#Hostel Colonial Buenos Aires
fotosdebuenosaires · 3 months
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The face of the storm
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capixabadagemabrasil · 2 months
Os 5 Lugares baratos para conhecer na América do Sul em 2024 Explorar a América do Sul pode ser uma aventura incrível e acessível, se souber onde procurar. Este continente diversificado oferece uma riqueza de culturas, paisagens naturais espetaculares e experiências únicas que não precisam esvaziar a sua carteira. Foto de Emilio Luján na Unsplash Aqui estão algumas dicas sobre lugares baratos para conhecer na América do Sul. 5. La Paz, Bolívia: La Paz é uma cidade fascinante com uma mistura vibrante de cultura indígena e colonial. Além de ser uma das capitais mais altas do mundo, é também surpreendentemente acessível. Você pode explorar mercados locais, museus e sítios arqueológicos por muito pouco. A culinária local é deliciosa e barata, e há hostels econômicos por toda a cidade. https://youtu.be/JTPihsdq9ho 4. Quito, Equador: Esta cidade histórica é um Patrimônio Mundial da UNESCO, famosa por suas belas igrejas barrocas e ruas de paralelepípedos. Quito também serve como um ponto de partida acessível para explorar a Floresta Amazônica ou mesmo as Ilhas Galápagos, com opções de viagem que podem se adequar a orçamentos mais limitados. https://youtu.be/L0diVVrmBZ8 3. Cusco, Peru: Porta de entrada para Machu Picchu, Cusco é uma cidade cheia de história e cultura. Embora a viagem a Machu Picchu possa ser cara, a própria Cusco oferece muitas atrações acessíveis, incluindo ruínas incas, mercados coloridos e museus. Comer e se hospedar aqui pode ser muito barato, especialmente se você se afastar das áreas mais turísticas. https://youtu.be/NxatEzd4s1I 2. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Conhecida como a Paris da América do Sul, Buenos Aires é surpreendentemente acessível. Você pode desfrutar de sua arquitetura impressionante, parques, e cafés a preços razoáveis. A cidade tem uma cena cultural vibrante, com muitos museus e galerias oferecendo entrada gratuita ou por um pequeno valor. https://youtu.be/eZOCnfMElZY 1.Santa Marta e Parque Nacional Tayrona, Colômbia: A cidade costeira de Santa Marta é uma base excelente e barata para explorar as maravilhas naturais do Parque Nacional Tayrona, com suas praias deslumbrantes e biodiversidade rica. A acomodação e a alimentação em Santa Marta são muito acessíveis, e o parque oferece uma experiência inesquecível por um custo razoável. https://youtu.be/CAtgl7WLrtQ Para conhecer esses Lugares baratos para conhecer na América do Sul - fica a dica abaixo. Benefícios do cartão do Santander Select Programa Esfera: 2,6 pontos a cada US$ 1 em compras internacionais e 2 pontos a cada US$ 1 em compras nacionais Ganhe cashback, descontos e mais pontos com a Esfera: Compre no shopping Esfera e receba parte do valor de volta. Aproveite também, descontos em parceiros, opções para juntar mais pontos e trocar por produtos, viagens, experiência, vales-compra e muito mais. Até 5 cartões adicionais Sem anuidade. Acesso a salas VIP 2 acessos gratuitos por cartão ao ano para utilizar nas salas VIP LoungeKey.Saiba mais Conclusão: Lugares baratos para conhecer na América do Sul Lembrando que viajar de forma econômica não significa sacrificar a qualidade da experiência. Pesquisar e planejar com antecedência, estar aberto a hospedagens alternativas como hostels e Airbnb, e comer onde os locais comem são ótimas maneiras de economizar enquanto se descobre o melhor que a América do Sul tem a oferecer. Os segredos dos melhores sites comprar passagem para Europa em 2024
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skippyv20 · 5 years
Cool!  Thank you😁❤️❤️❤️❤️
Enchanting cities with colorful houses
Nestled in the mountains of the Sierra de Guanajuato in Mexico lies the beautiful colonial city of Guanajuato. The city was founded in 1554 next to one of the richest silver mining areas of Mexico. The 16th-century mining boom led to the construction of beautiful haciendas and fine colonial buildings. Guanajuato streets and many colorful alleyways spread out in every direction while most of its traffic is served by a network of underground tunnels making it an excellent city for pedestrians.
Willemstad is the chief town of Curaçao located on the southern coast of the island. The Dutch colonial architecture of Willemstad is decidedly picturesque when set against the Caribbean waters.
The Punda district is the main shopping area and the seat of government of the Netherlands Antilles. It is the oldest district of Willemstad, established in 1634. 
In the middle of the barren Thar desert in India you will find Jodhpur. This historic city is full of forts, palaces and temples. When you walk the streets of Jodhpur the stark whiteness of the buildings is almost blinding in the sunlight.
View the city from afar and these same buildings take on a bluish hue. No wonder it is known as the Blue City.
Manarola is one of the oldest towns in Cinque Terre and is nestled in the Italian Riviera. This picturesque village sprouts out of the mountainside to provide a breathtaking view of the Mediterranean sea.
Just climb the winding streets and enjoy and espresso at any of the outdoor cafe’s and absorb the stunning scenery of one of the most popular tourist attractions in Italy.
Salvador is the capital of the state of Bahia, Brazil. The historical center, frequently called the Pelourinho, is renowned for its Portuguese colonial architecture with historical monuments dating from the 17th through the 19th centuries.
Tourists can visit the Cathedral of Salvador a former Jesuit church or simply walk the winding streets and enjoy the breathtaking colonial architecture of the Pelourinho neighborhood.
 La Boca
La Boca is is a working class district of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The artistic panache of it’s inhabitants put La Boca firmly on this list. The colourful houses are stunning examples of the independent nature of La Boca’s residents.
Most of the brightly colorful houses are clustered by the port. Other attractions include many tango clubs and Italian taverns, as well as La Bombonera, home of the famous football club Boca Juniors.
Greenland seems to have plenty of colorful houses that brighten up the otherwise bleak landscape. A good example is the settlement of Kulusuk located on a small rocky island .
This tiny village is the gateway to east Greenland. Adventurous tourist can find stunning views of the enormous icebergs in the Denmark Strait and East Greenland’s magnificent mountains. Kulusk has one hotel built in 1999 and a youth hostel.
The Mexican city of Zacatecas was founded in 1548 to provide shelter to the silver miners and reached the height of its prosperity in the 16th and 17th centuries.
The city is built on the slopes of a narrow valley with narrow streets climbing the steep hillsides. The old center contains many colorful buildings, most of them from the 18th century, including the beautiful Cathedral and the Church of Santo Domingo which has a richly sculpted facade.
Bo-Kaap is a picturesque part of Cape Town, South Africa, situated on the slopes of Signal Hill above the city centre. Bo-Kaap is locally referred to as the Malay Quarter since the majority of its inhabitants are descendants of India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and of course Malaysia slaves brought here by the Dutch East Indian Trading Company in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Tourists can walk the narrow and winding streets and take in all the bright and vibrant colors adorning the buildings.
This serene neighborhood facing the Copenhagen harbor in Denmark is a popular area with both locals and tourists. The many bars and restaurants make and ideal location to relax along the canal or to go bar hopping.
Be sure to visit number 9, the oldest standing building in Copenhagen, constructed in 1681. Danish author Hans Christian Andersen
lived at number 18 for some years.
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distraxion · 5 years
Streets of Antiquity
What was once San Pedro Heights, and the oldest barrio in the capital, San Telmo takes its name from the patron saint of sailors, who along with dockworkers and bricklayers, were the area’s first inhabitants. This one of the oldest areas of Buenos Aires, and it is saturated with history; from the old iron tram tracks that cut up and down the cobblestone streets, to the dusty antiquities that sit regally in display cabinets up and down Calle Defensa. Once, the continent’s first trams brought workers and visitors from the port into town, where they would wander up and down streets lit with Argentina’s first electric street lights. Now, however, it’s more than likely to be an Uber bringing affluent tourists from Palermo or Recoleta into the narrow, uneven avenues between the colourful colonial buildings.
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Tourists of San Telmo talk about its many flavours, whether those be literal or cultural. There are over 100 restaurants alone in San Telmo Market and the surrounding streets, with everything from the Eastern European delights of CCCP (a Russian restaurant), to the more traditional menu of Desnivel, via China, Mexico and even Denmark (the aptly named Valhalla even shows episodes of the Netflix series ‘Vikings’ every evening). Every street has a cafe or bar in which you can watch the world go by and take a bite to eat whatever the time of day or night. Locals (self-labelled Porteños) don’t siesta here like they do elsewhere in Argentina, and the national habit is to eat dinner really, really late (until 1 and 2am on the weekends). Plenty of time to squeeze in a few extra calories ahead of a night of dancing and revelry.
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If San Telmo Mercado is the culinary centre of this neighbourhood, then Plaza Dorrego is its cultural heart. The locale buzzes with music and tango seven days a week from lunchtime until well into the early hours. And if you venture into adjacent streets, there are a plethora of things to see and do. The Mercedes Sosa Cultural Centre, for example, has a full calendar of art exhibitions and dance events. Torquato Tasso, a well-regarded live events venue facing onto Parque Lezama, hosts internationally renowned musicians. The split-level park is also where you can find the city’s National History Museum.
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All that sightseeing may leave you in need of a drink, in which case this neighbourhood can satisfy the thirstiest of visitors. There are places to suit all tastes and styles. For the younger crowd, bars like Calypso Cafe, La Puerta Roja or Atom are fantastic fun to meet friends, listen to music and drink until dawn. For those who like something different, try Macabras Cine Bar, who show films all night, or Garage Bar, built in an Americana style, complete with a full-size Chrysler Roadster. And there’s even a bonafide English Pub on Calle Peru to catch Premier League games on the TV and shoot some pool.
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As a destination to visit for the day, or the night, San Telmo is a great counterpoint to the sophistication of Palermo. Every day of the week, and especially on Sunday, you can find a huge variety of things happening all over the barrio. And for those who can’t get enough of the local charm, a wide variety of hotels, hostels and apartments can be booked for as little as $10 a night year-round.
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galaxiainformat · 4 years
Bacalar - México - Información - GRANDPAcking
Hice mi camino de Mahahual a Bacalar en transporte público (Colectivo).
Mahahual era un pueblo turístico pequeño y relajado con un agradable entorno de playa caribeña.
En Mahahual me alojé en GRANDPAcking Standard en un albergue: Hostel Jardin.
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El alojamiento Mahahual es caro; el Hostal Jardín fue el ÚNICO alojamiento que pude encontrar en línea y que me podía permitir.
El Jardín está en el límite para los ABUELOS. Pero las habitaciones dobles eran perfectamente adecuadas, tenían un bonito jardín central y una zona de cocina común. Era el momento de partir hacia Bacalar. Un par de personas me han dicho lo bonito que es ... así que pensé en echarle un vistazo.
Planeaba quedarme en Bacalar por 7 noches.
Bacalar está situado en un lago a unos 20 km al norte de Belice y 15 km tierra adentro de la costa del Caribe. El lago Bacalar es el segundo lago de agua dulce más grande de México.
Puede llegar de Mahahual a Bacalar directamente por Colectivo; Es el mismo Colectivo que va de Mahahual a Chetumal.
Los Colectivos son Minivans de 12 plazas que, por lo general, dan servicio a rutas cortas.
Parten de Mahahual cada hora desde las 5:45 am hasta aproximadamente las 8:45 pm. El precio a Bacalar es MXP75 (a Chetumal es MXP85). El viaje dura 1 hora hasta Bacalar.
Los colectivos no son tan cómodos como los autobuses ADO y pueden llenarse bastante (especialmente en la temporada alta). Por lo general, solo desea tomar Colectivos en viajes de no más de 2-3 horas. Pueden sentirse incómodos si estás en ellos por más tiempo.
Cuando el Colectivo me dejó en Bacalar me pregunté si había cometido un error… Me dejaron en la carretera principal y Bacalar no Se ve muy atractivo.
Desde mi punto de entrega, caminaba 700 metros hasta mi hotel.
