#Home Nursing Tinley park
Helping Hands Home Nursing Agency is owned & operated by a Registered Nurse with over 16 years of nursing experience that includes: In-patient; Cardiac/Telemetry, ICU/Critical Care & leadership roles in the hospital. Outpatient experience includes; Home Health Care, Group Home Medication Administration Visits and Urgent Care.
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girl-iguess · 6 years
Second Chance in Spain
A/N: This one is kinda long, sitting at over 5.1k. I hope you guys enjoy !
Absolutely exhausted, Lenae plopped her body, face down, on the hotel bed. A small smile appeared on her face as she sunk into the softness of the duvet and mattress. After a long day of traveling, Lenae and her best friends, Fran and Brandi, finally arrived in Mallorca, Spain for a much needed girls trip. The hotel they were staying in was absolutely gorgeous, overlooking the mountains and valleys the island contained. Lenae, however, was way too tired to enjoy it at the moment. Just as she began to close her eyes, Fran hopped in the bed, causing Lenae’s body to jump.
Fran laughed, “I can’t believe we’re finally here!”
Rolling onto her back, Lenae giggled, “Me either. I love my job, but I really needed a break. I felt like I was gonna lose my mind.” Working as a pediatric nurse was so rewarding to her, but draining as the same time. Spending time with her girls was the exact medicine she needed to recharge.
Joining the other two girls on the bed, Brandi added, “And I can’t think of anyone else I would rather take this trip with.”
A simultaneous “awwwwwws” strung from Lenae and Fran, followed by a pillow thrown to Brandi’s head. “Don’t be a sap!” Lenae joked.
The girls laughed. Lenae agreed with Brandi’s statement. They were the first people she really connected with when she moved to New York from Chicago almost 5 years ago. She loved them so much and felt completely at peace around them.
Fran got off the bed and picked up her duffle bag, preparing to take it to her room in the suite. “We should probably get ready to look around a bit and eat dinner.”
Lenae mentally groaned. She was so tired. Couldn’t they take a nap first?
Brandi agreed and turned to Lenae. “Come on, grandma. We won’t keep you up past your bedtime for too long.”
She laughed as she began to sit up straight on the bed. She was actually the youngest out of the group, but her friends often teased her about how early she goes to sleep and her love for talk shows. Fluffing out her curly hair with her hjand, she playfully sighed. “Fineeee!”
About an hour and half later, Lenae found herself washing her hands in a restaurant bathroom. Thankfully, her friends realized how much they were tired as well and decided to cut their exploring short. They were going to have a quick dinner at the hotel restaurant before calling it a night.
An older woman emerges from a bathroom stall, taking Lenae by surprise. She thought she was alone. She admired the older woman as she walked to the sink. She was wearing a yellow sundress, complimenting her slightly tanned skin. Top half of her straight hair was in a ponytail, while the bottom half remained loose.
“You look very pretty.” Lenae complimented.
The smile on the woman’s face stretched from ear to ear. “Thank you, love. You’re very sweet.” She grabbed a paper towel to dry her hands. “You look beautiful as well.”
“Ooooh, an accent! British?”
The woman laughed, “I would say you’re the one with the accent, my dear.” They started to walk toward the exit. “But yes, you’re right. And you’re American?”
“Yeah, I’m from Chicago but I love in New York now. I’m Lenae, by the way.”
“What a pretty name! I’m Anne. It’s so nice to meet you.”
The two woman continued to talk as they walked toward their tables. Caught up in conversation, they both didn’t realize they were walking in the same direction until they arrived to their tables.
“I promise I’m not following you, dear! I just happened to be sitting at the table next to yours.” Anne explained with a jokingly undertone. Both Anne and Lenae laughed. I mean, honestly, what are the odds?
A woman sitting at Anne’s table chuckled and asked, “Wait, what’s going on?”
“Oh! I made a new friend!” Anne smiled. “Lenae, these are my friends, Louise and Sarah. Ladies, this is my new friend, Lenae.”
Anne was the absolute cutest. Lenae introduced Fran and Brandi in return.
“You ladies are on a bit of a girls trip, as well?” Sarah asked.
“We sure are! So if you come across any single Spanish men, send them our way!” Brandi joked, but also very serious. Lenae rolled her eyes playfully and laughed.
The older ladies laughed as well. “I don’t know, love. We may keep them for ourselves.” Louise responded. More laughter came from the two tables.
“We’re on a girls trip too. But my son decided to tag along with us.” Anne giggled. Like clockwork, a tall younger man approached their table. “Oh, speaking of my son, here he is! Come meet our new friends, Harry!”
