#How do you know if a trend is bullish?
uionaninuoionion · 26 days
Gaming apps converting earnings to crypto, Rs 700 crore moved out of India, reveals GST pro
“Someone asked me what is the best time to invest in India, I told him in my opinion the best time to invest was July 24th, 1991, which is the day Manmohan Singh gave the budget, the index of 1400, the Sensex I believe was around 1400 odd there and that day the cards were open. He knew that India was going to change and go to a better place and subsequent events have proved it completely right. The next best time to invest is today. I mean if you have not invested in India, you gotta start doing it now,” says Ramesh Damani, Member, BSE.
Damani says: “All my predisposition tells me to remain invested, do not get scared by the volatility and I have not been for 30 years, I have always remained almost fully invested in Indian markets, so I do not get scared with the volatility. The best is yet to come.”
What a delight to have you on ET now. Thank you for joining us. It is always a pleasure to be with you and thank you so much for the very kind words. And I will say learn to be bullish in India, I learned from our common friend Rakesh Jhunjhunwala and my mentor RK Damani. They are the ones who taught me that India is a growth country. It is so populated and so there is only upside. I owe a lot of debt to those two people at least.
To be fair, you have always identified mega trends. And before the world started using the word mega trends, you started practicing the whole thesis of looking at the big picture and then identifying companies within that. Yes absolutely right. I tried to do that. When I came back in the late 80s to India, the mega trend was cement shares. It was actually morphed by what was called the liberalization trend that was taking place in India. After that, I realized the big money is made in the big swing and you need to identify the big swing. So we were very lucky we got the 2000 technology trend right. And then I tried to follow each bull market and try to spot the leadership in this bull market.
I have been at somewhat of a thought process trying to figure out how to label this bull market that started. You know how we label this bull market? I finally had what you call eponymy moment which says that the label would have caused the growth of the great Indian middle class. I think that is going to be a great story. The new book out which I would recommend. I have not read it yet but I have ordered it is by Homi Kharas called The Middle Class. A lot of my ideas are from there.
He says that it is the middle class that started in England in the 18th-19th century that is shaping our world today. And he says that out of a population of about 8 billion 4 to 5 billion are now in the middle class. And the maximum number of middle class are coming from India rather than from places like America. So that is going to be a major trend because the middle class is roughly defined as having a PPP purchasing power parity of about $12 per day which is significantly above the poverty level of $2 a day.
That means at that point they can save, they can invest, educate, travel and do a number of things. And what we are seeing perhaps in India is the beginning of a hockey stick curve as our per capita has gone over $2,500 and the middle class expanded quite handsomely. They are now demanding action on things from climate change, to travel, to better education, to better living standards. That will be the mega trend which is not only shaping this bull market but also the society around us.
What is right and wrong in this market? We can argue both ways. What is your assessment? Well you know I think there is much to be right in this market. I think the last few days we have seen a significant fall in the market. I think we have added, if I am not mistaken, about 13 crore demat accounts in India, a majority of which have come in the last three years. All of them have been uniformly optimistic which is good. But they are getting a lesson to understand exhibits in the market, the difference between what I call risk and volatility.
Risk is the choice of permanent loss of capital which is very dangerous and you do not want to be in that situation. Volatility is what happened yesterday and what happened the day before yesterday and what will keep on happening in the markets. That market is correct. The next 2,000 points on the Sensex can be up and down. Nobody knows what is going to happen. Maybe an astrologer can say what will happen. But my strong feeling is that the next 20,000 points on the Sensex are higher because of the unfolding demographics, digitization and democracy that has taken root in India. So I feel that there is a lot that is going on right with this market.
What is going wrong in the market? A bull market like this will always lead to excesses, to overstretched valuations and will lead to unnecessary confidence and sometimes regulatory changes that are important or regulation changes that are important being pushed aside because the market is doing so well. We hope those mistakes do not happen. But there is a lot to be thankful for and a lot to be looking forward to being optimistic over the next few years rather than being pessimistic.
How are you approaching this market, are you fully invested? Yes, I am fully invested. I barely have any cash which is rare for me. Typically, I go in with 5-10% cash into the bull market but as I have aged and matured, I have been more confident putting all the money on the table and letting the risk come where it will. I feel there is good reason for optimism and one of the sectors that I called this time was of course the public sector stocks and they have had a brilliant run out there.
We need to give credit to the Modi government that the public sector, which was one of the drags on the Indian economy, has turned around. The people in DIPAM are really on top of the game. For the first time they are doing an OFS and the prices go sharply higher after the OFS, you know, so the fall is very temporary in those prices. I think the debate that PSUs should be privatized or value will not be unlocked has now receded. We are fine if these companies are so well managed.
One very important thing that people missed in the stock market was that a) the government would use these public sector units as the blunt edge for capital expansion and b) that they were telling them that you have to pay 30% of its dividends.
Two, three years ago, you were getting these companies on today's earnings and at a 7-8% yield which is an extraordinary bonanza the investors got early. So, it has been a good place and I am very clear, including after what the prime minister said in the Parliament and I am sure you noticed that. Basically, the Prime Minister of India going on the floor or well of Parliament and saying a bullish case of public sector in stocks, when did that happen? It has never happened before. So we were ecstatic when the prime minister did that.
It was in mid-August sometime and so my personal feeling is that the leadership is very much intact with the public sector stocks. They probably have a large-ish way to go still because typically, in the bull market leadership, the stocks go up 10x 20x after some point. So I would remain invested in good quality businesses.
The aggregate market cap for PSUs including LIC and some new IPOs is up 3x, that is aggregate market cap. It has been a phenomenal run and plus you got so much dividend out of it. I mean you were getting these stocks basically at 4-5% yield and with a certainty of an order book, it is not that the order books were speculative. We knew the order books for the next five years. So, I think there was a whole debate which I think was wrongly conceived in the stock market last year that you buy quality at any price and, of course, that is a mislead, you cannot buy quality at any price. There is a price that you pay will reduce your investment returns without doubt and I think the people who stuck to finding value investing and trying to find value irrespective of the PSU, smallcap, largecaps, did well.
So, if you look at some of the exchanges, the major exchanges remain stable where the unloved exchanges went up. The FMCG and the private banks did not do well. The PSU banks did so well. So, the market noted the cheapness of those particular sectors and rewarded those who bet on that sector very handsomely and I have been lucky in that.
Within that you identified railways. You have gone on record and you have said that you bought into the railway PSU basket, less of defence and more of railways. Not true. Actually, my first bet was on defence and second was on railways.
But you bought both. I bought both and I bought both with – not conviction but I just felt that they were too cheap. I bought all the defence companies. Some of them are extraordinary businesses and they continue to do well and what has happened is that we have gone from importing a lot of the stuff to making the stuff ourselves and now we are exporting it.
Look at the number of orders that say a company like Bharat Dynamics is getting or Hindustan Aeronautics is getting. An extraordinary shift has taken place. So, if you ask me within the PSU sector where is the leadership? I would say it is in the defence.
Also read | Mutual funds join multi-billion dollar PSU rally, eye 2014 record in election year And you think that one should look at these stocks barring the volatility which could happen 10-15-20% nobody knows, but the leadership sector you think is with PSUs as a bracket and within that, defence and railways could be subparts? I think so and I mean just to point out there is a lot of talk about the PSUs over many years and I just wish your people who come on the show and speak folios there, see a company like Bharat Electronics which I own and I am not recommending in any way or form other than educating the public about it.
