#Honestly fuck anyone who hates Mia because shes “awful” for Ethan
crimescrimson · 10 months
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The Morally Grey Protagonist Mia Winters In Resident Evil 7
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nancydfan · 3 years
Okay but honestly everyone (besides Mia) doubted Ethan and his abilities the entirety of the game- especially Chris.
Obviously all the lords are like “ha ha you’ll never get past me!” And then insert picacho surprised meme when he does.
Even Miranda seems to be like “whAT THE FUCK” when Ethan stumbles his way back to fight her after she swore she killed him. Like yes she knew he was “special” somehow but never realized the full extent of his abilities.
But Chris himself doubted Ethan the most honestly.
I feel like when Chris and his team found and got Ethan and Mia out of the Baker’s house in RE7, he probably just thought Ethan was lucky. I mean, here’s this totally average guy and you’re telling me he killed/ severely injured the members of this family who had been infected with the mold, as well as killed Eveline himself? Like Chris was probably like while this man definitely was able to fight his way out there’s no actual way he was able to do this on his own, maybe he’s over exaggerating or whatever.
But he doesn’t say anything, and offers to teach Ethan military training (at least I think it was Chris, only because they seem to be more familiar with each other in RE8) because even if he’s over exaggerating the man clearly has talent and capabilities to make it out of that house in relatively one piece.
And then they get into training and Chris is incredibly impressed. For what appears to be your typical average dude he’s got pretty good fight tactics and techniques, and can handle a gun pretty well. Of course there’s always stuff to improve on and Chris teaches him to the best of his abilities, and here he gets to know Ethan.
This is a man who always offers help to anyone who needs it, and goes out of his way to comfort people whenever they need it. He truly loves his wife, he never makes a “gotta get back to the old ball and chain” or other “I hate my wife” jokes, he truly appreciates her and respects her with every part of him.
He has a great intuition, both in fighting and just when reading people. When Chris or someone around them has an off day he immediately picks up on it and is able to sense what that person needs. With Chris he will casually mention that his door is always open, he might not know the answer but Ethan is always willing to listen if Chris needs it. And though Chris at first insists that he’s fine, somehow Ethan Winters gets him to open up a bit (not completely, but Ethan’s genuine kindness begins to crack Chris’ ‘tough guy’ mask he puts on that lets Ethan see a glimpse of the real him. Chris’ squad is in utter shock of this because it took them YEARS to achieve this), and they both can sit down and share the horrors they both have experienced and for once in Chris’ life he starts to feel that maybe he can actually recover from what he’s seen.
Ethan also somehow knows exactly what to say. Though sometimes he’ll have to pause to get the right words and thoughts together, when he finally speaks his words are exactly what Chris (and others) needed to hear, even if Chris won’t admit it.
Ethan is the guy who when he sees injustice he doesn’t stay quiet, he is loud and makes sure that whatever happened doesn’t go unnoticed. He somehow remembers everyone’s birthday and gets them the present that they actually want, even if the person and Ethan have only talked once.
And though Ethan has the capability to be serious when needed he can be light hearted and funny, and though sometimes his jokes are simple puns or the same reiteration of the joke you’ve heard 100 times you can’t help but laugh because he somehow made it sound different, somehow breathed some fresh life into it. He has his favorite shows that he always makes sure he is home by to watch, and though he is at his core gentle and kind he can also be tough, and isn’t afraid to call you out when you’re wrong.
Ethan is the least judgmental person you will ever meet, and is truly open minded and will listen to you completely and openly. He isn’t afraid to change his opinion when he realizes he was wrong. When him and Mia throw a Christmas party they always invite Chris and he is always touched by it.
It is through their time together training that Chris realizes that while yes Ethan is a completely normal man he is far from completely ordinary and boring.
And when he announces he’s going to be a father Ethan’s eyes completely light up, and he spends hours of talking about all the beautifully mundane things that accompany preparing to become a parent and dealing with the trials of Mia’s pregnancy. There is no doubt in Ethan’s voice or heart that lead anyone to believe that he thinks that there’s a possibility that Rose might be unhealthy due to both of their exposure to the mold. Ethan runs on optimism and truly believes that she’ll be alright, that though they’ve been through hell him and Mia finally got the happy ending they deserve, and Chris has never been so happy for him.
And then, of course, everything comes crashing down.
When Chris learns that Miranda has infiltrated the Winters’ home he is infuriated on their behalf (can’t this family catch a fucking break?) and does all he can to help them (but little does he know he actually will make it worse). He doesn’t tell Ethan whats going on because they need the element of surprise to get Miranda and Chris knows Ethan will not lie low until he gets there. While Ethan was incredibly lucky to survive Dulvey there’s no way he can survive Miranda’s wrath.
(Also I think there was a document saying they didn’t know if Ethan was compromised or not, hence why Chris didn’t tell Ethan immediately what was going on but still he was over the line)
When Chris discovers that his team escorting Ethan, Rose, and Miranda had crashed and died, leaving Miranda in sole control of Rose he is devastated but thinks to himself that he must keep going, there’s no time to grieve or feel guilty for mistakes when Miranda is moments away from completing her ceremony.
And then he gets word that Ethan Winters has been spotted in the castle. And he shakes his head because of course he’s still alive, Ethan must run on luck and sheer will because how else would he have survived the crash?
And though Chris wants to go after him to tell him to sit his ass down so his team can do their job he can’t because again time is a luxury he can’t afford and he hopes Ethan’s luck saves his ass again this time. And though he hopes for the best can Ethan really take on these god-like creatures?
And then he again gets word that Ethan Winters somehow is defeating all of the lords. He’s going through them as if they’re simply ants beneath his feet and somehow he is still going. And though this is great Chris and his team are rapidly losing the element of surprise they’ve been trying to maintain since coming to this village.
And when he encounters Ethan again it almost hurts to see this man who once sat with him for hours talking about nothing, offering to help him with his taxes look at him with such fury and disdain that it almost sends shivers down his spine, that even though Chris is a highly trained operative he for some reason feels like if Ethan chose to kill him Chris wouldn’t last long. He wants to explain but time won’t let him (or is it the fear that he was wrong all along and once he spits his words out he’ll realize this).
And when Chris runs into Ethan at Karl’s factory he finally gives up and figures that he could use Ethan’s luck on his team, if Ethan can eliminate the four lords without any military help then he’s got to be able to have a shot and killing Miranda with Chris’ and his team’s help.
