melosjournal · 1 month
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the 2024 bonfire beach bash is ON!!! :D
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zefiduu · 11 months
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lotusmoonbunni · 10 months
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Tauren/Cowfolk druid for @molonginkdragon 💜
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nahisummerhold · 1 month
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Nahi picked up her comm unit and began to type into it, finding the right contact was not hard at all… the dingus had put 111 before his name so he would be first. She only had about 10 contacts there, it wouldn’t have been hard to find his.
N: Hey Pathyn.
As she watched ….. scrolled on her screen so she waited for a reply. She was curled up in her new apartment in the building other Tarts lived in, under a soft blanket with hot water with honey and lemon.
P: You know, I thought you would be too pissed off and stubborn to text us.
It made her smile, she should have been that pissed off but those last couple of days with him and his cousin had made her soft in the head she decided. She enjoyed that time and didn’t want to cut off his friendship. Between Kyean’s picking at her, and Nahi drinking too much, they knew almost as much about her life as Talthorn did.
N: You only kidnapped me and made me breakfast, your cousin is the real assole, I am not texting him. Where do I get a tent that will be light enough for me to carry with me?
P: …..
P: What do you need a tent for?
N: I signed up with a mercenary group and need to get some gear.
P: …..
P: ….
P: ….
This was taking him a while, probably not a good sign.
P: Why did you do that?”
Oh… that was short considering, How many things had he typed and deleted?
N: Because I  am a spoiled rich girl and when the city is somehow destroyed as the soothsayers say. I will be distraught and looking for a glorious way to end it all.
P: Now say that again without all the sarcastic bullshit and I might help you fill out your kit.
Oh course he knew all this stuff, it was why she reached his help. He was a ‘bad ass  fighter’ after all, 5,000 years of fighting type, according to his asshole cousin.
N: Because I have spent my life not doing much of anything and I want to find out what kind of person I am.
P: And joining a random mercenary group is how you do that? Couldn’t you have taken some self-help course or something? Why not just volunteer to help healers or something. Didn’t you have anything else you could do rather than go into the thick of things?
At least Nahi didn’t feel like he was lecturing her as much as just wanting to know what was in her head. Shifting around until she was laying on her back she replied.
N: Sure, there are a couple families that want me as a tutor in music for their children. I met a Madame not so long ago that said she would happily give me a job, I could sing there and then warm the sheets. Oh, then I have a few offers,of being a kept woman. Such fulfilling and challenging tasks.
P: ….
N: Before you say anything else. I was raised to be an accessory, spoiled but kept out of  sight until they needed to show me off. Then I dug full in to that in the court, did what I wanted, when I wanted and with whom I wanted. Since then my life has been caring for mother.
P: Anyone you wanted and you chose Kyean? Girl, your taste is suspect.
At least he was listening, if she had spoke to his cousin it would have been so much worse.
P: What company?”
N: Commander Talonoa Dal’shula’s company.
P: There are much, much worse choices. Come to Azsuna, we will get you ready. Bring your armor and weapons, we can work on your fighting. When do you go out?
N: “He said I would get a call.”
P: “Then we should have time. Come now, bring what you have, we will get you decked out and we can talk about this choice you have made that will tell you what kind of person you are.”
( @talonoa for mention)
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sadly-im-vhena · 1 month
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I've been trying to delve into the world of NSFW art and >_> I'm very proud of this one, even if you c a n ' t see it all here. The uncensored version is on my twitter tho-- and my half-body comms do be open c: Can be a drawing of your OC, or fanart made custom for you! Either way, would love to draw it. Thank!
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terranlloyd · 2 years
LFRP - Terran Lloyd
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The Basics –––
Full Name: Terran Dalben Lloyd Age: 45 Gender: Male (He/Him) Race: Stormwindian Human (Westfall) Alignment: Lawful Good In-game Names: Arcanesmith (MG), Hatsmith (MG), Telva (WrA) Full Backstory: https://www.bhb.contact/arcanesmith/bio
Physical Appearance –––
Art: refsheet.net/TerranLloyd Hair: Natural Ginger Eyes: Blue Height: 5'7" Build: Buff Nerd Common Accessories: His signature Blue n Gold Hat. Voice Claim: None; however, Shannon Mcormick as Ozpin & Agent Washington is rather close.
