#Housewarming Subscription Box
propertytocharity · 2 months
The Art Of House Gifting: Tips And Ideas For Giving The Perfect Gift
Welcome to the wonderful world of house gifting! Whether you're celebrating a friend's new home, attending a housewarming party, or simply showing appreciation to your host, finding the perfect gift can make all the difference. Join us as we explore the art of house gifting and uncover tips and ideas that will help you become a master gift-giver for any occasion.
The Importance of Choosing the Right Gift
Choosing the right gift for someone's new home is more than just a gesture; it reflects your thoughtfulness and consideration. The perfect housewarming gift shows you understand the recipient's style, needs, and preferences. It conveys a sense of care and appreciation for their new space.
A well-thought-out gift can also help create lasting memories and strengthen your relationship with the homeowner. By selecting something meaningful or valuable, you are celebrating this milestone in their life and contributing to their comfort and happiness in their new abode.
Moreover, choosing the right gift demonstrates your attention to detail and personal connection with the recipient. It showcases your effort to find something that resonates with them more profoundly, making them feel truly valued and understood. So next time you search for a housewarming present, remember that it's not just about giving an item—it's about showing how much you care.
Tips for Choosing the Perfect House Gift
Choosing the perfect house gift can sometimes feel daunting, but it doesn't have to be! Start by considering the recipient's tastes and preferences. Think about their style, hobbies, and interests. If you need clarification, don't hesitate to ask for hints or advice from mutual friends or family members.
Personalized gifts are always a thoughtful choice. Consider customizing an item with their initials, a meaningful date, or a special message. This shows that you put time and effort into selecting something unique just for them.
Practical gifts are also appreciated. Think about items that can be used in everyday life, such as kitchen gadgets, home decor pieces, or cozy blankets. These types of gifts not only show your consideration but also add value to their daily routine.
When in doubt, opt for experiences over material possessions. Concert tickets, cooking classes, and spa vouchers create lasting memories and moments of joy rather than adding clutter to their home.
Remember that it's the thought behind the gift that truly matters. Put yourself in their shoes and choose something that reflects your relationship. Happy gifting!
Special Occasions for House Gifting
When it comes to house gifting, various special occasions call for thoughtful presents. Whether you're celebrating a housewarming party, a birthday, an anniversary, or even a simple gesture of gratitude, choosing the right gift can make all the difference.
For a housewarming party, consider practical gifts like kitchen gadgets or home decor items that can help the new homeowners settle into their space. Personalized gifts such as custom-made doormats or monogrammed towels can also add a special touch to their new abode.
Birthdays and anniversaries are perfect opportunities to give sentimental gifts that reflect the recipient's personality and interests. From handmade crafts to subscription boxes tailored to their hobbies, there are endless possibilities to show your thoughtfulness.
And let's remember to express gratitude with a heartfelt thank-you gift. A beautiful plant arrangement, gourmet food basket, or scented candles can convey your appreciation meaningfully.
No matter the occasion, the recipient will surely cherish taking the time to select a thoughtful and personalized house gift.
Unique and Unexpected House Gifts
When it comes to house gifting, the key is to choose something thoughtful and meaningful that will make a lasting impression. By considering the recipient's taste and needs, you can select a gift that genuinely resonates with them. Whether it's for a housewarming party, a holiday celebration, or just finding the perfect gift, it shows that you care.
Remember that unique and unexpected gifts often leave the most significant impact. Think outside the box and consider personalized items, experiences, or handmade gifts that show your thoughtfulness. No matter what you choose, giving a house gift is not just about the item itself; it's about showing your appreciation for someone's home and creating cherished memories together.
So next time you're invited into someone's space or want to congratulate them on their new abode, consider selecting a special house gift. Your gesture will not only be appreciated but also remembered for years to come. Happy gifting!
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normeacottremovals · 9 months
9 Things To Do Right After Moving In Your New Home
Finding and acquiring a new home is a significant milestone, marking a new chapter in your life. It's a symbol of fresh beginnings, a canvas waiting for the brushstrokes of your unique life experiences. As you stand on the threshold of this uncharted territory, the gleaming floors echo with potential, and the vacant rooms brim with anticipation. However, amidst this potential, many new homeowners find themselves at a crossroads, swamped by the mix of exhilaration and the daunting task of setting up their space after removalists Central Coast help them move into their new space.
Transitioning from the logistical chaos of moving to the step-by-step process of settling can be overwhelming. It's more than just moving boxes; it's about laying the foundation for countless memories, Sunday brunches, movie nights, and lazy mornings. Every corner of your home is a new opportunity, and as you ponder on where to start, this guide aims to offer clarity.
Here's a helpful guide on the first things you should tackle after moving into your new abode.
Inspect Delivered Boxes and Furniture
Before you start unpacking, it's essential to ensure that all your possessions have arrived safely. Check for any damages or missing items. If you've insured your belongings during transit, you may need to file a claim within a certain timeframe, so it's best to get this done sooner rather than later.
Set Up Your Utilities
After a tiring day, there's nothing worse than realising there's no power or hot water. Ensure your electricity, water, gas, and internet connections are set up and running smoothly. If you haven’t transferred your utilities yet, contact your providers immediately to prevent any delays.
Prioritise Unpacking
Tackling your whole house in one go can be overwhelming. Begin with the essentials. Unpack a "first night box" that contains toiletries, clothes, important documents, and other necessities. Following this, focus on rooms that you'll use most frequently, like the bedroom and kitchen.