Bacalar fue una ciudad de la civilización maya en la época precolombina.
Esta fue la primera ciudad en la región que los españoles lograron tomar y mantener en 1543.
Bacalar se presenta en la típica 'cuadrícula' de la ciudad colonial española centrada en un parque central. h2>
A medida que te acercas a la orilla del lago desde la carretera principal, la ciudad se vuelve cada vez más pintoresca.
Los españoles construyeron un fuerte para defender la ciudad contra los piratas. El fuerte está al lado de la plaza principal y aún se encuentra en excelentes condiciones.
La orilla del lago es principalmente un terreno privado. El acceso público a la orilla del lago es intermitente entre estas propiedades privadas e, invariablemente, ofrece un acceso recreativo deficiente.
Pero hay bancos y mesas para holgazanear a lo largo del camino hacia el lago.
Después de mi frustración total con Telcel , estaba probando AT&T ... en Mahahual, no tenía señal… en Bacalar volví a estar bien.
No hay; esto es un lago. Pero el agua está limpia y puedes nadar.
El acceso es desde la Avenida 1… la carretera que corre paralela al lago.
Es particularmente agradable relajarse y nadar en uno de los muelles.
Hay 2 buenos accesos públicos al lago. El primero es gratuito para peatones y se encuentra al pie de la Calle 14. El segundo está en el parque nacional al pie de la Calle 30. La entrada para peatones es MXP10. Ambos ofrecen acceso a un muelle donde puede quedarse y nadar.
Puede quedarse en cualquier lugar dentro y alrededor del parque central o frente al lago.
No hay duda de que lo mejor es estar frente al lago ... ¡si puedes pagarlo! El alojamiento frente al lago es caro.
Todas las opciones (anteriores) están lejos de la orilla del lago.
Si comience su búsqueda muy temprano, es posible que pueda encontrar los descuentos "profundos" que necesita para poder permitirse hospedarse en un hotel estándar GRANDPAcker en temporada baja ... si no, está pensando en ingresar Fuera de temporada.
Reservé con 2-3 semanas de anticipación. Llegué el 5 de octubre en temporada de huracanes. He estado en la Península de Yucatán durante 1 mes en la temporada de huracanes y no he visto ningún mal tiempo (todavía) ... solo un chubasco y un día lluvioso.
Usé todos mis habituales y favoritos motores de búsqueda y no pude encontrar nada por debajo de MX500 / noche ... este es el "límite superior" que me he fijado para el alojamiento.
En pocas palabras ... sé que si no puedo encontrar alojamiento para menos 500 MXP / noche, entonces no puedo permitirme el GRANDPAck allí ... en cuyo caso, ¡también podría 'pasarlo mal' en una habitación barata de albergue, ahorrar dinero en alojamiento y tener más dinero para gastar más para divertirme más! p>
Estuve a punto de renunciar a Bacalar por completo pero, luego, me puse inventiva y comencé a buscar en Internet el sitio web "privado" de cada hotel.
Encontré el sitio web de Pata De Perro, que incluía un doble Habitación con ventilador y baño compartido por 400 MXP / noche, impuestos incluidos. Era el único lugar que podía pagar. Les envié un correo electrónico y les pregunté si tenían una habitación disponible.
Me enviaron un correo electrónico para decirme que el precio en su sitio web era un error, pero que lo respetarían. Habían puesto aire acondicionado en las habitaciones y los precios habían subido en consecuencia. Su sitio web enumeraba sus habitaciones con sus antiguas tarifas de "sala de ventiladores".
Para asegurar la habitación, tuve que pagar el 50% por adelantado mediante PayPal. Pagué el resto en efectivo a mi llegada.
El Pata está ubicado al lado del parque central.
Hay restaurantes en el frente y un bar en la azotea donde obtienes un 10% de descuento.
La habitación que reservé compartía 2 baños con otra habitación.
Aparte de el paseo por la pasillo, podrían igual bueno, hemos tenido baños privados… no notarías la diferencia. Nunca tuve que esperar una vez para entrar al baño.
El Pata cumple con el estándar GRANDPAcking.
El dormitorio es pequeño pero bien distribuido y cómodo.
El aire acondicionado era una bomba de calor nueva y silenciosa.
El baño compartido estaba muy limpio y se mantenía limpio a diario.
En el primer piso había una cocina común que ofrecía café gratis por las mañanas, agua gratis y nevera.
El Pata ofrecido 'bicicletas de montaña' a MXP150 / día (desde aproximadamente las 8:00 am de la mañana hasta aproximadamente las 9:00 pm de la noche); Esto es caro incluso para México.
La verdad es que no hay muchos lugares adonde ir… excepto, quizás, un viaje al Cenote Azul.
A lo largo de la orilla del lago encontrará restaurantes turísticos que ofrecen una gran cantidad de comidas en el rango de precios de MXP120-250.
Hay 2 restaurantes de este tipo que reciben buenas críticas: La Playita y Kai Pez.
Probé La Playita una noche.
Tiene un ambiente muy agradable con asientos en el interior y en el exterior.
Es popular e, incluso en octubre, era necesario hacer reservaciones para conseguir las mejores mesas para la comida principal (alrededor de las 7:00 p.m.).
Tomé una cerveza (MXP25) y un Ensalada de Queso de Cabra (MXP102). Ese día había comido un gran almuerzo de Poc Chuc y solo quería una ensalada ligera.
Me sorprendió descubrir que una cerveza a lo largo de la orilla del lago costaba solo MXP25… esperaba MXP30-35. Una cerveza cuesta MXP25 en casi todas partes de la ciudad.
Con carne, la ensalada fue MXP180. Este fue el artículo más barato del menú.
Tenga cuidado ... es posible que deba tener paciencia si va a comer allí al atardecer. Después de 15 minutos de espera finalmente obtuve un menú, después de 25 minutos en realidad tomé una cerveza y después de 45 minutos finalmente obtuve mi ensalada. Pero, fue una buena ensalada. En la ciudad puedes conseguir una comida básica y razonable por MXP50-100.
Un rango medio bien calificado restaurante es El Barril's en Calle 7 entre Calle 20 y 22. Probé su Costillas una noche (MXP95). Las cervezas tenían un precio razonable de MXP25.
Un restaurante económico altamente calificado es Christian's en la Calle 16 entre Calle 7 y 9. Son famosos en la ciudad por sus Tacos ... así que probé sus Nachos por MXP50. Las cervezas tienen un precio razonable de MXP25.
Otro lugar recomendado por los lugareños es la Cocina Orizaba en la Calle 7 entre las Calle 24 y 26.
Puede obtenga una buena comida aquí para MXP45-60 . Probé su Poc Chuc para MXP60. Había 10 tacos en esa canasta ... había tanta comida que no podía comerla toda. La sopa estaba incluida en el precio.
Hacen desayunos por MXP45. Dado el tamaño del Poc Chuc, me imagino que también obtienes un buen desayuno por tu dinero.
Finalmente, probé otro restaurante muy recomendable: La Pizzería Bertilla en la esquina de Ave 5 y Calle 20 . Una pizza de Peperoni era MXP90 y una cerveza MXP25.
Tiene sus opciones habituales 'Street' de Tacos en MXP10-12, Quesodillas MXP15 y Tortas en MXP25-30.
La 'gracia salvadora' de Bacalar es que se puede comer a un precio razonable.
Hay Superminis en la ciudad si quieres aprovechar el refrigerador en tu hotel / albergue ... los precios son razonables.
El bar de la azotea sobre el Pata es agradable con cervezas en MXP29 ... obtienes un 10% de descuento. También tiene una bonita vista del parque central. Probé su Ensalada Cesar por MXP100 (antes del descuento).
Junto al parque central encontrarás el único pub. Aquí puede obtener una Chelada grande (cerveza con sal y limón en una jarra de 1L) por MXP55. Si te gusta el limón (como a mí) disfrutarás de una Chelada. ¡También puedes probar una Mechelada con salsa de tomate!
Si te gusta mezclarte con los lugareños, puedes probar The Jungle en Calle 24 entre Ave 5 y Calle 7. Una cerveza de 1 litro te costará solo MXP35 y un MXP20 de 330ml. Tienen una máquina de discos decente que suele reproducir música decente.
Los GRANDPAckers probablemente estarán en Bacalar en temporada baja. Espere que los restaurantes y bares estén casi vacíos.
Por desgracia, cuando se trata de hacer cosas, Bacalar es una especie de trampa para turistas.
La vida se centra en el lago.
Puedes realizar viajes en bote de 4 horas alrededor del lago para ver los lugares de interés y cenotes "habituales" por tan solo MXP350. Para MXP500, puede tomar un velero.
La entrada a los cenotes es MXP10 ... así que pueden ir y visitarlos ustedes mismos. Cenote Azul está destinado a ser el mejor del grupo (y el más alejado del centro de la ciudad).
En algunos muelles se pueden alquilar kayaks. Hay un par de cosas que puede hacer usted mismo: Pirate Channel y Bird Island. Pero eso se vuelve caro a MXP120 / hora para el kayak.
Hay algunas buenas ruinas para visita cerca; Chacchoben es el mejor . Intenté llegar en transporte público… pero no encontré la manera de hacerlo. Puede encontrar recorridos organizados que se venden por la ciudad.
Hay un cajero automático en el parque central; parece ser confiable. hay otros en la ciudad.
Curiosamente, dada la naturaleza de la trampa turística alrededor del lago, no hay muchas tiendas para turistas.
Bacalar tiene un par de pequeños Supermercados. Uno está en el parque central al lado de la Pata. Willie's está a una cuadra de la calle 22 entre las calles 7 y 9. Ambos tienen un precio razonable.
Si ve un Willie's siempre compre allí en lugar de un OXXO. Los OXXO son un 10-20% más caros que en otros lugares ... Willie's casi siempre tiene un mejor precio.
La fruta, en particular, tenía un buen precio en la ciudad con plátanos y mangos por alrededor de MXP15 / Kg. P >
Es probable que la temporada alta sea imposible ... ni siquiera podrá permitirse el lujo de llevarla como mochila.
Bacalar es tan cerca de Belice que algunos lugares ofrecen opciones de transporte tanto a Belice como a Guatemala. Desde Bacalar me dirijo de regreso al norte a Valladolid (para ver más ruinas mayas) antes de continuar hacia El Cuyo o Isla Holbox (dependiendo de las ofertas Puedo conseguir lo que parece un alojamiento muy caro).
Planeo estar en Mérida del 26 de octubre al 3 de noviembre… mi hotel ya está reservado. Aparentemente, Mérida tiene un excelente festival a fines de octubre ... y el 1 y 2 de noviembre es el Festival Nacional de Muertos de México.
Bacalar es un lugar de vacaciones muy agradable y relajado junto al lago. Sugeriría que, para sacar lo mejor de Bacalar, es necesario buscar alojamiento a orillas del lago. Pero esto es difícil de hacer.
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therobinandthetree · 7 years
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Day27 - we explored the old Portuguese colonial town of Colonia. It is similar to Paraty, but not as pretty and slightly more modernised. Still a cool place and has its old walls and gate. We acquired a couple of dog friends throughout the day, one of which was demanding belly rubs at the old gate. The dogs here are so needy. We booked a ferry to Buenos Aires and said goodbye to Uruguay, which has been my favourite place by far. In Buenos Aires we had a very long walk to the hostel, and had a McDonalds for dinner because we have lost our minds and are throwing money everywhere. We relaxed in the evening. However, some guy in our room snored throughout the night and it sounded like something from the depths of hell and made sleeping difficult.