Personal –––
Birthplace: Westfall, Lloyd Family Farm Residence: Eastcrest Estate, Elwynn Forest Profession: Arcane Blacksmith, Kirin Tor Magus Hobbies: Writing, Swordsmanship, Arcane Research, Teaching Languages: Fluently Speaks Common, has a light grasp of Thalasian, and utilizes Arcane Magic to help bridge further gaps in knowledge. Religion: Not strictly religious, but has a respect for the Light. Fears: The Void, Loss of loved ones, Dragons.
Relationships –––
Spouse: @arcane-artisan Children: Twins - Medwyn & Teleria Lloyd. Parents: Both deceased. Father during the First War, Mother during the Cataclysm. Siblings: None. Pets: See Below
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Traits –––
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
RP Hooks –––
Eastcrest Coalition - Terran Lloyd is a founding member and leader of Eastcrest Coalition. The Coalition is formed of three minor noble houses and aims to bring wares and commerce to Stormwind Kingdom while safeguarding her borders. The Blue Hat Blacksmith - As his primary source of income, Terran Lloyd works as an Arcane Blacksmith, mass producing mundane weapons and armor and crafting custom enchanted weapons and tools. If your character is looking for something crafted, Terran can either get it done, or knows a guy who can (no promises you won't be sent on a quest for reagents!) Arcane Articulated - In his free time, Terran writes books on Arcane Magic, best known for his series Arcane Articulated which highlights the fundamentals of Arcane Magic and the casters who use it. Rumor has it a new edition is on its way to shelves ... eventually.
Contact Information ––– –
You can contact me on Discord, Twitter, Tumblr, or in game. Discord - BlueHatMan#4547 Twitter - https://twitter.com/LloydTerran Tumblr - Uh ... this post.
Thanks for reading this far, you get a cookie.
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kharrisdawndancer · 1 year
Announcing the 14th Annual Scary Cakes!
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Join us for the 14th annual Scary Cakes Costume Contest!
We will have prizes and a relaxed RP event for you to mingle at and enjoy.
Where: Dalaran (NORTHREND), Underbelly
When: Oct 22, 2023
Time: 5pm WrA / 7pm MG
Who: Neutral event for all Horde, Alliance, and Neutral characters.
Join the Fancy Cakes Community for anchors:
For more information about the Fancy Cakes Roleplaying Event please visit https://fancy-cakes.carrd.co
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blixvoronin · 11 months
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ok but what if blix had a dye job and a fucking BAT. i had a lot of fun w this one!
alt version w her grey hair beneath the cut <3
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bevthebeef · 1 year
Hi, I'm Bev-- you can also call me Beefy!
I'm just your average Tauren who loves a good outing and a nice drink! In my day-to-day, I do a lot of farrier work for those in need-- horses, kodos, deer, even other Tauren! While other denizens of Azeroth have shoes, talons, and paw-pads, others have hooves that need to be taken care of as well. So that's where I come in! While I do most work local, I have travelled here and there to tend to customers and wildlife. Need a hooficure for you or your animals? Let me know!
In my off-hours, I'm tending to many animals, livestock and wildlife alike. You could say my home is a like a zoo! Those who come to my home in need of aid are often rehabilitated and sent on their way. Some choose to stick around as well, and who can say no to some cute little doe eyes?
When I'm not home, I'm usually out and about socializing and being a party animal. Maybe I'll see you around and get a drink sometime? Who knows.
Here's what I look like!:
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darkladydoodles · 2 years
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Just as I promised myself, I've begun my Wintervale Outfit Adopts! There are three in total for three classes ( any class can wear them though, that's the fun! ).
Outfits in Order: Warlock's Warm Wishes, O'Holy Light & Sugar Plum Druid.
You can find all three, their prices, and the rules on how to participate in the bid by clicking this link to my Deviantart!
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thevelvetcartel · 2 years
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TVC Invites you to celebrate Love is in the Air with... Love Takes Flight!
Where: Thaldraszus, Algeth’era (48.75, 40.24) 
When: Friday, February 10th, 6pm server   (WrA) 
What: Art raffle, mount raffle, pick-up line contest, pet battles, and more!
