#How to Negotiate Your Salary and Benefits in Nevada
stateofnevadajobsneats · 11 months
How to Negotiate Your Salary and Benefits in Nevada
How to Negotiate Your Salary and Benefits in Nevada: A Comprehensive Guide
Are you feeling undervalued and underpaid in your job? It may be time to negotiate your salary and benefits. Negotiating your salary can be intimidating, but it's important to know your worth and advocate for yourself. In Nevada, negotiating your salary and benefits can be a bit different than other states. In this comprehensive guide, we'll provide you with tips and tricks on how to negotiate your salary and benefits in Nevada.
Understanding Nevada's Labor Laws
Before negotiating your salary and benefits in Nevada, it's important to understand the state's labor laws. Nevada is an "at-will" employment state, which means employers can terminate employees for any reason, as long as it's not discriminatory. Nevada's minimum wage is $8.25 per hour for employees who receive qualified health benefits, and $9.75 per hour for employees who don't receive qualified health benefits. The minimum wage in Nevada is set to increase each year until it reaches $12.00 per hour in 2024.
Preparing for the Negotiation
Preparing for a salary negotiation can make all the difference. Here are some steps you can take to prepare for your negotiation:
Research the industry standard for your position and experience level. Websites like Glassdoor and Payscale can give you an idea of the average salary for your position in your area.
Know Your Value
Make a list of your accomplishments and contributions to the company. Highlight any additional skills or certifications you have obtained.
Determine Your Ideal Salary
Determine your ideal salary by taking into consideration your living expenses, debt, and savings goals. Be realistic and keep in mind the industry standard.
Practice your negotiation with a friend or family member. Have them act as the employer and ask for a counteroffer.
How to Negotiate Your Salary and Benefits in Nevada
Now that you've prepared for the negotiation, it's time to negotiate your salary and benefits. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
Start High
Start your negotiation with a salary range that's slightly higher than your ideal salary. This gives you room to negotiate and may help you end up with your ideal salary.
Highlight Your Accomplishments
During the negotiation, highlight your accomplishments and contributions to the company. Show the employer why you deserve a higher salary.
Negotiate Benefits
In addition to salary, negotiate benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and vacation time. These benefits can add up and make a big difference in your overall compensation.
Be Confident
Be confident in your negotiation. Speak clearly and calmly, and maintain eye contact. If the employer makes a counteroffer, take some time to consider it before accepting or declining.
1. Is it legal to negotiate your salary in Nevada?
Yes, it's legal to negotiate your salary in Nevada. In fact, it's encouraged to negotiate your salary and benefits to ensure you're being fairly compensated.
2. What's the average salary for my position in Nevada?
The average salary for your position in Nevada can vary based on your experience level, education, and industry. Research websites like Glassdoor and Payscale to get an idea of the average salary for your position in your area.
3. What benefits should I negotiate?
When negotiating your benefits, consider health insurance, retirement plans, and vacation time. These benefits can add up and make a big difference in your overall compensation.
4. What should I do if my employer doesn't want to negotiate?
If your employer doesn't want to negotiate, consider negotiating other aspects of your compensation.
4. What should I do if my employer doesn't want to negotiate?
If your employer doesn't want to negotiate, consider negotiating other aspects of your compensation, such as flexible work hours or the ability to work remotely. If your employer still isn't willing to negotiate, it may be time to start looking for other job opportunities.
5. How do I overcome the fear of negotiating?
Negotiating can be intimidating, but it's important to remember that you're advocating for yourself and your worth. Prepare for the negotiation by researching and practicing, and remember to be confident in your abilities and accomplishments.
6. Can I negotiate my salary after accepting a job offer?
Yes, you can negotiate your salary after accepting a job offer. However, it's important to be respectful and professional in your approach. Highlight your contributions to the company since accepting the offer and explain why you believe you deserve a higher salary.
Negotiating your salary and benefits can be nerve-wracking, but it's an important step in ensuring you're being fairly compensated for your work. By understanding Nevada's labor laws, preparing for the negotiation, and following the tips we've provided, you can negotiate your salary and benefits with confidence. Remember to be realistic and advocate for yourself, and don't be afraid to negotiate benefits in addition to salary. Good luck!
How to Negotiate Your Salary and Benefits in Nevada: Final Thoughts
Negotiating your salary and benefits can be a daunting process, but it doesn't have to be. By doing your research and preparing for the negotiation, you can increase your chances of success. Remember to highlight your accomplishments and contributions to the company, and don't be afraid to negotiate benefits in addition to salary. If your employer isn't willing to negotiate, it may be time to start looking for other job opportunities.
In the end, it's important to remember that you're advocating for yourself and your worth. You deserve to be fairly compensated for your work, and negotiating your salary and benefits is one way to ensure that happens. So go ahead and take that first step towards a better and more fulfilling career!
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market-news-24 · 1 month
Seven hundred union workers have initiated a 48-hour strike at a Las Vegas casino. The workers are demanding better working conditions and fair wages. The strike is expected to impact operations at the casino for the next two days. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] About 700 workers at a hotel-casino near the Las Vegas Strip went on strike after failed negotiations for a new five-year contract with Virgin Hotels. The Culinary Union Local 226, the largest in Nevada, organized the strike, which is the first in 22 years for the union. The strike comes after Virgin Hotels filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board, accusing the union of not negotiating in good faith. The workers walking the picket line include guest room attendants, servers, porters, bellmen, cooks, bartenders, and kitchen workers. While smaller in scale compared to previous strikes, the location of the property near the Strip makes it a significant landmark. The Culinary Union last went on strike in 2002 at a different hotel-casino in downtown Las Vegas. Earlier this year, union members at other properties received salary increases of about 32% over five years. Despite calling off a strike deadline before, the Culinary Union decided to proceed with the 48-hour strike at Virgin Hotels to expedite a new agreement on wages and benefits. Secretary-treasurer Ted Pappageorge expressed hope that the strike would push management to address the workers' demands promptly. He dismissed Virgin Hotels' complaint as a last-minute attempt to disrupt negotiations. The union is determined to secure a fair contract for its members after nearly a year of working without one. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. What is the reason for the strike at the Las Vegas casino? The 700 union workers are striking to demand better pay and working conditions. 2. How long will the strike last? The strike is scheduled to last for 48 hours. 3. How will the strike affect operations at the casino? The strike may lead to disruptions in services and activities at the casino. 4. Are there any negotiations taking place between the workers and the casino management? Negotiations between the union workers and casino management are ongoing to resolve the issues causing the strike. 5. Will the strike impact guests and visitors at the casino? Guests and visitors may experience delays or changes in services due to the strike action. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20;
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promosfree576 · 3 years
Bankroll For $25 Blackjack
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Bankroll For $25 Blackjack Free
Bankroll For $25 Blackjack Online
Bankroll For $25 Blackjack Game
Proper bankroll management is one of the most commonly overlooked aspects of blackjack. It’s unfortunate because almost all casino blackjack players could greatly benefit from some basic bankroll management.
Let’s look at how to build and maintain a healthy blackjack bankroll.
What Is a Blackjack Bankroll?
So, what is a blackjack bankroll?
Here are some tips for building and maintaining a healthy blackjack bankroll even if you’re new to the game. Blackjack on the Vegas Strip ain’t what it used to be. Sure, it’s the most played game in casinos. There are more blackjack tables on the Vegas Strip than any other game. According to the Nevada Gaming Control Board, there were 1,196 blackjack tables on the Vegas Strip as of December 2019.That’s slightly more than 40% of the 2,850 table games in the tourist corridor. Applying the proper blackjack bankroll management system can make all the difference between having an enjoyable playing session or a disappointing playing session where at the end of it you are playing with limited money and you are unable to split hands or double up simply because you do not have enough money to cover the extra bets.
Your blackjack bankroll or gambling bankroll is money that you have specifically set aside for the purposes of gambling. In this instance, it’s specifically for playing real money blackjack.
It’s important to eliminate any notion that extra cash sitting in your bank account for incidentals or any funds that aren’t expressly set aside for playing blackjack are part of your blackjack bankroll.
Your bankroll needs to be set aside completely. Many gamblers will open a separate bank account that is only for their gambling bankroll.
There are plenty of 3:2 blackjack games in downtown Las Vegas. Many of those games have a minimum wager under $25. When you head over to the Vegas Strip there are more casinos but there might be fewer 3:2 blackjack games with a minimum wager under $25 available. $25 limits are important for most recreational gamblers. In their pursuit of learning perfect blackjack strategy, some players often neglect to cover bankroll management. But just like with any other casino game, blackjack bankroll management is extremely important, and something that players should definitely study extensively.
Others put the money in a jar or bank bag and stuff it in a closet or bury it in their yard. I’m not sure where they put it, but it’s probably best off in the bank.
Having your gambling bankroll in a bank will make it much easier to view from your mobile app and quickly transfer funds into the bankroll on whatever schedule you set.
This also eliminates the urge to grab $50 out of your bankroll when you want to enjoy a round of golf or go out for drinks with friends. You may think never, but it can be rather easy to slowly dip into your blackjack bankroll when Amazon blasts you with Facebook ads about whatever you happen to be thinking about. Cue The X-Files music.
It’s also important not to go the other direction. If you have $1000 in your bank account and $975 in bills coming due, you don’t have a blackjack bankroll.
I’ve seen too many gamblers push rent back a week or shuffle their bills to accommodate their gambling. If it’s not a problem immediately, it’s not far from being there.
Bankroll For $25 Blackjack Free
To reiterate, a blackjack bankroll is money that is expressly and unequivocally set aside for gambling purposes.
That’s not to say you shouldn’t dip into it if there’s an emergency. Like your power being turned off or no groceries in the house, but you should absolutely never go the other direction.
Useful Tips for Building a Blackjack Bankroll
Building a healthy blackjack bankroll takes time and careful consideration. The most disciplined gamblers take the proper steps in finding exactly how they can add money to their bankroll.
One of the best ways to quickly build a blackjack bankroll is to set up a deposit schedule for yourself. This schedule will be completely unique to you and your financial situation.
Most people are paid on a twice a month schedule. Hence, many gamblers will commit to adding to their bankroll every 2 weeks or 15 days.
Setting up your bankroll deposit schedule on your paydays is a great way to increase your blackjack bankroll steadily.
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However, you may have significantly more bills coming up near the 1st of the month. In this case, it’ll be better to set up a once a month deposit schedule.
The important thing is to only put money into your bankroll that you can afford to lose on the casino floor.
Some players may not have extra money for varying reasons after all bills and living expenses are paid. It’s a common issue facing many Americans and isn’t unique to casino gamblers at all.
If you fall into this category or simply want to add more to your bankroll than your current salary allows, don’t fret. Getting a part-time job is perfect for earning extra cash.
I have a friend who’s still in school and was having a difficult time-saving money for an upcoming gambling trip.
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He started working a few nights a week for one of the food delivery services, and in less than 2 months, he was able to save over $1500.
It wasn’t the massive wad of cash he had hoped to take with him, but he was able to bring almost all of it home.
He’s continued to grow on that initial nest egg, and it’s primed for his next casino adventure.
Why Many Players Lose
Most blackjack players lose because they aren’t playing the game correctly. They either refuse to play basic strategy or don’t know it exists.
Either way, learning to play blackjack with the proper strategy will be vital for maintaining a blackjack bankroll.
Players will often fall into a trap of playing way too many hands. On a typical blackjack table with 3 other players, you’ll be playing 40 hands per hour.
If you’re at a table with only 2 players, that number jumps to nearly double. When you’re playing twice as many hands per hour, you’re going to be losing faster.
For obvious reasons, this can have devastating effects on your blackjack bankroll.
You won’t be allowed to slow play the table in any respectable casino, nor will you necessarily be rushed. Still, take your time on each hand. You shouldn’t be in any hurry to get the game moving.
Try to find nearly full tables; you’ll be playing much fewer hands per hour, which will greatly extend your blackjack bankroll.
Setting alarms on your phone or smartwatch can be a brilliant way to remember to take breaks. These breaks will give you chances to take a breath away from the table.
Use this time to clear your head, use the restroom, grab a snack, or check your e-mail. It really doesn’t matter; it only matters that you don’t mindlessly play hand after hand.
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Why Bankroll Management Is Vital
Bankroll management is vital because this is the single biggest factor in how much time you’ll be able to spend on the casino floor.
After you’ve built a solid gambling bankroll, you need to decide what denomination you will be playing in the casino. Let’s use my friend’s $1500 as an example.
For a 3-day trip, he had $1500, or $500 per day. Let’s say he wants to play for $25 per hand. We can assume he’ll be playing 40 hands per hour and, although he’s a basic strategy player, we’ll give him the standard 1%.
So, 40 hands at $25 per hand, he’s putting $1000 per hour in play. The house edge is going to take 1% or $10.
It’s clear to see that he’ll have no problems playing blackjack to his heart’s content. Even if he encounters an extended negative swing, his bankroll will carry him.
Knowing how much you can afford to play is probably one of the biggest keys to becoming a successful casino gambler. When you drain the bankroll to zero, you’re out of the game and forced to the sidelines until you build your blackjack bankroll back up.
You may have noticed that I immediately split his $1500 into 3 equal amounts, one for each day of his trip if you walk through the casino doors with a total of $500 for 3 days and decide to play for $50 per hand. You’ll likely be broke in under 4 hours and forced to spend 2 days at the pool.
Become a master of managing every aspect of your blackjack bankroll, and you’ll become a much more successful casino gambler.
Keys to Maintaining a Healthy Blackjack Bankroll
Now that I’ve walked you through the building and protecting your blackjack bankroll let’s look at some keys to take with you to the table.
After all, nothing will do your blackjack bankroll more good than actually winning on the tables.
Bankroll For $25 Blackjack Online
The best way to do that in blackjack is by playing the basic blackjack strategy on every single hand. When you play the game this way, you actually cut the house edge to only about 0.5%.
That makes blackjack one of the best games on the floor for the casino.
Basic strategy can be touted and promoted on and on, but I’ll leave it at the following. If you aren’t playing basic strategy, you’re leaving money on the table.
Paying close attention to the table rules can also be vital for your blackjack bankroll. Not all casinos are created equal, and neither are blackjack tables.
Some games will only pay 6:5 for a blackjack instead of the more standard 3:2. Anytime you see 6:5, you should run, not walk in your search for a different table.
The 6:5 blackjack is so bad that you’re better off playing craps, baccarat, roulette, or Pai Gow Poker than blackjack.
This is non-negotiable. It’s better to simply find another casino with better rules than playing on a table that pays 6:5 for a blackjack.