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nssn · 6 years
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● Casa Borges by B. Estudio > https://www.pinterest.com/pin/80431543330424811 | http://www.nicolasrosso.com
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aethelar · 7 years
*whispers* where did you live in patagonia, what language did they speak, was cow's milk really common, was it hard to grow things yourself, what kind of wildlife is there, can you find wifi easily, how did you get there in the first place? *really wants to visit but has food allergies and is an awkward duck who also wants to know everything*
Ok actual serious informations times let’s go
Where in Patagonia
It depends how long you have; if you’re going for a shorter holiday, it’s probably best to stick to one or two areas mentioned below because travel between places is long and, particularly in winter, unreliable. If you’ve got more time, then this is what I’d recommend:
Start in Ushaia, Tierra del Fuego. There are regular flights from Buenos Aires and it’s the southernmost point that’s easy to get to; an excellent starting place. This is the fin del mundo, the end of the world; cruises to Antarctica leave from here, you’ll find some excellent cultural centres and museums, and some lovely walking in the surrounding areas and national park, penguins, flamingos, glaciers, everything. Thoroughly recommend a boat trip as well that takes you out into the Beagle Channel because a) BEAGLE CHANNEL and b) the guides are fabulous fountains of knowledge and very happy to answer the genuine mountain of questions you will have.
Next one is Puerto Natales which is the jumping off point for Torres del Paine national park - you may have to go via Punta Arenas to get here, but that’s no hardship at all because it’s a lovely town. The big thing here is walking in the national park; the famed W trek is a five day monster that in summer is packed but much emptier in winter - though do bear in mind that the lodges might not be open in winter and camping is only for the experienced. There are a variety of shorter sections you can do as day treks; for practicality, we did a series of these instead of the full five day one. You’ll get mountains, glaciers, waterfalls, bright green lakes, and empty horizons (though again, in summer it can be much busier)
And Perito Moreno Glacier is an absolute star of a place; it gorgeous, and one of the most peaceful places I’ve been, and has various walking trails around as well. You can take boat trips but honestly only do this if it’s crowded on the land, otherwise you won’t get the freedom to just stop and marvel for like four hours. You’ll want to stay in El Calafate which is around an hour or so drive away (there are loads of people offering shuttle buses so no worries) - this is glacier hotspot with Los Glaciares national park so definitely a good base for taking trips out to the mountains.
On the other hand, if you want to stay in the mountains rather than taking day trips to them, you want my favourite place in Patagonia: El Chalten. This is a small, remote town, very quiet, lots of places closed during winter and only open in high season, absolutely fabulous bakery down on the main road near the bus station. The only thing to do here is walk. (Or, well, variety of outdoor sports I guess but I’m a walker so walking is what I did.) Plenty of routes you can do from the town itself that make nice day treks, some of them challenging, some of them more accessible. This was the absolute place where you walked from the door of the hostel and only stopped walking when you reached the edge of the mountain / lake / glacier / world - take thermos, sit on your rock at the conquering peak of your day, and enjoy the view. In summer, the road north from here - Route 40, the Carretera Austral - is one of the most famous and beautiful roads in South America; in winter, alas, it’s closed.
And those would be my top four places in Patagonia. If you have the time, then honestly seriously consider pushing north until you hit Santiago (it’ll make the flights easier apart from anything else!) If you do, then keep eyes out for Bariloche (in the Lake District, absolutely stunning scenery and many chocolate shops, excellent walks and kayaking and even skiing if you get the season right), Chiloe (very spiritual, ancient forests, plafitos which are houses on stilts over the water, and watch the sun setting over muelle de las almas - the dock of souls - which is a bridge leading off the edge of the island to the horizon and one of the most special places I visited. Bring a torch for the way back. Don’t make my mistake and forget that it gets dark after sunset) and Pucon (adventure sports! Natural geothermal hotsprings! There’s a giant volcano and the only done thing is to climb it and then slide down on a tea tray there is a story here but this post is getting long so maybe another time) on the way to Santiago.
All of Chile and Argentina speak Latin American Spanish. It is an accented form - “ll” is pronounced like a hard sh or soft j sound unlike the standard y sound, for example - but I had no trouble understanding or being understood and I speak Castillian Spanish. Most hostels and the like will have people who speak English, and there will be English guided tours if you want one, but if you’re buying your own food in the shops or speaking to local people then you’ll find Spanish useful. Even just a few phrases! De donde son is a question everyone asks, so learn the answer - Soy de Inglaterra or Estados Unidos or whichever country you’re from. Buenos dias is said to everyone at all times; buen dia is good morning; Me encanta su pais means I love your country and Hay una cama libre por esta noche is how you ask a hostel if they have any beds free for the night. That should be enough to get you started. (I still haven’t worked out how to do accents on this computer so apologies for those lacking)
Milk, Growing things yourself, and other food
Milk is not a common feature. Tea is drunk blank, coffee with powdered cream, and you have yoghurt on your cereal. I didn’t notice I’m afraid if it was cow’s or not, but I would assume it was? I don’t know what the hot chocolates were made with but my money is on manna from heaven so that may or may not be cow. You won’t find milk hard to avoid if you need to though.
As far as growing things yourself goes, we honestly didn’t try this one. We were living out of backpacks in hostels, so we relied on local markets. That being said do be aware that meat is a lot more common than vegetables and in certain areas, fresh vegetables can be expensive and hard to come by. There’s usually a good array of tinned or frozen though! Taking a wild stab, I’d guess it’s not the simplest thing - most of the wild vegetation was hardy grasses or shrubs rather than trees or flowers, but this may change in summer. I have to say, seeing trees again as we went north was a huge relief - coniferous trees in Bariloche and deciduous trees (deciduous trees! ancient forests!) in Chiloe. Flowers didn’t properly come back until Bolivia; we arrived at four in the morning in Sucre and it was like the whole night smelt of flowers and I may, possibly, have cried.
The big local foods were barbecue (particularly lamb) or stew; lots of meat, much more than you’d be used to eating, but you need it for the warmth. Ushaia is also particularly famous for spider crabs and has a lot of fish. If you’re cooking for yourself big towns will have most things and small towns you just have to be creative. Root vegetables, steak, and potatoes are almost always available. Breakfast is usually cereal and yoghurt with fruit or bread and dulce de leche, but the bakeries have some fabulous things - pastafrola is a delicious jam tart, alfajor is a caramel biscuit sandwich, both are amazing. For chocolate, rama (logs) are where it’s at and turista chocolate shops sell them in huge quantities.
And drinks; hot chocolate is of course divine but the other thing everyone drinks (in Argentina at least, less so in Chile) is mate - this is a herbal tea (I think?), quite bitter and earthy but very nice, which is as much a part of society as it is a drink. But it’s genius, because it’s socially acceptable to take a thermos and a mate cup with you everywhere you go and just drink tea constantly. It’s also a social drink and often shared; the rules we learnt are as follows: when the cup is passed to you, drink a small bit, and pass on. Don’t hog the cup. Don’t use the spoon to stir or mess the leaves up. If you say thank you when you pass it back, that means you’ve had enough and won’t be included in the next round. You can ask what blend of mate people use, but don’t be offended if it’s a family secret.
The most commons things to see are guanacos (a wild cousin of the llama), condors (which are huge), penguins (king penguins year round, magellanic penguins in their breeding season September to February), flamingos, sea lions and sea birds. And land birds, actually, though I’m not so good at identifying them - definitely woodpeckers and something that looked like a crow. Foxes are harder to spot but still present; further out to sea are whales and dolphins.
For best chances of seeing wildlife, you may need to pick up day trips eg out to the penguin colonies or on a whale watching tour, but you’ll certainly see some things just by going out and exploring by yourself. One thing that was happily lacking was mosquitoes; absolutely no issues with biting insects at all. Again, summer may be different!
The only place we had problems was in El Chalten, which very occasionally had power issues in the whole town. Don’t worry; all heating is gas based. Ain’t nothing turning that off. Otherwise wifi is readily available in hostels and even in some cafes and bus terminals; it might not be fast enough to stream HD movies, but we never had problems with the speed for normal usage.
How did you get there
We actually went as part of a larger trip spanning as much of South and Central America as we could fit in and travelled almost exclusively on buses. Honestly, this is absolutely fine as long as you can sleep on the road - buses in Chile and Argentina are high quality, they bring you hot sweet coffee in the morning, and apart from the weather things run on time and efficiently. Journeys can be long; overnight is standard, if you’re skipping out the in-between places you can find some longer journeys. 
If you’re visiting only Patagonia then I’d recommend flying; Ushaia definitely has an airport, and I believe El Calafate does too. The land route up to Santiago follows the Andes and is gorgeous, well worth it, but the land route between Ushaia and Buenos Aires is less spectacular. If you want to include Buenos Aires you could either break up your flight to Ushaia by stopping here for a few days, or travel Ushaia to Santiago then cross the Andes to Mendoza and travel to Buenos Aires from there. These are the Argentinian plains; huge open spaces, lots of wine. 
Et voila! Let me know if you have any other questions about things; Patagonia is an awesome place in every way and yes you should visit. Don’t let food allergies stop you. And pack jumpers that can layer and good walking shoes. And a decent knife! If you’re doing your own cooking, number one thing you’ll find useful is a sharp knife because hostel kitchens may or may not have good ones available. It makes such a difference. One of the ceramic ones with the cases is ideal because it won’t accidentally cut holes in your shirts while it’s packed.
19 notes · View notes
qepaso · 4 years
20 Incredibly Inexpensive Places You Need To Travel To In 2021
Argentina is a lovely nation and you’ll need a few weeks to make to the majority of it. Tango the night away in Buenos Aires, tuck into steak and Malbec in the Mendoza Valley, trek the Los Glaciares National Park, witness the magnificent waterfalls of Foz do Iguacu and absorb the culture in Cordoba. Average day-to-day expense per person: 2,665 Argentinian pesos or ₤ 32 ($ 39).
Past travelers have invested, in average ₤ 5.6 ($ 6.8) on meals for one day. A few of the typical meals to attempt are the well-known Empanadas (fried or baked dough packed with meat), Choripan (chorizo sandwich ), Locro (conventional stew), Provoleta (grilled cheese) and the scrumptious Argentinian barbecue.
The rate per person for one night in a hostel is usually below ₤ 10 ($ 12). Budget Hotels are also reasonably priced. Hotel Grand Brizo Buenos Aires, Hotel UOM Buenos Aires, and Tango de Mayo Hotel are some of the most popular spending plan hotels in Buenos Aires.
Low-cost Activities
Argentina is just a marvel of outdoor activities and we could not potentially list them all. However, here is our leading 5: — -Los Glaciares National Park– Probably the best thing to view if you’re a nature fan. The park is a UNESCO World Heritage Website of remarkable natural appeal, with rugged, towering mountains and numerous glacial lakes. The entry expense is ₤ 10.70 ($ 13). — Iguazu Falls– Among the Argentinian natural questions that you need to see. Entry cost ₤ 2 ($ 2.50). — Half-Day red wine tour (Mendoza)– Walk among the vineyards and discover how the Mendoza Desert area was turned into an oasis, tasting a few of the best red wines in the area along the way. Cost ₤ 16 ($ 19.50). — San Telmo Flea Market– antique market situated in Buenos Aires’s historical center, Plaza Dorrego. — La Boca– Community of Buenos Aires with a strong Italian influence.
From the extravagant architecture and azure coastline of Odessa to the cultural hotspot that is Lviv, Ukraine has it all. As of yet still fairly unblemished by mass tourist this beautiful nation is surprisingly economical. Average everyday cost per person: 750 Ukrainian Hryvnia or ₤ 23 ($ 28).
Food in Ukraine is truly low-cost. Previous tourists have spent, in typical ₤ 5.54 ($ 6.75) on meals for one day. Some normal Ukrainian dishes to try are borsh (a bright beet-focused soup including veggies and meat), varenyky (filled dumplings, comparable to pierogies), holubtsi (packed cabbage), kovbasa (sausage), and deruny (potato pancakes).
The price per person for one night is typically below ₤ 10 ($ 13) in hostels and listed below ₤ 30 ($ 39) in budget hotels. Anticipate a slightly higher expense in Kiev and Lviv.
Low-cost Activities
— St. Sophia’s Cathedral (Kiev)– a stunning baroque cathedral, also UNESCO World Heritage Website. Expense 3Hr (less than ₤ 1). — Lviv Historic Center, a UNESCO World Heritage Site likewise called ‘the Paris of Ukraine’. An assisted trips can be pricey so it’s best to make your own travel plan. — Roam in a sunflower field– You will discover enormous fields of the flowers all over the country as sunflower oil is one of Ukraine’s biggest exports. — Visit a regional outdoor market– You’ll discover here numerous Ukrainian typical products, like embroidered blouses, hand towels, and Russian dolls. — Kamenets Podolsky Castle– it’s a fortress situated in the historical city of Kamianets-Podilskyi (western part of the country). The city is really great to visit, particularly the old town. Entrance cost about 3Hr (less than ₤ 1).
