top10withme · 1 year
How to build a Facebook business Page that attracts customers
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How to build a Facebook business
Facebook commands a massive user base and is still the largest social network. The latest Facebook stats show that the platform currently boasts 2.89 billion monthly active users. That’s 2.89 billion users you could miss out on reaching if you failed to maintain a proper Facebook business Page. A Facebook business Page is central to any Facebook marketing strategy. It’s where you can share information about your business and promote your new products. Moreover, your Page serves as a channel to provide your customers with assistance. In this guide, we show you the step-by-step process of building a Facebook business Page that attracts your audience. How to build a Facebook business  Table of contents:
What is a Facebook business Page
A Facebook business Page is a public Facebook account that represents a commercial organization. You can use the Page to share information about your business such as your address, contact details and hours of operation. Additionally, it’s the perfect place to share updates about your business and promote products, services and events. As such, a Facebook business Page allows you to create a space to connect with your audience. Additionally, by setting up a business Page, you’ll gain access to Facebook Shops and advertising tools. This allows you to list your products for sale on the platform and even create paid advertisements to grow your reach. Meanwhile, a personal Facebook account represents the individual. It can either be private or public depending on your settings. While people can Like and follow a business Page, they can only add a personal profile as a friend. Moreover, a personal profile doesn’t come with marketing and advertising tools that are available on business Pages. How to build a Facebook business How to use Facebook audience insights for more effective targeting
How to create the perfect Facebook business Page
Ready to create your very own Facebook business Page? Follow the steps below to get started. Step 1: Create a new Page from the “Pages” section From your Facebook homepage, click on “Pages” in the left-hand panel. This will open up a dashboard to manage all your Pages and profiles. Click on the “Create New Page” button under “Your Pages and profiles.”
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How to build a Facebook business Step 2: Enter your Page name and category Next, enter the name of your Page. This should be similar to your official business or brand name so your audience can instantly recognize it. In other words, choose a name your customers will use when searching for your brand. After this, you’ll need to include a business category. Type in a keyword or two in the given field and Facebook will offer a few relevant suggestions. You can select up to three options to categorize your Page. This is essential to help people understand what your business is all about.
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How to build a Facebook business Step 3: Add your Page bio While the bio is an optional section, including a short description of your business can be helpful. This is where you can provide more information about what your brand does and what it stands for. Your bio can only be about 100 characters so be sure to keep it clear and succinct. The bio will show up prominently below your Page name, so it needs to be catchy and relevant. Consider using your brand slogan here instead of coming up with a new bio. Once you’re done, click on “Create Page.” Step 4: Include your business details Now that you’ve created the Page, it’s time to make it more complete by including additional details about your business. To finish your setup, you’ll need to include the following information about your business: - Website - Phone number - Email address - Physical address - Hours of operation After you’ve filled out the details, click on “Next” to get to the next step of your Page setup. Optionally, you can skip this step for now and add those details later.
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How to build a Facebook business Step 5: Put together your profile imagery One of the most crucial steps is customizing your Page with high-quality imagery. Your Page’s visuals are what will help you make an impression on your audience. So it’s important that you carefully choose images that truly represent your brand and are instantly recognizable. The first thing you’ll need is a profile picture. As highlighted in our social media image size guide, this should be at least 180 x 180 pixels. Remember that this picture will come out as a circle, so avoid including any important details in the corners. Ideally, businesses should be using their brand logo as a profile picture. This helps the audience to instantly associate the Page with the brand they already know. Alternatively, local businesses may consider including a picture of the storefront or the owners. Some may even use a picture of their best offering instead. As for your Facebook cover photo, the recommended size is 820 x 312 pixels. Any photo smaller than this will appear stretched and distorted. Consider using existing templates from photo editing tools like Canva to ensure that your cover photo is perfectly sized.
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How to build a Facebook business You can also choose to include an action button to show up at the top of your Page. This will help direct Page visitors toward the action that you want them to take. Perhaps you want them to book an appointment, view your shop, call your business, send a message or even get tickets. Choose the most relevant option, click on “Next” and hit “Save.”