Harry introduced himself to Lenae, Fran and Brandi. He smiled sheepishly, “Hopefully they weren’t too obnoxious. They’ve been drinking a bit.”
Fran waved him off, nonverbally telling him “no worries.” She added, “Trust me, we’re trying to get on their level.”
Harry honestly couldn’t believe his luck. Surely, God was playing a joke on him. Returning from the men’s bathroom, he noticed his mom and her friends talking to the neighboring table. One of the women, in particular, looked extremely familiar. He was able to get a better look at the woman once he approached the table. He still couldn’t figure out why she looked so familiar until she said her name. Lenae. The sound of her name turned his stomach into knots; he became nervous almost. He always hoped to meet her again, except he didn’t think it would happen years later. In Spain of all places.
Of course, Lenae knew who he was immediately. Harry Styles. Member of her beloved One Direction who was currently killing it with his solo career. She wanted to smack herself across the head for not recognizing his mom right away. She has always been a fan. But what are the odds of meeting him again? To her, it doesn’t seem like he remembered her. A part of her was relieved.
The two tables continued to talk among themselves throughout dinner. Eventually, Harry, Anne, and her friends decided to call it a night and return to their hotel suite. “We hope we see you ladies around!” Lenae enjoyed herself thoroughly. The British crew were all so kind and easygoing. She tried so hard to not make conversation awkward between herself and Harry. He really didn’t seem to remember her at all.
When the girls decided to leave, they called over the waiter to retrieve their check. “The gentleman who was sitting at the table next to you took care of the tab. You ladies are all set!”
The girls travelled back to their suite, recalling what had happened over the past few hours.
“I can’t believe that Harry guy paid for our dinner! How sweet of him!” Fran said.
“He must have moneyyy! We ordered a lot of shit between the two tables. He seems so young though. Like our age.” Brandi added. Lenae stayed silent, lost in her thoughts.
At 3 am, while the other girls were sleeping, Lenae found herself wide awake. She could blame jet lag, but her brain just hasn’t been able to turn off. After many failed attempts to fall back asleep, she got out of bed and walked toward her duffel bag. What she pulled out was a sketch pad and a pencil. Drawing was one of Lenae’s biggest stress relievers. A coping skill she learned as a child, she drew to clear her mind, ease any anxiety, or to just escape reality for a bit.
She left the hotel suite, making sure she had her hotel key before closing the door. The hotel had a beautiful garden with numerous chairs and benches surrounding it, a feature she noticed when her and the girls were exploring the place earlier. The area was equipped with light sources so she wouldn’t be completely in the dark, making it perfect for her to unwind. Making herself comfortable in one of the benches, Lenae immediately escaped to her happy place.
About 15 minutes later, she heard a soft, almost hesitant deep voice voice. “Lenae?”
She jumped slightly. Her heart rate beated a little faster. But seeing Harry calmed her down instantly. She placed her hand over her chest and sighed of relief.
Harry smiled sheepishly, “Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.”
She shook her head. “No, no, it’s fine.” She laughed a little while moving over, giving Harry space to sit. “I scare kinda easily.”
Harry accepted Lenae’s silent invitation and sat down. “Jet lagged?”
“Maybe . . . I don’t know, it’s just one of those nights where I can’t get my mind to turn off.”
He nodded, “I get it. I couldn’t sleep either to be honest. I was on my way to gym to run a bit. That sometimes helps me.”
Lenae took a mental note of his attire. Black shorts, a white t shirt, and Nike sneakers. He also had a small hair clip to pull back to the front part of his hair. Adorable.
“I uhm . . .” Harry played with his bottom lip. “was hoping to run into you again actually. To uhm . . . to apologize.”
Her face scrunched up in confusion. Harry clarified, “For our first meeting.”
So he did remember her. “You remembered?”
July 15, 2013. One Direction was in the middle of their Take Me Home tour. Being a huge fan, Lenae attended both concert dates, July 13 and July 14, for Tinley Park, IL. She expected them to hit the road towards the next tour stop, so to see Harry casually sitting on the couch at a house party her friend invited her to was shocking. Beyond shocking.
Don’t stare. Close your mouth. Act casual. Don’t embarrass yourself in front of all these people.
She tried not to stare, but she couldn’t help her glances. She found herself looking at him in the middle of conversation with another person. Snuck a couple of looks while heading to the kitchen for a drink. Looked out of the corner of her eye while dancing to the music in the living room. It was like her eyes had a mind of its own.
