#(( fishy loves her kitty...
transxfiles · 2 years
lost phineas and ferb episode where perry is called to investigate what dr doofenshmirtz is up to because carl the intern got ahold of some intel that doof has been seen speaking to lawyers and looking up the endangered species act at internet cafes and as major monogram says, "something fishy is going on"
meanwhile phineas and ferb's subplot of "i know what we're gonna do today!" is that isabella needs her environmentalist fireside girls badge so they start researching which species are in urgent need of help in the tri-state area so that they can use new cloning and gene therapy technologies to bring at-risk animals back from extinction
(yes there is a c-plot where buford and baljeet argue the ethics of this idea, i don't have time to explain it all for you rn)
we cut back to🎵doofenshmirtz evil incorporated🎵where we see perry carefully maneuvering around doofenshmirtz's lab scared he might fall into a trap but he hasn't set off a single booby trap and it's clear something is off
he runs into doofenshmirtz and goes to kick him in the gut action movie style but doof steps back one overly confident and says, "nuh uh uh, you see perry the platypus, you are TRAPPED! by the danville section of the endangered species act of 1973!"
doof goes on to explain his tragic backstory: "you see, perry the platypus, when i was a child my parents did not show up for my own birth! but you know that already, yadda yadda yadda they did not love me and then they loved roger more, ANYways i was raised by ocelots! i had a lovely foster mother who took me in and made me one of the pride, and so you see, perry the platypus, i am still legally considered an ocelot. did you know that there are only 50 recorded ocelots still alive in the continental united states? very sad for me as a member of a near-extinct species. it would be immoral for you to hurt someone critically endangered... in fact, you have made many attempts on my life this summer"
[montage of doof's security camera footage of their battles]
"which is why i have decided to bring you... TO COURT!" we cut back to phineas and ferb's back yard where they've decided to start cloning ocelots in their kiddie pool
candace storms outside enraged and says, "phineas and ferb are you cloning ocelots in my duckie momo kiddie pool!?"
ferb's one line of the episode is "well, i guess it's more of a kitty pool, now"
candace storms away saying, "i'm going to tell mom!" and isabella turns to phineas and says, "oh, does your mom have experience in wildlife conservation?"
we cut back to the doof and perry plotline where the two are now in the danville hall of justice and we learn that doof has spent his monthly alimony check on a defense lawyer and perry turns and sees the lawyer and then vanessa helping her organize her briefcase and perry chitters at her and vanessa shrugs and says, "i'm thinking about going into legal defense. sorry perry."
the rest of the doof and perry b-plot is spent in court and perry is about to ask for a public defense lawyer when carl runs into the room and explains that he's owca's official legal defense and perry looks at him like, "uhhh is that even allowed?"
it doesn't matter because apparently the judge is out sick today but because it's danville roger's the judge now because he's the mayor and everyone loves him.
the court case continues.
meanwhile phineas and ferb have successfully cloned multiple ocelots from the original ocelot dna they had on hand and isabella asks phineas if these clones will experience health problems like premature aging, phineas casually explains that ferb figured out the problem while they were experimenting with stem cell harvesting.
back in the courtroom, doof's ocelot foster mother has been brought to the stand along with an ocelot to english translator. doof gets emotional seeing her after so long. she says that he was one of her favorite child and he was as strong a hunter as anyone else in the family. it's incredibly sweet. the jury's in tears.
meanwhile, isabella has established connections with a group in texas who are going to release the ocelots back into their natural habitat and, using the cloned ocelots to prevent inbreeding, help establish an ocelot breeding program. the group explains that they are going to send a helicopter to retrieve the cloned ocelots from danville and bring them to texas soon.
isabella gets her fireside girls badge.
candace manages to get mom to see the backyard only after the ocelots have been helicoptered off to coastal texas, their primary habitat.
mom makes it into the backyard as phineas stares wistfully over the fence and says, "if you love something, you have to let it go." candace goes, "look mom look look look!" and points at the ducky momo kiddie pool, devoid of cloned ocelots, where baljeet and buford are now chilling out, having settled their philosophical debate about the ethics of animal cloning.
back in the courtroom drama, doof looks like he's about to win when an attendant walks into the courtroom and whispers something in roger's ear.
roger looks up, grinning, and says, "good news, everyone! my attendant here has just enlightened me that ocelots are no longer considered critically endangered!"
this settles the case, with perry being decreed not guilty and the entire affair being called off. the courtroom cheers, roger walks over to doof and personally congratulates him on his species' return from the brink of extinction.
doof shouts, "curse you endangered species classification system!" at the ceiling of the danville hall of justice.
perry arrives back home just in time for mom to say, "who wants pie?"
the end.
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kittybroker · 6 months
I wanted to submit my cat Ombra, and his sister Serafina.
Unfortunately, Ombra passed away a day or two before new years last year, after struggling with kidney disease.
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As a PSA (nothing graphic but it is sad), I want everyone to know that kidney disease is a common cause of death among cats, however it’s not always fatal if you catch it early enough, so they can be on the look out for it. The instant you notice them having strange bodily emissions (runny when it should be solid, etc.), and drinking water in desperate amounts, among other symptoms, you should get them to a vet as quickly as possible. But if the cat has already stopped eating, it’s probably too late. Treatment would be prohibitively expensive, and extremely painful and stressful for the cat, with a very very low success rate (if they do live longer because of it, it won’t be a happy life).
Unfortunately, we didn’t realise in time, and he passed away.
Serafina is very healthy today, however, and while she misses her brother, she makes up for it by spending even more time with us.
Anyway, Serafina is a silly goose who likes putting herself directly in your path (and the path of moving furniture [it hasn’t hit her ever, so why should she bother moving?]), everytime she yawns she emits a burst of fishy cat breath, and as soon as my father starts speaking in his low voice she immediately needs to sit on his lap. And Heaven forBID you not let her in when she screams and scratches at your door!