We bought the stock maybe in the early 2000 at Rs 300-crore market cap. It is Rs 1,30,000-crore mcap right now. The dividend itself compounded at some 18-20% something silly. So, they have delivered some superior returns and they never diluted the equity, that is the most important thing I find. They have never diluted with equity in the 30 years they have been listed, they have never diluted with equity, which Indian companies can you say have not done that, even Infosys diluted with equity multiple times. So, an extraordinary business run extraordinarily well. I think some of the criticism has been misplaced.
People who criticised them, loved them altogether without trying to do what a stock picker should do or a good value investor, that is judge each individual company on its merit. I think they are paying the price for that.
Why do you think these things happen? I mean if the market cap was so cheap, if it was a government backed business, dividend yield was so strong, the same thing happened to let us say PFC-REC. Why do markets ignore them? It is a case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. A lot of what is called herd mentality. Sometime in the mid-2000, the mantra became very popular in the stock market, quality at any price. We want good capital allocation. There is a very well-known author I met recently called Pulak Prasad and I respect him for he has done a fabulous job…
The book is fantastic actually. Yes, book is fantastic – What I learned from Darwin. He said I will never invest in the public sector but then he was honest to say that I don’t want to invest in a MNC also because both are very poor capital allocators.
Even conglomerates. He said I have never bought Tata or Birlas. So, I appreciate that at least he had the intellectual honesty to say that I do not want to go to a bad capital allocator. MNCs will also not do it in your best interest. I really appreciate that. But most people just want to throw the baby out of the bathwater because we made a lot of money in the first round of the PSU divestment. So, we were familiar with these companies.
We understood valuations out there and there was a period we did not make any money from them. But again it has come back. So, the market has to have the cyclicality and up and down trajectory that goes through. I think people who in 2000 said only invest in tech in India or people who said I only invest in high-quality business, pay the price. The market is not a place for the arrogant. It is a place for the humble.
In markets mean reversion is the biggest truism they always say that. Excesses always get created on the upside, on the downside. Where do you think markets are mispricing growth on the upside, that they are pricing a cherry consensus and where do you think they are still ignoring the potential of the business or the value of the company? It is a very difficult question. I do not know all that because I am a stock picker. I try to look bottom. Having said that, would I want to remain fully invested? Corrections have started, maybe it is coming, maybe it is right there. I think yes, I do not see any signs that I normally would see in a top. We do see some size in the reckless capital expansion, the QIPs, the response to public issues, something out there but for the first time, we are also getting three crore new investors coming in.
Every morning the market opens and Rs 1,500 crore is ready waiting to be invested. So, that is a sea chain that is happening. Some of the tops that we see in the market in terms of over leveraged companies or too much debt or too shaky corporate earnings; I do not see that yet. So, I am willing to tell you that what we are witnessing now is volatility and that is the nature of the market.
Charlie Munger recently passed away. He was asked the same question. He said in his lifetime of 40-50 years of being with Berkshire Hathaway, Berkshire Hathaway corrected three times of 50% each because he said that is the nature of the market. We cannot deal with it. You are not going to make money in life, okay. Risk is what I said is the chance that I can permanently lose capital, that I buy a business that goes bust. There have been a lot of businesses that went bust in India also, in the 2000 the tech boom I can rattle off names.
So, you want to avoid that kind of situation for any time in the portfolio and that can happen even in a good market that stocks can actually go bust. So, we do not want to get into that. A lot of people do option trading which is a zero-sum game. You probably want to scale down on that because it might be easy money but when you lose, you can lose almost the entire fortune in that, and I would be very careful of that.
But there are very good high quality businesses in India whether it was the public sector stocks, that BPO businesses, the IMEC corridors that we are talking about which will generate returns and do well for the customers over many-many years to come and if you are young in India and you are looking in the next 30 years, you need to invest.
Someone asked me what is the best time to invest in India, I told him in my opinion the best time to invest was July 24th, 1991, which is the day Manmohan Singh gave the budget, the index of 1400, the Sensex I believe was around 1400 odd there and that day the cards were open. He knew that India was going to change and go to a better place and subsequent events have proved it completely right. The next best time to invest is today. I mean if you have not invested in India, you gotta start doing it now.
I mean when they are going to do it and look at it for a period of 5-10-20-year period, do not look at it from the next five days which as I said could be extremely volatile and you could lose a lot of money out there. But if you keep the faith, buy high quality business with good cash flows, you are going to come out ahead in this business.
I will sound very repetitive with this one but it is important that we just get your views again. If you weigh prices and risk and the market dynamics, the sliver of the market may be expensive which always is the case but by and large, if you do a health checkup, the diagnosis of the market, you do not think there is a bubble or there is a mania in the market, one should remain fully invested. Absolutely not.
I am asking it point blank. Yes, I mean the point blank and I know I can be wrong with these kinds of things. You know markets live forward but understood backwards, so you do that. But all my predisposition tells me to remain invested, do not get scared by the volatility and I have not been for 30 years, I have always remained almost fully invested in Indian markets, so I do not get scared with the volatility. The best is yet to come.
Maybe India cannot double in three years, maybe it can double in four years’ time, but it is still the best place for a young Indian to be. I am not a young Indian anymore, I am reaching senior citizen level, but for a young Indian, if you are 30-35 years starting out, where are you going to put the money? I mean you cannot put it in gold or cryptocurrency. It is a dud’s game to do, it is the mugs game in my opinion to do it. You need to put in equity which generates some returns for you, gives you some dividend and allows you to build your wealth, just like my generation built the wealth.
As I told you in 1991 when we started the index was 1500. It is closer to 75,000 now. Look at the journey that has taken place. You made 30-40x on the index, imagine if you pick stocks how well you must have done during that period. So, I think given the sweet spot that India is in terms of its democracy, in terms of its demographics, in terms of digitisation that is helping and the growing middle class in India. I mean 500 million people will be in the Indian middle class by 2030. That is an extraordinary development taking place and we are going to witness what a lot of economists call a J curve once India's economy, per capita goes over $2,500-3,000. In that there will be a wide dispersion with people earning $10,000-15,000, the average is 3000, but a lot of people are above that number and that is going to power growth for a number of years to come.
Demographically as you know we are the best positioned country in the world. China's population is projected to grow over the next 30-50 years from 1.4 billion to 800 million. That is the kind of demographic disaster Korea, Japan, Italy and China are facing. India’s population is still growing and still young, so the next 20-30 years we do not have a problem.
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exnessindia · 3 months
How to identify divergence in Forex trading?
Forex trading is not easy, and a trader should follow the best strategies to overcome potential risks. Traders willing to buy and sell currencies should focus on identifying market trends and reversals to make informed decisions. Furthermore, they should consider using certain tools to know market movements with accuracy. One such tool is divergence, which lets a trader spot the best trend reversals and take advantage of them properly. At the same time, traders should identify divergence in forex trading charts to ensure profitable trades.
5 tips to identify divergence in Forex trading
1. Understanding what is divergence
A Forex trader should understand the concept behind divergence because it provides methods to proceed further. Divergence is a price action signal that allows a trader to know if there is a reversal in the current trend. If the currency pair price moves in the opposite direction, it will display the reversal of an indicator or oscillator.
