#Holy crap it's been forever since I did a FIclit
indiikaa · 6 years
The Missive
Beware: Blood and Violence ahead.
Characters: Indiikaa, Wooka, Moonlight, Some sad Orcs who got what was coming to them.
Darkshore was quiet this eve, but it wouldn't last long. Rumors had been circulating through the trees that a War Pack would be coming through, and that was why he was waiting. Orcs were not known for their intelligence; most would rather swing an axe than talk things over, and they fought like starving wolves when there wasn't enough to go around.
He had sat for hours within the branches of the tree, basking in the light of the moon as it came through the leaves. Elune was furious at what had happened to her lands, but he hoped the goddess had her back turned to him for this night.  From where he sat in the tree, he could see the constellation of Ysera, wings spread wide over the land, and he couldn't help but look away. What would she have to say about who he was now? What he had done? Would she be proud of him?
Now wasn't the time to dwell on the past. A breeze rustled the leaves of the trees, and his eyes closed for a moment as the breeze gently touched his face. It was as if the forest was telling him what was coming - it brought the smell of Orc and of fire. He knew they were close, but he was prepared. He was always prepared.
Indiikaa knew he couldn't take an entire War Pack of Orcs, but he only had to take out the lead Orc, Raggar the Axe-Thrower. Raggar was a Mag'har Orc, a fierce Warrior that had killed several of his own. Raggar also held the Horde missive for their next invasion of Darkshore, and Indiikaa intended on taking it for his own. Anything to help screw the Horde over, after all.
The sound of something landing in the tree above him caused him to open his amber eyes, and he looked up, seeing the dark-feathered owl he had come to know as Moonlight. She was his ample messenger, always sending messages for him to and fro, and Indiikaa wouldn't trust anyone other than her for what he had planned.
He had seen his father take out an entire War Band, but Indiikaa had to remember that he was not his father, nor was he his mother. He was only who he was, not a creature of legend like his parents; though many of his THero'shan believed him to be.  
"There he is, Shan'do Indiikaa! I heard he took out a thousand demons!" he had overheard that gem in the Dreamgrove one day as he and Willow had been on a walk. "Did you know Indiikaa can turn himself into a dragon?!" came another one day in Moonglade. Though he enjoyed hearing the preposterous rumors, Indiikaa had no care for them, though they did inflate his overinflated ego.
He ran a hand over the braided part of his hair, watching as Moonlight turned her head around to scan for predators. She climbed down the branches and to his outstretched arm, handing him the message she held within her beak. He took it, giving her a gentle head rub. From the handwriting, he knew it had to be from Willow. He placed it in his pocket to read after, looking to Moonlight.
"If anything should happen to me, you know what to do." he whispered to the owl, who clicked her beak towards him. He nodded to her as he heard talking from far off, which caught his attention.
The War Pack was at least five Orcs, all large, ranging from Red Mag'har to Green Orcs; all riding the Battle Wolves. In the centre of them was Raggar, atop a black wolf that looked ready to attack. Indiikaa had thought of a way to get rid of the wolves, and he glanced down to the bushes below the tree to make sure his secret weapon was still there.
Good, it was.
He waited until he could see the Orcs on the road clearly from his hiding spot before transforming into his feral. Over the years, he had been several things: A blue Night Saber from Darkshore, a Cheetah from the Barrens, but now, he was the beautiful Bark-skinned lion-like creature the Fangs of Ashmane had granted him. He was quick to keep himself hidden, dropping down from the tree without a sound. He waited unti lthey were clsoe before moving out into the road, sitting and facing the War Pack.
He could hear their Orcish words slip from their mouths as they stopped; some even appeared to be gesturing to him to move. He sat still, however, eyes transfixed on Raggar in the middle. One of the orcs - a green one most likely from Durotar - had climbed off his mount and was walking to shoo him, but he sat as if a statue.
"Raggar! It does not move!" the Orc told the leader.
"Then make it move!" Raggar bellowed. "Cleve it with your axe, it is a stupid animal if it does not move when danger is around,"
When the axe was drawn and raised as if to scare him, Indiikaa did not scare. He enjoyed this game: Orcs were always the same, stupid morons and Trolls? Well, they were a little smarter than the Orcs were.
"Move, cat!" the Orc growled.
"Make me." Indiikaa replied.