You must learn how to build and maintain a healthy blackjack bankroll. Taking the proper time and care in this initial step can put you on a lifelong success course.
Keep in mind that your blackjack bankroll will determine how much you can play in the casino and, ultimately, how much you can win.
Bankroll For $25 Blackjack Game
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How to save for a down payment
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First time home buyers in Las Vegas take nearly eight years to save for a down payment for their dream home. The time frame is derived by factoring in the amount a renter pays for housing in Nevada and the required 10% down payment. Another study by Realty Trac shows that it takes an average of 12.5 years for a new buyer in Las Vegas to save for a 20% down payment. The study is based on a personal saving rate of 5.6% and the current median home price. Given that most first time home buyers in Las Vegas are young adults with earnings below the national median salary, they would have to wait until they are 42 to afford a home. However, the same savings can be made within two years in the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae 3% down payment plan. Under this program, it takes buyers in states such as Nevada as little as two years to save for the down payment. The Freddie and Fannie plan is geared towards enabling first-time home buyers and low-income borrowers with little savings to afford the down payment. To qualify for this program, you’ll need a credit rating of at least 620 and offer a full documentation of your assets, income, and job status. Also, the prospective first time home buyers must participate in borrower education programs and have a private mortgage insurance plan to qualify for the loan. A buyer can take advantage of the Home Possible Advantage plan provided that the co-borrower is a new buyer.  For more information on the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae Home Possible Advantage Plan, we recommend our Preferred Partners: Residential Lenders.  These lenders know a lot about this program and many of the other buyer assistance opportunities in the market today. First Time Home Buyers: How a real estate agent can help  With the assistance of a real estate agent, first time home buyers can negotiate to have the seller fully or partly cover the closing costs. Given their years of experience in the market, the real estate agents can identify hidden costs and advise on the best options for home financing.
Here are some of the ways first time home buyers can boost their down payment savings.
Clear the credit card debt first time home buyers For first time home buyers with credit card debt, making monthly interest payments on the debt and setting aside some funds for the down payment can be a hassle. Clearing any credit card debts will enable you to increase your saving portion and reduce the amount of time it takes to make the down payment.  Also, consider the basic math.  If you are carrying credit card debt at an 18% annual interest rate and your savings account is earning you 2% - you are falling 16% behind on your debt annually. Credit card debt should be reduced to zero. Squeeze your budget first time home buyers Keeping track of your spending habits will enable you to minimize unnecessary spending and increase your savings. With a goal in your mind, you will be able to track your finances and increase the down payment savings.  One really easy example - coffee.  If you spend $5 per day on coffee at your favorite drive-thru that's $35 per week, $1,820 per month, and $21,840 per year.  One year of making your coffee at home vs. owning your own home... Seems an easy decision when you consider the numbers.  Squeeze the "nice to have" out of your monthly budget because you will likely think "nice to have my home" once you are living in it. Consider a tax free saving account  A tax-free saving account will enable you to enjoy tax benefits on your down payment savings, you’ll then be able to make payments within the shortest time. A consultation with a financial advisor will enable you to identify the best saving account for your down payment plan. Be aware of your priorities Being aware of your priorities means being able to forego instant gratification for a more satisfying future reward. Saving for a down payment will require you to cut spending on your wants. If you are used to expensive vacations, you have to let them go to be able to save for your down payment. Even under the Fannie and Freddie Home Possible Advantage plan, you will still need to make sacrifices to be able to service your loan. Save automatically Creating an automatic saving account will ensure that you do not spend your down payment savings on other things. With an automatic saving account, a portion of your direct deposits will automatically be transferred to your saving account without missing. Final thoughts?  With proper planning and consultation, first time home buyers will be able to maximize their opportunity and make down payments within the shortest time possible. Learning about the different ways to boost your savings and getting professional help from a real estate agent, will enable you to attain your dream home within the shortest time possible. Before you jump into a home buying program, always ensure that you have enough information about the deal and other offers in the market. Thank you for reading our post, “How to save for a down payment.”  For more Las Vegas home Buyer tips, information on moving to Las Vegas, Las Vegas real estate market news, information on Las Vegas homes for sale, buying a home in Las Vegas, or general real estate information please visit our website www.lasvegasrealestate.com.   Read the full article
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renojobshub · 4 years
System Administrators, UC
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System Administrators, UC
University of Nevada, Reno – Main Campus
The University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) appreciates your interest in employment at our growing institution. We want your application process to go smoothly and quickly. We ask that you keep in mind the following when completing your application:
Required attachments are listed below on the posting. Your application will not be considered without the required attachments.
Draft applications are saved automatically and can be accessed through your candidate home account. Final applications must be submitted prior to the close of the recruitment. Once a recruitment has closed, applications will no longer be accepted.
If you need assistance or have questions regarding the application process, please contact the Human Resources helpline at (775) 784-1495 or [email protected] .
For UNR Med professional job postings, if you have questions or need assistance regarding the application process, please contact the Office of Professional Recruitment at (775) 784-6778.
Job Description
The University of Nevada, Reno, Information Technology is recruiting for a System Administrator/Senior System Administrator, Unified Communications (UC). System Administrator, Unified Communications positions are responsible for voice and data systems programming, administration and support. The System Administrator(s) works within the team of system administrators responsible for administering, maintaining, updating, and repairing communication, email, VOIP and other systems. This position reports to the Manager, Unified Communications in Information Technology (IT). The Manager reports to the Director, Networking and Unified Communications.
System Administrator, UC
The System Administrator, UC, works within the team of system administrators responsible for administering, maintaining, updating, and repairing communication, email, VOIP and other systems. The System Administrator, UC is the technical resource for the Unified Communications department under limited direction from the Senior System Administrators and Manager. The position manages assigned projects as assigned by the UC Manager.
Senior System Administrator, UC
The Senior System Administrator, UC heads the team of system administrators and is the expert in the area of unified communications. The position handles the most complex problems and guides the group in completing assignments and training of new System Administrators and troubleshooting. The Senior System Administrator, UC is able to serve as a technical resource with comprehensive knowledge of UC systems.
Required Qualifications
System Administrator
High school graduation and four years of related work experience or a an associate’s degree and three years of related work experience or a bachelor’s degree and two years of related work experience or a master’s degree and one year of related work experience. Related experience: IT experience in an enterprise or university environment or voice/date environment.
Senior System Administrator
Bachelor’s degree and four years of related work experience or a master’s degree and two years of related work experience. Related experience: IT experience in an enterprise or university environment and voice/data environment.
Compensation Grade
System Administrator – Comp Grade B
Senior System Administrator – Comp Grade C
Candidates will be hired at the level that is comparable to their experience, knowledge, skills and abilities.
Schedule or Travel Requirements
Occasional work outside typical hours is required
Occasional travel
Total Compensation
The total compensation package includes a negotiable competitive salary, moving allowance (if applicable), a rich retirement plan, health insurance options that include dental and vision, life insurance, long-term disability, along with many other benefits. Additionally, there is a grant-in-aid educational benefit for faculty and dependents. For more information, please visit: UNR Benefits
Faculty Dual Career Assistance Program
The University of Nevada, Reno recognizes the importance of addressing dual-career couples’ professional needs. We offer a dual career assistance program to newly hired faculty spouses/partners that provides resources and assists them to identify career opportunities in Northern Nevada. Dual Career Program
Exempt Yes
Full-Time Equivalent 100.0%
Required Attachment(s)
Please note, once you submit your application the only attachment/s viewable to you will be the attachment/s to the resume/CV section of the application. Any additional required attachment/s to the cover letter, references, additional documents sections of the application, will not be viewable to you after you submit your application. All uploaded attachment/s will be on the application for the committee to review. To request updates to attachments, prior to the committee review of applications, please contact the candidate helpdesk at [email protected] .
Attach the following attachments to your application
1) Resume/CV
2) Cover Letter
3) Contact Information for Three Professional References
4) Please write a brief statement (one page maximum) about how you would contribute toward our mission of creating a culturally inclusive environment in the role for which you are applying.
Posting Close Time
This posting will close at 12:00 am on the date listed below. The posting will no longer be available to apply to after 11:59 pm the day prior.
Posting Close Date 02/21/2020
Note to Applicant
A background check will be conducted on the candidate(s) selected for hire.
HR will attempt to verify academic credentials upon receipt of hiring documents. If the academic credentials cannot be verified, HR will notify the faculty member that an official transcript of their highest degree must be submitted within thirty days of the faculty member’s first day of employment.
References will be contacted at the appropriate phase of the recruitment process.
Applicants hired on a federal contract may be subject to E-Verify.
As part of the hiring process, applicants for positions in the Nevada System of Higher Education may be required to demonstrate the ability to perform job-related tasks.
For positions that require driving, evidence of a valid driver’s license will be required at the time of employment and as a condition of continued employment.
Schedules are subject to change based on organizational needs.
University of Nevada, Reno
To apply, visit https://nshe.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/UNR-external/job/University-of-Nevada-Reno—Main-Campus/System-Administrators–UC_R0119238 .
Founded in 1874, the University of Nevada, Reno is the State of Nevada-s land grant institution with a statewide mission and presence. The University of Nevada, Reno is a Carnegie I Research Institution and has been recognized as a -Top Tier- Best National University by U.S. News & World Report. With an enrollment of nearly 21,000 students we offer 145 Tier 1 accredited degree programs. Located in the picturesque Truckee Meadows the University of Nevada, Reno is surrounded by numerous state and national parks, is 45 minutes from beautiful Lake Tahoe, and four hours from San Francisco.
The University of Nevada, Reno recognizes that diversity promotes excellence in education and research. We are an inclusive and engaged community and recognize the added value that students, faculty, and staff from different backgrounds bring to the educational experience.
The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) is committed to providing a place of work and learning free of discrimination on the basis of a person-s age, disability, whether actual or perceived by others (including service-connected disabilities), gender (including pregnancy related conditions), military status or military obligations, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, national origin, race, or religion.
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from Reno Jobs Hub https://ift.tt/2I6UCaV via System Administrators, UC
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junker-town · 6 years
You’re an NBA fan. Here’s why you should care about legal sports betting
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A lot will change with the sport, from how you watch it to how the revenue from gambling is distributed.
The Supreme Court overturned a 26-year-old federal law on Monday that prevented all states except Nevada from allowing bets to be placed on sporting events. The ruling cleared the way for all states to dictate whether they will allow legalized sports gambling within their own borders.
But what does this mean for the NBA and its fans? And should basketball fans even care that they might eventually be able to place pre- and in-game wagers?
Hell yeah they should
First thing’s first: No one has any clue what a basketball world with legalized sports betting will look like. Will you be able to legally bet on how many dribbles James Harden takes before shooting the ball? No idea. Maybe you can guess how many points the Warriors will outscore their opponents by in the third quarter? Probably.
This is uncharted territory the league is entering. Even though the American Gaming Association estimates $150 billion in money placed on illegal bets, legalizing sports gambling opens the road for a widespread, systematic approach to it.
One idea floating around several reports suggests “brick-and-mortar establishments” that fans can walk into and place a wager before or during a game. But it’s 2018. No one wants to get up and out when they could open an app on their phone and place a bet at the touch of a button.
For that reason alone, the mystique of a future that includes legalized sports gambling should pique your interest. The NBA has always been at the forefront of innovation among the other professional sporting leagues, and commissioner Adam Silver has already plotted out ways to reap the financial benefits of a world with wagers placed on the games he runs.
But the NBA has a checkered past with this sort of thing
In 2007, ex-NBA official Tim Donaghy pleaded guilty to two federal charges related to an FBI investigation that revealed he bet on games in which he officiated. He served 15 months in prison, but the fallout around the league lasted longer.
For that reason, the word “integrity” has been spotted in virtually every report linking the NBA to the Supreme Court ruling. Silver is the protector and overseer of a popular sporting product, and as lucrative as sports gambling can and will surely be, it comes with its drawbacks. Players could place bets on the opponent, then throw the game. Another Donaghy fiasco could take place, or even worse, multiple. Money makes things murky, and in a world with legalized sports betting, things could get murky fast if the proper precautions aren’t taken.
That’s why even though the NBA — along with every other pro sports league, as well as the NCAA — initially opposed the Supreme Court’s ruling, Silver has been preparing for a world with legalized sports gambling for months. And at the very top of his priority list, you guessed it: protecting the integrity of the league.
“The integrity of the competition on the playing court is the cornerstone of our league,” Silver wrote in a letter to USA Today. “It is our pact with the fans and with each other, the fundamental reason we exist as a preeminent sporting organization, the very product that we sell. With everything else changing around us, it is the one thing in our league that can never change. We must do everything in our power to protect the actual and perceived integrity of the game.”
What about the players and their salaries?
Well that’s a whole separate discussion because sports gambling revenue will (should) be reflected in the collective bargaining agreement’s Basketball-Related Income breakdown.
This is a crude estimation, but it’s all we have right now. Let’s assume the market for sports gambling mirrors the reported amount spent on illegal gambling: $150 billion. And let’s say Silver successfully negotiates a one percent “integrity,” or “royalty fee,” as the NBA has proposed.
(In all likelihood, that one percent will be negotiated down or removed entirely
That adds an extra $1.5 billion of basketball related income to the bargaining table. Under the current CBA, the players are entitled to half of that, so your favorite player just (probably) got a little bit richer.
But the other layer is that the increase in revenue will also dramatically increase the salary cap, much like the new television deal in 2016 did. Amid pressure from the NBA Players Union, the league elected not to smooth in that additional revenue, creating a wild summer in which nearly every team had cap room. That allowed the 73-win Warriors to sign Kevin Durant and left several teams stuck with massive long-term contracts to average (or worse) players.
Will the league and the NBPA take a different approach when and if gambling revenue enters the league? It remains to be seen.
Again, it’s very, very early to start talking numbers. $4.8 billion were wagered in Nevada in 2017. When more states allow sports gambling, that number only projects to rise.
The only thing that’s certain is that legalizing sports gambling will give more people access to wagering on a basketball game. And when more people have access to something, well, they’re more inclined to use it.
When can we expect to see some legal wagers placed?
No time soon, at least not for a basketball game. New Jersey led the charge against the 1992 legislation, and they plan to be the first state (outside of Nevada, of course) to legally allow sports gambling after the monumental court case.
For now, all we can do is wait to see how this unfolds. Legalized sports gambling will have massive ramifications on the league we all love. That’s something you can bet on.
