#Hunter is 'fit' but not healthy lol. all of his feats come from determination
How do the t$$ crew stay in shape? Like what do their diets look like and their workout routines?
Joy is a powerlifter. Before she was arrested she had a gym membership and would hit the weight racks 4-6 times a week. Despite her overactive mind, it's a kind of therapeutic thing for her and would help burn off excess energy after a day in the gun shop. She's not a huge fan of cooking (and usually doesn't have the time), so she'd usually exist on chicken, rice, and canned or frozen veggies. Anything else she'd just eat out or visit home for
Jericho also enjoys weight lifting, but didn't have nearly as much time as Joy to get after it (family time comes first), and would usually manage to get in 3-4 hours of gym time a week, tops. He'll usually just do protein powder and almond milk for a recovery snack, and otherwise eats a lot of meals that are fairly easy to throw together and make leftovers out of (like stews, casseroles, etc)
Benji doesn't work out on purpose. He finds it both boring and intimidating. Cardio through dancing? He's all about it. He'll also go on walks if he feels like he's been too stagnant, and has a stretching routine he'll try to do every morning. He hates cooking and eats out whenever he can, but prefers lighter stuff like soup and sandwiches. Dishes that are too meat or dairy heavy just make him feel icky
Kaius used to do fencing, archery, and karate, (and has some shoulder strength built up because of those), but constantly moving from place to place makes it difficult to build a routine, so it's been a few years. The one thing he tries to do consistently is run, and that's out of practicality. (He has to run for his life a lot.) He generally eats whatever he can when he has time (and remembers to do it), and since he avoids meat that ends up being a lot of peanut butter sandwiches and microwave rice. Despite this, he still enjoys good food
Hunter doesn't have a routine. He just does what he wants when he feels like it, and since he's a restless person, he feels like it a lot. He'll go for a really long walk, or just run somewhere as fast as he can for the hell of it, or mess around with weights if he's somewhere that has them. (He'd also do a lot of cardio via fist fighting and running away from things, but that's a lifestyle issue lol) He's also in the "oh shit did I eat today" boat most of the time
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