Ombra was not so great at bathing himself, but Serafina loved to do it for him, and in return he ate more than his fair share of the food and took up way more space than needed, often splaying and wiggling around into silly positions and nearly pushing her off whatever they were sitting on, though Serafina would promptly sit on him instead. He aslo had a terrible love for crashing into the backs of people’s legs to really get them worked up just before the person you were calling picked up the phone, while Serafina only recently learned to use the scratching posts instead of the couch! Ombra was a very loud purrer, my friend could hear his motorcycle rumble through the landline. He also had a broken tail from before they were rescued from the streets, meaning the very tip was crooked.
So how much for my kitties?
(I hope the picture loads properly)
Ombra and Serafina the perfect pair! Ombra may only be here in spirit, but that's enough to sell! Get these two kitties for only $47.62!
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ivy-creeping-ivy · 3 months
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drew lavender's weird adopted children... LOTS of rambling about their designs/lore below da cut :thumbs up:
so Pear (green) is a growth aspectholder. this means that they carry an excess of magic in their body, and are usually stronger than the best mage in Not-Earth!
usually this expresses physically (e.g. Stone aspectholders are entirely made of stone, or Sky aspectholders having bird motifs). for Pear this expresses as animalistic, giving her frills, scales on her nosebridge, and a more draconic tail! her frills are inspired by irl frilled lizards :3 although she cannot unflap them totally like they can, because they're attached to her ear membranes
her leafs are totally unrelated from her aspect! i'm thinking this was some sort of accident including her parents, Crow's Nest, and The Mimic. have not decided yet... i just really wanted to bring in her name into the design somehow because i love pears <3 wahoo you CAN eat the pears by the way. you can pluck them and it won't hurt pear in the slightest. they taste like flesh and blood though
Highbush Blueberry is also an aspectholder, but of the sea. ae's more sharklike and loosely inspired by dunkleosteus fishies. also very toothy!!
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^ aer without Pear. ae's a HUUGE kitty cat. very strong compared to Pear, who is Teeny. ae looks almost comical next to Lavender, aer mother. ae's also completely naked. touching aer feels similar to touching a shark!
pear is more calculative, a little more stand-offish, but i like to think highbush has a big warm heart. silly billy! i think they're very beloved at their home especially by Lavender. but it is kinda shocking to see one of the most powerful mages in the village appear at your doorstep in the middle of the night with 2 not-cat toddlers at his paws. crazy
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thezoraprince · 11 months
Cat Nap - Sidon x reader
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“Anyone who has a kitty knows that when they’re sleeping on you, you aren’t allowed to get up until they decide to move. I wanna know how my favorite fishy prince would feel about his love refusing to get up all cause a silly kitty is taking a silly nap on her lap. And of course Bazz too, if you can squeeze it in for our beloved Rocky <3 love you, babies (Unrelated, but a few days ago I put my playstation controller down on my bed for no more than 5 seconds and my bitch ass kittens stepped on that bitch and bought paleo pines. It’s a little funny and the game slays, but fuck them kitties)” - @millie-berra
hiiiii!!!! <3
it took me longer that i thought it would to come up wiith something for this... oops! but here we are! i hope you enjoy! :)
and omgggg!!!! i'm sure if i had a cat it would do the same, honestly.
there you are, laying in bed 
you’re reading a really good book
the cat’s on your lap
and man is it cozy
autumn always brings out the most wholesome moments
“There’s my pearl!”
Sidon kisses your forehead
you can feel the smile on his face as he does
“Don’t forget, we have dinner in a little while.”
your eyes go wide
How am I supposed to get ready when this fur ball is sleeping on me?
“We’re just going to have to cancel then.”
Sidon turns to you with a confused expression
“We can’t cancel dinner! This is a big event, y/n.”
“I can’t get up though!”
“And why is that?”
you point to the cat
Sidon just thinks you’re being silly
but after refusing to get up multiple times, he lays down beside you
“I guess we can be a little late…”
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son1c · 4 months
Ask so long I had to write it in a Google Doc… 422 words btw. If you were wondering.
All of your designs are so interesting, Lovelyn, but I’ve picked out a few!
First of all... the kitty. Chimera Sonic ilysm <3 I want to hug him but he'd bite my face off. So creature. The mere concept is so interesting because Sonic's whole thing is being a hero, and now he's a monster. Who kills people. Which is exactly what Sonic does not want to do. Ughhh many thoughts (I'm going to watch that anime I swear)
And then there's Gale!! Wings :D Just love him so much. Overpowered little thang with an awesome hat, who then loses power at the end and can’t ever really be whole again ever. Compared with Bermuda (also on the list)?? They're even more opposites than canon Sonic and Shadow are, and it's already an interesting dynamic with them. It's like if you stretched them to the most extreme sides of the spectrum, and yet... also many thoughts
Bonus Bermuda mention again! Tragic fishy (I love sirens). I like his wings, they're really cool and very functional too. I can just imagine him opening them up to look bigger/more menacing. And the color palette rocks!!
And Teddy!! Ignoring the “typical” Sonic character body shape? Hell yeah!! I love it when OCs are just a normal guy. With paws. Shadow and Teddy are the cutest methinks. My comfort ship fr. Because I can’t hug Chimera Sonic I will hug Teddy instead <3
I can’t forget Jack, either. Ultimate girl boyfriend. The bestest rival. I love when people break “typical” Sonic character rules. I also love her fluff. If I were her I’d have as much ego too. She deserves it.
And last but definitely not least, the Falling Stars duo. I love all three of Sonic’s designs, especially the robot one (although he wouldn’t be as enthusiastic as I am about it), and Shadow is an epic guy with identity issues. Honestly, one of my favorite things to think about is Sonic with amnesia, and with Shadow is a bonus. I love your take on it.