It’s sparsely inhabited, mountainous, and has more trees than people, making it a haven for travelers with a fondness for outside activities like traveling, climbing up, cycling, kayaking, zip-lining, and hot air ballooning. Typical everyday expense per person: 252,193 Laotian Kip or ₤ 23 ($ 28).
Past tourists have invested, in typical ₤ 9 ($ 11) on meals for one day. Some normal Laotian dishes to attempt are Green Papaya Salad (Tam Mak Hoong), Steamed Fish (Mok Pa), Crispy Rice Salad (Naem Khao Tod), or Wet Noodles (Khao Piak Sen). The food can be spicy however not as much as Thai food.
The rate per person for one night in a hostel is generally really low and begins at ₤ 2 ($ 3). The very best lodging in Laos for budget plan travelers is in the type of Guest Houses that usually provide a choice of various spaces (with fan, air-con, double or single) and cost about ₤ 3.30 ($ 4) a night.
Low-cost Activities
You don’t need to invest much a day to see a lot of things. Here are some cool activities to experiment with:. — 3-day travel on a Mekong Riverboat– Definitely to add to your Laos pail list– The cheapest tour we found was ₤ 31 ($ 38). — Tubing in Vang Vieng– You can rent an inner tube in town for ₤ 5.70 ($ 7 USD) that includes a three-kilometer tuk-tuk trip to the start of the tubing path. — Entryway to UNESCO World Heritage temple of Wat Phu– ₤ 3.30 ($ 4). — Access on Don Khon island (to see the waterfall)– ₤ 2.40 ($ 3).
Boracay and Palawan are the best understood locations to find a piece of sandy paradise. Typical day-to-day cost per individual: 2,641 Philippines pesos or ₤ 43 ($ 52).
Previous travelers have invested, on average ₤ 10 ($ 12) on meals for one day. A few of the normal dishes to try are the Chicken adobo, Kare (oxtail stew), Kinilaw (raw fish salad), Sinigang (sour meat stew), Lechon (roasted suckling pig).
The cost per person for one night is usually around ₤ 6 in hostels. There’s no main house stay program in the Philippines, however, in rural areas where there might be no formal accommodation, you’ll frequently discover individuals happy to put you up in their house for a little charge.
Low-cost Activities
There are lots of cheap activities to do in the Philippines. What will cost you the most is going around the island. You can spend as much as ₤ 13 a day on regional transportation, depending upon what you’re preparing obviously, and ₤ 44 ($ 53.6) on traveling in between the different cities. — Tagaytay– Whether you want a field trip or a short weekend getaway, Tagaytay is awesome and uses great deals of outside activities and you can usually do much of them for less than ₤ 16 ($ 19.50). — Bolinao (Pangasinan)– Head to Bolinao if you desire stunning beaches without breaking the bank. You’ll find here affordable hotels and food. — Manila– The capital of the Philippines offers colonial architecture, and the old town is a chance to immerse yourself with history. There are great deals of locations to check out for free and you’ll still discover cheap lodgings in the capital.
House of rum, sun and salsa, head over to Cuba whilst it still keeps its distinct appeal and price. Take in the culture in El Capitolio, see the vintage cars and drink a mojito in Havana and trek your method through the verdant Viñales Valley. Typical day-to-day expense per person: 924 Cuban pesos or ₤ 28 ($ 34).
Previous travelers have actually spent, in typical ₤ 7 ($ 8.5) on meals for one day. Some of the common meals to attempt are the Empanadas, Pastelitos (meat-stuffed, fried or baked turnovers comparable to Italian calzones), Arroz con pollo (chicken and rice), Boliche (packed pot roast), Boniato con mojo (sweet potatoes in a garlic citrus sauce), Cocido de garbanzos (chickpea stew).
If you want to take a trip inexpensive, you can discover lots of hostels for ₤ 10– ₤ 20 ($ 12– $24) a night, even in Havana. Hotels are usually more pricey and it will be difficult to find a space cheaper than ₤ 50 ($ 70) a night. If you’re aiming to take a trip truly cheap and have a genuine stay, it might be a great concept to try and stay at host houses (homestay.com), so you’ll consume and live like a local.
Low-cost Activities
There are lots of amazing things to do in Cuba, and lots are outdoors and free! — Callejon de Hamel (Havana)– Narrow street in Havana filled with lively colorful murals and sculptures made from bathtubs, hand pumps, and pinwheels. Great spot for your Instagram pictures. — Go to the beach– Cuba has great deals of stunning white-sand beaches. Our favorites are Varadero Beach, Guardalavaca Beach, Ancon Beach, Santa Maria Beach, Playa Paraiso. — Go To Morro Castle (Havana)– This 16th-century fort sits throughout the bay from Old Havana and is an excellent place to get city views. The entry fee is ₤ 5 pesos (₤ 4). — Remain in Trinidad– Trinidad needs to be on your travel bucket list. It’s a beautiful Spanish colonial town and the old part of town is a UNESCO world heritage website. You can schedule an Air Bnb to not invest too much in accommodation. Spend the night at the Trinidad cave club and party in a cave! The entry cost is only 5 pesos.
Explore the souks of Marrakesh, trek the Atlas Mountains, lounge on roofing balconies drinking mint tea, go browsing in Agadir and discover the famous Casablanca. Morocco has it all, and is blessed with a year round temperate climate so it’s best for a dose of winter sun. Typical day-to-day cost per person: 395 Dirham or ₤ 33 ($ 40).
Previous travelers have actually spent, on average ₤ 10 ($ 12) on meals for one day. A few of the common meals to try are the Couscous, Tajine, Fish Chermoula (fish marinade), and Mint Tea (Moroccan mint tea is the best).
You won’t have the ability to find hostels all over. Marrakesh is where they are more common and you’ll find dormitories for less than ₤ 10 a night. In Casablanca, you’ll be able to discover modest however comfortable hotel spaces for less than ₤ 30 a night. Rabat, the capital, is more pricey however you’ll be able to find good rooms for ₤ 35 ($ 42). A homestay is also an option however there are really a couple of listings.
Low-cost Activities
Morocco has a lot to use and you can do a lot free of charge. — See the Souks of Marrakesh– Be prepared to securely work out for items you want to purchase as residents will try and sell them to you for two times the rate. — Check out Casablanca -The city is a Moroccan gem, make sure to stop by Hassan II Mosque (entry cost ₤ 3). — See the Medina in Fez– Fez is a growing cultural scene– it’s filled with everything from artists galleries, history, and incredible crafts. — Check Out Aït Benhaddou– This small little village is a UNESCO World Heritage Website and looks like it’s carved within the mountain itself. — Explore Marrakesh– Check out the marketplaces and souks, the beautiful Jardin Majorelle, and roam around Bahia Palace. — See heaven Village of Chefchaouen– Painted in a palette of mesmerizing blue shades Chefchaouen’s offers a thousand photo opportunities.
Visit the elegant Ho Chi Minh city, frequently referred to as the ‘Paris of Asia’, check out the brilliant and authentic Hanoi, relax in Halong Bay and for the travelers out there, scale the heights of Vietnam’s Stairway to Heaven. Typical day-to-day cost per person: 938,910 Vietnamese Dong or ₤ 33 ($ 40).
Previous travelers have invested, on average ₤ 7 ($ 8.5) on meals for one day. A few of the typical meals to attempt are the Morning Magnificence, the Pho, Noodle Soup, Fried rice, Nems, and tasty Vietnamese coffee.
There are lots of very good hostels to choose from and for less than ₤ 10 a night. Staying in Vietnam uses a plethora of options, from very affordable high-end hotels to cozy hostels for 3 times less than lodgings in Europe.
Low-cost Activities
There are lots of great outdoor activities to do in Vietnam, and internal flights to travel from a city to another are extremely affordable (we utilized Vietnam airline). Vietnam is big and there is way too much to explore to potentially note everything, however here are some things to have on your bucket list. — Ha Long Bay– Going to Ha Long Bay isn’t the cheapest activity to do in Vietnam, however it’s just too amazing to be missed. There are lots of alternatives at various expenses to choose from. We paid ₤ 160 ($ 195) per person for a private 6-hour journey with a 2-hour return transfer from our hotel in Hanoi which isn’t bad at all. See the review of our tour. — Happy hour at Polite & Co (Hanoi)– Don’t miss drinking fancy, good quality (and tasty) mixed drinks at this high-end speakeasy for an average of ₤ 3 during happy hour! — Walk Hoàn Kiếm Lake during the night– The lake looks magical when the lights are switched on during the night. — Relax on Phú Quốc island– There are a lot of beaches to check out in Phu Quoc. — Stay at Saigon– Saigon or Ho Chi Minh is a delightful experience, a mix of authentic and modern Vietnamese lifestyle. You’ll discover here a lot of good bars and restaurants. Make a stop at the post office and Notre Dame de Saigon cathedral.
Exceptionally affordable, it does not take many pesos to live well in Colombia. Go to the captivating cities of Medellin and Bogota, get back to nature in the Tayrona National forest, check out the vibrant colonial city of Cartagena and relax at Playa Blanca. Typical daily cost per person: 92,668 Colombian pesos or ₤ 20 ($ 24).
Previous travelers have actually invested, on average ₤ 5 ($ 6) on meals for one day. A few of the common dishes to try are the Bandeja Paisa (big food platter with grilled meat, avocado, and fried eggs), Arepas (flatbread made from cornmeal), Tamales (cooked corn dough filled with meat and veggies, all involved banana leaves), Empanadas naturally, and the well-known Colombian coffee.
It’s just extremely cheap here. You’ll discover lots of Homestay or hostels for less than ₤ 10 a night and decent hotels aren’t much more expensive.
Low-cost Activities
Where to start? There are many great activities for any age and budget. Here is our leading 5: — Stroll Old Cartagena– The town hall is a UNESCO World Heritage website in 1984, and one of the leading things to do in Colombia for tourists from worldwide. — Relax in Parque Tayrona– Integrate jungle and remote beaches at this undeveloped national park located on the Caribbean coast about six hours east of Cartagena. You can likewise find actually low-cost accommodations around here. — Explore Medellin– Medellin is a charming city, popular for its coffee plantations, its flower farms, orchids, and butterflies. — Bogota– Bogota’s old town, is a must-wander. It’s where the museums, cobblestone streets, and government structures are. — Hike in Chingaza National Forest– This is one of the biggest nature reserves in Colombia, home to more than 1,000 plant types and 187 bird types.
Georgia, land of rock and stone, middle ages fortresses, ancient monasteries, verdant hills, stunning mountains, spectacular caverns and rocky beaches. Check out Mtskheta, the spiritual heart of Georgia, go to the fantastical ancient cavern city of Vardzia, take in the breathtaking views of the alpine towns of Svaneti and kayak at the sensational Martvili Canyon. Average everyday expense per person: 46 Georgian Lari or ₤ 12 ($ 14).
Past travelers have spent, on average ₤ 4 ($ 5) on meals for one day. Some of the normal dishes to attempt are the Khinkali (stuffed dumpling), Khachapuri (cheese bread), Mtsvadi (skewer of meat), Combined mushroom stew in a clay pot.
Remaining in Georgia is as cheap as it can get. You’ll find here hostels for ₤ 2 a night! Higher standard locations are still exceptionally affordable, and some 5 star places on reserving cost around ₤ 50 a night.
