#How do you read crypto signals?
How to design a tech regulation
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TONIGHT (June 20) I'm live onstage in LOS ANGELES for a recording of the GO FACT YOURSELF podcast. TOMORROW (June 21) I'm doing an ONLINE READING for the LOCUS AWARDS at 16hPT. On SATURDAY (June 22) I'll be in OAKLAND, CA for a panel (13hPT) and a keynote (18hPT) at the LOCUS AWARDS.
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It's not your imagination: tech really is underregulated. There are plenty of avoidable harms that tech visits upon the world, and while some of these harms are mere negligence, others are self-serving, creating shareholder value and widespread public destruction.
Making good tech policy is hard, but not because "tech moves too fast for regulation to keep up with," nor because "lawmakers are clueless about tech." There are plenty of fast-moving areas that lawmakers manage to stay abreast of (think of the rapid, global adoption of masking and social distancing rules in mid-2020). Likewise we generally manage to make good policy in areas that require highly specific technical knowledge (that's why it's noteworthy and awful when, say, people sicken from badly treated tapwater, even though water safety, toxicology and microbiology are highly technical areas outside the background of most elected officials).
That doesn't mean that technical rigor is irrelevant to making good policy. Well-run "expert agencies" include skilled practitioners on their payrolls – think here of large technical staff at the FTC, or the UK Competition and Markets Authority's best-in-the-world Digital Markets Unit:
The job of government experts isn't just to research the correct answers. Even more important is experts' role in evaluating conflicting claims from interested parties. When administrative agencies make new rules, they have to collect public comments and counter-comments. The best agencies also hold hearings, and the very best go on "listening tours" where they invite the broad public to weigh in (the FTC has done an awful lot of these during Lina Khan's tenure, to its benefit, and it shows):
But when an industry dwindles to a handful of companies, the resulting cartel finds it easy to converge on a single talking point and to maintain strict message discipline. This means that the evidentiary record is starved for disconfirming evidence that would give the agencies contrasting perspectives and context for making good policy.
Tech industry shills have a favorite tactic: whenever there's any proposal that would erode the industry's profits, self-serving experts shout that the rule is technically impossible and deride the proposer as "clueless."
This tactic works so well because the proposers sometimes are clueless. Take Europe's on-again/off-again "chat control" proposal to mandate spyware on every digital device that will screen everything you upload for child sex abuse material (CSAM, better known as "child pornography"). This proposal is profoundly dangerous, as it will weaken end-to-end encryption, the key to all secure and private digital communication:
It's also an impossible-to-administer mess that incorrectly assumes that killing working encryption in the two mobile app stores run by the mobile duopoly will actually prevent bad actors from accessing private tools:
When technologists correctly point out the lack of rigor and catastrophic spillover effects from this kind of crackpot proposal, lawmakers stick their fingers in their ears and shout "NERD HARDER!"
But this is only half the story. The other half is what happens when tech industry shills want to kill good policy proposals, which is the exact same thing that advocates say about bad ones. When lawmakers demand that tech companies respect our privacy rights – for example, by splitting social media or search off from commercial surveillance, the same people shout that this, too, is technologically impossible.
That's a lie, though. Facebook started out as the anti-surveillance alternative to Myspace. We know it's possible to operate Facebook without surveillance, because Facebook used to operate without surveillance:
Likewise, Brin and Page's original Pagerank paper, which described Google's architecture, insisted that search was incompatible with surveillance advertising, and Google established itself as a non-spying search tool:
Even weirder is what happens when there's a proposal to limit a tech company's power to invoke the government's powers to shut down competitors. Take Ethan Zuckerman's lawsuit to strip Facebook of the legal power to sue people who automate their browsers to uncheck the millions of boxes that Facebook requires you to click by hand in order to unfollow everyone:
Facebook's apologists have lost their minds over this, insisting that no one can possibly understand the potential harms of taking away Facebook's legal right to decide how your browser works. They take the position that only Facebook can understand when it's safe and proportional to use Facebook in ways the company didn't explicitly design for, and that they should be able to ask the government to fine or even imprison people who fail to defer to Facebook's decisions about how its users configure their computers.
This is an incredibly convenient position, since it arrogates to Facebook the right to order the rest of us to use our computers in the ways that are most beneficial to its shareholders. But Facebook's apologists insist that they are not motivated by parochial concerns over the value of their stock portfolios; rather, they have objective, technical concerns, that no one except them is qualified to understand or comment on.
There's a great name for this: "scalesplaining." As in "well, actually the platforms are doing an amazing job, but you can't possibly understand that because you don't work for them." It's weird enough when scalesplaining is used to condemn sensible regulation of the platforms; it's even weirder when it's weaponized to defend a system of regulatory protection for the platforms against would-be competitors.
Just as there are no atheists in foxholes, there are no libertarians in government-protected monopolies. Somehow, scalesplaining can be used to condemn governments as incapable of making any tech regulations and to insist that regulations that protect tech monopolies are just perfect and shouldn't ever be weakened. Truly, it's impossible to get someone to understand something when the value of their employee stock options depends on them not understanding it.
None of this is to say that every tech regulation is a good one. Governments often propose bad tech regulations (like chat control), or ones that are technologically impossible (like Article 17 of the EU's 2019 Digital Single Markets Directive, which requires tech companies to detect and block copyright infringements in their users' uploads).
But the fact that scalesplainers use the same argument to criticize both good and bad regulations makes the waters very muddy indeed. Policymakers are rightfully suspicious when they hear "that's not technically possible" because they hear that both for technically impossible proposals and for proposals that scalesplainers just don't like.
After decades of regulations aimed at making platforms behave better, we're finally moving into a new era, where we just make the platforms less important. That is, rather than simply ordering Facebook to block harassment and other bad conduct by its users, laws like the EU's Digital Markets Act will order Facebook and other VLOPs (Very Large Online Platforms, my favorite EU-ism ever) to operate gateways so that users can move to rival services and still communicate with the people who stay behind.
Think of this like number portability, but for digital platforms. Just as you can switch phone companies and keep your number and hear from all the people you spoke to on your old plan, the DMA will make it possible for you to change online services but still exchange messages and data with all the people you're already in touch with.
I love this idea, because it finally grapples with the question we should have been asking all along: why do people stay on platforms where they face harassment and bullying? The answer is simple: because the people – customers, family members, communities – we connect with on the platform are so important to us that we'll tolerate almost anything to avoid losing contact with them:
Platforms deliberately rig the game so that we take each other hostage, locking each other into their badly moderated cesspits by using the love we have for one another as a weapon against us. Interoperability – making platforms connect to each other – shatters those locks and frees the hostages:
But there's another reason to love interoperability (making moderation less important) over rules that require platforms to stamp out bad behavior (making moderation better). Interop rules are much easier to administer than content moderation rules, and when it comes to regulation, administratability is everything.
The DMA isn't the EU's only new rule. They've also passed the Digital Services Act, which is a decidedly mixed bag. Among its provisions are a suite of rules requiring companies to monitor their users for harmful behavior and to intervene to block it. Whether or not you think platforms should do this, there's a much more important question: how can we enforce this rule?
Enforcing a rule requiring platforms to prevent harassment is very "fact intensive." First, we have to agree on a definition of "harassment." Then we have to figure out whether something one user did to another satisfies that definition. Finally, we have to determine whether the platform took reasonable steps to detect and prevent the harassment.
Each step of this is a huge lift, especially that last one, since to a first approximation, everyone who understands a given VLOP's server infrastructure is a partisan, scalesplaining engineer on the VLOP's payroll. By the time we find out whether the company broke the rule, years will have gone by, and millions more users will be in line to get justice for themselves.
So allowing users to leave is a much more practical step than making it so that they've got no reason to want to leave. Figuring out whether a platform will continue to forward your messages to and from the people you left there is a much simpler technical matter than agreeing on what harassment is, whether something is harassment by that definition, and whether the company was negligent in permitting harassment.