Install Safety Devices
Safety should always be paramount. If your new home doesn’t already have them, install smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms. Check that they function properly and have fresh batteries. If you have a security system, make sure it’s up and running. Additionally, it's a good idea to locate the main water shut-off valve and the circuit breaker box in case of emergencies.
Deep Clean Your Space
Even if your home looks pristine, giving it a thorough clean can make it feel truly yours. Wipe down surfaces, sanitise bathrooms, and consider hiring professional cleaners for carpets. This way, you're starting on a clean slate and can be assured of the home's hygiene.
Change Locks and Codes
For your peace of mind and security, change the locks of all external doors. You never know who might have had a copy of the keys before you. If your home has a security system or a garage with a code, remember to reset those too.
Update Your Address
Now that you’ve settled, it's crucial to update your address for mail, subscriptions, banks, insurance, and other services. This will ensure you receive your mail and packages at the correct location and can avoid potential late fees or missed notifications.
Introduce Yourself to Neighbours
A supportive community can make a world of difference in your living experience. Take some time to introduce yourself to your neighbours. Not only is this a friendly gesture, but it’s also practical. They might offer insights about the neighbourhood, local shops, or even community events you'd otherwise miss out on.
Plan a Housewarming Party
While you might still be setting everything up, planning a housewarming can be a fun way to break into the new place. It doesn't have to be a grand affair. A simple gathering with close friends and family will suffice. This event can be a motivation to unpack and organise faster and offers a chance to create new memories in your new home.
Settling into a new house is like turning a blank canvas into a masterpiece. While it might seem daunting initially, with a clear plan of action, you can efficiently transform this space into a comforting oasis. Remember, it's not just about unpacking and setting things up, but about infusing the house with your personality and warmth. Each step you take, from checking your boxes to hosting that first gathering, is a stitch in the fabric of what will soon be a cherished home filled with memories. Welcome to this exciting new chapter!
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zenasflower · 1 year
Gifts For Every Occasion
There are many occasions throughout the year where it is necessary to give gifts. However, choosing the perfect gift can be difficult. In this blog post, we will explore nine different gift ideas that are suitable for all occasions.
The key to finding the best gift is paying attention to your loved ones. Listen to what they say and watch what they do.
Whether you’re looking for a thoughtful gift to give to friends, family or co-workers, birthday Gifts for occasion are always appreciated. For the foodie in your life, consider a delicious fruit arrangement or chocolate covered treats that will make them feel like royalty on their special day.
A subscription box is another thoughtful birthday gift idea. With a variety of subscription boxes like FabFitFun, your recipient can try new products and discover their favorites.
An anniversary is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate your commitment. Gifts are not just for marriages and romantic relationships; they can be used to show how much you care for any employee celebrating an anniversary at your organization.
The traditional and modern anniversary gift lists, which dictate a theme by year, are a great guide to help you pick the perfect present. For example, the 35th anniversary is celebrated with gold, which symbolizes wealth and wisdom.
A more modern gift might be a copper item like this copper mug set and cocktail infusion jar.
Traditionally, weddings involved an exchange of gifts between the bride’s and groom’s families. Often, the gift list would include items like kitchen tools and dining sets for the newlyweds to start their married lives together.
For an extra-special wedding present, consider something personalized for the couple. This handmade decanter features a mountain that rises from the inside, making it perfect for a pair who loves outdoor adventures.
Another great option is this customizable doormat that shows off their new last name in style. It’s sure to become a favorite home accessory for years to come.
A new home requires a few essentials to get it up and running. For those celebrating a friend’s move, a thoughtful gift will make them feel welcome in their new space.
A monogrammed item—like a picture frame, hand towels or a mug—is a cute and functional choice. Other personalized gifts that go the extra mile include a stateshaped wooden cheese board or a cocktail kit that includes a bottle of spirits, fresh limes and ice to create two cocktails on demand.
Strategist editors suggest steering clear of including a link to your painstakingly curated registry on housewarming invitations, says Los Angeles-based etiquette consultant Elaine Swann. It’s a little forward and puts the onus on guests to buy a present, she adds.
Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is a special time to show appreciation for mom and mother figures. It is celebrated around the world with different traditions and customs. In the United States, it is a national holiday observed on the second Sunday in May.
It was initiated by Anna Jarvis in 1908 to honor her own mother. While she later regretted the commercialization of the celebration, millions of people now honor their mothers and celebrate the occasion with gifts, cards, and flowers.
Treating your mom to a relaxing spa treatment is another way of showing her how much you care. You can also make a thoughtful gift basket for her.
Father’s Day
Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June and is a holiday for male parent figures. It complements celebrations of other family members, such as Mother’s Day, Siblings Day and Grandparents Day.
Children often handcraft Gifts for occasion Liverpool and write messages in cards for their fathers. As with Mother’s Day, families often have dinner together and it is one of the busiest days for restaurants.
Give your dad an experience he will remember forever. Take him on a weekend road trip or slip him tickets to his favorite event.
Sympathy is a feeling of understanding and caring for someone else’s misfortune. It can also be a feeling of pity for someone. Sympathy is not the same as empathy, however.
Empathy involves vicariously experiencing another person’s emotions and thoughts. It requires creativity to do so and it can be difficult for some people.
For example, if your co-worker confides in you that they are struggling to keep up with their work, you can show them sympathy by saying “I’m sorry to hear that.” You can also demonstrate compassion by offering to help them run errands or drive them to their appointments.