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How to build a Facebook business Other optional steps include connecting WhatsApp to your Page and inviting your friends to Like the Page. You can choose to skip these steps for now and hit “Done.” But keep in mind that you’ll still need to complete those steps later on to improve your Page health. Improving your Page health is essential to create a business Page that people would want to engage with. At the top of your Page, Facebook will provide you with suggestions on what actions you can take to make improvements. Your Page health will improve as you complete these actions. Now your Page is all set up so you can start creating posts or even run ads to promote it.
Tips to maintain an engaging Facebook business Page
Setting up your Facebook business Page is the easy part. What’s challenging is getting your Page off the ground and sustaining that growth to build an engaging business Page. Here are some social media management tips to help you out. Keep your business info updated Remember that people use your Facebook Page to learn about your business. They may use it to find out where you’re located or when you’re open. Make sure to include the most updated info about your business so your Page becomes a reliable source of information. If you’re changing your operating hours for the holidays, for example, make sure to add that detail. Set specific goals Working towards something specific can give you a sense of direction with your Facebook marketing. Start by thinking about the purpose of your Facebook page and who your target audience is. Are you looking to support a community of current customers? What about attracting new ones? Decide on specific goals that are achievable and can contribute to your Page growth. These goals will ultimately inform every aspect of your Facebook strategy. This includes the resources you put behind your Facebook business Page to your overall content strategies. Create a Facebook content strategy Given what we know about the Facebook algorithm, brands must be cautious of being over-promotional. Knowing when and how often to post on Facebook is critical. Based on our research on how often to post on social media, most brands post at least a few times per week. Moreover, it’s not enough to just keep creating content that you want to create. Think of what your audience wants to see from you so you can come up with a content strategy that delivers results. Here’s what consumers want to see from brands on social, according to the latest Sprout Social Index.
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How to build a Facebook business Engage with your customers It’s important to realize that your Facebook page is not something that you can “set and forget.” You may get customers commenting on your posts and asking you questions via Messenger. Failing to respond to customers promptly could result in lost sales or followers. So you have to be present on social media and be ready and willing to engage. This doesn’t mean you have to answer every single question posted to your timeline or in your inbox immediately. It does mean you need to keep a close eye on notifications and conversations. This would involve identifying the best social media management tool for your business to help you stay on top of those messages. For example, Sprout offers a Smart Inbox where you can keep track of all your incoming messages, comments and social media mentions in one place. From here, you can quickly see and respond to your Facebook messages and comments.
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How to build a Facebook business Use analytics to chart your path forward Your Facebook Page Insights can tell you a lot about how your current Facebook strategy is working. It can show you how people are engaging with your posts and how your Page is growing. Use these insights to inform your decisions and make improvements to your existing strategy. For example, you may want to share more videos because your analytics tell you that people are engaging a lot with your video posts. Once you start running ads from your Page, you’ll be able to see how your promoted posts are performing. Experiment with different variations of your ad copy, placement and creative to see what has the biggest impact. This will allow you to build a Facebook advertising strategy that keeps evolving.
Start growing your Facebook Page
The tips highlighted above can help you get the ball rolling and build an engaging Facebook business Page. Make sure you use them alongside a solid marketing strategy to grow your audience. Check out our guide on how to use Facebook business manager for more tips and tricks to help you out. Source link Read the full article
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top10withme · 1 year
How to get verified on Facebook: Your step-by-step guide
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get verified on Facebook step-by-step guide
As a brand or business, building credibility with your online audience should be part of your overall social media marketing strategy. Learning how to get verified on Facebook (and other platforms) is one great way to do this. Why? Well, getting verified on Facebook is a must for public figures, brands and companies that are well-known and susceptible to being replicated or parodied. In this post, you’ll discover some essential steps on how to get verified on Facebook, as well as a few additional details to give you a thorough understanding of how Facebook verification works. Let’s get started.
