#Hwiyoung sf9
slytherinshua · 9 months
genre. fluff. warnings. a little profanity and a lot of kissing. hwiyoung flirting SKDJS HELP. ME. i don't think it's suggestive at all, but...? pairing. hwiyoung x fem!reader. wc. 948. request. no. a/n. ITS INSANE HOW DELUSIONAL I AM FOR THIS MAN LIKE IT DOESNT EVEN MAKE SENSE HOLY SHIT IM SO DOWN BAD IM SCREAMING EVERY DAY BCUZ HES SO SKDFJHSKD(@#*$(???????
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You loved watching your boyfriend write songs. He liked to do things the nostalgic way— spending his time in an old car garage with a crappy sound system set up, an electric guitar and bass at his disposal. He wrote down lyrics in a little notebook. He said he got more inspiration for the song when he wasn’t staring at a computer. 
Youngkyun had already been writing for an hour before you arrived with coffee for him. Your heart raced whenever you stepped into the garage, sliding down the metal garage door after you stepped in. You had made a lot of memories with your boyfriend in this old garage. You had even spent some dates here, and participated in more than a few makeout sessions.
Youngkyun looked as stunning as always, but what you would never get tired of looking at was his long hair and bare face. There was no arguing that the mullet style suited him the most, and it drove you absolutely crazy to think about. Along with his rings, oversized t-shirt and 4 or so loose-chained bracelets on his left hand, he looked like a proper rockstar boyfriend. You slid the iced americano over to him, flashing him a smile which he mirrored.
“Thank you, baby.” He muttered, focusing back on the lyrics he was jotting down, taking a short break to sip the coffee. You sat next to him, watching him work for a few minutes before taking out your phone. You heard a frustrated groan after a while and looked up.
“Need a break from this— ‘fucking frustrating.” He mumbled, tossing the notebook onto the table. He looked over to you, grabbing your wrist to pull you over until you were sitting on his lap. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pushing some strands of his pretty hair behind his hair.
“You’ll get it eventually. You always do.” You reassured. Your hand lingered on his face, feeling his soft skin beneath your fingers. You traced his cheekbone and he sighed, closing his eyes under your touch.
“Just want a distraction for now.” He told you, leaning his head back to rest on the top of the couch. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and back down as he gulped.
“Pretty.” You whispered to yourself— ever enamoured by your pretty boyfriend and his attractive features; one of the most attractive being his neck.
His lips lifted at your comment, and he opened his eyes again to look at you, “I was the one who wanted a distraction, not the other way around.” He reminded you, teasingly smirking at the way you quickly brought your eyes back up to his face from where they had previously been focused.
“We’re both a distraction to each other. I have a shift in an hour…” You trailed off.
“And it takes 45 minutes to get there from here.” You completed.
Youngkyun laughed, “Then I have 15 more minutes to be distracted by you.” He pulled your face down to meet his, starting to kiss you slowly. He had always been a passionate kisser, sincerity and warmth shown to you every time his lips touched yours.
“Guess I’m going to be late… Again.” You breathed in between kisses. Not spending too much time talking before finding Youngkyun’s lips again— they were too addictive not to want to keep kissing. His lips always tasted like the orange lip balm he used.
“Is that a problem?” He questioned, pulling your waist closer to him. You shook your head immediately, both of you giggling at the situation. Your boyfriend sighed as you slipped your hands into his hair, the gentle movements of your fingers folding through his locks massaged the tension from his head, relaxing him further.
He kissed your lips again, always soft and gentle with you despite his evident frustration with his work. He had been shown enough many times in the past that letting out his pent up frustration through gentler actions worked the best. He just needed relaxation and attention, and you were more than happy to provide both.
He wished he could have your lips on him all day, especially when you shifted yourself to be able to kiss his neck. Your plush lips pressed short kisses to the side expanse of his neck, slowly travelling towards his Adam’s apple. Once you pressed another gentle kiss to it, you pulled your head back up, untangling yourself from your boyfriend and finally standing up. You glanced at the time on your phone and let out a laugh, slightly short of breath from all the kissing.
“10 minutes late already. Not too bad.” You grinned at Youngkyun and he scoffed. He held your hand back, stalling a little longer until you had to leave.