But as much as I like the DMA's interop rule, I think it is badly incomplete. Given that the tech industry is so concentrated, it's going to be very hard for us to define standard interop interfaces that don't end up advantaging the tech companies. Standards bodies are extremely easy for big industry players to capture:
If tech giants refuse to offer access to their gateways to certain rivals because they seem "suspicious," it will be hard to tell whether the companies are just engaged in self-serving smears against a credible rival, or legitimately trying to protect their users from a predator trying to plug into their infrastructure. These fact-intensive questions are the enemy of speedy, responsive, effective policy administration.
But there's more than one way to attain interoperability. Interop doesn't have to come from mandates, interfaces designed and overseen by government agencies. There's a whole other form of interop that's far nimbler than mandates: adversarial interoperability:
"Adversarial interoperability" is a catch-all term for all the guerrilla warfare tactics deployed in service to unilaterally changing a technology: reverse engineering, bots, scraping and so on. These tactics have a long and honorable history, but they have been slowly choked out of existence with a thicket of IP rights, like the IP rights that allow Facebook to shut down browser automation tools, which Ethan Zuckerman is suing to nullify:
Adversarial interop is very flexible. No matter what technological moves a company makes to interfere with interop, there's always a countermove the guerrilla fighter can make – tweak the scraper, decompile the new binary, change the bot's behavior. That's why tech companies use IP rights and courts, not firewall rules, to block adversarial interoperators.
At the same time, adversarial interop is unreliable. The solution that works today can break tomorrow if the company changes its back-end, and it will stay broken until the adversarial interoperator can respond.
But when companies are faced with the prospect of extended asymmetrical war against adversarial interop in the technological trenches, they often surrender. If companies can't sue adversarial interoperators out of existence, they often sue for peace instead. That's because high-tech guerrilla warfare presents unquantifiable risks and resource demands, and, as the scalesplainers never tire of telling us, this can create real operational problems for tech giants.
In other words, if Facebook can't shut down Ethan Zuckerman's browser automation tool in the courts, and if they're sincerely worried that a browser automation tool will uncheck its user interface buttons so quickly that it crashes the server, all it has to do is offer an official "unsubscribe all" button and no one will use Zuckerman's browser automation tool.
We don't have to choose between adversarial interop and interop mandates. The two are better together than they are apart. If companies building and operating DMA-compliant, mandatory gateways know that a failure to make them useful to rivals seeking to help users escape their authority is getting mired in endless hand-to-hand combat with trench-fighting adversarial interoperators, they'll have good reason to cooperate.
And if lawmakers charged with administering the DMA notice that companies are engaging in adversarial interop rather than using the official, reliable gateway they're overseeing, that's a good indicator that the official gateways aren't suitable.
It would be very on-brand for the EU to create the DMA and tell tech companies how they must operate, and for the USA to simply withdraw the state's protection from the Big Tech companies and let smaller companies try their luck at hacking new features into the big companies' servers without the government getting involved.
Indeed, we're seeing some of that today. Oregon just passed the first ever Right to Repair law banning "parts pairing" – basically a way of using IP law to make it illegal to reverse-engineer a device so you can fix it.
Taken together, the two approaches – mandates and reverse engineering – are stronger than either on their own. Mandates are sturdy and reliable, but slow-moving. Adversarial interop is flexible and nimble, but unreliable. Put 'em together and you get a two-part epoxy, strong and flexible.
Governments can regulate well, with well-funded expert agencies and smart, adminstratable remedies. It's for that reason that the administrative state is under such sustained attack from the GOP and right-wing Dems. The illegitimate Supreme Court is on the verge of gutting expert agencies' power:
It's never been more important to craft regulations that go beyond mere good intentions and take account of adminsitratability. The easier we can make our rules to enforce, the less our beleaguered agencies will need to do to protect us from corporate predators.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Noah Wulf (modified) https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Thunderbirds_at_Attention_Next_to_Thunderbird_1_-_Aviation_Nation_2019.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
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sivavakkiyar · 11 months
so for example. If you’re committed simultaneously to fighting anti-semitism *and* Zionism, there’s a phenomenon you will be familiar with around the word ‘cabal’. People often describe this as ‘an antisemitic red flag’, but it is by and large not a red flag, they’re hoisting the Hakenkreuz. There is a degree to which context comes into this, sure, but it has been a traditional crypto fascist way of signaling what they’re talking about for decades now.
So we get to this discursive problem, where—-that’s a lot to put on a single word. Is it really *just* the word? Certainly it must be the idea (this is correct). A secret sinister group of Jewish people pulling the strings: you can get that across without using the word ‘cabal’ or mentioning the Elder protocols. And this is an old tradition as well; we’re moving from anti-anti-semitism 101 to maybe 201 here, by the standards of our century.
so what do you do with the phrase ‘Israeli lobby?’ Zionists hear this as affectedly synonymous: ‘Israeli’ after all is practically synonymous with ‘Jewish’ to their perspective, and ‘lobby’ does bring up the image of a group of men sitting and planning, using their money and influence…forget for a moment that Israeli and Jewish are not synonyms, and that Israel is a state, and that virtually all states that are permitted to have a ‘lobby’ of sorts in the halls of Empire. You can’t talk about it: it’s antisemitic. And can’t you think of examples where it is? I can; the fascists who love purity live in muddied rhetorical waters; they need them to assert themselves. Well. It’s all *very* confusing.
In this logic, where we’ve gone somehow from ‘cabal’ to the mere suggestion of concerted organization on the part of a state being anti-Semitic, how does the Hindu right take this? Well, you know, one step further. Sure, no one talks about a ‘cabal’ of Brahmins, but when you’re suggesting a small group of the population has institutional power, isn’t that already…? And I mean, they’re priests! You know, priests? Like in the Bible? Stiff-necked, etc, if you think about it long and hard enough (make sure to take your brain fully from your head and ram it up a cow’s ass) it’s all very, very similar.
Does it matter that the Indian ‘left’ of all sorts has never asserted some magical mystic secret control by Brahmins? (Dr. Ambedkar: ‘Similar in argument is the theory that the Brahmins created the Caste. After what I have said regarding Manu, I need hardly say anything more, except to point out that it is incorrect in thought and malicious in intent. The Brahmins may have been guilty of many things, and I dare say they were, but the imposing of the caste system on the non-Brahmin population was beyond their mettle.’ Read the context, he’s not defending Brahmins remotely, he’s getting the analysis right.) That the Indian left, even however often reluctantly, incompletely and often hypocritically the Brahminical left has done *class analysis*?
What a mess. The Right broadly raised a whole stink about the negation of the universal, but they love it. An identity struggle for everyone! As long as it keeps the money flowing.
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market-news-24 · 4 months
A leading analyst predicts that XRP could reach $6.4, emphasizing the importance of XRP Launching Channel Key. Stay tuned for all the latest updates and insights on XRP's potential for growth. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Egrag Crypto has analyzed the XRP chart and identified a potential bullish sign known as the "Launching Channel," indicating a possible price rise to $6.4. This pattern shows strong accumulation and could lead to a significant breakout. However, Egrag advises caution, stating that a break below this channel on the weekly chart could signal a reversal of the bullish trend. By examining Fibonacci retracement levels, key price points are identified to guide traders on potential buying or selling pressure areas. Currently, XRP is trading at $0.5057 with slight fluctuations in value. Indicators like the Accumulation/Distribution line and Bollinger Bands suggest that XRP is experiencing accumulation and may be undervalued, presenting a buying opportunity. Other analysts, such as Donovan Jolley and Armando Pantoja, also foresee a positive trend for XRP. Technical signals and increased transaction volumes on the XRP network indicate a potential price increase. Long-term analyses suggest that XRP is approaching a critical juncture, with past accumulation phases indicating a forthcoming breakout. Please note, this information is for educational purposes and not financial advice. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research before making investment decisions. The Crypto Basic does not endorse any financial losses. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. What is XRP? XRP is a digital currency that is used in the Ripple network for fast, low-cost cross-border transactions. 2. What is the XRP Launching Channel Key to Hitting $6.4? The XRP Launching Channel Key to Hitting $6.4 is a prediction made by an analyst that the price of XRP could reach $6.4 in the future. 3. How can I invest in XRP? You can invest in XRP by buying it on cryptocurrency exchanges or through platforms that offer XRP trading. 4. What factors could affect the price of XRP? Factors like Market demand, regulatory developments, and technological advancements can impact the price of XRP. 5. Is investing in XRP risky? Like any investment, investing in XRP carries risks. It's important to do thorough research and only invest what you can afford to lose. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer;
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cryptotraders1 · 6 months
Boost Your Profits: Best Crypto Trading Signals Revealed!