And when he hears Miranda kill Ethan on the phone it is a blow to his gut that he wasn’t expecting, because Ethan Winters has made a bigger impact on his heart than he thought possible. And it is in this moment of grief that he realizes his mistakes, that he was wrong to alienate Ethan, the man who went through hell twice without looking back to save his family.
The guilt only gets worse when he finds Mia, because he has to explain to her that it’s his fault that her husband is lying dead without his heart due to Chris’ own negligence. And when Mia tells him that he doesn’t understand how special he is he desperately wants to hear it, despite his mind telling him that’s she’s wrong, he wants Mia to tell him that Ethan can survive the impossible because he wants a second chance to make things right.
And when he gets the report again that Ethan Winters is somehow alive and is on his way to the ceremony site Chris’ heart soars and he wonders how could he have ever doubted Ethan Winters and his ability to come back to the people he loves time and time again.
(Also I could be wrong here because I don’t remember if Miranda blocked Chris out once she realized he was there but the rest of this is going to go off of the assumption that Chris was present and could see what was happening)
It is not until Chris makes it to the ceremony site and sees the battle between Miranda and Ethan that Chris truly realizes that he has severely underestimated this man for 3 whole years.
He’s seen Ethan fight before- he saw it in training and heard his squad give him the summary of what they saw when Ethan fought the other lords, but this is the first time Chris has seen Ethan TRULY fight, and on his face where Chris is so used to seeing compassion and love and carefreeness is suddenly replaced by anger, resentment, and pure determination because his daughter’s life is on the line and he will fight until there is nothing left of him to keep that little girl safe.
Chris watches in awe, because even though Ethan looks like he is barely staying together, like he is one breath away from falling apart he is still fighting. Maybe it’s because the mold is being destroyed or maybe Ethan’s injuries are so severe that the mold can’t be bothered hiding itself anymore but he finally sees the proof for himself that Ethan Winters is no longer human- Miranda is tearing into him and Ethan does not care- the long gashes she makes onto his body are desperately trying to suture themselves back together with small tendrils of black, this mold desperately trying to keep Ethan together when Miranda is so intent on tearing him apart.
He watches in amazement as Ethan somehow manages to avoid her claws and her own tendrils of mold reaching out to pound him into dust. He watches in amazement as it doesn’t matter how much Miranda damages Ethan- he gets back up again to unload another round of bullets into Miranda without slowing down, and watches in amazement as Ethan actually begins to win this battle- this perfectly normal man versus a god-like creature and Ethan is actually winning despite all the odds stacked against him.
This is Ethan Winters, he thinks, and while the mold might have given him regenerative properties the mold did not give him the drive and determination Chris sees before him- though Ethan Winters is infected but he is still Ethan Winters, each bullet he fires is coming from him, and his pure will to survive and save his daughter. The mold did not change him to a super hero because this is who he is at heart, a man who is willing to risk it all just to make sure the ones he loves are all right.
And if he didn’t already respect Ethan before he certainly does now, and he curses himself for being so ignorant and not letting Ethan in when he had the chance.
But that’s alright- because Ethan Winters has just eliminated Miranda before his eyes and is running to his daughter, and now Chris will have a lifetime to make it up to him.
But then he sees Ethan collapse to his knees in front of him, and his feet are moving before he even thinks to go because there’s no way, this man did not survive this hell just to die on him now.
Chris is relieved that Ethan is still (barely) conscious as he puts his arm around the man to help him out. Time has never been on their side and it certainly isn’t now, as Chris practically drags Ethan out because he has failed him too many times and he refuses to fail him again.
He tries to get Ethan to keep fighting because it seems that all of the life has drained from this man, the only part of him that’s full of life is the arm carrying his daughter because even when he’s on the brink of death he will not let anything happen to her. Chris brings up Mia and it pains him to hear the loss in Ethan’s voice, as if he’s already decided he’s a lost cause. Chris will not let this happen, he points out that they’re going to blow the village sky high and that’s why they need to get a move on and-
Suddenly Ethan is pushing Rose into his arms, and Chris can’t believe he gets the privilege to hold this man’s daughter after all he’s done and Ethan is draping Rose in his worn out coat and begging Chris to teach her to be strong and Chris won’t have this, Ethan Winters will not die on his watch he will get home to his family and live to live a perfectly normal life, when suddenly Ethan pushes Chris out of the way of a mold tendril that acts as a barrier between them and Chris watches in horror as Ethan stumbles backwards, the man looking more and more like a walking corpse versus the man he just saw moments ago, full of life and determination to kill Miranda.
“Goodbye, Rosemary” Ethan chokes out as he starts to stumble his way back to the ceremony site, and Chris can almost feel the pain of Ethan’s loss at not being able to be with his daughter and wife just within the utterance of these two words.
And Chris is calling Ethan back because dammit it doesn’t have to be like this but Chris knows what a man hell bent on something looks like, and Ethan is already almost out of his sight and the whole village is collapsing around him.
Cursing Chris turns around, cradling Rose close because Ethan somehow miraculously chose to trust Chris in protecting her and like hell will he let something happen to her after this. Chris will teach her to be strong and how to be brave, and not because he’s a man and Mia is incapable of it, but Chris will teach Rose how to be strong like her father was, and how to defend herself because both he and Ethan know that Rose’s abilities will make her a constant target for people to use for their own gain.
When Chris hands Rose back to Mia the joy on her face is short lived and suddenly she’s demanding where Ethan is, begging them to put the plane back down because there’s no way in hell he’d leave them willingly and just as Chris utters that Ethan chose to sacrifice himself the bomb goes off and he feels another blow to his chest, and it’s as though he can’t breathe for a second. He sees the realization hit Mia, and that though Ethan has survived the impossible time and time again can he really survive being blown to bits?
Chris can barely contain the grief and guilt that is consuming him as he looks out the window at the site where Ethan Winters’ luck has run out, the site where Ethan Winters has now died for the second time.
He glances back at Mia and Rose, and each sob Mia lets out cuts him like a knife because he knows he is responsible. He promised this little family that he would protect them and he failed. He failed Mia, he failed Ethan, and now he has failed Rosemary as she must now navigate her life missing a father who would have done anything for her.
Chris will not let Ethan die in vain. He will protect Rose, he will teach her how to fight and how to defend herself. And though he wants to reach out and comfort Mia he knows it will be unwelcome, but looking at Rose he will not fail her again.
