#How he survived his games with the forcefield and figuring out the trick of the arena...
pumpkinrootbeer · 6 months
no change in the movies pisses me off more than them having peeta just scream "ur all gonna die!!!1!1" at the camera with the hard cut to haymitch going "that was a warning (empath)" when in the book it was peeta struggling to even get the warning out and literally everyone in 13 expect haymitch and katniss going "wtf did he mean by that he can't be trusted" to which haymitch had to desperately plead with coin to listen to the warning, because that's obviously what is was, and none of them know peeta except for him and katniss
Like as unintentionally funny as the scene in the movie is it wasn't even a moment in the books that makes haymitch seem all that clever, like they try to spin in it the movie, it was just him knowing and trusting peeta. It was a testiment to his love for the kid, not anything else ughhfhfjkdkdkf
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