves book? That Karamatsu kun?
Oso : ………………^^
  PAGE 10
Ichi : you fucked up didn’t you
 Oso : well, that is why…
 Oso : You’re doing book signing event at my bookshop~
Oso : So that I can ask for the decoration flower at Karapippi’s, don’t back out on this
Naration : ★Without noticing each other’s feelings, the gear is turning!
Co-wrkr2 : Matsuno saaan~
Oso : here~
Co-wrkr2 : Have you ordered flowers for this week’s Minette sensei’s signing event yet?
 Oso : uh.. no, not yet….
Co-wrkr2 : From Flower Akatsuka right? Should I go?
 Oso : DO--
Co-wrkr2 : I-- I see..? But you already said that two days ago…
 Co-wrkr2 : if you’re slacking off again the boss will be mad
Oso : I’m not slacking off!!
 Oso : it’s just… I need more preparation for my heart when it comes to flowers….
 Co-wrkr2 : what?
Oso : NOTHING!! I’M GOING NOW! *dash*
  PAGE 12
Oso : Good evening~
Kara : Welc--
 Kara : --come
 Kara : ah, the red gerbera guy!
Oso : what?
 Oso : red gerbera guy….?
 Kara : pardon me… you’re the one who bought red gerbera recently, right? So I just…
Oso : Oh!
 PAGE 13
Oso : Ahaha you remember! Thank you~ HE ACTUALLY REMEMBERS?! SERIOUSLLLY???!!!!
 Oso: but red gerbera guy is like… haha that purple rose guy
Kara : purple rose?
Oso : you know? Glass Mask?
 Kara : I’m sorry, I don’t really read a lot of books
Oso : Ah I knew it. It’s an old manga anyway~
 Oso : oh, I’m not here to chat
Kara : Then what can I help you with today?
 Oso : erm… This week, our shop will be having a signing event of a manga author, that’s why we need some flowers
Kara : Do you have any certain color you’re hoping for?
Oso : The author personal color is purple so I thought maybe purple shades flower is good
Kara : purple…
 PAGE 14
Kara : we have purple roses!
Oso : eh, for real?
Kara : yes
 Kara : look! Look how pretty this girl is! *smile*
 Oso : *kyun*
 Kara : Purple rose has “Pride” or “Elegance” or “Honor”, for its meaning…
 Kara : that author surely is a lovely person that is no less than these roses~
Oso : well, sure…
 PAGE 15
Kara : to be chosen for that person’s gift…
 Kara : this girl must be very happy
 Oso : heh
 Oso : all right, I’ll take that one
 Kara : Thank you very much!
 Oso : I love this side of him~
Oso : okay then, Friday at 10
Kara : okay, noted!
Oso : I’ll look forward to it!
 Oso : somehow it feels like a date. Yay~
Naration : it’s actually just delivery time
Kara : u-- um…
Oso : hm?
 Kara :  uh… last time… you told me to stop by your place… right?
 Oso : ...to my shop?
Kara : yes. Then, uh… the next day I decided to stop by
 Oso : EH!!!??
Oso : seriously~~!!??! The next day!! I!!  I was working at the back for a whole day, packing and wrapping returned goods~~~?!?! Haaaaaah~~~!!! What a waste!!
Kara : but you were not there
 Kara : that was too bad…
Oso : I-- I’M SORRY! That day was exactly the day I’m working on the back, so I already said that I won’t come...
Kara : so, Matsuno san
 Oso : eh? Why do you know my name…
 PAGE 17
Oso : oh, my nametag… Ah, it’s written my full name here, how embarrassing
 Oso : it’s because in this part of town there’s a lot of Matsunos…
 Kara : here, as a gift for coming here today. Please accept this
 Oso : eh, are you sure?
Kara : of course! It’s my sincere feelings.  I will continue on my service
Oso : Thank you… I’m really happy
 Oso : I got a rose
Ichi : what?
 Oso : ka-- ka-- Karamatsu kun gave me this…
 Ichi : …………serious?
Oso : SERIOUS!!!
Oso : *boeh*
 Ichi : you know, I’m a shoujo manga author that’s why I’m pretty familiar with flower language
Oso : o-- okay
 PAGE 19
Ichi : do you know the meaning of a single rose?
 Oso : I don’t
 Ichi : do you wanna know?
 Oso : no
 Ichi : love at first sight
 Oso : …..what?
 Ichi : a single rose means…
 PAGE 19
Ichi : “love at first sight”, osomatsu niisan
 Oso : *furiously blushing*
 Oso : ha, haaaaa~~~?!?! NO NO NO THAT’S GOTTA BE A LIE!!!?!?
Ichi : this is some content! Some progress? Right?!?! Yes~~!!!
Kara : I finally gave it out~~~
 Kara : I feel so happy he actually accepted it that I could fly. But he probably doesn’t understand its meaning….? But, if he knows what should I do….? No, even if he knows it shouldn’t mattered… But I feel like it’s too soon
Kara : …but
 Kara : it has been my dream since a long time ago
 Kara : To give a flower that is attached with my feelings, to the person I love
 Kara : People who bought flowers from this shop, they all put their feelings in those flowers. When they’re happy, when they’re sad, when they want to encourage someone…
 PAGE 21
Kara : I envied them. I thought that someday I want to feel that way about someone too.
Kara : hnggh *throb*
 Kara : daaammnn isn’t that person superrrr cute?! Red flowers really suits him~~!! Maybe I should give him carnation next?
 Kara : *ha*
 Kara : I have to stick to the flower he requested. If I beautifully arranged it, I’m sure he’ll be glad
 PAGE 23
Oso : wow!! It’s great~ splendid! So beautiful! That’s what I call a pro~
 Kara : thank you very much! I did my best into this! So that I can make you happy, Matsuno san!
 Kara : But as I thought, the color red suits you better
Oso : eh? Me?