Since its launch, cryptocurrency trading has grown significantly in popularity, particularly with volatile coins like Bitcoin that have the potential to make traders extremely wealthy very quickly.
Cryptocurrencies have quickly grown to be a significant asset that no investor can afford to overlook. The amazing ascent of Bitcoin from a few pennies to the top in less than a decade demonstrates the tremendous chances there in this erratic market.
Although Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency to offer notable gains, this does not mean that the value of other cryptocurrencies will rise consistently. Like any other asset, successful investing entails timing your buys and sales.
For this reason, bitcoin signals are essential for traders of all expertise levels who wish to make money from the market. To make well-informed decisions when trading Bitcoin or other prominent cryptocurrencies, both novices and experts rely on Best Crypto Trading Signals.
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Crypto signals: what are they?
It can be difficult to comprehend the cryptocurrency market and forecast its future movements. Learning and figuring out how everything works may take a while. Signals for crypto trading are useful in this situation.
In essence, crypto signals offer advice on when and how to trade particular cryptocurrencies. They provide you with all the crucial information required to identify the best trading signals, including advice on what trades to make and when to make them.
How are signals for cryptography generated?
There are typically two methods used to create crypto trading signals: automated and manual.
Experts and engineers design specialized software that generates automated signals. This software uses historical cryptocurrency price data to identify patterns.
In contrast, manual signals are created by professionals who research the market in order to identify trading chances. To determine when to purchase and sell, they employ charts and specialized instruments. Larger trades with higher profit targets are frequently made using manual signals, which entails a higher risk.
Most Best Crypto Trading Signals are shared through Telegram channels, making it quick and easy to spread info about crypto trading. These signals can be used for both leveraged and regular trading. Some Telegram channels even offer trading bots to help automate the trading process based on the signals.
How do signals for crypto trading operate?
The trading signals that you get for cryptocurrency are essentially informed assumptions regarding the future direction of the market. But keep in mind that even with the finest trading signals, they are only educated predictions, and the market may move in unforeseen directions.
Math and data are used by experts to predict potential movements in cryptocurrency prices. It's possible to receive signals with varying buy-in prices, stop-loss objectives, and profit targets. You have two options: either you or a signal trading bot can execute the transactions for you.
How do cryptocurrency trading bots and signals interact?
You must choose the trading strategy for a cryptocurrency trading bot before you can set it up. You may decide when to set goals for your bot's earnings, limitations, or stop losses with the aid of reliable trading signals.
Your bot will get more adept at experimenting with various tactics to determine which ones work by adapting in response to the signals it receives.
Crypto Trading Signal Types
Here are a few of the well-liked categories of expert-provided cryptocurrency trading signals:
 1] Manual and automated signals:
Manual and automated signals are two popular types of Best Crypto Trading Signals provided by crypto trading experts. Manual signals are generated by experienced trading and investment professionals, while automated signals come from computer software programmed to identify potential trading opportunities. 
Many traders prefer automated signals because they allow for trading even when individuals are occupied with other activities. Some reputable trading platforms offer both manual and automated trading signals for cryptocurrency, which can be relayed through various channels such as email, SMS, or social media.
2] Entry and exit signals: 
The trading action that is recommended is the basis for another classification of the Best Crypto Trading Signals. Owing to the highly unpredictable character of the cryptocurrency market, whereby cryptocurrencies represent the most popular assets, certain signal providers focus on providing entry, exit, or indications for certain digital assets such as Bitcoin. A signal source should be chosen by traders based on their trading objectives and preferences.
3] Crypto signals can also be divided into two categories: 
paid and free. Paid signals have an upfront fee; free signals are provided without charge or may have a limited trial period. It is important for traders to select a signal provider that meets their goals and is simple to utilize.
In order to improve traders' performance during busy trading sessions, the top signal trading providers also give trading advice. Traders can enhance their trading techniques and decision-making abilities by employing diverse signal kinds.
4] Employing various signal kinds
The Best Crypto Trading Signals are usually produced by market specialistsusing two primary methods. First, they perform expert analyses of the market, taking into account variables like trader patterns and price fluctuations.
Second, in order to produce trading techniques that are more objective, automated signals are employed to eliminate the arbitrary impact of human psychology.
For traders, both manual and automated signals provide insightful information that helps them successfully negotiate the intricacies of the bitcoin market.
These insights come from the experience of professionals in cryptocurrency trading, who employ cutting-edge techniques and market dynamics analysis to produce precise trading recommendations.
Where to Find the Best Crypto Trading Signals
Traders can find quality crypto trading signals through various sources, including:
1. Reputable Signal Providers
Several reputable signal providers offer subscription-based services, delivering high-quality signals directly to traders' devices. It's essential to research and choose providers with a proven track record of accuracy and reliability.
2. Online Communities and Forums
Online communities and forums dedicated to cryptocurrency trading often share valuable insights and signal recommendations. Engaging with experienced traders and participating in discussions can provide access to quality signals.
3. Technical Analysis Tools
Various technical analysis tools and platforms offer features such as signal alerts, pattern recognition, and trend analysis. Integrating these tools into your trading strategy can enhance your ability to identify profitable opportunities.
In conclusion, leveraging the best crypto trading signals is paramount for success in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency trading. By prioritizing accuracy, timeliness, consistency, and transparency, traders can make informed decisions, maximize profits, and minimize risks. Whether through reputable signal providers, online communities, or technical analysis tools, incorporating quality signals into your trading strategy can significantly enhance your chances of success in the crypto market.
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bitwaveimmediate · 8 months
How to start trading with the Immediate Bitwave
As a last step, set up the trading parameters. In this way you help the software to analyze the market according to your individual preferences and to open and close trades automatically. You can also put the Immediate Bitwave software in manual mode if you prefer to take control of the trading activities yourself.
Yes, the Immediate Bitwave software is reputable. It analyzes a wide range of financial data resulting from different sources in order to localize profitable trades. The software generates and reacts automatically around the clock to buy and sell signals. This makes it extremely convenient for both experienced online retailers and beginners.
When deciding a legit trading bot, customer service must be the number one factor to consider. Trustworthy platforms not only invest in communication infrastructure but also the staff to answer clients questions.
Additionally, there should be a fixed telephone number through which customers can reach out for assistance. All the robots recommended in this review have been confirmed to have excellent customer services.
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evanvanness · 10 months
How would I grow Week in Ethereum
In my post on Optimism's RPGF round (which ended today, but doesn't give us results for 35 days?!?!?!?!?!), I wrote
...the nature of opensource is that there are plenty of people who could create businesses but are just horrible entrepreneurs (ie, they don’t actually make something people want and they don’t know how to fnd out what people want by actually charging them for it). Ouch, muh newsletter is free.
Oof, maybe this is why I quit writing. After publishing this, I can't stop thinking about it.
Things I could do or could've done in past with Week in Ethereum:
Make it paid via a paywall. I'm very confident that this would be the most profitable strategy, it just doesn't feel like the best thing for Ethereum? There is a class of devs and technically-minded investors who love it and would pay for it. The profit maximizing price would be high, but no new dev would ever be willing to pay it.