He gave it a gentle, loving squeeze, “Thanks for the distraction. Can I take you out for dinner after work?” He offered, staring at you with such an adoring gaze. He was so in love with you it felt like he was going crazy.
“I’ll make sure I look pretty for you, then.” You responded with a smile, “Gotta match up to you somehow.”
He frowned, “You already look absolutely gorgeous, angel. Don’t look too pretty. I’ll get a heart attack.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You assured him, grabbing your bag and heading towards the garage door, “Love you!”
He smiled as he watched you leave, calling out that he loved you too before you shut the door behind you. He picked up his notebook again, fiddling with the pen before starting to scribble words down. Thanks to your little distraction, he had found the perfect lyrics to finish the song.
↳ sf9 taglist: @eternalgyu
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prplocks · 1 month
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ᴄᴏᴍᴇʙᴀᴄᴋ: sғ9
reblog if you save
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kbandtrash · 1 year
Rich Boy SF9 Bullet Point AU (Hwiyoung x Reader)
Yeah I did it again. And Jaeyoon is technically in the works. Also it's wild to me that Hwi and I are both 99 liners that's weird
Content: strangers to lovers, fluff, kissing, pretending not to know him, not exactly office romance, cooking, some rich ajussis are mean to you
Word Count: 4k
The first time you met him
At a meeting between your businesses for some legal negotiations
He was cold and chic and only said what he needed to say
The second time you met him
At the press conference announcing the collaboration of your companies
He was still cold and chic, but he had a little more charisma
But the third time you met him
At a public weekend cooking class your friend had promised to take with you
(She bailed)
He was unrecognizably warm and charismatic
You were unsure that he would recognize you because of the large difference in positions at your respective companies
He being the heir to his
And you being the lead public relations specialist in yours
So you chose a table sort of behind and across from him so you could both observe him and watch the teachers at the same time
Now you know that boy was raised rich
And if you weren’t 100% sure that you recognized him and the luxury brand watch on his wrist
You would have thought that he had a doppelgänger
What was a guy like him doing in a public class like this?
Didn’t he have the money to pay for someone to do this kind of stuff for him?
But he watched the teachers so intently and he looked like he knew his way around this stuff a lot better than you did
This was the first time you had seen him genuinely engaged and looking like he wanted to be there
Like sure at work he had nice eyebrows and he was admittedly pretty handsome or whatever
But wow when he was in his element he was positively radiant
Even if you hadn’t known who he was beforehand you probably still would have been staring at him
Somehow you managed to make it through the class without burning the food or yourself
But then you got paired with him for taste testing and you wished you were the fire on your gas stove
That is to say
Gone. Put out
If he recognized you then what
Pretend to be someone else?
You weren’t sure why you didn’t want to talk to him
Much less have him try your food
Probably something along the lines of he was so much higher than you on the business chain and how on earth were you supposed to just interact like you were equals
Too late he introduced himself
“Hi I’m Hwiyoung”
Oh good
“Hi I’m (Y/N)”
Lots to unpack there
He didn’t recognize you but he introduced himself casually and so you felt like you should too but oh man you knew who he was and that was totally out of line
But he did not care so you were just going to pretend like you didn’t care too
“Can I try yours first?” he asked
“Oh yep sure go ahead”
You were still speaking casually since he was and boy did it feel wrong but you couldn’t stop it from coming out of your mouth
It was also weird watching his face while he took a bite like no this dude is so much higher up on the social scale than you could ever hope to be but oh boy you really hope he likes it
It’s like anime sparkles were in his eyes
“Oh yours is different than mine! I like how you did it”
Insert joke about getting a good grade, which is both normal to want and possible to achieve
“I have strong opinions about garlic,” you said
“I can tell,” he responded, taking another bite
He let out the tiniest “oh wow”
This was both extremely gratifying and embarrassing at the same time
At the beginning of the class you were very excited to tell your coworkers what you had seen but now you thought you might die if anyone else found out
“Ah sorry!” he interrupted your thoughts, setting the plate down “I forgot you need to try mine too”
Honestly you were a little scared by his reaction to yours
If he thought your cooking was that good then his must be…subpar to say the least
But no even though you felt immense pressure to react positively as he watched you expectantly
You didn’t have to fake your reaction at all
His version of the dish fit your taste perfectly
He read your reaction wrong though
You had frozen stiff in surprise and he thought it meant that it was bad
But no no no you had to reassure him that you just had a bad case of rbf and actually it was really good
The next time you saw him at a meeting he did not recognize you
You figured he must meet a lot of people and rely heavily on context in order to recognize them
Plus you didn’t know if the cooking class was a secret or not so you didn’t want to out him accidentally in a professional environment
Not to mention he was back to his cold and quiet demeanor so that was intimidating
So you let the meeting pass without trying to say anything potentially out of line
And when you met again in your cooking class on the weekend he waved you over to share a station with him
You tried to make small talk with him about who he was and what he did just to make sure he really was the person you knew that he was
But he kind of steered away from any specific answers and that in and of itself was sort of confirmation
“What do you do for work?”