Kara : that’s right, Matsuno san
 Kara : Please allow me to give you another gift. For your charm overshadowed an even the most beautiful flower…
Oso : Karamatsu san…. *the sound of Osomatsu’s ribs breaking*
 Kara : hmm?? What is that breaking sound? Heh, my imagination is pretty wild, huh?
Ichi: No it’s overused and actually really lame!!!!!
 Kara : anyhow, I will do my utmost best *sneeze*
 Kara : heh, Matsuno san must be talking about me right now
Naration : previously on this manga, he got a gift that means “love at first sight” from his crush
Ichi : There’s no way a person that works around flowers doesn’t know their meanings? He has a thing for you, I tell you!
Oso : that’s what he said but…. Isn’t it to good to be true?! Well I never thought that he hates me or anything, but to think that far….?
 Co-wrkr2 : Matsuno saaaan~!
Oso : YEASH!
Co-wrkr2 : The florist is here!
 Oso : o… okay~! HE’S HEREEEE
 Oso : Ah~ I can’t bear to look at his face right now… come on, pull yourself together
 Oso : sorry for the wait~
 Flo : hello, I’m from Flower Akatsuka
 Oso : hu-- huh?
 Flo : Let’s see… you ordered these flowers, right?
Oso : excuse me…
 PAGE 25
Flo : yes?
 Oso : the usual shopkeeper… um, that Karamatsu san…
 Flo : oh, I’m sorry! He should be the one who’s doing today’s delivery but he’s not feeling well at the moment
 Oso : eh?
 Flo : after making this flower arrangement his condition dropped, so he’s resting right now. I’m a temporary part time worker that helps him sometimes. I’m really sorry he couldn’t make it.
 Oso : oh no, that’s fine
 Flo: The truth is he wanted to come and deliver this himself. He said “because I already poured my heart into making this!”.
 Oso : I see…
 PAGE 26
Oso : it’s…
 Oso : really beautiful…
 Flo : I think he will come back to work next week, so if you want, please stop by! Thank you very much for the purchase!
 Oso : …..
 Ichi : that’s too bad
Oso : *startled*
 Ichi : I was looking forward to meet this so called “karamatsu kun”~
Oso : he’s not feeling well… I wonder if it’s a cold
 Ichi : maybe? I mean, this is season makes you prone to colds
Oso : ….
 PAGE 27
Ichi : are you worried?
Oso : that’s… well… That’s because I never saw him sick…
 Ichi : According to shoujo manga theory, in this situation you must pay him a visit and bring him stuff. This is an event that will surely shorten the gap between you two. But, you don’t even know his address right, niisan?
 Oso : ….know
Ichi : what?
 Oso : I actually know his house…Karamatsu kun’s house...
 Ichi : what….?
 Ichi : Niisan… No way… You’re a stalker? That far? That’s really creepy…
 PAGE 28
Oso : one day I just… Happened to see Karamatsu kun going home, then I got so overwhelmed and the next thing I know….
Ichi : that’s called a stalker
Ichi : then why don’t you go?
 Oso : what?
 Ichi : why don’t you go bring him something?
Ichi’s face : “REPORT PLZ”
Oso : his face is too easy to read
 Oso : but isn’t this too meddlesome…?
Ichi : don’t worry don’t worry, just trust the theory!
Oso : But if he report me to the police I can never live it down
Ichi : report? you’re right…
 Ichi : welp, maybe you can’t but… I’LL THINK OF SOMETHING SO IT’S FINE!
Oso : What the heck have you been blabbering about?!
*At Karamatsu kun’s house*
 Oso : the nameplate is right. Even for me this kind of behavior is really creepy…
Oso : I mean, if I were him I’d be so annoyed if someone doing this when I’m so tired and in the middle of my sleep… Ah but, I’m already here…
 Oso : ……
 Oso : ah~~!! This is soooo unlike me!!  LET’S JUST GO WITH A BANG!
*ding dong*
 *dragged feet*
 Oso : *doki doki doki*
 PAGE 30
Oso : DOKI
 Kara : yes…?
 Oso : goo-- good evening
 Oso : …..
 Kara : HUH?!
Oso : UM!! THIS IS!! I’m really sorry to come here so suddenly!
 Oso : how should I put this…. Um….  I’d rather you don’t ask me the reason why but I heard that you’re sick and sleeping in so I just came here without thinking… or something…
 Kara : ……what? A dream?
Oso : it’s not a dream…
 PAGE 31
Kara : Oh… Even though I thought my temperature has gone back to normal, the fever comes again…? Or is it my hot heart that’s continuously thinking of him creates a convenient vivid hallucination… *doki doki*
Oso : Somehow you look fine? Thank god~
 Oso : I rarely got sick so I don’t really know what to bring. I bought you pudding and Pocari Sweat
 Oso : Please take this if you want
Kara : ah, yes. Thank you very much
 Oso : well then, I’m sorry I dragged you out even though you’re not feeling well
Kara : eh? You’re… You’re going home?
Oso : yup!
 Oso : I mean, you know… I thought I could see you today but I couldn’t…? So I thought I just wanted to see your face even just for a while
 PAGE 32
Kara: *stabbed*
 Oso : Just kidding nyahaha~ Ah, but please let me tell you this real quick, about today…
Oso : thank you for the flower
 Oso : they’re really
 Oso : beautiful….
 Oso : w-- what…?
 *door closed*
Kara : …….did you come because you’re worried?
Oso : …. Yes
 Kara : I wanted to see you too, Matsuno san
 PAGE 33
 (t.n: kabe= wall, doa=door)
Kara : *huggies*
Oso : ah
 Kara : I’m sorry, I’m still kinda dizzy and woobly
 Oso : then go back to bed, if you don’t sleep it won’t go away. I’m going home too anyway
 Kara : don’t wanna
Oso : what…
 Kara : come with me, Matsuno san
Oso : No, I really shouldn’t…
 Kara: didn’t you come because you’re worried about me?
