#Huffpost Teen
Sara Boboltz at HuffPost:
Four men of color wrongly accused of a New York assault in 1989 walked onstage at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday with strong words of criticism against one of their accusers: former President Donald Trump. Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Korey Wise and Raymond Santana, four of the former “Central Park Five,” appeared after an introduction from Rev. Al Sharpton. “Let me tell you, this is gonna be so beautiful. Together on Nov. 5th, we will usher in Kamala Harris and Tim Walz into the White House,” Salaam told the crowd. Along with Antron McCray, who was absent, the group of men were accused of brutally sexually assaulting a white female jogger in 1989, but they were exonerated more than a decade later, in 2002. The group, who were all teens or young adults when they were arrested, is now also known as the “Exonerated Five.”
Trump infamously spent $85,000 on a full-page ad in The New York Times addressing the case: “BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY, BRING BACK OUR POLICE!”
Last night at the DNC, 4 of the Central Park Five (or Exonerated Five) appeared at the convention in Chicago alongside Al Sharpton to call out Donald Trump, who wanted them dead (or unalived). #DNC2024
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morlock-holmes · 10 months
Richard Hanania is still bugging me.
He is a right-wing intellectual who recently wrote a book called "The Origins of Woke: Civil Rights Law, Corporate America, and the Triumph of Identity Politics".
The Amazon blurb says,
"For those angry about wokeness and what it has done to American institutions, this book offers concrete suggestions regarding policies that can move us back to being a country that emphasizes merit, individual liberty, and color-blind governance."
Anyway, in August of 2023, the Huffington Post broke the story that in the teens, he wrote online under the pen name "Richard Host"
Richard Hanania, a visiting scholar at the University of Texas, used the pen name “Richard Hoste” in the early 2010s to write articles where he identified himself as a “race realist.” He expressed support for eugenics and the forced sterilization of “low IQ” people, who he argued were most often Black. He opposed “miscegenation” and “race-mixing.” And once, while arguing that Black people cannot govern themselves, he cited the neo-Nazi author of “The Turner Diaries,” the infamous novel that celebrates a future race war.
Hanania has admitted that the Huffpost story is correct.
Even five years ago, the media could set the narrative, tell people what was important, and how they should react to any particular story. We appear to be moving past the worst of the cancellation trend. Most outside of a certain echo chamber realize this kind of reporting is contemptible. The goal is not to engage with ideas, but to simply silence a person and remove them from polite company. To not have to discuss their ideas on account of other ideas they put forward at a different time of their life and which they may no longer even believe in.
Man, good thing cancel culture has been rejected, so that saying,
“We’ve known for a while through neuroscience and cross-adoption studies... that individuals differ in their inherent capabilities. The races do, too, with whites and Asians on the top and blacks at the bottom,” Hoste wrote in the 2010 essay, titled “Why An Alternative Right Is Necessary.” “If the races are equal,” Hoste wrote, “why do whites always end up near the top and blacks at the bottom, everywhere and always?”
Is absolutely no obstacle to becoming a respected scholar of civil rights.
Wait a second... I'm not sure we've landed at the correct equilibrium.
Hanania is not a guy who makes TikTok videos about fancy cakes but said some unrelated objectionable things 15 years ago.
He is an author and the founder of a right-wing think tank who hopes to, and probably does, have significant influence on the direction of conservative ideas about civil rights law. His views on civil rights are directly related to his job.
Especially if, like, he was just actively lying to people about how he came to his conclusions as recently as may of this year
Here's an excerpt from a speech Hanania gave to the Yale Federalist Society on April 3 of 2023:
I’m glad to be here talking about woke institutions and civil rights law. I have to say, I was ahead of the curve on this issue. It’s something I’ve been thinking about since I was in law school. I graduated from the University of Chicago in 2013, and my 1L summer I worked for an organization called the Center for Individual Rights, which argued the Gratz and Grutter cases. And I learned a lot while working there about how government forces institutions to be conscious of race and sex. So, for the last decade, from 2011 on, as I was doing other things in life, I would talk to people about all these things government did to discriminate against whites and men, remove standards, get rid of standardized tests, etc. And one reason I was so passionate about this is that a lot of the fixes did not require legislation. Executive orders and judicial decisions are enough. But the Trump administration came and went, the Supreme Court got more conservative, and still nobody was listening to me. So finally I started writing on this topic myself, and now that I’m writing for the public instead of just trying to convince people one-on-one, I’m getting a better return on my efforts. Another reason what I’ve been arguing has caught on is that we saw the transformation in how institutions talk about race- and sex-related issues over the last decade. A lot of people are looking for answers. Who are these diversity bureaucrats saying all these crazy things? How did we end up with so many of them and where did they come from? And all this stuff that was more latent, of interest to legal nerds only in 2011, became much more part of the culture.