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hanapbuhayph · 4 years
Heavy Equipment Sales Rep ~ gpac ~ Reno, Nevada, USA
New Post has been published on http://www.hanapbuhay.tk/job/heavy-equipment-sales-rep-gpac-reno-nevada-usa/
Heavy Equipment Sales Rep ~ gpac ~ Reno, Nevada, USA
Family-owned agriculture/construction equipment dealership looking to hire an experienced Sales Rep to join their team. This company is known for its great culture, awesome benefits, and promoting from within their ranks. If this opportunity peaks your interest and you meet the qualifications outlined below, please submit your resume to be considered for this role! Responsibilities: * Sales Rep will prospect new leads through cold-calling, emailing and other outbound sales methods * Travel throughout territory to maintain existing client relationships and establish new ones * Sale Rep must display or demonstrate product either in person or verbally, emphasize its features and benefits, and how it compares to the customer"s existing product * Must explain fee structure, provide quote, discuss contract stipulations and credit terms to customers, and prepare contract agreements for orders obtained * Sales Rep must explain warranty program and limitations, together with delivery process to customer * Maintain new and current customer contact info and update information accurately in company database * Sales Rep will create and organize strategies for achieving goals and exceeding quota in rentals and sales of equipment Qualifications: * 3+ years of sales experience in construction and/or agriculture parts or equipment marketplaces * Sales Rep must have proven success with prospecting new clients through cold leads * Must communicate clearly and respectfully to coworkers and clients * Sales Rep must be a people/team-oriented Benefits & Compensation: * Competitive base salary (negotiable, based on experience) * Great commission structure * Small company atmosphere with the resources of a large size construction firm * 401(k), medical, dental, vision, paid vacation, short & longterm disability APPLY TODAY: Contact [email protected] or call 650-799-8158 All qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, age, color, sex (including pregnancy), religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, military status, genetic information, or any other status protected by applicable laws or regulations. GPAC (Growing People and Companies) is an award-winning search firm specializing in placing quality professionals within multiple industries across the United States for the past 29 years. We are extremely competitive, client-focused and realize that our value is in our ability to deliver the right solutions at the right time.
#Hanap Buhay #PartTimeJob #FullTimeJob #FreelanceJob #HomebasedJob #Philippines
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markamlong895-blog · 5 years
Is RV Living is the best option for you after retirement
Karen and Paul Soares once earned a combined income of $300,000, which they needed to maintain two homes and several vehicles. Now the couple travels the country, earning wages as musicians and living full-time in a 37-foot 2000 Winnebago.
Their address in July: Parked next to a blueberry farm somewhere in western Oregon.
If that lifestyle sounds idyllic, don’t quit your job and start shopping for a recreational vehicle (RV) just yet. First, you’ll need to examine your feelings about cramped quarters, other people’s judgments, and watching nearly every possession you own disappear in the rear-view mirror. What Does Dry Bath Mean In An RV https://www.rvlivingusa.com/what-does-dry-bath-mean-in-an-rv/
A simpler life
Around 10 million U.S. households own an RV, with a majority of these spending on average three to four weeks traveling, according to the RV Industry Association (RVIA).
However, an estimated 500,000 to one million people choose to live in their RVs full-time, says Kevin Broom, director of media relations at the RVIA.
Karen and Paul’s idea to live full-time in a RV sprang from an epiphany that Karen, 53, had after she turned 50. Karen and Paul, 56, both earned six-figure incomes in the IT field, but saw each other only on the weekends due to Karen’s work schedule.
“I realized I spent most of my time looking at the life behind me instead of what was in front,” says Karen. “I was always working and exhausted from having to maintain all our stuff. One day I just said, ‘This isn’t how I want to go out.’”
“I was always working and exhausted from having to maintain all our stuff. One day I just said, ‘This isn’t how I want to go out.’”
Karen Soares
On weekends, the Soares set up guitars on a stretch of beach near their home in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, where they performed before an audience of sunbathers and seagulls. Both longed to quit their jobs and earn a living playing music. But how would they afford to live?
Eventually, they figured it out.
In 2016, after three years of downsizing, Paul and Karen quit their jobs, sold both houses and bought a Winnebago from a friend. They would earn a living playing music at wineries, distilleries and special events as they traveled.
But first, the couple lived in a long-term RV park for a year to get a feel for full-time RV life. Then they rolled off to a simpler life. rv toothbrush holder https://www.rvlivingusa.com/best-wall-mounted-toothbrush-holder-for-rv-bathroom-that-never-fails-to-impress/
“Once we downsized, we no longer needed high salaries to support ourselves,” says Karen. “We found more value in being able to spend time together writing, composing and performing music.”
“A huge weight came off”
Bruce and Pam Westra, both in their sixties, sold their chiropractic and wellness practice and 5,000-square-foot home in Spring Lake, Michigan, in 2008, bought a 34-foot 2009 Holiday Rambler Admiral, and set off to live full-time in the RV while exploring the United States.
“Once we got rid of it all, a huge weight came off,” says Pam. That fall, the couple headed toward Florida and warmer weather. The Westras traveled for seven years, eventually setting the parking brake in Portland, Oregon, where they founded the Tiny Digs Hotel, a themed tiny house hotel.
“We were living in a tiny space (around 300 square feet), so it wasn’t a big leap to imagine living in a tiny house,” says Bruce. Pam and Bruce still live in the RV they bought new in 2008, renting a spot in a long-term RV park.
“We have no time to devote to a sticks-and-bricks home while we build this business nor the desire to take care of anything bigger than our RV,” says Pam.
Full-time RV living: Is It for You?
Thinking about hitting the road in an RV full-time? Here are some tips from those who’ve cruised the road less traveled.
1. You need to like your travel partner. A lot
Living together in a 300-square-foot home 24/7 isn’t for everyone. “Living in close quarters tests our relationship on a regular basis,” says Karen. “You have to have a friendship and be compatible.” How To Watch TV In RV While Driving https://www.rvlivingusa.com/how-to-watch-tv-in-rv-while-driving/
2. No storage space means few possessions
RVs don’t have walk-in closets, a basement or an attic. “When you’re on the road, your stuff isn’t the main thing,” says Bruce. “It’s the experience of the travel, the people you meet and the things you see.”
3. RV travel requires planning
You’ll need to make campground reservations well in advance, schedule RV maintenance and make sure you have enough supplies. “Everything is self-contained in an RV,” says Paul. “It’s like taking a ship out to sea.”
4. Resources are limited
There is only so much water for the toilet, and electrical usage may require negotiation. “A lot of times, the only power available is 30 or 50 amps, so we may not be able to turn on the hair dryer and the coffee pot at the same time,” says Paul.
5. Park your curiosity in an online RV community
Before you make the decision to RV full-time, visit online RV websites, forums and Facebook groups to learn all about full-time RV life and how to shop for an RV.
6. RV maintenance is costly
Annual maintenance on an RV can run around $2,000 annually. Spring and fall require a sealant inspection for moisture leaks, and other costs could include brakes and bearings or repairs.
7. Bring along another vehicle
Running errands in a mammoth RV is no fun. The Westras and the Soares each pull motorcycles behind their RVs to ride when the RV is parked. Many people tow a compact car to drive into town.
8. Make sure your insurance permits living full-time in an RV
Many auto insurance policies won’t cover accidents if you are living in your RV full-time, says Chuck Woodbury, editor at RV travel, an RV news and information website. “People should have a dedicated RV insurance policy and ask their insurance agent if the policy covers them if they live in the RV full-time,” says Woodbury. storage ideas for rv closets https://www.rvlivingusa.com/20-storage-ideas-for-rv-closets-with-pictures/
Patience Pays Off
Selling your home and living in a RV full-time shouldn’t be an impulsive decision. Besides, it takes a while to get rid of a lifetime of possessions. Still, if you love camping, traveling and living in tight spaces, the full-time RV life has its benefits.
“The best thing is getting rid of all that stress and feeling like I have meaning in my life,” says Karen. “I am a totally different person now. My body is healthier, and I just feel so much better.”
0 notes
Free Salary Negotiation Meet Up - this Wednesday, August 14! | Carson City Nevada News
New Post has been published on http://doggietrainingclasses.com/free-salary-negotiation-meet-up-this-wednesday-august-14-carson-city-nevada-news/
Free Salary Negotiation Meet Up - this Wednesday, August 14! | Carson City Nevada News
Event Date: 
August 14, 2019 – 3:30pm
By Caroline Punches, President, AAUW Capital (NV) Branch
Are YOU paid what you are worth? Do you know how to negotiate for a salary that is commensurate with your skills and expertise? If your answer is no, then you should attend AAUW’s free meet-up this Wednesday, August 14th.
AAUW Work Smart is a highly effective workshop that builds the skills and confidence women need to successfully negotiate for salary and benefits for the rest of their careers. This meet-up will allow participants to access AAUW’s Work Smart online program with facilitators available to answer your questions.
“The AAUW Capital Branch is an advocate for equity for women and girls,” said Caroline Punches, President. “Providing this free AAUW Work Smart workshop is an important step toward women gaining confidence to negotiate for their financial futures.”
WHAT AAUW’S free Salary Negotiation Meet Up
WHO: Women interested in learning how to get the salary you deserve (Note: the target audience is women, but men can attend )
WHEN: Wednesday, August 14TH 3:30 – 5:30pm
WHERE: WNC Library, Carson Campus, 2201 College Parkway, Carson City
RSVP: For more information and to sign up contact: Jennifer Verive, [email protected]
Source link Dog Training Information
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Hurley Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24620
"Hurley Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24620
Hurley Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24620
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Am I paying too much for my health insurance?
I'm 23 year old and non smoker, I got my health insurance from my company's employee benefit, and I'm pay $29 a week for this coverage: $20 office visit $115 ER They pay 80% I pay 20% Deductible $470 Out of Pocket Max $3500 Am I paying too much? How much would I be paying if I get this benefit by my own and not from my company?""
""Car rental insurance, please help!?""
Hello everyone, I am really confused and need your help, please. I rented a car from Avis in Calgary, Alberta and drove to Vancouver, BC. I got involved in an accident that although my car was not damaged, but I think I am considered cause of the accident (two cars were badly damaged). I did not ask for any insurance of the rental car. My understanding was that the third party liability is covered by my own car insurance. However, someone called me earlier from my car insurance company(state farm) saying that they are not responsible. Today the rental car company has called and left me a message asking me to call them. I do not know what should I prepare myself for? Am I going to be charged to pay for all the damage? That'd be terrible. Please provide me with any information you have. I don't know what to do.""
Car Insurance Quote Accuracy?
I was considering leasing a BMW 3 series coupe and tried getting an anonymous insurance quote online from thegeneral.com, to avoid spamming and releasing my personal information, but they do not allow it for the NY region so I eventually used the zipcode for Louisiana, and got a quote of about $350/month. How accurate is that figure? Im 25, had a license for 6 years with a squeaky clean record (though I have never owned a vehicle under my name), male, and use a Long Island address. I expect it to be cheaper due to the fact that I'm 25 and have a good record, and reside outside of the city but is that realistic""
Is home insurance quote negotiable?
Just got a new quote on home owner insurance. It is slightly better than my last insurance company, but not by much. Is this quote negotiable? Or it is what it is, take it or leave it?""
Lowest possible car insurance?
I am going on a trip out of the country for 4 months, and my car will be parked in my parent's driveway with a cover over it the entire time. How can I find the LOWEST possible car insurance for these months? I called Progressive and the guy was a total salesman with me, saying, Oh you need vandalism insurance, oh and you can't have vandalism insurance without collision insurance, so before I knew it, my quote was up to $120 a month. That's barely lower than the insurance I have now! How can I just get the bare minimum, state-required insurance? I live in Nevada, by the way, if that helps.""
Motorcycle totaled with no insurance?
Ok long story short I bought a bike few weekends ago on a Saturday morning with a loan on it from a dealer. That same weekend which would be Sunday night I hit some gravel on a curved road and the bike flew from under me and it sounds like its totaled according to the dealer. Problem is I didn't have insurance on it yet because it was the weekend still. And I added insurance that week after it happened but I think they're going to find out I didn't have insurance on it at the time of the accident . Sooo what happens now ? Am I stuck paying for a bike that's totaled ? Does the gap insurance on the loan help me out in anyway ? Please help cause I'm really stressing out about this..
Car Insurance Renewal - cooling off period?
My insurers have renewed my car insurance policy because I mistakenly thought the previous policy ended 5 days after it did. Their policy was considerably higher than I could get elsewhere. I have had 5 days cover - can I cancel without penalty?
Does it cost to remove someone on your insurance ?
I wanted to drop my sister off my insurance plan because she found a cheaper insurance company, does it cost to remove her ?""
How much does a california speeding ticket and no insurance will cost?
My friend jst bought a car from sacramento and i was driving it since it was manual he was jst learning and i was speeding in the freeway on a 70 went 86 and i got pulled over .. with no insurance since we were going to transfer hes old insurance in hes old car to this new one toyota xrs 06... how much will it cost me for the ticket and the no insurance please help me i have no idea what to do ?
Is insurance cheaper on a 4 door car than a two door car?
Is insurance cheaper on a 4 door car than a two door car?
Should I sue Texas for requiring me to buy auto insurance?
After all I'm a good driver, and I'm willing to take your chances that I'll be financially responsible if something unexpected happens. Why should I be forced to take part in the government sponsored mandate to purchase something? What about free enterprise and my freedom to spend or not spend my own hard-earned money? Maybe I could get my case heard by the Supreme Court....""
Is there a cheap insurance company for teen driver?
My mom cant drive... so she doesnt know much about insurance. Im about to get my license and I was wondering if there's a type of insurance that is cheap and not too pricey... specially with a mom who doesn't have a high paying job?!?! I live in Texas if that helps
How much would insurance cost for an 18 year old girl in NY?
Does anyone know how much insurance would cost the car is 97 so i heard its cheaper if its an older car she cant add it to the families insurance cuz they dont live in the country.. Thanks
Cheapest Auto insurance?
Cheapest Auto insurance?
Which insurance company or agent offers the cheapest auto insurance policies in Miami?
Which insurance company or agent offers the cheapest auto insurance policies in Miami?
What is the average cost of health insurance for a small design firm with 3-5 full time salaried employees?
I'm looking to start a design firm, but want to be able to give my employees the opportunity to have full health care coverage.""
Is Unitirin a good insurance company?
I need to get new insurance ASAP... is Unitrin OK?
How much is a dismissal fee for no proof of insurance in California?
I have insurance and I will provide proof but I'm wondering how much will I have to pay for the dismissal fee?
How much would it be to have my car repainted the factory color and remove some pretty good scratches/dents?
my car was recently scraped by a post and mccdonalds and put some pretty good sracthes in my car with a good size dent and also completely ruined my running board how much do u think it would cost do have all this fixed at macco or if i claimed it as a hit and run would my insurance cover that and repaint my car or atleast half of it the side that was messed up and have ever thing else fixed
Car Insurance Problems. Pain in The neck?
