#House Extensions Sussex
sensationalspaces · 1 year
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feraltuxedo · 2 years
No more Glyndebourne?
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GIF by @fuckyeahgoodomens
This is one of my favourite lines from Good Omens, and that's because Glyndebourne is the single most Aziraphalean event to ever exist, and I am convinced he had a hand in its foundation.
So, in case you're not familiar with this particular place and event, let me introduce you.
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Glyndebourne is a manor house in Sussex, only a short distance away from the South Downs National Park. In appearance, it's much like other pre-Elizabethan country houses. Large, imposing, worth a visit if you're interested in history. But what makes this place a little different is the opera festival that takes place there every summer.
In the early 20th century, John Christie, the owner at the time, decided to build an extension that would host a whole opera house, complete with stage, auditorium, and orchestra pit.
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Because that's the sort of thing wealthy English people do. Here he is with his wife Audrey, who was a soprano:
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John loved opera, obviously, or he wouldn't have turned his extension into an opera house, and soon he started to put on private opera evenings for his rich friends. That soon evolved into the Glyndebourne Opera Festival, which began in 1934. Since then, the house has been putting on opera every summer. Here are some guests at the 1939 event:
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But there is one thing that sets Glyndebourne apart from your average opera festival. And that's the picnic.
Productions are staged during the day, with an extended interval for a picnic on the lawn outside. This is mostly an opportunity for the guests to eat fancy sandwiches and get absolutely wasted on champagne. You can't tell me Aziraphale didn't have a hand in that tradition:
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To this day, Brits who can afford it flock to Glyndebourne to enjoy a day of opera, but mostly to lounge about on the lawn in black tie. It's one of those things that is as much about being seen as it is about seeing and enjoying the music, and you'll often spot celebrities or members of the aristocracy there. If you ever get your hands on a ticket (which are rather expensive, though they have a £30 ticket for under-30's, which is how I was able to attend once), make sure you stick to the dress code and bring your own hamper.
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homomenhommes · 5 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … January 8
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1544 – Italy: Cecchino de Bracci, a teenage pupil of Michelangelo (and nephew and lover of Luigi del Riccio) dies. His death inspires Michelangelo to write 48 funeral epigrams.
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1860 – The American author and art collector Edward Perry Warren , better known as Ned, was born on this date (d.1928). Independently wealthy, he left his native America and spent most of his life in England with his lover of 50 years, John Marshall, who he had met at Oxford in 1884 and who he called "Puppy." The two set up house together at Lewes House, a large residence in Lewes, East Sussex where they became the centre of a circle of like-minded men interested in art and antiquities. Under the pseudonym "Arthur Lyon Raile," he wrote a three-volume 60,000-word Defence of Uranian Love. He also wrote poetry and novels on the same subject, notably Itamos: A Volume of Poems, and A Tale of Pausanian Love, about homosexuality at Oxford.
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Warren is perhaps best known today as the purchaser of the Roman silver drinking vessel known as the Warren Cup, which he did not attempt to sell during his lifetime, because of its explicit depiction of homoerotic scenes; both sides show males making love. The front depicts a bearded man having anal sex with a beardless youth while a Peeping Tom looks on; the reverse shows a beardless man having anal sex with a young boy. It is now in the British Museum. The pieces he and Marshall collected during their tours of Italy and Greece later formed the bases of the classical collections of the Boston Museum, where his brother chaired the board of trustees, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
In 1900 Edward commissioned from Auguste Rodin a version of his "The Kiss", and he particularly specified that the male genitals should be visible and pronounced. Perhaps disappointed that the very heterosexual Rodin had modeled a vague sausage and not the distinct dick required, Warren offered the sculpture as a loan to the Town of Lewes but such a fleshy monument was not considered suitable for public display (it was rejected as "too big and too nude") and it stood in Warren's coach house until his death in 1928. It is now in London's Tate Gallery.
Ned and John lived together at Lewes House in East Sussex, for a time with John’s wife, Mary. On February 15, 1928, John retired for the evening, saying that he was not feeling well. Ned gave him a kiss and joined him in bed, but John died during the night. Marshall took his last breath while Ned sat at his bedside. Servants reported that Ned's final words to the dying man were, “Goodbye, Puppy." Warren died less than one year later. Mary, John and Ned were buried in the non-Catholic cemetery in Bagni di Lucca, Italy, a town known as a spa in Etruscan and Roman times.
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1864 – Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale (Albert Victor Christian Edward); (d.1892), was the eldest son of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII), and the grandson of the reigning British monarch, Queen Victoria. From the time of his birth, he was second in the line of succession to the British throne, but never became king: he died before his father and his grandmother, the Queen.
Albert Victor was known to his family, and many later biographers, as "Eddy". When young, he travelled the world extensively as a naval cadet, and as an adult he joined the British Army, but did not undertake any active military duties. After two unsuccessful courtships, he was engaged to be married to Princess Mary of Teck in late 1891. A few weeks later, he died during an influenza pandemic. Mary later married his younger brother Prince George, who became King George V in 1910.
Albert Victor's intellect, sexuality and mental health have been the subject of much speculation. Rumours linked him with the Cleveland Street scandal, which involved a homosexual brothel, but there is no conclusive evidence verifying or disproving the rumours or his sexual orientation. Some authors have argued that he was the serial killer known as Jack the Ripper, but contemporary documents show that Albert Victor could not have been in London at the time of the murders, and the claim is widely dismissed.