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votivecandleholder · 1 year
Candle Jars: The Perfect Gift Idea for Every Occasion
New Post has been published on https://votivecandleholder.com/candle-decoration/candle-jars-the-perfect-gift-idea-for-every-occasion
Candle Jars: The Perfect Gift Idea for Every Occasion
Candles have long been a popular gift choice and for a good reason. They are versatile and useful, and always add a touch of coziness to any home. Have you considered taking your candle-gifting game up a notch by opting for candle jars? Not only are candle jars practical and decorative souvenir ideas but also offer an absolute opportunity for personalization. As we delve into this article, we will explore why candle jars are the perfect gift idea for any occasion and offer some inspiration to create custom-made candle jars that your loved ones will adore. So, light up your favorite candle, and let’s dive in!
Table of Contents
1 Candle Jars for Every Occasion
2 Benefits of Giving Candle Jars as Gifts
3 Designing Candle Jars with a Personal Touch
4 DIY Candle Jar Ideas
Candle Jars for Every Occasion
Candle jars are the ultimate gift-giving solution! With their versatility, they can be customized in so many ways to create a personal memento that will be cherished by the recipient. Decorative candle jars come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, making them ideal giveaways for any social function.
For birthdays, why not create a unique candle jar? Add the recipient’s favorite aroma or create a custom label with their name and birthdate to make it truly one-of-a-kind. For holidays, create festive candle jars with seasonal scents and decorations that can be used as a centerpiece or added to a care package. And for weddings, candle jars make splendid party favors tailored to the couple’s name and wedding date.
But the versatility of candle jars doesn’t stop there! They can also be used as corporate, graduation, and housewarming presents. Candle jars make excellent aromatherapy candle holders, and with a subscription box, you can gift someone with a collection of different fragrances and designs they can enjoy throughout the year.
Ultimately, candle jars are the perfect gift idea for any occasion. So, get creative and brighten someone’s day with a custom-made candle jar!
Benefits of Giving Candle Jars as Gifts
Candle jars remain to be a timeless option as presents. The reason behind this is quite simple – there are several benefits of using candle jars as gifts. Firstly, they are a thoughtful way to show someone that you care. With so many options available, candle jars can be easily customized to match the recipient’s personal preferences. Secondly, candle jars are practical and have a long lifespan, unlike other things that can be quickly forgotten or thrown away. They can be used repeatedly, providing a constant reminder of the person who gave them to them.
Candle jars can also be used as home décor considering that they’re functional and add elegance to any room. Besides creating a soothing and inviting ambiance, they are crafted in diverse styles and patterns that can suit any interior. The best part is that they can be used as a centerpiece, on a mantel, or even as an ornamental addition to a bathroom.
In addition to their aesthetic value, candle jars can also be used for several efficient purposes, like storing small items such as buttons, beads, and jewelry. Candle jars can be used to hold small plants or succulents as well. Their practicality makes them resourceful souvenir ideas that can be used in various ways. With all these benefits, it’s no surprise that candle jars have been a go-to gift idea for years. So, the next time you’re stuck on what to get someone, consider giving away a candle jar.
Designing Candle Jars with a Personal Touch
It’s high time that you spice up your gift-giving game and hand out something that your friends and loved ones would enjoy. Personalized candle jars are not only dynamic and fancy but they can also be altered to make them more significant, like including the recipient’s name or a special message that speaks to them. This is an excellent option if you’re creating multiple candle jar favors for a group of people. It adds a personal touch without having to create a completely different design for each jar. Additionally, choosing a scent is crucial to making the present more meaningful. This can be a fun opportunity to learn about your friends or family members’ favorite fragrances and surprise them with something they’ll truly be pleased with.
If you’re feeling crafty, create DIY candle jar gifts. Start with a plain glass jar and decorate it with paint, stickers, or other embellishments. You can even compose a short note or create some designs on the jar using a marker or paint pen. The possibilities are endless, and you’ll have a one-of-a-kind keepsake that the recipient will cherish.
Creating customized candle jars as presents is a simple and enjoyable way to produce unique gifts for the people closest to you and they will surely appreciate the thought that you put into designing the jars. Experiment with your designs –
The sky is the limit!
DIY Candle Jar Ideas
In a nutshell, candle jars are a timeless gift idea that combines practicality and elegance. They can be specially made in various ways to suit any occasion and are an excellent way to show the people you love that you are aware of their preferences and that you care about them.
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bonniehame · 2 years
Shop Home Furniture Online
Look over a wide range of home furniture like kitchen, table, and drawing room online at Bonnihame with the best prices and amazing discounts. Visit us for more data and order now.
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swiftpng · 4 years
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❥ — happy birthday, selena!