In 2010 Hanania wrote:
“The biggest enemies of the Black Man are not Klansmen or multinational corporations, but the liberals who have prevented an honest appraisal of his abilities and filled his head with myths about equality and national autarky,”
I'm not just trying to gratuitously point out how awful the things Hanania said were: I am pointing out that he just lied, blatantly, about the very field he is supposed to be an expert in.
And that's not something that happened years ago when he was just a law student, that's something he did this year.
Hanania knows that this stuff was not "latent, of interest only to legal nerds" back in 2011, because by then he had already spent years embedded in a subculture that was deeply concerned about this kind of thing. Nor, for that matter, was he simply, "trying to convince people one-on-one". He was writing under a pseudonym for numerous far-right websites.
And honestly, at this point the question is just "How much of this speech is a lie" but if less of it is a lie, than it looks way worse for Hanania.
When he joined the Center for Individual Rights he wasn't 15 years out from writing all that racist stuff, he was 3 years out. How much of it did he still believe? When he was an active racist back in law school, was he still planning on joining the Center for Individual Rights?
If the answer is yes, and the actions of a blatant racist and the "classical liberal" he has now become are essentially identical, then, uh, I'm sorry, but that seems like the kind of thing that might be a pretty important part of the story of wokeness.
If the answer is "No" then, well, we're still left with the fact that he just blatantly lied about how and why he reached his current conclusions. This story of someone who had a vague, wonkish interest in something obscure but just had to speak up when he realized it was getting out of control in the teens is an utter lie.
This is a man who has told very self-serving lies about how and why he has reached the conclusions that he has, lies that are designed to leave out crucial parts of any honest appraisal of wokeness, and who kept telling those lies until he was unable to get away with it, up to this year.
I think his willingness to lie about his own supposed field of expertise in order to sell books is pretty damning in itself, and that didn't happen 15 years ago, that happened this year.
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For the third time in five weeks, a 16-year-old boy has died after sustaining on-the-job injuries at an industrial site, as lawmakers in several states advocate loosening child labor laws that protect minors from hazardous work.
The latest teen death was Friday night at the Mar-Jac Poultry plant in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, authorities said. It’s the third worker death at the plant since December 2020.
Duvan Tomas Perez, who NBC News reported moved to the U.S. from Guatemala six years ago, was cleaning machinery as part of a sanitation crew when he became trapped in equipment on a conveyor belt. He died at the scene, police and the poultry company said.
The company said that it appears that the child “should not have been hired” and that his age and identity were misrepresented on his hiring paperwork with an outside staffing company.
“We are devastated at the loss of life and deeply regret that an underage individual was hired without our knowledge. The company is undertaking a thorough audit with the staffing companies to ensure that this kind of error never happens again,” it said in a statement Thursday to HuffPost.
His death follows two other teens’ deaths in Wisconsin and Missouri.
Michael Schuls, 16, died on June 29 after sustaining injuries at the Florence Hardwoods logging company in Florence, Wisconsin. Michael was attempting to unjam a wood-stacking machine when he became pinned under machinery on a conveyor belt, resulting in what the coroner identified as traumatic asphyxiation, The Associated Press reported.
Will Hampton, 16, died on June 8 in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, after becoming injured while working at the Lee’s Summit Resource Recovery Park landfill. The high school sophomore became pinned between a tractor-trailer rig and its trailer, resulting in his death, police said in a statement.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is investigating all three deaths, a Labor Department spokesperson confirmed to HuffPost.
OSHA has also made a referral to the Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division for possible child labor violations concerning hazardous occupations in the Wisconsin case and a separate referral in the Missouri case to determine if the child was legally employed.
Federal labor laws allow children 16 and older to be employed in all occupations as long as the jobs are not declared hazardous by the Secretary of Labor. The Labor Department’s website features a list of such hazardous occupations and specifies that “most jobs” in meat and poultry plants ― including equipment cleaning ― are banned.