The Orc seemed confused for a moment, turning back to the rest of the War Pack.
"The thing spoke to me!"
"Impossible,  cats do not speak." Raggar replied.
"But it did! It spoke to me! I told it to move, and it replied to me!"
"Perhaps  Dahran has gone insane from the fumes?" one of the Orc's sniggered, but Raggar seemed to be focusing on something.
"Halt your sniggering, Urock. Something smells around here, and it is not the Naga to the South."
The larger Orc climbed off his wolf, walking forward towards the one named Dahran, stopping when he saw the cat. Up close, the cat looked fake, as if it were a totem come to life. No cat he knew was made of bark and branches with a mane of green leaves, but here was one, sitting in front of them.
"What kind of magic is this?" Raggar growled, taking his axe form it's sheath on his belt. The other Orcs had climbed off their mounts, following their leader as they had been trained to. They formed a semi-circle around the cat, watching as its tail swished and it's gaze moved from each of them.
"Orcs are not very smart, are they?" Indiikaa asked, eyes darting from one Orc to the next. Of course, they couldn't understand him when he spoke this time, but someone else could.
A deep growling came from the bushes, the wolves of the Orcs began to growl back. They were agitated, scared of whatever was inside the bushes. Indiikaa knew that the growl was not meant for them, it was meant for him. He turned to look over, nodding.
In a white flash, a wolf several times larger than the tallest Orc in the War pack bounded out of the bushes, lunging towards the other wolves. The wolf with fur as white as the snow, but with the markings of Darnassus bounded down the path, scaring away the other wolves. The Orcs, dumbfounded by this sudden ambush, attempted to attack the white wolf, but they found their feet had been rooted to the spot.
"As I said, Orcs are not very smart." Indiikaa smirked, leaping onto one of the smaller Orcs. The Orc cried out in pain as Indiikaa ripped his face apart, biting down onto his head and crushing his skull between his powerful jaws. The Orc's dead body slumped over, Indiikaa leaping to the next unfortunate victim.
The scene was chaos for the Orcs - a white wolf guarding their retreat meant they had to face this creature before them. They found themselves cornered, and quickly losing their forces to whatever this creature was. Raggar threw his axe at the creature as it went to lunge for Urock, but he was too late. Urock hit the ground, dead, before the creature came bounding for him next. The Orc Captain grabbed one of the fallen Orc's axes, throwing it at the creature, which jumped into the air.
Indiikaa quickly transformed back into his true form, landing gracefully yet forcefully on the ground. It sent a small shockwave through the ground as he landed, his Warglaves of Ashmane in hands. The three Orcs that remained looked between themselves, as if they couldn't comprehend what happened before their eyes.
"It is a Demon Hunter!" Urock insisted.
"No, that is a Druid!" Dahran replied, but Raggar stopped their blubbering,
"Whatever it is, it is trying to follow what Malfurion did to the Caravan before us" He spoke. "Show him we are not weak like they were!"
"I'll stop you right there," Indiika grinned, Warglave raised to them. Roots tangled arond their feet, keeping them locked in place. "Now, that caravan? They were very weak, and that is why my father killed all but one. Now, when I'm done with you, you'll wish you were them." His voice was cold.
"I know who you are," Raggar spoke. It had taken him a moment to realize, but he knew. "You are the  one they talk about in Orgrimmar, the one who tried to kill Saurfang." Raggar looked to his comrades. "Taking him prisoner will make Sylvanas proud of us. Take him alive."
"I'd rather take you dead, seeing as I'm the one with the giant wolf, and the powers of nature on my side, but who's counting?" Indiikaa smirked, eyes changing colours form amber to a fel-green. The tattoos etched into his skin began to light with the same colour of green, the Warglaves beginning to glow the same.
"Who is he, Raggar?"
"He is Indiikaa Stormrage, Son of Malfurion and Tyrande. He is not a Druid, nor a Demon Hunter, but something between the two."
"I prefer Demon Druid." Indiikaa smirked, throwing one of the Warglaives. Raggar and Dahran ducked, but Urock did not. His head fell separately from his body as the glaive returned to its master. The roots released the Orcs, and Dahran made a run for it, leaving Raggar to fight Indiikaa.