“Oh I work at X Group”
“That’s pretty prestigious what do you do there?”
“Just some administrative stuff you know”
You did know
And then he asked you the same questions
“So how about you what do you do?”
And you realized that if you answered then you would end up giving him a lead on who you were and that actually you had met in other circumstances
But like what are you going to do lie???
“I work at K Company”
“Oh right we’re doing some stuff with them these days. Are you involved with that?”
“Um yeah just some pr stuff though I’m not actually on the collab team”
He nodded you know the way you do when you’re like okay nice that’s your life
And then he froze in the middle of stirring the pan
Face just melted in realization
“We already know each other don’t we”
Oh no
You didn’t want to make him feel bad because you didn’t have any hard feelings that he didn’t recognize you
But also you didn’t want to make him feel awkward or threatened because that was how you already felt and you had no intention of holding anything over him
And you didn’t want him to go into business mode either because that was boring
But more importantly this was clearly supposed to be a comfortable space for him and you didn’t want to be an intruder
“I should have said something earlier,” you apologized
What next
What were you supposed to say next huh???
“But you were cute, so…”
His ears flushed red and his eyes went wide
Attention went right back to the pan
And yours went back to cutting up the garnishes
“You’re um…”
He cleared his throat
“You’re cute, too”
This was only week two of cooking class
If anything was supposed to happen here it should have been down the line
No no no none of that nothing was “supposed to happen here”
He was like your boss-in-law that wasn’t allowed
But it wasn’t like you had approached him on purpose knowing who he was
It was kind of him that made the first move right?
Also it wasn’t like you technically met at work or anything so I mean
Maybe if he meant it then you could accept the compliment at least
Looking up as you shredded a carrot, you noticed his ears glowing like traffic lights
He was laser focused on making sure the pan was cooking evenly
“Oh um…thanks”
“Plus I like the way you balance spices” he added
“Oh um…” you repeated, apparently out of things to say “thanks?”
He cleared his throat and let the awkward silence build
For the rest of the class
In fact even as you said goodbye he just gave you a shy wave in return
And you knew you had broken this for him
You debated not going the next week
Or ever again
But also you had the same right to be there as he did and like just because he was some rich ceo heir dude didn’t mean he had more of a claim to that space
If he really wanted he could just hire a personal tutor probably
But still though you felt bad
You saw him at another meeting between your two companies
Yeah he recognized you this time you could tell
You tried very hard to focus on the notes you were taking for the press release stuff
But that was hard when he was making it obvious that he was trying not to look at you
You were starting to think that maybe he wasn’t like actually cool and chic
Maybe he was just raised as a sort of loner type and he was bad at talking to people
And maybe you had sort of tricked him into opening up to you in the cooking class
Whatever he was a rich boy heir to a company why did he need your sympathy??
Also he started it so you didn’t trick him into anything
But did he know that
Perhaps not
When the end of the meeting came he decided to say goodbye to everyone who came personally
(Side note we have a word for say hello (greet) but not say goodbye and this makes me angry every time I remember it)
But yep said goodbye to everyone
Shook their hands and thanked them for coming with a professional smile
But when it came to you it was hard for him to keep up his act
So he shook your hand and made shy eye contact for just a second before he looked back down at your hands
“I’ll see you next time, Miss (L/N)”
You were the last one out and it didn’t seem that anyone from your group was waiting for you
So you felt you had time to reply
“At the next meeting? Or…”
“I was hoping on Saturday,” he responded
“Unless you would rather not”
So he was okay
Then you were allowed to be okay with it, too, right?