After about 2 hours, Lenae decided to call it a night. After saying her goodbyes, she started walking toward the door. Just as she was turning the doorknob to leave, she heard “You can’t leave yet. We didn’t get a chance to talk.”
Lenae swore her soul left her body. Her eyes widened, while her heart beated 10x faster. She recognized the voice instantly. No way.
She turned around to confront the voice. Yes way.
Harry stood there with a drink in his hand, smile lopsided.
Lenae tried to play it cool. “Who says I wanted to talk to you?”
“I noticed you noticing me. So I just wanna put you on notice that I noticed you too.”
Lenae rolled her eyes while laughing. “Fresh Prince reference. Cute.” She felt her nerves slowly disappear. Harry has a strange way of making you feel at ease.
Harry smile grew wider. He grabbed her free hand and gently tugged her. “Come on. Don’t leave.”
“Parties aren’t really my thing. Too much stimulation.” Really, Lenae?
Harry looked up, as if he was thinking. “How about we go out back? No one is out there. Minimal stimulation.”
Lenae giggled. Thank God for her brown skin or else Harry would’ve known she was blushing; her entire face felt hot. She let go of the doorknob. “Very convincing.”
Lenae could not believe how she got herself into this situation. Just yesterday, she was singing and dancing her heart out along with the boyband who owned it. Now she was sitting on a glider bench and having a normal conversation with one of the members of said boyband.
Harry sat with his body slightly turned in her direction; one arm rested on top of the bench, extending behind her shoulders. She felt like she can talk to him forever. Conversation easily flowed like they were friends for years.
He placed his hand on top of her bare knee. “Where do you stay?”
“I actually don’t live that far from here. Maybe a couple of blocks away.”
“Do you have a roommate?”
“I do.” Lenae didn’t understand why he wanted to know that, but she didn’t question it.
Harry slowly slid his hand from her knee to her mid thigh. She was wearing a skirt that was very short when she sat down so a lot of her skin was exposed. Gently squeezing her thigh, he said, “I reckon we should continue this back at my hotel then, yeah?”
Clearly not catching on to what Harry was insinuating, she asked, “Continue what?”
The arm resting on top of the bench was now placed around her shoulders while Harry leaned forward. His hand left her thigh to cuff her cheek. His lips touched hers. He was kissing her. She sat there, too stunned to react. The feeling of his tongue on her bottom lip snapped her back to reality.
She broke the kiss by pushing him back, placing her hands on his shoulders. “What are you doing?”
“Kissing you.” He leaned forward to kiss her again, but Lenae pushed him back.
“We can’t do this.”
“Is it because we’re here? We can leave to go to my hotel right now if you like.”
She stood up. “I’m not going back to your hotel. I’m not having sex with you.”
Not gonna lie, Harry was taken back by her statement. No girl has ever denied having sex with him, especially a fan. He ran his hand through his hair. “Isn’t this what you wanted? Constantly looking at me. The tight clothes. You wanted my attention and I’m giving it to you.”
Lenae felt her blood boil. Her jaw clenched so tightly, she thought she was gonna crack her teeth. Slowing inhaling and exhaling to calm herself down, she spoke, “First of all, I dress for myself. Not for the attention of any boy. I didn’t even know you were gonna be here.”
“You must be used to all these other bitches giving you sex whenever you want. But I’m not them. Have some fucking respect.”
Storming off to the back door to leave, Lenae stopped before exiting. “Have a nice life. Hopefully your dick doesn’t fall off.”
Harry remembered it like it was yesterday. At first he was angry, because how dare she talk to him like that? But it was exactly the wake up call he needed. To have respect for himself. To have respect for the women he encountered and was attracted to.
“You chewed my head off with no mercy. Of course, I remembered.” Harry joked. He needed to lighten the mood to calm his nerves. He was very nervous for some reason.
It worked because Lenae laughed at the memory. “Yeaaaaaa, you really pissed me off.”
He was glad to not sense any animosity radiating from her. “I was an arrogant little shit who needed to hear that. So I’m glad you did. I’m not the same person I was back then.”
He raised his hand to run it through his hair. Remembering the hair clip, he scratched the back of his head instead. “Again, I’m very sorry.”
His apology seemed sincere, Lenae decided. Even though she remained a fan of One Direction, that incident made her look at Harry in a different light. So it was refreshing to see him own up to his actions. She smiled, “I forgive you.”
He returned the smile tenfold. “Thank you. Let’s just start over so we’ll have a clean slate.”
