hokkaidossoul12 · 4 years
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Basically in my AU of the game, here is how each character is represented... - Showdown Bandit (he is the main character) - Lorelei Undertaker (she is a major character, she is best friends with Showdown) - Penny Hemsworth (she is also a major character, she is Bandit's love interest) - Banker (He is somewhat a major character, he is a close friend with bandit though) - Doc Carver (He is also somewhat a major character, he and banker sometimes are seen as close friends but they are more) - The Faceless Bandit (He is the antagonist of the show, but...he doesn't want to be the bad guy) - LookOut (He is a side character) - Frenzy (He is a somewhat hidden character throughout the show) - Miner Murray, Davy West, Farmer Mill, Cowboy West, Betty (They are side characters) - Keyman (He is a hidden character) - Mr Body (He is a hidden character) - The Beast, The Stringless, the Grieves (they are minor enemies) This story is about how the show stopped in my AU of the game, this isn’t the actually reason within the actual game but... it’s my own personal thoughts of this... WARNING: this story contains blood and possible gore!  So what basically happened was that during one of the practice shows Faceless came out from the stage, not following the script of the show that the puppets knew. But, Faceless wasn't wanting to do what he was doing, he was being control to do so by the puppeteer controlling him, which is their own part of the script they planned to do. All of the cast were confused since they knew it wasn't part of script when Faceless was walking towards Showdown with his scythe in hand, Faceless was trying his best to stop what he was doing but he couldn't stop his movements.
Showdown, not wanting to start a fight, backed away from him only for Showdown to get cornered by the Faceless man. But, Lorelei saw what was happening and tried to stop Faceless from getting to Showdown, but...as she did so Faceless grabbed her and harshly slammed her onto the ground causing her to wince in pain. Bandit's eyes widened as he went to help her but then Faceless grabbed Showdown before cutting two of Showdown's strings. Bandit gasped as he felt his strings being cut and before he could react the Faceless man suddenly punched the smaller puppet in the eye causing it to bruise. Undertaker's eyes widened as she saw Bandit's body being abrupted thrown across in the middle of the stage, his hat coming loose and dropping just a few meters from her. It caused the smaller Bandit to get the wind knocked out of him. He saw Faceless coming towards him again, Bandit shook in fear as he didn't know what to do to defend himself. But then suddenly Penny appeared from the other side of the stage before putting herself in front of Showdown, begging the Faceless man to stop his attacks. Bandit tried to stop the curly-haired female from standing in harms way but the Faceless man suddenly gripped the small female's throat, lifting her off the ground. Then, the small female was roughly thrown into Lorelei, the Undertaker catching Penny and making sure she didn't get hurt. Showdown quickly turned his gaze to both females, both of them staring back at him and held each other as they saw the Faceless man grab a hold of Bandit once again before being to break the smaller male's body. He screamed as he felt what he thought to be long sharp claw tearing his wooden flesh, the claws striking his back over and over as he was forced to bare the pain as the long claws dug deeply into his bleeding back. The rest of the cast watched in horror as the Faceless man tore out Showdown's wood, his blood coating the Faceless man's hands, arms and body as he did so. Showdown tries to flip himself over to stop the bigger bandit from clawing his flesh only for the Faceless man to drop him. Bandit shook, "...on your knee..." Faceless' spoke out, he didn't want to speak, but...he had no control over his words either. The smaller male whimpered, his was locked in fear as he stared up at the Faceless man. The smaller male was frozen in place as if he wasn't able to move at all. Suddenly the bigger bandit grabbed Showdown's hair, "I SAID ON YOUR KNEES!!!" a few tears sprung from the smaller bandit's eyes as he was forced onto his knees by the bigger bandit. Once Showdown was on his knees he felt the Faceless man remove his hand from his hair before suddenly feeling his clawed hand deeply slash his stomach upward, Lorelei's mouth dropped as her felt tears filled her eyes while Penny cried into her shirt as they saw Showdown cough up a mouthful of his own blood. A few of the cast screamed, seeing bandit suddenly drop to his side, blood dripping from his wounds as he continued to cough up blood. The bandit cried in agony, tears dripping down his face as he could taste his own blood as it seeped from his mouth. Showdown felt humiliated and defeated as he lay on the ground, too weak to even be able to stand as he cried. It was after a few moments that Faceless suddenly grabbed Bandit's head, lifting up the defeated bandit "what do ya think of ya cheerful bandit now!?" those were the last words the Faceless bandit spoke before dropping Showdown onto the ground with a loud thud, the smaller bandit's head hitting the ground before his body did. The bigger bandit then walked off the stage, disappearing as he reached the exit. Quickly, Lorelei and Penny rushed over to Bandit, the Undertaker taking a hold of Showdown as a tear dripped from one of her eyes. She then quickly picked the badly wounded bandit and both females rushed to get to Doc Carver before it was too late. But, as soon as both Lorelei and Penny had reach to Doc's booth Bandit had gone into a state of unconscious. Doc was sitting at his booth when he saw Lorelei holding Bandit and Penny at her side crying. He immediately brought them through and Doc quickly went to work, trying his best to fix Bandit's wounds and cleaning them with much caution. It took him a while before he had finally fixed Bandit up as much as he could, then...Doc checked over the smaller bandit to see how bad his state was. It turned out...Bandit's unconsciousness wasn't as it seemed, it was much more than a state of unconsciousness. Doc went silent for a few moments before finally telling Lorelei and Penny that Bandit was in a coma. Penny sobbed, pressing herself into Lorelei's body and Lorelei held Penny gently, a few tears fell from the Undertaker's eyes. Doc wasn't sure if bandit would wake up from his coma and neither did anyone else in the valley, which caused the puppeteers to lock bandit away. And to top it off, there weren't any new replacements for Showdown nor any way to make a new puppet the same as showdown. And so...the puppeteer decided to end the show then and there. But, after almost a decade showdown had come back in a conscious state, but...he found himself inside of a box, he wondered where everyone was and why he was inside of the box. Eventually bandit called out, trying to call for help. It was then that Lorelei was walking by his box and heard him call out before quickly trying to get the box open, eventually she got it open and embraced bandit. Bandit accepted Lorelei's embrace and they eventually walked to town so Lorelei could tell everyone the news about bandit. During bandit's time in the box, Faceless officially become a wanted man in the Valley ever since what he did to Showdown...
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