He made a promise to Ethan Winters that he fully intends on keeping.
I’m sorry what did I do to be so emotionally attacked like this 😆
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I’m SOBBING OMG. Ty really. I feel like I have nothin I can add to this because GAH MY HEART. You get it. You understand these characters and I was smiling so huge as you described Ethan because YES ALL OF THIS. Then the pain as Ethans end approaches. AND CHRIS’ PERSPECTIVE THROUGHOUT AND HIS PROMISE GOING FORWARD.
Anyway someone get me tissues. This was so beautiful. Bless you 💜💜
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finderskeepersff · 5 years
70. Part 6
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I feel so guilty, I should have called to check on her but I didn’t, I didn’t do any of that and went out to party. I feel myself crumbling in her arms, I didn’t cheat on her but I was out there having fun and she doesn’t know that, she thought I was working and I wasn’t. Her cries are making me cry, I am so stupid. I shuffled away bringing my hand up to her face and wiped the tears that fell “you should have told me Sofia, you should have called me. This was important, not out there. This was, what about the baby? Is she ok? Did you go to the hospital?” I feel my hoodie top becoming very wet, she is really crying “she’s ok, I’m in pain” she said lowly “look at me” I said to her “please look at me” Sofia eventually looked up at me “why didn’t you tell me?” My voice broke which made Sofia cry more “I couldn’t tell you Cassius, I would have cried down the phone. I didn’t need you to be stressed there and then come here, I was ok but I did need you so much” Sofia rested her head on my chest again, she is really crying which I know she was in so much pain and I wasn’t here and she fell, she fell because I wasn’t here “I’m here now, I am so so sorry” pressing kisses to the top of her head “I am so sorry Sofia” only one person I don’t want to hurt and that is Sofia, and my daughter she’s probably suffering knowing her mother is sad, this is a mess and I’m a mess “who helped you? Anybody? Josiah is here?” I questioned “I lifted myself up, he helped with Cartier but he wanted me, he kept being clingy with me but I couldn’t really hold him but I had no choice, my son needed me” I feel sick again, and I feel it coming “Sofia, I need to be sick” moving her arms away from me and ran ever so quickly to the bathroom.
I can’t stop being sick but it doesn’t help I won’t eat either, my throat is on fire. Splashing water on my face and breathed out, my insides feel so numb. Turning the water off and looking up at the mirror, I am a mess “you’re sick, you come back sick” Sofia said, I can’t tell her anything right now “it’s fine, did you go to hospital? Is she ok?” Turning around to her, Sofia shook her head “no” my eyebrows knitted together “what!” I shouted, let me just not shout “Sofia why? You need to get checked out, you’re so sensitive, your anaemia. No you need to go Sofia, I read up on you. You need to see them, what if you slipped because you was light headed, this could happen. You bruise way worse because of it too. Oh my god. Come, we going. I am taking you” seeing Sofia so upset is really breaking my heart, she doesn’t think about herself at all. She could hurt herself even more with not going “but I’m ok, she is moving. I didn’t lost any fluid at all” shaking my head “listen to me, we going. I need to know from a professional that you are ok, Sofia baby. You need to love yourself more, even if I never to come back you need to look after yourself. We going, it’s late but whatever. Get a jacket on” I am not going to sit back and let her not go, anything could be wrong “the fact you remember I got anaemia” Sofia grinned at me “well you was not well last time, I am here now” I don’t like she’s not taking care of herself.
Moving my head to the side a little, I just keep watching Sofia now. She really hurt herself, the bruise is awful, that shit would be hurting her now. I know how that feels, it’s so bad. I am just concerned for her, I have a headache too and I’m hungry but I just want to check Sofia in and we can rest easy “I’m ok Cassius, just slow with things. I used a hot pack” I shrugged “I don’t care, you got your things?” Holding my hand out “I do” taking Sofia’ bag from her “you don’t need too” I do need too, I am just not happy and I was there for no reason “is Cartier ok? He’s asleep right?” Opening the bedroom door “he is, he’s been so clingy to me. I don’t know why, unless he felt I was not well but yeah. He’s ok” letting Sofia walk ahead of me “I will see him after when we come back” maybe that is why Sofia was on my mind so much, she was in pain and needed me “let me carry you down” Sofia looked behind her and at me “be quiet, I am ok. I am going hospital because you won’t let it go, I can go downstairs” I am worried about her “I am wearing your boxers” raising an eyebrow “it’s more comfortable, the band on my thongs is hurting my hip because of the bruising” nodding my head “I see, it’s ok. You can wear them all” watching Sofia walk down the steps, I need to look after her.
“I need to get some water to go with me” Sofia said, nodding my head waiting for her “actually, Josiah!” I spat “Cassius, stop it. I told him to not say anything” walking towards the living room “what’s up?” Josiah walked towards me “why didn’t you tell me about Sofia? You stay here in my house and not say shit!?” I spat “Cassius, I don’t want this. I don’t want to hear it, stop it. I told Josiah, I told him do not tell Cassius because you react like this! Look at you, don’t stress me out Cassius. Josiah listened to me” nodding my head “ok, get your bottle of water” I mumbled, Josiah put his head down. I feel bad now, I just need to not snap on him “aye, it’s ok. You listened to Sofia, least I know you would do anything for my girl. I am just stressed and concerned about her. Look, It’s ok. Just keep an eye on my son, I am taking her to the hospital. I need to know she is good. Was she crying?” I asked him “yeah, she was crying. She was really fed up with Cartier, I took care of him for her. She was tired a lot” shaking my head, looking over at Sofia walking towards me “I am being nice to him” Sofia sighed out “thank you, it wasn’t his fault. Come on, let’s go. They will say to me I am fine” placing my arm around Sofia “I don’t care, come on” I need to be reassured.
My eyes are hurting, I swear to god I need to sleep but I am doing this first “how is she? Is baby Sofia ok?” I asked Sofia, she has been quiet with me “baby Sofia?” she repeated “yes, it’s a mini you. I just know it, beautiful like you. Not goofy like me” parking the car outside the hospital “probably or it could look like you Cassius, she is ok” getting out of the car as I turned the car engine off “I don’t mind it, wait there. I will help you out” closing the car door and walking around the car, I am so fucking tired. Opening the car door “come here” leaning in and grabbing bag from the side of her leg “Cassius you are being too cute, I am honestly ok” I shrugged “I don’t care” Sofia held my hand as I helped her out of the car “do I look terrible?” shaking my head “I look terrible, look at me baby. I look terrible” Sofia smiled “you do a little, you need to rest Cassius. You really do, you been working so hard” closing the car door, locking the door “come on” holding Sofia’ hand “don’t walk so fast Cassius, my body can’t take it” I am rushing her too quickly “my bad” slowing down my pace “is that better?” looking at the side of me “thank you” she is so cute.