2. Selecting the right indicator
Traders should use the right indicator to identify divergence in forex trading. They should consider selecting RSI, MACD, and stochastic oscillators to spot divergence in currency trading. However, one should evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each indicator with attention to detail. This will help pick an indicator that aligns with the trading strategy and preferences.
3. Analyzing regular divergence
Regular divergence is one of the strategies a Forex trader should follow because it gives ways to spot bullish and bearish divergence. It enables an investor to compare the price action with an indicator or oscillator. If the price and indicator show contracting movements, then a trader can identify a reversal.
4. Identifying the hidden divergence
Hidden divergence is a powerful tool that allows a trader to spot the strength of a prevailing trend. This strategy is very crucial and influences trading decisions. The Exness trading platform is ideal for forex trading and has the most advanced features. It provides ways to learn more about the latest market trends with various tools that help you proceed further.
5. Confirming divergence with additional tools
To spot divergence, a forex trader should combine it with some other tools after choosing the right indicator. One can consider using trendlines and support and resistance levels to validate the signals provided by divergence. By doing this, traders can increase their accuracy levels in trading and minimize false signals. Also, they can achieve their goals in the trading process to ensure good returns.
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market-news-24 · 3 months
The cryptocurrency community is buzzing with speculation that XRP, the native token of the Ripple network, could be poised for a significant price surge in the coming week. According to several industry analysts and experts, XRP is forecasted to reach around $0.55, with the potential to even hit the $0.60 mark if the upward momentum continues. Bullish Technical Analysis Now, you might be wondering how the price could jump that much when XRP is currently trading at around $0.47. It's a fair question, as the crypto market is known for its volatility and unpredictable short-term movements. However, the analysts have been closely examining the technical indicators and market trends, and their analysis points to a bullish outlook for XRP. [ad_1] [ad_2] The experts believe that XRP's price is likely to trade in the $0.60 to $0.70 range over the next year, with strong support around the $0.60 level. This means that if the price were to dip down to that area, it could present a buying opportunity for savvy investors. MetricValueCurrent Price (July 1, 2024)$0.47Predicted Price Next Week$0.55Potential High Next Week$0.60Price Range in 2024$0.60 - $0.70 [ad_1] [ad_2] Cautious Outlook from Some Experts Of course, not everyone is convinced that XRP is destined for a big breakout. Some experts have expressed caution, noting that the ongoing legal battle between Ripple and the SEC could have a significant impact on the token's future price trajectory. And as we all know, long-term cryptocurrency price predictions can be about as reliable as a weather forecast a year in advance. Key Points: Here are 10 short bullet points summarizing the key information from the article: Experts predict XRP could surge to $0.55, potentially reaching $0.60 next week Current XRP price is around $0.47, raising questions about the potential jump Technical analysis suggests a bullish outlook for XRP in 2024 Analysts expect XRP to trade in the $0.60 to $0.70 range next year After Rally $0.60 is seen as strong support, presenting buying opportunities if price dips there Not all experts are convinced, citing ongoing legal battle with SEC as risk Long-term crypto price predictions are unreliable, like weather forecasts XRP's price surge will depend on how market reacts in coming days/weeks Investors should do their own research, diversify, and invest cautiously Crypto rewards can be substantial, but risks are also high [ad_1] [ad_2] Ultimately, the success or failure of this potential XRP surge will come down to how the market reacts in the coming days and weeks. The XRP story has been a wild ride, with plenty of ups and downs, and this latest chapter is sure to keep investors on the edge of their seats. [ad_1] [ad_2] As always, it's crucial for anyone interested in the crypto space to do their own research, diversify their portfolio, and invest cautiously. The rewards can be substantial, but the risks are also high.
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Customization Overload: Finding the Balance in Your Trading Setup
Customization has both positive and negative aspects in the trading industry. New traders always like the way customization can enhance how their tools may be. But if it's done too much, though, it can cause misunderstandings in trading. Here we look at striking the ideal balance for a successful trading setup on NinjaTrader order flow.
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Analyze and Edit
Exploration is necessary. See how your configuration works with past data. Put an indicator away if it doesn't add anything. Make adjustments in your configuration to make sure it works. As they say, in trading, less is more. Indicator quality always beats indicator quantity.
Keep Yourself Flexible
Your configuration should vary as markets do. What functions in a bullish market may not be in a bearish one. Maintain your flexibility and receptivity to change. Check your indicators often to be sure they are still useful. Make necessary configuration adjustments to suit the state of the market.
Perfect setups don't exist. Trade involves a great deal of human intuition. Sometimes you have to follow your gut. See your tools as pointers rather than as the final say. Mix your own experience and market mood with technical analysis.
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Original Source: https://bit.ly/3xeaXHS
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blogger360ncislarules · 5 months
In the four years since its launch amid a global pandemic, Vanessa Shapiro’s Nicely Entertainment has been steadily expanding its slate, rolling out a raft of feel-good movies and thrillers and a growing assortment of series to broadcasters and platforms worldwide. While not immune to the challenges faced by the global content sector, the market for TV movies is proving to be robust, especially as consumers increasingly turn to free services for their entertainment needs. Scott Kirkpatrick, executive VP of distribution and co-productions, talks to World Screen Weekly about why he’s bullish on connected TV and AVOD and the niche Nicely has carved for itself as an indie supplier.
WS: How do you assess the state of the content distribution business at present? KIRKPATRICK: The current distribution market is a bit strange. For some distributors, business has never been better, yet for others, the market has been relentlessly cruel. The SAG-AFTRA and WGA strikes caused a standstill for major U.S. broadcasters and studios, delaying their 2024 strategies. This has had ripple effects not only across the U.S. market but internationally as well. Interest rates remain high, which has disrupted cash flow patterns. Major mergers and acquisitions are taking place among industry giants (and mid-tier companies) and the cord-cutting trend has now officially taken hold in Europe. However, streaming numbers are going through the roof—and the demand for content is there—but the dollars required to produce fresh content remain scarce (or at below-market levels). These are all symptoms of a market in transition, which is probably the best word to describe 2024 as a whole. That said, I’m very bullish on AVOD and connected TV; although I expect 2024 to continue its rocky path, things will pan out for a very lucrative future for the companies that get their streaming strategies into shape.
WS: What new approaches are you taking to finance new content? KIRKPATRICK: As an independent, Nicely’s always been a bit out of the box in terms of financial models—you have to be at the indie level. During periods of transition—as we’re experiencing now—being open to alternative financial models is the only way to continue our growth curve. Partnerships, co-productions and elevated acquisitions are what’s on our radar. Our recent Lifetime original Hunting Housewives, starring Denise Richards, was a product of a co-pro relationship that we shared with co-producer Brain Power Studio. Those who know how to operate in a nimble way can keep delivering original content regardless of economic shifts. The other major benefit is that Nicely Entertainment—which was founded by our CEO, Vanessa Shapiro—is 100 percent independently owned; we have no investors to appease, and, as a result, we have the freedom to finance projects in a way that we feel makes the most sense on a project-by-project basis.
WS: Is AVOD playing a greater role in your overall monetization strategies? KIRKPATRICK: AVOD plays a great role in Nicely’s monetization strategies, but we’ve been bullish on AVOD for years. Nicely has been progressively evolving its overall AVOD strategy, and it’s been a priority for the company since it was founded. When I joined the company, one of my priorities was to level up our streaming initiatives. We’ve seen major revenue coming in from AVOD, and I only see those numbers growing over the next decade. As a U.S.-based company, we’re well-positioned to enjoy North America’s high-CPMs and its connected audience base. We see that trend growing in Europe, LatAm and Asia (especially as the cord-cutting trends have already started to noticeably impact Westernized foreign markets). We had an amazing Q4 with our Christmas romance films, but added to this, we released our first disaster action film, Super Icyclone, as a U.S. digital premiere, and the numbers have been steadily climbing. AVOD outlets are where eyeballs are looking; this is especially telling when every major SVOD outlet has added an ad component to their platforms.