Week in Sqlunavax. Of course I had the offers, but chains need to meet a bare minimum. I'm less of a maximalist and more open to this for legit chains then people think (as I've said consistently for years) but the tech needs to be good.
Week in [Eth L2]. I'd have to go find people to train and manage plus sell. But the fact that none of the rollups have ever approached me is a bit of a signal, no? I feel like I've been one of the bigger public boosters of rollups, but none have ever expressed interest.
Paid supplemental newsletter. Arguably should do this, but never have. No great reason why; I think mainly I believe in open source value creation?
Paid audio version. I can read headlines to you, people probably pay enough for it to be worthwhile because some people are audio maximalists, but never quite seemed worth it.
Fix the "why didn't you see my post" problem. Done well, this could maybe become a massive business if it evolves to be the Eth community online - which seems very doable in my head. I don't have a great reason for why I don't do this. I briefly contemplated raising money for this last bear market. It seems smart and yet I've never been quite sure enough this is the problem I want to tackle with my life. Also right when I was about to get on this horse last bear market, there was briefly an Eth forum. It didn't last...but I wasn't sure I could compete.
I've had offers to invest in the past, but what vision was I pitching?
Aside: I often tell entrepreneurs who pitch me that they shouldn't raise. Because if they do, they'll get forced into a token that doesn't make sense. Build your business, make it profitable. Only do a token if it makes sense. Never put a bad investor on your cap table, which in crypto mainly means don't raise.
I guess that's why I find RPGF interesting. But it's also basically democracy...and the history of democracy ain't great, even if there's no better alternative.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
The profitable, ambitious, and thrilling world of blockchain technology is right around the corner! Are you one of the millions of prospective traders who are preparing to embrace the crypto markets? If so, you’ve come to the right place, as we’re here to help you set off on your investment journey.  Cryptocurrency investing can seem daunting to many, but this highly lucrative currency is actually surprisingly accessible. In fact, you can get started with buying cryptocurrency for the first time in five simple steps. In this article, we will carefully break down each step to make the process seem much more approachable. We’ll also provide some key tips to help increase your chances of success as a trader.  After reading this article, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to begin buying crypto assets and officially kick-starting your trading career. We’re ready when you are!  Source: Pexels How To Invest in Cryptocurrency  In this step-by-step cryptocurrency investing guide, we’ll show you exactly what you need to do to buy your first coins. We’ve made this guide as straightforward as possible to help absolutely anyone enter the crypto market. So, if you’re ready to take your first steps as a trader, read on!  1. Join a Cryptocurrency Exchange or Brokerage  To start, you’ll need to decide whether you want to trade through a crypto exchange or a crypto brokerage. It is one of the most important decisions you’ll make as a new trader, so we’ll do what we can to help you choose the best option for your needs. Check out our breakdown of your main options:  Crypto Exchanges A crypto exchange is a digital marketplace that facilitates the buying and selling of cryptocurrency coins. Traders can choose to join either a centralised or decentralised exchange, depending on their preferences and experience levels.  Centralised crypto exchanges operate similarly to stock exchanges and are regulated by a signal authority. These exchanges are easy to use and suitable for beginner traders. However, with these exchanges, due to the involvement of an intermediary, trading fees can quickly add up. On the other hand, decentralised crypto exchanges support peer-to-peer (P2P) trading through a distributed ledger infrastructure. They have no centralised authority, meaning that traders will have fewer trading fees to pay. However, these exchanges are much less user-friendly and are typically only suitable for more experienced traders.  If you can’t decide between these two types of exchanges, then you can opt to get the best of both worlds by joining a hybrid platform such as KuCoin. This full-featured platform incorporates a combination of elements from both centralised and decentralised exchanges.  Crypto Brokerages A crypto broker, which can be made up of an individual or an entire firm, provides a more tailored approach to trading. Rather than simply facilitating crypto transactions, brokerages aim to assist traders through advanced resources and tactics. Their services can range from offering advice and suggesting new strategies to providing tools that can assist throughout the entire trading process.  Crypto brokers are undoubtedly the best option for inexperienced traders. They strive to make trading more accessible and less daunting for newcomers. Furthermore, brokerages tend to be an affordable alternative to exchanges since the brokers themselves often set coin prices.  If you want to connect with a well-rounded broker that perfectly caters to your needs, you can do so by joining a crypto platform such as https://immediate-connect.club. This platform uses AI technology to efficiently match its users with compatible brokers, drastically streamlining the process for traders.  2. Fund Your Account  After you’ve chosen to join either an exchange or brokerage, you’ll be ready to fund your account. It involves connecting a payment method, such as your bank account, and depositing fiat currency. Depending on your exchange or brokerage, you may need to wait anywhere between a few minutes or a couple of days for your deposit to be verified.
After the verification process is complete, you can use this deposit to begin buying various digital assets on your chosen platform.  Due to exchange deposit fees, we suggest planning ahead and setting a clear budget before funding your account. Once you determine how much money you’re prepared to put towards your crypto holdings, you can make a single large deposit. It will be much more cost-effective than constantly topping up your trading account with multiple smaller transactions over time.  3. Decide on a Trading Strategy  The next step is to decide on a trading strategy. Establishing a trading strategy will help you stay focused on your goals and will increase your chances of making a profit. As a complete beginner, we suggest pursuing easy-to-understand strategies that won’t consume too much of your time. This approach will give you a chance to improve your skills and gain confidence.  Popular Trading Strategies  Check out the best beginner-friendly trading strategies to try out:  Day trading – This strategy involves buying and selling crypto assets within a single day. The aim of day trading is to profit from short-term market movements whilst eliminating the risk of holding assets overnight. Day trading is simple and low-risk, making it one of the top trading strategies for beginners.  HODLing – Short for “holding on for dear life”, HODLing refers to holding onto assets for a long time period. HODLers do not sell their assets, regardless of market conditions, with the goal of making a significant long-term profit. This strategy does not require a large time commitment or any technical knowledge, making it another terrific option for inexperienced trades.  Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) – With DCA, traders buy smaller amounts of crypto assets at regular intervals regardless of their price and current market conditions. This strategy removes the emotional aspect of trading, which can be highly beneficial for many traders. DCA is suitable for those with a lower budget or anyone who doesn’t want to set aside time to conduct extensive research when trading. It is one of the most straightforward approaches for crypto traders.   4. Choose Your Crypto Coins  After you’ve decided on a strategy to engage in, it’s time to pick a handful of assets to start trading. You definitely need to take your time with this step since you’ll have plenty of options. We recommend heading to an online coin marketplace such as CoinMarketCap to see a complete list of all available crypto coins. You can also check out valuable information such as each coin’s price, market cap, trading volume, and supply.  Top Cryptocurrencies To Invest In  Still can’t decide? Here are some of the top crypto coins you can start investing in to establish your portfolio:  Bitcoin (BTC)  Ethereum (ETH) Solana (SOL) Cardano (ADA) XRP (XRP) Tether (USDT) Binance Coin (BNB) Avalanche (AVAX) Polkadot (DOT) Litecoin (LTC) 5. Start Trading  Now, the best step of all – trading! Yes, that’s right; after you’ve completed all the above steps, you’ll be ready to enter the crypto market once and for all. This exciting journey will take you on plenty of highs and lows, so remember to strap in and don’t panic.  But don’t worry, this isn’t where our article ends! Keep reading to discover our top tips for investing in cryptocurrency in 2023.  Source: Pexels Top Tips for Investing in Cryptocurrency  As a beginner, you’re bound to make plenty of mistakes. Don’t fret, however, as this is all part of the learning process. If you genuinely want to improve your chances of making a profit when buying and selling crypto assets, then check out our top beginner tips for trading:  Diversify Your Portfolio  Our first tip is to try to diversify your portfolio as much as possible. It will create balance, which can help you withstand the constantly fluctuating crypto market. Many experts recommend investing in between 3-9 different coins to create an optimised portfolio. You can choose to diversify your portfolio in a variety of ways, such as by coin type, market cap, and industry. 