Waiting in the queue, I need to check Sofia in and there is like a stupid queue, do all pregnant women hurt themselves or something “you can sit down baby, I can book you in” Sofia smiled at me “I will wait with you” it just seems so busy today here, is everyone having accidents or something “next!” the lady shouted, walking over to the desk. Placing Sofia’ bag on the desk “I need someone to see my girl, she fell down in the shower like a day ago. She is pregnant, about 4 months. She is in pain but I want someone to check if the baby is ok” the lady looked at Sofia and then me “we can book you in, is she leaking any fluid, any abdominal pain at all?” looking at Sofia “no, just a little sore. I feel sore, my baby seems ok” the lady was typing away “name?” she asked “Sofia Bundy” I answered, Sofia don’t need to do anything now I am here “if you can wait in the waiting area, we will get someone to check on you as quickly as possibly. It won’t be Doctor Louis, ok?” nodding my head “come on” this is all Sofia needed to do to be sure our baby is ok.
It’s busy in this place, I hope they hurry up though. Sofia is resting her head on my shoulder, I think she has fallen asleep actually. I feel like shit, like I am honestly just not a good guy. How the fuck can I be clubbing when she was suffering like that “sorry” I sat up closing my legs, I had them so damn wide slouching. Sofia moved away from my shoulder as I sat up, this girl sat next to me, this shit is busy today “did you fall asleep?” I swear she did “a little, you’re comfy and I’ve missed you in bed” I chuckled, looking to the side of me at this girl. She seems so damn young, leaning forward resting my arms on my legs. Pulling my hood over my head, I think I need to tell Sofia what happened. I can’t just hold that away from her, I can’t just lie to her. Shit like this annoys me, I care about Sofia so much. Feeling a hand on my back “what is wrong?” Sofia asked, moving back “just tired” Sofia pulled my hood off of my head “you cut your face though, your eyes are red. When you get home, you need to sleep” nodding my head, feeling my burner phone vibrate in my pocket, digging into my pocket, the girl looked at me and our eyes just met, I awkwardly just smiled at her. Getting my phone out and seeing Ethan calling, answering the call “what is it?” getting up from the seat “I will be back, just stood there” I said while I walked off “you ran off, I didn’t want you to run off. They trashed your friends apartment” I groaned out “this is your friend Ethan, you know that. I don’t care, I really don’t” I swear to god, why can’t shit just be fine “is anyone home? Anyone get hurt?” Mia gong to hate me now “nobody is home, they said they went out. The neighbours said it” blowing out air “right, you need to put this right. Ethan, I am telling you. That you need to put this right, you pay out for the place to be fixed, you be there when they get back and you!” I spat “you fucking put it right!” I shouted “and then you find them, you find them ok? Don’t call me with shit like this again, use your fucking brain” disconnecting the call, realising I am still in the hospital, I instantly felt dumb “what are you doing?” Sofia walked over to me “nothing, my bad. Sorry” I said, I feel bad now. Sofia is not impressed.
I am not about to tell Sofia that her friends apartment is trashed “are you calm now?” I am happy we moved away from that random girl “I am calm, I just need to sleep. I am fine” I am saying that but I am stressed right now “are you ready for Barbados?” I had to stop myself from groaning out, this is something she is happy about “yeah” I mumbled “I got cute swimming shorts for you and Cartier, you both going to look so cute. I can’t wait!” Sofia beamed, how can I not be excited about that “I love Barbados so much, besides my mom everything is so nice. And you get to see it, gran gran gets to meet you. I am excited” smiling lightly, I feel uncomfortable with this girl staring and she is now walking over to me. Please let her walk by me because what the fuck, putting my head down “Cassius” I froze, she knows my name. I mean I think I have seen her face before, looking up at her “you killed my husband” squinting my eyes at her “excuse me, don’t come here harassing him” Sofia said “I think you got the wrong guy” I said “I think I remember the hand tattoos and the neck tattoo, I know it’s you. Now my baby don’t have a dad and that is on you” I shrugged “Sofia Bundy” the doctor called, getting up from the seat “come on Sofia” holding my hand out to Sofia “but I wanted to say thank you” pulling a face at her “he was never good to me, I am eighteen and he got me pregnant, he used me. You let me live, thank you” putting my head down, I just want to get out of here right now.
Sofia is smiling, I like that “I told you, she is ok. Look at her, she is always dancing in my stomach, she is fine” my daughter is a real G, she is like what fall “she really be moving, she she is ok?” I asked the nurse “yeah, Sofia took the impact but this baby is ok. The fluid in the stomach protects them Cassius so no need to worry” nodding my head “I lie, I came to see her really. That is why I dragged Sofia out” I laughed “Sofia is fine, the bruising will get better. Your iron is fine, you are taking everything you need. You need to be careful though, the soreness will end soon. Lots of rest for mommy, you hear that” the nurse pointed at me “yeah, she going to be in bed every day. I don’t mind that” I smiled at Sofia “shall we get you cleaned up” the nurse took the screen off, I really can’t wait to see my daughter. She seems like a character already, she was moving so much too. She is too pure already, like I have to protect her from the world.
Placing Sofia’ bag at the side of her leg as she sat in the front seat “happy now? All we did was wait around and told I am fine” nodding my head “yeah I needed to be sure, as long as my daughter is happy I am” I winked at Sofia “and you too, after. You know” Sofia side eyed me , closing the car door as I walked around the car. Getting into the drivers seat “Cassius, how did that woman know you?” Sofia asked “oh not that” I said “yes that, how Cassius. Did you do what she said?” putting the car engine on “I think so, Sofia I have seen so many deaths I don’t know. I kind of remember her there but I told them to not kill her and this what happens. I was there” looking over at Sofia “I don’t like to hear that” I shrugged “what else you want me to say Sofia, look just forget it yeah. You know the life I live” Sofia turned her head “and you have a good heart, Cassius she said you saved her” licking my top lip “she was there and I saw she was pregnant. The guy was thirty something, he got in my way with his people. I can’t say if she was there as a slave, or some shit. I don’t know because there was a few women there. I just didn’t think I would see the bitch there” Sofia held my hand “Cassius, I love you. You don’t have a bad heart, she thanked you” I don’t need the compliments “sure” I just want to get home.