Come enjoy the evening, drink, dance, and make friends! Or more than friends! It is the season for love, after all.
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melosjournal · 28 days
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Another year, another absolutely spectacular bash finished..... I'm always so blown away by this event and the work and love put into it. what a breathtaking show :'') <3 <3 thank you everyone <3
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angiebrice · 1 year
What a sight. The young cleric curled into a tight ball on the blanket-laden loveseat squeezing the life out of a colorful, plush bee who didn’t really seem to mind all that much. Most of the choked-up sobbing and incoherent babbling had ceased as she tired herself out.
The jester watched from the other end of the loveseat. On one hand, the sound of her own voice distressed and crying was a little unnerving. On the other, her shadows seethed in the presence of such ripe emotion. Only a few weeks ago she would have reveled in this, contributed to it even. But something had changed in their relationship.
At first, it had been Angie’s willingness and excitement to learn. To grasp new magics eagerly and delve into any task placed before her. It filled Adola’s chest with pride. She made this. In some roundabout way, Angie was her creation. A little legacy she had abandoned, only for it to grow and continue on without her. She got to relive the joys of learning vicariously through the cleric.
She couldn’t help but see Angie as family of some sort. Really, she desperately wanted family. Something she had found and lost several times already. To say what their exact relationship was…was hard. Adola wanted to settle on ‘teacher and student’, but there was something deeper than that. They were on many levels the same person.
Adola slowly scooted her way across the loveseat, jingling a little in excess to assure the cleric knew she was getting closer. She reached purple gloved hand out, offering it to her distressed ward.
The cleric’s voice wavered, but managed to produce something like words. “Don’t touch-” She stopped when the hand arrived near instead of grasping at her. After wiping away some tears the cleric took hold of it, squeezing tightly. “It was right… There’s something wrong with me.” 
“Go on.” Adola’s voice rung gently. Curiosity overcame care. In what ways has this fucked Angie up? “I already know everything about you. Tell me what it said.”
“It..it said I was weak.” She choked on the words briefly, pausing to blow her nose into a tissue before continuing, slightly more composed. “I’m a hollow facsimile of a stronger thing. It talked about..you. I think. It called you ‘The Thing I Was’. It knew I wasn’t a whole person. It told me that it was going to kill you.. Or you would die, and I would be free of your sins.”
Adola let out a little sigh. “That’s a very uncharitable way to refer to our circumstances.” A finger tapped against her heavy mask. “It was just pulling from Leshii’s memories. It didn’t know anything special or new. It just picked up on things that *anyone* would have felt insecure and afraid of.”
“It said you were instrumental to its rise.” The words spilled from the cleric’s mouth. A rebuttal in favor of fear and paranoia.
But fear and paranoia were Adola’s domain. Fear, paranoia, the unknown, the depths, dreams. It didn’t get to her. “I may have. Address did a great deal to try to escape from me. Undoubtedly Leshii made some poor choices along the way as well.” She let out a little sigh. She wasn’t helping… “Angie, when I was you. ..At this point. I stood no chance against something like that either. The Admiral poisoned me with darkness, and that was my introduction to the shadow. Life-long fears were cemented into me, plucking at my mind constantly for years. But, we can overcome that.” Angie let out a startled noise as the elven jester yanked her by her hand, pulling her into a tight hug. She let out a wheeze of discomfort, but at the very least she felt…safe. 
Adola’s grip loosened a little bit. A comforting embrace. With herself? How awkward. “In the face of something immortal, what do we have?” She offered no chance for response. “Willpower. We possess the ability to defy the world around us. To bend it to our whim. We have our own will and our own volition. It is bound, forced to serve its master for eternity. It envies us for what it will never have. Freedom. The god it serves is dead or defeated and bound. And without that? It has no purpose. These are its death throes. A desperate final attempt to make itself relevant. Where it is static, we **will** grow. And we can grow together. With the people we trust.”
The cleric didn’t look up at her. But Adola could hear that the cleric’s sobbing has come to a stop, and feel her racing heartbeat had quieted to a gentle thump. She waited for a moment… Before realizing Angie had finally tired herself out and slipped off to sleep.