“I agree.”
Harry held his hand. “I’m Harry.”
Lenae snorted and playfully slapped his hand away. They both laughed and sparked up a conversation shortly after.
Soaking up as much time as he can with her, Harry never left to go to the gym. He only stood up an hour later when they both decided it was time to go back to bed.
Harry turned around at the sound of his name, smiling instantly at the source. Lenae waved while increasing her walking pace to catch up to him. Opening his arms wide, he embraced her. The hug lingered as Harry embellished in her scent. He lightly kissed her cheek before he pulled away.
“I haven’t seen you in a while.” It was true. It has been about 4 days since that night, or early morning rather, in the garden.
“I know. Although I heard you have been going on dates with my mum and her mates.”
That was also true. Lenae has always been an early riser. Instead of sitting around the suite waiting for Fran and Brandi to wake up, she went to the hotel’s restaurant to eat breakfast. There she ran into Anne and her friends, in which they invited her to join them. As a result, they’ve been eating breakfast together for the past few days.
Lenae playfully asked, “Are you jealous?”
“Yeah, you were my friend first,” Harry responded to her playful tone.
She shook her head while giggling. This boy I swear, she thought.
“Fran and Brandi left to go to a couple of bars and clubs a few minutes ago. That’s not really my thing so I was gonna chill for the rest of the night. Buttttt if you want, we can go walk around town for a bit.”
Harry smiled. “I would love to.”
Harry can’t remember the last time he felt so relaxed. He and Lenae walked blocks around town, embracing as much Spanish culture as they can under the night sky. Talking about anything, laughing at each other’s jokes, Harry really didn’t want the night to end. So when they walked past a sign in the window of a building, promising a fun night of painting and wine, he suggested to check it out. He celebrated victory in his head when Lenae agreed.
The layout of the event was simple. Everyone in the room had to mimic a painting the host picked out, an oceanfront view on a bright sunny day. The host guided the class step by step on how to paint that particular piece. Unlimited wine was available because everything is more fun with wine, right?
One of the many things Harry learned about Lenae included the fact that she’s fluent in Spanish. Art was a universal language in Lenae’s opinion, but she helped translate the host’s instructions to Harry.
She felt Harry lean over to glance at her painting. He returned to his painting with a pout on his face. “Mine doesn’t look like yours.”
“It’s not supposed to. It’s not about your level of skill; it’s about unleashing your creative spirit and expressing yourself.”
He dramatically cocked his head towards her and focused his eyes on her. “It’s shit.”
Lenae bursted out laughing before covering her mouth with her hand, remembering where she was. Another thing Harry learned about her was her touchiness, especially when she laughed. She often leaned her head on his arm as she laughed. Like she was doing now. He didn’t mind; he liked it. A lot. He tried to keep up his facade, but he couldn’t help his chuckles. Seeing her happy made him happy.
She playfully hit his arm. “Stop it! It’s beautiful.”
He continued to look at her, not saying anything. She laughed again. “I’m serious! You know what? Every time you complain, you have to take a big sip of your drink.”
“You’re really gonna make a game out of my misery.”
She giggled. He’s so dramatic. “Yes. It’s supposed to be fun. No comparing paintings!”
Pouting once again, he took a sip from his wine glass. “Fine.”
They continued to paint, following along with the host. A few minutes later, Harry leaned over again. “How did you get your clouds to look like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like that. Mine look like a 6 year old did it.”
Lenae was definitely enjoying this. She laughed again before replying. “It looks fine. The finishing product will take attention away from the clouds.”
She let out another small laugh. “Drink some more of your wine. It’s fine.”
He put up his glass and squinted his eyes. “Are you trying to get me drunk?” He jokingly accused.
“Of course not. I’m just helping you unleash your creative spirit.”
He chugged the rest of his wine like a shot. “Oh my God, Harry!” Lenae exclaimed in disbelief before laughing again.
“It’s for my creative spirit.”
She raised her glass. “Yesss, I’ll drink to that.” Harry toasted her glass with his empty one, both laughing at the silliness of the situation. She took a sip while he tried to flag down a staff worker to refill his glass.
Towards the end of the event, everyone was placing the finishing touches on their paintings. Lenae leaned over to check Harry’s progress and almost fell out of her seat.
“Harry, what happened?!” The top half of his painting, which was supposed to represent the sky on a bright sunny day, was covered in black paint.
He took a sip from his, now third, glass of wine and placed down slowly on the table. His face was red and his eyes were glossy. He was definitely drunk.