Im 22 and I have a terrible credit score. I am looking to insure my car by myself which has always been insured by other people like my parents/boyfriends mom etc. I know my credit score is my own fault but I have been running into difficulties trying to find a decent car insurer for my vehicle. Does anyone know a place that will offer car insurance even though I have poor credit? I know I will pay a lot more than if I had a good credit score but I am in dire need of insurance and am willing to pay a bit more than usual. Alot of places have even denied me car insurance because of the my credit score so If anyone knows a place (not geico, progessive, unitrin or allstate) that will be helpful and will possibly insure me, can u please let me know:-) Oh yeah Im residing in NJ, if thats helpful!""
Do you have to have full coverage on a used car?
im 21 at the moment and my gf has told me that if i get a car it has to have full insurance but thats kinda strange because they have other types of coverage that i wouldnt need
Where do you get the material to study for state insurance test?
Where do you get the material to study for state insurance test?
Would the health issues I have impact my insurability or rates for life insurance?
I'm a 51-year-old female. I've been on disability for six years for chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and panic disorder. I also have mild hypertension. I'm on meds for all these conditions. BUT I've never had, nor have any family history of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, any sort of breathing problems or major organ dysfunction. I would think it might even be a plus in terms of insurability that I rarely leave my house!""
Typical insurance rate of a used Chevy Impala?
I'm purchasing a car soon and I was wondering what the insurance rates would be for a 2000-2005 Chevy Impala. I know there is various factors that go into it, but is a 4 door Impala of any kind considered a sports car/have a higher insurance rate because of the car, or would it be the equivelant of a regular family car? Also, would a Pontiac Grand Prix sedan of the same years have a high/similiar insurance rate? I'm 17 years old and I'm getting my license soon. Thank you!""
""Does age make a difference when getting health insurance thru employer, is the cost different. .?""
My mother is in her 60's she declined coverage thru her employer because she would pay $200 per pay check, gets paid biweekly. She said the rep from the insurance told her she would pay more than her younger coworkers because she is old and needs more health attention, visits medicine etc. Is that true?? Her company does the cleaning for a few hospitals, offices. I dont think its a big company maybe 300-500 employees. I work for a big company in sales we have 200 people in our building, the company is in every state in the u.s. with several offices in each state so we are thousands of people for the company. Our health insurance cost is the same regardless of age. We have 3 plans to choose from, but we all pay the same amount regardless of age and it cost anywhere from $15-25 per check. Could anyone give me some info on this matter thanks. We are in california if that matters. Thanks.""
Hurley Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24620
Hurley Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24620
What auto insurance does aarp offer?
the name of the insurance (auto) offered to aarp subscribers
Cheapest car insurance in UK at this time?
i have used all the price comparison sites and still not yet satisfied.. can anyone let me know their car insurance provider in UK? I will just phone them direct hoping i can have a great deal...
Will obamacare lower health insurance premiums?
how will forcing more people to purchase a finite resource (increasing demand) cause the price to go down?
Help on getting cheap car insurance for young drivers?
I know about multicar but i cant do that, i know about named drivers etc but is there any way i can get a decent insurance quote for a 17 year old because ive been getting 15000 quid for quotes recently. Dont tell me you cant do it thats not gonna help me, thanks""
Bussiness insurance?
need to know what type of insurance i need to open a carpet cleaning and window cleaning service.
""Car insurance for me is too expensive in the UK, can I buy it abroad?""
I'm 18 and recently passed my test. For a basic 1L car the cheapest insurance I can find is 3000. I've been looking for 3 weeks and it's the best quote I could find. I cannot afford this so would it be possible to buy insurance from another country in the EU, since i've heard insurance is cheaper over there? I know insurance for teens is very expensive, but that sum is a ridiculous amount to pay for a car worth half the insurance value. I realise it might sound like a stupid question but I have exhausted all my other options and this is the only thing left I could think of that would be a possibility. Any useful information would be helpful, thanks.""
Insurance on a used 2006 EVO 4 DOOR?
This is just a maybe. I'm 18 and was thinking of going for a 2006 mitsubishi lancer evolution. I just got my license not to long ago But I'd probably be using the car to go school and to go to work. I might use my parents cars every now and then since they're better on gas. I might finance the car. I KNOW IVE TRIED estimates but CAN I get an average? And would it be cheaper if my dad was under the insurance policy and I was added as a secondary driver? THANKS IN ADVANCE
Long-term care insurance with pre-existing conditions?
My grandfather, who is 72 years old, needs round-the-clock care that has now exceeded our capabilities. He suffers from pre-existing bad to severe dementia. He's suspicious, falls frequently, very forgetful, suffers from sundowning. He just doesn't know what to do and he even struggles with basic life functions. He also suffers from lymphatic cancer that metastasized to his lung and chest cavity, as well as squamous cell carcinoma that is very resistant to all his previous treatment and has spread to open wounds on his arm. Because all of his lymph nodes were removed, his lymphatic fluid constantly pools in that arm and swells to hugely abnormal size. Therefore he has to wear a sleeve to keep it in place, which is painful for him to put on and is time-consuming for his caregiver. He also is supposed to keep his arm elevated, but refuses because of his dementia. He is mean and hateful at times and insists that we are trying to kill him and is always demanding that his caregiver (my aging and stressed grandmother) remain at his side at all times, or he grows suspicious about her fidelity. He has hallucinations. We moved in with them to help her take care of him, but my school work (homeschooled, mainly to take care of them) and my mother's commute to work have also taken a toll on us. We hated to think about it, but we finally resolved that he belongs as a permanent resident in a home. The biggest problem is the astronomical cost which we can't just chip together , as it was never there in the first place. We did research on nursing home coverage and found out about long term care coverage. We found out some basic things like it is best to purchase at a young age. Unfortunately, my grandmother was never educated on insurance and doesn't possess significant life insurance nor anything like long-term care, and he doesn't qualify for the little help Medicaid offers. Although he suffers from cancer, he has reached the end of his treatment. His cancer was too resistant to all prospective radiation and chemotherapy, and the anti-body treatment that he tried, he had a massive allergic reaction to. He has awful pain all the time and is on a rotated regimen of extra strength ibeproufen and high dosage morphine, with a high grade fentanyl pain patch. So, although cancer plays a part in his insurance qualification in name, apart from being administered his medication and sleeve, his cancer is not the main concern as far as his care/treatment goes. We have had to accept that he is going to die sooner or later and are trying to find the best final preparations. Bentonite clay seems to be drawing out some of the side effects of his radiation (after which his cancer got worse), and so may prolong his life. The short prognosis was 2-9 months. His dementia have become exhausting and endless. There's simply nothing we can do anymore. He's on prescription for Aricept for the dementia and we give him melatonin for the sundowning, which seems to have a calming effect. Sorry for the long piece, but we're all very distressed about this and I felt that I had to give a thorough explanation of his ailments and treatment. Our needs are a long-term stay in a nursing home facility covering skilled care for his dementia, activities of daily living, ect. We also hope that he can be treated with respect and dignity. We need affordable prices like anyone else in the middle class, not astronomical rates. We also need a policy that would either cover pre-existing without penalizing for it or not asking health questions, ect., as my grandfather is obviously in need of care we can't offer him. The only policy we have even brushed upon is Physicians Mutual. We don't know anything about it really, and we don't know where to look for anything else. Everything seems to lead to a dead end online when we need a solution. Any help is greatly appreciated.""
""I was in a catastrophic car accident, can I sue my own insurance company?""
In 2010 I was in a catastrophic car accident on a state road. I lost control of my car and it rolled 3 times and I was ejected from the vehicle . I am blessed to be alive but had a laundry list of injuries. I was life flighted to the nearest trauma center and was in the ICU for 2 weeks and then the step down unit for a month. I had 7 broken ribs, 2 collapsed lungs, skull fracture, blew out my orbital floor, broken cheek bone, broken nose, shattered my left shoulder, and broke my back in 4 places. I am lucky to say that I am not paralyzed but it was a long recovery for my back. I still have a list of surgeries ahead of me. Since I was no in an accident with another vehicle can I sue my own car insurance (I have full tort)? How much do you think someone could get? I am not being greedy I have a lot of bills in front of me and not working is taking a toll on me.""
Where i can get car insurance groups explain?
Where i can get car insurance groups explain?
My car insurance monthly rate is $92 how much is my down payment?
i need to figure this out through here if possible, i will pay $92 a month, state farm wants a down payment though they haven't gotten back to me with how much I'm going to need - I was wondering if anyone here might possibly know. Thank you.""
Are States legally allowed to require car insurance?
Can the State legally mandate that citizens buy insurance from consumer agencies that have little to no regulation of price and guaranteed service? Can we consider this question with ...show more
How to calculate insurance quotations?
i want to know how insurance quotations are prepared?is there any software to prepare such quotations?what are the factors to be taken into account to prepare such quotations?
Can i have two car insurance one with no car on it?
i bought a car and my old insurance wouldnt let me add because i dont live with my parents anymore. now i live with my husband's family and they added my car and me to their insurance. now i have two insurance. one with no car and the other with the car.
I want to start a health insurance company how would I go about doing that?
I want to provide people with an affordable insurance that will also pay fair rates to the pharmacies and hospitals. I used to work for a pharmacy and saw how if the customer got a good price on a drug then the pharmacy got screwed over and vice versa. This needs to change, please help me make that change.""
Question for any car insurance agents...?
When sitting at a red light, how much distance is required in between cars? I ask because I was in a 3 car accident when I was rear ended and the impact caused me to be pushed into the car in front of me. Who is responsible for the damage to the last car?""
Which insurance company covers breast reduction surgery?
I currently have United Health Care and breast reduction surgery is an EXCLUSION. Has anyone had BRS and their insurance company paid for it? Which insurance company do you use?
California Traffic School Twice Within 18 months?
Can I do traffic school twice in California within 18 months? From what I think I understand the first citation is kept confidential. The second within 18 months is not. Can my insurance company raise my rates even though I did happen to take traffic school even though it was twice within 18 months. Will my insurance rise, if so how much?""
Meeting deductibles on health insurance?
okay so i am looking at the blue cross blue shield family plan in texas and for us three it costs $164 a month with a $2500 deductibile and then they pay 80% of the costs. So my question is, what does the deductible mean? sorry i come from free healthcare in the UK so I'm not used to paying for medical insurance. How does one meet a $2500 deductible before the insurance company can start paying for the rest of the medical stuff?? Is it met by constant hospital visits? doc visits? constant lab and xray tests?""
Car Insurance Toronto: Which car insurance company is cheap ? I am a first time car driver.?
I got a G2 lincence recently. I buy a car. Now i am looking for insurance. can any one recemande which car insurance is cheap. thanks for ur interest.
Car insurance bait and switch?
I admit I have a not so favorable driving record. The company I was with had elected to discontinue my coverage, leaving me to shop around. After calling every company I could think of, I got all extremely high, but understandable quotes. My last call was to a insurance broker . I know not the best route, but left with no other choice. The company got me a quote. . After I signed all paperwork and agreed to the deductions, I called the company just to verify all the information. All was said and fine. A week later they call to tell me the premium was significantly increased due to my record. While I understand, can they really tell me one thing first, have me agree and sign, then change it up like that? I had specifically asked if my record was already pulled and all my info was correct and they said yes.""
Roughly how much will my insurance premium increase if i totaled my car?
I have AAA full coverage with a 1000 deductible. On Saturday night, I totaled my car by losing control and slamming into the wall to avoid some idiot hitting my passenger side (with my friend sitting there). I'm 18 years old and I've had my license for almost three years (three years in January) and I've never a ticket or been in any other accident and in this accident, no other vehicle had contact with my car. I'm sorta just looking for a rough estimate on how much my insurance will go up. I currently pay 1,500 a year. Thanks in advancee.""
Car insurance question ?
My son's girlfriend signed her car over to my husband to get chraper imsurance for the two of them on his policy. I dont think this is a good idea, what could happen to us if they get in a major accident?""
Is HSA health insurance plan best for my situation?
I'm a 43-year-old very healthy woman who doesn't smoke. My children are on Oregon Health plan and my husband has several health problems and is on permanent disability and medicare. So..I don't qualify for Oregon health plan and we cannot afford most health insurance plans. So....I was thinking an HSA might be good for me since I have no health issues. To clarify, I am not interested in adding my children or husband to this. Just for myself...as they are already covered just fine. Wondering what the average cost per month is and wondering if it matters what credit score you have...because mine is very low currenty due to my husband's medical bills hurting our finances a few years back. Thank you!""
Insurance on a 1999 saab 9-5?
My dad says if I bought one the insurance rates would be extremely high even if we put him as the primary driver??? I'm 18 and irs either this or a 92 camaro will it be that expensive??
Hurley Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24620
Hurley Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24620
I got a ticket for 64 in a 55 mph zone. will my insurance go up?
im 19 and have had one bump up about 2 months ago and i just got a ticket for going 64 mph in a 55 zone. will my insurance rates go up?
What is the relationship between the MOT & car insurance?
My daughter had an accident whilst without an MOT. She has fully comp insurance but as her car was stationary and she was hit from behind and she has an independent witness. The other driver's insurance will have to pay. But does her not having an MOT present any problems? Thanks.
Cheep 4x4 with cheep insurance?
im preferably looking for a cheap 4x4 that would be a reasonable insurance i will also be 18 so im finding it hard to find one i don't want anything over a 1400 cc and also i will settle for a normal car but a 4x4 is my dream lol any help is welcome thanks
Can a 16 year old drive parent's car without insurance?
I am 16 years old, I already got my license for about 3 months. I do not have a car but I drive occasionally, using my sister's or my mom's car. One day, I drove my mom's car to school and my dad was very upset. He claimed that I can not drive her car because I do not have insurance yet. (There is insurance on ALL cars except my NAME is not on it). Since my name is not on the insurance, can I still drive her car?""
Will this affect my car insurance rates?
Once, several years ago I had given the information to the other person but had not heard from anyone several days later, so I called my insurance... sadly (my bad) I did not get the other persons information so I was told not to worry about it until the other person reported it... that never happened... what happens here????..""
""If a driver dies, does his family's insurance go up?""
I know it seems like a stupid question, but think about it. I share my insurance with my family, I'm added as an occasional driver to keep my costs low. If I were to die (Heaven forbid) in a car wreck, would my family's insurance go up? I'm just curious, and we are through Country if that makes any difference.""
Anybody know anything about NYS car insurance?
