#How long is the range of lan servers in minecraft
dopposhusband · 4 years
You said that you loved playing Minecraft, no? So, what's playing with your boys like? :D
@yokairu Minecraft with the boys is always fun!! Although I have a feeling most of them aren’t that good at it but its okay because Im not any better!
Doppo isn't very good at Minecraft, but whenever he’s able to he’ll join me in a game if I ask! We play on peaceful together with cheats on so I can teach him how to play without too much worrying! So far he likes to just explore and mine for resources, he knows he isn’t that great so he tries to be as helpful as possible. I have keep inventory on just in case and whenever he gets too far from home I teleport him back! His favorite part is listening to the music that plays or to the ingame CDs, the soundtrack is so peaceful it’s such a nice contrast to rap music hes become accustomed to.
Jakurai isn’t any better at Minecraft, he tries, but he also isn’t that interested in the game either. When we do play he usually spends it fishing, even though its a little lackluster, and building if he feels inspired. His building range from a small fishing shack to a huge hospital that we keep all our food and potions in, he’s got a pretty good eye for building sometimes!
Since Hifumi works night we always have to time to hang out and play games together during the day! He’s okay at it, right now we play on easy but slowly making our way up to normal! He spends a lot of time mining or building, like Jakurai he’s really good at building, but he’s a lot more into it than Jakurai is. I keep cheats on so I have keep inventory on and so when Hifumi gets bored of chopping trees he can just cheat some logs in. We’ve beat all the bosses together and got all the achievements on a couple of different saves so now we’re experimenting with mods! A lot of decoration and food based mods so he can make me a nice meal before expeditions! He also loves texture packs so he has a thousand of them he cycles through.
Buster Bros!!!
Game nights are just as important as anime nights in the Yamada household and other than board games we play Minecraft! Usually we all plan on a LAN server, or rather Ichiro and I are playing and his bros surprise us by randomly joining. We always play on hard, no cheats and on days we’re bored of our current save we’ll play hardcore to see how long we can all last! Ichiro is super into the slaying monsters and exploring part of minecraft, he gets lost all the time and has died one too many times in the nether. He never gets upset because its all part of the game and he knows it was his fault for running without looking in the nether. His brothers literally throw their diamonds at him so he’s always fully kitted and enchanted even after he took his hundredth plunge into the lava! Boy is he gonna be hyped when he finds out about netherite though!
Jiro plays generally the same as Ichiro although a bit more reckless, he dies the most out of the boys. Saburo spends a lot of the game getting his gear and then spends the rest of it building and using red stone. Hes the only one of us that really knows how to use it and sets up traps for Jiro all the time, Im sure you can guess that our hardcore play through don’t ever last too long... However, when he isn’t being a brat he has made some pretty cool things for Ichiro! We also have so many mod packs we experiment with!
When he isn’t gambling or in the mood to gamble we usually just hang out and sometimes we play a bit of Minecraft. We just chill really, normal with a bunch of cheats, he’s more into just mining and stacking up everything he has in blocks. Im talking a tacky looking diamond block house with gold and emerald blocks for the floor then a huge beacon on the roof, I had to put a gate around it since creepers kept blowing it up. After doing a little googling I also made him his very own red stone powered slot machine!
Prefers to watch me play over playing himself, but with a little begging I can get him to join me. Most of the time he spends it building traditional houses and just following me wherever I go. There was a point in time when he was trying to learn how to use redstone so he could set up pranks on me, a lot more harmless ones than the ones Saburo pulls. He knows a tiny bit of redstone now but he thought it was too much effort and sorta gave up on pranking me on that end. Even though redstone was too much he some how thought this was a better waste of time, when I turn in for bed he’ll sneak onto our save and leave a bunch of written books in my chests. It ranges from minecraft fanfiction or just his usual fanfiction about him and I, but its always way longer than it ever should be for a minecraft book.
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