Minors are also prohibited from being employed “inside and outside of places of businesses that use machinery to process wood products,” with a few exceptions, including if an adult relative supervises the child.
The Wisconsin teen’s father also worked at the sawmill and was at the site that day, Green Bay station WBAY reported, though the child was alone in the building when the incident happened, and he wasn’t found until 17 minutes later, The AP reported.
In the case of the Mississippi teen killed, the child wasn’t working directly for Mar-Jac Poultry as he had been hired by an outside agency. “These hiring companies often aren’t the most reliable when it comes to finding qualified, legal workers,” said Jordan Barab, former deputy assistant secretary of labor at OSHA from 2009 to 2017.
“These temp agencies don’t have any scruples at all. They don’t have any national reputation to uphold. They’re just trying to sell workers, basically,” he told HuffPost. “And then the main company claims they had no idea, the temp agency [says it] was ‘fooled by false certifications.’ Well, obviously this kid did not look 18.”
OSHA has been going after this “to a certain extent,” he said, with the administration citing both the place of employment and the hiring company when a regulation is broken.
Barab partially blamed the nation’s ongoing shortage of labor for the hiring of children because employers are trying to avoid paying more for qualified workers.
“You have some employers who are basically going after the most vulnerable workers, the workers with the least ability to fight back or question anything. Who could be more vulnerable than (A) children and (B) immigrant children?” Barab said.
The COVID-19 pandemic, affordable child care, a rise in remote work and retiring workers are among the reasons cited for the labor shortage.
Regardless of the risks, lawmakers in several states have proposed weakening child labor protections in a bid to expand the workforce with low-paying labor.
In Wisconsin, where one of the three children died, lawmakers are advocating for lowering the age to serve alcohol in bars and restaurants to 14. It would be a nationwide first if approved, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Another bill introduced in Minnesota proposes allowing 16- and 17-year-olds to work in or around construction sites.
In Iowa, the state Senate in April passed a bill that would allow children to work more days and longer hours, but in conflict with the current limits set by federal law, as Iowa State Daily reported.
The Biden administration back in April urged U.S. meat companies to ensure they are not unknowingly or knowingly hiring children illegally. This followed revelations that more than 100 children were working for a company that cleans slaughterhouses. The children’s work included handling hazardous equipment, like razor-sharp bone saws.
An estimated 160,000 children are injured annually in the U.S. while working. Of these injuries, 54,800 warrant emergency room treatment, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
The number of minors employed in violation of child labor laws has increased by 37% within the last year, according to a March report by the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute in Washington. The report identified 10 states that have introduced or passed bills within the last two years that would weaken child labor standards.
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
27-year-old Darius Matylewich has been charged with first-degree kidnapping and third-degree endangering the welfare of a child after meeting an 11-year-old girl from Wayne, New Jersey, allegedly on Roblox, grooming her, then taking her 130 miles away from her home.
Matylewich convinced the girl to leave her home and go with him 130 miles away, across state lines. According to an ABC 7 report, police from the girl’s town were called around 6:45 a.m. on September 10 for a report of a missing child.
Thankfully, she was found soon after that, but there aren’t always happy endings to these types of stories.
Roblox is one of the most popular gaming platforms in the country with more than 50% of kids and teens under 16 playing daily. Nearly half of its users are under the age of 13. As of April 2021, Roblox has 202 million monthly active users.
And while a spokesperson for Roblox told HuffPost that Matyleqich and the 11-year-old didn’t meet on their platform based on their internal investigation and they have zero tolerance for sexual content of any kind, Jennifer Fetterman, the chief assistant prosecutor with the Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office confirmed in the article that the girl had communicated on several online gaming platforms—which included Roblox.
So how do we keep our kids safe while playing games online in our super connected world?
According to an article on ChildLine, parents need to have kids choose a safe username that doesn’t include anything about your child’s name or any identifying information, have their children be careful about what they share with others online, have them think about the people they’re playing with, and parents need to be vigilant about checking privacy settings, chats, purchases and gameplay.
Matylewich is in custody by local police and faces a maximum 30 years in state prison.
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fierceawakening · 1 year
This is why when people act like rich people are a strange breed of human that aren’t really people it makes me very uncomfortable.
Tax the fuck out of them, but they’re not fundamentally different from us. They do dumb shit for the same reasons any of us do.
