#Hold you close 'til the morning light || Val x Miranda ( purpleshopkeep )
royalreef · 5 years
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      Miranda’s just really, really gay for Val. Constantly. 
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royalreef · 5 years
@purpleshopkeep replied to your post “      “If anyone would like to apply, my teeth are very lovely and...”
sweats - purpleshopkeep (VALERIE NO)
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      She winks, and the low growl says all Val ever needed to know, the sound low, rumbling, and sweet in her chest. A smile across her face reveals those lovely pearly whites, sharp and promising.
      “I promise I’ll be gentle on you, even if I really must make sure everyone knows you’re my lioness!”
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royalreef · 5 years
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@purpleshopkeep​ || 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔉𝔬𝔯𝔨 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔞𝔱𝔥: 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔖𝔢𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔡 ℜ𝔬𝔞𝔡
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      “Oh no, guppy!” came Miranda’s slight alarm, quickly hurrying over to the fridge to grab ahold of the fluffy child before they could fall. She had noticed how their short little legs couldn’t reach the next ledge, and she knew what would’ve come next. Val had already seen Miranda wipeout like that too many times to count and still, her wife saw Miranda fall like the dumbass she is, even now... 
      Either way, she had to make sure the little gremlin didn’t hurt themselves - which unfortunately meant that the cereal was absolutely going to be knocked over, onto the floor, and Miranda was perfectly fine with it. They were closed well enough, they wouldn’t spill.
       “Here here - this is how you do it!” Carefully Miranda helped her toddler climb higher, supporting their feet as needed. And, soon, they were up on top of the fridge. Within just a few moments, they weren’t alone either, and Miranda scooped them up into her arms. The cereal boxes were toast. She’d just have to pick them up later.
       “Look at how far you can see from up here!” Miri cooed, absolutely delighted. Because of course the utter fucking gremlin would encourage her kiddo to be an utter fucking gremlin too. “You should see how I’ve pounced on your mom from up here before! But she gets me back, don’t worry, since she takes plenty of naps up here too.”
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royalreef · 5 years
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       Miranda tilts her fins forward, unable to stop a light, little blush coming over them. Her heart softens and melts, a kind of tension she didn’t even know she was holding in her spine slipping away, fading down through the cracks in a façade Miranda still desperately clung to.
      Sometimes, life was still good. Life was still sweet. One could almost even guess at a sense of domestic bliss between the two, at the moment. The kind of sensation anyone would have, upon seeing their sleepy and purring wife, relaxed against the couch like no worries existed in the world. Like nothing existed outside of the two of them. 
      With gentle strides, Miranda approached Val, careful not to make a sound and wake her sleeping lover. She partially wished she could lift Valerie up - pick her up in a bridal carry and take her off to bed proper, where they both could rest. Couches weren’t ideal for two people sleeping beside each other, after all. Unfortunately, Miranda’s arms couldn’t pick Val up, wouldn’t be able to swiftly yet delicately swoop the much larger kitty up into her weak grip and rock her gently from the couch to the bed.
      Comfort was still valuable, however. Miranda knew that, lifting a blanket up and off a chair, to lightly tuck around her lioness. Pulling the blanket up to Val’s chin, Miri couldn’t help but smile. Val looked so... peaceful when she was asleep. Like she was naught but a kitten, without worry, without fear, without pain. Happy, and content. It made Miranda’s heart ache, almost oversaturated with adoration for someone so... perfect.
      Down the fish princess sat, right at the edge of the couch. Her arm carefully moved along the couch, slowly putting pressure down as to not disturb the sleeper, and Miranda rested her head into her elbow. Safety was so precious, so fragile, almost nothing but a temporary illusion. But that was in Miranda’s ordinary life. Her life beyond here, beyond now. Her hand moved forward, slow, and came to rest on top of Val’s own hand, bridging the gap between the two created by a couch much too small for cuddles.
      Miri barely even thought of it, when she slipped off into a drifting dream, her eyes fluttering shut like butterfly wings - but it was nice. To have someone to love, to hold, to be vulnerable around. And she was glad for Val to be her someone.
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royalreef · 5 years
antisocial-author replied to your post “antisocial-author replied to your post “      In true catlike...”
Oh no, not the blep. It's too late-she's already picking up the fish wife to nuzzle her neck affectionately. She's always a sucker for Miranda. - purpleshopkeep
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      The attention makes Miri chirr, the sound reverberating in her throat and chest until it evens out into a rumbling purr. Arms drape over Valerie’s shoulders as Miranda clings to her lioness while her fins flutter happily! 
      .... Unfortunately, she’s still blepping. It’s only even cuter now.
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royalreef · 5 years
antisocial-author replied to your post “      In true catlike fashion, Miranda yawns - her mouth quickly going...”
She's blushing. How is her girlfriend so cute... - purpleshopkeep bc Valerie has weird standards for 'cute'
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      Meanwhile, Miranda has forgotten to pull her tongue all of the way back in. The tip is still poking out between her lips, even while she continues to go about her business.
             Can Val handle the dreaded Fish Blep?
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royalreef · 5 years
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      YES. The second Val hands Miranda the hoodie, although Val can’t see it, Miri gives her girlfriend the look of Pure Love. Sparkly anime eyes and all. Of course, Val would be able to hear the happy trill Miranda gives, and the chitter of delight. 
      “Thank you, my beloved!” Well, there was certainly no time to waste, as Miranda slipped the hoodie over her head and pulled it over herself. Oh no, looks like the fish tiddies have gone back into hiding, and the hoodie is big enough to be a dress on Miranda, covering up the rest of her more illicit areas. 
      There is one major downside, however:                       Now Miranda’s wearing nothing but Val’s hoodie.
      If Val thought she was too gay to look at Miranda before, well, now may not have been much better, as Miri is now feeling very cozy and warm, and the hoodie still smells of her girlfriend, further making her smile and wrap her arms around herself. 
      Nor does it help that, once the hoodie is on her, Miranda flings her arms around her girlfriend and wraps her up into a hug, a loud purr rumbling in her chest, able to be felt even through the hoodie.
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royalreef · 5 years
sacred-songbird replied to your post “@sacred-songbird 
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