If you’d like to establish even more balance, you can also opt to invest in another digital currency aside from crypto (such as CBDCs). Just remember to do plenty of research on alternative digital currencies before making any investment decisions.  Examples of Portfolio Diversification  Although you can invest in a variety of coins at random, many traders opt to follow predetermined ‘rules’ to help them plan out their portfolios. Check out some examples below: The 80/20 rule – When following the 80/20 rule, traders dedicate 80% of their portfolio to the largest cryptocurrencies, whilst the remaining 20% is made up of lesser-known altcoins. Here is an example of a portfolio that’s created according to the 80/20 rule: Bitcoin – 50%  Ethereum – 30% Solana – 10%  XRP – 5% Dogecoin – 2.5%  Ripple – 2.5%  The 40/30/30 rule – This rule requires traders to invest 40% of their portfolio into the top two crypto coins (Bitcoin and Ethereum). The remaining 60% is then split evenly between coins with a market cap of more than $10 billion and coins with a market cap between $1-10 billion. Here’s an example of a portfolio that adheres to this rule:  Bitcoin – 20% Ethereum – 20%  XRP – 10%  Solana – 10%  Tether – 10%  Cardano – 10%  Litecoin – 10%  Avalanche – 5%  Polygon – 2.5% Chainlink – 2.5%  Stay up-to-date with News  Another way of improving your chances of profiting from cryptocurrency is by staying up-to-date with relevant news. We are in an era where the cryptocurrency market is rapidly evolving whilst the world continues to adapt to it. Due to this, there are almost constant changes taking place both inside and outside the industry, which can impact the prices of crypto assets.  To stay in the cryptocurrency loop, you should try regularly checking out crypto-related news from reputable sources such as CoinTelegraph. Additionally, we recommend subscribing to online newsletters to receive curated news straight to your inbox. You can also head to social media platforms to follow news outlets, influencers, and crypto experts.  For a more hands-on approach, you can join an online crypto forum or community, such as r/cryptocurrency or r/trading on Reddit. It will give you a chance to participate in relevant conversations with like-minded individuals. Whatever avenue you choose to pursue, never underestimate the value of staying well-informed about the crypto, trading, and financial industries.  Keep Your Emotions in Check  Whenever you decide to purchase cryptocurrency or rebalance your portfolio, it’s essential to keep your emotions in check. When we say this, we’re referring to resisting making emotion-driven decisions and instead sticking to your original budget and strategy. Of course, this is easier said than done, and many traders end up making irrational decisions based on feelings such as FOMO (the fear of missing out).  To avoid making crypto investments that are driven by your emotions, you must always stick to your trading plan. It is vital to do, even if there are unprecedented market movements or if other traders appear to be making substantial profits from certain coins. The market is unpredictable, so you should always be prepared to accept potential losses and miss out on profitable opportunities.  Other ways of staying on top of your emotions when trading include taking regular breaks, maintaining a trading journal, and only ever investing what you can afford to lose.  Conclusion Congratulations, you now know how to invest in cryptocurrency! This virtual currency has plenty of unseen potential that you can unlock through trading. Fast international payments, private transactions, and protection against inflation are just a few advantages of cryptocurrency.  Taking your first steps as a crypto trader is much simpler than you may have previously expected. After joining a suitable cryptocurrency exchange or brokerage and funding your account, you’ll be ready to pick a trading strategy and select a handful of coins to invest in.
Finally, If you follow our top investment tips, then you’ll undoubtedly have a stable portfolio and plenty of insider knowledge to help guide you along your exciting crypto trading journey. 
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coinnewz · 1 year
Study Reveals 75% of Gen Z Value Authenticity
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In the vast digital ocean, where information is a tsunami, successfully reaching Generation Z with tailored marketing strategies can be challenging. Crypto, despite its increasingly widespread adoption, is no exception. A powerful and tech-savvy demographic, Gen Z demands a unique marketing approach, particularly regarding cryptocurrencies. Understanding Generation Z Consumers Crypto marketers must first understand this generation’s digital preferences to communicate with Gen Z effectively. Unlike their predecessors, Gen Z has demonstrated a marked lack of interest in traditional TV, with only 33% regularly tuning in. They instead prefer streaming platforms and social media apps, with 67% and 60% consuming content this way, respectively. These figures underscore the importance of developing crypto marketing strategies that meet Gen Z consumers where they are — online and on demand. “Social media is a constant source of connection and entertainment for Gen Z, with around half regularly watching social creators across platforms. They’re using social media daily, and try to project authenticity and connect with people who share similar interests and values,” reads the report. Read more: The Role of Social Media in NFT Marketing: A Complete Guide YouTube stands as the reigning monarch among Gen Z’s preferred platforms. However, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat all boast significant Gen Z presence. Crypto marketers must therefore deploy multi-platform campaigns to reach this diverse audience effectively. Gen Z Social Media Preferences. Source: Statista Beyond understanding Gen Z’s preferred digital platforms, crypto marketers must also comprehend the generation’s content preferences. Gen Z demonstrates a distinct fondness for authentic content, particularly from creators with a modest following. Skippable and holiday-themed ads resonate with this demographic. Meanwhile, unskippable and mid-video ads are seen as irksome. “Using the same old marketing vehicles and messaging won’t get you far with Gen Z. Brands have to go further to stand out by creating something unique and tailored… 75% of Gen Z want brands to do something unique online,” reads the report. Therefore, crypto marketers aiming to captivate Gen Z audiences must craft relatable, non-intrusive, and authentically engaging messages. Read more: 6 Best Web3 Marketing Agencies To Support Your Crypto Project Authentic Influencer Crypto Marketing Gen Z’s favorite brands also hint at a promising pathway for crypto marketers. Brands like YouTube, Google, Netflix, Amazon, and M&M’s have garnered Gen Z’s favor. This trend signals a preference for brands that innovate, entertain, and offer tangible value. By presenting cryptos as innovative, convenient, and potentially lucrative, marketers can effectively appeal to Gen Z consumers’ brand preferences. Still, Gen Z values authenticity, sustainability, and social justice. This suggests crypto marketers must also develop reliable and credible messages and underscore crypto’s environmental and socio-economic benefits. “The best campaigns to reach Gen Z will emphasize gaming and leverage thoughtful, niche approaches that prioritize audience and brand safety in moderated, non-toxic digital environments,” reads the report. Search Engine vs. Social Networks Usage by Gen Z. Source: Statista Trust, a cornerstone of any brand-consumer relationship, presents a challenging frontier for crypto marketers. With Gen Z consumers less likely to trust brands than the general population, crypto brands must strive for transparency, authenticity, and ethical conduct to garner this demographic’s trust. Strategies such as open data sharing, highlighting blockchain’s inherent transparency and security features, and demonstrating corporate social responsibility initiatives can assist in establishing this trust. Read more: How To Build a Loyal Crypto Community From Scratch Finally, influencer marketing offers a compelling opportunity for crypto marketers. As Gen Z consumers continue to value recommendations from influencers, especially for new and complex products like cryptos, strategic influencer partnerships could significantly boost the appeal and visibility of crypto brands among this demographic. Disclaimer In adherence to the Trust Project guidelines, BeInCrypto is committed to unbiased, transparent reporting. This news article aims to provide accurate, timely information. However, readers are advised to verify facts independently and consult with a professional before making any decisions based on this content. Source link Read the full article
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Do you want to discover the secrets of maximizing your profits in the crypto market? Learn effective strategies that can help you avoid costly mistakes, and make the most of your investments.
We'll guide you through developing a clear plan and explore various options for reinvesting your crypto profits.