In July 1889, the Metropolitan Police uncovered a male brothel operated by Charles Hammond in London's Cleveland Street. Under police interrogation, the male prostitutes and pimps revealed the names of their clients, who included Lord Arthur Somerset, an Extra Equerry to the Prince of Wales. At the time, all homosexual acts between men were illegal, and the clients faced social ostracism, prosecution, and at worst, two years' imprisonment with hard labour.
The resultant Cleveland Street scandal implicated other high-ranking figures in British society, and rumours swept upper-class London of the involvement of a member of the royal family, namely Prince Albert Victor. Though none of the male prostitutes in the brothel had ever named Eddy as a client, there was a great deal of talk that seemed to suggest his frequent presence there. It is suggested that Somerset's solicitor, Arthur Newton, fabricated and spread the rumours to take the heat off his client. Letters exchanged between the Treasury Solicitor, Sir Augustus Stephenson, and his assistant, Hamilton Cuffe, make coded reference to Newton's threats to implicate Albert Victor.
The Prince of Wales intervened in the investigation; no clients were ever prosecuted and nothing against Albert Victor was proven. Although there is no conclusive evidence for or against his involvement, or that he ever visited a homosexual club or brothel, the rumours and cover-up have led some biographers to speculate that he did visit Cleveland Street, and that he was "possibly bisexual, probably homosexual". This is contested by other commentators, one of whom refers to him as "ardently heterosexual" and his involvement in the rumours as "somewhat unfair".
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Graham Chapman as King Arthur
1941 – Graham Chapman, English comedian, actor, writer, physician and one of the six members of the Monty Python comedy troupe. (d.1989) He was also the lead actor in their two narrative films, playing King Arthur in Monty Python and the Holy Grail and the title character in Monty Python's Life of Brian.
Chapman kept his sexuality secret until the mid 1970s when he famously came out on a chat show hosted by British jazz musician George Melly, thus becoming one of the first celebrities to do so. Several days later, he came out to a group of friends at a party held at his home in Belsize Park where he officially introduced them to his partner, David Sherlock, whom he had met in Ibiza in 1966, and subsequently raised their son, John Tomiczek, together.
After Chapman made his sexuality public, a member of the television audience wrote to the Pythons to complain that she had heard a member of the team was Gay, and included in the letter a Biblical passage calling for all homosexuals to be stoned to death. Already aware of his sexual orientation, Eric Idle replied, "We've found out who he was and we've taken him out and stoned him."
Chapman was a vocal spokesman for Gay rights, and in 1972 he lent his support to the fledgling newspaper Gay News, which publicly acknowledged his financial and editorial support by listing him as one of its `special friends.' Among Chapman's closest friends were Keith Moon of The Who, singer Harry Nilsson, and Beatle Ringo Starr.
Asteroid 9617 Grahamchapman, named in Chapman's honor, is the first in a series of six asteroids carrying the names of members of the Monty Python comedy troupe.
A memorial service was held for Chapman in December 1989 in the Great Hall at St. Bartholomew's. John Cleese delivered the eulogy; after his initial remarks, he said of his former colleague "... good riddance to him, the freeloading bastard, I hope he fries!", and then pointed out that Chapman would have been disappointed if Cleese passed on the opportunity to scandalize the audience. He explained that Chapman would have been offended had Cleese, the first person to say "shit" on British television, not used Chapman's own funeral as an opportunity to also become the first person at a British memorial service to use the word "fuck". Afterward, Cleese joined Gilliam, Jones, and Palin along with Chapman's other friends as Idle led them in a rendition of "Always look on the Bright Side of Life" from the film Monty Python's Life of Brian.
On December 31, 1999 Chapman's ashes were rumored to have been "blasted into the skies in a rocket.", though in actual fact, Sherlock scattered Chapman's ashes on Snowdon, North Wales on June 18, 2005.
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Gilbert and George (L)
1942 – George Passmore is an English artist and is the George in Gilbert and George.
George was born in Plymouth in the United Kingdom, and first studied art at the Dartington Hall College of Art and the Oxford School of Art, then part of the Oxford College of Technology.
George first met Gilbert Proesch on 25th September 1967 while studying sculpture at St Martins School of Art, London. The two claim they came together because George was the only person who could understand Gilbert's rather poor spoken English. In a 2002 interview with the Daily Telegraph they said of their meeting: 'it was love at first sight'. It ihas always been widely assumed that Gilbert & George are lovers, although they always dismiss questions about their sex lives.
They were initially known as performance artists. While still students they made The Singing Sculpture (1970), for which they covered themselves in gold metallic paint, stood on a table, and mimed to a recording of Flanagan and Allen's song Underneath the Arches, sometimes for hours at a time.
A number of works from the early 1970s consisted of the two of them getting drunk, usually on gin. Smashed (1973) was a set of photographs documenting a drunken evening, while Gordon's Makes Us Drunk is a film of the pair drinking Gordon's gin and listening to Elgar and Grieg, occasionally saying 'Gordon's makes us very drunk' or a slight variant thereof. This work, in common with many others by Gilbert and George, is executed in a completely deadpan way.