Happy birthday to one of the longest friends I’ve ever had! How do I even begin to sum up over 10 years of friendship in a post? I can’t believe you’re 28, but I’m glad to have known you since you were 16. You are an amazing gem of a person and I count myself extremely lucky to have known you for 10+ years. It all started when we met at a Jonas Brothers concert and since then, you have filled my life up with so much joy and light. The love and kindness you share with others is incomparable. Whether we are half passed out on a couch together after drinking a bottle of wine or chatting thousands of miles apart, you bring a sense of calm and trust like nobody else. You have been my closest ally and biggest confidant longer than anyone else, and you still find a way to be my closest friend year after year. Over the years, you have proved time and time again why you’re the best friend a girl could ask for. You’ve been there through the toughest times. You’ve touched my heart in so many ways. I love how you stand up for yourself and the people you love. Thank you for being supportive, encouraging, loving, and loyal. You’re just as beautiful on the inside as you are out. You are one of the most positive influences in my life and always build me up when I’m broken down, and I wouldn’t know what to do without you. No one could ever understand the bond we share, we’re opposite yet similar souls. You are one of the very few people I can truly feel like I can be myself with. You mean so much to me, Selena. And if we’re being honest, you’re one of the most creative people I know. I’m honestly flattered that you value my opinion whenever you show me new music you’re working on. Thank you so much for sharing your genius. I could seriously go on and on here because you’re one of my favorite humans ever. I wish for you to have nothing but success, happiness, and fulfillment. You deserve it all, I love you. I don’t know how I would do life without you. I’m so happy I’ve gotten to grow up with you over the years. Here’s to never growing up, millions of memories, endless laughter, and many more birthdays to celebrate! 🎉🎈🎁
Selena, you’re a trusted friend for life, an amazing companion, and someone I know who will be there for me no matter what. Life is exponentially better when you have someone by your side who is down for whatever adventures life throws at you. I’m grateful that the majority of my memories of the last 10 years include you. To show my love for you on your special day, I got you a few gifts. Firstly, I got you a perfume that reminded me of you. It’s Tom Ford’s Fabulous Eau de Parfum, and just like you, it’s fucking fabulous. The next gift I got you is a card game where you can get to know your friends on an even more deeper level. We're Not Really Strangers is where you can just build a more meaningful connection with those you’re playing with, and I thought it was perfect for you. I really love listening to your stories because you have such a knack for storytelling which, duh, of course you do, you’re an actress so you know how to tell a story, but also you are just fun and exciting to talk to. You’re going to laugh at this next one, but you’re genuinely the only person who loves pickles more than anything else. To help aide in your love for pickles, I got you a monthly subscription box of pickles where you get new pickles each month and you get to try them out. For the next gift, it’s more as a future housewarming gift since it’s a picture of us. I can’t remember when we took it, but I know it was when you hung out at my house and we just chatted for hours while watching the ocean. To me, you are the human incarnation of a hug. Everything about you is so warm and wholesome. I’m so lucky to know you -- you are such a valuable and incredible friend. You have a huge heart and you’re always looking out for other people, which I’m always thankful for. It’s why I got you flowers that mean strength. From going through shitty relationships to almost losing your life, you are one of the strongest women I know. And you take it all in stride. I’ve never met someone who has been through so much yet still has so much love and optimism in their hearts. You’re truly just one of a kind. Along with that, I got you a T-shirt that says “Women in Power”. I know you're someone who loves to uplift voices that need to be heard, especially those who are women. I also know that you’re a woman who is also a badass business woman, one who is creating her own makeup line and has amazing brand deals. You work your ass off, and you’re so deserving of all the success that has come your way. I’m so beyond proud of you, I know both my parents and brother are so, so proud and happy for you, and I’m so proud to be able to watch you grow into the person you are today. You know things about me that no one else does and I know things that no one else knows about you, and we have such a super special friendship. So last but not least, I got you a necklace that is your birthstone. I read online that Ruby was July’s birthstone, and I thought it was perfect. Throughout times, the ruby has represented nobility, purity, and passion. You’re honestly a rare gem, and I will do my best to treasure you the way you deserve and the way you should be. This got way too long, but I hope this birthday is a wonderful one and the upcoming year is filled with amazing things for you. May it be full of joy and cake. When we both have the time, I would love to take you out to dinner and just have a proper catch up. So since we can’t be together right now, I'm sending you a big hug. Thank you for such a beautiful and wonderful friendship. Thank you for sharing some of your life with me. You are truly a light and breath of fresh air in my life, and I’m forever grateful for that. Please keep doing you and please keep enjoying yourself and gifting us with your talent. Thank you so much for all that you do and I wish you the happiest of birthdays. I love you, Selena. ✨💖 // @sxgomez
-- Taylor. 
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ambermassey1 · 2 years
Top Gift Ideas For Her 2021
 If you are looking for the perfect gift for your best friend, you've come to the right place. From subscription boxes filled with sweet-scented silly slime to practical purchases like a cold-brew coffee maker, these top gift ideas will surely make their day. In addition to gifts, you can also choose from sentimental options such as a custom photo book. Here are a few of my personal favorites. If you're not sure what to get your friend, I have put together a list of the best gifts for your best friend.
According to Amber Massey Buying a gift for a woman in your life can be tricky, but you can't go wrong with a bottle of champagne. Moet and Chandon Imperial are an exquisite wine that comes packaged in a metallic-accented gift box with a pair of flutes. A gift of this caliber makes a perfect housewarming present, or retirement gift. A book of your loved one's favorite authors can be a thoughtful and educational way to express your love.
The Kindle e-reader is a great choice for a woman who loves to read. Its wide, 6.8-inch screen is bright and easy to navigate. Its battery life is up to 10 weeks. The Kindle is also waterproof and comes with a free subscription to 'Kindle Unlimited,' a digital library with hundreds of free books. A personalized nameplate necklace is another great option for your girlfriend.
A beautiful camera is another great gift idea. A high-quality Polaroid photo never goes out of style. The Fujifilm Instax 9 Mini is a popular camera that makes high-quality prints. These devices can be bought in several colors, making them a great choice for your friend or family member. It's the perfect gift for a woman who enjoys photography. You'll love her reaction to the photos.