My car insurance lapsed and I didin't know about it, because I misunderstood my policy. My car is registered in my name, but my boyfriend still has current insurance for both of us through his (Geico.) Am I still covered? I'm scared I've been driving around uninsured, but I'm also scared to call the DMV, because I don't have an alternate means of transportation to work and school events. Please answer only if you're sure of your answer, this is a nerve racking situation. Thanks for the help!!""
I need to win this bet! $5000.00 on the line! Attn: Car insurance reps!!!?
Okay, my mother bet me a 5 thousand dollar car that she is right about this. Here we go. I am 27 and live back at home with parents. However, I rent a room that i pay for every month, and they write me a rent receipt, etc. I recieve county assistance every month, and they have me documented as a seperate family from my parents, meals prepared seperately, the whole nine yards. So, if they are just my landlords technically, and if i drive a car that is registered to me, my name on title, my OWN insurance policy, and I get into a accident in MY car, can they other party sue my parents for damages? Remember I am 28 years old, living in a seperate household from them. I feel that they cannot sue them cuz they couldnt sue my landlord if i lived in an apartment complex, so how coyuld they sue my landlords?""
Want to cancel my whole life insurance?
Back in July 09, I let my stepmother's boyfriend create a life insurance policy for me. He works as an agent for New York Life, and since I know nothing about insurance, I just let him take care of everything. For personal reasons, I want to cancel the insurance. I will get something else, probably term, very soon. I just still know nothing about insurance, so I have a few questions about my policy. I do have whole life insurance, so I should be able to get some money back, right? Currently, I have a $50k plan, and I pay just under $50 a month. I got this policy when I was 18, so the monthly cost seems a little high--especially since I have no dependents or debt. If I die tomorrow, I could still get a really nice funeral (not that I want one) and have it all payed in full from the money I have from my inheritance. Was I ripped off or is this pretty standard? Online, it says my Net Cash Value is $37.97. Is this the money I get back if I cancel? It seems low--it's only about 3.2% of the total amount I've paid. I was expecting some amount closer to 10%. Ideally, I'd like to cancel without talking to my agent. Is there any way I could do it through a general agent or online?""
How cheap can u get???
What is the cheapest car insurance for teenagers that u can get??? What company??? If it matters, I live in NC.""
What is the cheapest car insurance company ?
The only way i can get a inexpensive sports car is to find my dad a better insurance company.
Auto Insurance & Road Service Question?
Hi there, Thank you in advance for helping out! I want to know your advice and recommendation on which company to receive my auto insurance/road service from, and what sort of coverage is recommended. I have been with AAA my whole life because my father advocates highly for them so I have trusted his judgment and experience. But I think they may be ripping me off. I am a 27 year old single female with a good driving record (last accident was back in spring 2005 I believe). Yet, every single year they seem to increase my monthly payment by ~$10 and now I'm paying $118.25/month! Are they that superior a company that it is worth paying this and should I try to negotiate with them, or is it worth looking into some other companies such as Geico, State Farm, Progressive, etc. Ive been receiving invites from them for years and Liberty Mutual supposedly has some college alumni offer for me and claim to be ~$340 cheaper than 21st Century, Allstate, and Mercurybut I never trust ads anymore. I only believe concrete statistical comparison data. Also, my dad said road service is completely separate from auto insurance (although AAA handles both) and I pay $52/year to be part of his joint plan as a AAA Plus Dues - Associate. He said he believes this covers 6 visits/year, 100 miles, is the most basic plan, and he only got it because hes been with AAA for 30 years. Could I get a better deal elsewhere or is this fair enough to stick with? At the end of the day, I want decent coverage for the best price available. Im saving for a down payment on a home and have to scrape pennies from anywhere I can, but still do not want to be stranded at the time of an accident. I got some quotes online that were considerably cheaper, but if Im going to be screwed, then are the savings worthwhile? ============================================= As needed, here are details on my car and policy (please tell me which are unnecessary or should be edited): - Honda 2008 Civic LX 4-door sedan - Miles commute USED to be 50 miles one way ~3 days a week, but now I work from home every single day; Notes in Policy say: Prior and Future Annual Mi: 8,000 (22mi per day, so I wonder if they even counted my prior commute in this). - Policy has me down as a student, not sure why, been a full-time professional since Jan 2008 and now make 65K - Bodily Injury: Liability Limits Each person 50K; Liability Limits Each Occurrence 100K; Premium: $193 - Medical Payments: No coverage - Uninsured Motorists: Liability Limits Each person 50K; Liability Limits Each Occurrence 100K; Premium: $78 - Property Damage: Liability Limits Each Occurrence 50K; Premium: $192 - Comprehensive: Actual Cash Value Less Deductible; 100 Deductible; Premium: $242 - Collision: Actual Cash Value Less Deductible; 100 Deductible; Premium: $650 - Enhanced Transportation Expense: Premium: $28 - All Risks: Actual Cash Value Less Deductible; No coverage - Total Premium Per Vehicle (1 vehicle): $1,383 - Auto Death Benefits: 15K/driver listed with ADB coverage above - DSR (Driving Safety Record): 1 Pt - YDE (Years Driving Experience): 12 started at 18, Im 27so the actual is 9, but Ill take it. - Discounts: None except Good Driver(s): Items 01 and 01 is my Honda, so I guess this means Im a good driver (dont know why the price doesnt reflect it!) - Live in Berkeley, CA (zip code 94708) but am listed as Lafayette, CA (94549)  how do I check which zip is less money? Thanks so much for your advice!! =) I appreciate your time & insight.""
How much would insurance cost for a mazda rx7 as a young dirver?
i was thinking of getting a mazda rx7 for my first car. i know its a twin turbo which make it faster but , and im sure everybody heard this b4 but i wont b speeding in the car i realy just like the look and my parents friend is selling his so it is more handy.. im from ireland. can anybody tell me how much would it cost me and any way of getting cheaper insurance. thanks""
Average insurance rates for a retail store?
What would be the average insurance rate for a retail store that sells books? How much more would it be with a children's section? If a child was injured in the play section how much would the rates spike up? I need this for an economics class where we are theoretically building a buisness and running it. Any help is appreciated.
Comparing and contrasting life insurance?
was looking for some experianced and educated perspectives on taking the best approach considering life insurance for the first time at age 28 with 3 kids?
Can my car insurance be in a different name than the title of my car?
Can I put my car insurance in my dads name, if the title is in my boyfriend's name? I've heard that it doesn't matter as long as both people live with you, but is this true? I don't know!""
I am looking for my auto insurance statement so I can see if my husband paid our insurance?
where do i go on the net so that I can view our previous payments on our insurance
How much will my insurance go up?
I got a ticket today for reckless driving (drifted coming out of school.) I'm only 16 and I'm a male, so how much will my insurance go up?""
Is it hard to get on Insurance with no income?
I'm going to the doctor tomorrow due to a car wreck that happened last year. I have been experiencing a lot of pain. I was just wondering, Would it be hard for me to get on Insurance at 20 years old with no income (Due to the wreck and how much pain I'm actually In).""
What are some affordable car insurance companies?
i have three cars and i have three teens drivers and my dad and im looking for a low cost auto insurance does anybody know any and im also trying to get full coverage
About how much will car insurance cost me?
I'm 17, I live in texas, I have never gotten into an accident, ill be driving a 2002 SUV and I want to buy it for six months so about how much will it cost""
Insurance question?
hello, i have a new car, but do i really need insurance on the car?? will i still be able to get the yellow tags on my license plate if i dont have insurance>? does my registration have anything to do with insurance>?? thanks alot for your answers""
Should Obama be impeached for saying you can keep your insurance?
Should Obama be impeached for saying you can keep your insurance?
How much aproximately will my car insurance be for a peugeot 306 for a new driver?
the car is 1.4 engine size and a 1999 model
Teen drivers??? what is the average cost of insurance for a teenage girl?
its my first time buying insurance and im trying to average the cost and calculate some things...what do you pay?
Hurley Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24620
Hurley Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24620
What kind of car for cheapest insurance?
I'm 23
Insurance rate on 2010 camaro v6?
Hey ive jus finished drivers ed, and im turning 16 in the fall. Im planning on buying a v6 camaro in the spring and i want to know how much insurance would cost a month. (i live in canada)""
Car insurance question?
I have been driving for three years and am looking to upgrade cars. I drove a Vauxhall Agila for 2 and a half years and the last six months iv had a Pegeuot 206. I am 22 and my partner is 21. I have one years no claims and she has 0. The smaller the engine the cheaper the car is there a list some where that I can look through to find the cheap insurance cars? I want a 1.6 Astra but the insurance for the two of us is like 3k and I dont want to pay more then 2 really. As well as this, she had a bump not long back. She is on my insurance and if this guy claims do I lose my annual bonus or is it just her who loses it?""
Is Mitsubishi Lancer Coupe considered a Sports Car in Insurance?
Hi, im in australia planning to get a lancer coupe, not the sedan. they range in late 90 models. I cant tell if theyre a sports car or not by insurance companies. (sports car are more expensive). a small low budget economical 1.8L car wouldnt be classified as a sports. But then lancers were originally used in rally races. Can anyone tell me if this lancer would have higher insurance costs than a 4 door sedan version.""
Who offers the cheapest life insurance?
Who offers the cheapest life insurance?
Where is the best (and affordable) place to get Adult Braces in Chicago?
I need adult braces or something. I literally have fangs and a chipped tooth (yea its bad). I need to find a good dentist or orthodontist. Where is the best place in Chicago that is affordable or work with you for financing/payment plans?
Whats a good car insurance comapany in onatrio canada?
im just looking for regular insurance,nothing fancy.im a 34yr old male.thanks in advance.10 points for whoever gets the best company is my gift to you...""
Insurance and baby drama?
My boyfriend has another daughter that is placed on his insurance as is our daughter. Will this other kid effect my daughters benefits for being on his insurance along with the other kid?
What is a good health insurance company to get?
im 60 and in very good health, never been sick. im thinking about changing jobs and the job i might take doesnt have any insurance plan or anything. but a better job for me. how much would it cost for me to get my own insurance? iv heard it cost a lot. ( MONTHLY) ?""
Texas driver got speeding ticket in Washington state? Will my insurance know it?
While on a business trip I got a speeding ticket (5 over limit) in Washington state. I live in Texas and my license is issued by Texas. If I pay this ticket, ticket says it will go on my driving record. I assume they will send it to Tx. In that case, would my insurance rate increase because of this out-of-state speeding ticket? I am ok with paying the ticket, but I don't want to see my insurance increase. What are my options? Should I hire a traffic lawyer in WA to get rid of the ticket? Again, I live in Tx! Any re ommendations for me to get this issue resolved without insurance getting the ticket info.""
How to apply for cheap health insurance in California?? (plz read)?
Ok here is my scenario, I have a friend (only a friend not lover etc....)....she has a 7 year old kid, who is very ill and in the hospital, her hospital bills keep stacking up and as a single mother who only works part time she could not afford health insurance.... me being a good friend i would like to help her out apply for healthy families mediCal or anything like that for free, plus add additional insurance to keep her costs down....anyone suggest any plans or prices that would work good in my scenario, also my job offers health insurance for me and my family (im single) would they offer health insurance to my friends kid if i put them as beneficary or would that not work out???? (please help much gladly give 11 points to best helpful answer) kid is very ill almost like lukemia so asap is apprieated.... thanks Jeff""
Emancipated 16 year old car insurance help?
I am currently living with my parents and am soon to be emancipated. I was looking at some geico quotes, turned out for minimal coverage was 475$ per month. This was outragous and obviously way to much for any one to be able to afford. To have the type of coverage i would like was 10,000$ per year, the numbers were staggering. Anyway my question is it possible to get insurance at 16 years old on your own for a resonable price. If so with what car insurance company. I have a 3.0 and a perfect driving record, i do drive a camero z28 so i understand its going to be a little higher than average....""
Short vs. long term individual health insurance?
whats the better choice and why
What is the likely penalty for a new driver caught without insurance?
i know you get 6-8 points but what im really interested in knowing is what happens with the license ie if it is revoked, how long on average is the ban before you can sit the test again?""
Does AAA pay the difference of how much your car lost value if the accident was not your fault?
I was recently in an accident, but it was not at my fault. The insurance company is covering everything. If the car goes down in value, does AAA pay the difference that I lost in the car? Thanks! I have no-fault by AAA in Michigan.""
Is Gieco a good insurance company?
Okay, a few weeks ago I was out looking for a new car (2010 Scion tC) I got some pretty good quotes on it. But when I got the quote through my insurance broker I found out it would be $2600 a year cause of my age and gender (male, 22)! One of the car dealers called Gieco while I was there and put me on the phone with them and they got a quote for a little $150 a month if I sent them my college grades. Is this too good to be true? Or will they just charge me that when I start out and charge me fees later on?""
Teen insurance law in Texas?
I'm 18 year old that has a drivers license my parents are telling me because I have one the insurance company is tellin them it is a law for everyone in the household to pay for insurance of the 2 cars we have but I don't drive those 2 cars. Do I really have to pay just because I live with them?
3rd party comprehensive car insurance in bangalore?
I've a 1997 model maruti 800, just purchased from a seller, i got only the RC book, no insurance paid soo far, where do i make the insurance for this model car ? and what type of insurance is beneficial? am willing to sell the car after 10 months..? I called ICICILombard.. they refused as it is an old car. ???? Is there any logical reason behind an old car being refused for insurance??? what documents do i need to take care while insuring.. ???""
How do you go under someone elses insurance ?
im getting an m1 liscence and i was told insurance would be cheaper if i put the bike in my parents name and i was listed as someone who would drive it, so a few questions, would one of my parents need an m1 liscence, and how much qould it cost?""
""Dose my 400,000 SGLI military life insurance cover me off duty?""
i have been in 4 years and a spc in the colorado army national guard and i have 400,000 sgli life insurance. Someone told me on or off duty that life insurance covers me as long as i am in, is that true? I always thought it was on duty only life insurance so basically if one day off duty i get hit by a bus, that 400,000 dollars before taxes will be paid out to my beneficiaries the next couple of months after?? thanks.""
How much does a motorcycle insurance cost?
20 yrs old. ninja 250r 2009. Southern Cali
What is the name of the song on the JUST CAR insurance add on MTV ?
It the one with errbody beatboxing and this FLii as dude driving around with his blue car. There is an old as asian dude beatboxing and a couple of hot chicks as well. pls pls pls ...show more
Can anybody tell me where i can get cheap car insurance for my son he s 19 and has a full uk license?
Can anybody tell me where i can get cheap car insurance for my son he s 19 and has a full uk license?
California Insurance with Arizona license?