The matching business suits which they wore for these performances became a sort of uniform for them, and they rarely appear in public unless wearing them. It is also virtually unheard of for one of the pair to be seen without the other. They refuse to disassociate their performances from their everyday lives, insisting that everything they do is art. The pair regard themselves as 'living sculptures'.
The pair are perhaps best known for their large scale photo-montages, such as Cosmological Pictures (1993), frequently tinted in extremely bright colours, backlit, and overlaid with black grids so as to resemble stained glass windows. Gilbert & George themselves often feature in these works, along with flowers and youths, their friends, and echoes of Christian symbolism. The early works in this style were in black and white, with red and yellow touches in later series. Later these works moved to use a range of bold colours. Their 2005 work, Sonofagod, has returned to a more sombre and darker palette.
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Some series of their pictures have attracted media attention through including potentially shocking imagery, including nudity, depictions of sexual acts, and bodily fluids, such as faeces, urine and semen. The titling of their series, such as 'Naked Shit Pictures' (1995), has also contributed to media attention. In 1986 Gilbert and George attracted criticism from left-wing commentators for a series of works seemingly glamorising 'rough types' of London's East End such as skinheads, while a picture of an Asian man bore the derogatory title 'Paki'.
They have now settled the question of their relationship. In 2009, Goerge confirmed: "We got married last year at Bow register office. We thought it was probably about time." Yi Gangyu and Keith, their two staff, acted as witnesses. They celebrated afterwards at an Indian restaurant close to their Spitalfields residence.
The notoriously private duo had previously denied their intention to marry, with George saying, "We prefer to live in sin. We are the ideal feminist couple. We have equality in our relationship," when questioned on the subject soon after the Civil Partnership Act came to fruition.
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1947 – David Bowie (d.2016), also known as "The Dame," became a leading light in 1970s "glam rock," going on to enjoy international superstar status. Bowie's career had a longevity matched only by such grand old men as the Rolling Stones, and his status as media icon is unmatched by any of his contemporaries. His fiftieth birthday was celebrated to international press and media interest; and in 2000 the BBC released a remastered CD of early studio sessions, which had acquired archival status. In the same year he headlined the equally iconic Glastonbury music festival, taking easy precedence over a younger generation of musicians.
Bowie was born David Robert Jones in the Brixton section of London, the son of a working class family that soon moved to Kent, where he grew up. A fan of Little Richard and jazz, Bowie began playing music at age 12, when his parents bought him a saxophone. He performed in a series of small-time groups while in high school. In 1965 he adopted the name David Bowie to avoid confusion with actor Davy Jones, who later became the "singer" for the made-for-TV band The Monkees.
Bowie's significance for queer culture is deeply contradictory, since his claims to be gay or bisexual were almost certainly never anything other than a publicity-seeking gambit. As a performer Bowie adopted a seemingly endless string of personae, from Major Tom to Ziggy Stardust and the Thin White Duke, and his theatrical stage presence owed much to early collaboration with gay mime artist Lindsay Kemp. Wearing elements of drag and heavy makeup was an intrinsic part of this theatricality, rather than the expression of any inner queerness.
It seems to have been Bowie's then manager, Ken Pitt, who decided to play the gay card. He arranged for Jeremy, the only gay publication in Britain at the time, to publish an article about Bowie in January 1970. This was followed in 1972 by an interview for Melody Maker in which the singer stated, "Yes, of course I'm gay, and always have been." In a 1976 Playboy interview he declared himself bisexual, rather than gay.
Such published statements were combined with such on-stage antics as mock-fellating guitarist Mick Ronson and some very public homoerotic partying with Mick Jagger, Lou Reed, and Iggy Pop. But Bowie's appropriation of a gay persona always existed alongside explicit warnings from the star himself that nothing he said was to be believed.
In 1971 he cautioned, "My songwriting is certainly not an accurate picture of how I think at all." This is just as well since close analysis of Bowie's "gay" lyrics reveals little gay pride. Lady Stardust sings, "songs of darkness and disgrace"; the gay seducer in "The Width of a Circle" has a "tongue swollen with devil's love," and after he "smelt the burning pit of fear" (you don't need to be Freud to spot an anal metaphor here!), the protagonist knows he will never "go down to the Gods again."
Admittedly, however, many listeners have found Bowie's most overly gay song, "John, I'm Only Dancing," reassuring and positive. The song in effect says that it is okay to be whoever you are sexually.
Biographer David Buckley's view of the period is that Bowie, "a taboo-breaker and a dabbler ... mined sexual intrigue for its ability to shock", and that "it is probably true that Bowie was never gay, nor even consistently actively bisexual ... he did, from time to time, experiment, even if only out of a sense of curiosity and a genuine allegiance with the 'transgressional'."
Biographer Christopher Sandford says that according to Mary Finnigan, with whom Bowie had an affair in 1969, the singer and his first wife Angie "lived in a fantasy world ... and they created their bisexual fantasy." Sandford tells how, during the marriage, Bowie "made a positive fetish of repeating the quip that he and his wife had met while 'fucking the same bloke' ... Gay sex was always an anecdotal and laughing matter. That Bowie's actual tastes swung the other way is clear from even a partial tally of his affairs with women."
After his death in 2016, many of his songs reached a new status on Billboard's hit lists, setting new records.