Without anyone to hear it, Adola offered a tired goodbye. “Good night, Angie.” All before settling the priest back onto the loveseat and slipping away. Angie needed no nightmares of the Abyss. Not tonight, at least.
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lotusmoonbunni · 10 months
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Night elf druid for @molonginkdragon
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nahisummerhold · 2 months
How long?
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Performances were over, the grounds were closing down for the night and Nahilvi had her pretty butt on one of the bleacher seats enjoying her tiramisu brownie. She probably should have gotten something more substantial, but she was starting to slide down from the peak of the performance high and real food still sounded unappetizing. Knees up with her big sweater pulled down over her legs, she kept picking at the coffee infused cream that was so gooey in the center of her treat as her mind traced back over the night.
The trail of her thoughts went from when she came onto the tourney grounds that night, until they stalled on some of the last comments between Dice, Kai, Sana and herself. They had been talking about the follies of finding a person at the end of the night and if they should go searching to find attractive men still remaining that late. 
How long had it been since she was with someone? Ahh, the Shal’dorei, about a month ago, not a long amount of time in truth, she had seen people go through multiple relationships in that amount of time.
There,  that was the point her brain had been circling since they all parted ways. She had told Kai that there was more to finding someone than them being tall, handsome or gorgeous, and it wasn’t a lie at all, yet, for a bit too long, those were things that topped the charts in her gaze. Confidence was the number one trait she was attracted to, intelligence ranked in second place, but those were not as necessary for a quick tumble just to relieve tension within her. Tension relief, the same thing she used dancing or a work out for. 
The excuse that popped into her mind instantly, was the situation with her mother. She could not devote her time to someone when any minute might mean a new emergency she had to deal with. Talthorn had recently got to experience what she was dealing with in that arena. Sympathy and support radiated from that wonderful man, but they weren’t trying to establish a romantic connection between them. Putting this kind of mess in front of a potential lover made her feel itchy between her shoulder blades, the one emotion that many people would go to first would be pity, and she wouldn’t want a new person in her life to pity her. 
For a long time now, all she wanted was a warm body in bed, and often leaving without sharing even a name. Maybe it had been that sexy, domineering Shal’dorei that kind of tipped the scales, even if she didn’t recognize it until tonight. The one night with him was fun and sexy, but the days he demanded of her after were much different. Sitting at his table wearing his sweater while eating the dinner they had ignored for the first hour they had gotten back to his condo. Taking a bath together and it just being a bath, leaning against his chest, him dribbling water over her breasts or massaging her shoulders. The feeling of him drawing with magic on her back trying to get her to guess what he drew before releasing the magic, it disappearing like colored dust motes in front of the windows. Seeing him show up where she performed, meeting his eyes and knowing he was there just for her. The sex was astoundingly good, magic could add some benefits, but it wasnt that she was missing in her life, not necessarily with him, he was as adamant about them being done once he left Dalaran as she had been, but someone. 
It was connection, it was… fuck…  it was intimacy, that was what she was missing. Setting the brownie down, she was very grateful for the mostly empty grounds, though they made her feel even more fragile, She braced her forehead on her knees, as she had on the stage earlier and began crying.  
(Tagging for mentions @dicenne @kaisinasunblade @talthorn-sylvoran @twosidedsana thank you all for the wonderful RP whenever it happens 🩶💜🩶)
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andrastyn · 1 year
Summary: Andrastyn gains an unexpected visitor. It goes about as well as you’d think. Word Count: 1,015 Content Warnings: None
In the forests of Ashenvale, buried in bracket and thorn, there came whispers of a druid. She wore her garb wreathed in plant life, favoring a simple tunic and pants alone – no boots, no gloves. She preferred the feeling of the grass and soil under her feet, thrumming with Life familiar.
For those who had spotted her, they had seen a wild-eyed and half-feral elf, towering above some, teeth all bared as she spat her single warning. The bridge of her nose still crooked off-kilter, and the scars that lined her body spoke her tale before it needed to be said aloud – she, in all of her nature, had forgone every instance of humanization. Every instance of herself that wasn’t purely elven – purely nature, itself.