 PAGE 34
Kara : I’m really happy… Can’t you stay? Just for a while?
Oso : A-- are you kid...?
 Oso : okay I get it, but just for an hour okay?
 Kara : okay! Yaay!
 Oso : you… that’s not fair
Kara : can I eat the pudding?
Oso : sure... you can eat as many as you like…
Oso : are you sure it’s okay to stay up?
Kara : I’m pretty sturdy and the fever has gone down anyway
 Oso : we’re sitting next to each other now… we’ve been waaay to close since then it’s driving me nuts
Kara : ah, this is really tasty!
 Oso : for real? I’m glad! I really like this so I thought I should bu…
Kara : *stare*
 Oso : ……..o...kay....
 Oso : should I eat one too…?
 Kara : Matsuno san
Oso : YESH!
 Kara : I heard from my part timer who delivered the flower, he said that the shop keeper who wear red glasses is worried about me
 Oso : o-- oh….
 PAGE 36
Kara : But I never thought that you’d pay me a visit too
Oso : a-- about that, that’s…
 Kara : why do you care that much about me?
 Oso : !!
 Kara : ah, sorry… That’s badly put…
 Kara : When I got the work request from you, even though I know it’s for the author,
Kara : the truth is you’re the only one I was thinking about while doing the arrangement
 Kara : um… I… gave you a single rose…
 PAGE 37
Kara : and I feel somewhat satisfied with that… But it’s not good enough, I have to say it to you with my own lips…
 Kara : there’s something that’s been bugging me…
 Kara : you might have found out already because of that rose but I
 Kara : I…..!!
Oso : .....
 PAGE 38
Oso : ……..? Karamatsu ku…
Kara : *wobbly*
 Oso : that was close… aren’t your fever getting worse?
 Oso : I told you it hasn’t gone away yet! Sheesh…
 Oso : I’m barging in your room then
 Oso : Haah… I’m glad we’re inside your house… I wonder if your blood pressure went up because of tension and excitement….
Oso : but you know, my heart is going all over the place too nyahaha~!
 Oso : …..
 PAGE 39
Oso : *smoking*
 Oso : that was deeeefinitely a confession!!!!!
 Oso : Now to think of it! As soon as I’m alone with him the atmosphere turn into something dangerous! The feeling of the event that’s going to come was overwhelming!!
 Oso : But I didn’t think that you’re that serious, Karamatsu kun. Do you seriously like me?!?! This is baaaaddddddd
 Oso : but he hasn’t confessed yet… maybe he’s not but I’d like to think that he would….
 Oso : *sigh*
 PAGE 40
Oso : Should I just wait? Or I wonder if it’s better if I’m the one who says it?
 Oso : somehow, I feel like you saw right through me
 Oso : when you gave me flower I was smiling like crazy, eventhough we don’t have any special relationship I went ahead and come to your doorstep, my heart exploded with that awkward hug, and I always turn red when the atmosphere is nice…
 Oso : what am I? A teenage girl?? Well but it’s only just now…
 Oso : but I guess it’s the best if I don’t say it? Probably you want to be the one who say it right, Karamatsu kun…
 PAGE 41
Oso : what a cute sleeping face
 Oso : *looks around*
 Oso : Get well soon *peck*
 Oso : I’ll…. I’ll go ho…. What the hell am I doing just now… seriously it’s bad…
 Oso : well then, see you later Karamatsu kun
 PAGE 42
Oso’s letter :
Thank you for today!
I put the keys in your mail…
Line : Oso05
See you Next week! ^_^
 Kara : It’s… IT’S NOT A DREAAAAM~~~~~!!!!! I feel like I’m guilty of doing something embarrassing when my health is butchered but I got his contacts as a result!! Yaaaaay!!
Author : the continuation of this probably will be in a book! Please read it if you can! Even though it ends like this, it’s actually not done yet!
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braxarchives · 4 years
The Four Loko Incident  ― CANON. (current verse)
Max hasn’t been entirely honest with Brady about his feelings towards him. In order to gain the courage to tell him, he concocts a plan. NSFW.
It took Max all of a day after texting his twin about his self-pitying unrequited bullshit to put together a game plan in his head. When he woke up yesterday morning, he didn’t really plan on being in his feelings. But then Brady had to walk by him in one of Max’s t-shirts and smiled at him with his stupid bed-head and Max’s brain malfunctioned. Honestly, though. Maybe it was a long time coming. When Emmie had suggested he just talk to him… the thought was scary. But the alternative was scarier: letting this eat at him for even longer and ruining whatever chill he had left. And once Max had an idea in his head, he had to do it. Sleeping on things for too long wasn’t his strong suit. If he gave himself time to think things through, he’d chicken out. And that just wasn’t him. So naturally he’d thought about it. What was the least painful way to get everything out in the open and not feel the embarrassment of rejection later? And then it came to him: alcohol. “Hey, dude.” He said casually as he closed the door behind him to their apartment, cradling a bagged bottle in his hands. “You have plans tonight? ‘Cause I thought maybe we could hang out. I brought presents. Like — six different kinds of Four Loko.” He grinned and lifted the bag up some as though he could see through it. “Was thinking we could come up with our own drinking game or something.” 
Brady looked up from the TV, where he was currently sprawled out on the couch watching Parks & Rec for probably the 10th time, when he heard Max come in. “Hey,” he replied, just beginning to curiously eye the bag in Max’s hands when he explained it. Brady grinned, pushing himself to sit up. “Four Loko,” he repeated. “You’re ridiculous.” But he couldn’t even act like he wasn’t excited. The idea of a drinking game definitely piqued his interest. “Yeah. Yeah, we can figure somethin’ out.” Brady paused the episode he was currently on so he could adequately focus on the conversation. “You wanna make it a video? We’ll just…try to cut it off before you get too hammered. Don’t want your fans seeing you get too sloppy,” he teased.