You didn’t have a problem with it unless he did
So you smiled too
“I would like to see you on Saturday, too, actually”
It was like looking through a tinted window, but you could see a bit of the version of him you saw in the kitchen classroom for a second
And you know what.
Yeah okay it was cute
When you told him he was cute the first time you just meant like. It was sweet like aww good for you buddy
But now when your brain told you cute it meant oh dear he’s attractive
That was not ideal
He’s just a dude he’s just a dude
But he’s a rich and handsome dude
Not that the rich and handsome should matter necessarily
Doesn’t hurt
But the cutest things about him were 
1) he was so excited about cooking like passions are super cute
And 2) it kinda looked like he might be interested too? Lol?
Mutual attraction law something something if he’s attracted to you first then like that’s the main thing that attracts you to him?
I believe in the power of that to some extent
Anyway that’s definitely what was going on here
May or may not have kept you up at night a bit
So when Saturday came and he wanted to share a station with you again
Keeping your composure and looking like a sane person that was totally okay with just being friends required 99% of your energy
Unfortunately the topic of the class was not something you could breeze through with the remaining 1%
So you were left either to be an incompetent mess of a student
Or an incompetent mess of a human being
Luckily that was not a conscious choice for you to make
Luckily being used in loosest of ways
And you ended up being both an incompetent mess of a student and a human being anyway so there went everything
Your supposed cooking prowess
Your potential as a friend found in an unlikely place
You were a shame to your ancestors, who had all clearly found love and reproduced if you were alive
How many hundreds of people had lived before you in order for you to be alive
And you couldn’t manage to do the same thing
He was a terrible mess as well
Both for the cooking and the human-ing aspects of the day
Partnered up at the same cooking station once again
Not even both of your combined efforts could make a successful dish
And the conversation the whole time?
Awkward and stilted enough to have been between two poorly built chatbots
Every time your eyes met it seemed like an accident
By the minute you thought he was handsomer and handsomer
And he kept turning redder than the cherry tomatoes you were supposed to be roasting
But by some miracle
He managed to work up enough conversation skills to ask you to dinner with him
“We didn’t manage to make anything edible today, so should we see how professionals do it?”
And like how can you say no
Turns out he had made a reservation for some super fancy place you’ve never heard of
And your brain is like okay let’s break that down
Fancy place very expensive way out of your budget
But he made the reservation so he planned on paying right?
He made a reservation wow
This was pre planned he wanted to take you to dinner anyway
Regardless of if what you made in the cooking class was edible
That was just an excuse
He wanted to spend more time with you and he had planned on it
Now you were a little scared of rich people shenanigans
So you were still wary of picking up this extremely obvious hint
Like normal boy? Yeah of course he’s into you
Rich boy? He might want something and this is a manipulation tactic
But in class he was a normal boy
He was so down to earth and awkward and cute
So you really wanted to take this at face value
Honestly at this point with any other boy you might have asked him out yourself already
But with rich people there’s a pride factor and you were kind of scared about it
Strangely though pride was not an issue here today
At least in terms of clothing
Neither of you were up to dress code at all for the restaurant because you were coming straight from the cooking class pretty much
But the staff recognized him apparently and they were cool with it?
When you looked at the menu and the prices you wanted to disappear immediately
The cheapest thing on the menu was daunting
But he pulled your menu down from your hands and put it on the table
He flipped a few pages and pointed to a dish
“I wanted to take you here because I thought you would like this one”
Okay yep you got that one loud and clear
This was a date and he wanted to spend time with you on purpose
He had been at a place like this and he had thought of you
Well then.
Guess it was time to let him know you thought of him the same way
You ended up ordering what he suggested for you and he was absolutely right
He also let you try a bite of what he ordered
And that was really good too
“But,” he said, “I don’t think it’s as good as how you might do it”
Challenge accepted
“If we buy the ingredients tonight then maybe we can try to make it tomorrow?”