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Charlie Condou (R) with boyfriend Cameron
1973 – Charlie Condou is an actor and writer best known for playing gay sonographer, Marcus Dent, in the long-running TV series, Coronation Street.
He joined Coronation Street in 2007, but left it in 2008. Speaking of his departure Condou said: "I have had a fantastic time in Coronation Street, but as a jobbing actor I believe it is time to move on."
In March 2011 he returned to Coronation Street after an absence of almost three years. He had been promised that Marcus will become a leading character on the show following reports that Coronation Street was to have its first gay wedding in 2011 when Marcus Dent tied the knot with former flame Sean Tully. However the plot failed to materialise reflecting his growing unease with his on-screen pairing with Sean Tully, played by Antony Cotton. Coronation Street sources initially indicated that he would enjoy a much more prominent role in the show, possibly at the expense of Cotton
He is a supporter of Manchester Pride, a Patron of the charities Diversity Role models and the Albert Kennedy Trust, and a volunteer for the Terrence Higgins Trust. He also works closely with Stonewall. In October 2012, he was named in the British gay publication, Attitude, as the magazine's "Man of the Year" at the inaugural Attitude awards and was their cover star for the November issue of the same year.
Condou divides his time between Manchester and Islington where he lives with his Canadian boyfriend, Cameron Loux and his daughter and son, Georgia and Hal, who split their time between Condou and their mother, the actress Catherine Kanter. In a number of interviews, Condou has revealed that the children were conceived through IVF treatment, following Kanter's 40th birthday and relationship breakup. He wrote a column for The Guardian newspaper on the subject of same-sex parenting which was discontinued in July 2012.
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2005 – Jake Daniels is an English professional footballer who plays as a forward for EFL Championship club Blackpool.
A youth product of Blackpool since the age of seven, Daniels began playing with their U18s in 2021 and was named Blackpool's youth team player of the season for 2020–21, scoring 30 goals for the U18s. He signed his first professional contract with the club on 25 February 2022, and joined Northern Premier League side Bamber Bridge on loan on 26 March for the remainder of the 2021–22 season. He made his debut for the Blackpool senior side in a 5–0 EFL Championship loss to Peterborough United on 7 May, coming on as an 81st-minute substitute.
In May 2022, Daniels came out as gay, becoming the UK's only male professional footballer to be publicly out at the time, and the first since Justin Fashanu in 1990. He cited fellow footballer Josh Cavallo, Thetford Town manager Matt Morton, and diver Tom Daley as helping him come out. His decision to come out was praised by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, FA president Prince William and England captain Harry Kane. On 29 June, he was shortlisted in the Celebrity of the Year category for the 2022 National Diversity Awards for the "courageous decision" he made the previous month.
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the-empress-7 · 1 year
Personally, I don't think they are being evicted at all. Their lease ran out and because Harold is not talking to his dad or anyone from the BRF (staff included) there were no negotiations or discussions about extending their lease.
Either that or .. The 2 year extension they got on their lease post megxit was a fovour from the queen granted with the express condition that the lease would not be renewed beyond 2023.
I think so because 1). FC was featured prominently in their Netflix documentary because they wanted to stake a "claim" of sorts on that house. Knowing that they would not be going back to live there after 2022 they showed that house off on Netflix. 2.). In 2022 they reportedly flew everything from FC back to LA. And anon on your blog recently said everything in FC was packed up and labelled and an inventory list was sent to CH. 3). The Wales' moved to Windsor knowing that maybe the Sussexes would not be living there ever since their lease would be ending in 2023 and wouldn't be renewed.
They are not being evicted. Not by any stretch of the definition of that term.
I agree with the rest. There is spin and then there is Sussex spin. Absurd the pretzel that Omid as twisted himself into.
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seowork24 · 5 days
removals worthing west sussex
If you're looking for removal services Worthing west sussex,A local company offering residential and commercial removal services. They might also offer packing and storage solutions.Specializes in house removals, office relocations, and packing services in the Worthing area.A larger company that offers extensive removal and storage services with a reputation for reliability.Evaluate the company's customer service. A company that is responsive and communicative is often more reliable.By taking these steps and considering the tips provided, you can find a reliable removal service in Worthing that suits your needs and ensures a smooth moving process.
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createdspacebuilders · 11 months
Crafting Dream Spaces: Meet the Experienced Renovation Builders
Creating the perfect living space is an exciting yet challenging endeavor for homeowners. Whether it's a complete home renovation or a simple upgrade, finding Experienced Renovation Builders in Sussex who can bring your vision to life is crucial. In the realm of construction and remodeling, one name stands out: Created Space Ltd. With a reputation for excellence and a commitment to customer satisfaction, this team of skilled professionals has been transforming houses into dream homes for years.
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At Created Space Ltd, the philosophy is simple yet powerful: to unlock the hidden potential of every home and maximize its functional and aesthetic value. As Skilled Builders and Tradesmen, they understand that each project is unique, requiring personalized attention and tailored solutions. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of architectural design, they bring creativity and expertise to every stage of the renovation process.
One of the key factors that set Created Space Ltd apart from others in the industry is their team of highly skilled professionals. From architects and designers to builders and craftsmen, every member of their team is dedicated to delivering exceptional results. With years of experience and a commitment to staying updated with the latest trends and technologies, they bring expertise and craftsmanship to every project.