I ate McDonald’s and now I feel a little sick again, placing my car keys on the side as I walked into the home “I will place your bag here” I said to Sofia “are you ok? I am going to bed” turning to Sofia “yeah I am ok, Cassius. I just want to ask” watching Sofia lock the door “are you ok? You seem a little off” rubbing my chin “I am good, tired you see but wake me. Don’t struggle with Cartier” come to think of it Cartier will be waking up in like three hours “sure, come here” Sofia walked over to me, she wrapped her arms around my body “I love you Cassius, I am so happy you are home and I love you so much. I am so happy to have you back, to feel the love from you” I feel like shit even more now “yeah, love you” hugging Sofia back “go to sleep, I feel happier you are back. Go to sleep” I need to rest my mind and I don’t deserve Sofia at all.
As soon as I heard Cartier from the monitor I jumped out of bed, I slept. Well my eyes were shut, I heard pretty much everything. From Sofia coughing, even snoring, moving around in bed. When she got in bed she was making noises, I didn’t sleep. Turning the monitor off, the boy is awake and I am so excited to see him. Pulling my boxers from out of my ass, that shit was riding right up there, I missed him so much. Dragging open the bedroom door and skipping over to his room, my boy is awake. Pushing open his door. From the night light I can see Cartier stood up in the crib, he isn’t crying he’s trying to work out who is stood here. My son going to be tall, I just know it. Turning the light on “peek a boo” I said as I walked into his room “hey son!!! Dada boy!!! Look at you” I clapped my hands together, Cartier gave me the biggest smile “awww I missed you so fucking much!! Dada is home” Cartier yelped out “I know son” picking him out of his crib “my big boy” hugging him close, it melted my heart when Cartier put his head on my shoulder “awww I missed you too” I can’t wait for him to start speaking, tell me about his day. My heart is so filled with love, Cartier has yet to lift his head up from my shoulder and then I felt him move it up. He stared me in the face “dada boy” Cartier placed his head back on my shoulder giggling “I love you so much boy” I smiled “let’s go downstairs” now this is pure love, ain’t no love like it.
My nipples are on point “it’s cold ain’t it” switching the heating on “you cold?” I asked Cartier “I know you cold don’t play me” Cartier just headbutt me instead “thank you” walking towards the kitchen, I missed Cartier so much. Pressing kisses to the side of his head as I made my way into the kitchen “shall we get Fruit Loops?” opening the cabinet door “I think we should, we can share. Momma don’t need to know” Cartier looked at me “sshhh, she don’t need to know. She be feeding you boring things” grabbing the box, feeling Cartier nip at my at chest. Here he goes trying to grab my tattoos when that shit won’t come off my skin “let’s get a bowl and then we good, you need to sit in your high chair. We can let these fruit loops soak in the milk and then we can both eat” Cartier waved his arm around and started gurgling “I know, I get how you feel” we have this connection, walking over to the fridge. Dragging open the fridge door “let’s get some milk” picking it up with my hand, Cartier pointed in the fridge and screamed out. Kicking the door shut “nigga no, we eating cereal” I ain’t about to pour the milk with one hand, let me put him in the high chair before I make a big ass mess.
I could watch Cartier all day, so full of life and full of love. His amazement on finding new things brings me great joy, I am glad he ain’t crawled off but I also got his toys all out on the floor and Sofia won’t be impressed, I am just laid on the couch watching him play. He got my phone too, he threw it on the floor and left it there. He is a boss, he can do what he likes “aye” waving at him “come to daddy, come on” waving him over, Cartier smiled at me and threw his toy screaming “ayee son! Come here, give me some love” Cartier started crawling his ass over to me “come here boy” watching him reach up at the side of the couch and dragging himself up “you coming to give daddy love” grabbing his arm to help him move across to me “give me kiss” poking my lips out, kissing his forehead “here you are, a little comfortable with just your boxers on” looking behind me at Sofia looking down “yeah” I smiled nervously “you didn’t sleep did you?, also what happened to Mia’ apartment” of course Sofia knows, I mean why wouldn’t she.
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finderskeepersff · 5 years
63. Part 6
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Eating my cereal in silence, you know what being sober is a blessing and also I get to see every one else just fall off which is fun. I left early though, went to bed so only god knows who made it back and I don’t think Jasmine came back, her bag is in my room and not moved and she isn’t anywhere here. I should call her to find out and after that groupie story I won’t be shocked if she isn’t at some rappers home again, she is crazy. The fact she isn’t scared, when I was serving bottles I was scared walking to VIP because they was awful, they always thought they owned my ass which was never that. I always got asked to be the main girl to go so they could touch my ass and try and get me back home, never happened but it was scary “morning” looking behind me and at Olivia, she is alive and well “morning” I am shocked she is able to walk with the amount of dick she’s had since being here “is there some left?” she pointed at my cereal “uh yeah there is, there is plenty left. I am glad that today is the last day” I mentioned, it’s been nice to see them but I am ready to go the fuck back home, it’s a late flight back too so I got time left “I just want to say sorry” Olivia said, I rolled my eyes “I am shocked you are sober actually, but it’s fine” what can I say, she does this all of the time. I say I am damaged but she is worse, she acts out every time “it’s not fine, I am stupid. I just get angry, I can’t help but get bored” this is going to be a conversation now “come and talk to me” I said to her, she is sitting anyways “bored of what? You and Kenton have been together for years, what do you mean bored?” is this bitch stupid “that is it, we have been together for years. It’s like we are programmed to do the same shit every day and then he is” she paused “he is shit in the bedroom, it’s just not there anymore and I don’t want to say it to him, the spark ain’t there but I love him” well that is a situation “you love him but the spark is gone, then maybe Olivia. You need to be truthful, say to him you both need a break. Have a break and miss each other, I mean you both have been together for so long so if things are always the same it can be boring, I get it” Olivia sighed out “I don’t want to be this way” I have heard this before “then change Olivia, maybe you need to just be truthful and you both have a break from each other” they need it, they are both a damn mess right now.