WS: What’s your sense of what broadcasters and platforms are looking for in both new commissions and acquisitions? KIRKPATRICK: This is the age-old question that always gets asked, but in my 20-plus years of experience, the answer never changes: broadcasters and platforms simply want good content. And they want it from the same basic genre conventions: thrillers (female-driven), romance (especially ones set in a beautiful destination), action (with a recognizable male lead), Christmas content (there’s always a home in several key territories), YA content (either tween-girl romance or young-boy adventures) and “creature feature” type movies. Broadcasters and platforms have built their entire business models on these genres, and advertisers love them. Add in a strong cast, and you’ll have a great project to pitch. At Nicely, we focus on Christmas romances, destination romances and female-driven thrillers. We have also dabbled in the YA tween girl space with our Netflix YA original series Dive Club and Gymnastics Academy: A Second Chance. What’s exciting is that Nicely can dabble in some off-brand genres via its brand-new sub-label, Darkly Entertainment.
WS: What trends are you seeing in licensing fees? KIRKPATRICK: License fees have stagnated if you’re lucky, but many are dealing with downgraded license fees. This is even more problematic as the costs associated with production have increased (and companies pay over longer and longer periods, which only compounds interest in a negative direction). All of this erodes profit margins. Nicely’s growth in the digital realm has been an illuminating experience; we’ve seen AVOD numbers exceed traditional license fees (all while allowing our rights to remain non-exclusive to us without holdbacks). This has given us the incredible freedom to explore new opportunities in the digital space, allowing us to finance our new productions without necessarily needing a prebuy.
WS: Amid the sea of content, do you, as an IP owner, have to play a greater role in ensuring your content is discovered on your broadcast or streaming partner? KIRKPATRICK: Most distributors have had to pivot slightly, taking on D2C marketing efforts in addition to B2B. The reason is that there is simply so much content in the marketplace—and so much competition for slots/streaming real estate—that we’ve had to make our titles truly pop to gain secured placement. Some see this as a burden, but at Nicely, we see so much opportunity in taking on this D2C marketing role. As streaming continues to become the dominant mode of content viewership, we get to directly increase watch hours and improve our impression ratios. It’s incredible. I think a solid D2C strategy will be a filter between those companies that flourish over the next five to seven years compared to those that flounder. At Nicely, we’ve been diving head-first into growing our D2C initiatives and have seen some incredible results thus far.
WS: FAST was one of the buzzwords of 2023. What’s your sense of that market at present? KIRKPATRICK: FAST channels are fantastic verticals for super-fans and can generate very strong revenue if managed well—but that doesn’t mean they’re for every distributor to get behind. Here’s the problem: so many FAST channels are littered across the streaming landscape that platforms must prune their offerings (or enormous amounts of cash must be spent to make the channel rise to the surface). At Nicely, we’ve successfully focused on one title at a time, taking the effort to grow each title directly across each platform and not getting into the cycle of acquiring titles just to keep a FAST channel’s cycle rate high. We’re much more focused on finding the right titles for our company as a whole. Our library is growing, but it’s growing with films we know are completely on point for us. Our most recent acquisitions have performed extremely well on AVOD and FAST, including the Christmas romance film The Christmas Venue and our IMAX documentary Beyond the Reef.
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avidtrader · 7 months
Simple And Effective Technical Analysis Strategy (For Beginners)
Simple And Effective Technical Analysis Strategy (For Beginners) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSxCLyo729k Today we dive deep into my chart analysis breakdown. Loads of information here breaking down candlestick trends, bullish and bearish patterns, and understanding overall direction of a stock. How I customize my stock trading chart for day trading, swing trading and investing long term. What to look for and what to avoid specifically when entering or exiting a position. More importantly be able to simplify everything so anyone can start learning and applying these techniques on their own. Most people copy others, we don't do that. I show you my techniques, style and what goes through my thought process. We map out a plan that we know is not perfect but will act as a guideline moving forward. ✅ Subscribe To My Channel For More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@AvidTrader/?sub_confirmation=1 ✅ Stay Connected With Me: 👉 (X)Twitter: https://twitter.com/RealAvidTrader 👉 Stocktwits: https://ift.tt/zVurk2J 👉 Instagram: https://ift.tt/brnW1v8 ============================== ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 The ULTIMATE Guide to Finding Hidden Gem Stocks | AvidTrader https://youtu.be/pZAKJLk9o0I 👉 How FDA Approval Could Rocket This Penny Stock to New Heights | AvidTrader https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42AI9djkN0s 👉 Bitcoin Halving's Impact on Crypto Mining: What to Expect | AvidTrader https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9jIDKFNUlg 👉 How to Make Big Profits with Short Squeeze Stocks: A Comprehensive Trading Strategy | AvidTrader https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59q6XeOlzas ============================= ✅ About AvidTrader: Value Investor. Discussing Day & Swing Trades Also Long Term Investments! Stock Breakdowns. Grow Your Trading Account Effectively. Technical Analysis and Pattern Recognition. How to Make Money, But More Importantly Learning & Having Fun in The Process! Avid Trader is not a Series 7 licensed investment professional, but a digital marketing manager/content creator to publicly traded and privately held companies. Avid Trader receives compensation from its clients in the form of cash and restricted securities for consulting services. 🔔 Subscribe to my channel for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/@AvidTrader/?sub_confirmation=1 ===================== #technicalanalysis #chartanalysis #stockanalysis #stockpicks #learnstockmarket #makemoneytrading #howto #chartpatterns #tradingstrategies #swingtrade 0:00 Laying Out The Foundation 0:38 Map Out a Solid Plan 1:10 ZOOM OUT 2:58 One Step at a Time 3:25 Understanding Pivot Points 4:23 Low, High, Close 6:03 Zoom in (More Clarity) 7:04 Relevant Range (Time) 7:47 Highest Close Since August 9:11 Two Specific Levels (Resistance) 12:03 Tie it All Together 13:34 Customization, Personal Preference 15:15 Do NOT Marry One Indicator, Tool 16:03 Bullish or Bearish Interpretation? 17:03 Volume Analysis 17:31 Consistency in Trend 18:23 Takes TIME to Be Consistent 18:35 PRINT This Out 18:56 LISTEN *Recap* 19:57 Fundamental, Technical, Experience Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage which is incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of reading any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. I am not a certified financial advisor and you must do your own research and due diligence before ever buying or selling a stock. never trade solely based on someone else's word or expectations of a stock! Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use © AvidTrader via AvidTrader https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK_XU3FW-ffEK8BG5EisnNA March 11, 2024 at 05:24AM