Created Space Ltd offers a wide range of renovation services, catering to various needs and budgets. Whether you're looking to remodel your kitchen, revamp your bathroom, add an extension, or transform your entire home, they have the knowledge and skills to bring your ideas to life. From the initial consultation to the final finishing touches, they work closely with clients, ensuring that their vision is realized and that the end result exceeds expectations.
When it comes to renovating your home, quality is of utmost importance. Created Space Ltd is renowned for their unwavering commitment to using the highest quality materials and employing industry best practices. From selecting durable fixtures and fittings to implementing construction techniques that ensure longevity, they prioritize durability and sustainability in every aspect of their work. With meticulous attention to detail, they ensure that no corner is cut and no detail is overlooked.
Created Space Ltd believes in building long-lasting relationships with their clients by providing exceptional service and ensuring complete customer satisfaction. They understand that a renovation project can be overwhelming, and their friendly and professional team is dedicated to guiding homeowners through the process, addressing concerns, and maintaining transparent communication at every step.
For homeowners seeking experienced renovation builders who can transform their homes into personalized havens, Created Space Ltd is the name to trust. With their unmatched expertise, attention to detail, and commitment to customer satisfaction, they have earned a solid reputation in the industry. From concept to completion, they bring creativity, skill, and a passion for perfection to every project. If you're ready to create your dream space, let Created Space Ltd be your partner in turning your vision into reality.
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barlekhait · 11 months
Brighton and Hove education and culture
Brighton and Hove, often referred to collectively, are neighboring coastal cities located in East Sussex, England. Known for their vibrant cultural scenes and diverse communities, Brighton and Hove offer a wealth of opportunities for education and cultural engagement.
Brighton and Hove have a range of educational institutions catering to students of all ages. The cities are home to primary schools, secondary schools, colleges, and universities. Some notable educational institutions in Brighton and Hove include:
1. University of Sussex: The University of Sussex is a leading research university located just outside Brighton. It offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines, including arts and humanities, sciences, social sciences, and business.
2. University of Brighton: The University of Brighton is another reputable university with campuses in both Brighton and Eastbourne. It provides diverse courses and programs in fields such as art and design, humanities, health sciences, engineering, and business.
3. Brighton and Hove Sixth Form College: The Brighton and Hove Sixth Form College (BHASVIC) is a popular further education college that offers a range of A-level courses and vocational programs. It caters to students in the final two years of secondary education, preparing them for higher education or employment.
4. Primary and Secondary Schools: Brighton and Hove have a variety of primary and secondary schools that provide education to children and teenagers. These schools follow the national curriculum and strive to offer high-quality education and support for students.
Brighton and Hove boast a rich cultural scene with a diverse range of arts, music, festivals, and entertainment options. Some highlights include:
1. Brighton Festival: The Brighton Festival is an annual arts festival held in May, showcasing a mix of international and local performances, including theater, dance, music, and visual arts. It is one of the largest and most renowned arts festivals in the UK.
2. The Brighton Dome: The Brighton Dome is a multi-arts venue that hosts a variety of performances, including concerts, theater productions, dance shows, and comedy acts. The venue is known for its unique architectural design and historical significance.
3. The Brighton Fringe: The Brighton Fringe is an open-access arts festival that runs alongside the Brighton Festival. It provides a platform for emerging artists, performers, and groups to showcase their work, offering a diverse range of performances and events.
4. Brighton Museum and Art Gallery: The Brighton Museum and Art Gallery houses an extensive collection of art, artifacts, and exhibitions that explore the history, culture, and art of the city and its surrounding region. It offers insights into Brighton's heritage and hosts temporary exhibitions.
5. Music Scene: Brighton and Hove have a thriving music scene with numerous live music venues, ranging from small independent pubs and clubs to larger concert halls. The cities attract a wide range of musicians and bands, offering diverse genres and styles.
In addition to these cultural attractions, Brighton and Hove offer a lively LGBTQ+ scene, a vibrant nightlife, and a variety of independent shops, cafes, and restaurants, contributing to the overall cultural richness of the cities.
Overall, Brighton and Hove provide a dynamic and inclusive environment for education and cultural engagement. The cities' educational institutions and cultural attractions foster a creative and vibrant atmosphere, attracting residents and visitors alike.
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college-girl199328 · 1 year
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry may be closing the door on Frogmore Cottage.
Prince Harry, 38, and Meghan, 41, lived at Frogmore Cottage from 2019 to 2020. The couple relocated from the two-bedroom Nottingham Cottage, on the grounds of Kensington Palace in London, to the residence before the birth of their first child, son Archie Harrison, who was born in May 2019. They moved out of Frogmore after stepping back from their professional roles in early 2020, briefly staying in Canada before settling in Meghan's home state of California.
Prince Harry and Meghan's first home was a bit of a fixer-upper. Royal biographer Ingrid Seward previously told PEOPLE the property was "pretty dilapidated" before they moved in — after all, it was built in 1801 under the direction of Queen Charlotte. The property's extensive renovations, transforming it from a former staff residence into a single-family home, became a hot topic, as it was paid for by the Sovereign Grant, the U.K. fund set aside for royals that are taxpayers.