Low-cost Activities
Georgia is fantastic if you like to drive around. You’ll have the ability to explore its significant landscape and middle ages architecture. — Check Out Narikala Fortress– Narikala is a spectacular ancient fortress overlooking Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. — Gergeti Trinity Church– Medieval chapel set in mountainous remarkable scenery. — Royal Baths of Tbilisi– Check out these historical bathhouses with pools of hot, sulfur-rich water, with optional personal rooms & massage. — Roam in Borjomi & Kharagauli National Park– This National forest is a safeguarded area in main Georgia and among the largest national parks in Georgia. It’s distinct for its variety of geographical and environmental zones, landscapes, historical monuments, and abundant flora and fauna. — Invest the day at Martvili Canyon– Explore this splendid natural attraction including waterfalls in a remote river canyon with boat tours & strolling paths. The entry expenses ₤ 4 (17 Georgian Lari).
Nepal is as it occurs one of the least expensive locations to mountain climb in the world. Typical day-to-day cost per individual: 2,901 Nepalese Rupees or ₤ 20 ($ 24).
Previous tourists have invested, in typical ₤ 6 ($ 7) on meals for one day. A few of the typical meals to try are the Dal Bhat (rice with lentil soup and vegetable curry or chicken), Momo (Nepalese dumplings), Pulao (fried rice with turmeric and cumin), and Thukpa (noodle soup).
Hostels and Hotels are truly inexpensive in Nepal. You can stay in most dorms for ₤ 2- ₤ 3 a night and in hotel rooms for about ₤ 10 a night. A homestay is also an option if you desire an authentic experience.
Low-cost Activities
Nepal is a beautiful country and you won’t invest much cash as there is so much to see outdoors. — Hike in Kathmandu Valley– You must trek around Kathmandu if you go to Nepal. The landscapes will take your breath away and you’ll be able to see how residents live. — Visit Swayambhu Temple– The temple ignores most parts of the valley providing visitors a scenic view of the city. If you’re fortunate you might find some monkeys around. There are numerous other stunning temples you can see around Kathmandu. — Check Out Pokhara Valley– This is the spot to see the Himalayan variety and lakes. — Go to Chitwan National Forest– Go biking to 20 Thousand Lake (Bis Hajar Tal) to identify wild crocodiles, monkeys, varieties of birds, deer, and perhaps rhinos.
It’s much safer than you ‘d imagine, likewise a cultural hotspot and blessed with acres of white sandy beaches and blue-green seas. For the most cost effective journey prevent the most popular resorts and head to less frequented destinations such as Valladolid for a genuine taste of Mexico that will not spend a lot. Typical everyday cost per person 959 Mexican pesos or ₤ 33 ($ 40).
Previous tourists have spent, on average ₤ 7 ($ 8.5) on meals for one day. A few of the normal meals to try are the Chilaquiles (corn tortillas), Tacos, Tostadas (fried tortillas), Elote (corn on the cob), Enchiladas (filled tortillas), and naturally Guacamole.
You’ll invest between ₤ 5 and ₤ 15 for a night in hostels. Hotels are a bit more expensive, though you can find decent budget hotels for less than ₤ 30 a night. If you’d like a greater basic stay, there are also a few affordable 5 stars hotels like the Hotel Bardo in Tulum, providing spaces for less than ₤ 100 a night.
Low-cost Activities
Mexico is a substantial country and you’ll probably invest a little bit of cash taking a trip to various places, specifically if you lease a vehicle (you can always take buses which are cheaper). — Explore Cenote Chaak Tun Caves– Chaak Tun has the most impressive stalactites development than any other caves. You can swim and snorkel in the caves. Entryway cost ₤ 4 ($ 5). — Relax on Tulum beaches– Tulum is famous for its lovely white-sand beaches. — Visit Mexico’s earliest beach town of Mazatlán– There is here 20km of sandy beaches to explore. — Stay in Valladolid– Valladolid is a genuine little town and has a beautiful architecture. You’ll experience here genuine Mexico. — Isla Holbox, Mexico– This is a terrific location to relax and unwind on the beach. The best part is that you can see whale sharks on the island, (from May to September). The best method to get to Isla Holbox without investing excessive money is by taking a ferryboat in Chiquilá for $200 pesos or ₤ 7.
Turkey is a huge nation and you may require to check out a couple of times to be able to make the most of it. Explore the capital Istanbul, a bustling city that straddles Asia and Europe, explore the Ottoman and Byzantine history, ride in a hot air balloon over the fairy tale land of Capadoccia, a company favorite of the Instagram set and absolutely a place for taking hundreds of pictures. Typical day-to-day expense per person 163 Turkish lira or ₤ 20 ($ 24).
Past tourists have actually invested, in typical ₤ 4 ($ 5) on meals for one day. A few of the common dishes to try are the Baklava (velvety pastry with pistachios), Döner Kebab, Köfte (Turkish meatballs), Meze (Large plate with different cold appetizers).
There are lodgings for all budgets in Turkey, and some really glamorous and pricey places. However, if you’re taking a trip on a budget, you can plan to invest in average ₤ 12 in hostels or budget hotels.
Low-cost Activities
Turkey is a beautiful country, the weather condition is ideal and there are lots to see. — Shop at Bodrum markets– the Bodrum weekly market is the next largest one on the Bodrum Peninsula. Our idea, go on Tuesday for beautiful clothes, economical fashion jewelry, standard handicrafts, and popular kilims and carpets are all to be found on the cobbled backstreet or fashionable shopping center. — Day Trip to Kos– Combine Greece and Turkey! Kos is only 45 minutes boat from Bodrum. Cost ₤ 18 ($ 22). — Try a regional Hammam– Get 45 minutes of washing, traditional body scrubbing, foam wash, and a massage for less than ₤ 50 ($ 61.5). — Relax on the beach– There is a multitude of beaches in Turkey, however the very best ones are perhaps around Antalya. — Visit your local castle– There are lovely castles in Turkey, some providing a gorgeous view of the shoreline.
From white sand beaches, lofty rice balconies, ornate temples to lush rainforests where you can come face to face with orangutans, Indonesia has it all. Bali has long been a company favourite but it is not constantly the cheapest, or the most authentic, choice. Now we are favouring the neighbouring islands of Lombok and Java, the lovely Komodo and Rinca Islands. Average everyday cost per person 545,185 Indonesian rupiah or ₤ 30 ($ 36).
Past tourists have spent, in typical ₤ 10 ($ 12) on meals for one day. Some of the normal meals to try are the Indonesian Satay (meat skewers), Fried Rice, Beef Rendang, Nasi Rawon (beef stew), Sop Buntut (Oxtail Soup).
High-end tourist is actually established here, and there are incredible resorts in Ubud, however, do not panic, hostels and homestay are very inexpensive alternatives here. You can find lots of rooms for less than ₤ 5, which is actually great if you’re remaining for a few weeks or backpacking the country.
Low-cost Activities
It’s tough to shortlist the activities in Indonesia, but here are a few of Indonesia destinations that can’t be missed out on. — Visit local markets– The Indonesian markets have lots of beautiful materials and crafts, it’s truly a shopping paradise. — Visit Bandung and its surroundings– Bandung will offer you an excellent feel of the Indonesian culture and it is a great starting point for visiting a few Indonesia tourist attractions. — Go to the volcanoes around Bandung– At about 30 km north of Bandung, Tangkuban Perahu is a big crater of an active volcano that last appeared in 1969. — Visit Prambanan temple (Java)– This is a remarkable UNESCO World Heritage Site and the biggest Hindu temple in Java. — Watch the sunrise over Mount Bromo– Considered among the container list locations of Java, Mount Bromo absolutely is among the places to visit in Indonesia. You can likewise trek it for a guaranteed exceptional view.
Armenia is a magical land of hilltop abbeys, lavish forests and crystal clear lakes. Reasonably untouched by tourism it’s time to visit this gorgeous country whilst it still retains its enchanting credibility. Average daily cost per person 9,156 Armenian Dram or ₤ 15 ($ 19).
Previous travelers have actually spent, on average ₤ 8 ($ 10) on meals for one day. Some of the common dishes to attempt are the Khorovats (neat skewers), Kyufta (minced meat with crushed wheat and onions), Ishkhan (fish meal), and Manti (baked dumplings in tomato sauce).
Pay as low as ₤ 5 for hostels rooms or Homestay. There are hundreds of alternatives to pick from. Hotels are a bit more costly, strategy to pay about ₤ 20 a night for a decent space.
Low-cost Activities
— See the significant views from the clifftop Tatev Monastery– This Armenian famous abbey lies on sheer mountainsides leading on scenic views of the rugged landscapes around. — Sail the pristine Lake Sevan– Lake Sevan is a large, high-altitude lake understood for its beaches. Set on a narrow peninsula, the Sevanavank Monastery has 2 stone churches dating to the 9th century, it’s a lovely location to visit. Trip costs start at ₤ 30. — Explore the nearby ancient fortress– Armenia is the ideal location if you’re fond of history. There are hundreds of castle, ruins, and medieval fortresses to explore here for a number of quids. — See the grand architecture of the capital city of Yerevan– Yerevan is the capital and largest city of Armenia along with among the world’s oldest continuously inhabited cities. It’s a stunning middle ages city to check out.
One of South America’s cheapest countries is likewise house to the most awe motivating sights the continent needs to provide, from the majestic peaks of the Andes to the shining Lake Titicaca and the lunar landscape of Salar de Uyuni. Average day-to-day cost per person 190 Boliviano or ₤ 23 ($ 28).
Past tourists have spent, in typical ₤ 8 ($ 10) on meals for one day. Some of the typical dishes to try are the Sanduíche de Chola (pork sandwich), Anticucho (skewered beef hearts), Cuñapé (tacky bread), Papas rellenas (packed mashed potatoes), and spicy chicken.
Home Stay is quite typical is Bolivia and great to experience life as a local, however, you can also discover a lot of hostels for a minimum of ₤ 5. There are likewise a lot of decent hotels beginning with ₤ 20.
Low-cost Activities
— Visit Isla del Sol– This lovely rocky island is located in the middle of Titicaca dotted in fascinating Inca ruins. Cost about ₤ 10 for a day trip. — Relax among the banana groves in Coroico– Explore the sleepy little town of Coroico, which nestles amid orange, banana groves, and coffee plantations. — Cruise down the Amazon in a dugout canoe on the Pampas tour– It’s finest to do the exact same three-day, two-night pampas trip which can be booked in either La Paz or Rurrenabeque. Expect to pay around 1,000 Boliviano (₤ 120 or $150) for the all-inclusive tour. — Hike along the lake Titicaca in Copacabana– Lake Titicaca is a popular excursion from Bolivia’s biggest city. Plan to invest in between ₤ 10 and ₤ 15 on transport expenses depending on where you’re taking a trip from. — Visit the busy capital city La Paz– Located at 3,500 m above water level, La Paz is a busy, lovely city. It’s so special it’s difficult to describe and you actually need to see it for yourself! — View Salar de Uyuni– Salar de Uyuni should be on your Bolivia travel pail list. It’s a unique location house to pink flamingos and its gorgeous landscape changes according to the season. A one day trip in Salar de Uyuni can be as inexpensive as ₤ 16 ($ 20).
Magical and mysterious, Romania is a land of fairytale castles, the biggest forests in Europe, wild bears and lynx, the marvelous Carpathian mountains and lovely middle ages towns filled in folklore and myth. Average daily cost per person 308 Romanian Leu or ₤ 57 ($ 70).
Previous tourists have spent, in typical ₤ 20 ($ 24) on meals for one day. Some of the typical meals to attempt are the Sarmale (Cabbage Rolls), Mici (Grilled Minced Meat Rolls), Cozonac (Sweet Bread), and Drob de Miel (Lamb Drob).
A lot of campgrounds are readily available in Romania for as low as ₤ 3 a night. Homestay is a great alternative too, you’ll pay in average between ₤ 5 and ₤ 10. You’ll discover hostels for the very same price, though hostels lodging are restricted in Romania. 4 and 5 stars hotels rates are very affordable compared to Western countries. You can find good spaces starting from ₤ 30 a night.
Low-cost Activities
— Visit Dracula’s house of Bran Castle– Bran Castle is the nation’s most famous middle ages landmark and is likewise called Dracula’s Castle. The entry cost ₤ 10. — Soak up the picturesque architecture of Brașov– Brasov’s stunning Gothic architecture plays host to a variety of coffee shops, bars, and dining establishments. — Relax on the white sand beaches of Mamaia– Probably the best beach in Romania. — Party the night away in vibrant Bucharest– Bucharest is popular for its nightlife, it’s a terrific location to the celebration on a budget as alcohol is way more affordable here. A pint of beer costs from ₤ 1,30, a shot of vodka or bourbon (typically 40ml or 50ml) expenses from ₤ 2,50, a mixed drink is around ₤ 3,20.