Read the full post on our blog
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katrinkunze · 1 year
Take Your Cryptocurrency Trading Game To Next-Level! Try Our Custom Trading Bots
The requirement for automation and technology has grown exponentially, and thus it is essential to stay competitive within the business ecosystem. Fortunately, a business can come up with its own crypto trading bot to improve the trading strategy and increase profits irrespective of the market volatility. In this blog, we are about to discuss the trading bot development process from a business perspective. 
I believe this article will help you understand how AI crypto trading bot development opens new opportunities, streamlines trading, and leads to quick success in digital asset trading.  
What Exactly Is A Crypto Trading Bot?
Crypto trading bots are computer software that automates and uses trading algorithms to perform cryptocurrency trading. These AI bots communicate with crypto exchanges, reading real-time market news and making profitable trading decisions. Generally, trading bots possess high order execution speed and profit-making capability throughout the year. Thanks to the AI and ML technological pair for making this possible. 
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Do Businesses Need To Build A Crypto Trading Bot?
There are several reasons behind the adoption of AI crypto trading bots, such as
Bots have high accuracy and efficiency
Businesses can make profits 24/7
Bots get rid of unreasonable & emotional trading choices
Enables real-time analysis and interpretation of market information
 Automates the trading process, saving time and resources
Allows to manage multiple training pairs and high trading volume easily 
The First Step To Cryptocurrency Trading Bot Development
There are different types of crypto trading bots available in the market. So, you must know about them to choose what suits you best. 
AI trading bot
Arbitrage trading bot
DCA trading bot
MACD trading bot
Scalping bots
Trend following bots
Semi-automated bots and more
Cryptocurrency trading bots follow different trading strategies which you can combine to boost the overall potential. However, your bot should have some specific features which vary depending on the software developers who develop the bot. 
What features can you expect in your AI crypto trading bot?
From the admin’s perspective, you can expect the features like platform user management, profitability metrics, real-time market data, automated profit taking, vital technical indicators, risk tolerance settings, asset management dashboard, backtesting, trade execution, sell/buy orders management, easy UI/UX interface, 2FA, SSL encryption, and admin portal (god’s view).
Similarly, from the user’s perspective, you can expect features like trading signals, charts & insights, trading automation, trading strategy configuration, market trend analysis tools, notifications & Alerts, multi-exchange support, trading pair selection, user-friendly interface, easy payment modes, smooth wallet integration, and instant trades. 
These are some of the crucial features one must include in their trading bot while developing it. Now, the best part is that Futurengage is the best place where you can integrate these features into your trading bot. Also, the bots we create have a one-hundred percent precision, which helps you to avoid losses in your trading adventure. So, if you want to get the best crypto trading bot development services, you know whom to call!
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kolindeshazo01 · 1 year
Tips to Choose the Best Crypto Signal Service
F you keep a watch in the marketplace, crypto buying and selling can be worthwhile for you. However, you may find it hard at instances. Fortunately, in case you want assistance, you can supply a visit crypto sign services. The alerts presented through them may be used to make the proper decision, on the right time. You can choose from numerous service providers. Given beneath are a few recommendations that permit you to choose the proper one. Read directly to know more.
Service Quality
When choosing a carrier, nice is the primary element to bear in mind. Ideally, the trading platform should have an superb success rate as far as predictions are involved. Aside from this, it should provide relevant impulses so you can get a higher concept of the marketplace traits and trades.
Moreover, you need to be able to acquire the signal directly so you could make the right movements. The service issuer have to be capable of generate indicators as rapid as viable.
Keep in mind that the provider need to be dependable as you'll make your exchange choices based on their steering. Hence, you would possibly want to choose a service that you can rely upon. This is the handiest way to make the right choice and be on the safe facet.
What you want to do is hire the services of a company who is legitimate. You are going to consult professional traders, not an automated software program.
Free Trial
How are you able to find out if a company is true? The first-rate manner is to offer a go to their provider. Many vendors offer a unfastened trial provider. This is genuine even if you are going to rent any carrier, no longer simply Kolin DeShazo Poker trading.
The trial carrier will allow you to discover if the service is reliable. Once you've got examined the carrier, you can cross in advance and pay for it for a long-time period.
After the trial period expires, you'll should pay for the carrier. Here it is essential to keep in mind that providers who offer crypto alerts for gratis may not be reliable. In the identical way, you might not need to pay a variety of money for the trial length both. As a be counted of truth, the rate of packages must be truthful so you can experience the service without breaking the bank. So, you might want to do your homework to get the proper service without spending a good deal of cash.
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cryptosignalsforyou · 2 years
Crypto Daily Trade Signals: Maximizing Profits with Expert Analysis
Cryptocurrency trading has exploded in popularity in recent years, with more and more investors entering the market to reap the benefits of this exciting asset class. However, with so many different digital currencies to choose from and market volatility that can change on a dime, it can be difficult for even experienced traders to consistently make profitable trades.
That's where crypto daily trade signals come in. These signals provide investors with expert analysis of market trends, allowing them to make informed decisions about when to buy and sell cryptocurrencies for maximum profits.
What are Crypto Daily Trade Signals?
Crypto daily trade signals are essentially trading recommendations provided by experts who specialize in cryptocurrency analysis. These signals can take many different forms, including email alerts, SMS notifications, or even push notifications through a trading app.
At their core, crypto daily trade signals provide investors with actionable insights into the cryptocurrency markets. These insights might include technical analysis of market trends, predictions about which cryptocurrencies are likely to perform well in the short or long term, or alerts about sudden price movements or other market events that could affect the value of a particular cryptocurrency.
Benefits of Crypto Daily Trade Signals
There are several key benefits to using crypto daily trade signals to inform your investment decisions. Here are just a few:
Expert Analysis: Perhaps the biggest benefit of using crypto daily trade signals is that you gain access to expert analysis from people who have spent years studying the cryptocurrency markets. By following their recommendations, you can be confident that you are making informed decisions based on the latest market trends.
Save Time: Trading cryptocurrency can be a full-time job in and of itself, and not everyone has the time to constantly monitor market trends and news. Crypto daily trade signals allow you to stay up-to-date on the latest market movements without having to spend all your time glued to your computer screen.
Reduce Risk: Trading cryptocurrency can be risky, particularly if you're new to the market or aren't familiar with the intricacies of different digital currencies. By following expert analysis and recommendations, you can reduce your risk and make more profitable trades.
How to Find Reliable Crypto Daily Trade Signals
If you're interested in using crypto daily trade signals to inform your investment decisions, it's important to find a reliable provider. Here are a few tips for finding a provider you can trust:
Look for Transparency: A good crypto daily trade signal provider should be transparent about their methods and the data they use to inform their recommendations. Look for providers that explain their analysis in detail and provide clear reasons for their trading recommendations.
Check for Track Record: Before subscribing to any crypto daily trade signal service, be sure to check the provider's track record. Look for providers that have a proven track record of making accurate recommendations and generating profits for their subscribers.
Read Reviews: Finally, be sure to read reviews from other users before subscribing to any service. Look for reviews from people who have actually used the service to get a sense of its strengths and weaknesses.
Crypto daily trade signals can be a valuable tool for investors looking to maximize their profits in the cryptocurrency markets. By following expert analysis and recommendations, you can stay ahead of market trends and make informed decisions that can lead to more profitable trades. If you're interested in using crypto daily trade signals, be sure to do your research and find a provider you can trust.
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quantumaitrading · 2 years
Quantum AI Trading App – Scam Or Legit Platform?
What is Quantum AI App? 
Like exchanging applications running on the lookout, the Quantum AI trading app depends on counterfeit innovation. This innovation is answerable for effectively running the calculation for the stage that permits clients to helpfully exchange.
The stage/application permits clients to put resources into digital currency and use it to exchange and bring in cash online by means of exchanging. The justification for why applications like the Quantum AI were made was to permit clients to contribute and exchange utilizing various crypto tokens over blockchain innovation.