If i change my California drivers license to an Arizona one, do i have to tell my insurance company? If i do will this affect my policy in any way? thanks!""
How much would car insurance be monthly?
i turned 16 yesterday and will be getting my license and car in october. im applying for jobs tomorrow and im trying to see how much car insurance will be monthly. my car will be used, probably like a toyota corolla or something similar. i get a's and b's, what should i expect my car insurance to be monthly?""
Hurley Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24620
Hurley Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24620
0 notes
hildabolduc · 6 years
Protect Your Business in Divorce
Get this – 52 percent of all first marriages and 70 percent of second and third marriages end in divorce. Although divorces are always difficult for everyone involved, they can become that much more arduous when one or both spouses own a business.
Your business is probably the most valuable financial asset you own. You’ve spent countless hours and resources nurturing and growing it. But did you know that you might be unwittingly doing things that could put your business at risk in the event of a future divorce?
Depending on your individual circumstances, your spouse may be entitled to as much as 50 percent of your business in a divorce. Since it’s probably safe to assume that you will not want your ex-spouse to remain in your life as a business partner, what can you do to protect your business?
This article will first explain the basic differences between separate and marital property and then provide you with a number of effective tools that could help protect your business against the possibility of a divorce. We will also discuss several ways to mitigate the damage if you are already heading for divorce.
Before we begin, please keep in mind the following critical piece of advice:
In order to be effective, these protective methods must be in place well before the thought of divorce enters anyone’s mind. Obviously, something like a prenuptial agreement needs to be signed before the wedding (and please not the night before), but techniques such as transfers to an irrevocable trust need to be done years in advance. Depending on your state’s fraudulent transfer laws, transactions can be voided up to seven years after the transfer. If you and/or your spouse are even slightly thinking about divorce, it’s probably too late to take any protective measures.
OK, so let’s begin with the basic differences between separate and marital property.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Separate vs. Marital Property
Although there are differences from state to state, in general, separate property includes:
Property that was owned prior to the marriage
An inheritance received by one spouse solely
A gift received by one spouse solely from a third party (not from the other spouse)
The pain and suffering portion of a personal injury judgment
Warning: Separate property can lose its that status if it is mixed or commingled with marital property or vice versa. For example, if you re-title your separately owned condo by adding your spouse as a co-owner or if you deposit the inheritance from your parents into a joint bank account with your spouse, then that property will most likely now be considered marital property.
All other property that is acquired during the marriage is considered marital property regardless of which spouse owns the property or how it is titled.
Marital property consists of all income and assets acquired by either spouse during the marriage including, but not limited to: Pension plans; 401(k)s, IRAs and other retirement plans; deferred compensation; stock options; restricted stocks and other equity; bonuses; commissions; country club memberships; annuities; life insurance (especially those with cash values); brokerage accounts – mutual funds, stocks, bonds, etc; bank accounts – checking, savings, CDs, etc; closely-held businesses; professional practices and licenses; real estate; limited partnerships; cars, boats, etc; art, antiques; tax refunds.
In many jurisdictions, if your separately owned property increases in value during the marriage, that increase is also considered marital property.
It is also very important for you to know if you reside in a Community Property State or an Equitable Division State. There are nine Community Property States: Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin. These states consider both spouses as equal owners of all marital property (a 50-50 split is the rule). The remaining 41 states are Equitable-Distribution States, which consider factors such as the length of marriage and the spouse’s earning power and involvement in building the business when determining a settlement. Settlements in Equitable Distribution States do not need to be equal, but they should be fair (equitable).
You should fully understand this very important distinction between separate and marital property so that you do not inadvertently do anything that might cause your separate property to be construed as marital property.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
So what is a prenuptial agreement? A prenuptial agreement (prenup) is a contract signed by both parties before their wedding that details what their property rights and expectations (including alimony) would be upon divorce. A well-drafted prenup can “override” both Community Property and Equitable Distribution State laws and the courts will usually respect such agreements, making them a very powerful tool in protecting your business.
Having said that, prenups can be rather tricky, so it is really important that they are well drafted. To strengthen them, each to-be spouse should be represented by their own attorney. In most jurisdictions prenups should contain the following vital elements:
The agreement must be in writing (No oral prenups)
It must be executed voluntarily and without coercion (having your fiancé sign a prenup the day before the wedding is a good way to invalidate that prenup)
There must be full disclosure (no hiding of assets) – this is another way to invalidate a prenup
The agreement cannot be unconscionable (this is also another way to invalidate a prenup). For example, if you’re making millions, don’t expect to get away with only giving up the silverware in the divorce, even if that’s what’s in the prenup.
It must be  executed by both parties, preferably in front of witnesses (or a notary)
Some attorneys even recommend having a judge witness the signing to make sure that no party was coerced.
By using a prenuptial agreement, the parties can decide in advanced what property will be considered separate property and what property will be considered marital property and how that marital property should be divided.
A prenup is probably one of the best and least expensive ways of protecting your business against a future divorce.
But if you don’t get a prenup put in place, a postnuptial agreement may be an option. It is similar to a prenuptial agreement except that it is, as the name implies, entered into and signed after marriage. In order to be valid, a postnup should contain the same vital elements as a prenup.
Having said that, a number of states still don’t recognized postnups and even when they do, postnups are challenged and invalidated much more frequently than prenups.
Here’s why: Before marriage, the parties are entering into an agreement much like two business people entering into a contract and neither party has any legal family law rights on the other. Theoretically, if they don’t like the contract, either party can walk away. However after marriage, the situation is very different. The married couple now have very well defined legal rights regarding support and property division and they are considered to be in a fiduciary relationship with each other, meaning each party has to act in the best interests of the other party. Therefore, any transactions between them will be viewed with caution by the courts. By negotiating a postnuptial agreement, one party will typically be giving up some of these rights and that’s why postnups will usually be held to a higher standard of fairness than prenups (on the theory that individuals have less bargaining power once married).
Nevertheless, if you don’t have a prenup, try to get a postnup. It’s better than nothing. Just understand that a postnup is not nearly as ironclad as a prenup and you never know how the courts will act if one spouse decides not to abide by the terms of the postnup.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Using a Partnership, Shareholder, LLC and/or Buy-Sell Agreements to “Lock-out” Your Spouse.
Partnership, shareholder and/or operating agreements should include various provisions that would protect the interests of the other owners if one of the owners gets divorced, including:
A requirement that unmarried shareholders provide the company with a prenup agreement prior to marriage along with a waiver by the owner’s spouse-to-be of his or her future interest in the business.
A prohibition against the transfer of shares without the approval of the other partners or shareholders and the right, but not the obligation, of the partners or shareholders to purchase the shares or interest of one or both of the divorcing parties so that the other owners can maintain their control of the business.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Pay Yourself a Competitive Salary
This point is often overlooked. If you don’t pay yourself a competitive salary and instead reinvest everything back into the business, your soon to be ex-spouse might claim that he or she is entitled to more money or a larger percentage of your business because he or she did not derive any benefit and all your money went back into the business instead of the household.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Think Twice About Involving Your Spouse in Your Business
As we discussed earlier, all or part of your business will probably be considered marital property. If your spouse was employed by you or your company, helped run the company in any way or even contributed business ideas during your marriage, then he or she may be entitled to a substantial percentage of your business. The more involved in your business your spouse was, the bigger that percentage would be. If you have partners in your business, then your spouse would own a percentage of your share.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: How to “Pay-off” Your Spouse
If for whatever reason you were not able to adequately protect your business and now your spouse is entitled to an ownership interest, here are some ways to pay him or her off (I’m assuming your don’t want to be business partners after the divorce):
Use your share of other marital assets including cash, stocks, real estate, retirement funds, etc.
Property Settlement Note – this is a long-term payout (with interest) of the amount you owe your ex-spouse for the value of her share of the business.
Sell the business and divide the sales price. This is obviously the least preferred method, but all too common. When the business represents the vast majority of all assets, there just may be no other way to pay-off the other spouse.
Free Consultation with Divorce and Business Lawyer in Utah
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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michaeljames1221 · 6 years
Protect Your Business in Divorce
Get this – 52 percent of all first marriages and 70 percent of second and third marriages end in divorce. Although divorces are always difficult for everyone involved, they can become that much more arduous when one or both spouses own a business.
Your business is probably the most valuable financial asset you own. You’ve spent countless hours and resources nurturing and growing it. But did you know that you might be unwittingly doing things that could put your business at risk in the event of a future divorce?
Depending on your individual circumstances, your spouse may be entitled to as much as 50 percent of your business in a divorce. Since it’s probably safe to assume that you will not want your ex-spouse to remain in your life as a business partner, what can you do to protect your business?
This article will first explain the basic differences between separate and marital property and then provide you with a number of effective tools that could help protect your business against the possibility of a divorce. We will also discuss several ways to mitigate the damage if you are already heading for divorce.
Before we begin, please keep in mind the following critical piece of advice:
In order to be effective, these protective methods must be in place well before the thought of divorce enters anyone’s mind. Obviously, something like a prenuptial agreement needs to be signed before the wedding (and please not the night before), but techniques such as transfers to an irrevocable trust need to be done years in advance. Depending on your state’s fraudulent transfer laws, transactions can be voided up to seven years after the transfer. If you and/or your spouse are even slightly thinking about divorce, it’s probably too late to take any protective measures.
OK, so let’s begin with the basic differences between separate and marital property.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Separate vs. Marital Property
Although there are differences from state to state, in general, separate property includes:
Property that was owned prior to the marriage
An inheritance received by one spouse solely
A gift received by one spouse solely from a third party (not from the other spouse)
The pain and suffering portion of a personal injury judgment
Warning: Separate property can lose its that status if it is mixed or commingled with marital property or vice versa. For example, if you re-title your separately owned condo by adding your spouse as a co-owner or if you deposit the inheritance from your parents into a joint bank account with your spouse, then that property will most likely now be considered marital property.
All other property that is acquired during the marriage is considered marital property regardless of which spouse owns the property or how it is titled.
Marital property consists of all income and assets acquired by either spouse during the marriage including, but not limited to: Pension plans; 401(k)s, IRAs and other retirement plans; deferred compensation; stock options; restricted stocks and other equity; bonuses; commissions; country club memberships; annuities; life insurance (especially those with cash values); brokerage accounts – mutual funds, stocks, bonds, etc; bank accounts – checking, savings, CDs, etc; closely-held businesses; professional practices and licenses; real estate; limited partnerships; cars, boats, etc; art, antiques; tax refunds.
In many jurisdictions, if your separately owned property increases in value during the marriage, that increase is also considered marital property.
It is also very important for you to know if you reside in a Community Property State or an Equitable Division State. There are nine Community Property States: Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin. These states consider both spouses as equal owners of all marital property (a 50-50 split is the rule). The remaining 41 states are Equitable-Distribution States, which consider factors such as the length of marriage and the spouse’s earning power and involvement in building the business when determining a settlement. Settlements in Equitable Distribution States do not need to be equal, but they should be fair (equitable).
You should fully understand this very important distinction between separate and marital property so that you do not inadvertently do anything that might cause your separate property to be construed as marital property.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
So what is a prenuptial agreement? A prenuptial agreement (prenup) is a contract signed by both parties before their wedding that details what their property rights and expectations (including alimony) would be upon divorce. A well-drafted prenup can “override” both Community Property and Equitable Distribution State laws and the courts will usually respect such agreements, making them a very powerful tool in protecting your business.
Having said that, prenups can be rather tricky, so it is really important that they are well drafted. To strengthen them, each to-be spouse should be represented by their own attorney. In most jurisdictions prenups should contain the following vital elements:
The agreement must be in writing (No oral prenups)
It must be executed voluntarily and without coercion (having your fiancé sign a prenup the day before the wedding is a good way to invalidate that prenup)
There must be full disclosure (no hiding of assets) – this is another way to invalidate a prenup
The agreement cannot be unconscionable (this is also another way to invalidate a prenup). For example, if you’re making millions, don’t expect to get away with only giving up the silverware in the divorce, even if that’s what’s in the prenup.
It must be  executed by both parties, preferably in front of witnesses (or a notary)
Some attorneys even recommend having a judge witness the signing to make sure that no party was coerced.
By using a prenuptial agreement, the parties can decide in advanced what property will be considered separate property and what property will be considered marital property and how that marital property should be divided.
A prenup is probably one of the best and least expensive ways of protecting your business against a future divorce.
But if you don’t get a prenup put in place, a postnuptial agreement may be an option. It is similar to a prenuptial agreement except that it is, as the name implies, entered into and signed after marriage. In order to be valid, a postnup should contain the same vital elements as a prenup.
Having said that, a number of states still don’t recognized postnups and even when they do, postnups are challenged and invalidated much more frequently than prenups.
Here’s why: Before marriage, the parties are entering into an agreement much like two business people entering into a contract and neither party has any legal family law rights on the other. Theoretically, if they don’t like the contract, either party can walk away. However after marriage, the situation is very different. The married couple now have very well defined legal rights regarding support and property division and they are considered to be in a fiduciary relationship with each other, meaning each party has to act in the best interests of the other party. Therefore, any transactions between them will be viewed with caution by the courts. By negotiating a postnuptial agreement, one party will typically be giving up some of these rights and that’s why postnups will usually be held to a higher standard of fairness than prenups (on the theory that individuals have less bargaining power once married).
Nevertheless, if you don’t have a prenup, try to get a postnup. It’s better than nothing. Just understand that a postnup is not nearly as ironclad as a prenup and you never know how the courts will act if one spouse decides not to abide by the terms of the postnup.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Using a Partnership, Shareholder, LLC and/or Buy-Sell Agreements to “Lock-out” Your Spouse.
Partnership, shareholder and/or operating agreements should include various provisions that would protect the interests of the other owners if one of the owners gets divorced, including:
A requirement that unmarried shareholders provide the company with a prenup agreement prior to marriage along with a waiver by the owner’s spouse-to-be of his or her future interest in the business.
A prohibition against the transfer of shares without the approval of the other partners or shareholders and the right, but not the obligation, of the partners or shareholders to purchase the shares or interest of one or both of the divorcing parties so that the other owners can maintain their control of the business.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Pay Yourself a Competitive Salary
This point is often overlooked. If you don’t pay yourself a competitive salary and instead reinvest everything back into the business, your soon to be ex-spouse might claim that he or she is entitled to more money or a larger percentage of your business because he or she did not derive any benefit and all your money went back into the business instead of the household.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Think Twice About Involving Your Spouse in Your Business
As we discussed earlier, all or part of your business will probably be considered marital property. If your spouse was employed by you or your company, helped run the company in any way or even contributed business ideas during your marriage, then he or she may be entitled to a substantial percentage of your business. The more involved in your business your spouse was, the bigger that percentage would be. If you have partners in your business, then your spouse would own a percentage of your share.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: How to “Pay-off” Your Spouse
If for whatever reason you were not able to adequately protect your business and now your spouse is entitled to an ownership interest, here are some ways to pay him or her off (I’m assuming your don’t want to be business partners after the divorce):
Use your share of other marital assets including cash, stocks, real estate, retirement funds, etc.