When Meghan and Harry announced their plans to step back as senior members of the royal family, a statement from Buckingham Palace read, "The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have shared their wish to repay Sovereign Grant expenditure for the refurbishment of Frogmore Cottage, which will remain their U.K. family home."
Harry "fully covered" the renovation costs of Frogmore Cottage, which were said to be around $3 million, later that year. The offer to settle their debts was made "proactively" by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, a source told PEOPLE at the time, adding that the pair wanted to ensure that there was no ongoing drain on public monies as they worked to become financially independent.
"It is a crucial step that they have wanted to take," the source said. "It is something they have proactively wanted to do since the word started. They have taken the initiative to do so."
It's unclear if now that Harry and Meghan have been requested to leave Frogmore Cottage, they will be reimbursed for the renovations.
Tucked within the Frogmore estate adjacent to the 650-acre Windsor Home Park, Frogmore Cottage is about a half mile away from Windsor Castle. The world's largest castle was Queen Elizabeth's primary residence during the last years of her life.
Windsor became a special place for the Sussexes, who tied the knot at St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle in May 2018. They hosted their evening wedding reception at Frogmore House. They also took their engagement photos on the grounds of Frogmore House the year prior.
Fans got a glimpse inside Frogmore Cottage in the Netflix series Harry & Meghan, which debuted in December 2022. There, Prince Harry and Meghan shared intimate photos from when they moved out in 2020. They also shared shots of their son Archie and daughter Lilibet Diana, 1, when the family of four visited the U.K. for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in June 2022.
"We both came back in March from Canada, and that was sort of our farewell week," Harry said of the transatlantic move in 2020.
News that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been asked to vacate Frogmore Cottage follows a report from The Sun that King Charles III plans to move his brother Prince Andrew to the Windsor residence. The second son of Queen Elizabeth, who stepped back from public duties over his ties to disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein, currently resides at the much larger Royal Lodge in Windsor Great Park.
After Prince Harry and Meghan moved to California, his cousin (and Prince Andrew's daughter) Princess Eugenie and her husband, Jack Brooksbank, moved into Frogmore Cottage before the birth of their first child in February 2021. A source said at the time, "Frogmore Cottage continues to be the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's residence in the U.K., and they are delighted to be able to open up their home to Princess Eugenie and Jack as they start their own family."
When Harry and Meghan returned to the U.K. last year for the Platinum Jubilee festivities, they stayed at Frogmore Cottage. They celebrated their daughter Lilibet's first birthday with a backyard party.
Another famous tenant of Frogmore Cottage was Queen Victoria's trusted aide Abdul Karim, the first Indian member of the royal household. However, the pair's closeness sparked racism and jealousy among the court and other members of Queen Victoria's family — and ultimately, just hours after the monarch was buried in 1901, a group of senior royals and courtiers came to his home and ordered that all his letters from the monarch be destroyed.
Abdul lived at Frogmore Cottage for around 10 years until he was sent back to Agra, India, after Victoria's death.
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petnews2day · 2 years
Child found covered in faeces asleep next to dead dog
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Child found covered in faeces asleep next to dead dog
A seven-year-old child was found asleep and covered in faeces and next to a dead dog.
A couple who kept 36 dogs and seven children in a three bedroom house have been jailed for child neglect.
Christopher Bennett, 35, and Gemma Brogan, 41, from Eastbourne were jailed for six years each after a judge told them they had shown profound indifference.
Amy Packham for the Crown told Lewes Crown Court Bennett and Brogan entered guilty pleas to seven counts of neglect on seven children in their care between September 2019 and June 2021.
The youngest was only two-years-old.
“This was wilful neglect,” said Ms Packham.
Police were called to the house after Bennett rang 999 and told the operator he was going to stab Brogan.
Police spoke to him through open bathroom window for 20 minutes.
When the police entered, the seven year old was in the living room with 36 dogs, one of which was dead.
The seven-year-old was dressed in just a nappy and had matted hair.
“She had no other clothes on, she smelt awful and had dog faeces on her skin,” said Ms Packham.
“The seven children have been subjected to prolonged and serious neglect, serious cruelty and deliberate disregard for their welfare.
“They suffered serious psychological and developmental harm.
The police said the house was filthy and unhygienic. There was little or no food in the house.
Detective Constable Fiona Ashcroft, of the East Sussex safeguarding investigations unit, said: “This was a particularly dreadful example of child neglect.
“It is impossible to paint an accurate picture of the full extent of degradation and filth these vulnerable children had to endure.
“It is unequivocally one of the most awful addresses I have ever been in.
“The state of the whole house was shocking and repugnant – it was cluttered and was strewn with discarded clothing, litter, rotting food and animal faeces.
“It looked as if it had been filthy for a number of years.”
Children’s services carers only discovered one of the children had blonde hair after it had been washed several times.
Matted clumps of hair had been cut off one child who required a number of baths before she was clean.
All the children had rotten teeth and one child had to have a general anaesthetic so dentist could remove 13 teeth.
Schools in the area had extensive records of concerns for the children.
The youngest children did not know how to wash or brush their teeth. They were underweight, pale, could not sit at a table or use a knife and fork.
One child was so neglected she was unsteady on her feet and appeared to be much younger.
She had no strength or stamina, was incredibly weak and very nervous with no social skills.