Max laughed and walked over to him to set the bag down near the couch, his gaze momentarily drifting to the TV before Brady paused it.  Honestly, it was good he did pause. They’d end up getting distracted before doing anything at all. “If that’s not good enough we’ve got some Jack somewhere around here. But I don’t wanna kill us, we might lose at our own game.” He matched Brady’s tone right back and moved to sit next to him, shuffling the bag on the ground as he did so. “Oh yeah, wouldn’t want to be too on brand. Good thing I have you to protect our squeaky clean image, huh?” For once, he hadn’t even thought of doing a video. He guessed he shouldn’t stop now. Besides, as Brady said, they could cut it off when he got too messy. Nodding with a small hum, he rummaged through the bag to pull out a couple different flavors and set the cans in front of them. “Yeah! You’re a genius, man. ‘Cause I was thinking we could watch some of our old stuff. But make it fun, you know? That way you can take a shot every time I do something dumb, like I know you want to.” He teased. “And I can whenever you roll your eyes and quit. Perfect, right?”  Except for the fact that it wouldn’t be actual shots, but whatever. They made their own rules. “How much time do you need to get ready?”
“Yeah. Save that for another time.” Whatever Max had on him now was likely more than enough. “Which is why this probably won’t be edited for a good two days, to make sure I got a totally clear head to start with.” Brady could only imagine going into it and missing important bits and pieces, ending up with something super messy up on Max’s channel for the world to see. And Brady certainly wasn’t down with that. “Hm, we might have to narrow that down a lil’ bit. Taking a drink every time you do something dumb might kill me in a little under an hour,” he teased as he turned the TV off. “Go get your laptop. Gimme like five minutes.” He headed into his room so he could change his shirt. He usually didn’t exactly care what he looked like in Max’s videos, since he was partial to being entirely authentic or whatever, but he was in an old sleep shirt that really didn’t do much for him. He changed into the first clean henley shirt he found, grabbed his camera and tripod, and returned to the living room to set up. “Let’s say you take a drink every time I make a comment from behind the camera, ‘cause there’s plenty of that. Down the rest of your drink every time I threaten to quit.” Brady set the camera on the tripod and started to set up the frame. “And I take a shot every time you lose your train of thought. Down it whenever you manage to injure yourself.”
“You’re so funny, save it for the video.” Max grinned to himself and stood, waving his roommate away as he did so. “Alright, go make yourself presentable, wouldn’t want to disappoint the Brady fangirls.” He teased, before wandering off to go grab his laptop from his room. He walked by Ratthew’s cage, wiggling his fingers in his direction before grabbing the laptop and power cord from his bed. By the time he came back to the living-room, powered up and pulled up YouTube, Brady was already joining him. He briefly glanced at him, taking note of the outfit change and willing himself not to be that guy who looked a little too long. Yikes, as though this wasn’t already going to be embarrassing enough. Turning back to the screen, he found himself huffing a small laugh as he opened a few different fan-made compilations, pausing each one before they had a chance to play. “Why don’t I just down my drink now and get it over with?” He joked lightly, but wasn’t really joking, as Brady set up the camera. “Sounds good, but we’re gonna end up going through all these cans in like five minutes. I pulled up our greatest hits.” He took two cans of Four Loko, one for him and one for Brady, and popped the top. “’Kay, dude, get your ass over here so we can do our intro. We’ll save the thumbnail for after.”
Brady obviously knew Max was joking about downing his drink right away, but he still replied, “’Cause that’d ruin all the fun.” He finished setting up the camera and pressed record. “Alright, then guess we’re gonna have to break out the jack eventually,” he said simply, going over to join Max where he sat. “I dunno if we’ll manage to pull ourselves together afterward.” He had to take the realistic approach, because he had a feeling a drunken thumbnail would be a hot mess and they’d end up redoing one when they were sober anyway. “But whatever, your channel.” Brady cleared his throat and put on his best ‘on camera’ look, which was far from perfected because he still wasn’t quite used to it. “Sup guys. Uh, welcome back to my channel. My name’s Max,” he placed a hand over his chest, then gestured toward Max, “and this is my super hot cameraman Brady who’s so kindly doing a video with me.” Brady grinned at him briefly before turning away, and then wondered for a moment if the joke about himself being hot would properly land. Not that Brady hadn’t publicly stated before that he and his best bro were equally attractive, but recently it felt just a little bit different to say out loud. And he also knew from experience that Max’s fans liked to take the tiniest little thing and turn it into something much bigger. But Brady wanted all of that to be on his own terms, not up to some randos on the internet. “What’re we doin’ today, real Max?” he asked as he opened the can Max had handed him.
Max sighed, more than a little dramatically, and shrugged his shoulders. “I mean I guess. And hey maybe not, but if we can get a steady pic it’ll be good enough.” The important thing was that Brady would be in it. He was a fan favorite, even if Brady didn’t seem to like the attention like Max did. He never fully understood why. But sometimes he just wished Brady would let people see who he was more. As Brady joined him, he couldn’t help but laugh. “Wow. Spot on impression. I think I’d introduce you as my super hot but rude as hell camera-man Brady, but you’re honestly close enough.” He leaned back into the couch and gave the camera a little wave. “Hey everybody it’s fake Brady slash real Max. Bringing you more quality content ‘cause we’ve got nothing better to do on a Friday night. So here we’ve got some Four Loko, and on my laptop here I’ve got several fan submitted compilations. And spoiler alert, we might actually end up dying today. ‘Cause we’re going to be playing a drinking game.” He looked away from the camera and grinned over at Brady. “Rules are simple. He takes one sip whenever I lose my train of thought.” He shoots him an annoyed look, although it’s mostly playful. “Which is obviously not that often. And then he’s gonna down it whenever I injure myself. Which might be a little often.” He admitted with a small shrug. “And I’ma sip whenever he comments behind camera. Then full on downing my drink when he threatens to quit on me. Oh, and it totally counts now, too, but if you abuse it I’m disqualifying you. So don’t quit three times in a row. Or I’m gonna get up and pretend to fall like fifteen times.” He tapped him on the arm, careful not to make him slosh, and reached out to grab his own can and pull the first tab on his laptop up. “And on that note. I’m gonna start. “Max & Brady’s worst moments - part 1.” He arched an eyebrow at Brady before he started it. “How many parts do you think there are?”