Property Settlement Note – this is a long-term payout (with interest) of the amount you owe your ex-spouse for the value of her share of the business.
Sell the business and divide the sales price. This is obviously the least preferred method, but all too common. When the business represents the vast majority of all assets, there just may be no other way to pay-off the other spouse. 
Free Consultation with Divorce and Business Lawyer in Utah
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Michael Anderson http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/protect-your-business-in-divorce/
from Criminal Defense Lawyer West Jordan Utah https://criminaldefenselawyerwestjordanutah.wordpress.com/2018/06/14/protect-your-business-in-divorce/
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vodsel-prime · 6 years
Protect Your Business in Divorce
Get this – 52 percent of all first marriages and 70 percent of second and third marriages end in divorce. Although divorces are always difficult for everyone involved, they can become that much more arduous when one or both spouses own a business.
Your business is probably the most valuable financial asset you own. You’ve spent countless hours and resources nurturing and growing it. But did you know that you might be unwittingly doing things that could put your business at risk in the event of a future divorce?
Depending on your individual circumstances, your spouse may be entitled to as much as 50 percent of your business in a divorce. Since it’s probably safe to assume that you will not want your ex-spouse to remain in your life as a business partner, what can you do to protect your business?
This article will first explain the basic differences between separate and marital property and then provide you with a number of effective tools that could help protect your business against the possibility of a divorce. We will also discuss several ways to mitigate the damage if you are already heading for divorce.
Before we begin, please keep in mind the following critical piece of advice:
In order to be effective, these protective methods must be in place well before the thought of divorce enters anyone’s mind. Obviously, something like a prenuptial agreement needs to be signed before the wedding (and please not the night before), but techniques such as transfers to an irrevocable trust need to be done years in advance. Depending on your state’s fraudulent transfer laws, transactions can be voided up to seven years after the transfer. If you and/or your spouse are even slightly thinking about divorce, it’s probably too late to take any protective measures.
OK, so let’s begin with the basic differences between separate and marital property.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Separate vs. Marital Property
Although there are differences from state to state, in general, separate property includes:
Property that was owned prior to the marriage
An inheritance received by one spouse solely
A gift received by one spouse solely from a third party (not from the other spouse)
The pain and suffering portion of a personal injury judgment
Warning: Separate property can lose its that status if it is mixed or commingled with marital property or vice versa. For example, if you re-title your separately owned condo by adding your spouse as a co-owner or if you deposit the inheritance from your parents into a joint bank account with your spouse, then that property will most likely now be considered marital property.
All other property that is acquired during the marriage is considered marital property regardless of which spouse owns the property or how it is titled.
Marital property consists of all income and assets acquired by either spouse during the marriage including, but not limited to: Pension plans; 401(k)s, IRAs and other retirement plans; deferred compensation; stock options; restricted stocks and other equity; bonuses; commissions; country club memberships; annuities; life insurance (especially those with cash values); brokerage accounts – mutual funds, stocks, bonds, etc; bank accounts – checking, savings, CDs, etc; closely-held businesses; professional practices and licenses; real estate; limited partnerships; cars, boats, etc; art, antiques; tax refunds.
In many jurisdictions, if your separately owned property increases in value during the marriage, that increase is also considered marital property.
It is also very important for you to know if you reside in a Community Property State or an Equitable Division State. There are nine Community Property States: Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin. These states consider both spouses as equal owners of all marital property (a 50-50 split is the rule). The remaining 41 states are Equitable-Distribution States, which consider factors such as the length of marriage and the spouse’s earning power and involvement in building the business when determining a settlement. Settlements in Equitable Distribution States do not need to be equal, but they should be fair (equitable).
You should fully understand this very important distinction between separate and marital property so that you do not inadvertently do anything that might cause your separate property to be construed as marital property.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
So what is a prenuptial agreement? A prenuptial agreement (prenup) is a contract signed by both parties before their wedding that details what their property rights and expectations (including alimony) would be upon divorce. A well-drafted prenup can “override” both Community Property and Equitable Distribution State laws and the courts will usually respect such agreements, making them a very powerful tool in protecting your business.
Having said that, prenups can be rather tricky, so it is really important that they are well drafted. To strengthen them, each to-be spouse should be represented by their own attorney. In most jurisdictions prenups should contain the following vital elements:
The agreement must be in writing (No oral prenups)
It must be executed voluntarily and without coercion (having your fiancé sign a prenup the day before the wedding is a good way to invalidate that prenup)
There must be full disclosure (no hiding of assets) – this is another way to invalidate a prenup
The agreement cannot be unconscionable (this is also another way to invalidate a prenup). For example, if you’re making millions, don’t expect to get away with only giving up the silverware in the divorce, even if that’s what’s in the prenup.
It must be  executed by both parties, preferably in front of witnesses (or a notary)
Some attorneys even recommend having a judge witness the signing to make sure that no party was coerced.
By using a prenuptial agreement, the parties can decide in advanced what property will be considered separate property and what property will be considered marital property and how that marital property should be divided.
A prenup is probably one of the best and least expensive ways of protecting your business against a future divorce.
But if you don’t get a prenup put in place, a postnuptial agreement may be an option. It is similar to a prenuptial agreement except that it is, as the name implies, entered into and signed after marriage. In order to be valid, a postnup should contain the same vital elements as a prenup.
Having said that, a number of states still don’t recognized postnups and even when they do, postnups are challenged and invalidated much more frequently than prenups.
Here’s why: Before marriage, the parties are entering into an agreement much like two business people entering into a contract and neither party has any legal family law rights on the other. Theoretically, if they don’t like the contract, either party can walk away. However after marriage, the situation is very different. The married couple now have very well defined legal rights regarding support and property division and they are considered to be in a fiduciary relationship with each other, meaning each party has to act in the best interests of the other party. Therefore, any transactions between them will be viewed with caution by the courts. By negotiating a postnuptial agreement, one party will typically be giving up some of these rights and that’s why postnups will usually be held to a higher standard of fairness than prenups (on the theory that individuals have less bargaining power once married).
Nevertheless, if you don’t have a prenup, try to get a postnup. It’s better than nothing. Just understand that a postnup is not nearly as ironclad as a prenup and you never know how the courts will act if one spouse decides not to abide by the terms of the postnup.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Using a Partnership, Shareholder, LLC and/or Buy-Sell Agreements to “Lock-out” Your Spouse.
Partnership, shareholder and/or operating agreements should include various provisions that would protect the interests of the other owners if one of the owners gets divorced, including:
A requirement that unmarried shareholders provide the company with a prenup agreement prior to marriage along with a waiver by the owner’s spouse-to-be of his or her future interest in the business.
A prohibition against the transfer of shares without the approval of the other partners or shareholders and the right, but not the obligation, of the partners or shareholders to purchase the shares or interest of one or both of the divorcing parties so that the other owners can maintain their control of the business.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Pay Yourself a Competitive Salary
This point is often overlooked. If you don’t pay yourself a competitive salary and instead reinvest everything back into the business, your soon to be ex-spouse might claim that he or she is entitled to more money or a larger percentage of your business because he or she did not derive any benefit and all your money went back into the business instead of the household.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Think Twice About Involving Your Spouse in Your Business
As we discussed earlier, all or part of your business will probably be considered marital property. If your spouse was employed by you or your company, helped run the company in any way or even contributed business ideas during your marriage, then he or she may be entitled to a substantial percentage of your business. The more involved in your business your spouse was, the bigger that percentage would be. If you have partners in your business, then your spouse would own a percentage of your share.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: How to “Pay-off” Your Spouse
If for whatever reason you were not able to adequately protect your business and now your spouse is entitled to an ownership interest, here are some ways to pay him or her off (I’m assuming your don’t want to be business partners after the divorce):
Use your share of other marital assets including cash, stocks, real estate, retirement funds, etc.
Property Settlement Note – this is a long-term payout (with interest) of the amount you owe your ex-spouse for the value of her share of the business.
Sell the business and divide the sales price. This is obviously the least preferred method, but all too common. When the business represents the vast majority of all assets, there just may be no other way to pay-off the other spouse. 
Free Consultation with Divorce and Business Lawyer in Utah
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/protect-your-business-in-divorce/
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Protect Your Business in Divorce
Get this – 52 percent of all first marriages and 70 percent of second and third marriages end in divorce. Although divorces are always difficult for everyone involved, they can become that much more arduous when one or both spouses own a business.
Your business is probably the most valuable financial asset you own. You’ve spent countless hours and resources nurturing and growing it. But did you know that you might be unwittingly doing things that could put your business at risk in the event of a future divorce?
Depending on your individual circumstances, your spouse may be entitled to as much as 50 percent of your business in a divorce. Since it’s probably safe to assume that you will not want your ex-spouse to remain in your life as a business partner, what can you do to protect your business?
This article will first explain the basic differences between separate and marital property and then provide you with a number of effective tools that could help protect your business against the possibility of a divorce. We will also discuss several ways to mitigate the damage if you are already heading for divorce.
Before we begin, please keep in mind the following critical piece of advice:
In order to be effective, these protective methods must be in place well before the thought of divorce enters anyone’s mind. Obviously, something like a prenuptial agreement needs to be signed before the wedding (and please not the night before), but techniques such as transfers to an irrevocable trust need to be done years in advance. Depending on your state’s fraudulent transfer laws, transactions can be voided up to seven years after the transfer. If you and/or your spouse are even slightly thinking about divorce, it’s probably too late to take any protective measures.
OK, so let’s begin with the basic differences between separate and marital property.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Separate vs. Marital Property
Although there are differences from state to state, in general, separate property includes:
Property that was owned prior to the marriage
An inheritance received by one spouse solely
A gift received by one spouse solely from a third party (not from the other spouse)
The pain and suffering portion of a personal injury judgment
Warning: Separate property can lose its that status if it is mixed or commingled with marital property or vice versa. For example, if you re-title your separately owned condo by adding your spouse as a co-owner or if you deposit the inheritance from your parents into a joint bank account with your spouse, then that property will most likely now be considered marital property.
All other property that is acquired during the marriage is considered marital property regardless of which spouse owns the property or how it is titled.
Marital property consists of all income and assets acquired by either spouse during the marriage including, but not limited to: Pension plans; 401(k)s, IRAs and other retirement plans; deferred compensation; stock options; restricted stocks and other equity; bonuses; commissions; country club memberships; annuities; life insurance (especially those with cash values); brokerage accounts – mutual funds, stocks, bonds, etc; bank accounts – checking, savings, CDs, etc; closely-held businesses; professional practices and licenses; real estate; limited partnerships; cars, boats, etc; art, antiques; tax refunds.
In many jurisdictions, if your separately owned property increases in value during the marriage, that increase is also considered marital property.
It is also very important for you to know if you reside in a Community Property State or an Equitable Division State. There are nine Community Property States: Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin. These states consider both spouses as equal owners of all marital property (a 50-50 split is the rule). The remaining 41 states are Equitable-Distribution States, which consider factors such as the length of marriage and the spouse’s earning power and involvement in building the business when determining a settlement. Settlements in Equitable Distribution States do not need to be equal, but they should be fair (equitable).
You should fully understand this very important distinction between separate and marital property so that you do not inadvertently do anything that might cause your separate property to be construed as marital property.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
So what is a prenuptial agreement? A prenuptial agreement (prenup) is a contract signed by both parties before their wedding that details what their property rights and expectations (including alimony) would be upon divorce. A well-drafted prenup can “override” both Community Property and Equitable Distribution State laws and the courts will usually respect such agreements, making them a very powerful tool in protecting your business.
Having said that, prenups can be rather tricky, so it is really important that they are well drafted. To strengthen them, each to-be spouse should be represented by their own attorney. In most jurisdictions prenups should contain the following vital elements:
The agreement must be in writing (No oral prenups)
It must be executed voluntarily and without coercion (having your fiancé sign a prenup the day before the wedding is a good way to invalidate that prenup)
There must be full disclosure (no hiding of assets) – this is another way to invalidate a prenup
The agreement cannot be unconscionable (this is also another way to invalidate a prenup). For example, if you’re making millions, don’t expect to get away with only giving up the silverware in the divorce, even if that’s what’s in the prenup.
It must be  executed by both parties, preferably in front of witnesses (or a notary)
Some attorneys even recommend having a judge witness the signing to make sure that no party was coerced.
By using a prenuptial agreement, the parties can decide in advanced what property will be considered separate property and what property will be considered marital property and how that marital property should be divided.
A prenup is probably one of the best and least expensive ways of protecting your business against a future divorce.
But if you don’t get a prenup put in place, a postnuptial agreement may be an option. It is similar to a prenuptial agreement except that it is, as the name implies, entered into and signed after marriage. In order to be valid, a postnup should contain the same vital elements as a prenup.
Having said that, a number of states still don’t recognized postnups and even when they do, postnups are challenged and invalidated much more frequently than prenups.
Here’s why: Before marriage, the parties are entering into an agreement much like two business people entering into a contract and neither party has any legal family law rights on the other. Theoretically, if they don’t like the contract, either party can walk away. However after marriage, the situation is very different. The married couple now have very well defined legal rights regarding support and property division and they are considered to be in a fiduciary relationship with each other, meaning each party has to act in the best interests of the other party. Therefore, any transactions between them will be viewed with caution by the courts. By negotiating a postnuptial agreement, one party will typically be giving up some of these rights and that’s why postnups will usually be held to a higher standard of fairness than prenups (on the theory that individuals have less bargaining power once married).
Nevertheless, if you don’t have a prenup, try to get a postnup. It’s better than nothing. Just understand that a postnup is not nearly as ironclad as a prenup and you never know how the courts will act if one spouse decides not to abide by the terms of the postnup.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Using a Partnership, Shareholder, LLC and/or Buy-Sell Agreements to “Lock-out” Your Spouse.
Partnership, shareholder and/or operating agreements should include various provisions that would protect the interests of the other owners if one of the owners gets divorced, including:
A requirement that unmarried shareholders provide the company with a prenup agreement prior to marriage along with a waiver by the owner’s spouse-to-be of his or her future interest in the business.