“It was as if she had never had to interact with people outside her household before,” Ms Packham said. “Her speech was poor and she had disturbing eating habits.
“She appeared to hoard food and checked with amazement at food in the fridge.”
After a few months in care her physical condition improved and she could follow simple instructions.
Carers had to explain to another child what shampoo and conditioner were and how to wash herself.
“She couldn’t read or write, didn’t know days of the week or months of the year.
“They discouraged her from going to school saying it would make her anxious and she would find it too hard.
“She looked after the younger ones,” Ms Packham said.
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sensationalspaces · 2 years
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Get house extension services in Sussex to gain extra space in your home. Sensational Spaces can help you with everything from the initial planning and building control stages, through to the actual construction work, plumbing, roofing and plastering. Contact us today to find out more about our house extension services in West Sussex.
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sebdigitaluk · 2 years
3 Benefits of Hiring a Premium Web Developer
Websites have become the face of brands on digital media. Curating content and creating an online experience that caters to your niche is essential in today’s world. If you’re facing difficulties with generating website traffic or are unable to understand how to curate content, hiring a leading website design company in Sussex can be beneficial to you. Professional developers bring expertise gained from multiple projects and domains to the table. They can understand your requirements and build a website that stands out. Let’s look at the 3 benefits hiring a website design agency can bring you.
1. World Class Website Development
Developers working in the industry generally accept a multitude of projects. It helps them build knowledge in a wide variety of niches and domains. If you want to deliver a robust online experience to your customers, hiring such an agency can help you do that. Professionals at leading firms have a great understanding of your business industry and can create a web development strategy to target your audience accurately. They help you implement the right design, themes, user experience elements, and catchy content to help your page rank better.
2. Considerable Time-Savings
Quick turnaround is essential when it comes to setting up a website. Finalising the design of your webpages after considering the live workflows on your website is a challenging task. Dedicating in-house resources may not be the best idea. Instead delegating this task to a firm experienced in website development in Sussex can yield better benefits. This allows you to focus on developing and optimising your business processes, while professional website developers work in tandem with your growing business needs. They’ll develop a website that captures the fundamental elements of your business (mission, vision, etc.) and keep the website flexible enough to accommodate future changes in your future USP.
3. Implementing the Right Trust Factors
Websites are supposed to build consumer trust in your brand. Since all consumers can’t visit your physical store, having a website with impeccable design helps in gaining customer goodwill. An experienced website developer with extensive knowledge in your business’ domain can optimise your website to spark enthusiasm in new and loyal visitors. Some of the key trust factors they can implement are:
Quicker webpage loading speed,
Factually accurate content optimised for SEO,
Trust Seal or a secure HTTPS connection for your general website and checkout pages,
Curating and posting brand policies as and when required at the right places on your website,
Quick accessibility to your website and your business via accurately placed company and contact information.
Hiring a professional website development agency can result in high ranking SEO in Sussex for your website. Sebdigital is one of the leading agencies for website development and SEO in East Sussex. Seb can help you reimagine the way your website looks to your customers. With additional expertise in the field of SEO, Seb helps you quickly optimise your website to stand out. Connect with Seb and get the help you need today!
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paulrennie · 2 years
My Kind of Genius • Eric Ravilious • 1903/1942
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The forgotten English watercolour artist has been rediscovered in a wonderful new documentary film, Drawn to War, by Margy Kinmonth and Foxtrot Films.
Our local arts centre showed the film to a packed house...so he can’t be that forgotten!
Actually, I’ve known Ravilious all my life! My father knew Ravilious...not personally, but through his work. My father purchased a number of the Wedgwood QE2 Coronation mugs, after the event, in 1953. I believe the mugs were reduced. When I was small, it seemed as though every house we visited had a Ravilious tankard! 
Ravilious was part of an “outbreak of talent” identified by Paul Nash at the RCA. Other members included Edward Bawden, Barnett Freedman (Eric Ravilious’ best man, shown in the film) and Enid Marx. 
As the film made clear, Ravilious was well known as an artist and designer in his lifetime. But his career was cut short by his disappearance over Iceland during WW2. What he might have done, had he lived, is one of the great what-ifs of modern British art and design...
Ravilious had a great period of creative productivity as an official war artist. Most of his surviving watercolours are at the IMW, or in other parts of the national collection. His style distinguished by a clarity of line and a sharpness of light. His watercolours and engraving have a brilliant sparkle. 
The film described how a great cache of war pictures was lost on the way to South America!
The film’s story was built around the relationship between Ravilious and his wide, the artist Tirzah Garwood. Detail was added by reference to the extensive correspondence between the two, and against a background of watercolours and Sussex landscapes and chalk-figures.
I feel so lucky to have lived my whole life within the contours of these landscapes...metaphorically and by association mostly, and guided by Shell County Guides and railway seaside posters etc. Ravilous has been an important anchor-point for our interest in and collecting of mid 20C British art and design. in a small way, we’ve been part of this story of rediscovery.
I remember that one of the first things I gave K was a Ravilious tankard from 1937. That was in the early 1980s. Tom Watkins, the pop Svengali, was the underbidder.