I love all of your designs and I would yap more (about Three and Fibula and Bullet too), but this is bordering on essay length and I don’t know if making it any longer is a good idea. Your brain is so big!! And your art style is so beautiful!! I definitely made the best choice following you <3 
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rxnefairs · 2 years
Modern Headcanons ft. House Velaryon
had absolutely no intentions on making this but then steve toussaint’s instagram happened
I’m sticking to blonde Rhaenys of the show instead of black-haired Rhaenys of the books.
Corlys made his fortune designing and manufacturing boats. Takes great pleasure in judging his wife’s family because he knows he made his name. An actual self-made billionaire.
Rhaenys, the criminal justice lawyer! Opened her own law firm out of spite when Viserys was chosen to take over the family business over her.
Laena is an equestrian. She’s a frequent participant in the Epsom Derby and has won the Kentucky Derby twice. Yeah, guys, she’s that good.
Laenor went to a cooking class in high school and never looked back. After culinary school, he opened a bar/restaurant located in the heart of Florence.
The Velaryons have properties all over the world, but their main home is a very old estate in Tuscany. Them living in Italy just makes sense okay?
Meleys is a big ol’ red iguana (those actually exist) who has her own room and likes to nip at Corlys’ ankles just for funsies. Rhaenys thinks it’s hilarious.
Corlys has a fish tank in his home office and a fish tank in his work office… and pond full of koi fish in the backyard. Corlys loves his fishies.
Laenor is a cat dad. A stray kitten followed him home once and Laenor just ✨snatched✨ it. The kitty’s name is Seasmoke.
For the entirety of her junior year, Rhaenys dyed her hair black because she was lowkey a teenage dirtbag. But like, a really attractive dirtbag. Corlys found old photos of dark-haired Rhaenys and she has absolutely no idea that they are in his possession.
Meleys has mastered the art of sneaking into the master bedroom for snuggles with her mommy. She will plonk herself on top of Corlys if he’s asleep. Her mission in life is to be the bane of his existence.
Rhaenys has never step foot in a Red Lobster. Not because she’s a snob, but because of her irrational fear of crabs. Yes, I am keeping this headcanon, and no, you cannot stop me.
Laena cannot cook. At all. It’s not that she doesn’t try, it’s just… something is always burning when she’s in the kitchen. But she is one hell of a baker.
Seasmoke has a little crush on Laena’s horse, Vhagar, who can hardly ever see Seasmoke because he’s still a teeny tiny babby.
Rhaenys was the It Girl of the 90s. She is a FASHION ICON. Argue with the sidewalk.
Laenor is vegetarian. He just gives off those vibes.
Corlys’ hands have a very intimate relationship with Rhaenys’ waist. Basically every photo of Eve and Steve standing next to each other.
If you guys have any more modern headcanons, please feel free to add more! <33
i’m also never shutting up about that eve and steve photo
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littlcinnabar · 5 months
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✦•┈๑⋅⋯ About Us ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
interacts from @cinnabarsilly
We're Cinnabar System!!! Collectively we go by Kitty, Binx, and Buttercup, and we collectively use it/kyu/fwu/they/mew + mrr/mrrp prns!! We have autism, BPD, anxiety, and a dissociative disorder! we experience hallucinations, paranoia, and chronic pain/fatigue. Please be niceys!!!
Six of our age regressing alters run this blog! Here are their intros:
Ga Ming
I'm Ga Ming, a fictive of him thats pretty conected 2 source!! I'm a boy, use he/lion/blaze/dance pronouns!! Normaly m 16 years old, but regress 2 abt 7-8 r 11-12!! Also pet regress to a lion!! Rawr!! 🦁🦁 Normally m completely verbal, but sometimes have no talky times! Regress 2 cope with traumas n stress, mostly voluntary!!! Can call me little lion, cub/cubby, kiddo, n pup 4 nicknames!!
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i'm finis beckford. i use he/him pronouns, and am masculine presentng. i am ageless and regress to a primari-school level child. im fully verbal when regressed, and i regress to help manage stress. when little, please still call me finis. if we're particularli close, you can call me fin.
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i have lotses of names, but i like usin huohuo, anne, foxyan, talias, n foxyn. also use lots of pronouns, but yuu can use it/tail/charm/cure/pounce prns on me. dont have a gender, m just a foxian. pet regress to a foxxy, n regress to bout 2-5yrs old. most of th time m have speech shutdownses wen regressed, but sometimes m can speak. regress to cope with traumas. experiences lots of hallucinations/paranoia, specially when regressd. :((( yuu can call me foxy, huji, vallie, n yanyan when little.
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m koi, doris, clockwork or tide. im a boy who uses he/swim pronouns. i regress around 4-6 yrs old. i have parshal verbal loss wen regressed, but can type good. i regress to help with stress + for fun, mostly involuntarily. i have social anxiety and find it hard to talk to people lots. can use any ocean-related niknames for me (ex. little blue, fishy, etc).
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M lumine/ghost!! Use she/it/rain/soft prns, m gendrfae, n m fully verbal wif sometimes verbl loss!!! regress to round 1-6 n pet regress to a sheepie, puppy, n kitty!! can use any nicknames for me, but really likes pup, kittycat, n baby!!! regress exclusvy caus of traumas!! sometime voluntary sometms not!!
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I'm uri, a fictive of the webtoon "watermelon." im a girl and use she/her prounouns. im fully verbal all the time, even when regressed. i regress to around 6-7, and its usually impure regression. i regress for trauma purposes lots. please call me uri or kiddo when regressed. ask before other nicknames.
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✦•┈๑⋅⋯ Interests ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
bolded are hyperfixations, italicized are things we like when little
SPINs: How To Train Your Dragon, animals, dragons!!!
Colors: Our favorite colors are light pink, all the shades of blues, and pastel yellow!!
Shows: We love Bungou Stray Dogs, Bee and Puppycat, Pokemon, My Hero Academia, Code: Realize ~Guardians of Rebirth~, To Your Eternity, Kamisama Kiss, Buddy Daddies, Ouran Highschool Host Club
Games: Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Twisted Wonderland, Amnesia, Obey Me, Minecraft, Roblox, Stardew Valley, Slime Rancher, Wuthering Waves(soon!)