A prohibition against the transfer of shares without the approval of the other partners or shareholders and the right, but not the obligation, of the partners or shareholders to purchase the shares or interest of one or both of the divorcing parties so that the other owners can maintain their control of the business.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Pay Yourself a Competitive Salary
This point is often overlooked. If you don’t pay yourself a competitive salary and instead reinvest everything back into the business, your soon to be ex-spouse might claim that he or she is entitled to more money or a larger percentage of your business because he or she did not derive any benefit and all your money went back into the business instead of the household.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Think Twice About Involving Your Spouse in Your Business
As we discussed earlier, all or part of your business will probably be considered marital property. If your spouse was employed by you or your company, helped run the company in any way or even contributed business ideas during your marriage, then he or she may be entitled to a substantial percentage of your business. The more involved in your business your spouse was, the bigger that percentage would be. If you have partners in your business, then your spouse would own a percentage of your share.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: How to “Pay-off” Your Spouse
If for whatever reason you were not able to adequately protect your business and now your spouse is entitled to an ownership interest, here are some ways to pay him or her off (I’m assuming your don’t want to be business partners after the divorce):
Use your share of other marital assets including cash, stocks, real estate, retirement funds, etc.
Property Settlement Note – this is a long-term payout (with interest) of the amount you owe your ex-spouse for the value of her share of the business.
Sell the business and divide the sales price. This is obviously the least preferred method, but all too common. When the business represents the vast majority of all assets, there just may be no other way to pay-off the other spouse.
Free Consultation with Divorce and Business Lawyer in Utah
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/protect-your-business-in-divorce/
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renojobshub · 4 years
System Administrators, UC
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System Administrators, UC
University of Nevada, Reno – Main Campus
The University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) appreciates your interest in employment at our growing institution. We want your application process to go smoothly and quickly. We ask that you keep in mind the following when completing your application:
Required attachments are listed below on the posting. Your application will not be considered without the required attachments.
Draft applications are saved automatically and can be accessed through your candidate home account. Final applications must be submitted prior to the close of the recruitment. Once a recruitment has closed, applications will no longer be accepted.
If you need assistance or have questions regarding the application process, please contact the Human Resources helpline at (775) 784-1495 or [email protected] .
For UNR Med professional job postings, if you have questions or need assistance regarding the application process, please contact the Office of Professional Recruitment at (775) 784-6778.
Job Description
The University of Nevada, Reno, Information Technology is recruiting for a System Administrator/Senior System Administrator, Unified Communications (UC). System Administrator, Unified Communications positions are responsible for voice and data systems programming, administration and support. The System Administrator(s) works within the team of system administrators responsible for administering, maintaining, updating, and repairing communication, email, VOIP and other systems. This position reports to the Manager, Unified Communications in Information Technology (IT). The Manager reports to the Director, Networking and Unified Communications.
System Administrator, UC The System Administrator, UC, works within the team of system administrators responsible for administering, maintaining, updating, and repairing communication, email, VOIP and other systems. The System Administrator, UC is the technical resource for the Unified Communications department under limited direction from the Senior System Administrators and Manager. The position manages assigned projects as assigned by the UC Manager. Senior System Administrator, UC The Senior System Administrator, UC heads the team of system administrators and is the expert in the area of unified communications. The position handles the most complex problems and guides the group in completing assignments and training of new System Administrators and troubleshooting. The Senior System Administrator, UC is able to serve as a technical resource with comprehensive knowledge of UC systems.
Required Qualifications System Administrator High school graduation and four years of related work experience or a an associate’s degree and three years of related work experience or a bachelor’s degree and two years of related work experience or a master’s degree and one year of related work experience. Related experience: IT experience in an enterprise or university environment or voice/date environment.
Senior System Administrator Bachelor’s degree and four years of related work experience or a master’s degree and two years of related work experience. Related experience: IT experience in an enterprise or university environment and voice/data environment.
Compensation Grade System Administrator – Comp Grade B Senior System Administrator – Comp Grade C Candidates will be hired at the level that is comparable to their experience, knowledge, skills and abilities.
Schedule or Travel Requirements Occasional work outside typical hours is required Occasional travel
Total Compensation The total compensation package includes a negotiable competitive salary, moving allowance (if applicable), a rich retirement plan, health insurance options that include dental and vision, life insurance, long-term disability, along with many other benefits. Additionally, there is a grant-in-aid educational benefit for faculty and dependents. For more information, please visit: UNR Benefits Faculty Dual Career Assistance Program The University of Nevada, Reno recognizes the importance of addressing dual-career couples’ professional needs. We offer a dual career assistance program to newly hired faculty spouses/partners that provides resources and assists them to identify career opportunities in Northern Nevada. Dual Career Program
Exempt Yes
Full-Time Equivalent 100.0%
Required Attachment(s) Please note, once you submit your application the only attachment/s viewable to you will be the attachment/s to the resume/CV section of the application. Any additional required attachment/s to the cover letter, references, additional documents sections of the application, will not be viewable to you after you submit your application. All uploaded attachment/s will be on the application for the committee to review. To request updates to attachments, prior to the committee review of applications, please contact the candidate helpdesk at [email protected] .
Attach the following attachments to your application 1) Resume/CV 2) Cover Letter 3) Contact Information for Three Professional References 4) Please write a brief statement (one page maximum) about how you would contribute toward our mission of creating a culturally inclusive environment in the role for which you are applying.
Posting Close Time This posting will close at 12:00 am on the date listed below. The posting will no longer be available to apply to after 11:59 pm the day prior.
Posting Close Date 01/21/2020
Note to Applicant A background check will be conducted on the candidate(s) selected for hire.
HR will attempt to verify academic credentials upon receipt of hiring documents. If the academic credentials cannot be verified, HR will notify the faculty member that an official transcript of their highest degree must be submitted within thirty days of the faculty member’s first day of employment.
References will be contacted at the appropriate phase of the recruitment process.
Applicants hired on a federal contract may be subject to E-Verify.
As part of the hiring process, applicants for positions in the Nevada System of Higher Education may be required to demonstrate the ability to perform job-related tasks.
For positions that require driving, evidence of a valid driver’s license will be required at the time of employment and as a condition of continued employment.
Schedules are subject to change based on organizational needs.
University of Nevada, Reno
To apply, visit https://nshe.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/UNR-external/job/University-of-Nevada-Reno—Main-Campus/System-Administrators–UC_R0119238 .
Founded in 1874, the University of Nevada, Reno is the State of Nevada-s land grant institution with a statewide mission and presence. The University of Nevada, Reno is a Carnegie I Research Institution and has been recognized as a -Top Tier- Best National University by U.S. News & World Report. With an enrollment of nearly 21,000 students we offer 145 Tier 1 accredited degree programs. Located in the picturesque Truckee Meadows the University of Nevada, Reno is surrounded by numerous state and national parks, is 45 minutes from beautiful Lake Tahoe, and four hours from San Francisco.
The University of Nevada, Reno recognizes that diversity promotes excellence in education and research. We are an inclusive and engaged community and recognize the added value that students, faculty, and staff from different backgrounds bring to the educational experience.
The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) is committed to providing a place of work and learning free of discrimination on the basis of a person-s age, disability, whether actual or perceived by others (including service-connected disabilities), gender (including pregnancy related conditions), military status or military obligations, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, national origin, race, or religion.
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bestutahattorneys3 · 6 years
Protect Your Business in Divorce
Get this – 52 percent of all first marriages and 70 percent of second and third marriages end in divorce. Although divorces are always difficult for everyone involved, they can become that much more arduous when one or both spouses own a business.
Your business is probably the most valuable financial asset you own. You’ve spent countless hours and resources nurturing and growing it. But did you know that you might be unwittingly doing things that could put your business at risk in the event of a future divorce?
Depending on your individual circumstances, your spouse may be entitled to as much as 50 percent of your business in a divorce. Since it’s probably safe to assume that you will not want your ex-spouse to remain in your life as a business partner, what can you do to protect your business?
This article will first explain the basic differences between separate and marital property and then provide you with a number of effective tools that could help protect your business against the possibility of a divorce. We will also discuss several ways to mitigate the damage if you are already heading for divorce.
Before we begin, please keep in mind the following critical piece of advice:
In order to be effective, these protective methods must be in place well before the thought of divorce enters anyone’s mind. Obviously, something like a prenuptial agreement needs to be signed before the wedding (and please not the night before), but techniques such as transfers to an irrevocable trust need to be done years in advance. Depending on your state’s fraudulent transfer laws, transactions can be voided up to seven years after the transfer. If you and/or your spouse are even slightly thinking about divorce, it’s probably too late to take any protective measures.
OK, so let’s begin with the basic differences between separate and marital property.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Separate vs. Marital Property
Although there are differences from state to state, in general, separate property includes:
Property that was owned prior to the marriage
An inheritance received by one spouse solely
A gift received by one spouse solely from a third party (not from the other spouse)
The pain and suffering portion of a personal injury judgment
Warning: Separate property can lose its that status if it is mixed or commingled with marital property or vice versa. For example, if you re-title your separately owned condo by adding your spouse as a co-owner or if you deposit the inheritance from your parents into a joint bank account with your spouse, then that property will most likely now be considered marital property.
All other property that is acquired during the marriage is considered marital property regardless of which spouse owns the property or how it is titled.
Marital property consists of all income and assets acquired by either spouse during the marriage including, but not limited to: Pension plans; 401(k)s, IRAs and other retirement plans; deferred compensation; stock options; restricted stocks and other equity; bonuses; commissions; country club memberships; annuities; life insurance (especially those with cash values); brokerage accounts – mutual funds, stocks, bonds, etc; bank accounts – checking, savings, CDs, etc; closely-held businesses; professional practices and licenses; real estate; limited partnerships; cars, boats, etc; art, antiques; tax refunds.
In many jurisdictions, if your separately owned property increases in value during the marriage, that increase is also considered marital property.
It is also very important for you to know if you reside in a Community Property State or an Equitable Division State. There are nine Community Property States: Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin. These states consider both spouses as equal owners of all marital property (a 50-50 split is the rule). The remaining 41 states are Equitable-Distribution States, which consider factors such as the length of marriage and the spouse’s earning power and involvement in building the business when determining a settlement. Settlements in Equitable Distribution States do not need to be equal, but they should be fair (equitable).
You should fully understand this very important distinction between separate and marital property so that you do not inadvertently do anything that might cause your separate property to be construed as marital property.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
So what is a prenuptial agreement? A prenuptial agreement (prenup) is a contract signed by both parties before their wedding that details what their property rights and expectations (including alimony) would be upon divorce. A well-drafted prenup can “override” both Community Property and Equitable Distribution State laws and the courts will usually respect such agreements, making them a very powerful tool in protecting your business.
Having said that, prenups can be rather tricky, so it is really important that they are well drafted. To strengthen them, each to-be spouse should be represented by their own attorney. In most jurisdictions prenups should contain the following vital elements:
The agreement must be in writing (No oral prenups)
It must be executed voluntarily and without coercion (having your fiancé sign a prenup the day before the wedding is a good way to invalidate that prenup)
There must be full disclosure (no hiding of assets) – this is another way to invalidate a prenup
The agreement cannot be unconscionable (this is also another way to invalidate a prenup). For example, if you’re making millions, don’t expect to get away with only giving up the silverware in the divorce, even if that’s what’s in the prenup.
It must be  executed by both parties, preferably in front of witnesses (or a notary)
Some attorneys even recommend having a judge witness the signing to make sure that no party was coerced.
By using a prenuptial agreement, the parties can decide in advanced what property will be considered separate property and what property will be considered marital property and how that marital property should be divided.
A prenup is probably one of the best and least expensive ways of protecting your business against a future divorce.
But if you don’t get a prenup put in place, a postnuptial agreement may be an option. It is similar to a prenuptial agreement except that it is, as the name implies, entered into and signed after marriage. In order to be valid, a postnup should contain the same vital elements as a prenup.
Having said that, a number of states still don’t recognized postnups and even when they do, postnups are challenged and invalidated much more frequently than prenups.
Here’s why: Before marriage, the parties are entering into an agreement much like two business people entering into a contract and neither party has any legal family law rights on the other. Theoretically, if they don’t like the contract, either party can walk away. However after marriage, the situation is very different. The married couple now have very well defined legal rights regarding support and property division and they are considered to be in a fiduciary relationship with each other, meaning each party has to act in the best interests of the other party. Therefore, any transactions between them will be viewed with caution by the courts. By negotiating a postnuptial agreement, one party will typically be giving up some of these rights and that’s why postnups will usually be held to a higher standard of fairness than prenups (on the theory that individuals have less bargaining power once married).
Nevertheless, if you don’t have a prenup, try to get a postnup. It’s better than nothing. Just understand that a postnup is not nearly as ironclad as a prenup and you never know how the courts will act if one spouse decides not to abide by the terms of the postnup.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Using a Partnership, Shareholder, LLC and/or Buy-Sell Agreements to “Lock-out” Your Spouse.
Partnership, shareholder and/or operating agreements should include various provisions that would protect the interests of the other owners if one of the owners gets divorced, including:
A requirement that unmarried shareholders provide the company with a prenup agreement prior to marriage along with a waiver by the owner’s spouse-to-be of his or her future interest in the business.
A prohibition against the transfer of shares without the approval of the other partners or shareholders and the right, but not the obligation, of the partners or shareholders to purchase the shares or interest of one or both of the divorcing parties so that the other owners can maintain their control of the business.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Pay Yourself a Competitive Salary
This point is often overlooked. If you don’t pay yourself a competitive salary and instead reinvest everything back into the business, your soon to be ex-spouse might claim that he or she is entitled to more money or a larger percentage of your business because he or she did not derive any benefit and all your money went back into the business instead of the household.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: Think Twice About Involving Your Spouse in Your Business
As we discussed earlier, all or part of your business will probably be considered marital property. If your spouse was employed by you or your company, helped run the company in any way or even contributed business ideas during your marriage, then he or she may be entitled to a substantial percentage of your business. The more involved in your business your spouse was, the bigger that percentage would be. If you have partners in your business, then your spouse would own a percentage of your share.
How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce: How to “Pay-off” Your Spouse
If for whatever reason you were not able to adequately protect your business and now your spouse is entitled to an ownership interest, here are some ways to pay him or her off (I’m assuming your don’t want to be business partners after the divorce):
Use your share of other marital assets including cash, stocks, real estate, retirement funds, etc.
Property Settlement Note – this is a long-term payout (with interest) of the amount you owe your ex-spouse for the value of her share of the business.
Sell the business and divide the sales price. This is obviously the least preferred method, but all too common. When the business represents the vast majority of all assets, there just may be no other way to pay-off the other spouse.
Free Consultation with Divorce and Business Lawyer in Utah
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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