Taking my phone off charge, I can’t stop peeing but I needed to get my phone from upstairs anyways. Closing the door behind me as I made way way back down, I am glad it is a late flight I don’t need to pack till later “Kenton get off her!” my eyes widened hearing that name, I ran down the steps a little quicker seeing Kenton hand gripped around Olivia’ neck, he repeatedly slammed her back onto the wall as she tried to claw his face, am I in a dream “Kenton! Fucking get off her!” Mia hit him, I am not going to go near that I just watched on “get off her!” Amira came up from behind him and hit his head with a pan, I cringed hearing that as he fell back “oh shit” Mia looked down at Kenton on the floor “he is alive” trust Amira to know that “he is fine, oh my god. Are you ok Olivia?” she slid down the wall, I am in shock seeing this. Like this actually happened, Amira closed the front door “he hates me” Olivia sobbed out, of course he does. I made my way down the rest of the steps “wow” I said, I mean what the fuck else do I say because this is terrible “you did tell him to beat your ass” I added “but I didn’t mean it!” she shouted “I am glad you didn’t get involved, he will be fine. Let’s just go into the living room” I am surprised Amira didn’t shoot him, but she wasn’t scared at all which reminds me of Jasmine.
Olivia’ neck is so bruised, I feel bad for her now “I couldn’t breathe at all, I thought I was dying” Olivia rubbed her neck “well you’re ok” I am bring so cold with her, let me stop “whatever Sofia, you know what. I am the Ivy of the group, I get it. I am going!” Olivia is being dramatic “let her go” I said as she walked off, Kenton may finish off the job “Sofia, can we talk” Mia got up from the couch, another talk “I am proud of you” I said to Amira as I got up laughing, so much drama and not only that we have Kenton on the floor knocked out cold so if anyone comes here we will look crazy. Following Mia outside, I can do with this kind of weather every day, it’s just so nice “it’s a mess isn’t it?” Mia said as she turned to me “it is but that doesn’t make memories I guess?” I laughed “you right” she sighed out “I just want to say sorry, I said things I shouldn’t have. I just felt like you was just thinking of what Cassius wanted all of the time, I shouldn’t pry I guess. Things have moved on so much with all of us, we are all on different parts of our lives, not only that. It makes us all see how many years we have wasted not even doing anything. I mean you have done everything within a few years, to see you be the person you are now Sofia I am so happy for you and I don’t want us to fall out, I don’t want us to be distant and have this wall between us, I love you” she apologised I guess “I think it’s one of those things where my life was an open book, but I had to shut that book. Being with Cassius, being a mother, moving away it all has changed me a lot. They are my main priority now but I do love you girls so much, you are both my sisters, even if Olivia is on some shit but I had to change a lot. Mia I am sorry I left you out for months, I really had to find myself. For my son and for Cassius but I won’t do that again, I promise” Mia walked over to me with her arms out “I know, seeing you being such a concerned mother has made me a little jealous, it’s cute. To be worried about something that is your own” hugging Mia “it’s a been a long road” it really has been for me, to feel this way had been a long time coming.
“Y’all been up to some shit, I honestly thought Sofia did the whole attacking him but then she is pregnant” Jasmine pointed laughing, Kenton is so grumpy but he is alive “you pregnant? Again?” Kenton spat “I am yes” I grinned “y’all don’t wait, but anyways. Who hit me?” he asked “it was Amira, she did it” I pointed at her “did I kill her?” he asked, shaking my head “Olivia is fine, she has marks on her neck but she is fine. You both need to just have a break, I am not lying. You both need to break up, have a break. That means probably seeing other people, if it was real then you both get back together. That is my advice anyways” that is what I would do “it’s too much, I do love her too. I came here, I don’t know what I am doing with myself. I am calm now, I won’t kill her” even though Olivia does deserve it “so we can leave you both here to talk while we go to the beach?” Mia said “yeah you can, I think you right. Shit went sideways when we had that threesome with someone else, I think she felt jealous. It was another female” I did not fucking know this “wait, how was that even a thing!? The fuck?” Mia spat “we just wanted to spice things up in the bedroom and let’s just say, worst decision” this is a real ass mess.
Finally, some peace just on the beach “this place is beautiful, my favourite beach too. I mean look at it” when Jasmine and I came here for two weeks, we came Santa Monica beach every day. It’s just beautiful, and there is so many things to do “show me your bump? You said your bump is smaller now, let me see” Mia said as I sat down on the towel I laid out “oh yeah, it is much smaller. I am happy to have a smaller baby, Cartier was a nightmare. Lifting my tee up “awwww look how cute the bump is, it’s not big at all. You was much bigger before. Unless you was bigger in weight then, you are more skinny” I groaned out “don’t say that, but I am prepared. Having all of the vitamins, I don’t want to be ill with this one” pulling my tee over my bump “girl, you need to look after yourself. I am never setting anything up like this again” Mia said in a huff, I had to laugh because it’s been a mess “I mean we have memories right Amira” and she laughed “fuck y’all, we will remember has this was Mia’ worst gift on earth” Jasmine cooed out “have you seen this” Jasmine turned her phone to me “what is it?” I squinted my eyes, lifting my shades up “is that..” I dragged out “awww Cassius and Cartier chronicles it says” Mia read out “they met a penguin” I can see that they have “without me” I said, I am offended “girl be quiet” Mia hit my arm “that is so sweet that he’s taking him out though, they are ok without you” Amira said but I am sad.
The girls laughed “look at her ringing him, leave them alone!” Mia spat laughing, the girls don’t understand how upset I am about this. Cartier met a penguin and went there and I wasn’t there, I didn’t be there with them “Sofia” Cassius answered “you went without me?” I had to say it “where?” Cassius said all confused “you know where, you met a penguin without me?” Cassius laughed, he laughed like this is funny and I can hear the vacuum cleaner in the background “who is cleaning in the background?” what is this “Ethan” Cassius chuckled “nah, I got a cleaner to come out. Clean before you come, I am thinking ahead” I don’t call it that “so someone is cleaning your clothes? I can do that?” Cassius finds this funny “Sofia, Cartier and I went to see some fishes, that is it” I poked my lips out “but I wanted to see some fishes” I mumbled “awww bub, we can go again. But did you see it? I saw a penguin it was so dope” I missed out and I am sad “mhmmm” I am legit so sad “when I am there you do nothing and now with Cartier you’re taking him out everyday” am I a bad omen or something “because he is the boy” I scoffed “and what am I?” this is so unfair “you are the queen, come on Sofia” I don’t feel it “sure, anyways bye” disconnecting the call “he has a bitch in my house cleaning” I spat “oh Sofia, stop it. He is being nice. Watch when I go back home Mitch will do nothing about it” Amira put her hand up “I can high five on that sister, Kyle will be do the same” maybe I am being a brat but they met a penguin without me and he has been out with Cartier every day.
