#Hot Shit is my excuse to write equal amounts of ridiculous sexting shit and also excessively purple (ha) prose about finding somebody sexy
birchbow · 1 year
I am so so behind on price of forgiveness but your pinned has kind of become a comfort read for me and I have a clown scripture question (sorry if this has already been answered in the text)
Is there an equivalent of the book of hot shit for the other quadrants?
lololol it's enormous and very time-consuming to read so tbh that's super fair. To be very transparent about my thought processes; I somehow didn't think of having Hot Shit address other quadrants, and as very much a Moiraillegiance Guy I'm now kind of mad I didn't think of it lol.
....ALTHOUGH if one book of a GHB's raunchy letters is going to be canonized, I see no reason to think that they wouldn't have written raunchy letters in other quadrants that could therefore be canonized as well--the fact that the main three trolls we've seen who would quote scripture at each other are Gamzee, Kurloz, and Halore, whose mess is all tangled up in hearts, would probably give me plausible deniability if I just casually dropped at some point that there are chapters of Hot Shit in other quadrants that one could quote....
This process of "oh man something just occurred to me (or somebody just suggested/inspired a fun idea), how can I justify that into this ridiculous fic" happens about ten times an hour while I'm writing, lmao, welcome to the mind of the author.
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