She had been a doctor, once. She had worked alongside humans, full of compassion, full of kindness and strength to fight for those who could no longer fight for themselves. She had been a healer of men. Now, she was only a healer of nature, calloused and cold towards mortality. The druid was content, here, deep within the forests – lost to mankind, lost to anything that called a forgotten name.
So, of course, when she felt footsteps that didn’t match the wildlife that stirred in this region of Ashenvale, she crept into shadows, violet hair a whirl of chaos and hands already reaching for the vines and thorns that would cut away the life and air from an intruder. She waited. She watched.
She saw a kaldorei emerge through the thicket, one hand shielding her eyes from stray branches, and relaxed slightly. One of her people. Perhaps they weren’t here to do harm. Her lips pursed, regardless, as the intruder persisted forward.
Go, she whispered to the winds. Guard this place. The vines and thorns struck forward, creating a wide, tall wall barring further entry – and the druid recoiled, watching in shock as the vines just as soon parted from their path, allowing the kaldorei interloper into the glade. The druid let out a low snarl, and felt her fingers stretch towards something more like claws – something more feral, more feline. The newcomer turned their head, and looked skyward for a brief moment.
“You can come out,” the elf said softly in Darnassian. “I’m not here to hurt you. I just want to talk.”
Talk. The prospect shocked the druid, and she scowled. She hadn’t spoken in… weeks? Months? Too long. She hissed from her hiding place, her voice a rumble hoarse from disuse. “Leave,” she growled. “This is your only chance.”
The kaldorei sighed, shaking her head. “Please, Andrastyn,” she pleaded. “Come. Speak to me. Just for a moment. I will go back the way I came, just as soon as our conversation is through.”
The druid’s nostrils flared as she heard her name for the first time in what seemed like an age. That alone was enough to startle her. No one here knew her by name. No one who knew her by name should have been able to find her.
She stepped out into the clearing, sticking close to the edge, and eyed down the other kaldorei. Recognition clicked in the back of her brain – Elyrin, who she had befriended while attempting to learn how to shapeshift into a bear. A task that seemed monumental at the moment, but as second nature now. Andrastyn took a tentative step forward, her tone flat as she spoke.
“We’ve nothing to discuss,” she responded. “Elyrin – you need to leave. This is my home.”
“It isn’t. Return to Nighthaven – to Moonglade. Please. The Circle can help you. You’ve been gone for so long. It is time to come home, sister.” Elyrin’s tone was sorrowful, and it sparked a rage deep within Andrastyn’s heart.
“It is, now! What use could the Circle have of me?! What else must I watch vanish? I’ve lost my home twice-over, my mates twice-over, my life, by allowing myself to become embedded with outsiders! My people, our people, we should never have left the forests! I simply return to what should have always been, rather than gallivanting around with mortals pretending that I’m one of them,” Andrastyn spat, her tone rife with hatred.
“Andrastyn, please, just hear me out –“ Elyrin began, but Andrastyn cut her off with a raised hand, the ends of her fingers shifting towards something more claw-like.
“There is nothing to hear. Nothing you say could convince me to go back – to return to a world that has shown me all but the worst of what mortals can do. The Primalists march on the Dragon Isles uninhibited – how long until they storm the rest of Azeroth? How long until they burn down every mile they can manage? I will guard these forests until I die, and I will do so in solitude.”
Elyrin’s shoulders sagged, and she took a step forward. In response, Andrastyn took a step back, scowling. “… There are still things worth fighting for,” Elyrin whispered. “You cannot give up hope. You and I both know that. You are a powerful healer – you could do good –“
“I do as much good here, revitalizing what the orcs terrorized. What they stole from us,” Andrastyn hissed. “Leave. Come back only when you’ve got a good reason for me to return.”
Andrastyn turned, stalking back into the forest. She ignored the pang in her heart as she let herself be shrouded in the cover the trees gave – there was no use for that. For missing mortality. Missing her old life. All it had brought was pain and loss – at least, here, she could let go of it.
Buried in bracket and thorn, Andrastyn would allow herself to forget who she once was, as long as it meant she could keep some semblance of her homeland alive. She passed a simple grave marker, and whispered a prayer to the Wild Gods as she cast her eyes away.
The one thing I will not forget, she reminded herself, is the importance of my calling. Of honoring your memory, An’da, when no one else can.
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