What is Facebook verification
Facebook verification provides credibility to official pages and puts a clear distinction between the real Pages and the Pages run by fans or imposters. Before we get into the Facebook verification process, you’ll want to know what it means to get verified on Facebook in the first place and why it’s so important. As we briefly touched on earlier, businesses and public figures may often see people creating Pages and profiles similar to theirs—whether it’s to imitate them or to build a fan community. Even if there’s no malicious intent behind those Pages and profiles, there’s still a huge risk of other Facebook users mistaking them for the real thing. In addition, Facebook prioritizes verified profiles and Pages in its search results. So Facebook verification ensures that your Page prominently shows up at the top of relevant searches, which could further improve your reach. See how the official verified Page for Workday gets top priority when you search for the company name on Facebook.
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get verified on Facebook step-by-step guide Who can get verified on Facebook Although in theory, anyone can get verified on Facebook, they have to meet strict verification criteria in order to get approved. Besides following the company’s terms of service, your account should be: - Authentic: It should represent a real person, entity or business. - Unique: It should be the unique presence of the person, entity or business it represents. Facebook only verifies one account per business or person, with the exception of language-specific accounts. And note that it doesn’t verify accounts for general interests. For example, it won’t verify a Page dedicated to healthy food but it will verify a page representing a registered publication that’s dedicated to healthy food. - Complete: It should be active and have all the necessary details such as an “About” section and a profile photo. In addition, it should have at least one post. - Notable: The person, entity or business it represents should be well-known and get plenty of searches. Facebook is more likely to approve your application if multiple news sources and publications feature the account. The above requirements are only the bare minimum and don’t necessarily guarantee that you’ll get verified. To improve your chances of getting verified, make sure that your account looks highly credible. This means regularly publishing highly informative and engaging posts instead of sticking to the minimum requirement of one post, for instance. Note that in addition to the above, Facebook may also have other requirements to verify Pages and profiles belonging to law enforcement agencies, politicians, elected officials and city governments. Be sure to be logged into your Facebook account to see all of Facebook’s verification criteria for these types of Pages as well as the contact. Why should you get verified on Facebook There are a number of reasons that getting verified is a good idea—let’s cover the bases. Boosts credibility for your brand Getting verified shows that you’re a legitimate, credible brand. The process isn’t easy (as you’ll see shortly) and many people/brands have tried to get verified and failed, so Facebook users know if they see that blue checkmark, it’s for real. Protects against imposter accounts Some people create fake accounts, others create fan accounts. Getting verified helps separate your Facebook Page from the rest, assuring customers that they’re following or reaching out to the real deal and not an imposter. Facebook prioritizes verified profiles and pages The Facebook algorithm gives priority to verified Pages and public figure profiles. Having that blue check means you’ll be shown first in search results, helping boost eyes on your brand’s Facebook Page. 8 steps for how to get verified on Facebook While most of the process for getting verified is simple, some parts are more complicated than others. However, if you follow these eight steps to a tee and have everything you need, you should be able to get that blue checkmark with little additional effort. Step 1: Open the verification request form Start the verification process by heading to Facebook’s verification request form. This is where you’ll complete all of the following steps.
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get verified on Facebook step-by-step guide Step 2: Choose your verification type You have the option to verify your personal profile if you are a public figure. Or, as long as you’re logged into your Facebook account, you can select from a dropdown menu which business page you’d like to verify. Each business page you manage will appear, making it easy to go through this process for each of your businesses or clients.