Thailand is a permanently popular hotspot, yet there are still locations to visit where the expense of living is really low. As a basic guide prevent the most popular traveler resorts and head off the beaten track. Average day-to-day cost per person 2,122 Thai Baht or ₤ 55 ($ 66).
Previous travelers have actually spent, on average ₤ 12 ($ 15) on meals for one day. A few of the normal meals to try are the Tom Yum Goong (Spicy Shrimp Soup), Pad Thai (Stir-Fried Noodles), Gaeng Keow Wan Gai (Green Chicken Curry), Gaeng Daeng (Red Curry), Khao Phat or Khao Pad (Fried Rice) and Tom Kha Gai (Chicken in Coconut Soup).
You can easily invest a lot of money in Thailand, as there are expensive and elegant resorts. However, if you’re looking at spending very little money you can. You’ll easily find dormitories or guest houses for as low as ₤ 3 a night.
Low-cost Activities
The simplest way to not spend too much money in Thailand is to live like a regional. Take the regional buses, consume street food instead of basic restaurant food, and check out less touristy cities and islands. There are lots of stunning unspoiled areas. Our first idea is to book tours in your area instead of online as you’ll get a less expensive rate. — Take a cooking class– Learn how to cook tasty Thai food for a really reasonable amount (generally ₤ 5 to ₤ 10). — Dive near the islands– Thailand is a fantastic location to dive! You’ll see here stunning corals and tropical fish. — Watch Thai boxing– There are great deals of places where you can enjoy mulai Thai boxing. It’s complimentary at the MBK Shopping Mall in Bangkok! You can also view in-stadium such as Lumpinee Stadium or Channel 7 Stadium. — Explore majestic temples– There is an amazing quantity of temples to check out and numerous are complimentary. If you go to Bangkok, stop by the Wat Mangkorn Kamalawat, Wat Pathum Wanaram, and the Wat Intharawihan temples. — Visit local markets– You can purchase silk for a bargain in Thailand. Silks scarves put on; t expense more than ₤ 2 here. — Explore local beaches– No requirement to go to the most popular beaches to enjoy the charm of Thailand. There are likewise lots of lovely beaches where travelers do not flock such as Koh Talu, Koh Kood, and Kho Mak. They lie on beautiful islands asking to be explored.
Guatemala, verdant land of lavish rain forests, magnificent volcanoes and awe motivating Mayan sites absolutely worth a visit. Average everyday cost per person 274 Guatemalan Quetzal or ₤ 29 ($ 36).
Past travelers have spent, in typical ₤ 8 ($ 11) on meals for one day. A few of the normal dishes to try are the Chicken pepián (spicy stew), Pupusas (filled corn tortillas), Kak’ ik (turkey soup), Empanadas, and Rellenitos (Guatemalan donuts).
The majority of hostels have dorm beds beginning around ₤ 6. The cost of a private space in hostels usually starts at ₤ 20. Spending plan hotels will cost you around ₤ 25 per night for a double bed. Airbnb options are readily available in the bigger cities, with shared lodging starting around ₤ 8 per night. For a whole home or home, expect to pay a minimum of ₤ 20 per night. Homestay is possible in the country but alternatives are extremely limited.
Low-cost Activities
Circumnavigating the country can be really cheap if you take Las camionetas (or “chicken buses”) which are old school buses and the most low-cost method to navigate Guatemala. — Visit the ancient Mayan city of Tikal– The ruins lie in the huge park of Tikal, and it will take you the entire day to check out so the ₤ 20 entry cost is well-worth. — Explore Lake Atitlán– You’ll most likely spend a little money taking a trip here, but the sight actually does worth it. It’s a gorgeous lake situated in a volcanic area. — Swim in the stepped turquoise pools of Semuc Champey– These natural pools are so clear you can see through the water. It’s a gorgeous park you can go to for a ₤ 6 entryway cost. — Admire the architecture of the old city of Antigua– Antigua is a UNESCO World Heritage site, boasting amazing architecture, absorbing the culture, and outstanding views.
The Gambia
Africa’s tiniest nation is house to stunning powder white beaches, blue-green waters and lush rain forest home to a range of plants and fauna. Visit the Chimp Rehabilitation Centre where you can see the primates in their natural environment. Likewise ensure to witness the magnificent birdlife at Baobolong Wetland Reserve to bring out your inner ornithologist. Average day-to-day expense per person 2000 Gambian Dalasi or ₤ 30 ($ 40).
Previous tourists have actually invested, in typical ₤ 7 ($ 8) on meals for one day. Some of the common meals to attempt are the Benachin (rice prepared with meat or fish, vegetables, and tomatoes), Domoda (meat stewed in peanut puree served with rice), Superkanja (mix of fish or meat, palm oil, onions, and pepper boiled together), Chicken Yassa (chicken prepared with fresh lime, onions and ground black pepper).
A room in a guest house usually costs about ₤ 12, though oversleeping a shop hotel is also way more affordable than in other countries, as you can spend as low as ₤ 55 ($ 70).
Low-cost Activities
— Visit A Local Market– The best-known markets are at Serrekunda, the largest town in The Gambia, and the Royal Albert Market in the capital, Banjul. — Wander in a fishing village– The Gambian fishing towns are vibrant and vibrant places. Watch the multicolored boats that can be found in and dump the day’s catch. — Take a Trip to Kachikally Sacred Crocodile Pool– The waters here are said to have magical powers and help with fertility. There are crocodiles around, however, they aren’t aggressive at all as they are so utilized to visitors. Entry expense ₤ 1. — Hike Bijilo Forest Park– The park is lavish and stunning and there is here a substantial population of green Vervet monkeys to observe. — Birdwatching– The Gambia is a bird fan paradise with over 560 species to observe. The best method to enjoy the birds is to hire the main guide. A half-day with a guide normally costs around ₤ 20 p.p.
Czech Republic
The Czech Republic is a land of captivating fairy tale castles, historical medspa towns, great restaurants and broad rivers to travel along. The gem in the crown needs to be Prague which makes for a truly fun weekend break without breaking the bank, especially if you are a night bird and do not wish to spend too much on beverages. Typical day-to-day expense per person 1,956 Czech Koruna or ₤ 64 ($ 81).
Past travelers have actually invested, in typical ₤ 15 ($ 19) on meals for one day. Some of the common meals to try are the Vepřo knedlo zelo (roasted pork), Sekaná pečeně (baked mincemeat), Česnečka (garlic soup), Guláš (goulash), Rajská omáčka (beef in tomato soup).
Not as rather as low-cost as they used to be, hotels in the Czech Republic are still an unbelievable deal, particularly when compared to other significant European destinations. In Prague, a hotel in a central area can still be discovered for under $50 per night. There are likewise plenty of hostels to book from in the nation and homestay is preferred (strategy to spend about ₤ 15 a night).
Low-cost Activities
— Spend 2 days in Prague– Prague includes an amazing historical architecture. Just roam in the streets, get a beer in an old pub and visit the magnificent Charles Bridge and Prague’s castle. — Visit Brno– Brno neighbors the Moravian red wine nation, a location that provides beautiful nature and cheap, regional white wine tasting. The city combines a contemporary downtown full of sensational squares and churches along with an authentic culture that holds onto its roots as a hard-partying student city. — Indulge at Karlovy Vary– This is the place to go to for a wonderful health spa treatment. The city also hosts one of the oldest movie celebrations on the planet. — Camp in Cesky Raj– This gorgeous forested nature preserve s situated just 90 kilometers northeast of Prague and uses activities for outside travelers such as hiking, biking, rafting, and climbing. You can remain in a guest house or private home for less expensive than in the city if you do not expensive outdoor camping. — Shop at farmers markets– Prague hosts farmers market nearly every day. You’ll discover here great deals of fresh fruit and vegetables in addition to food stands providing low-cost and tasty hamburgers, sausages, soups, and cakes. It’s a fantastic location to buy a picnic.
The post 20 Incredibly Inexpensive Places You Need To Travel To In 2021 appeared first on QePaso.
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fotosdebuenosaires · 8 months
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turismocero · 4 years
Quito, en el centro del mundo
Lo antiguo y lo moderno conviven en armonía en la capital del Ecuador y la convierten en un destino obligado para miles de turistas que visitan anualmente el país.