His eyes lit up and his mouth stretched wide in a smile at your suggestion
And it was a plan
But then you were interrupted by some very well dressed older men
And unfortunately they recognized Hwiyoung
He didn’t seem terribly thrilled by this
But they made him talk to them anyway
They didn’t seem rude but they weren’t being terribly polite either
It felt weird to just sit there but you had no idea how to insert yourself into a rich people interaction
Plus by the way he glanced at you it seemed like he didn’t want to get you involved
But this guy is anti-smooth unfortunately so looking over at you inadvertently drew attention to you as well
And they started asking questions rather disdainfully
As he answered them honestly and with the most positive light he could, you were amazed at the lack of shame these men had in talking about you as if you weren’t there
Or as if you had no right or ability to contest the opinions they were forming about you
It seemed that Hwiyoung was more hurt by this than you were, somehow
When they finally left, he sat down with his business personality
“I think I’ve lost my appetite,” he admitted disappointedly
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t defend you properly, but if I tried, they would use more than their words to tear you down”
You shrugged
“They seem pretty wrapped up in their own importance”
His mouth twisted into a sad snicker
“It’s not a fun world to navigate”
You made a few more jokes at the expense of the rude rich dudes
And it kind of worked to bring him back to you
By this first experience with the upper class, you weren’t particularly fazed
But you wondered, if you stayed by his side, what the tenth encounter might do
The hundredth
The thousandth
You were so jumping the gun but they were valid thoughts to have it you were thinking about dating a guy that lived in this realm of wealth and self-importance
But as you wandered the supermarket aisles with him, picking out ingredients
You also wondered if he couldn’t do anything now because you were still testing the waters
He didn’t seem the type to let comments like that fly under the radar
So you wanted to give him another chance
He walked you back all the way to the front entrance of your apartment building
He could have driven
But, he bashfully admitted, he wanted to spend more time with you
It was hard not to invite him up, but it felt a bit improper
If you were the one storing the groceries, it would have only been natural
But since you would be cooking at his place the next day
And since he had more storage space anyway
He was taking everything with him
You felt sort of bad watching him walk away with like four bags of groceries
But it was also uh
Kind of hot
Plus like he volunteered himself for it he would be fine
The next day he greeted you at the front gate of his (ridiculous) house
With only the boyfriendiest of boyfriend vibes
It already felt like you were official honestly
It was such a weird and fast jump but it felt like you had always been together rather than this being like. Your second date
You spotted some hired workers trying to stay hidden as they spied on you
That was a little weird
But fumbling around and learning to cook this dish was far more captivating
And the boy? Far far far more captivating
It really didn’t feel right that you had only met a few weeks ago
That fact itself was more surprising than the moment you suddenly found yourself inches from him with his hand around your back and his other hand intertwined with yours
And you swayed back and forth to the music that was somehow exactly perfect for the moment
Yeah that just felt natural honestly
Last night you felt improper about letting him up to your apartment
Now here you were slow dancing in his kitchen
In matching aprons
Yeah you were done for
Head over heels he was your man now
Your free hand magically made its way up to his face and cupped his cheek
He was leaning in and your eyes fluttered closed and then
A timer going off startled you both into remembering what got you here in the first place
So you finished your dish and then sat down to taste test
And he was absolutely right
It was better when you made it together
The smile on his face told you everything you needed to know
The sparkle in his eyes when your eyes met was confirmation
It was so strange the next time your companies had a meeting
Employees on both sides were so confused
Since when did President Kim…….smile
Or speak in a voice that wasn’t monotone
Something changed……weird
By some miracle no one noticed the expressions you two exchanged
Neither of you were being subtle
But I guess if people don’t want to see it then they won’t
And your funny little secret totally flew under the radar
Also the next time you were caught by mean old chaebol men at a restaurant
He kinda let them have it when they tried to make disparaging remarks about you
He was so well-spoken too like you could tell he rehearsed it twelve hundred times in his mirror
They just kinda left with slightly humbled expressions
And he sat down with this disgruntled little huff and apologized to you again
His parents are like “well hmmm you’re not exactly who we hoped he would end up with…..”