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She is mad, I mean more jealous than anything “Ethan, you can’t stay here now that my girl is back you know that?” Ethan stayed the night “I know, I am going tonight too. When you pick up Sofia I am going then, the jet will be waiting” nodding my head “cool, I think Sofia feels I don’t miss her. I actually did, I mean Cartier and I both did. It’s weird, you can tell when she is not here. We ate out every night, that was it” Ethan doesn’t understand “flower, that will fix it” he is right “you are right, flowers. That will help” I sighed out “you hear that boy, momma is jealous we had fun. You dada boy ain’t you? You dada boy” Cartier got ever so giddy on the floor just laughing “sir where would you like this tree?” Sofia and her bright idea of a huge Christmas tree “just there, thanks” I pointed in the corner “that is big Cassius, she chose that?” it’s making a mess on top of the mess the cleaners are trying to clean “yeah she did, and planned for it to arrive when she comes back, she is clever that girl of mine. I ain’t about to climb that shit to do it up” feeling a tug on my jeans, looking down at Cartier. I gasped “you scared me there, come here” picking him up “I was thinking who is that and it is just you, you wanted hugs” hugging him close.
The house is clean, the tree is here and we are ready for Sofia to come home “Boss” Ethan knocked on my bedroom door “what’s up?” walking out of my bathroom “Kalia” I wonder what she wants, I mean I know what she wants. Taking his phone from him “you called?” she sighed out “thank you” that is nice of her “for?” I said confused “the money” I smiled “well you are mine now, you owe me” sitting on the edge of my bed “that doesn’t sound like a bad idea” Kalia said “you forgetting about being a detective now?” I questioned “for my kid yes, this will help. I need it” I have pictures of her taking drug money so good luck to her “I want to deal with you directly, I don’t want to call Ethan. You want information I deal with you and you only, and having me followed is not a good luck. I want to meet with you” she is giving orders “remember who’s boss” I said pulling a face “remember who needs who” she retorted “remember how that money will dry up and your little family will be dead, I will cut that life support” the line went silent “you need me, you came to me. And I will meet with you, when I am ready. Could be now, tomorrow, next week or next month. Be ready, be the informant you are. I will be watching you Kalia. Welcome to the team” disconnecting the call “you watch that bitch” throwing Ethan his phone.
“You watch her Ethan, under no circumstance unless I tell you too. You don’t give her my number, not until I have met up with her. She wants to work with me personally and I ain’t fucking with that, she wants my dick. Like I ain’t playing that game” Ethan laughed “she been wanting your dick, I think this is why they took her off your case. Also she wants getting shit done, she was was just interested in the dick. But I got it, I will let Christmas pass but we have enough drugs for Brooklyn and the operation there, just need to get something more” nodding my head as I turned off “thank you for dropping me too and letting me stay at your house” Ethan doesn’t need to say thank you, he kept me company because it can be very boring to just interact with a baby “so what is the deal with Kyle? You ain’t friends with him still? Raphael was brave to even ask about killing him” I forget about him a lot “nothing is happening or will be happening until my business is back in order. He is my friend so I ain’t killing him for that reason but I am still upset with him” he let me down, I wouldn’t need to be dealing with Kalia if he didn’t fuck up on us.
I am late, I mean it’s me and honestly I thought I was on time. It states the flight has arrived like thirty minutes ago but she hasn’t called “man, I think I really upset your momma son” Cartier doesn’t care, he is in my arms with his pacifier in his mouth just looking at people go by. Getting my phone out with my free hand, let me call her and see what is up because I did come here. Turning around as I unlocked my phone “I was timing you to see how late you would be” looking up from my phone seeing Sofia, I gasped “son, look momma is back” walking over to her “look at my baby, oh my gosh. I missed you both so much” Sofia is a crying mess already “we missed you too” hugging Sofia “I am so glad to be home” rubbing her back as she continued to cry “momma being over emotional” moving back from the hug “I have missed you both so much, come here baby. I have missed your face so much” Sofia reached up to grab Cartier from me but he didn’t want to go he just moved back “I think he is upset with you, you left us. That is mommy” pulling his pacifier out but he turned his face “moody butt, I love you” reaching my hand up to Sofia’ cheek “you look good” leaning down and pressing a kiss to her lips “thank you, I am so happy to be back even though Cartier don’t want me” Sofia wrapped her arms around my waist.
Smiling at Amira lightly “you want to ride with us?” I asked “if you can fit me in” she said, I laughed “unless Cartier is taking the whole back seat, you can ride with us” Cartier hid his face in the crook of my neck “ok, this ain’t it Cassius. What have you done to my son” turning my head to see what Cartier is doing and he head butted me “woah there sir, what are you doing?” holding his hand as I turned him to face Sofia “this is momma, she is back home” Sofia is way too offended by this “I hate you both” I gasped “you have turned my son on me” I snorted laughing as she walked off “you offended your momma Cartier” letting his hand go as I pressed kisses to his cheek as I turned fixed him in my arms “love you son, hey Sofia. Let me get your bag, it’s cool. We can get that” grabbing Sofia’ suitcase “we can do this can’t we boy” pulling along her suitcase “I feel like the third wheel in this, I am not happy” I don’t know why she being like this.
I am so happy she is home, reaching my hand over and placing it on her thigh “I missed you so much” she placed her hand over mine “did you really though?” she questioned, grabbing Sofia’ hand and without looking away from the road I bought her hand up to my lips and pressed a kiss on her hand “I missed you loads and honestly Sofia, to feel like a real dad to Cartier. That is all I could ask, I know shit was like scary but it was something I needed and it’s created that bond, something I thought I couldn’t get. I know it took you going away but you needed it and I needed this. But trust me, we missed you. I decided that I love morning Cartier, he is so much better but the rest of the day he is yours” I chuckled “wow, so I get the moody ass later on” Sofia said “you damn right” shaking my head “so tell me, how was Cali for you ladies? Anything happened? I see you hanging with the famous now” looking over at Sofia “I rather not, but would you like the short version?” pressing my lips into a hard thin line “short version” I can’t be dealing with the long one “ Olivia had sex with another man, had a party, Mia and I had a disagreement, Amira knocked Kenton out because he was strangling Olivia and then I found out that my mom is texting me” my eyes bulged out “woah, woah, woah. Wait. What!?” I spat “which part?” Sofia said, Amira laughed in the back “everything, what the hell? How y’all get so dramatic? So let’s go back to the Kenton thing, he was trying to kill Olivia? Did he succeed?” Sofia hit my arm “hey, stop it. He did not, Amira hit him in the head and he was knocked out” that is so dramatic “you ladies have drama written all over, I should have came. So now your mom?” Sofia groaned out “later” I want to know now.