Favorite Characters: Nikolai Gogol, Freminet, Kaveh, Malleus, Aventurine, Stelle, Barbatos, Belphegor, Sebastian, Chuuya Nakahara, Impey, Robin, Tomoe
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ Tag System ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
#[name] time - whoevers reblogging/posting will put their tag!!
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ Userboxes ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
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ggumjjun · 2 years
hear me out... gyu with a kitty hybrid 🥹
i keep thinking about how he's talked about actually being really introverted and keeping to himself at home so i think he might be more suitable for someone just as low energy and maintenance than a puppy? a kitty can take care of itself and just ask for food and cuddles from time to time and i think that might be something he really enjoys bc having a kitty in the house means he at least has some company!
he's mentioned rarely going out, watching movies and playing lots of video games at home, and even when he showed us his room on talk x today... i just think 'Man... beomgyu would love having a cat' and he's also posted that vid of him playing with a cat in the grass and 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔 just . casually playing with his kitty and some string on the couch, constantly messing with her by pretending he's gonna let her catch the little fishy or ball and feather on the end just to snatch it away and watch how eager his kitty gets to grab it with a smile on his face ORORORORO the weather being really cold and gloomy and on rainy nights him and his kitty cuddle up next to each other for warmth while he has that lemon lavender candle lit on his nightstand... maybe.... having their first kiss like that because it's just such an intimate moment and you're both like wait i kind of like you as more than an owner/pet...? (cue beomgyu thinking this is really wrong and it stresses him out so the next morning he goes to tyun or yeonjun about it n they're just like yeah.. the same thing happened to us LOL but its okay!)
once he's given the okay and he knows that you feel the same, he'll probably feel more comfortable showing affection and stealing kisses every now and then. he probably starts treating you as More than a pet bc he just sees his kitty as an equal... his lover even! i definitely think this establishment in what they are to each other would make dealing with his kitty's heat a lot easier and less awkward (for him) at first (given he actually reads the manual) and he'd Want to be really gentle and loving because he cares a lot n doesn't want to hurt you by being too rough or anything, but beomgyu's kind of like a puppy himself... so once he's inside, he just kind of loses it! his kitty's just so warm and tight n he feels so good that he can't help it when he starts fucking into you a little more roughly than he wanted to. when he's close, he probably goes into this head state where all he can think of is breeding you! he'd definitely cum deep inside n fuck it into you for safety measure bc he doesn't want any of it spilling out and this just restarts the whole process cuz he's so obsessed with how amazing you feel around him and filling you up with kittens... he can't help it though!
his kitty's cunny just feels too good and already having established he loves her More than a pet, he just wants to make sure she's his in every way possible! he probably gets really possessive and jealous at times, like maybe one of the boys come over and you're being a little too friendly with them for his liking, purring when they pet your head or stroke under your chin and even cuddling up next to them or laying your head on their lap for more pets? all while gyu's right there? he gets so mad n he just endures it until they leave because it's not their fault — it's yours and he reminds you you're his kitten and no one else's the only way he knows how! cough marking and breeding cough
while his kitty's crying (literally, like he's being too rough and you can't cum until he says as punishment) and mewling underneath him from having him pound into her so relentlessly, he's probably whispering how soobin or taehyun can't fuck her like this because they don't know her like he does. they don't know how to please or play with her n they definitely don't know how much of a bad and slutty kitty she can be! he tells her how no one else can make his kitty feel as good or loved as he does and the whole time he's just reminding her of that! when you finally admit that... he'll let you cum, but that doesn't mean you're done for the night 🫣
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visionkept · 7 months
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It's today ! The BEST DAY of the year, mark it in your calendar folks - this CELEBRATION can't be missed by anyone.
Oh and here she comes, the star of the day - the princess of Teyvat, it's the most acclaimed lady of inazuma, THE LEGENDARY AND LOVED BY MANY. . .
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❝ Meow. ❞ Happy CAT DAY to her and the rest of the kitties ( but especially to HER ). ❝ Meow ! ❞ She and her FISHY BREATH desire the attention she deserves.
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m4xedout · 2 years
One Fin Wonder
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Welcome to one fin wonder! This is the first chapter of this series!
content warning!: swearing? Mentions of blood, homeless child, reader is 14-15!
Okay..here we go!
Well then!- you didn't order a wake up call...literally..
"..y/n?" Oh its Sam! Wonder if we'll hang out today-
"I'm moving."
Oh shit.
Holy shit no no no.
Sam was the only friend you could go to- THE ONLY PERSON YOU KNEW IF THIS BLOODY TOWN.
Whew..okay.,calm down..maybe it's a joke...Sam jokes alot so it has to be!
"Ahah..haha..hah.. g-good one Sam " you laughed, trying to make it seem like you weren't about to cry.
"What?..what do you mean 'good one's? nothing about this is good y/n!" "Okay! I'm sorry..I thought you were joking.."
Well shit.
"Okay..well?" "I- I'm sorry I have to pack." -beep!-
Well this isn't how you thought your summer would start.
Okay well! Time to go search for a job!!..again
You started walking towards the old lady who had always had you help with her cats, you were glad to help, but today was payday! Of 20 dollars but- you could get some food with that!
"Hello Candice! How are the kitties?" The old lady turned around to see you and smiled "oh hello lovey! Goodness you're getting tall heheh, we-well here's your 20 dollars dearie" she handed it to you and before you walked away "buy yourself something to eat sugar!"
"I will think you miss Candi-" and then you bumped into someone
"Shit sorry! My bad" you help the old man up and grab his weird looking cane..
"No no child forgive me, I was just looking at the kittens, you must be working here is that it?" He spoke with a harsh voice, refering to the old lady's shop.
"Oh no! Im just a helper, that's all"
"Helper?..yes..you will do good child"..ew.
"Yeah..aheh.. I gotta go sorry about the bump sir!" You speed walked away and could feel his eyes staring at you from afar.