A great gift for your best friend could be a high-end eye gel. Not only does it add moisture to your skin, but it also helps you recover from an all-night hangover. An Icelandic eye gel is an excellent choice and is cruelty-free. It has co-enzyme Q10, which fights premature aging. The most beautiful gift for a girlfriend would be a handmade candle. A personalized photo frame is a lovely touch.
As per Amber Massey A leather-coated luggage is a functional gift for men in retirement. A stylish and functional bag can help your loved one to travel more often. It will also keep all their things organized and will be the perfect gift for a man who likes to travel. An elegant leather suitcase will make your gift more meaningful. If you're looking for a gift for a man, consider buying him a travel-friendly handbag. It is not only useful for traveling but also makes him feel special.
It can be difficult to find a gift for a boss. But if you know your boss well, you might know that he or she spends a lot of time on the golf course. A putting green in the office would be a great gift for this executive. It also helps his or her employees to practice their putting. And if you are the manager of a company, a par-3 acupressure mat and pillow set will be a great surprise for him or her.
Amber Massey said that For a mother, a meal kit delivery service is a great gift. You can choose between gourmet and traditional recipes, and it is a great way to avoid shipping delays. Moreover, many mothers love to cook and enjoy a quality meal. A gift fit for a mom can make the process of cooking easier and more delicious. This way, your gift will not only be appreciated but will also be healthy. The recipient will be happy and will not have to worry about preparing meals when you're out of town.
A book is the best gift for a bibliophile. It can make your sister happy and will also make a great gift for you. It will also make her day and will give her an excellent opportunity to share your interests. In addition to books, there are other gifts that you can give to a woman who loves to read. Some women just love to keep memories and show off their favorite keepsakes. A nice DVD player can be the perfect gift for a K-pop fan.
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I love everything about this home decor #gifted @GifterBox.🎁 These #vases are so beautiful and the coasters are unique and totally match my #decor. I think these boxes make the perfect gift for family, friends, co-workers or to gift to yourself for just about any occasion. These #homedecor gift boxes don't require a subscription and it's fun and easy to choose a box based on a collection of your choice. The collections are of #interiordesign categories such as Farmhouse, #Modern, Coastal & more.The gifter boxes typically include between 3 to 8 items depending on the size you choose. I love how it comes in a pretty black gift box along with a personalized hand written gift note to the person you gift it too. To see all the gift box selections visit ➡ www.gifterbox.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❤ #momblog #westayinspireddaily #organizedmom #organizedhome #reviewer #productreview #ourdailylifestyleEE #organizing #influencer #honestreview #momlifeisthebestlife #parentingblogger #housewarming #mommyblogger#momsbehappy #ThisIsOurCandidLife #californiablogger #mytruelifeinpix (at Southern California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Kuz-6AhnY/?igshid=olxw3yck7cz8
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virginiaovers · 5 years
Japanese Tableware Giveaway From Miya Company (US only)
Win a Japanese-made ceramic serving bowl from Miya Company to accent your Japanese meal this holiday season! 
Our holiday giveaway series is getting better as we’ve partnered with Miya Company to give away their beautiful Japanese-made ceramic serving bowl to 3 lucky winners!
The multipurpose serving bowl can be used to serve your wafu pasta, as a fruit bowl, or as a centerpiece on your dinner table. It is also perfect as a housewarming, hostess or wedding gift. Enter to win now!
Win Japanese Tableware from Miya Company This Holiday Season
Each winner will receive a serving bowl with classic Japanese design from the Aizome collection listed below. As you enter the giveaway, leave a comment by telling us which design of the serving bowl do you like best.
1. Aizome Hishi 9.75″ Serving Bowl
  2. Aizome Shima Ami 9.75″ Serving Bowl
3. Aizome Mum 9.75″ Serving Bowl
About Miya Company
Miya is a third-generation Asian American small business, importing Japanese tableware and gifts since 1947.  As a family business, they have always cherished warm gatherings of family and friends, but never more so than in today’s fast-paced environment.  Taking time to share stories, food, and laughs are invaluable — whether it is over a home-cooked gourmet meal, takeout from your local restaurant, or even a quick bowl of cereal.   Every meal or snack should be enjoyed to the fullest!  After all, food is the ultimate expression of love, so why not use tableware that you love too?  Beautiful. Simple. Fun.  That’s Miya. 
You can also find Miya products at various retailers listed here.
Special Discount for Just One Cookbook Readers!
Miya Company is also offering Just One Cookbook readers a 20% discount on your first order.
Discount Code: JustOne20
You can use the code at the checkout. The code expires on November 30th, 2019 and is limited to one use per customer (does not apply to the shipping fee). 
Please Note: Your email for the comment entry has to match with your email address in my Email Newsletter Subscription mailing list.
This giveaway contest closes on Thursday, November 28, at 12 p.m. PST and is open to the US only (includes Hawaii & Alaska). 
Three (3) winners will be selected via Pick Giveaway Winner Plugin and contacted via email, so please include a valid email address in the email address entry box (please double check your spelling!).
The winners are required to respond within 36 hours to claim the prize.
The more tickets/comments left on this blog post will increase your odds of winning. Good luck!
Ticket 1 (Required): Follow Miya Company Instagram and leave a comment below by telling us which design of the serving bowl do you like best.
Ticket 2 (Required): Subscribe to Just One Cookbook Email Newsletter if you haven’t and leave a separate comment below on this post.
Ticket 3 (Optional): Follow Miya Facebook and then leave a separate comment below on this post.