“Quality content is a loose term.” They both had to admit this was going to get real stupid, real fast. But that was them for you. Brady simply nodded along with Max’s explanation, because there was really nothing to add and maybe he was still a little camera shy. But whatever. All he really had to do was sit there and look pretty and Brady was good at that. “Alright, alright. I won’t quit unless it’s warranted,” he promised. Brady watched curiously as the video started and shrugged. “I dunno, man. Probably too many.” It started with Max’s older videos, clips stitched together with far too much yelling and general idiocy. And, predictably, Brady’s comments in response. He smirked as he looked over at Max after a particularly prominent ‘this might be your dumbest idea yet’ from behind the camera. “Drink up, bro.”
He couldn’t help the genuine smile from crossing his face at their old videos. The camera was way too shaky and their content was just a bunch of yelling and doing the first thing they could think of. But they were kind of his favorites. That was one of the most fun times of his life. “Aw, look at us. We were like 12.” It was more like three years ago, but close enough. At the comment that Max had honestly been expecting, he shook his head and grinned. “Ah – wait for it, though.” He held his hand up in the air, and shortly after he spoke, the on-screen Max tumbled to the ground and completely ate it. He lifted his own can up, and pointed at Brady with his other hand. “You better drink for that bruise I had on my face for like a month. It hurt to smile.” And with that, he lifted his drink to take a small sip. “Chug it, bro, I’m freaking waiting.”
It went like that, as predicted, and four cans between the two of them were gone way too quickly. And so was Brady. “The fuck even is this shit bro?” He studied the can, as it suddenly occurred to him he’d never actually had this shit before and didn’t realize it would hit him this hard. “That was too freakin’ fast to go through two of these at once. That’s like… that’s eight whole Lokos, dude.” Brady couldn’t help the laugh that erupted as soon as he said it, his hand coming up to grab Stevie’s shoulder for support. Once he caught his breath, Brady waved said hand in the air and placed the empty can down on the table. “Okay, okay. I think it’s time we wrap this up.”
Max wasn’t expecting it to go that fast, but maybe he should have stopped to think about it. Or come up with different rules. But it was too late… and he was definitely more tipsy than he’d intended to be. He just wanted to be a little gone, not like… this much. “Uhh it tastes like an alcoholic energy drink. Or somethin’. Like freakin’… party Monster.” He snorted at his own joke, setting his empty can on the table in front of them and slinking back into the couch just as Brady spoke. He and broke out into a laugh so big he could feel it vibrate through his chest. “Shut up, you’re dumb.” Yet he grinned at him and began to sit up, his hand dropping down to Brady’s leg to use the leverage to straighten himself. And even his almost-drunk mind was well aware of their proximity, and he wasn’t really sure if it was the alcohol or a laughing Brady that wasn’t making him think clearly. “Okay…okay. Yeah.” He gave a short laugh and lifted his hand from Brady’s leg, running it over his face as he shook his head. His heart leapt in his chest, because he knew why he was even here to begin with. But they’d been having fun. And now they were drunk and he didn’t know what to do. “Okay guys I think it’s safe to say we’re both losers here. That’s all the sign-off you get. I’m…kinda drunk. A little.” He looked to Brady. “But uh. Not that drunk.” He swallowed, not nearly as humorous as before, but not trying to alarm him by a sudden change in tone. “Hey dude? Can I be honest with you for a second?”
Max was a mess. That was all Brady could think as he watched him give a half-assed outro, just slightly slower than usual. But Brady himself was just as bad, ducking his head and damn near giggling through it. He did manage to look back up at the camera when Max said he was drunk to add, “Same.” And then Max looked at him and of course Brady’s focus shifted. It was a little weird, the sudden (but subtle) shift in the mood of the conversation, but not the kind of weird that made Brady want to run away before things got too serious. Although… maybe that had something to do with the crazy amount of alcoholic energy drink in his system, because he almost knew where this was going before it got there. And that was dumb, since he’d spent all this time pretending not to notice the way Max looked at him sometimes and also acting like it didn’t make a difference to him. He didn’t know when he realized he was attracted to him, but it was long enough ago that Brady had gotten really, really good at pretending. Max was too close to him, one of the most secure constants in his life, and Brady wasn’t gonna let his dumbass fuck that up. But Max was crossing the line so Brady didn’t have to. “Yeah,” was all Brady managed to say through the fog clouding his brain. He wanted to say as long as it’s not stupid, a last-ditch effort to run away from the inevitable. Instead, he swayed a bit in his seat and said, “Anything.”
Max wasn’t sure how Brady would respond to the change in subject, but when he didn’t seem phased, part of him was almost surprised. He didn’t think he’d want to listen right now. But then he agreed and gave him that look again; the one that made him feel like he wasn’t crazy after all. He didn’t always get it from him, but when he did, Stevie couldn’t help how it made him feel. Fucking Brady messing with his head like this when he was already mush-brained. The all-too familiar sensation of longing settled into his gut, and it was then that he gained his resolve. Now or never. He seemed so much closer now, and he had to fight to not lean over to him and go too far. “I didn’t — do this for the freaking video, Brady.” He struggled to make sense, and he ended up leaning in some regardless, tone lowering as though he were telling a secret. Because that’s what this felt like. Max’s shoulders slouched a little from the alcohol, and he shook his head so he could try to think clearly. “I wanna know. I want to know.” His words were spoken slowly as he corrected himself. He wanted to reach out and touch him, and he lifted his hand to do so, before choosing to settle it between them. Even in his state of mind right now he knew this was one hell of a delicate situation. “If I kissed you…” The words were so foreign to say around him, even if he’d thought about it before. But now he couldn’t take them back. His head swam with anxiousness, but he also felt a sense of pride at having done it. So he repeated it, making sure Brady heard him. “If I actually… really kissed you. Would you never talk to me again?”