You end up at some fish shop and see a help wanted poster in the window
"Nice!" You whisper to yourself as you walk in
"Hello there!" Said a woman from behind the counter on the right "be right with you"
You stand there and see all the little fishies swimming about
"Okay love what can i help you with?" "Oh I'm here for the help wanted?"
Her eyes lit up, must be hard working in a fish shop alone
"Oh yes! Thank you! We'll get right to it!" "I-- wait- I don't have to sign anything?"
"Well it's not that hard to take care of fish love, just feed em and watch them swim about their sad little lives!" Heh funny
After she showed you around, she said she was gonna close up shop for the day before-
"Hey uh excuse me?" Oh? First customer!
"Yeah uh do you have a goldfish with one fin?"..one fin? Any other gold fish and he wants one with one fin?...okay
"Uh sir? We have plenty more gold fish with two fins-" "no I need one with one fin!"..
"Sir, please calm down or we'll have to ask you to leave" "okay yeah uh...just give me a goldfish..and hurry, please."
You went to get the gold fish and hand it to the man "here you are sir, a gold fish with two fins! Take care!" He payed you
"Shit let's hope so." and just like that he was gone.
"Weirdo" said the woman
"Maybe he needs it for..something? Art?" You said
"Yeah..anyways darling here's your pay" she hands you a check for 50 dollars
"I- OH MY GOD!" You damn near yelled
She looks at you with confusion as you let out a nervous laugh
"Sorry..I just didn't expect this much holy cow!" "You've done well for you first day on the job!" She pats you on the shoulder
"Now let's go before some other weirdo comes for a blue puffer fish!"
Later that evening you had went to look for a place to settle, when you couldn't find you decind to cross the towns, you went into an alley way and hurried because you didn't want to die in there.
Qnd you came out safely until some random woman wondered up to you qnd asked for you hands, you thought she was gonna rob you so you politely declined, you started to walk way
When you felt her hands grab you and pull you into the alley way.. fucker.
She shoves you against the wall and roughly grabbed your hands
Suddenly, a man in a white suit and cape, came down from the ceiling, and tossed the woman across the alley way, his fists were bloody, and dripping
You sat there, terrified, holy shit, this was how you were gonna die, oh my god.
The man spoke "hey kid you okay?" He sounded familiar?
"Uh..yeah.. just winded I think I'll be okay" "okay, you got a place to stay? Anywhere to go?"..."no"...
"Okay then come with me". He grabbed you hand as gently as he could as he had the feeling they'd be sore tomorrow
He led you in front of a flat, you walked to the front and turned around "hey man thanks-"..he was gone.
After you went in to apply, you promised you'd have more money to pay off the rent
It was a big flat honestly
Just a bed which was fixed pretty good, and a fridge with a couple of food left, you threw out the expired stuff, and layer down
You began to charge your phone and set an alarm.
This was your life now.
This is your home.
Can't believe this all happend in one day.
What were you gonna do about it?
You worked at a fish shop
Holy shit, omg YAY :D
just a big thanks to @80pairsofcrocs for the name, and the courage, they're honestly the best person I've met on this app, and I gotta say, I really do love you guys, it may not seem like much here but thank you, seriously <3
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ariadnewhitlock · 3 months
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Timing: Before the EggTM time. Location: The Jones Home Feat: @eldritchaccident and @ariadnewhitlock Warnings: none!! just soft Summary: They are gettin their Strega Nona on. But also cute bonding occurs.
“Hey jellybean, pass me some more flour?” Teddy's hands were wrist deep in a gooey mixture, sorely needing something to stop up the extra hydration. Pasta, such a deceptively simple thing. Far easier than something like bread, or even cake. Nothing like dealing with yeast or temperamental sugars to drive someone to madness just because their confection acted differently thanks to a two degree change or a smidgen of extra humidity. Pasta was much more straightforward. So much room for elaboration and creativity too! It was a great place to start, so that's why Teddy figured it was the perfect thing to make with Ariadne. 
The pair had been at it all morning. A glamorous grandeur filling their minds, all the gifts they could bring to friends, all the surprises they could give. Pasta was one of those things that universally made people feel cozy. Few people lacked some kind of comfort dish that didn't start with a simple noodle. Spaghetti had been shaped and started on the drier, macaroni was rubbing elbows with farfalle. The next logical leap was ravioli.  And of course Teddy had a lot of ideas on how they could have some fun. 
Cookie cutters were a start. 
Whoever said that ravioli had to be either round or square was boring and Teddy did not respect them. Stars, flowers, little not-ginger-bread men, some cute little fishy shapes, and Teddy's current favorite, a little kitty head. They were eager to test the shapes out, but first, the dough. 
“You got it!” Ariadne paused for a moment. “I need a sweet nickname for you. I – I don’t have one just yet, but I’ll think of something soon, I promise.” She nodded. “Oh god, do I need a sweets-themed nickname for Wynne? I – well, I just tell them they’re mine and my favorite, but I do love sweets, so maybe I need the nickname too?” For once any worry behind her words was a comforting sort, rather than the sort that made her want to curl up into a ball and sleep (which was impossible now, as it were).
“Did you know you can make sweet raviolis? Like, with sweet cheese? I think probably you could also make full-blown desert ones, too, and I will fully entirely be super down to be a test taster – taste tester – you get it.” Ariadne blew a loose strand of hair out of her face. “We’re doing fun shapes, right? None of this boring square nonsense… not that – the squares have their place and I respect them, but I figure fun can be really good, too.”
Teddy was important to Wynne, and Ariadne only wanted to make the very best of impressions. To prove with continued fact that she deserved to be Wynne’s girlfriend, and that she wouldn’t be a bother about the house. “I also might just be craving something sweet, but I always am, pretty much.” She didn’t stifle her awkward laugh in time, but offered them a shrug. “Can we please fill one of them with like, real good and gooey cheese, like mozzarella? No offense to ricotta but it doesn’t always hit the same way. But it’s also a classic! I just like gooey-stretchy cheeses.” She grabbed a cookie cutter shaped like a star. “You’re also way more than free to tell me to stop rambling, if you need to concentrate or whatever.”