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Warren Buffett, who runs Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.B), recently made some new investments in homebuilder companies during the second quarter of 2023. He purchased stocks in three companies: D.R. Horton (NYSE: DHI), NVR (NYSE: NVR), and Lennar (NYSE: LEN). Among these, D.R. Horton is the largest new investment, making up 0.21% of Berkshire Hathaway’s overall assets. DHI Stock Q3 2023 Earnings Read on to know why analysts are extremely bullish over DR Horton Inc (NYSE: DHI) Know DR Horton Inc. and the DHI stock Q3 2023 earnings report in this statement of Donald R. Horton, Chairman of the Board. Donald R. Horton said, “In the third quarter of 2023, the D.R. Horton team did really well”. They made $3.90 for each share of their stock, which is a good sign. They also made $1.8 billion in profit before taxes, and their total income went up by 11% to reach $9.7 billion. Their profit margin (how much money they make compared to how much they spend) was 18.3%, which is pretty good. Even though mortgage rates (the interest you pay on a home loan) were higher, and prices for things were going up (inflation), D.R. Horton still managed to increase their sales by 37% compared to the same time last year. This is because there aren’t enough new and existing homes available at prices people can afford, and more people want to buy houses. So, their business is doing well because of these factors. DHI stock price was at $114.64 and lost 2.75% of its market capitalization during Tuesday’s trading session. However, trading volume is below average and needs to grow during Wednesday’s trading session. So buyers may accumulate by the opening of Wednesday’s trading session as DHI shares may get support from the lower price range of the consolidation phase.  Analyzing DR Horton Inc. (NYSE: DHI) Stock’s Technical Points DR Horton stock is currently consolidating inside a horizontal range-bound area over the daily time frame chart. However, analysts hold a bullish outlook over DHI stock price they believe as soon as DHI share price breaks out of the consolidation phase and sustains there. DHI shares may skyrocket. Explaining their bullish outlook, they even shared Donald R. Horton’s words of wisdom for DHI stock’s growth.  Coming back to the technical analysis of DHI stock price- currently, the downtrend of DHI shares can be seen over the daily time frame chart. DHI share price is trading towards the lower price range of the consolidation phase. However, buyers may come forward for the rescue of DHI shares. Meanwhile, DHI share price is trying to sustain above 100 and 200-day DMAs to recover from 20 and 50-EMAs. DHI shares have been consolidating inside the horizontal price range of $114.11 and $121.23. Nevertheless, volume change is below average and needs to grow during Wednesday’s trading session. Technical indicators suggest the downside trend of DR Horton stock. Relative strength index (RSI) and moving average convergence divergence (MACD) confirm the slippage of DHI shares inside a horizontal range. RSI was at 40 and is moving towards the oversold territory. The MACD line crossed the signal line downwards, registering a negative crossover. Investors in DR Horton Inc. (NYSE: DHI) need to wait for any directional change. Analysts are bullish over DHI shares. Summary Donald R. Horton said, “In the third quarter of 2023, the D.R. Horton team did really well”. Their profit margin (how much money they make compared to how much they spend) was 18.3%, which is pretty good. However, trading volume is below average and needs to grow during Wednesday’s trading session. Technical indicators are giving bearish signals for DR Horton stock.  Technical Levels Support Levels: $114.11 and $112.63 Resistance Levels: $121.23 and $123.80 Source
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astrovijayjoshi · 1 year
Maximize Your Returns with the August 2023 Stock Market Horoscope
Are you ready to delve into the world of market astrology predictions for 2023? Worry not. We will help you explore the potential of using astrology to enhance your investment strategy. We will focus on the stock market astrology for the month of August 2023. Keep reading to know how it can help you make informed decisions to maximize your returns.
What is Market Astrology?
Market astrology is the analysis of the movements of planets to predict aspects of financial markets. This however is not a guaranteed method for success. Astrologers analyze planetary alignments, lunar cycles, and other astrological factors to make predictions about the stock market. Nevertheless many seek its guidance before taking an important financial decision.
Stock Market Predictions 2023: August
On August 17th, 2023, the Sun God will enter Leo, and the next day, on August 18th, Mars will move into Virgo. Additionally, on August 8th, 2023, retrograde Venus will be seen in the western sky in the sign of Cancer. Shravan Purnimant is supposed to be unlucky during this period, whilst Surya Singh Sankranti is said to bring good luck.
In terms of stock market predictions for August 2023, a mixed trend with bullish and negative swings is possible. Initially, growth may be seen in banking, finance, vegetable oil, rubber, computer software technology, information technology, shipping corporations, and oil industries. From August 13, 2023, there are possibilities of consistent growth in industries like Chemical fertilizers, Tea, Coffee, Steel, Heavy Engineering, Construction, Leather, ONGC, Oil, Coal, Hindalco, Woolen Mills, AVV, and others. However, these same industries will also face some challenges from the same date, but opportunities may still arise.
According to the Stock Market Predictions 2023, on August 17, 2023, the entire stock market might seem to move in a specific direction, but sectors like Reliance Industries, Perfume and Cosmetic Industries, Computer Software Technology, and Information Technology may experience a slowdown by the end of the month, with the potential for continued impact.
Suggestions for Investors:
Investors should never rely entirely upon stock market predictions as they are only partly true. An investor’s experience can sometimes prove astrological predictions wrong. Going with the gut instinct may help in time of confusion. To make the most of the astrology stock market 2023, it is crucial to treat them as one the possibilities, as just one aspect of your investment strategy. The following tips might help you maximize your returns:
Conduct thorough fundamental analysis: As mentioned earlier, do not completely rely on astrological predictions. Consider several other practical factors such as financial health, market trends, and company fundamentals. These can help you in making a solid investment decision.
Diversify your portfolio: Remember to spread your investments across different sectors. Do not forget to consider asset classes to reduce risks.
Stay up-to-date: It is crucial to keep yourself updated all the time. Monitor market news daily. Keep gathering information about economic indicators, and company announcements to stay well informed.
Consult with a financial advisor: There are experienced financial advisor available who can help you in this. Professional guidance may prove to be extremely beneficial. To better understand how astrology can complement your investment strategy, you can always contact a professional rather than dealing with a dilemma.
Always remember, market astrology predictions are only mathematics and it can always go wrong. Nobody can predict everything accurately. So, do apply practical knowledge along with astrological predictions to get the best results. Use astrology as a supplementary tool and stay disciplined in your investment approach to maximize your returns. If you are looking for an Astrologer in Ujjain, Pandit AstroVijay is one with whom you should consult for the best and most effective remedies. Here’s wishing you all the best!
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binimom · 1 year
Supply & Demand in the Cryptocurrency Market
 How much do you know about supply and demand in the cryptocurrency market? Do you just study graphs?
Understanding the principles of supply and demand is essential for investors who want to make informed decisions in the cryptocurrency market.
 Just like any other market, the value of cryptocurrency is determined by supply and demand factors. 
Knowing these important factors can help us make more accurate predictions and adjust our investment strategies.
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Demand in the cryptocurrency market
The demand for cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, is increasing due to several factors. 
The recent increase in demand is due to the economic situation in Russia, where the value of the ruble has plummeted. 
As a result, many Russians are turning to cryptocurrencies as an alternative store of value. 
This trend has been fueled by the recent expulsion of Russia from international payment systems, including the United States.
Demand for Bitcoin has also been driven by an increase in trading volume via the ruble. According to a Paris-based cryptocurrency data firm, ruble-based 
Bitcoin trading volume surged to a record high of 1.5 billion rubles last month. This surge in demand for Bitcoin was also observed in other parts of the world, with investors looking to cryptocurrencies as a potential hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty.
Most importantly, investor sentiment plays an important role in driving demand in the cryptocurrency market. 