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ledenews · 2 years
The Ann Thomas Memorial Lecture Series Welcomes Michelle Duster Great-Granddaughter of Ida B. Wells
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Feb. 21, 2023 at Noon at Lunch With Books at the Ohio County Public Library, Wheeling, WV. For the Ann Thomas Memorial Lecture (also dedicated in 2023 to Wheeling educator Eileen Miller), part of its Lunch With Books Program series, the Ohio County Public Library in Wheeling will host Michelle Duster, author, speaker, public historian, professor, and champion of racial and gender equity on Tuesday, February 21 at noon in the Library's auditorium. Watch LIVE on Facebook Watch LIVE on YouTube Michelle is the great-granddaughter of Civil Rights pioneer, journalist, and suffragist, Ida B. Wells. She has written, edited, or contributed to several dozen articles and over 20 books, including IDA B THE QUEEN:  THE EXTRAORDINARY LIFE AND LEGACY OF IDA B WELLS and the children's book, Ida B. Wells, Voice of Truth:Educator, Feminist, and Anti-Lynching Civil Rights Leader. The event itself is free. Both books will be available for purchase and signing at the Library event. (RSVP & Hold books) Ms. Duster's presentation is called: "Separate and Unequal Education: From Ida B. Wells’ Time to the Present." African Americans have faced barriers in obtaining equal educational resources since the end of the Civil War. Ida B. Wells was formally educated and worked as a teacher in separate and unequal schools. She exposed the inequality and lost her job. Expanding on her article, “My great-grandmother Ida B. Wells left a legacy of activism in education. We need that now”, Michelle will discuss the realities that African Americans have faced in their quest for education, why they built their own institutions, and how equality is still elusive. Michelle Duster co-wrote the popular children’s history book, Tate and His Historic Dream; co-edited Impact: Personal Portraits of Activism; Shifts: An Anthology of Women's Growth Through Change; Michelle Obama’s Impact on African American Women and Girls; and edited two books that include the writings of her paternal great-grandmother, Ida B. Wells. She has contributed to several anthologies and written articles for Ms. Magazine,TIME, Essence, HuffPost, Teen Vogue, Refinery29, The Hill, Daily Beast, and The North Star. She also was involved in the development of the Ida B. Wells doll, released January 2022, which is part of Mattel's Inspiring Women Barbie doll series. She has appeared on television programs on MSNBC, CNN, WTTW, CBS & CW as well as numerous radio shows.Her advocacy has led to multiple public history projects that include street names, monuments, historical markers, murals, and documentary films that highlight women and African Americans, including Wells.Her many awards include the 2022 Ripple Effect Award from Public Narratives, 2019 Multi-Generational Activist Award from the Illinois Human Rights Commission, and the 2019 Martin Luther King Jr. Social Justice Award from Dartmouth College.She is a native Chicagoan who earned her B.A. in Psychology from Dartmouth College, and M.A. in Media Studies from The New School in New York City. She also completed MFA coursework in film and video production at Columbia College Chicago. As a creative outlet, Michelle makes beaded jewelry.  To watch the program on the Library's livestream, find Lunch With Books on Facebook or Youtube. Learn more about Ann Thomas: https://bit.ly/3h75ACx Learn more about Eileen Miller: https://bit.ly/3FBl5fh  Learn about the Library's Civic Empathy Through History Project: https://bit.ly/3Y7ry91 RSVP and Hold Books for this FREE event. For more information, call the library at 304-232-0244 or visit www.ohiocountylibrary.org. Read the full article
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kkecreads · 2 years
Dear Medusa by Olivia A. Cole
Published: March 14, 2023 Labyrinth Road Genre: Teen & Young Adult Poetry Pages: 382 KKECReads Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I received a copy of this book for free, and I leave my review voluntarily. Olivia A. Cole is a writer from Louisville, Kentucky. Her essays have been published by Bitch Media, Real Simple, the Los Angeles Times, HuffPost, Teen Vogue, Gay Mag, and more. She teaches creative…
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siddysthings · 1 month
The Old ‘Gender Rules’ For Sleepovers Are Outdated. Here's What Parents Are Doing Now. | HuffPost Life
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thenewsart · 9 months
Teen Girl Reported Missing Found Strangled In Apartment
At HuffPost, we believe that everyone needs high-quality journalism, but we understand that not everyone can afford to pay for expensive news subscriptions. That is why we are committed to providing deeply reported, carefully fact-checked news that is freely accessible to everyone. Our News, Politics and Culture teams invest time and care working on hard-hitting investigations and researched…
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David Moye at HuffPost:
Gwen Walz, wife of Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz, lambasted the Republican running mate, JD Vance, at a rally Friday in Manassas, Virginia. And to make sure the crowd knew she was serious, she did it in her “teacher glasses.” [...]