Ticket 4 (Optional): Follow Just One Cookbook Instagram and then leave a separate comment below on this post.
Ticket 5 (Optional): Subscribe to Just One Cookbook YouTube channel and leave a separate comment below on this post.
Ticket 6 (Optional): Like Just One Cookbook Facebook and leave a separate comment below on this post.
  Japanese Tableware Giveaway From Miya Company (US only) published first on https://zenramensushi.tumblr.com/
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loansolutionph · 5 years
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Best Housewarming Gifts That Don’t Cost a Fortune
Your dear family member, favorite couple or best friend decided to move to a new place. No matter if they are throwing a housewarming party or not, a small gift from you will show that you wish them all the best in their new home.
There is a way to show your appreciation for the host without spending insane amounts of money. What counts is that you thought of them, their special tastes, personalities and hobbies, as well what they might need for a fresh start. You’ll agree that a small handmade piece carries a lot more meaning than a thoughtless expensive gift. Here are some of the ideas for the best housewarming gifts you can easily afford:
Small necessities
Everyone who just moved in somewhere new would tell you, “Forget about the cactus plants and bottles of wine. What we need are paint brushes, nails and trash bags.” Moving in doesn’t mean that you only need to unpack your cardboard boxes and figure out where you left what. It also entails a lot of remodeling, as well as a paint job. So, make a stop at your nearby hardware store and pack everything in a ribboned bucket. Buy some DIY essentials like measuring tape, anti-scratch pads for furniture, glue and extension cords. Or concentrate on a single room, like bathroom, and drop in some scented candles, soaps and other toiletry essentials.
Pillows, throws and towels
Bedding, quilts and linen are usually the first items to get crossed off the “to pack” list if your storage and mobility options are limited. These items are bulky and sometimes you have to leave them behind. However, you’ll realize just how important these actually are when you have to sleep on a bare mattress and without a warm blanket. Pleasantly surprise your friend with a fluffy fake-fur bed throw, some quirky-patterned pillows, or embroidered towels and kitchen linen. These items aren’t necessarily expensive, and if you know your way around a sewing kit, you can even make some yourself and add that personal touch.
A cutting board, a set of knives, jars, cups, dishes, cutlery, measuring cups and all kinds of kitchen utensils – here you can get really creative because kitchen is the heart of every home, and there are no surplus gifts. The items don’t need to be practical either – a framed handwritten message or a nice aquarelle artwork are great decorative pieces. Think about your hosts. Are they happier with a good cup of joe or tea? Select a nice Japanese-style teapot, Italian coffee percolator or a portable beer cooler.
Gadgets and appliances
Only when you start living in a new home, do you begin to appreciate the little things you owned in your old apartment. Things like an egg-timer, garlic press, electric chopper, measuring scales or smoothie-mixer. Who knew they were, in fact, so essential? If you really want to put a broad smile on your friend’s or family member’s face, opt for a quality powerhouse kitchen gadgets like the ones from KitchenAid. Depending on your budget, choose from items like mixing bowls, wire whisks, hand mixers and food processors. The best and the most wanted housewarming gifts are definitely kitchen utensils.
Food baskets
Avoid the stereotype of a home-cooked casserole, and try something new this time. Bake a big loaf of banana or pumpkin bread and wrap it together with some other gift, like a cutting board. If you’re still thinking a food basket should be a food basket, forget that. Bake a nice batch of your special cookies, cupcakes or donuts and stack them inside a colander or a salad bowl.
Hobby supplies
A set of shelves for your friend’s large book collection, a compact spices kit, nice clothes hangers, board games, a favorite magazine subscription or gardening supplies are all winners when it comes to choosing a personalized housewarming gift. By buying your host a little something they’ll actually use, you’ll show them just how well you know them.
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bonniehame · 2 years
Wedding Decor Subscription Box
Get the best wedding decor subscription box at Bonniehame with affordable prices and discounts. Get in touch with us today for more information and direct contact us at 03334562000.
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jodybouchard9 · 7 years
Gift Box Ideas for New Homeowners: Hygge, Homesteader, Mid-Century Mod, and More
If you’re looking for a creative gift for someone who recently bought their first home (or moved into their first rental), here’s an idea: Sign them up for a subscription box that sums up what kind of homeowner they are to a T! Because believe it or not, there’s one of these boxes for almost every style, hobby, or whim these days.
Into Mid-Century Modern? There’s a box for that. If hygge is your thing, you’re also covered—as are urban gardeners, antiques aficionados, homesteaders, and those interested in a monthly charging cord club! (Although why anyone would need cords on a monthly basis is a bit beyond us.)
All can be accommodated on a monthly basis, so the recipients will remember you all year long, and your gifts won’t get lost in the holiday rush. And if a three-, six-, or 12-month subscription costs a little more than you’d planned on spending, you can always send just one, and let the recipient decide whether or not to continue it.
So, who wouldn’t love an unexpected box full of surprises, curated to their own tastes? That’s why we’ve rounded up some special monthly subscription collections that we think would tickle the fancy of the new homeowners on your list.
For the die-hard DIYer
The Homestead Box, for the ultimate DIYer
The Homestead Box comes packed with tools and products that can facilitate living the rustic DIY life. Items such as lanterns, unique tools, guides, starter seeds, gardening implements, even chicken-raising paraphernalia can help you find or raise your own food, chop your own wood, shine your own light without the modern convenience of electricity and more. Prices range from $25 to $100 a month.
For the Mid-Century Modern aficionado
Betty Boomerang offers subscription boxes for those mad about Mid-Century Modern desigh.