When investors are bullish on the market, demand for cryptocurrencies tends to increase. 
This has been observed in recent months as the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have increased significantly. 
On the other hand, bearish sentiment can lead to a decrease in demand, as seen in previous market downturns.
Supply in the cryptocurrency market
The supply of a cryptocurrency market is an important factor that affects its value and overall stability. 
Bitcoin, one of the most well-known cryptocurrencies, undergoes a process called mining to create coins. 
This process involves solving complex math problems that become more difficult and expensive as more miners join the process.
However, Bitcoin has implemented a mechanism called halving that slows down the rate of production. This controls the currency's inflation and increases its scarcity, which can increase its value in the market. 
As a result, Bitcoin's limited supply makes it a highly sought-after asset among investors.
Government regulation of cryptocurrency mining can have a significant impact on the supply of cryptocurrencies. 
While regulations are necessary to ensure safe transactions and protect consumers, overly strict regulations can have negative consequences. 
They can discourage investors and miners from participating in the market, reducing supply and potentially increasing the value of existing coins.
The supply of cryptocurrencies can also be affected by technological advances. 
For example, some cryptocurrencies have implemented mechanisms to control supply, such as burning or locking coins. 
These measures can help increase scarcity and boost demand, which can ultimately lead to an increase in the value of the cryptocurrency.
Balancing Supply and Demand
As a cryptocurrency investor, you need to understand the importance of maintaining a balance between supply and demand in the market. 
By keeping a close eye on the supply and demand factors and staying informed about the latest developments in the market investors can make informed investment decisions and adjust their strategies accordingly.
Investors should also be aware of the risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies, including volatility, liquidity, and regulatory uncertainty. 
Due to their decentralized nature and lack of regulation, cryptocurrencies are volatile and unpredictable. 
This makes it important for investors to stay informed about the latest developments and trends in the market.
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market-news-24 · 5 months
"Stay ahead with today's Bitcoin (BTC) price prediction for April 27, brought to you by TradingView News. Discover the latest insights and Market trends as our experts analyze what's next for the world's leading cryptocurrency. Whether you're an investor looking for guidance or simply curious about Bitcoin's performance, our straightforward analysis will help you understand the potential moves in the Market. Don't miss out on key predictions that could shape your investment decisions. Tune in for the full story." [ad_1] In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, the Market has once again shown its volatile nature. After a brief period of recovery, the crypto Market has turned bearish, bringing a noticeable dip in the value of Bitcoin (BTC). According to the latest analysis by CoinStats, Bitcoin's value has seen a 2.13% decrease in the last 24 hours. This drop has been documented on trading charts, with the hourly chart indicating a more bearish trend as Bitcoin struggles to maintain its stand above the $63,000 mark. The recent downturn in Bitcoin's price is a significant concern for crypto investors and traders. If the current trend persists, the Market might witness Bitcoin testing its support levels as early as tomorrow. Close observation of the daily time frame suggests that if Bitcoin's value closes below the crucial support level of $63,136, it could spiral down towards the $62,000 region in the near term. From a midterm perspective, there are currently no signs of a Market reversal. This could mean that it's premature to anticipate a bullish bounce back any time soon. Furthermore, a failure to hold the critical $60,000 support zone could potentially trigger a more substantial decline, with prices possibly plummeting to the $55,000 mark. As of now, Bitcoin is trading at $62,979. This latest price movement has sparked waves of speculation and discussion among the crypto community. Investors and Market watchers are keeping a keen eye on the Market's next move, knowing too well the unpredictable nature of cryptocurrency. This insights into Bitcoin's current Market status underlines the importance for traders to stay informed and tread cautiously in the highly speculative crypto Market. [ad_2] Sure! Here are five frequently asked questions along with their short answers about Bitcoin (BTC) Price Prediction for April 27 based on TradingView News: 1. What's the Bitcoin price prediction for April 27 according to TradingView News? - The prediction points towards a potential increase in price, but it's important to check the latest updates on TradingView for the most current forecast. 2. Is it sure that Bitcoin's price will go up on April 27? - No, predictions are based on Market analysis and trends, so they're not 100% certain. Always remember, the crypto Market is volatile. 3. How reliable are TradingView News predictions for Bitcoin? - TradingView News is popular for its financial analysis and Market forecasts, but as with all Market predictions, it's wise to use them as one of many tools in making investment decisions. 4. Should I invest in Bitcoin based on the April 27 prediction? - It's important to do your own research and consider your risk tolerance before investing in Bitcoin or any cryptocurrency, regardless of predictions. 5. Can the Bitcoin price prediction for April 27 change? - Yes, Market predictions can change due to a variety of factors like Market trends, global economic news, and unexpected events impacting the crypto world. Remember, investing in cryptocurrencies carries a risk, so it's always best to research and consider your financial situation before making any decisions. [ad_1]
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7 Golden Rules of Investing in Stock Market
You can put your money into a fixed deposit plan, mutual funds, provident funds, real estate, or seek wealth management services in India. However, there is one investing sector many people have found to be the most intriguing and appealing. Its appeal stems from the possibility of huge rewards that it provides. But, of course, we’re referring to the phenomena of the stock market investment.
Many people will agree that the stock market is a complicated subject. The stock market is affected by so many elements that it is hard to forecast how it will behave, whether the stock price will rise or fall. However, if one is not cautious, the allure of the stock market might result in significant losses.
Investing in the stock market needs a great deal of patience and discipline, as well as study, in-depth knowledge of the markets and economy, and a thorough awareness of market volatility. Of course, everyone knows you should buy cheap and sell high, but a few additional easy guidelines might help you win on the stock market.
There is no surefire method for stock market investment. However, there are several “golden guidelines” to remember besides seeking education from the 1 stock market training institute in India when investing in the stock market:
Here are the 7 Golden Rules for investing in the stock market:
 1.   Set Reasonable Goals
 As a no 1 stock market trainer in India would tell you, if you make unreasonable assumptions and have exaggerated stock market expectations, you might be in huge trouble. While it is acknowledged that anticipating high returns on your investments is not a bad thing, expecting too much might lead to disaster. For example, several stocks have achieved more than 50% returns during a bullish trend in recent years, but this does not imply that you should invest all of your money in those particular stocks.
2.   Prioritise the Long Term
Yes, we’ve all heard the adage about entering the market when it’s low and quitting when it’s high. Many people utilise this method to make a fast buck. However, such a strategy is difficult to adopt because it is hard to anticipate when the stock price will rise or whether its growth has reached its full potential. Even after one has sold a stock, it may rise higher. Therefore, think of the stock market as a long-term investment alternative rather than a short-term money-making instrument.
3.   Never Succumb To Herd Mentality
The most crucial thing to remember when trading in the stock market is to avoid herd mentality. Do not just buy a stock because several influencers and experts have suggested it or because a buddy is doing so. Before investing in a certain company, it is critical to perform your research and fundamental and technical analysis. “Be frightened when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful,” Warren Buffet once advised. This guideline must always be observed.
4.   Diversify
 Portfolio diversification is an age-old stock market investment technique. Investing in a single firm or industry is never a smart idea since your investment may lose value if the company fails. As a result, investing in a varied portfolio is usually advantageous to balance your assets. Generally, investing in a mix of small, mid, and big-size equities is best. Small and mid-cap companies offer the greatest potential for growth and high profits, but they also carry significant dangers. And large-cap stocks are often steady and provide decent returns. A mix of all three would allow you to invest in stability and growth.