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get verified on Facebook step-by-step guide Step 3: Confirm authenticity The next step is proving that your Facebook page is authentic. Remember, verification proves to your audience that it’s authentic. So it’s important that Facebook looks for credible documentation in order to approve verification. The documentation options that you can upload a copy of include: - Driver’s license - Passport - National identification card - Tax filing - Recent utility bill - Articles of incorporation
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get verified on Facebook step-by-step guide You’ll click the Choose files button in order to upload your documents. Step 4: Confirm notability This next step is called “confirming notability,” but essentially, you’re selecting a category for your business page or profile. This is especially important when verifying profiles—Facebook wants to ensure that your profile or page is something that people are actually interested in or searching for before awarding verification. Categories to choose from include: - News/Media - Sports - Government & Politics - Music - Fashion - Entertainment - Digital Creator/Blogger/Influencer - Gamer - Business/Brand/Organization - Other
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get verified on Facebook step-by-step guide Step 5: Add your country The next step is to add the country where you or your business is most well-known. Even if you have a global company, you’ll want to choose the country or region where you have the largest audience. If you’re unsure, you can easily discover this by looking at your website’s Google Analytics or at your Facebook insights.
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get verified on Facebook step-by-step guide Step 6: Add your audience and also known as This step is completely optional, however, the more information you provide, the easier it is for Facebook’s team to confirm your verification. We recommend inputting basic information about your audience demographics. However, if you have no other “AKA” names for your business, you can of course leave that section blank.
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get verified on Facebook step-by-step guide Step 7: Add 5 articles that show your page or profile is in the public interest This step is also optional, but take our word for it: do not skip this step. This is one of the best ways to help prove your case. By including popular social media accounts, articles that talk about your business, Wikipedia profiles or anything else that proves people are interested in, following or talking about your brand, you’re making a much more compelling argument that your page should be verified.
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get verified on Facebook step-by-step guide Step 8: Submit the form Voila! You’ve submitted your application for Facebook verification. The only thing left to do now is wait. How Do I Find Out Who Hacked My Facebook Account?
What happens if Facebook rejects my application
Keep in mind that meeting the basic verification criteria doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get verified. Facebook might still reject your application without specifying a reason. When this happens, you’ll have the option to reapply for verification after 30 days. But make sure you put in additional effort to improve your chances of getting verified this time around. get verified on Facebook step-by-step guide Here are the possible next steps in case Facebook rejects your application: - Reach out to Facebook support and try to get more information about why your application was rejected. In case you can get this info, you’ll know exactly what you need to do to get verified the next time you apply. - Create more high-quality content and maintain a regular posting schedule while ramping up your Facebook marketing efforts. - If you have brand accounts on other social networks, make sure you boost your presence there as well. This will also help you improve your chances of getting verified on those platforms.
Top 4 tips for getting verified on Facebook (and staying verified)
Struggling to get verified? We’ve got four top tips to help you out. And, once you’re verified, you’ll want to continue these best practices to make sure you’re able to stay verified. 1. Keep your business information up-to-date We mentioned that one of the factors for Facebook verification is having a complete Facebook profile. But you also need to make sure you keep up with any changes. If you get a new website, change store locations, adjust store hours, add new product lines, etc., you need to update those things on your Facebook page. 2. Post regularly on Facebook If you haven’t posted any new content on your Facebook page in over a year, you’ve given the platform no incentive to offer you verification status. Make sure you’re staying active on Facebook and regularly posting new content to engage your followers. 3. Engage with the community Build a community by engaging with commenters, sharing content that your audience seems to enjoy, holding live broadcasts to interact with your audience in real-time and more. If you have an engaged Facebook audience, it proves to the platform that you’re a notable brand and people want to follow you, increasing your chances of getting verified. 4. Stick to community guidelines Just because you’ve been verified doesn’t mean you’re going to stay verified. If you’re consistently violating community guidelinesthe platform reserves the right to rescind your verification. Ensuring you’re compliant (which isn’t difficult to do), turning on two-factor authentication and implementing a proper Facebook marketing strategy will all help you to remain verified.
Get verified on Facebook today
Now that you know how to get verified on Facebook, it’s time to start gathering all of the information you need so you can submit your form. From there, your biggest job is making sure you’ve got a stellar Facebook marketing strategy to increase reach and engagement, get your audience interested in your business and generate sales. Source link #verified #Facebook #stepbystep #guide Read the full article
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