#Hoshi is so sweet sounding despite the awful subject
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mothstache · 5 years
I don’t normally do this but
It seems like Escargoon himself as a character is getting really popular on Tumblr rn, and as a result there’s bound to be controversy on his role in Hoshi no Kaabii/Kirby: Right Back at Ya. I’ve scene it mainly centered around the slapstick humor he’s involved in and his relationship with King Dedede, and boy do people get furious on this topic apparently! So, first his role. In both the subbed version and dubbed version, he’s played to be a subtly(?) gay character (I personally have a different headcanon, I instead see him as a pansexual trans man). This would be completely fine if it weren’t for the fact that he’s…treated pretty poorly?? Like he rarely gets a happy ending in episodes, and he’s always kinda the unfortunate subject of jokes in the show. His emotional state is also pretty much ignored, which saddens me as a big fan of his character. Escargoon is shown to be very smart and actually pretty sweet when not around Dedede. Again, this is mostly ignored in favor of his role as the sidekick villain. I honestly don’t think the gay/LGBT sidekick villain trope, while popular, is a very healthy depiction of people who are LGBT. Second, his relation to King Dedede. Look, I love King Dedede, at least from the games, and he’s got his gold moments in the anime. But you can’t deny that he’s pretty awful the majority of the time in the anime. Not to mention his treatment of Escargoon. Dedede and Escargoon are basically showed as the Looney Tunes characters in the Kirby anime, and a reoccurring trope is Dedede often physically beating the shit out of Escargoon. That sounds pretty extreme, but it’s more or less what happens, honestly. Escargoon messes up, Dedede gets mad, and next thing Escargoon’s on the floor. To actually quote Esky from episode one of the dubbed version, “Why does he have to be so abusive…” While this honestly is slapstick humor, what makes it more serious is the fact that Escargoon, at least in the sub, is in love with the guy who abuses him. This is a really unhealthy depiction of a relationship, especially something directed at little kids. The dub luckily tones it down a whole lot, but it’s still kinda there. There’s also the people who straight out ship Dedegoon, or Dedesuka as the official ship name is I think. Now, unlike a lot of the rants I’ve heard on Dedesuka, I will say I find it quite cute, ON TWO CONDITIONS: One being an AU version of anime King Dedede who is much nicer, less selfish, and an all around better person, or two, if it’s game Dedede, because game Dedede is nothing like anime Dedede in a lot of ways. The problem with shipping Dedesuka if it’s not on these terms is that you’re straight up saying, “This guy may hit this other guy, but they’re so cute together that I don’t care.” If your friend told you they’re being hit by their partner, would you say, “Oh, but you guys are so cute together, can’t you just give him another chance?” No. You’d step in and get your friend some help, because NO ONE deserves to be in such a shitty situation. Despite all this, the vast majority of Dedesuka shippers are not evil or trying to glorify abuse, as I’ve heard a lot of people imply. I’ve found that most of them don’t really realize what they’re shipping. I talked to a few friends who ship Dedesuka, and when I mentioned the whole abuse thing, they said they hadn’t really seen those parts of the anime. I also rarely see Dedesuka shippers drawing them beating each other. If you have an AU version of Dedede who is not the jerk that anime Dedede is, and his relationship with Escargoon is not like it is in the anime, I say ship it all you want, as long as it’s healthy. I’ve reblogged quite a few Dedede x Escargoon posts, honestly because they’re cute. The artists who draw them don’t imply that their canon relationship is okay, and instead focus on their own kind of story, where both characters can be happy. If I have reblogged a pic of Dedesuka that seems sketchy, I honestly don’t remember it, and I hope I haven’t. Honestly, as long as it isn’t incest, pedophilia or abuse/unhealthy, I say ship and let ship. Please, please PLEASE don’t harass people for what they ship, even if they’re being horrible about it, because harassment doesn’t solve anything. If anything, it just reinforces their opinion. Honestly, if they redid the Kirby anime, I’d really want the King Dedede in it to be like game Dedede. I’d also really want him and Escargoon to have a good relationship, because they both deserve it. Again, I’d also like to see more respect for Escargoon in the show, since he’s the only one who seems to get just bad endings. Hopefully I’ve said everything I wanted to say. I’m probably going to get flak for this, but I thought I’d throw my opinion out there.
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