5.   Complete Your Homework
 Investing in the stock market without conducting appropriate research or having a basic grasp of economics is equivalent to shooting oneself in the foot. Before you invest your money in the stock market, spend some time and effort learning how it works. Learn about economic trends and the variables that influence the stock market. When investing in a certain firm, it is essential to research both the company’s historical success and prospects. The only approach is to examine the technical data about the company’s economic performance. Aside from that, it is critical to comprehend the worldwide influences on the stock market.
6.   Constantly Monitor Your Portfolio
We live in rapidly changing times. Any significant event or occurrence, whether global or domestic, might impact the market. As a result, one must regularly analyze their portfolio and make modifications to the changing times. Suppose a person does not have the time to check or investigate their portfolio carefully. In that case, they should seek the assistance of a professional financial planner who can help them monitor their portfolio meticulously.
7.   Do Not Allow Your Emotions to Take Control of You
 It is critical to control your emotions when trading stocks. Emotions can obscure your judgement and lead to poor judgments. Several times, investors have panicked and liquidated their assets amid a negative trend, resulting in rock-bottom prices. Remember that patience is essential in the stock market, and you should never make judgments based only on your emotions.
The golden guidelines outlined above will undoubtedly assist you in understanding how to invest in the Indian stock market. Understanding the fundamentals of the stock market is critical. Alternatively, you can pursue stock market education from no 1 stock market trainer in the world.
Bharti Share Market’s highly educated faculty has over a decade of financial market experience. We have educated over 170,000 people through seminars and classroom programs. It grew from a single room in 2008 to 11 outlets in 9 locations to become the no 1 stock market training institute in Maharashtra.
These teaching characteristics and his experience make Bharti Share Market the number one stock market educator in Mumbai and Pune. Bharti sir provides an excellent platform for Technical Analysis Study through which you can research the stock market.
As the no 1 stock market training institute in Pune, Bharti Institute teaches everything from the fundamentals of the stock market to the A to Z foundations of technical analysis.
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Customization Overload: Finding the Balance in Your Trading Setup
Customization has both positive and negative aspects in the trading industry. New traders always like the way customization can enhance how their tools may be. But if it's done too much, though, it can cause misunderstandings in trading. Here we look at striking the ideal balance for a successful trading setup on NinjaTrader order flow.
The Appeal of Customization
Customization on NinjaTrader is having indicators work in synchrony while complementing your approach to trading. It’s about adapting and changing until everything feels perfect. One could easily become overconfident with the abundance of indicators at hand. If not handled properly, it can impair your judgment. Click here to know more.
The Dangers of Over Customization
Customization gone too far can result in "analysis paralysis," as we like to call it. An overabundance of indications makes it difficult for your brain to digest everything. You become perplexed when every indicator speaks a different story. Everything looks contradicting, so you're not sure whether to buy or sell. Like too many chefs making one broth in the kitchen!
Simplify for Clarity
You must start with a few widely understood basic signs. These need to fit your trading approach. Day traders might, for example, use volume indicators and moving averages. Oscillators and trend lines are perhaps preferred by swing traders. The idea is to concentrate on a small number of dependable Ninja trader indicators.
Analyze and Edit
Exploration is necessary. See how your configuration works with past data. Put an indicator away if it doesn't add anything. Make adjustments in your configuration to make sure it works. As they say, in trading, less is more. Indicator quality always beats indicator quantity.
Keep Yourself Flexible
Your configuration should vary as markets do. What functions in a bullish market may not be in a bearish one. Maintain your flexibility and receptivity to change. Check your indicators often to be sure they are still useful. Make necessary configuration adjustments to suit the state of the market.
Perfect setups don't exist. Trade involves a great deal of human intuition. Sometimes you have to follow your gut. See your tools as pointers rather than as the final say. Mix your own experience and market mood with technical analysis.
About Affordable Indicators Inc.:
Affordable Indicators Inc. offers best Ninjatrader indicators solutions designed to enhance trading performance. The company specializes in developing custom indicators to optimize trading strategies. Its solutions ensure clarity and better decision-making in the dynamic market environment.
Check out Ninjatrader indicators at https://affordableindicators.com/
Original Source: https://bit.ly/3xeaXHS
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blockchainx2023 · 2 years
Is now a good time to buy bitcoin?
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It depends on what you want to do.
You have two options:
Invest in bitcoin (buying)
bitcoin trading
They are not the same. In actuality, there are two options that are rather unlike. I explain them to you:
How to invest in bitcoin?
As I told you, we are going to see the following ways that exist to invest in bitcoin:
1 – Buy Bitcoin
2 – Trading with Bitcoin
3 – Mining Bitcoin
4 – Bitcoin Stuff
Let's see one by one with their respective risks.
1. Buy Bitcoin
You need to purchase bitcoin in order to maintain it. It is not to speculate, it is to have money from the future. Money that is shielded from Big Brother's abusive and confiscatory, corrupt hands, which are all around us.
Logically, you would invest with the idea that your money grows because you will be signing up for a long-term upward trend , but without caring too much if a specific year the price of your bitcoins is above or below that of the previous year. This is also known as holding.
In this case, you'll want to buy with the intention of accumulating. But you will not have a special interest in selling when the price rises.
Here, the logical and efficient thing is to take advantage of the contacts with the relevant supports to accumulate bitcoin. Stronger the lower the price falls. It has no mystery.
Can you go lower?
Of course.
But, as an investor, you don't care; you even like it: because you know that the underlying trend is bullish and because that gives you opportunities to accumulate more and at a better price.
Anyway, here's an in-depth analysis and bitcoin chart forecast, so you don't miss a thing.
2. Bitcoin Trading
Trading with bitcoin is already much more delicate and carries more risk: It consists of buying and selling, taking advantage of price changes. You can even make money on the dips by going short. It is usually much more beneficial than buying bitcoin if you know how to do it well and with a head.
But beware, that trading, even with cryptocurrencies, is not a game and you must train yourself to do it in an effective and profitable way. Everything else will only lead you to waste time and money in indecent amounts. The money can be recovered, but the time lost cannot, and that is very frustrating.
Therefore, if you want to learn how to do it correctly and not get discouraged along the way, I leave you here our complete trading course, if this is what interests you.
If you want bitcoin buy and sell signals, I'm not going to give them to you in a blog post, because it's not their mission. But you will find them in the Trading Circle, where we constantly trade cryptocurrencies (and stocks and other products, of course).
3. Mining Bitcoin
It consists of grouping a set of transactions in a block, which will later be validated by the nodes.
To mine bitcoin, you will need a very powerful computer to be able to form a block, pass the proof of work and thus obtain a reward.
The payout for mining Bitcoin is in BTC.
Cryptocurrencies can be subject to large price fluctuations. This means that your reward can be good, but also bad.
To use bitcoin mining, you must have extensive knowledge on the subject. In addition, you must be able to tolerate risks.
4. Bitcoin Stuff
It is not a step to follow, rather it is a solution.
This physical bitcoin wallet to store bitcoin is revolutionizing the Cryptocurrency market. And because?
If money costs less than yesterday, and each day that passes, it loses value, the important thing is to save it as if it were gold.
This is where Bitcoin Material plays a key role. Bitcoin has proven to be one of the most profitable investments in the world today, but most people still don't know how it is safely stored long-term.