 “Aria, hun, you don't need to worry about it. I'm just the Queen of nicknames, it's like my thing!” The ex-demon laughed, a warm and welcoming thing. Not the kind of laugh that made you feel like someone was enjoying your misery, but the kind that crinkled at your nose and sent your shoulders bobbling. “I know you like your treats, and you're cute and sweet as a jellybean, so it fits.” A pause, and Teddy swayed to bump their hip into hers. “Can't force one though, nicknames come when they need to.” A twisted up curious expression brought Ted's lips together as they kneaded the dough. “What's a candy you both like, or maybe their fave? Nicknames gotta be personal, y’know?” As if they needed any more confirmation that Ariadne was one of the kindest people on earth, the more time Ted spent with her, the more they realized how true that was. They couldn't help but feel a warmth and relief that Wynne had someone so lovely in their life. They needed it. They deserved it. And Aria deserved someone as wonderful as Wynne in return. They were perfect for each other. 
Aria tossed on just the right amount of flour and the yellow mush came together in a cohesive ball. “Oh sweet ravioli? Brilliant! That could be a showstopper. Maybe ricotta with a little honey and orange zest? Ooh, or brown sugar, peaches, and mascarpone? And that’s going simple. If we changed the dough recipe a little, we could make chocolate ravioli stuffed with a raspberry cream cheese frosting. Or cinnamon ravioli with a cannoli filling. Basically you could take any pie filling and adjust it with a little cheese. Fruit and cheese have always gone together, there's really so so many options. I bet you could make a whole ravioli restaurant. Everything from appetizers to desserts. Hell, even breakfast could be included. Only on Sundays though. Like…Sunday brunch?” 
The pasta roller was the next step. Teddy had already clamped it on the side of the counter. It made pretty quick work of the balls, rolling them out into impressively thin sheets, ready to stuff and cut. “Oh the stretchier the better. Mix we got right now is ricotta, mozzie, a little havarti, and just a dash of parmesan. A balance of flavor and texture. How do you feel about putting an egg yolk in the center of the big ones?” They held up one of the cookie cutters, a large heart, and shook it slightly. They'd seen some fancy chef do it once, and it felt like a perfect chance to try, so why not? 
“I also think you’re probably the Queen of just cool style and being awesome, if I can say that?” She looked over to them, offering a timid but genuine smile. She wanted to make a good impression, and Ariadne didn’t really know if she was succeeding, but Teddy just seemed like somebody who was nice always, and that alone was a world of comfort to her.
They also were clearly someone who knew what they were doing in the kitchen, with Ariadne appreciated, but also stood in plain awe of, mainly because she wasn’t great. Chance was good, Wynne was good, and she could boil pasta without burning the water but she’d never consider herself a cook of any sort. Not even in a self-deprecating way. It was just a fact, and it was a fact that she was fine with. She could benefit from being around people who were very good in the kitchen, and she could also still learn (goodness only knew that she had forever to learn about it). “I like how you think! Cupcakes and froyo have had their time, it’s now time for raviolis to shine.” She gave a definitive nod.
“I feel like I can try to do it!” Which was honest, but also conveyed the excitement she felt. “That sounds very cool and totally awesome.” Ariadne offered them a smile. “Sometime maybe can you teach me to make filled cupcakes, though?”
With a flourish of two dancing finger guns, Teddy clicked their tongue in agreement. Never was one to shy away from compliments of their style and general vibe. That was the kind of thing they’d built for people to comment on. Those that got it, they were great. Those that didn’t, were less than necessary, avoid at all costs, or annoy until they change their mind. Teddy grinned over at their baking partner. “I’ll accept it, only if you give yourself one good accolade, my little ravioli apprentice.”  
“Ooh!” The younger cook’s phrasing passed through Teddy’s mind, connecting a series of seemingly unrelated things. “Star shaped ravioli would be excellent, that can be our big niche. Everything in the restaurant has a unique shape, but the best ones are stars so they can shine!” Of course, the simple idea of a whole establishment serving various types of ravioli had immediately settled somewhere between a bit and the start of an actual entrepreneurial endeavor. Teds wasn’t the best with the follow through, but in the moment they were ride or die for the sentiment. 
“Tryings all you can ever do, Jellybean.” They beamed. A little proud of finding the chance to offer a little guidance to the oft-anxious Ariadne. “We learn by making mistakes.” Just then, Teddy’s attempt at separating the egg yolk from the whites went sour. The gloopy substance missed the bowl and splattered right down onto the counter below. “And sometimes they have pretty comedic timing.” Maybe life advice wasn’t Ted’s forte. Oh well. Cupcakes were. 
“Absolutely, it’s way easier than you’d think. Just a little planning ahead of time is all you need.” 
“Uh, I …” she found herself at a loss for words, but she wasn’t exactly about to go advertising that. Especially not when Ariadne was pretty sure that it was pretty obvious how much of a mess she was when it came to complimenting herself. But for Teddy, maybe she could try. She tried for Wynne, and it was nice to try to do good things for good people, so trying for Teddy would be good too. “I’m pretty alright at ballet.” She paused, “no, actually, I’m really good at ballet.” She felt ever so slightly shaky at the self-compliment, but soon enough Teddy was walking about ravioli again and she shook herself out of any other pattern of thinking.
“I do like stars,” she started, “and yeah, they do shine.” There was the added bonus that they were something that kept her tethered to her humanity while also being a complete part of who - and what - she was now.