Know someone who would love a monthly fix of swingin’ coasters, swizzle sticks, rocks glasses, and barware? Betty Boomerang offers a “subscription box for retro modern homes and the people who love them.”
If you know someone who lives in an “atomic” ranch house or has an Eames chair, these hip accessories are just their thing. Prices range from $21 to $49 a box.
For hygge lovers
The warm, fuzzy Hygge Box
The Hygge Box is filled with Danish lifestyle items that promote “coziness and happiness.” Hygge, according to this site, “is about preserving happiness every day by slowing down, being humble, expressing gratitude, feeling safe, and connecting with loved ones.”
Each box includes seasonal handpicked items such as candles, fairy lights, coffee, tea, hot cocoa, chocolate, cookies, and more. The price is $28 a month.
For the urban gardener
The Urban Organic Gardener box comes with heirloom seeds and garden supplies.
The Urban Organic Gardener box is a curated collection of seasonal heirloom seeds and garden supplies based on your garden type, location, and grow zone (determined by your shipping ZIP code).
Each box contains five seed packs and all you need for growing them, including seed starter soil sods, plant markers/labels, and Epsom salt soil fertilizer packs. Everything is 100% non-GMO. And, at only $9.99 a month, it’s also one of the most budget-friendly gift ideas in the bunch.
For the unapologetic homemaker
The Sundae Home box is filled with fancy home decor goodies.
The Sundae Home box comes with six seasonal items that pay homage to the homemakers we are (or aspire to be), including tea towels, potholders, dishes, jam, trivets, and more. The folks at Sundae Home say this makes a “great housewarming gift for homebuyers and new renters.” At $55 a month, it’s a tad pricey, but each box is guaranteed to be worth over $100.
For those who value vintage
The Heirloom Box from Refined Relics is a monthly collection of home decor items that will remind you of days of yore.
The Heirloom Box from Refined Relics contains vintage and artisanal goodies that will remind you of times past. You’ll get thoughtfully curated home decor items such as candleholders, mugs, picture frames, wooden boxes, plaques, and notecards. It’s $50 a month.
For the southpaw
Imagine, a subscription box for southpaws!
The Lefty’s Loot box is full of items both practical and fun for your favorite left-hander living in a right-handed world. Each month you get four to five items for southpaws, including can openers, mugs, scissors, pencil sharpeners, notebooks, and more. For things made for a right-hander, the curators will find their mirror image for the lefties. It’s $30 a month.
For those with a cactus crush
Succulent Lovers boxes come with everything from tiny cuttings to large arrangements.
Succulent Lovers delivers different varieties of hard-to-kill succulents to your door, offering seven options, from simple cuttings to potted plants to window-box DIY kits. The curators pick the sturdiest and fastest-growing, as well as attractive and whimsical planters, depending  on the option you choose. Prices range from a mere $6 a month for just the cuttings, ma’am, to $60 a month for a large succulent arrangement.
The post Gift Box Ideas for New Homeowners: Hygge, Homesteader, Mid-Century Mod, and More appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
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rhsmoving · 6 years
Best Housewarming Gifts for Your Houston Neighbors
Gifts for New Houston Homeowners
Given that you yourself might use RHS Houston movers to get settled into your brand-new home, you understand that moving to a new home can be among the most exciting (and demanding) times of your life.
You also understand that friendly neighbors can help take a few of the tension away by merely visiting introduce themselves, or by bringing over a thoughtful housewarming present.
Despite whether it is for your next-door neighbors next door that your Houston TX moving company just completed settling into their new house, or for a member of the family that simply moved to a new city, you will want to find a housewarming present that they can really utilize.
Have a look at this list of the best housewarming presents from RHS Moving in order to find welcome home presents the brand-new homeowners will really love!
Great Clothes Hangers. For those next-door neighbors or buddies who utilize wire wall mounts from the dry cleaner, they will appreciate this upgrade for their closet.
A Magazine Subscription. If you have met your brand-new next-door neighbors prior to and know which publications they would be interested in, then a publication membership is the ideal gift for them.
“We’ve Moved!” Cards. This is one of the very best presents to offer your brand-new next-door neighbors, specifically given that this is one of the important things that easily slips under the radar when you are still having your Memphis movers unload all your belongings.
Supermarket Gift Card. If your new next-door neighbors are new to Houston, then get them a present card to the supermarket that the locals go to.
Vacuum Seal Bags. For those still in the procedure of unpacking all their RHS Moving & Transporting moving boxes, then chances are that these vacuum seal bags will prove indispensable.
Hardware Store Gift Card. Perfect for the newbie house owner, a present card to the local hardware shop will certainly can be found in helpful.
Gardening Supplies. Most people would not believe to offer gardening materials as a gift, so for those planning to provide a more creative present, this is the way to go.
Houston TX Map. This is for anyone who needed to utilize a Houston moving company for a long-distance move, a map of their new city will help them get their bearings quicker.
Takeout Menu Organizer. Likewise ideal for any new Houston residents, make sure to consist of some menus of your favorite restaurants already in the organizer.