You could see it in his eyes Hwiyoung was ready to go off on them
But then they were like “but. this is weird. we raised the boy and nothing but cooking ever makes him smile this much. welcome to the family”
Now he’s self conscious about how much he gets excited apparently because HE didn’t think he was that stonefaced
(You totally were babe. I almost didn’t recognize you the first time we met)
(It’s work!!!! Why do I have to be excited about business!!!!!!)
But he’s YOUR stonefaced ceo chef boyfriend so
He supposes it doesn’t matter that much as long as you like him that way
Anyway once again I shall leave you with your first kiss
It happened the same day as when you went over to his house to make that dish
After you had eaten you could tell he was a little nervous about something and you couldn’t figure out what it was
Were you accidentally being mean to him and you thought you were being flirty
You didn’t think so but now you were nervous about it
No turns out he was just thinking about how you totally would have kissed if that stupid timer had gone off even like five seconds later
And he was trying to find an entry point back into that mood because he was kind of scared to just like. kiss you
Anyway he ended up mumbling that when you asked him if he was okay and you barely caught any of it
But you managed to catch the message
So you asked him if he had a good view of the sky from anywhere in his house
Yes he did have a nice balcony with a perfect view of the sunset
So you let him take advantage of the slightly chilly spring evening and the golden hour
And he kissed you properly
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kgyeomiex · 2 years
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Pairing: Hwiyoung x reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: There aren’t any, at least not in this chapter.
Genre: bits of angst | Fluff
requests - open
“Many things interested her, and nothing satisfied her entirely,”
One unexpected family visit turns into one big roller coaster ride. You were supposed to come to California to visit your grandmother, but one visit turns into meeting someone you couldn’t bear to be around… The more you wanted to be away from him, the more he showed up everywhere… Was it fate? Or a coincidence?
Previous Parts: 
Part 1
Part 2~
Although you happened to recognize the boys right in front of you doesn’t mean you were a fan... The only reason you happen to know at least one of them is because your sister practically shoved her phone in your face every time, she would see a new picture of her damn husband.
“Uh... I think she’s a fan,” you heard one of them whisper to the boys and at that moment you knew you had to correct the boys right away because off the bat they assumed you were another fan. They probably assume that you were trying to look for them however you were trying to do the complete opposite.
“Oh no, I’m not,” the moment you happened to blurt that out, you looked at their faces and they went from smiling to looking at you in complete shock. Oh, did you say something wrong?
“Oh uh...” You could tell one of them was completely speechless until suddenly one of them thought it was okay to speak up.
“I know it’s none of my business but why are you here?” Well, you had no idea how to even take that question but just as you were about to answer you suddenly felt your head throb and you felt yourself feeling a bit lightheaded.
“Um... I came be-” you felt dizzier, so you tried to take a step, but you weren’t okay. You almost lost your balance but instead of falling to the ground one of the guys was quick to catch you.
“Guys I think we should take her to the hospital,” one of them said in a very deep voice.
“I’ll take her,” you had no idea what was going on; however, you weren’t okay.
“I’ll come with you, after all, I did hit her with the door,” yeah, he was the reason behind your throbbing head. The two approached you and both grabbed a hold of your arm.
“Youngbin, where are we supposed to go?” So, one of the guys that were holding on to your arm was named Youngbin?
“Take the van and head back to the hotel, Youngkyun and I will get a taxi and take her to the hospital,” Youngbin says, and you continued to stand there trying to get yourself together however you felt your head spinning... Before you knew it you suddenly felt completely nauseous, you had no idea why, but you could feel vomit slowly rising and you looked at the boys as they spoke...
And before you know... Right there you leaned forward and threw up...
The boys all pushed back except for one... One of them grabbed the back of your hair and held it for you as you continued with your business. You were surprised because that was probably the sweetest thing a guy can do however you felt like complete shit at this point.
When you finally finished vomiting, low-key embarrassed by your action you lifted yourself and the boys looked at each other, and then Youngbin spoke up.
“Yeah, we better take her now, we will see you later.”
“Well, the good news is that you do not have a concussion, you will have a mini bump, but you are okay,” your doctor says informing you and you nodded.
“But wait... If I’m okay, why did I throw up and why did I feel dizzy?” You asked the doctor and he chuckled.
