#Hola Soy German
cellberry · 10 months
QSMP fans: We want Germans!
QSMP: You get One.
(EDIT: Two. I forgot Niki was from Germany, sorry.)
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meersspace · 6 months
yo creo que todos seríamos mucho más felices si 31 minutos entrevistara a germán garmendia. sería el crossover más épico de chile y chila
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sqirtle · 10 months
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not-totally-blind · 10 months
You know, German was very important in my life, really like a father figure to me and he always made me smile.
Quackity saved me from a very strong depressive episode that I was going through, I'm really happy just remembering that he exists and whatever he do
They are two people who (in a different way) REALLY saved my life, and I was very happy with the photos they have together, BUT NOW I KNOW THAT THEY ARE GOING TO COLLABORATE
I just can't, I'm excited to see both together in QSMP and German meeting the other guys (The Portuguese and French)
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blue0blink · 10 months
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COMO SE RESPIRA???????????????
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caralanavaja · 1 year
Germán ídolo eres el ganador en mi corazón
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ratman517 · 10 months
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annasaurusrexcia · 11 months
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diaviz · 3 months
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Te quiero mucho, Germán
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criaturitapotato · 10 years
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Hola soy Germán 😁😁😁♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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Hello everybody. Long time no see, but it's been one of those months, you know. This was something I've been thinking about for a while, but I only finished it because of @nico-di-genova. So this is for you honey.
As always thanks to everyone for reading. Enjoy 💜
Everything was going great. Fernando was at a party, where people were drinking and having fun. All around him, the younger drivers were finally decompressing, enjoying the alcohol, the food and the company.
At the center of the sea of people, there was the brightest star of the night.
Lance had finally won a race, and he was celebrating as loudly as he could, sandwiched between Esteban and Mick.
He envied the joy written all over their faces, and how close they were.
He loved the sport, even after his fake retirement, even after all those years, but there was something about maiden wins that still no other win could recreate.
Jóder, soy tan viejo was thinking Nando, when someone tapped his shoulder.
"I think it's late enough, no?" asked Pierre, and it really was getting late, and the trio seemed to be losing energy.
"Yeah, sounds about right. How about we split them? I'm taking Mick, and you take your teammates?" said Lewis, already stepping towards the boys.
Pierre started following him, muttering some curses that would have made blush a sailor. Nando snorted at the scene, and looked as the Brit took the German, while the French men started bickering.
The Canadian was looking around, confused after losing his partners in crime, but then he turned towards Fernando and smiled, slowly making his way towards the Spanish.
"Hola Lancito. Want to go?" asked Nando, seeing the younger man swinging slightly on his feet.
"I lost Estie and Mickie. Où sont-ils?"
Half drunk out of his mind, and he was still worried about his friends. Lance's loyalty really knew no bounds.
"They're ok, with Lewis and Pierre. I will take you home." and with that, he placed his hand on the younger's lower back.
The reaction was immediate. Lance's whole body shivered and pressed against his side, lowering his head on the shorter man's shoulder.
"Too loud. Je veux du silence"
"Oui mon amour. Let's go somewhere quiet" his French was heavily accented, but Lance seemed satisfied enough.
Nando guided the other man to his car, and drove them to their shared hotel, while Lance napped with his face against the window and his neck in a weird position.
When they arrived, Fernando struggled a little to wake the other enough to put him vertically in the elevator and walk to his room. At the door, Lance refused to lean against the doorframe, and settled only when he was hugging Fernando. "Warm" was the only word he said.
"Lance, I need the key"  Fernando spoke softly.
"Poche" just answered the taller man, with no visible intention to loosen the embrace.
Fernando tried to be respectful, and to not feel the solid curve pressed against his hand. He soon found the key in his back pocket, and opened the door.
Once they were both in, he quickly realised that Lance would not move further, so he just put him on the bed, and went to take a glass and fill it with water.
Returning to the bedroom, he found Lance half naked.
"Where are your pants?" he asked, voice an octave too high, almost dropping the glass, before setting it on a nightstand.
"Lost them. Too hot" he shrugged.
Then, even more bafflingly, he started giggling.
"What is now?" he asked, fondly looking as Lance tried to take off his shirt without opening a single button. He succeeded, but his hair was now a fluffy mess.
"You remind me of Nano"
The use of his nickname surprised Fernando. The younger man refused using it, always sticking with his full name. Then the absurdity of it all hit him, and he started giggling as well.
"Ah, sì? How so?"
He was getting curious, sue him.
"It's your voice. It's soft and warm. Would listen for hours"
Fernando wasn't expecting this answer, but it melted his heart anyway.
"Mhhh. Then want a bedtime story?"