  Hace unos años fue distinguida como “Capital cultural de América”, título que desde el 2000 otorga el Bureau Internacional de Capitales Culturales (IBOCC). La última en ostentarlo fue Santo Domingo (República Dominicana); Córdoba (Argentina) fue designada en el año 2006.   LO ANTIGUO Si bien la historia de la ciudad, fundada por Sebastián de Benalcázar  como “San Francisco de Quito”, se inicia en el año 1534, los orígenes se remontan al antiguo Reino de los “Quitus”, del que toma su nombre.   Los españoles encontraron el territorio habitado por los Incas, quienes poco antes de la conquista habían doblegado al pueblo Shiry, última dinastía que gobernó el Reino de Quito.   A pesar del mestizaje, muchos grupos aborígenes conservan en la actualidad las costumbres y tradiciones de sus ancestros. En la música folklórica se denota claramente la influencia incaica, y en su religión y leyes todavía existen prácticas que son analizadas y discutidas por la sociedad.   En las muestras de pintura, escultura y arquitectura se conservan rasgos propios del pueblo indígena mezclado con lo colonial, valoradas por la UNESCO para declarar a Quito, en 1978, como Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad. Aún su centro histórico conserva gran parte de las riquezas coloniales de Latinoamérica.   INDEPENDENCIA Y COMIENZO DE LA REPÚBLICA Quito tiene una importancia preponderante para la historia del Ecuador. Fue allí donde el 10 de agosto de 1809 se dio el primer intento de independencia de toda la región. Es por eso que se la llegó a denominar como “Luz de América”   Ya en el año 1822,  se concretó la gesta libertaria, al mando de Simón Bolívar,  con la Batalla del Pichincha (en alusión al volcán que enmarca majestuosamente la capital ecuatoriana). Dejó de ser la Real Audiencia de Quito para pasar a formar parte de la Gran Colombia, organización política que reunía a los actuales países de Venezuela, Colombia y Ecuador. Finalmente en 1830 pasó a constituirse como República del Ecuador.   LO MODERNO Recorrer Quito es una experiencia fascinante. Desde la Plaza Grande (Plaza de Gobierno y alrededores), se va descubriendo, en medio de empinadas y adoquinadas calles, edificaciones cargadas de historia, museos, iglesias, conventos  y monumentos.   Y después, a pocos minutos de distancia, se vislumbra la ciudad pujante, llena de enormes edificios, centros comerciales, plazas y parques, donde durante el día hay manifestaciones de música, pintura y teatro, muchos de ellos al aire libre. Y por la noche acoge a los turistas en sus bares y discotecas.   Un paseo en bote, la práctica de algún deporte, o simplemente compartir en familia el almuerzo, entre otras actividades al aire libre, se puede programar por muy pocos dólares en parques como  El Ejido o La Carolina.   La Plaza Foch, en el Barrio La Mariscal, se ha convertido en un importante punto de encuentro nocturno de jóvenes y adultos, ya sea para comer en algún restaurante o compartir entre amigos en algún bar. El trole, una especie de metro, traslada de norte a sur a quien quiere escapar del tránsito, y además permite un recorrido casi completo de la capital.   En las afueras están los valles, Los Chillos, Tumbaco, San Rafael, Cumbayá, entre otros, rodeados de grandes bosques de pinos y arrayanes, que ofrecen aguas termales y amplias zonas para acampar o descansar.   TELEFÉRICO Aquellos que  no temen a la altura se pueden animar a subir, vía teleférico, hasta el mirador. En éste encontrarán un parque de diversiones y varios restaurantes de comida típica e internacional. Desde ahí se puede admirar la ciudad, las montañas y nevados  de Los Andes.   Este medio de transporte y atracción turística consta de ocho cabinas con capacidad para seis personas cada una. Se eleva desde los 2.950 hasta los 4.100 metros de altitud y el viaje dura aproximadamente 10 minutos.   CIUDAD MITAD DEL MUNDO Y justo en la Mitad del Mundo está el monumento que permite pisar el hemisferio norte y el sur al mismo tiempo.   Aunque la línea equinoccial o ecuador atraviesa varios países en distintos continentes, la República del Ecuador adoptó su nombre debido a que precisamente a Quito, llegaron varios científicos en el año 1736, con la Primer Misión Geodésica Francesa, quienes lograron con éxito medir un arco de meridiano desde la latitud cero al Polo Norte para comprobar la forma de la Tierra.   La denominada Ciudad mitad del Mundo ofrece dos museos, uno de ellos etnográfico; planetario; distintos pabellones y el insectarium, donde se exponen diferentes especies de insectos de todo el mundo.   Además, dispone de lugares para degustar gastronomía local y apreciar artesanías. También se puede presenciar actuaciones gratuitas de canto y baile tradicionales.   GUAYASAMÍN Y LA CAPILLA DEL HOMBRE La capital ecuatoriana no solamente es cuna del arte colonial sino también del contemporáneo. El reconocido pintor quiteño Oswaldo Guayasamín concibió la Capilla del Hombre, como un homenaje al hombre latinoamericano.   Este Complejo Cultural, aún en proceso de construcción, incluye un monumento edificado en dos niveles; pero el total de las instalaciones ocupará alrededor de 15.000 metros cuadrados. Los visitantes podrán recorrer no sólo la denominada Capilla del Hombre, sino también museos arqueológicos y coloniales, el Árbol de la Vida, lugar donde yacen los restos del artista y la Casa Taller donde residió.   Para referirse a su obra es necesario conocer a Guayasamín (1919-1999), merecedor de importantes premios internacionales, y cuyo trabajo fue requerido para plasmar murales en los Palacios de Gobierno y Legislativo de Quito; el Aeropuerto de Barajas en Madrid; la Sede de la UNESCO en París y  el Parlamento Latinoamericano en Sao Paulo.   Si se trata de Quito, no es caer en un lugar común asegurar que “por negocios o placer” éste debe ser el próximo viaje. ¡Tiene un valor agregado! Encontrar de paso un periplo por la historia y cultura de Sudamérica. Vale la pena conocerla.   CÓMO LLEGAR: Vuelan desde Buenos Aires a Quito en vuelo directo LAN, y Taca, con escala en Lima, hasta el Aeropuerto Mariscal Sucre en Quito. COPA y AVIANCA ofrecen otros itinerarios, con más conexiones no tan convenientes.   CLIMA: Las mañanas y las noches suelen ser frías durante todo el año. Al mediodía y hasta las cinco de la tarde,  la ciudad alcanza la temperatura máxima. Hay un período prolongado de lluvias (octubre a mayo) y estación seca de cuatro meses. La temperatura promedia los  7 y 22 °C.   DÓNDE HOSPEDARSE: Quito tiene desde hostels, de 30 dólares la noche, hasta hoteles cinco estrellas. Existe una amplia oferta hotelera, que permite encontrar hospedaje, incluso sin reservar con anticipación.   Recomendados:   Hotel Reina Isabel: Ubicado en plena Av. Amazonas, cerca del centro financiero y comercial de la ciudad. Habitaciones de lujo y atención de primera. Elegido por ejecutivos y profesionales que asisten a citas de negocios o convenciones.     Hotel Río Amazonas: Ofrece la comodidad y servicios propios de un hotel cinco estrellas. Se caracteriza por la realización de congresos y eventos especiales. Además, cuenta con La Canoa, uno de los más prestigiosos restaurantes de comida típica del país.   Hotel Holiday Inn: El Barrio La Mariscal, de gran desarrollo turístico, se encuentra el recientemente inaugurado Hotel Holiday Express Inn. El edificio combina dos tipos de construcciones. La recepción y salones conservan los detalles de una casa antigua, restaurada, y la torre de habitaciones es completamente moderna.   NÜ Boutique Hotel Diseño moderno y con excelente ubicación, ubicado en la Plaza Foch, cerca de importantes restaurantes y bares, en pleno centro nocturno de la ciudad. Cuenta con lujosas habitaciones, entre ellas la Jacuzzi Suite y la mejor atención, que pueda imaginar, para una placentera estadía.   DÓNDE COMER: La boca del lobo: La atractiva decoración hace que los comensales disfruten de la comida en un ambiente fuera de lo común. Para almorzar o cenar este inusual lugar ofrece entradas: ensaladas, sopas, mariscos o platos fuertes como carnes y pescado a la parrilla, y comida típica.   La Choza: Con cuarenta años de experiencia, ofrece gran variedad de sabores nacionales. Está decorado con elementos autóctonos de las diferentes regiones del país. También se puede disfrutar de música folklórica en vivo.   Mi cocina Un poco más informal y económico, el restaurante ubicado en el Centro Comercial Megamaxi, presenta un menú nacional e internacional bastante atractivo.   El Pobre Diablo Otra buena opción para disfrutar de buena comida ecuatoriana. En un ambiente más bien bohemio, con músicos en vivo y excelente atención. Para aquellos que deseen ir después de cenar, bien podrán disfrutar del Bar-Café y del show nocturno. Read the full article
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allovertheworldblog · 5 years
I Need Something To Read
Because I was trying to keep packing to a minimum I included as few books as possible. 
I was regretting it. 
A book is indispensable when on long bus journeys or flights or even just for a couple of minutes relaxation.
I brought one small book with me, bought one more thin volume in the airport. Boy, was I regretting it now. 
I wish I’d packed Bruce Chatwin’s In Patagonia, which I’d started rereading before I left home.
I convinced myself that I’d find bookshop after bookshop in Buenos Aires stocked to the rafters with classics and modern works of fiction and non fiction and page turners and pot boilers. 
Alas, it didn’t turn out quite like that. In Buenos Aires I went into the big bookshops and asked if they stocked any English language books. 
Politely they’d direct me to a long, thin bookcase just inside the door with the legend Pocket Books at the top. These would invariably turn out to be a mixture of Mills & Boon-style books and crime fiction. 
Neither is my cup of tea. I longed for anything in the English language, I’d read anything, well, within reason.
I dislike reading newspapers etc on the internet, it lacks something, the feel of a newspaper/book, the design of a newspaper, even the advertisements.
Then one day in BA I bought a copy of the International Herald Tribune and thought all my birthdays had come together, words on a page and all in english.
 Then I set about reading it, the words were in the english language right enough, but put together by Americans. I needed more, I needed a book.
I searched the internet and found a few dedicated english-language bookshops. One of them, The Walrus Bookshop, happened to be near the hostel I was staying in. 
I stopped by one day and searched their shelves for a book or two to keep me going. I settled on The Legend Of Bagger Vance and The Darien Disaster, a history of Scotland’s ill-fated colony in Panama in the late 1600’s.
Later in Ushuaia I bought Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s The Story Of A Shipwrecked Sailor to add to my collection. 
All of this, of course, wasn’t helping in lugging around my backpack, but I needed words on paper, English words!
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Cheap Exotic Vacations for Budget Travelers
Why spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to travel abroad or visit a tourist-ridden resort city? There are plenty of cheap exotic vacation destinations in Central and South America. Plus, the flights are shorter if you only have a week off (in comparison to European vacations) and the majority of the continent speaks Spanish, making communication easy.
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Here are some of the best and cheapest discount South American vacations:
Roatan Island, Honduras
Located thirty miles off the coast of Honduras, Roatan Island is an unspoiled Caribbean paradise. With blue skies, turquoise water, sandy beaches and year-round high temperatures in the '70s and '80s, Roatan Island offers everything a Caribbean vacation should. While Roatan Island is more expensive than mainland Honduras, it's a definite deal when compared to other Caribbean vacations. Plus the island has less street crime and violence than the rest of the country, making it safer.Best cheap vacation Central America 
Rooms run anywhere from $8 budget lodging to $175 resort hotels and a gourmet meal will set you back about $15. The island is also home to the second largest barrier reef, making it a popular dive location and scuba diving is a must. It also is one of the most reasonably priced places to get certified as a scuba diver and one of the best cheap exotic vacations.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Once the most expensive country in South America, the economic collapse of Argentina has consequently created travel bargains. Argentina offers amazing scenery, exciting nightlife options, world-class dining and wine - all at budget prices. Budget travelers can easily get by on less than $50 a day. The well-known Argentinean nightlife makes it the perfect vacation destination for young budget travelers looking for adventure. Dinner typically is served around 10 p.m., followed by all-night partying. Argentina is a perfect party and discounts South America vacation spot.
Margarita Island, Venezuela
This tropical island paradise is located off the north shore of Venezuela and is home to beautiful beaches and has an average of 320 days of sun a year. Margarita's daytime activities include snorkeling, scuba diving, fishing, beach-lounging, and horseback riding. For great bargains and local culture, head to El Mercado de Los Conejeros on the outskirts of Porlamar where you'll find unique souvenirs crafted by Amazon Indians and locals.
Due to the country's steep economic decline and an amazing exchange rate, hostels can be found at as low as $13.50 a night, a delicious fish meal can go for around $7 and a cold beer will only cost a dollar. There are also plenty of bars, clubs, and discos, offering an exciting nightlife.
For more family-friendly cheap travel, visit the country of Peru. Adults enjoy low prices and sightseeing options and the children love the animals and colorful country. The biggest tourist attraction is the Incan ruins of Machu Picchu, but the country also has amazing Amazon rain forests, colonial cities, whitewater rafting, and mountain trekking. Meals at local restaurants will cost from $2 to $5. Budget travelers will pay anywhere $20 to $50 a night for lodging in Peru cities like Lima or Cusco, but elsewhere the rates will be lower.
Santiago, Chile
Santiago, Chile is one of Latin America's most sophisticated metropolitan areas. Lying in a valley surrounded by the Andes Mountains, this capital city allows for a morning dip in the sea and world-renowned skiing in the afternoon. The country is cheap too. Nice hotels can be found for as low as $50 up to $150 and hostels cost from $10 to $25.
The country has unique museums and art galleries, bustling markets and unique colonial architecture. Restaurants can be found at reasonable prices, but some can be fairly expensive - so check them out before you sit down. The country also has decent wineries and wine tours are available. Chile is the perfect metropolitan discount South American vacation and a definite cheap vacation destination deal.