“Must have been something you’ve eaten because you're throwing up wasn’t caused by the bump. The dizziness is due to a lack of hydration. I recommend drinking something that has electrolytes. I will be back and will get you an ice pack, you should probably put it on that bump of yours and you should be good to go,” you just nodded your head and then looked over at the two boys who were on your side.
To be honest you were a bit shocked to see Youngbin and Youngkyun still standing right beside you. If anything, you were expecting the boys to drop you off and go on with their business however they did not seem to do that.
You lifted yourself from the bed that you were sitting on and you looked at the boys.
“You know you two don’t have to be here right...” You said looking over at the boys who were staring at you and one smiled.
“I know, but I feel like we are responsible for you especially because my friend here almost gave you a concussion,” Youngbin says smiling and although you were a complete asshole to him, you couldn’t help but suddenly feel bad.
Youngbin wasn’t a bad guy at least that you know of and right now you decided the least thing you can do is say thank him especially because he decided to bring you here to the clinic when he didn’t have to.
“Um... Hey, thank you again for bringing me here,” before Youngbin can say anything the doctor returns with a pack of ice and hands it over to you.
As the doctor was about to talk to you, Youngbin’s phone suddenly started ringing and he was quick to excuse himself.
Youngbin’s Point of View
I told the boys to go back to the hotel, and to be honest, I wasn’t expecting any of them to call however one of them decided to call me and that’s when I knew one of them must have done something for them to suddenly call me.
“What did you guys do?” I asked the moment one of them answered the phone and it wasn’t long until I could hear Sanghyuk panicking on the other side of the phone.
“Uh, we may have a tiny problem,” I wasn’t surprised by the response. The only thing I was worried about was the problem the boys got themselves into.
Aish I should have gone with the boys back to the hotel room...
“What kind of problem are you referring to?” I instantly asked a bit scared of what Sunghyuk was about to tell me however instead of him talking I suddenly hear Jaeyoon speaking.
“Our manager is coming to our hotel room! If Youngkyun and you are not back in this room not only, will you two get in trouble but so, will we.” What on earth do I do now?
I knew I had to think of something quick. I mean I know I can easily make the boys stall the manager, however, Youngkyun and I would have to go straight to the hotel room and have no time to drop off the girl...
At this point on I have no idea what I’m planning to do but I must think of something fast before I get in trouble.
“Alright I’m on my way,” I informed the boys, and it wasn’t long until I ran off to where Youngkyun and the girl were standing awkwardly next to each other.
They looked right at me, and I didn’t know what I was planning to do but I must think of something quick.
“Uh... Do you have a specific time you have to be home?” I asked Y/N and she just stared at me confused.
“Why...” Instead of answering her, I smiled and then smiled over at Youngkyun.
Your Point of View
How on earth did your life turn out to be this way? One minute you’re forcing yourself to be a nice sister and go to a concert to a group you didn't even listen to... Then the next thing you know your sister forgets the tickets and happens to sneak in... You get abandoned basically the whole night and at the end of the show instead of finding your sister, you found your sister's idols instead with a head concussion.
Why? Just why...
“Why do I have to go with you guys to your hotel room again?” You asked Youngbin confused, he awkwardly smiled and looked over at you.
“You see our manager is heading to our hotel room and if he sees Youngkyun and I missing we will be in so much trouble...” Youngbin tries to explain and although you tried to comprehend what he was trying to say it got you thinking.
Well, if their manager gets mad at the idea of them possibly leaving the hotel room, how will they react when they see me in their hotel room?
“So... It’s bad for you to be gone from your hotel room but okay for you to bring a girl over?” You asked and Youngbin's eyes widen.
“Oh no... I was just about to ask you... Do you mind hiding?” Wow... ONE CONCERT = Almost head concussion, meeting your sister's idol, heading to their hotel, and finally PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK WITH THEIR MANAGER.
“Wow... I haven’t even met you for that long and I am already getting told to hide?” You said confused and to be honest a bit annoyed, however, they both looked over at you with pleading eyes.
Why do you have to be nice...
“Fine,” the boys cheered and before you know it you felt the car stop and you, at last, arrived at the hotel.
Just by the looks of things... Just from today, you can automatically tell that this is going to be one hell of a trip. You have a feeling that this trip won’t be like your other visits...