Any more time spent with Lance was a gift and a surprise wrapped in wonder. He was not going to deny himself this experience, even only for blackmail reasons. Jokingly, he was done with mind games and tricks. He would never do them again, especially not against Lance.
"Nah. A secret"
"A secret, mh? Let's trade. You tell me, I tell you" if Fernando was going to indulge him, at least it was going to be funny.
"Ça va...Ah, oui, daccord, j'en ai un. I like him so much" and then started giggling again.
Fernando felt like all of his body had gone stone cold, and couldn't move a muscle. He couldn't believe what the other told him. But before he could say anything, Lance nestled in the sheets, and softly said while closing his eyes:
"I like him soooooo much, even if he doesn't feel the same. It's ok, don't think I'd deserve him. What we have, it's special. It is enough"
And with this, he was done for the day.
And he wasn't the only one. Fernando felt like he was going to explode, too many thoughts in his head and words on his tongue, with no one to talk to. He could feel his hair turning gray.
But a single look to that peaceful face, and his heart stopped beating erratically. Everything was going to be alright. They could face this together.
This and more, hopefully.
They were going to solve this tangled mess, but first they both needed to rest.
So he left a note for Lance, simply writing "Call me in the morning. -FA" on a piece of paper and leaving it on top of Lance's phone, where he was sure the other man would see it, and then he left the room, dreaming of his own bed and a restful night of sleep.
He was never going to win another GP ever again, if the results were the pounding headache and the rancid taste in his mouth.
He slowly opened his eyes, careful of the half opened blinds, and looked around.
Thanks to some sort of divine intervention, he had made it to the hotel safe and sound.
He got up and went to the bathroom, peeing, washing his face and brushing his teeth.
When he came back to the bedroom, he started looking for his phone. He almost missed it, but then noticed it was just half covered by a yellow post-it. It simply said "Call me in the morning. -FA".
Ok, so he probably would have to thank Fernando for making it to his bed unscathed. He tried to think about the night before, especially trying to remember his interaction with the Spanish driver.
At first, he couldn't remember anything out of the ordinary, then it hit him.
An echo of his own giggle, soft brown eyes, the whisper of a "like him so much".
Oh, no.
Oh no.
He had done it. He confessed, and now Fernando was going to be overly amused about it. Or overly nice, and Lance didn't know what was worse.
Rejection was always a bitch, but basically having to live with your unrequited crush for 24 week-ends? That was going to be a nightmare to go through for all parts involved.
Or maybe just for Lance, with his stupid feelings and his too-hopeful heart.
Ugh, Lance just didn't know what to do.
On one hand, he wanted to call Fernando and be done with all of this. On the other, he wanted to pretend nothing happened, and everything was fine and normal and good.
He sighed, because deep down he knew he was going to have to talk with Fernando, if he liked it or not.
Ok, let's analyze. He knows I like him, and still wants to talk to me. So, he is going to reject me kindly, at least. Ok, we can totally take it like champs. Basic rule still applied: no tears in front of him. It should be quick and painless. Ok, we can do this.
So he took his time in the shower, and ordered a healthy if slightly generous breakfast.
When he was done, he brushed his teeth, wore his comfort hoodie and left his room in a controlled chaos.
One mess at a time: first his love life, then his room.
He knew that Fernando's room was the one across from his, so he didn't even bother calling. He simply knocked.
When the door opened, Lance was sure he had hit his head badly the night before. Maybe the possible concussion and heavy hepatic failure led him to an early grave.
But if death meant he could get to see a still semi-wet Nando, covered just by a tiny towel low on his hips, well, he lived a rich and full life, if a little short.
He could feel himself staring, but also couldn't take his eyes off the view.
He just waited for the self-combustion to take him.
Then he heard a light chuckle, and a hand gently gripped his sleeve, pulling him inside.
When the subject of his awe turned his back on him, walking to the adjacent kitchenette, his brain seemed to be back online.
He shook his head and closed the door behind himself like a particularly stupid rabbit that voluntarily enters the den of a particularly fascinating fox.
Fernando must have known how nervous he was feeling, because he gave him a glass of water and led him to the couch.
"Wait here, I'll be right back" said the Spanish man, leaving Lance alone, stunned and with the glass still in his hand.
You're being ridiculous, grow a pair and just talk like the adult you supposedly are, a voice in his head that sounded like his sister's gently scolded him.
He drank the water while waiting, and felt slightly better.
When Fernando re-entered the room, calm and collected and clothed, Lance waited until he was seated before looking him in the eyes and starting speaking.
"Thank you for last night. For bringing me here safely, I mean"
Not the smoother transition ever, but Fernando had to be used to how stilted he sounded, and would appreciate it anyway.