Considering the Walzes struggled with fertility issues before having two children, who are now in their late teens, she didn’t take too kindly to the Ohio senator’s hint that people who haven’t given birth to children shouldn’t be teachers. And she let him have it. “JD Vance said he was ‘really disturbed’ by teachers who don’t have biological children,” Gwen Walz said before mentioning her own personal story. “For a long time, Tim and I were teachers who struggled with infertility. We were only able to start a family because of fertility treatments. We do not take kindly to folks like JD Vance telling us when or how to start our families,” she emphasized. She then paused to put on a pair of glasses. “So let me use my teacher voice. Mr. Vance, how about you mind your own business?”
Gwen Walz for the win: “So let me use my teacher voice. Mr. Vance, how about you mind your own business?”
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whiskeygonzo · 10 months
HuffPost: Should Parents Let Teens Drink Alcohol As Long As It’s Under Their Roof? Experts Weigh In.
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recentlyheardcom · 11 months
Two Texas teenagers were arrested this week over the death of a 25-year-old woman after the pair allegedly fired more than 100 rounds into her home, mistaking it for that of a rival gang member.Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar announced in a Tuesday press conference that the teens, ages 15 and 17, face charges of aggravated assault with a weapon and murder in the October 2022 shooting of Novita Brazil. Salazar added that the older teen had taken to social media to challenge Bexar County’s gang unit to catch him.Authorities did not name the 15-year-old because he is charged as a juvenile. The 17-year-old is being charged as an adult; HuffPost is not naming him because he is a minor.A photo composite shows Novita Brazil (left) and the 17-year-old accused of killing her.A photo composite shows Novita Brazil (left) and the 17-year-old accused of killing her.Brazil, a college student, was at her San Antonio home last year when the shooting occurred, killing her and injuring a 41-year-old Airbnb guest who was renting a room.On a GoFundMe honoring Brazil, loved ones described her as “the sweetest person you would ever meet,” adding that she’d had a husband of three years. According to the fundraiser, a funeral was planned in Indonesia, where she was from and her family still lives.Authorities said the teens, who were 16 and 14 at the time of the shooting, had driven by Brazil’s residence in a stolen vehicle and fired dozens of rounds, believing that the people inside were members of an opposing gang who had previously shot at them.They then allegedly fled in the vehicle and dumped out several firearms, including an assault-style rifle. The two were soon taken into custody and later released on bail.An arrest warrant for the older teen was issued last month. But authorities said he attempted to evade them by cutting off his ankle monitor.“Tell everyone at gang unit I said catch me,” he allegedly wrote on social media, alongside a photo in which he obscured his face with multiple firearms.At the time of his Tuesday arrest, he was livestreaming on Facebook and taunting officers, authorities said.In the video, which was played at Salazar’s press conference, the 17-year-old is seen laughing as he is escorted by deputies.The sheriff said the video showed him to be an “extremely cocky, very confident young man, confident that he’s going to take full advantage of the legal system.”The 15-year-old was also taken into custody Tuesday and had similarly livestreamed his own capture.“This is how much of a joke it is to these guys: During that pursuit, he was actually on Instagram shooting a live video, knowing full well that he was running from the cops, knowing full well he was going to be arrested at any given time, if they didn’t end up killing someone in the course this pursuit,” Salazar said. “It was just a big joke to them.”The teens’ family members are likely to face charges related to harboring suspects and lying to authorities about their location, Salazar said.According to court records, the 17-year-old’s arraignment is set for Dec. 1.Related...
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pscottm · 1 year
Mother Sentenced To Prison For Giving Abortion Pills To Daughter | HuffPost Latest News
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mizelaneus · 1 year
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faulentzer · 1 year
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rnewspost · 2 years
Bodycam Footage Shows Police Killing Black Teen In Mississippi
A grand jury in Mississippi has declined to charge a Gulfport Police officer who fatally shot a Black teenager in a parking lot in October, the Mississippi Department of Public Safety confirmed to HuffPost on Thursday. Body-camera and dashcam footage of the incident, which HuffPost obtained through a public records request, shows Officer Kenneth Nassar firing at least eight shots at 15-year-old…
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