“I think I messed up.”
Lenae took a deep breath in and exhaled through her mouth, to prevent from laughing. “Where did you-” She exhaled a small breath through her mouth again. “Where did you get black paint from?”
“From the person helping the host. I wanted to add little Vs.” He shaped the letter ‘V’ with his index finger in the air.
Small giggles escaped her mouth while she asked, “Little Vs?”
“Yeah! You know when you draw birds in the sky, they look like little Vs.” He repeated the same motion.
She couldn’t hold it any longer. Holding her stomach, she bursted out laughing. “Why is it completely black?”
Harry couldn’t help, but join her. “Because I put too many Vs. My creative spirit told me to paint over it so I can start over. But it was wrong.”
He picked up his paintbrush and handed it over to her. “Help me fix it.”
Lenae felt her stomach cramping from laughing so hard. Tears began to fill her eyes.
“Harry, there’s literally nothing-” She wiped her tears before another laughed escaped her mouth.
“There’s nothing I can do.” She motioned towards his glass. “Drink some more wine. Let’s see what your creative spirit says next.”
He picked up his glass and squinted his eyes. “This is what’s getting me into trouble.” He followed her instructions anyway and drank the rest of the wine left.
Lenae rubbed her cheeks in circular motions as she watched Harry dip his paintbrush into the white paint.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m going to label what’s supposed to be there.”
She leaned on his shoulder as she literally cried laughing. She felt like she couldn’t catch her breath when she saw the finished product, the words ‘sky,’ ‘sun,’ and ‘birds’ written out. Harry joined in when he finished.
She remained on his shoulder while she attempted to breathe. “It’s beautiful.”
“A bloody masterpiece.”
Everyone around them began to clean up their workstations. They took it as their cue to start cleaning too.
“I have to wee.” Harry stood up and smiled once he realized he kept his balance. “Not drunk at all.”
Lenae shook her head and watched him leave the room. A few minutes later, he returned.
“Ready?” He asked.
She nodded and grabbed their paintings. Making sure to thank the host on the way out, they journeyed their way back to the hotel.
“If I would’ve known I’ll be painting next to fucking Picasso, I would not have suggested going there.”
Lenae threw her head back laughing. “Oh come on, you know you had a lot of fun. Plus, I like your painting. It has character.”
Harry made the “pffft” sound when he suddenly lost his balance. Lenae held her arms out, prepared to catch him, and dropped her painting in the process. He caught himself before he tumbled to the ground and stood there to make sure he was completely balanced.
Lenae smirked while putting her hands on her hips. “You sure you’re not drunk?”
Harry smiled at her sheepishly. “I may be a little tipsy.” He held out his thumb and index finger, bringing them close together but not touching.
She rolled her eyes and picked up her painting off the ground. She wrapped her free arm around Harry’s waist. She was not sure if her 5’4 frame would be any help if his much taller frame decided to take a tumble, but she can try. “Whatever you say, Styles. We can’t have you hurting yourself.”
The gesture took Harry by surprise and felt his face getting hotter. Nevertheless, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
“I think we should probably get some food in you.”
Distracted by the feeling of Lenae’s arm on his body, Harry remained silent and let her lead the way.
It wasn’t until about 1 in the morning when Lenae entered her hotel suite. She was glad to see that Brandi and Fran returned safely as well. They both turned their heads at the sound of the door opening.
“Oh thank God! We were just about to call you. We just got here and didn’t see you.” Brandi was relieved.
“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you guys. I was gonna just hang out here, but I decided to go into town instead.”
“By yourself?” Fran asked, concerned.
“No, I actually went with Harry.” Lenae motioned towards her painting. “We went painting too.”
“Oh this is so pretty.” Fran admired her art while Brandi looked at her suggestively.
“You went with Mr. Superstar, huh? He seems really comfortable with you even though y’all only met once.”
Lenae filled them in on Harry and his celebrity status after that dinner on the first night because they seriously had no clue who he was. But she didn’t tell them everything. She sat on the couch.
“Actually we met before.”
“What?!” Fran and Brandi exclaimed simultaneously. “When?”
Lenae fiddled with her fingers. “Like 2 months before I moved to New York.” She recalled the story to them. When she finished, they stood there stunned.
“I can’t believe you didn’t have sex with him. You’re lucky you didn’t know me then. I would’ve knocked some sense into you.” Brandi remarked while wrapping her straight hair around her head.
“Are you saying I should’ve been a groupie?”