"No need to. We are friends, no?" he asked with something in his eyes that Lance couldn't describe, but that made him want to talk more.
"About that... I also wanted to say sorry if I said something weird yesterday"
See Chloe? He was actually talking about things that embarrassed him instead of forever avoiding them. Well, not really being super specific, but small progress was still progress.
"Hmm... And what are you referring to?"
The bastard was actually going to make him say the words. Well, in for a penny...
"That I like you"
Lance could feel his cheeks heating up and could no longer stand Fernando's gaze, so he moved his eyes until he was watching a particularly boring patch of carpet.
"Lance, look at me"
It only took those four words, spoken in a tone so gentle and warm to bring Lance's eyes back to Fernando's.
"Why are you apologizing? Did you lie?" he asked softly.
"No" he half shouted, and then flinched because of the reaction. "No, I do like you" he said, exhaling.
"Then what are you apologizing for?"
Fernando could be soft when he wanted, but that didn't stop him from being stubborn.
"I didn't want to offend you" and also didn't want you to really know, because it's embarrassing and you deserve better and I can't be normal about this nor you.
He didn't say the words, but Fernando must have been able to hear them anyway, because he responded firmly.
"You didn't"
That lifted a huge weight from Lance's shoulders. Maybe this partnership could still be saved.
"Ok. Good, I'm glad" he was being awkward and subtly twisting his fingers. But nothing escaped Fernando's attention.
Seeing how the younger man was spiralling in his own thoughts, he didn't hesitate, reaching out to him and taking a hold of his hands.
"There is no need to be nervous. Just tell me again, tell me properly"
Lance could see in his eyes the want and the patience and something else.
They were in this together, he suddenly realised.
You are not alone anymore, said his mental Chloe.
He inhaled as much air as he could, held it and then exhaled. He found the strength he needed in a pair of brown eyes that were already looking in his own.
"I've been wanting to tell you for so long. I like you. I like how you drive, how you give feedback on the car and how you are always, no matter what, the best. But that's just racing stuff. I like how you compliment me, how you never made me feel less than, or just a spoiled kid, how you make me feel. But those are selfish reasons. I like how kind you are with kids, how ready you are to help any of the other drivers. But most importantly, I like you, Fernando Alonso, two times world champion, menace on and off track, mentor and teammate and friend and so much more. I like you, Nando"
He barely finished talking that there was a pair of lips on his own, soft and warm and gentle.
He realised he closed his eyes only when he opened them, and in front was Fernando, bright and shining and perfect in every way that mattered. To Lance, at least.
"You made me wait a long time, no? Let's not waste anymore" he said before diving in a second kiss that was hot and passionate and demanding.
Fernando broke the kiss and stood up, starting to walk, and Lance could only follow the man leading him towards his bed, and towards a life together.
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not-totally-blind · 10 months
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blue0blink · 10 months
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Quackity después de meter a pura pinche leyenda a su serie de minecraft:
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alltheghosties · 2 months
Hello, I'm Pepper!
[Español abajo del corte]
This is my carrd and my commissions page!
I'm an artist, animator, writer, and former social media supervisor! I am working to build an inclusive animation studio by majoring in college for Entrepreneurship and Spanish & I also hobby in studying Portuguese, German, and French. I love talking to people in their native language, no matter how broken my understanding may be, so please feel free to chat with me in any language!
My future business partner & one of my closest friends is @skobeedobee and you may find @likethesword , @yourfavoritestenby , and @bellemyers in stories, posts and modding for/participating in projects :D
You can find my art at @alltheghostiesart & on every other social media you can find us @alltheghosties (twitter, instagram, twitch, youtube)
Welcome, and I hope you enjoy bearing witness to bits of my life!
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Hola, soy Pepper
Esta es mi carrd y mi pagina de comisiones
Soy una artista, animadora, escritora y en el pasado, ¡yo era una supervisora de los redes sociales! Estoy trabajando por construir un estudio inclusivo para animación, Estudio negocios y el idioma español. Estoy estudiando Alemán, Portugués y Francés. Me encanta hablar a gente en su idioma nativo, por favor me habla en cualquier idioma que es fácil para tí.
Mi futuro socia de negocios es @skobeedobee y posiblemente mi trabajo incluirán a @likethesword, @yourfavoritestenby, y @bellemyers en historias, posts, y a moderar proyectos en Minecraft y otros juegos.
Puede ver mi arte en @alltheghostiesart y en todas plataformas soy @alltheghosties si quiere encontrarme.
Bienvenidos/es/as, ¡espero que disfrute las partes de mi vida que le comparto!
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pixiecaps · 10 months
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nicoorobins · 28 days
soy una mala chica tumblr porque nunca vi dan y phil yo solo veia hola soy german
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