With this wallet, your bitcoins will be safe, since it is a very secure wallet, which is not connected to the Internet: it resists hackers, fires and floods.
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mystlnewsonline · 2 years
The Use of Market Indicators for Crypto Trading Analysis
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(STL.News) The cryptocurrency market is a living organism that ebbs and flows with the changes in economic events.  Analysis tools are some of the most important aspects to grasp to make a positive impact on your portfolio when it comes to crypto.  Market indicators are a great way to understand the movements past, present, and future, allowing you to make a more concise choice regarding investing. What Are Good Indicators For Crypto? In general, statistics such as indicators are used to help investors better understand the cryptocurrency exchange market in front of them. They are having this broader understanding can help when making particular investments and knowing the best time to buy or sell in reference to future economic and financial trends. In addition, technical analysis uses an extensive number of technical indicators which help in the effort to predict price patterns and digital currency trends. Different from fundamental analysis, technical analysis focuses primarily on the financials of a company rather than the price patterns and trends seen within its history.  Depending on the style of trading strategy you want to employ will determine your success in choosing the right indicator type. In traditional markets, the most common indicators seen using technical analysis include moving averages and MACD.  Here is a little more on these cryptocurrency tools. Moving Average One of the most straightforward tools in crypto technical analysis is the moving average indicator.  The moving average is the average price of an asset over a certain amount of time.  These results indicate if an asset is moving in a positive, bullish direction or a negative, bearish direction. Another term for the moving average tool is known as a lagging indicator due to them following a trend while also providing delayed feedback ahead of the price movement.  The most popular averages people tend to grasp are simple and exponentially moving.  These currencies also possess the most common patterns found on the market. Simple moving averages find trends that take longer to change direction, helping those investors looking to hold the currency they are buying.  Exponential moving averages, on the other hand, are much more suited to shorter trades as they discover quicker changes in price, creating a greater bond with newer data prices. MACD As a momentum indicator, the moving average convergence divergence - or MACD - indicator is great.  Known for its great buying and selling implications, this tool is possibly the most popular used by crypto traders. This is because thehe MACD divergence directs toward the pair of underlying moving averages traveling away from one another, while the convergence is in relation to the underlying moving average pair coming toward one another. How Is the MACD Indicator Used? The MACD indicator is considered by many to follow current trends helping to deliver the results of momentum and current trend, which is the usuality of rising asset prices continuing to increase and falling prices continuing to decline.  The design shows various changes regarding strength, momentum, direction, and duration surrounding a particular trend in a digital asset's price. The difference between the shorter and longer period of expanding moving averages is the MACD indicator.  In crypto, the typical considerations are the 12 and 26-period EMAs.  The equation result of these calculations is the line on which the MACD sits, offering great insight into whether an investor should buy or sell. Do Technical Indicators Work In Crypto? In the classic market, the main thing traders rely on is a technical analysis tool to help predict the future movements of price based on the data history of the currency.  Although there are these tools available, the overall life of the cryptocurrency market is still relatively young, so it only has a small amount of historical data, ultimately making it much more difficult to assess and create forecasts.  Along with this, the volatility that surrounds the crypto market has made previous attempts to forecast a coin's future position invalid.  The predicted movements of the currency have been seen to be wrong. Some indicators are much more suited to the volatility seen within the crypto market.  The perfect example of this is On-Balance-Volume (OBV) which can help predict emerging directions of a price movement.  These tools can also be used for other areas, such as institutional investors and prominent market players.  These metrics analyze the movements in a shorter term, such as days, weeks, and stretching to months.  This indicator applies necessary pressure on when is a good time to buy or sell certain crypto. The OBV is a good indicator of price momentum because it indicates more buyers are willing to buy the asset at the current price.  When OBV decreases, there is a high level of selling pressure, and it is often seen near all-time highs, providing traders with the chance to profit from a sale.  It is usually a sign that the market is entering a bearish phase. Read the full article
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zebu-helan · 2 years
Everything You Should Know About Breakout Trading
Did you realize that fictitious breakouts can occur on the stock market? But, what exactly are breakouts? How can you know if a breakout is genuine or not?
Assume the market has a resistance level of 18,000. When the price reaches that level, sellers may enter and attempt to lower the price. A breakout occurs when the price moves above $18,000.
Similarly, you may say there is some backing. Everyone buys when the price reaches the support level. It indicates something when the price reaches this level twice in a row. A breakdown occurs when there is a third strike and the price crosses through the support level line. Simply put, breakouts and breakdowns are a rising and falling trend.
Let's define "breakout" first. What price action will be most helpful if there is a breakout? A bullish engulfing pattern must form in order for our breakout to occur. Now, the price breakout should be supported by a volume breakout, which implies that when the price breakout occurs, there should be a lot of activity. This is seen when the volume bars at the bottom of the chart cross over the volume line's black line. The first is the formation of a bullish engulfing candle pattern, and the second is this.
Consolidation is the third and most subtle feature. Consider how, during intraday trading on a 15-minute time period, the market always develops bullish candlestick patterns just before a breakout. Many individuals believe that the rising trend is consistent, but they will discover over time that once the candle breaks out, smaller green candles, a doge, and finally a gigantic giant red candle are seen, and tiny red candles begin to move sideways. As a result, many people suffer. So, how can we put a stop to this?
Consolidation. When a breakout occurs, it should follow a substantial pattern, such as three or four contact points. This indicates that the breakout is real, and the candle and volume should support this. If there has been no consolidation and there is a direct breakout, the trade is more likely to fail. When there is significant consolidation, we should enter those breakout trades.
The fourth feature is that it has been tested more than once. It is critical to test the level of resistance multiple times. Let's say that during the course of 15 minutes, you can observe a number of consolidations against the resistance level, and that the resistance line has been achieved and actually broken through the day before. It is less likely that the stock will break through resistance.
Breakdown works in the same way as bearish engulfing candle patterns, volume breakouts, consolidation, and various tests do. Once all of these checks have been completed, you can proceed with your trade. Maintain a rigorous stop loss.
Breakout trading is a simple price action approach that can work wonders provided you know how to avoid false breakouts. Please contact us if you want to open a trading account with Zebu and begin trading breakout techniques right away.
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stockmarketbloger · 2 years
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Candlesticks they look simple but super powerful and if you learn the logic behind them you become better trader.
Did you know that the stock market based on emotions as it consist of large number peoples. And this emotions are responsible for movements of the market. As people do similar behavior in dealing with similar situations, we can understand overall movement of the market. For understanding the emotions of the market it is necessary to learn about candlestick pattern.
In this post you will learn about about 10 important candlestick patterns that can be used in your trading.
What is a candlestick ?
A candlestick shows the price movement in fixed time period by showing open, high, low and close price. It has body and wicks. The central body connect the opening and closing of the price. Upper wick indicates the high and lower wicks indicates the low.
A green candle is Bullish, it represents buying and the close will be higher than open(price increases). A red candle is bearish candle, it represent selling and close will be lower than open(price decreases).
Now we understood how a candlestick look like and depending on different bodies and wicks candles have there are different candlestick types. So next we understand 10 important candlestick patterns and how they represent the sentiment in the market.
Single candlestick patterns
Marubozu is candlestick with no upper or lower wicks and it indicates a strong trend
Bullish Marubozu is a clean buying candle, started moving up from the opening level and closed the highest level.
Bearish Marubozu is a clean selling candle, started moving down from the opening level and closed at the lowest level.
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