Brady swallowed, noticing how unbelievably dry his throat was. “I don’t…” He didn’t what? Didn’t want to ruin their friendship by admitting he wanted to sleep with him? Didn’t want to fuck up something to good in his life? Didn’t want to make things awkward between them forever? He recognized that saying any of that was the surest and quickest way to make it happen, because the damage had been done. Max had said his part, had put himself out there and opened up the flood gates and now it was Brady’s turn to decide what to do with it. He was dizzy, mostly because he was drunk but also partly because he was moving, leaning forward with an arm over the back of the couch to steady himself so he could kiss him. He was all too aware of how drunk they both were, especially considering how clumsily his hands found Max’s face, and just… what the fuck. Brady didn’t know what to think, except that he technically hadn’t answered Max’s question. But he was hoping he got the picture.
Max hadn’t exactly expected the night to go like this. He expected Brady to pull away from him; to make up any and every excuse to not be around him. But he wasn’t doing any of that, and suddenly he was hyper-aware of everything. Feeling Brady’s arm slide around the back of the couch urged Max to lean in to close what distance was left between them. The moment his friend finally kissed him was surreal, and he couldn’t really think of much of anything other than how freaking soft his lips were and how nice his hands felt on his face even if they kind of bumped against him. Max’s hands didn’t feel so steady themselves, but he still used one to grab the fabric of that ridiculous Henley of his and tug him in closer. The other raised to cup Brady’s own jaw as he reciprocated the kiss; all caution gone now. He broke apart briefly, eyes shut, and he laughed quietly as he licked his bottom lip. His eyes opened only for his gaze to drop down to Brady’s mouth. “Really like that answer.” He said quietly, but sure as hell wasn’t going to say any more and ruin this. He brought himself closer, knee bumping against Brady’s as he pressed another kiss to his lips, hand cupping his jaw now sliding to the back of his neck to steady him.
Max closed the already very little distance between them even further and Brady suddenly felt a sense of urgency. Like he was reminded that this really was an okay thing to be doing, and fuck if he didn’t really, really want it. He pulled away and dragged his hands down to Max’s shoulders to urge him backwards, simultaneously trying to move on top of him, but he very quickly lost his balance and tumbled right into Max, pushing him much harder than intended onto his back on the couch. “Oops.” Brady couldn’t help but laugh just before pressing another kiss to his lips. Then he planted his hands to push himself back up slightly. He hesitated for a moment, feeling all sorts of dizzy as he looked down at Max, but he bit his lip and touched Max’s shirt, pulling the fabric just a little. “You…” He swallowed. “Tell me to stop if it’s—if you don’t want me to,” he said slowly, the slur in his words surprising even himself for a moment. Even when he could barely see straight, he knew better than to just assume where this was going simply because it was what he wanted. Brady bunched up the fabric in his hands to start to pull it off, knowing Max had an out if he wanted it, no questions asked.
Max was fully ready to lose all control and climb on top of Brady when his shoulders were being pushed backwards. Caught off guard, he hit the couch harder than perhaps he needed to. His head slamming on the cushion and back bouncing from the impact. Unable to help it, Max let out a large laugh, something that was quickly silenced by Brady’s lips on his. He smiled into the kiss, and almost deepened it when his friend broke apart. And the words honest to God made him pause for a second. If he wanted…him to stop. Wow. Really. “You’re. So.” Unbelievable. He let out a laugh of disbelief, although the comment was sweet. Max had wanted this for way too long. “More like if you wanna stop we can.” He murmured, and took a second to slide his hand up Brady’s back. He wasn’t sure what was going on. Max never thought that they’d actually get drunk, or do anything like this. He just wanted to tell him so Brady could once and for all reject him. But now that he wasn’t — he was going to fully embrace that and not question things for once. But if Brady wanted to stop, he’d stop.
Now though? Max was eagerly lifting himself up so they could both pull his shirt over his head. “Don’t wanna stop.” He reached out grab Brady’s shirt and bunched the bottom of the material in his hands, palms sliding up the skin of his torso as he tried to remove the material completely. And then Max was sitting up, despite kind of loving Brady being right on top of him. But he had more pressing business. Maybe a little sloppily, he met Brady’s lips once more and wrapped his arms around his waist, before slowly flipping their positions. Not thinking clearly, he barely processed the fact that they were both sliding off the couch and to the ground, the Four Loko cans scattered around them. But Max barely even paid attention. Now on top of Brady, he lifted himself up with his hands so he could look down at him. Holy crap Brady was really here doing this with him. Something at that moment clicked in him, and he grinned slowly. “Fuck you Brady. I hate your stupid clothes.” Max dipped his head for another slow kiss before dropping his head lower, finally allowing himself to trail kisses from his jawline to his neck as his hands trailed down to his waistline, thumbs stroking against his skin as he took his time. This was really happening.
Brady wanted to make some sort of comment, but not only could his brain not currently form one, he was a little preoccupied at the same time. He tossed Max’s shirt…fuckin’ somewhere, it didn’t matter, and only had a second to take it in before reacting to Max’s hand sliding up under his own. Brady yanked it over his head and it joined Max’s somewhere on the floor. Then Max quite literally dragged him onto the floor and Brady couldn’t even think to remind Max that he was, in fact, dumb. He did manage to roll his eyes, though, but grinned in spite of it and mumbled, “Then get rid of ‘em.” He shivered when Max’s hands paused right above the waistband of his sweats, his lips on his neck and sending Brady’s drunk ass into sensory overload. He groaned before his brain caught up to allow him to swallow the sound, but then… he didn’t give a fuck.