She nodded at them, trying to match the smile on their face (a near-impossible feat, she figured, even for herself before she’d died. There just seemed to be an endless aura of joy and cheer about them. Infectious, even. Ariadne appreciated that. Not that she figured they were never sad or scared or stressed, but they were also so calm, so wonderfully present, that she couldn’t help but be put at ease. Plus, the nickname. Ariadne grabbed a towel when the cupcake mixture made its debut and she held it out to Teddy. “Well, okay then. ‘Cause no offense at all to the Hostess cupcakes, those rock, but I’d love to make my own. Plus then I could make the frosting Wynne’s favorite color, and…” now it was her turn to beam. “Yeah. Like a cool fun surprise for our movie nights.”
“A good start. But there IS a whole lot more to be proud of, so if you need lessons I can absolutely just follow you around and list the good shit. I could probably rope Wynne in on it too. Get Van and— Well I’d say Nora but she might just follow you around and be amazingly spooky just to balance things out. She’s great at that.” All the kids knew each other right? Wasn’t really a commentary on every youth being buds, moreso that Teddy swore they saw them all chatting online once or twice, right? To be fair, their memory wasn’t wonderful, but hey. Could be a chance for new friendships? Or something? 
“Good, cause you’re a star too. Miss Prima Ballerina.” With a grin and a poke, Teds moved on to doling out the filling to the freshly rolled bottom ravio—let. Thing. Half a ravioli. Whatever that was called. The first few blobs were probably a bit big, compared to the cookie cutter. But that was okay. Learning curve. “What’s your favorite show? Either to watch or dance in.” 
“Hostess cupcakes have a time and place, the time is 3AM and the place is at a gas station while you are on a road trip.” The words came out a bit faster than Teddy could think about the… very recent not so pleasant road trip they’d just come back from. But that wasn’t something they could think about right now. “Filled cupcakes made at home are for every other occasion.” Maybe that’s where they went wrong. Didn’t bring filled cupcakes to meet their shitty dad and shitty grandma. Teddy shook the idea from their brain. Today was about hanging out and making food for the family that mattered. The ones they chose, and the ones that chose them. 
“Movie nights are about to get a whole lot tasiter.”  
 “Oh no, please please don’t follow me around and list good things about me.” Ariadne buried her face in her hands. “Nora is amazing and spooky but shouldn’t have to do that, and Van’s great and I’ve known her since we were kids but again, it’s really okay. Wynne compliments me plenty. All the time. We’ve got a perfectly balanced relationship, so that’s not –” she cut herself off. “I do appreciate the offer though, you’re somebody who cares a whole lot, and that’s a good thing to be.” She couldn’t articulate just how good it felt that Teddy was assuming she had so many friends. She wasn’t sure how on earth she managed to give off that impression, but she welcomed it whole-heartedly. 
“Swan Lake, if we’re talking ballets.” That one was easy. It had been her favorite for just as long as she could remember. She’d watched the Barbie version dozens, if not hundreds of times as a child. “Both to watch and to dance in.” Ariadne scrunched up her nose.
She looked over at them. “That’s very specific but yeah, I agree. Though my parents sometimes sent them in my lunches when I was little. Not that I didn’t want to eat up all my salads but I’ve always had a bit of a sweet tooth, I think.” Had she, or was that just her new self bleeding into her old memories?
“I just want to do everything I can on earth to make Wynne happy, y’know? They deserve it, and I think new cupcakes could be a fun way to show my love.”
“Well alright—“ Teddy raised their hands in very cheesy defeat. Both in that they hammed up the acting to the nth degree, and that most of their digits were at least two knuckles deep in the ricotta mix. “But I’ll be watching Jellybean, first sign of self-deprecation there’s gonna be an Ariadne Parade right outside your window.” Obviously, the very next step was to boop the young miss right on her scrunched up nose, leaving a flavorful splash of… well not color, the cheese was mostly white, but still a splash none-the-less. 
“Next time you have a show, lemme know okay? I’ll drag Emilio, and I’m sure Wynne would like the ride. We’ll be front row, alright?” In the Jones family’s ever present (and still continuing to this day) attempt to appear human, Leviathan had taken young Teddy to the ballet multiple times. 
The first one they ever saw was one called Giselle, and Teds being about eight years old, didn’t understand it at all. But they liked the costumes! And the sets! And the ways the dancers moved. Kind of informed a lifelong love of adding a bit of flare and grace to whatever they did. Trained? Absolutely not. Doing flips while fighting bad guys? More likely than you’d think.  
“Oh me too.” And Leviathan being…. An ancient eldritch sea demon and not a human man, didn’t really know what human children were supposed to eat. Took a lot of trial and error. And favors from more… earthbound lesser demons. “I’m surprised I’ve never gotten a cavity.” Probably because of the constant shapeshifting and reforming of their body that took its toll in other ways. Perks and Cons. 
“I know you already do. And I know it would make them very happy to see you being kinder to yourself.” On the jeopardy board of all the things Teddy wished they had heard when they were young, this was maybe… 2000$? Or something, honestly they didn’t know much about the gameshow. But they did know how hard they were on themself, and how easily people missed that when you pretended to be happy and sweet. “You got good people on your side, watching out for you. Time for you to do the same. Now, let's cook some raviolis.” 
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mintfrosting · 1 year
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my kitty loves her fishie toy
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plushiepawz · 7 months
Having heart palpitations thinking about her~ i dont know how im gonna get through waiting T^T
Shes so stunning, i fell in love the moment i saw her <3 i cant believe i got to buy her <3
Shes the best of all worlds haha first and foremost shes a plushie and thats hot! But also shes a kitty and a fishie, and i love that bc cats are my fav animal, and i work at an aquarium and love fish! I also love koi fish for their zen symbolism~ AND she has a fat tail! Thats soooo hot!
Im gonna kiss her so tenderly~<3 aaa i cant wait ><
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thezoraprince · 11 months
Cats... - Bazz x reader
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“Anyone who has a kitty knows that when they’re sleeping on you, you aren’t allowed to get up until they decide to move. I wanna know how my favorite fishy prince would feel about his love refusing to get up all cause a silly kitty is taking a silly nap on her lap. And of course Bazz too, if you can squeeze it in for our beloved Rocky <3 love you, babies (Unrelated, but a few days ago I put my playstation controller down on my bed for no more than 5 seconds and my bitch ass kittens stepped on that bitch and bought paleo pines. It’s a little funny and the game slays, but fuck them kitties)” - @millie-berra
and here's Bazz for our friend @rocklover719 <3 i love you guys so much
“We’re going to be late!”