Box of Postcards. Giving brand-new house owners this gift is ideal for those who have a lot of friends that they want to keep in contact with.
from RHS Moving & Transporting – Houston Texas http://bit.ly/2K8B99u via IFTTT
from WordPress http://bit.ly/2vLm8Ho via IFTTT
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cathrynstreich · 5 years
14 Housewarming Gifts People Actually WANT
We’ve all experienced the stress and tension of moving, right? Even after you’ve done all the footwork to find the perfect place, you’ve still got to deal with utilities, packing, moving trucks, lukewarm fast food meals, lost and broken items…
Oh, and if you’ve moved more than 20 minutes away, even after you’ve unpacked, you’ve got to find a new grocery store, school, park, favorite restaurant, etc. etc. etc….
So yeah, we all know…
Moving is a seemingly endless stress buffet.
When someone you love is going through it, how can you help to alleviate that stress? Well, outside of paying for their movers (PS SO WORTH IT), you can give them one of these moving/housewarming gifts. Some are gifts of time, some are thoughtful treats, and some are available on Amazon so even if your friend is moving to a new town, you can send Prime to the rescue! Best of all, you don’t have to get cutesy or craftsy; you can send any of these goodies as-is.
Check ‘em out and you, too, can be the most thoughtful friend/family member ever when you send housewarming gifts people actually want…
At the end of a long day of taking all their worldly possessions off of a truck, your friends are going to be HUNGRY. And this isn’t any run of the mill hunger; it’s more like an I-just-ran-a-marathon hunger. The really bad part of this is that they won’t have food in the house and will probably be too tired to hit the ol’ grocery store. Solve this problem by sending them dinner. If you’re in town, you can bring it by (but don’t stay a long time), and if you’re not, you can send DoorDash or UberEats to feed these hungry folks for you.
Ahh, the first morning in a new house. So calm, so quiet, so… WAIT, where the heck did we pack the Keurig? And what box are the K-pods in?! Doing a Starbucks run (or, again, sending a delivery driver to do it for you) will have your tired pals crying happy, caffeinated tears faster than you can say Cinnamon Dolce Latte.
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When your friend is done bringing in boxes, they probably want to relax with a frosty adult beverage. Let them know you’re thinking of them with booze in a can. Canned bevvies are all the rage right now and so easy to enjoy. No need to locate the bottle opener, corkscrew, or bar accessories; they can just pop the top and sip away.
While this is the least fun option, it’s also probably the most appreciated. Whether it’s running to buy more boxes and tape, helping to load that absurdly heavy table, or sitting and chatting while you both unpack the kitchen, your friend will appreciate you for pitching in on their hardest days. Also, they’ll owe you one heck of a big favor.
Running out of paper towels and Windex when you’ve got to clean out the fridge in the place you’re leaving is just about enough to make a person cry. Same thing when you get to the new place and it’s… less than spotless. Coming by with a box of essentials will elevate you to a godlike status… and if they don’t end up using them right now, you know they’ll get used in the future.
Just like the paper towels, there are other paper products that you absolutely, positively HATE to run out of. Bring a package of TP — the GOOD stuff, not the kind that feels like tree bark… and some premium hand soap. Again, you know they’ll appreciate it mucho and it’s definitely not going to go to waste. (Err, no pun intended.)
If you owe your friend-on-the-move big time, or you’re just #ballerstatus, send them a cleaning service. Having someone do the work for you is a beautiful thing, and walking into a sparkling clean home when you’re still trying to get everything in your life back to normal brings such a sense of relief. It might not even be as expensive as you think. Depending on the size of the house and the location they’re in, you might be able to get this great gift for less than $100.
Via Amazon
There’s nothing like a fresh, new start at a fresh, new house, and nothing says, “Welcome!” quite like a fresh, new doormat. There are so many neat ones available on Amazon or at your local Target. No matter what their taste is, you’ll be able to find something that applies.
Houseplants lend a homey vibe no matter what the season. Bring over a few potted plants and know that you’re enriching your friend’s new home environment — both with a pretty plant AND with life-giving oxygen. Not sure if your friend is a plant-y person? Bring a succulent or two; they’re notoriously hard to kill.
If your friend is moving into your area, save them a ton of time by bringing them a list of neighborhood favorites. Add things like restaurants, things to do, and local services they might need. Big ol’ bonus points if you have a trustworthy babysitting reference — that alone is worth its weight in gold.
Did they get a new pool along with the new digs? Pool owners LOVE getting goodies for swim time. Ride on floats, beverage floats, remote-controlled boats — it’s all good! Also, it’s almost guaranteed you’ll secure an invite to go swimming when summer hits.
No pool? No problem. Get them something to help them enjoy their new garden or patio… whatever form of the great outdoors they have. After all, no matter how nice the house is inside, sometimes it’s nice to hang out outside, too!
When you’ve got a sparkly new kitchen, putting your dingy old towels on the counter is kind of a downer. Gift your pal some spiffy, clean kitchen towels and they’ll think of you every time they walk into the kitchen.
From candy to coffee, dog treats to dinners, there’s a subscription crate for just about anything your friend is into. If they’ve moved away, let them know you’re thinking of them on the regular with a monthly crate. It might not get there on moving day, but it will relieve some stress and make them feel loved all the same!
This should go without saying, but sometimes well-meaning people think that just about any time is a good time for “advice.” Moving time is NOT the time to gift a Dave Ramsey book (even if the house is on the pricey side), nor is it a time to ask why they have so darn much stuff and then offer a trip to Goodwill. Your friends are already under enough stress, so no matter how much you “wonder if you ought to say something,” the answer is NO — or at least, not right now.
The post 14 Housewarming Gifts People Actually WANT appeared first on Lighter Side of Real Estate.
14 Housewarming Gifts People Actually WANT published first on https://thegardenresidences.tumblr.com/
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