Brady’s hands came down to join Max’s, only to push them out of his way so he could hold onto Max’s hips instead. He gave him a generous tug to pull Max flush against him, pressing his fingers into his skin. If he was gonna be a smartass about not wanting to stop, then Brady wasn’t gonna let him be a tease. Only he wasn’t crazy about lying here on the floor, wedged between the couch and the table. He let out a shaky breath before managing to speak. “C’mon.” He started wiggling out from under Max, pushing him off so he could sit up. “Not on the floor.” He held onto the couch for leverage as he pulled himself to stand, laughing as he struggled to get his balance. God, they really were both a goddamn mess. As if Brady cared. He knew what he was doing. Max’s room was closest, so obviously it was where Brady went. He shut the door behind them even though literally no one was gonna be coming in, then turned and pulled Max by the hand until he could feel his bare skin against his own, bringing their lips together as he led them in the general direction of Max’s bed.
When Brady groaned, practically right in his ear, that did him in. “Want me to?” He drawled out in response and grinned against Brady’s neck, giving a playful nip to the skin before soothing it with his tongue. Max’s fingers dipped under the waistband of Brady’s sweats just slightly, only teasing, when Brady pushed his arms out of the way and pulled his hips forward. A groan broke from the back of Max’s own throat as they were pressed together. He was already half-hard from that stint on the couch, but now there was no hiding it. At that moment, his eyes met Brady’s, and he rolled his hips forward against his without skipping a beat. He wasn’t going to be shy; not when Brady finally wanted this too. Before he had time to do it again, Brady was urging him to stand up. And they both may have stumbled, but Max honestly had a one track mind right now. They made their way to his room, and out of instinct Max pulled the cover loosely over Ratthew’s cage as they walked by. Pretty quickly, Brady had the door shut behind them and was pulling him in by his hand. And then they were pressed together - finally. Max’s hands found either side of Brady’s face, lips urgently moving against his as they made their way over to his bed. He broke apart only to grin at him, sliding his hands down to his chest only to gently push him backwards. This time he didn’t waste any time before he was climbing up on his bed and straddling him, hips pressing down on his as he leaned in for another kiss, letting it linger before trailing open-mouthed kisses down his chest and to his stomach. Max stopped there, letting his nose graze against the spot his lips just brushed over, and glanced up again. “Bein’ in my room isn’t so bad, is it?” He teased, tone rough and still slightly slurred. Still, being careful to watch his reactions, he slid a hand down Brady’s hip and over the front of his sweats, just brushing over him to test the waters. And damn if he didn’t hear his own heart thundering in his ears as he did so.
-------Brady had no idea what time it was when he first woke up the following morning. It was bright as fuck, that was for sure, and he very quickly realized it was because the curtain was wide open. Why hadn’t he closed it like always? He rubbed his eyes as reality slowly started to come back to him. He hadn’t closed it because he had been drunk off his ass, and also because it wasn’t exactly ‘like always’ since this was Max’s room, and he was waking up in Max’s bed next to Max because they’d slept together last night. So, right. There was that. Brady blinked as he stared down at his friend, still fast asleep, lying on his stomach and hugging the pillow under his head. Even through Brady’s hazy memory and one hell of a headache, of course it all came flooding back to him. The way it felt when Max touched him, the feeling of his mouth on him, the hottest fucking look on Max’s face when Brady returned the favor. God. All of it. It was fucking good. He also vaguely remembered a snide remark about the whole ordeal having taken them long enough just before he passed out. But whatever.
He couldn’t wipe the smug smirk off his face as he forced himself to finally look away from Max and drag himself out of the bed, careful not to wake him. He found his pants on the floor and tugged them on before heading out to the living room. He shook his head at the discarded cans (which he’d worry about later, ‘cause whatever, not like anybody was coming over) and then caught sight of his camera. Right, he’d forgotten about the freaking video for Max’s channel. The battery was just about dead since Brady had been a dumbass and left it on all night. He sighed and picked it up to make sure the video was at least still there, and he was met with one over an hour long. Which was definitely unusual for them — they didn’t typically talk for that long. Brady furrowed his brow as he quickly skimmed through the video, and his heart dropped as he discovered that…everything had been recorded. Well, everything right up until going to Max’s room, after which it must have automatically stopped after surpassing the video time limit. “Jesus Christ,” he muttered as onscreen-Brady pushed Max down onto the couch. He weirdly felt like kind of a perv just standing there watching their accidental kind of sex tape, so he turned off the camera and took out the battery to start charging it before heading to the kitchen. He didn’t have the slightest clue how today would pan out, but he did know he just wanted some Lucky Charms at the moment.
Max was hardly coherent when he finally began to stir. It took a moment upon first waking up to truly get his bearings. And as the light harassed his vision, his memories began to come back to him. And his eyes opened, followed by his arm reaching back to the spot beside him. Empty. Oh no. With some difficulty, he sat up and looked at the now empty spot next to him, and dread immediately gathered in the pit of his stomach as he called the previous nights events. Brady kissing him… Him kissing Brady. Then them doing a lot more than that to each other. And he knew Brady wasn’t the type to wanna spoon him or hold his hand or whatever but his mind immediately went to the worst. Groaning as fully sat up and the sunlight hit his eyes, Max stood up and stretched his arms over his head, trying to soothe his stiff muscles before grabbing himself some sweatpants to tug on.
Walking over to the door, he uncovered Ratthew’s cage, smiling softly to himself as he looked up at him and squinted due to the sudden light entering his cage. “Moment of truth, buddy.” Max tapped his fingers to the side of the cage, then ran his other hand through his hair and walked out. He wasn’t sure if he was expecting to see Brady packing his stuff, or what. But he didn’t expect him to be…. eating cereal. And it was the same thing he saw every morning, but the sight still kind of made him smile anyway. “Uh. Morning.” He said cautiously as he walked in and approached the table as casually as he could. Nothing weird so far. It wasn’t until he got there that he noticed the box in front of Brady, and he squinted, fear forgotten momentarily as he reached out to lift up the plastic bag. Just as he expected. Empty. “Are you really eating the last of my Lucky Charms right now, dude?”