Parking outside Amira’ home “outside your home too, take care” I said looking in the back seat “thank you Cassius, you’re welcome to come in” I chuckled “I’ll pass on that” turning in my seat “why didn’t he pick you anyways?” I am sure he ain’t that busy “he is working the club for me” pulling a face “he don’t need too” he doesn’t need to be involved anymore “Cassius, don’t do this to him. He messed up and he knows it but please don’t shut him out” Amira pleaded “have a nice night Amira” I don’t want to hear it “you too” staring straight ahead, all this shit could have been avoided but it can’t now. Now I am having to do all this shit again, it still pisses me off. How can he let drugs go missing, he set out to be a dickhead so I will be a dickhead to him “Cassius, he is your friend” Sofia would add to it “yes he is, that is what he will be. We can catch up for a coffee but he can stay out of my shit now, I don’t need it yeah. I didn’t need him to be a fucking idiot. He ran when he didn’t need too, he is a pussy. There I said it, bitch ass” Sofia looked at me in sadness “he was there for you when you needed Cassius, he was” I sniggered “he was there, he was also in the way. I thank him for caring for me but he has made my life a mess even more. Do you think it’s easy, drugs go missing and that’s it huh? That is it? People lives are running on this Sofia, peoples money. When they ain’t getting there shit who they going to come for? Kyle? No, me yes. It’s my name on this. Both Miami and Atlanta is dry, no drugs. My warehouses are dry, I am using other people to get drugs from. I look weak, because of him I have to play dirty. I have work with a fucking bitch that wants me locked up, I know we trying to both play each other, so yeah. I am pissed with him. I could have come out and things would be fine, you want to hear it then there it is. That detective wants me and I don’t mean just in that way either” driving off slowly “in what way?” she asked “what you think?” looking over at Sofia “I am too loyal to you so it’s fine, I have to use her. I ain’t mean to tell you all of this but it’s like y’all want me to go and hug him. Maybe when I am set I will” I need to just relax.
Cartier is playing up, he knows momma is home “you think this is a game, quit playing. Come and have your milk” I said as I looked up at Sofia walking over to the bed “this is how you put him to sleep, no hugging?” shaking my head “I be here on the bed and he holds his own bottle and falls asleep” Sofia got on the bed, Cartier rolled onto his stomach staring at Sofia as she climbed on to the bed and rested her back against the headboard “my handsome baby, it’s mommy. Come on, I know you miss me” Sofia opened her arms out, Sofia reached over and grabbed his bottle “you go to momma before she gets my ass for it” he is thinking, I know he knows it’s Sofia, he is playing up “you know Cassius, what you told me earlier. I am happy you told me, you confided in me about it. I understand where you are coming from and also this detective that wants you, it doesn’t bug me because I trust you but I am happy you spoke on it” nodding my head “you going to come to mommy now, come on baby. I have missed you so much” Cartier wants his bottle so he will go to her, he crawled his way to her “I knew he would have but I just feel like people want me to be happy about that because Kyle is my friend, niggas get killed over this shit. You know what I mean, I just need to do right by myself this time and Kyle can stay back” I am doing shit my way.
Sofia cannot stop hugging Cartier and staring at him, she has really missed him “tell me about your mom, was she in Cali or some shit? I see you met Jasmine, remembering the good times huh?” looking up at Sofia, she side eyed me “stop it, that is your sister. She is so happy for you” I shrugged “I don’t need anyone to be happy for me, I don’t actually need anyone this time around. Just want my family good and that is it” that is all “Jasmine is that too” I had to laugh “she is nothing to me, you know when you let go, you do just that. I think I am ok without her, so your mom” I don’t want to hear it “well when I said Leyton had a new number, it was never that. After all that, it was my mom. So Leyton called me and I goes why do you have two numbers, do you have a burner phone and he goes no I have one. And at that point I had a meltdown, I was so scared” I sighed out “Sofia, Sofia, Sofia” I dragged out, that shit ain’t good, you know that “that could have been anyone” what have I been teaching this woman “I thought someone was coming to kill you at that point until Leyton said it’s mom, she wants to know me again but I was happy it was her but that is besides the point, I actually fucking didn’t check” shaking my head “here is me fucking with some detective bitch that could easily done that, Sofia you need to be careful” Sofia scoffed “well I hope you ain’t doing that” I sniggered “if I was single yes I would have, it would be really easy that way. But I am not” scratching my head “you’re annoyed with me” Sofia said “I am, you right. I am, I just feel like you want me to forgive easily” maybe it is just me, getting off of the bed “I need a blunt” I need one anyways.
It’s funny, Kyle did nothing for me. He was the most useless nigga to me but he was my friend but here he is arriving late to his house, doing things for the club but I know his game and it ain’t going to make me speak to him. He is doing this for Amira not me, there is no fucking drugs to sell in these clubs because of him. I have no fucking warehouse anymore, watching Kyle walk into his house as I flicked my stub off of the balcony, I actually need to stop that. Feeling my phone vibrate, that is my burner phone, I got one again now. Getting my phone out from my pocket as I blew the smoke out from my lips, answering the call “speak” I said down the phone “he did leave the club” Laurence said “watch him still” disconnecting the call, I have to be sure because niggas go rogue ain’t the one, Myles got me and I can’t just let Kyle be running around and also Raphael is after his ass and wants him dead, so Laurence is doing both things. Walking back into the room “coming to bed?” Sofia asked but she is wearing just her bra and panties, closing the balcony window and looked at Sofia again. It makes me wonder if I did what I did on this bed, like it just makes me think. Clearing my throat “uhm, I am going to look over some figures, you can rest up. Nice to have you back though” walking off.
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