Please know more information visit our official website:-http://shorttripideas.com/
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livefromelsewhere · 6 years
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Sometimes it's best to get things done well in advance. So much of this trip has just been me flying by the seat of my pants that I forget that some things require time to actually get, such as a tourist visa into Brazil. I applied for the visa a week and a half before I actually needed it and the process was only supposed to take 5 days, so I figured I had some leeway there, but let's just say the last few days have been stressful. There's only so much that you can do once things enter the bureaucracy, but I was determined to still make the most of my time while dealing with it. After leaving Punta del Diablo on a 5 hour bus back to Montevideo, I checked into my hostel and passed out on Wednesday night. The next morning I got up and went on a walking tour of the old city, which was founded as a Spanish response to Colonia, the Portuguese colony. Because Montevideo is actually a little further down river from Colonia, it became the main port and customs house for ships and goods going into the center of South America, which was big business, especially for the cattle industry. Apparently there are 4 cows for every person in Uruguay (human population 3.3 million, so you can do the math), which means that most of the land here is used as cattle ranches and the beef is delicious, but more on that later. The tour started at Independence Plaza (see above), which also doubles as a monument/mausoleum to Jose Artigas (on the horse), a wealthy aristocrat who brought socialism to the masses, but was run out of town by the elite landowners, whose property was being threatened with redistribution, in the 1820s. Eventually the country went and collected his remains after he died in Paraguay (no relation to Uruguay) and constructed a massive statue and impressive mausoleum to him, which stands guarded by elite troops day and night. Afterwards we wandered through the old streets of the city, poking our heads into several palaces (built as homes for the rich landowners), the original colonial church, and finally the market that was brought over by the British, who I'm pretty sure have meddled in just about every country. The British actually got involved in Uruguay's independence from Brazil and their payoff was running the port/customs house for a while. After grabbing some empanadas from the market for lunch, I stepped into a few museums to avoid the rain that afternoon. The first museum told the story of Uruguay's Carnival, which may not be as famous as Brazil's, but its the longest I'm the world, as it runs for almost 40 days (that's some dedication to partying). I then stopped back into two of the palaces that had been converted into an art museum and a national history museum. There is a dark twist to Uruguayan history that is it's original sin. The population there is 90% European and 10% African. What's missing? Natives. Cattle farmers, who owned all of the countryside (and still do), were afraid of the Natives' impact on their businesses and pressured the first president of Uruguay to round up all 20,000 hunter-gatherers and murder them. It's a sad, black mark on Uruguay that they're still ashamed about today. After getting my dose of history, it was back to my hostel to relax a bit and check in on the status of my visa application (still no progress), before I braved the rain and the bus system to go out for dinner. I decided to go to the best parilla in Montevideo, a little hole in the wall, that is frequented by tourists and locals alike, where I got some delicious chorizo and steak. Yum! Afterwards, I shared a ride back towards my hostel with a Brazilian lawyer whom I met at the restaurant and then had a relaxed evening at the hostel. On Friday morning I woke up at 5:30am to catch a bus back to Colonia, where I hopped on the first ferry back to Buenos Aires. As I incessantly checked my email all day waiting for a sign that my visa had been approved, I was determined to enjoy my day. After arriving back in BA, I dropped my stuff off at my hostel, grabbed a sandwich, and jumped on the bus down to La Boca, a neighborhood on the waterfront. The neighborhood is famous for it's Caminito, an open air museum that consists of a few streets of brightly colored houses and buildings that make for a pretty backdrop to the extremely touristy shops and restaurants in the area, complete with dancers dancing Tango in the cobblestone streets. You have to be careful, however, as outside of those few blocks the area can be kind of rough and tumble. After wandering the safe parts (hi Mom) for a bit, I poked my head into an art museum filled with Argentinian artists that originally served as a studio and home for one of the most famous of them, Benito Quinquela Martin. I then headed back to my hostel to get cleaned up, actually check in and, of course, place a call to the visa processors for an update. By this point, about 5pm, I had assumed that I wasn't getting the visa as most official government business is closed by then (especially so on a Friday), so I had begun work on a plan B. It was going to be ugly, but I had scoped out an 18 hour bus ride to the border at Iguazu Falls, where I would hope that the visa came through on Monday morning and would only cost me a day on my schedule. However, it was also time to make the most of my night, so I joined with some folks from my hostel and we set out to walk through Buenos Aires's theater district and grab some delicious pizza (rumor is that 50% of people in BA have Italian blood). As we made our way along a stretch that looked exactly like Broadway in New York, I finally got the message I had been waiting for for days, that I had been approved for my visa to Brazil (at 7:30pm the night before my flight, no less). It was a huge monkey off my back and allowed me to really enjoy the rest of the night, which consisted of Tango dance lessons at a super cool speakeasy like dance club. While I can't say that I'm an expert, I definitely improved my dance skills, but I guess that's easy to say/do when you start at zero. After staying out watching other dancers after the lesson, I returned to the hostel and completely passed out, relieved and exhausted.
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charleschuang · 7 years
Return to Buenos Aires, Argentina/Carlos Pueblo
  The cruise ship sailed across the Montevideo Bay overnight and arrived at B.A.
on the next morning. I was prepared for this day to come to board on the ship
back to San Francisco, California instead of disembark at the port. I walked out
of the terminal and entered a main bus station to add on metro card called
Sube which I purchased in 2015. Then, I changed my mind to walk toward
Florida Avenue which I had had some experience as well. I found the English
Clock Tower Square and entered the Avenue toward the city center. I felt very
well and decided to walk all the way to hostel where I plan to stay on Mexico
Street. On my way, I visited two stores and a laundry mat which had had business
on my last visit. After making my payment, I took a bus to the city rose garden,
Rosal, and got lost by walking down to an opposite direction toward Recoleta,
the famous cemetery. After several local kind people’s advice, I took a train
back to the main station at Retiro. The ship stayed on the pier for an extra night.
  I love Buenos Aires and I know that I shall come back to visit. I had no problem to
Find the square of English Clock Tower. The British Empire attempted at least twice
to invade this part of South America and twice expelled by the colonial militia.
Finally, English immigrated to this territory as the industrialist to develop business
and settled here. The statistics of the Google, there are 100,000 English speaking
minority in Argentina nowadays. Argentina still keeps the Tower; however, there is
a memorial place nearby to honor the loss of life during the Falkland Islands conflict,
or Malvinas in Argentina. I found Florida Avenue and first store where I purchased a
fashion leather jacket for Amy and regretfully that the weather in Houston had been
inadequate. The owner or the manager told me that I could not get such jacket with
that price anymore. I agreed with him very much. I kept on walking toward the end
of the street and made a right turn to Venezuela Street. The second store is right at
the corner. I bought two shoes that year and the store clerk and manager did remember
me. The lady clerk complained the business. I like both shoes, one of them, I have wore
them on my foreign trips ever since.
The owner of a laundry mat had been changed. New owner mentioned that the previous
one had a new baby and stayed home. The inn keeper advised me take a bus nearby to
the Rosedal and I had no problem to find it. This is my favorite rose garden of the world.
I thought that I could walk back to the cruise terminal by passing through the cemetery,
the University and finally Retiro; however, I made a wrong choice of direction on the
Liberator Avenue. I walked toward the opposite direction till I almost reached the
Chinatown. Again with some advice, I took a train back the main station where was very
Near to the port.
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envirotravel · 7 years
One Last Night in Rio: Retreating to Copacabana To Plan My Next Move
Making the spontaneous decision to cancel our trip to Iguaçu Falls was the quite possibly best call I made in all of Brazil. Within seconds of deciding to skip our flights and spend two leisurely extra nights in the State of Rio de Janeiro instead, I felt a weight lift off of me. But I still had one major decision left to make: where to spend the last leg of my trip, after Heather’s departure left me solo.
I’d been waffling big time. I fully intended to make a decision before I ever arrived in Brazil, but kept putting it off and putting it off until literally less than twenty-four hours before Heather’s departure. After a blissful bonus night in Buzios, we’d decided to spend our last night and day together in style — splurging on a night in a beachfront hotel in Copacabana. For about $80 each we’d have a rooftop pool overlooking the beach, a fancy hotel gym, a lavish hotel breakfast, and welcome champagne — sold! We’d never actually made it to Copacabana Beach over our previous week in Rio, favoring Ipanema instead, so we were excited to see what all the fuss was about.
Um, this spontaneous-and-indulgent-decision-making thing? Amazing! The rooms at our hotel, PortoBay Rio, were nothing special — but the views? Worth every real we’d payed for them.
Over bubbly on our rooftop pool, Heather and I went over options for my next move. Together we’d tackled São Paulo, Paraty, Ilha Grande, Rio, and Buzios — and now I had all of Brazil to choose from. In fact, I even considered flying down to Argentina and spending a week with a friend of my sister in Buenos Aires (too cold, I determined in the end.) Slowly I dismissed several of my other ideas. Another week in Rio in a lively hostel? (Actually, I was eager to check out somewhere new.) A trip to the contemporary art wonderderland of Inhotim and the colonial mining towns of Minas Gerais? (Didn’t seem like the most fun place to travel solo.)
Finally, I narrowed my options down to three and turned to my Facebook page for advice. And y’all did not let me down! I got tons of great feedback when I asked for help deciding between these three:
• Brasilia: I’ve always been fascinated by the architecture of Brazil’s capital city, and it was incredibly cheap and simple to get to.
• Jericoacoara and the Lençóis Maranhenses: My heart was telling me to go here, despite the fact that it was logistically difficult, expensive, and pretty much as far away as I could get from Rio. But this beach girl just loved the idea of saying goodbye to Brazil on the sand!
• Bonito and the Pantanal: It was best time of the year to go to these top wildlife spotting destinations, though they are expensive destinations and mildly logistically difficult to plan. Mostly I was drawn by the freshwater diving possibilities.
Now guys, I have to confess something to you. I tried to change my flight to go home early. It’s no secret that I was really struggling with some of the miscommunications and frustrations we’d faced in Brazil, and so for the first time in years and years of being full-stop obsessed with travel, I tried to just throw in the towel on a trip and head back to New York to see my family. Brazil had turned out to be way more overwhelming than expected, and I just wasn’t sure I could do it without Heather to at least laugh along the way with.
In the end, the ticket change fee was over a thousand bucks and so price pretty quickly knocked that out of the running. Looking back, I am so, so grateful I couldn’t change that ticket — because what came next ended up being the highlight of the trip.
Photo by Heather Holt Photography
Photo by Heather Holt Photography
Photo by Heather Holt Photography
In the end, one thing made the decision for me: the fear of loneliness.
I’d been warned that Brazil was a tricky place to travel solo if you don’t speak Portuguese, as most hostels are filled with domestic travelers (very cool if you do speak the local language!) and Brazil is skipped over by many backpackers who are scared off by the higher prices and more stringent visa requirements than those of neighboring countries.
I kind of brushed off those reports before arrival, but over time I was bowled over by how accurate they were for us, as well. Listen, I love my solo travels — but I have never been more grateful to have Heather by my side! The more I looked into Brasilia and Bonito, the most convinced I was that I’d end up feeling quite isolated and spend my trip more or less completely in my own company. In some cases, that would be exactly what I was looking for. In this particular moment though, it just sounded lonely.
I booked a flight for less than twenty-four hours later to Fortaleza, Brazil — the gateway to Jericoacoara.
Photo by Heather Holt Photography
Photo by Heather Holt Photography
To celebrate my decision, we headed down to the beach!
One thing I wasn’t celebrating? The price of my flight. Brazil is not very conducive to spontaneous travel — flight prices were extremely reasonable when I was researching a few months out but absolutely skyrocketed closer to departure date, leaving little room to wing it. One of the things that really pushed me to cancel the Iguaçu Falls trip was that I waited too long to book a flight away from the falls, and by the time I really needed to make a decision on where to go next, they were just painfully astronomically priced! As in literally, the day before we cancelled I started looking up flights and actually burst into tears. And um, yeah, considering the distances between Iguaçu and anywhere, anything but air travel was an automatic no.
Flights from Rio were luckily a bit more reasonable but also had gone way, way up since my initial searches. Thankfully I had the resources available to stretch myself but it definitely would have been better — from a financial perspective, anyway — to book ahead. If you want flexibility in Brazil, it appears you really will have to pay for it.
Photo by Heather Holt Photography
Once again, I felt a massive relief after making my choice. I think I felt like because I’m a scuba diver, I should go to Bonito. Because the flights were cheap, I should go to Brasilia. Instead I chose the least practical, most expensive and most logistically difficult option of going to Jericoacoara.
But dang, it just felt right to follow my heart.
Photo by Heather Holt Photography
Photo by Heather Holt Photography
Photo by Heather Holt Photography
After a beautifully lazy day spent beach and poolside, we headed out to toast to the last night of our trip with tapas at Zot. Unfortunately I am a full-blown failure at reading restaurant’s opening hours, and we soon found ourselves wandering the streets looking for a stand-in. Lo and behold, we stumbled onto El Born, another absolutely fabulous tapas restaurant that our Barcelonian friend confirmed via my live-text stream of our meal was incredibly authentic.
Granted, we didn’t do much with our final 24 hours in Rio. But in contrast to our jam-packed first week, it was bliss. Personally, I wildly preferred hip Ipanema to more touristy Copacabana, but they are both beautiful stretches of sand. Our treat-yourself-palooza was the perfect end to the latest chapter in Heather and I’s globetrotting friendship!
And with a long, sad goodbye hug, I was off to tackle Northern Brazil — solo!
One Last Night in Rio: Retreating to Copacabana To Plan My Next Move posted first on http://ift.tt/2k2mjrD
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