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the-empress-7 · 1 year
EXCLUSIVE: King Charles will offer Prince Harry and Meghan a Buckingham Palace apartment when they visit UK in olive branch after kicking them out of Frogmore Cottage
By Kate Mansey and Charlotte Griffiths
King Charles is set to offer Harry and Meghan an olive branch by allowing them to stay at Buckingham Palace when they visit Britain in the future, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are due to give up the keys to their previous British home, Frogmore Cottage in Windsor, later this year. But they may be offered Prince Andrew's old suite in the Palace – where he once entertained the model Caprice and disgraced socialite Ghisaline Maxwell – whenever they need it.
It is the latest move in the complex merry-go-round of royal properties set in motion by the King's plans to streamline the monarchy and remove perks from non-working Royals.
It is understood Charles has offered Frogmore to Prince Andrew, who is reluctantly set to leave the 30-room Royal Lodge mansion in Windsor where he has lived for more than 20 years.
Discussions are under way as to whether Prince William and his family might move into Royal Lodge – which is understood to require extensive renovations – once Andrew and his ex-wife Sarah, Duchess of York leave.
The Prince and Princess of Wales and their three children are currently living in the much smaller Adelaide Cottage in Windsor which is deemed 'unsuitable' long term despite the family being 'very happy' there.
A source said Adelaide Cottage may be offered to Andrew's youngest daughter, Eugenie, who is pregnant with her second child, who was previously renting Frogmore from her cousin Harry.
For years Andrew enjoyed the use of a suite at Buckingham Palace known as the Chamber Floor.
But he lost his London bolthole after he was stripped of his military roles and royal patronages over his links to the disgraced child sex trafficker and paedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Andrew agreed a huge payout to settle a US lawsuit brought against him by Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre, but he continues to vehemently denies any crime or misconduct.
The Duke of York's belongings have been moved out of Buckingham Palace, including his collection of teddy bears and soft toys, which Palace staff had to arrange precisely on his bed each day.
Removal vans have also been spotted on the Windsor Estate.
Harry and Meghan – who now live in a nine-bedroom £12 million house in Montecito, California, after quitting the Royal Family three years ago – have been told they have until the autumn to move any belongings out of Frogmore Cottage.
Last night, Palace sources said that the couple will still be invited to the King's Coronation in May despite Harry's outspoken criticism of his family in his memoir Spare.
Sources close to the King and the Queen Consort say the couple were 'furious' and 'wearied' by bombshell revelations in Prince Harry's book, in which he described his stepmother as 'dangerous' and claimed his brother William once pushed him to the ground in a furious rage.
Harry has demanded an apology from his family in TV interviews but is not thought to have spoken to his father or brother since the book was published in January.
A source said: 'His Majesty is furious, as is William. But the King is not a bad man. He has no wish to see his brother Andrew homeless or penniless. Nor does he wish to deprive the Sussexes of a base in the UK.
'London is a better fit. The Sussexes have always wanted rooms at Buckingham Palace. They could have Andrew's old rooms there, which are currently being vacated.'
Other options under consideration are that the couple could stay at St James's Palace when required, or even Princess Diana's former home – the grand Apartment 1 at Kensington Palace – which lies empty and is currently being renovated.
According to sources in Windsor, Andrew has accepted he will not get to keep Royal Lodge – where he has lived for 20 years.
He is said to have had plenty of time to prepare for news having first been made aware of plan when his mother the Queen was alive.
A source said: 'Royal Lodge is far too grand and much too big for Prince Andrew's current status. Plus it is geared towards children, with its Wendy house and pool, so of course it has long been the natural choice for Prince William.
'Adelaide Cottage is too small for a future King and Queen in the long term. There isn't enough room for all the security they and their children will need in the years ahead, which is why Royal Lodge was being openly discussed as far back as January. It has been an idea on the agenda for much longer than that, since the Queen was alive.'
Another source said that Frogmore Cottage has been offered to Andrew on a 'take-it-or-leave-it' basis, adding: 'Andrew can have Frogmore Cottage or nothing. But at least Adelaide could eventually end up in the hands of one of his daughters.'
Princess Beatrice bought a £3.5 million Cotswolds farmhouse near Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire in 2021, which has undergone extensive renovations overseen by her property developer husband Edo Mapelli-Mozzi.
However Eugenie is yet to own a property, and until a recent move to Portugal was renting Frogmore Cottage from Harry. Expectant Eugenie, her husband Jack and their two-year-old son August, are eventually expected to return from Portugal to live in the UK.
Another source added: 'If Adelaide Cottage goes to one of the girls, it will more likely be Eugenie, not Beatrice, who ends up there.'
Yeah, I am not buying anything in this article. It's all speculative and a lot of the assumption are incorrect.
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elarafritzenwalden · 4 years
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Little Wakestone, house extension in Bedham Pulborough, West Sussex, England, UK; 1963-65
Howell, Killick, Partridge & Amis
see map | related information 1, 2
via "Howell, Killick, Partridge and Amis: Architecture", Ben Uri Gallery & Museum (1981)
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Druim house - Rye Nature Reserve, East Sussex, UK - RX Architects ____
Arthur and Puff are everywhere … Facebook  |  Instagram  |  Twitter  |  Tumblr
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uklocalbusiness · 3 years
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The shortest distance between paradise and the place you call home. Want to extend your home without adding space, DC Building have many Garage Conversion ideas. Visit the site - https://www.garageconversionsinsussex.co.uk
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