The two sparred metal-to-metal, Indiikaa wielding the Warglaives with precision and grace, while Raggar attacked maliciously with his axe. Undaunted, the two ignored the bellows of pain coming from Dahran, who was being ripped apart by the white wolf that had caught him.
Raggar's axe flew off to the side, pushed out of his hands by Indiikaa's glaives. The druid then pushed the Orc to the ground, using the roots to once again hold him in place while he searched for what he had come to get.
"You and I both know you have the missive on you, where is it?" Indiikaa growled, raising one of his glaives up to the Orc's chin.
"I will rip you to shreds before I give you anything."
"Is that what Thrall would want? I know that is something Garrosh would have wanted, but remember where the Horde started." Indiikaa grinned.
"The Horde started because of shitheads like you attacking our people!"
"No, Gul'Dan attacked your people. The Kaldorei had no problems with the Orcs until they invaded our lands and killed Cenarius. For that, I show no mercy to Orcs that come into my lands, and try to destroy it. Especially Orcs like you."
"Burn in hell filthy forest dweller!"
"Remind me to feed you to Wooka feet first." Indiikaa smirked, pushing the blade of the glaive against the Orc's throat. "Where. Is. The. Missive?"
"Eat shit."
"I'm sorry, I don't eat Orc." he replied, taking his hand and placing it on the Orc's head. There was a blinding light from whereh e touched, and the Orc yelped in surprise pain. Indiikaa removed his hand shortly after, looking to Wooka behind him.
"His wolf, find it. What I need is in its saddle bag, bring it back here to me." He instructed. The white wolf seemed to nod, bounding down the path in search of the wolves. Indiikaa stood, watching as Wooka disappeared into the distance. He was unaware of Raggar's escape effort, however. The Orc had been sawing through the roots the moment he had been bound, distracting the Kaldorei.
It only took a few moments before he lunged out of the weakened vines, tackling Indiikaa to the ground. Indiikaa was taken by surprise, but he was quick to react; blasting a powerful wrath spell into the Orc's eyes, blinding him. Raggar, blinded, felt around for his Axe, finding it imbed into one of the nearby trees. Indiikaa  prepared for another attack, but was distracted by the sound of WOoka in the distance, howling that he had foun what he was looking for.
Because of this, Raggar saw his oppertunity, and threw his axe once again, aiming for Indiikaa's head. However, Indiikaa sensed the axe coming towards him, and moved - but it was too late to miss the axe completely. The blade sliced a large gash into his forehead before coming to a stop on the ground behind him, causing Indiikaa to stumble for a moment. He clutched his head where the gash had apeared, blood running through his fingers and down his face, turning his vision red.
Anger filled the Druid as he looked up to the Orc. A sneer came to his face as his eyes filled with a gaze that would have petrified any in its path.
"You really are fucking stupid, aren't you?" He growled, throwing the Warglaives to the ground. He began to walk towards the Orc, moving his hands to his sides before raising one. The ground around Raggar begna to glow the same fel-green colour as Indiikaa's tattoos.
"I was going to let you live, to tell them that not just Malfurion was patrolling these forests. But I have a better idea." He voice was cold, and the mark of the Illidari came to his forehead. He clutched his fist before letting go, the ground rumbling.
"You will be a warning not to fuck with the Demon Druid." He growled.
The ground beneath Raggar exploded with Fel Energy, the Orc crying out in pain. Indiikaa's sneer turned into a malicious grin, watching as the Orc suffered wihtin the fel fire.
When the screaming stopped, Indiikaa knew the Orc was gone from this world. He unclenched his fist, lowering his hand to see his handy work. The Orc's body was imbed into a pillar of Fel Crystal, trapped in a position of agony. It was written on his face, head tilted up towards the sky as if he had been searching for release from the torment.
Wooka's whine for attention took Indiikaa's gaze form the creation before him, and he walked over, giving the wolf a pat. "Good job, Wooka, thank you for helping ,e" he whispered, petting and scratching the wolf. Wooka whimpered slightly, sniffing at Indiikaa's wound, which still bled profusely. "I will be fine, my friend, nothing Mother cannot repair," he smiled, taking the missive from the saddle bag Wooka had taken from the wolf. "Now... I may need your help getting back, think you can help me just a moment more?" He asked, climbing onto the back of the wolf. Wooka made a barking noise before bounding off to Bashal'Aran.
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