Bazz is yelling from across your home
he’s throwing on his accessories
and there you are
stuck in a chair
with the cat on your lap
“Umm… Bazz?”
he comes rushing in
“I can’t get up.”
he rolls his eyes and goes to pick the cat up
but before he can, you stop him
“You can’t do that, Bazz!”
“And why not?”
“How would you feel if someone picked you up from your sleeping spot?”
and he just shrugs
“Not like it hasn’t happened before.”
“I’m not getting up until the cat wakes.”
“Okay. I’ll see you there then.”
Bazz leaves
but don’t worry
he’ll be back in a few minutes
because he misses you
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spinning-feeling · 7 months
(I suppose since Susie was recently mentioned in a reblog of my sister's art, it's only fair i should make a post talking about the goobers lmfao)
Monster Prom AU; Starring Trifecta and Susie
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Lore under the cut!
Trifecta was once human, ages upon ages ago - he became God thanks to a ritual which ended in suicide, which one could dub a "Hatchet Incident" - Through this ritual, he was an Existential Blasphemy, something that should not be, but is, thus through that paradox, he is both as Old as reality itself, and merely a young adult. For a while, he lived in old ruined buildings before moving in with Kiah (@fishy-moirails's Sona) and becoming roommates, and in time becoming as close as Siblings - said bond also leading to a Pact made with Kiah's Partner, Oz/Calculester, as to make sure she cannot Die; her soul being under the protection from whatever outside forces seek her, be it heaven, hell, other Gods, or even Father Death himself. As time passes, his powers grow, and deeper does the paradox go; now having an entire interdimensional mansion to himself, and being able to summon Eldritch Servants; all these powers serving as proper preparation for that which he'll save all those within his favor from: The End of The World, by the Trumpeteer's clarion call.
Susie Stiles is part of a rich family of, funnily enough, Dollmaking Dolls; each member crafted with the utmost care and attention, given special abbillities and powers exclusive to them, and fit with a pristine little gemstone on their chest, one that best represents them - Susie was created from stretchy fabric and a special plastic, her abillity being to stretch her arms and legs, and her gemstone being a heart-shaped spinel; beautifully crafted by a one of the four matriarchs of the family... who turned out not to care for her at all, despite taking all this effort, time, and care into making her. And despite her pristine form, because of her maker and caretaker, and her dissappearance, she didnt see herself as too good looking - Trauma gave her self and body image issues. And yet, despite all That, she still tried to go her own way, make her own lot in life, and see where it takes her - That, and she really enjoys being a Punk, gives her a sense that she has some control over her life after so many years, not to mention the aesthetic really fit her.
Both end up meeting in Spooky Academy, becoming friends, and in time, even partners - Trifecta helping Susie out through her personal issues, offering her loving solace, and in turn Susie shows him that this "mortal" life isint all that bad, that even as God, he deserves kindness and love.
Not to mention, of course, the fact that just by being with Trifecta, and sharing affection with him, she practically elevated herself to a very high status lmfao - She'll be the very first one saved when the Trumpeteer comes calling, lovingly left in the safety of the interdimensional mansion, while her beloved takes care of the Threat of Heaven, and He-Upon-The-Golden-Throne.
Now, for some Trivia!
Susie and Kiah are very close friends, thanks to Trifecta; so close in fact that they've become an iconic duo in of themselves, "The Godslayer Girls" - they even have matching shirts! As for how they got that name, Kiah once had a playfight with her brother in a parking lot and won, and Susie? Well, let's say she has a certain effect on ol' 'fecta, which causes him to almost literally melt thanks to Susie's flusters lmao
Nenaavi, Trifecta's eldritch "pet" cat, aided as a kind of emotional support when the Eldritch Nerd helped the Punk Doll through her issues - The kitty fed on her emotions, and acted silly as to boost her mood - Funnily enough, Nenaavi's doing the same for Kiah as well
Kiah claims that Trifecta cheekily helping out her relationship with oz/cal is him watching a Soap Opera - Funny then, that kiah as well has a Soap Opera to watch, with Trifecta and Susie, only diffirence is that their's is a hell of a lot more wholesome, and filled with a lot of lovingly teasing flusters lmfao
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
you: Naegamigiri have a doggo (german shepherd, ex police dog who was abandoned in the tragedy, absolute sweetheart despite the horrors) and a kittie (british shorthair :] lovely little kittie who is kinda scraggly lol) Sondham have a couple kitties (three main coons)(also just the craziest assortment of animals lmao, nobody really knows where they're all coming from) Hajime n Kokichi have a lil tabby cat (scraggly lil guye) Komaeda has a doggo (great pyrenees, you can thank Pup for the breed idea lmao) Nanami has a HUGE ole chonker of a cat (lovingly named lasagna, she doesn't care if all the hair is bad for her robo bod's joints n stuff she likes having the lil CHONKER around) Tsumioda have a golden retriever named Tylenol (Ibuki picked the breed Mikan picked the name lmao) Souda and Kiibo have a lizard :] (Kiibo wanted a cat but they both realized all the hair wouldn't be the best idea since it could get all clogged in his joints and system, so they compromised lol) Mahiru has a shiba named sushi :] (Lil Rantaro named them) Asahina has some fishies :]
firedemongaming: the fish are all named after types of doughnut naegirigami dog is called lucky (named by Naegi) and the cat is called Sherlock (named by Shu) the sondam kitties are all named after manga puns like the 4 dark devas Kokichi's cat has so many nicknames they can't actually remember its name
Nanami got that cat specifically cause it made her think of Garfield (Nanami garfield enjoyer real I’m dying on this hill)
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