The unknown idea of blockchain innovation welcomed a great deal of interest, which at last prompted the production of exchanging applications. Thus, Quantum AI trading is among these that have been decided for the end goal of exchanging and is doing incredibly well.             
How Does It Work? 
As featured before, the Quantum AI trading application is answerable for assisting brokers with chipping away at digital currency exchanging and bringing in cash on the web. It's done by means of the calculation that has been intended to guarantee clients get exact signs.
These signs are liable for running the exchanging on the stage. What the signs mean is that they gather data in light of the bits of knowledge from the market and afterward outline them to the brokers. Eventually, when the signs are noticed, the clients become mindful and use wise judgment.
Quantum AI App Review 
Very much like other exchanging applications, assessing Quantum AI trading exchanging is significant and for that, we made a point to figure out the significant participles about it. We run active encounters to know what the application is about and the way that the clients can profit from it. Here are a few up-sides that we had the option to learn about the application: 
[Official Website] Must Read Quantum AI Trading and Feedback CLICK NOW!!!
Easy to Install 
One of the best thing about the application is that it's effectively accessible for downloads and can be introduced on any gadget, android or iOS. It's very significant since individuals lean toward utilizing applications with the goal that they can run exchanging or notice the market progressively.
Numerous web based exchanging stages don't include exchanging applications since they're not ready to keep up with the application. Be that as it may, the Quantum AI app application is working appropriately and highlights similar serious bits of knowledge as in the stage. 
Lead Pattern Algorithm 
A valid justification for staying with the Quantum AI trading application was a result of the astounding exchanging calculation that we viewed as very helpful. The example made it simpler for brokers to accomplish new signals and track down the best exchanging bits of knowledge.
Eventually, the exchanging design made it simpler for the clients to decide strong choices. Also, with regards to exchanging, having exact signs is the main thing that one should consider while picking such stages.
For this situation, the Quantum AI trading application gave successful driving examples that permitted us to decide the right signals. Eventually, the exchanging rehearses were very valuable. 
Good Income Generation 
The last significant participle is pay age. We ran over a few clients online that were utilizing the Quantum AI trading application and figured out that they were procuring an attractive sum. The per-client age, with a manual record and expert exchanging rehearses, produced approx. $5000 every day, which was truly a sum.
In any case, it's to take note of that this sum isn't something that everybody will actually want to acquire. Indeed, even as experienced dealers, we couldn't produce such a sum; notwithstanding, it doesn't mean it's unimaginable.
Crypto exchanging is very unstable, which is the reason procuring such sums depends on exchanging choices. In the event that done well, no one but you can hope to have such a procuring. 
[Official Website] Must Read Quantum AI Trading and Feedback CLICK NOW!!!
Safety and Security 
One of the many justifications for why clients don't work with exchanging applications is on the grounds that they request data in regards to installment and banking techniques. Notwithstanding, the Quantum AI trading application highlights huge security includes that defend the data given by the clients during the enlistment stage.
Moreover, the client care from the application is likewise sufficiently vigorous to offer help administration all day, every day. In the event of any issue, the clients are mentioned to contact support and request help.
Indeed, even if there should be an occurrence of general questions, the clients can contact and will get a moment reaction. We attempted this during our review and found the client service delegate to offer help right away. 
How To Register With Quantum AI App? 
Now that, you’ve known how the application works, it’s time to get started with the application. The process is fairly simple and one can complete registration without much hassle. So, let’s check out the process: 
[Official Website] Must Read Quantum AI Trading and Feedback CLICK NOW!!!
Registering With the Site                    
The registration phase begins with visiting the website for Quantum AI. The users are allowed to read through the policies and regulations that are listed on the site. This is to ensure that everything comes to the knowledge of the users and nothing goes by unattended. Open an account with Quantum Ai trading today! 
Is Quantum AI App A Scam? 
The essential inquiry that we were at first worried about is regardless of whether the Quantum AI trading application is a trick. As indicated by the site's subtleties and the encounters shared by the clients that are acquiring on the stage, the application is genuine and highlights incredible open doors for procuring.
Most clients have encountered misfortunes basically on the grounds that they're not knowledgeable with how exchanging functions and how to understand signals. As experienced dealers, we had the option to procure practically 80% profit from our underlying interest in a day.
In any case, with a demo account, the clients can figure out how exchanging rehearses work, which consequently furnishes them with the information for exchanging. The greater part of the clients frequently put resources into the exchanging stage and with their underlying venture, they transform into manual exchanging immediately.
Despite the fact that a few specialized errors can happen toward the finish of the application. Nonetheless, these are minor issues and are fixed immediately. Running such a tremendous application requires enormous adjustment and the application's makers have input a similar work to guarantee such errors are moderated. 
Why Choose Quantum AI? 
The motivation behind why the Quantum AI application is most liked by various merchants from around the globe is a direct result of its savvy market checking centralized server. This centralized server contains a calculation that runs the application, gathers market experiences all day, every day, and gives them progressively to the clients.
The astonishing component that we saw about the application is that it highlights trillions of dollars exchanged each day, which shows that the application is functioning admirably. According to our experience, everything remained dependably well as well. 
Should I Use Quantum AI Full-Time? 
Utilizing Quantum AI depends on your attentiveness. In the event that you want to bring in a lot of cash by means of exchanging and comprehend what's going on with exchanging, then you can take the plunge. In any case, in the event that you're utilizing Quantum AI just for kitchen cash, it's not suggested that you utilize fit full-time. An hour of your day is expected to screen exchanging and take choices.
Closing Notes 
Indeed, that's it! We just gave a top to bottom audit of the Quantum Ai trading application. Our commentators have zeroed in on running the application in each way. From testing the demo record to involving manual mode for bringing in cash, we went through the connection point and viewed the application as very valuable. Once more, it's suggested that the clients get the hang of exchanging rehearses first and afterward change to manual exchanging mode. All things considered, one can understand what makes their exchanging choices miss the mark, which is an interesting event. Open a record with Quantum AI Trading today!
Quantum AI
Quantum AI Trading
Quantum AI Trading App
Quantum AI Reviews
Quantum AI Reviews 2023
QuantumAI Elon Musk
QuantumAI Scam
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inheritxsolutions · 2 years
A list of apps that proves Flutter App Development is the future
Flutter is Google’s another generous gift to the developer’s community. It is a cross-platform SDK that will change the way we build and use our apps. This revolutionary framework is not a radical technology.
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It consists of Dart and CPP. Here is a list of diverse, top apps made with Flutter, which show the versatility, robustness, and intuitiveness of Flutter.
This article includes hot Flutter app examples, why we love them, and which Flutter quality they highlight. So without further ado, let us jump into it!
1. Google Ads
Industry: Utility
What does it do: This app is the mothership of ads management apps. You can check ad performance stats, call experts, edit/improve your ads.
What we loved:
All google apps are robust, but this Flutter app will redefine robustness!
Simple UI and easy navigation — These smooth features have enabled people with minimum knowledge of apps to interact with the app successfully.
Geeky stats made it simple. All the statistics are at one glance.
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Image Source: Google Ads
2. Alibaba
Industry: eCommerce
What does it do: A wholesale marketplace for global trade! This flutter app lets buyers directly contact the sellers, and the Chinese economy has thrived because of it.
What we loved:
Attractive UI — Attractive UI does justice to the items for sale and pulls in buyers.
Auto-translation feature — Your messages will be translated automatically — no more language barriers.
Less crashing — Despite the fully loaded features, we found very less lag and no crashing.
Worldwide connectivity, meeting buyers and sellers all across the globe.
Secure financial transactions!
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Image Source: Alibaba
Read More : Flutter Web and App Development in 2022
3. Reflectly
Industry: Lifestyle
Developer: Reflectly
What does it do: This Flutter app Development with an attractive interface is your new care-bear.
What we loved:
The app UI — We are not over the soothing colors and fun doodles.