Brady looked up when Max entered the kitchen. He thought that when they saw each other, he might feel weird, or awkward, or a multitude of other emotions that would fuck things up between them, but instead Brady just felt… normal. It was the same sight he was used to seeing every day. Same roommate. Same general morning routine. The only thing different was that nothing was hidden anymore, and he’d probably argue that was going to make things easier. “Sup,” he said through a mouthful of cereal. He watched Max as he walked, and it occurred to Brady that literally all he was thinking of now was whatever was going through Max’s head. They’d probably have to really sit down and talk about this sometime soon. Right now was just not that time, especially not when Max wanted to pick a fight about the Lucky Charms. “Dude, they’re not your Lucky Charms,” he shot back. “What did you want me to do, make a new box magically appear? I’ll go get some more today.” If anything could be considered totally normal between them, it was this, without a doubt. Brady finished off the last of the cereal in his bowl and hesitated for a moment, wondering what he should say or if he should say anything at all, and here was that awkwardness he’d been expecting. Or maybe it wasn’t awkward so much as it was…tense. “So. Realized this morning I left my camera on all night.” The worst thing he could say? Perhaps. But he was feeling confident that this could maybe cut some of that tension. Maybe. He didn’t fucking know. “It recorded…for a while.” He leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest, peering at Max curiously to see if he’d figure it out on his own.
Maybe he was deflecting, just a little, by pointing out the empty cereal box. But at the same time, he couldn’t resist messing with Brady a little. It was instinct by now to tease him until he rolled his eyes at him, even if he told himself to stop doing that before he got punched one of these days. He still did it anyway though. “Fine. Our lucky charms.” Max shrugged, Brady’s tone not phasing him ‘cause he was honestly used to it. If this were a normal day, he’d grab the spoon when Brady wasn’t looking to take a bite for himself. But it felt kind of out of place after last nights events. Oddly enough, considering he’d just had way more important things of Brady’s in his mouth. He sighed. “It’d be nice if you could. Got any magic powers I should know about?” He couldn’t help his normal grin from taking place at that moment, until Brady went and mentioned the camera. The camera. Of freaking course….God, Max was an idiot. Max took a long, silent moment, as the words really and fully sunk in. And the first question that popped in his head was did Brady watch it? The second coherent thought was the fact that Brady was actually referencing what happened without any trace of panic. And at that realization, Max relaxed. Good sign. He wracked his brain trying to come up with a normal response. But his stupidity bravery was at an all time high. “Hot. You wanna save it just for us or post it up on PornHub?” Max leaned his hands on the counter, honestly bracing himself and shaking his head. “Sorry, sorry. I’m… wow.” He couldn’t help but start laughing a bit. “I never thought you’d want to make a sex tape with me.” He let it hang in the air, and he met Brady’s gaze, not really sure how to respond. He was torn between humor and regret. Maybe he was still drunk from all the Four Loko. “How do you… feel about that?” It was a loaded question, one that wasn’t necessarily about the camera or video.
Brady waited while the gears turned in Max’s head. He could practically see him putting the pieces together about what Brady had just said. And Max had been surprising him quite a bit within the past 24 hours, but his response? Not surprising. It was Max, after all. But Brady still rolled his eyes, because he was Brady. “You’re such an idiot.” Then he shrugged. “It wouldn’t even do well, for the record. S’not all that exciting.” From what he had seen before feeling creepy and also managed to remember. But it was fun to mess with Max. Brady went to the sink to clean up after himself when Max asked him how he felt, and he knew he wasn’t talking about a fucking sex tape or whatever. Except Brady didn’t really know what to say in response. He thought he made it pretty clear how he felt about what was going on last night. He also knew Max, though, and knew that he had a big heart and genuinely wanted to know, and deserved real answers. And while Brady might not have been able to tell him exactly what he wanted to hear (mostly because he still wasn’t entirely sure what that was), he could suck it up and be as honest as possible — and give him a little bit of shit in the process. “I feel like I wanna know why you were holdin’ out on me,” he finally settled on, because again, both honest and amusing. Brady turned and brushed his hands on his pants. “Gonna go get dressed and go to Starbucks. Text me what you want.” He started to head out of the kitchen toward his bedroom, but paused to turn and look at Max again. “Oh — and the battery’s gotta charge a little, but…camera’s on the coffee table, in case you wanna make sure your vid turned out okay.” And then he finally did go. They could truly deal with this later. Right now, they both needed coffee.
Max was honest to God, for the first time in a long time, speechless. Did that asshole just flirt back? He was about to say something when Brady added the bit about the camera. Max honestly wasn’t even thinking about the video right now. His hands laid flat on the counter as he leaned forward further, eyes flickering towards the living-room and the table where the camera sat. Damn. He was really going to have to go through it now and get rid of the embarrassing bits. Max wasn’t sure if Brady was just trying to mess with him or genuinely didn’t want to edit it out himself. “Hey, wait a minu—” But it was fallen on deaf ears as the door was slammed behind him. It took him a second after Brady leaving for a surprised smile filtered over his face. Well. Okay, then. Not exactly all the answers to the universe, but at least Brady was talking to him, and that was enough for him for now. He sighed and looked back in the direction of where they’d filmed last night. He’d mess with the whole camera thing later. But he really was gonna need that coffee Brady was talking about. And maybe a shower and a life. Max ran a hand through his hair and made his way back to his room to grab his phone. Pulling up Brady’s name, he shook his head to himself before sending his text.
“Surprise me, Bradley.”
0 notes