“Uhhh, yes bitch,” Brandi replied with no hesitation. They all laughed. “I mean, it’s not too late honestly.”
“Oh, please.”
“So if the opportunity presented itself again, would you have sex with him?” Fran asked.
Lenae stood up and bent over to grab her painting, an attempt to hide her smile. “I think it’s time for me to go to bed. It’s way past my bedtime.”
“Ooooooohhhhhhhhh!” Fran turned to Brandi. “That means yes!” They both burst out laughing while Lenae walked towards her bedroom.
“Let us know if you ever wanna use the suite! Me and Fran can find some business for a few hours!” Brandi teased.
“Goodnight!” Lenae yelled over their laughter. Although Fran was right, she wasn’t gonna spend too much time thinking about it. She doubted she will see Harry again once this trip was over. Even still, she didn’t think he wanted anything more than a friendship.
Back to reality. Eight day vacation to Spain was finally over. Lenae was sad to see it leave, but was also ready to be back at home in New York.
Surprisingly, her and the girls spent more time with Harry, Anne and her friends than she would ever imagined. They all ate dinner together for the past couple of nights and even spent the whole day together the day before. They were great company. Even Brandi and Fran admitted it, despite their constant teasing regarding Lenae and Harry.
She finished her packing quicker than the other girls so she decided to stop by Harry’s suite to have one more goodbye. Anne opened the door and tightly embraced her.
“We’re leaving in a few. I just wanted to say goodbye.”
Anne hugged her again and kissed her cheek when they separated. “Oh, you sweet girl. We enjoyed you, Fran and Brandi so much. You’re all so lovely.”
“We enjoyed you guys as well. We had a lot of fun.” Lenae hugged Sarah, Louise and lastly Harry. Harry kissed her cheek as well.
“Oh, honey. Come here please. We have to exchange numbers.” Anne pulled out her cellphone. Lenae smiled as she programmed her number into Anne’s phone.
“This way, we’ll keep in touch. I’m sure my son would also like to keep in touch as well.”
Eyeballs almost rolled out of the sockets, Harry looked at his mom terrified. He quickly straightened out his face when he saw Lenae giggle and look at him.
“That’s absolutely okay with me.” She told Anne. “I’ll be in Manchester soon with Fran. I’m sure we’ll have time to stop by Holmes Chapel.”
“Wonderful! Let me know. I’ll show you around!” The two women embraced one last time. Lenae waved her final goodbye and left.
“Mum, why did you say that?!”
“All I said was that you would love to keep in touch, which is true, isn’t it? You would’ve let her leave without getting her number.”
Harry groaned, completely embarrassed. “She probably thinks I’m a proper loser now. Had to let mummy get her number for me.”
“Oh Harry, stop being so dramatic.” Anne, Louise, and Sarah’s laughter filled the room.
“What happened to the whole ‘no one is good for my son’ thing? Now you’re Cupid?”
“I think she’s pretty close quite honestly. Now give me your phone. You want her number, don’t you?”
Harry thought about saying no because he didn’t want his mum to think she was right. But he also really wanted Lenae’s number so he pushed his pride aside. Unlocking it first, he handed Anne his phone.
“Now when you two get married, just know you owe me for the rest of your life.”
Harry rolled his eyes as Anne and her friends laughed again. They left the room, leaving him with his thoughts and Lenae’s number on his phone screen. He wondered if it’s too soon to text her. Would it be too overbearing? Should he wait a couple of days?
Fuck it.
Hey, it’s Harry. Sorry about my mum… xx
He placed his phone down, anxiously waiting for her reply. He didn’t have to wait long because his phone vibrated a minute later.
lol It’s okay ! I love her.
His phone vibrated again, indicating another incoming text message. He smiled when he read the message.
I wanted to keep in touch with you too..
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Who doesn’t love to be taken care of? Life becomes just easier with someone around dedicated to comforting you. Home nursing care has evolved as the heart and soul of the healthcare industry in the present times. With the growing population, the demand for in-home nursing staff is rising. Home nursing agencies in Tinley Park come forward to serve your short- and long-term care needs. Proper training and years of experience to combat any illness, aging, or rehabilitation; the in-home caregivers are available to care for people ages 18+.
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PERSONAL CARE AT HOME Age in the Comfort of Your Home with Helping Hands Connect with our network of specialized nursing staff and get personal care for you and your loved ones at home. Helping Hands Home Care in Tinley Park enables you to find an ideal caregiver for your physical and mental needs. For more, explore our personal care services to book your appointment. 
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