Smart AI — It is smarter than your half-distracted friend!
Daily updates from the app, and we never missed a day of journaling.
Creative ways of creating stories.
Knowledgeable resources, despite the huge database, we felt no lag
Knowledgeable resources, despite the huge database, we felt no lag
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Image Source: Reflectly
4. Cryptomaniac Pro
Industry: Finance
Developer: PT Eunomia International Group
What does it do: The most accurate cryptocurrency signal information provider application.
What we loved:
How simple it has made our lives, following crypto currency isn’t a challenge now.
Smart, accurate and secure. Because trust is important!
ICO most updated News.
Crypto most trustworthy News.
CM Event Calendar to keep you in the loop.
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Image Source: Cryptomaniac Pro
5. Hamilton Musical
Industry: Entertainment
Developers: Hamilton Uptown LLC
What does it do: The official app of the Hamilton, a Broadway musical. The app gives you daily updates and videos, lotteries details and tour locations before anyone else!
What we loved:
It is loaded with a variety of information. Despite the diversity of the data, this app uses straightforward UI.
Timely updates to keep you hooked!
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Crypto Trading Signals for Beginner
Crypto trading is a fast-growing field, and there are many different ways to make money in this field. One of the best ways is by using signals providers, which provide you with information about the market and help you predict when to buy or sell cryptocurrencies. In this article we will discuss how to use crypto signals providers properly and which ones are worth your time.
Signals for day trading
Day trading is a strategy that allows you to invest in crypto and earn profits by selling the coin when its price rises.
There are several types of day traders, including:
Swing traders who make investments     based on short-term trends;
Scalpers who make large bets on     one cryptocurrency at a time (such as Bitcoin);
Day traders who buy and sell     individual coins every day without waiting for longer periods of time     between trades (i.e., scalping).
Signals for swing trading
Swing trading is a strategy that involves holding positions for a few days to a few weeks. Swing traders are more concerned with the direction of the market than they are with taking advantage of small price movements.
Swing traders use technical analysis to identify potential entry and exit points. They also look at chart patterns, such as support/resistance lines and trend lines, to help them determine when it's time to buy or sell an asset.
Signals for long-term trading
Long-term signals are more important than short-term ones. If you're looking for a coin that will have a good return on investment over the long term, then you should consider buying cryptocurrencies with long-term signals.
The most important thing when it comes to crypto trading signals for beginner is to understand what kind of strategy works best for your situation and needs. For example, if you want to buy Bitcoin but don't know how much money you can afford then maybe look into other ways like mining or buying at an exchange instead?
Best crypto signals providers
A crypto signal provider is a website that offers you trading signals on your behalf. The idea is that you can get the best results by following the advice of these sites, instead of doing all the work yourself.
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A good crypto signal provider will have several options for buying and selling cryptocurrencies, including both long-term investments in coins like Bitcoin or Ethereum and short-term trades based on price fluctuations. They also provide news updates about new developments in the industry, so it's easy to keep up with what's happening right now without having to search through forums or Reddit posts (which might be outdated).
Crypto trading is a good way to make money, but you need to know how to trade.
Crypto trading requires a lot of research and time. There are many different kinds of cryptocurrencies, so it's important that you understand them all before jumping into the market. You can't just buy whatever coin looks interesting at the moment—you'll most likely lose your money if you do this! Instead, understand how each coin works and what makes it unique from other coins on the market (or even from other coins within individual categories).
In this article we’ve covered the best crypto signals providers and their services. We hope that after reading this article you have a better idea of what you should be looking for in a crypto signal provider and how they work. Crypto trading is a good way to make money, but you need to know how to trade.
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boopathi021 · 2 years
The use of NFT technology in brand marketing
There are more and more typical blockchain events out of the circle. NFTs and traditional brands are small hotspots in the industry recently, and events of well-known brands issuing NFTs break out from time to time.
This paper describes the theoretical and practical application methods of brand + NFT technology in the field of marketing.
Let me talk about some theoretical knowledge of brand marketing. These have nothing to do with blockchain web3. I copied it from the Internet.
The main functions of the brand are:
1) To transmit the quality signal of the product.
2) Sending market position signals.
Nowadays, the social material is extremely rich, and the signal transmission changes brought by Internet informatization have brought new challenges to the transmission of the two signals of this brand:
1) For consumers, the quality of products is more and more dependent on reviews and trust KOLs.
For example, when we eat, we read public reviews, and when we buy things on Taobao, we must look at negative reviews. Live streaming is a typical KOL guiding role for consumers.
2) More and more consumers are consuming certain brands or products because they need to express personalization or convey certain values ​​to the outside world. Buying something might just show that I’m not like you.
The classic is the Tesla electric car. The first consumers to buy the expensive and poor-quality Model S were mainly to express their environmental protection ideas.
3) Consumers are more and more hung up, requiring brands and enterprises to cooperate and listen to their voices. In other words, companies and brands are paying more and more attention to consumer feedback and co-creating brands with consumers. The consumer and business side becomes a partnership, not just a supplier-consumer relationship. By supplying consumers to become the co-creators of the brand, consumers will defend the brand with the company, and this type of user has strong loyalty.
Xiaomi’s early mobilization of users to jointly create MIUI is a classic case.
The latter two are the theoretical basis for the current relationship between NFT and traditional brands.
Now let’s take a look at the cases of how traditional brands have used NFT and other web3 technologies for marketing that have appeared in the market.
The first way is for traditional brands to issue NFTs and give them specific rights and interests, either in the form of consumer gifts or by selling them to users, and users can obtain corresponding rights and interests.
This method involves the technology of issuing NFT development company. Traditional brands need to write a contract to deploy to the chain, and users need to mint or claim specific NFTs. Users can also trade NFTs in the secondary market.
This NFT can be traded, which is the biggest innovation compared to the cards issued by traditional brands for users to collect.
A classic case is the NFT creative work “Big Mac Rubik’s Cube” released by McDonald’s at the end of last year.
In this way, consumers who practice the above brand marketing theory need to express personalization and map values.
But this method is more about using NFT to hype, speculate, and attract traffic. A positive understanding is to send NFTs to advertise.
The second way is to cooperate with traditional brands and well-known NFTs.
A typical case is the monkey out of the circle. Such as Li Ning issued #4102 boring ape NFT clothes and hats. The same goes for the recent Tiffany x Crypto Punks.
This cooperative approach involves the knowledge of copyright privatization of NFTs. Monkey BAYC is a set of NFT. After the user purchases a specific NFT, the copyright corresponding to the NFT belongs to the user, and the user can conduct commercial operation without the official authorization of the BAYC project.
This kind of case often has no technical problems with NFT and blockchain. For traditional brands and well-known NFT projects, it is a simple business cooperation and mutual empowerment.
This approach is to practice the brand theory that consumers want to express personalization and brand co-building.
The third way is to use NFT technology to build a special membership system.
Using NFT technology to implement a membership system will have some advantages over traditional web2 building a membership system.
1 Bring a secondary market to members. Because NFTs are tradable.
2 The brand side cannot delete the user’s membership, which gives the member a higher status.
The second point is actually very important.
The Coca-Cola Company, such a powerful company, once released a product with a new formula, but it was sprayed by its own users, and the company was forced to give up this flavor. This is a very top case of brand co-building and user loyalty.
Using NFT as a membership status allows members to trade, and brings about an improvement in membership status, which is more conducive to brand owners and users to build brands together, and is more conducive to building brand loyalty.
The fact that members cannot be deleted by the brand side will force the brand side to listen to the voice of users and let users participate in the building of the brand. This method may be to issue coins to users, and the method that users are shareholders is a step further. Because users are shareholders, this kind of shareholder status is more for dividends and profits. And NFT Generator members are rushing to build a brand together.
One of the more successful ones using this scheme is Flyfish Club, a restaurant whose NFTs trade well in Opensea.
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