“Why did you bring her here with you?” One of the boys asked and all you could do was stay quiet and stand behind Youngbin and Youngkyun.
Okay first of all if it was up to you everything would have been different. You wouldn’t have gone to their dumb concert anyways. If you didn’t show up, then you wouldn’t be in this damn predicament in the damn first place.
Without even noticing you were so lost in your thoughts that you were looking right at the guy who commented.
“No offense,” you snapped back to reality and looked at him.
“None taken I guess,” you were offended but to be honest you didn’t even want to be there in the first place so who cares!
“Look, we didn’t have time to drop her off just to make it here before the manager does. So, the best thing we could do was come here and then see what we do after,” Youngbin spoke to the boys as they all continued to stare right at you.
Is there something on your face?
“She is some crazy fan doing this just to get closer to us,” one of them whispered to the boys. Did they forget you were in the room? Did they think you wouldn’t be able to hear that?
“You guys do remember I’m here, right?” You said looking at them and you noticed Youngbin hitting the one who commented on his head.
“Anyways if it makes you feel any better, I’m not a fan once again and don’t worry I don’t think I would ever be caught dead listening to your music so don’t worry about me,” you didn’t mean to be an asshole, but these boys have nothing to worry about.
All of the boys looked away and decided to keep their comments to themselves this time. That’s much better.
The boys continued to talk till they all suddenly got quiet when they heard voices outside their door. You looked at all of their facial expression and watched how they went from calm to panic in a matter of seconds.
“He’s here!” Youngkyun mouthed and they all looked at you and began to look around the room.
“Where do we hide her?” Whispered one of the boys and you watched as all of them were freaking out. By the looks of things, it must be their manager...
Instead of saying a thing you just looked around and found a room. If anything, you’ll just hide under the bed if it’s necessary, but you were pretty sure that the manager wasn’t going to look around the room for girls. Unless they’ve done something like this before.
As you departed from the boys you heard the whispering stop.
“Where did she go?” One of them suddenly asked.
“Who cares open the door,” damn who would have expected them to take so damn long. You stood and waited for the manager to be gone at last.
Youngbin’s Point of View
I have no idea where Y/N possibly went but one thing I did know is that I had to get the manager to not suspect a thing. I shouldn’t have brought Y/N back to the hotel, but this wasn’t planned.
Hopefully, everything goes smoothly, and I can return the poor girl to her home. What I still don’t seem to understand is how can she not be a fan and still show up at our concert.
My train of thought was gone when Inseong opened the door for the manager. He walked in and looked right at us.
“Glad to see you’re all here,” the manager says examining the room from up to down and even from left to right.
“Of course, why wouldn’t we be here?” Jaeyoon asks as he smiles and puts his arm around me.
“Just have to make sure you didn’t go wander off, you have to get some beauty sleep for tomorrow’s show,” just from body language I could tell the manager was suspicious.
Did he see us bring the girl?
I watched as the manager looked around one last time and then began to walk to the door. He smiles and looks at us.
“Tomorrow be ready by 8, you have rehearsal,” from that point on without anything else being said he looked at us and walked to the door.
I felt a bit guilty about lying so suddenly but what can I do?
I watched as he opened the door and before I know it, I see him step out and close the door behind him. As soon as the coast was clear the boys all breathed out and began to talk about how relieved they felt that he left.
However instead of joining the conversation, I began to wander off and look for Y/N,
Where is she?
Your Point of View
After hearing the boys convincing their manager that it was just them in the hotel suit you realized they are terrible liars. If you were the manager, you would have guessed they were lying but hey it’s none of your business.
“Where’s Y/N?” You were about to step out of the room when suddenly you heard the boys talking among themselves. You stopped walking any further.
“I don’t know but Youngbin why is she here again?” Didn’t we go over this already?
Sounds like the boys don’t seem to trust you however you can’t do much about it. Right now, all you want to do is go straight home and sleep. You weren’t planning to tell your sister about anything that has happened, and you still won’t. It’s nothing to be proud of especially since you aren’t a fan.
“I told you already that we didn’t have time to take her back home, so I brought her here,” Youngbin says and instead of letting the boy continue with their conversation, you decided to cut in and go home already.
“Alright I’m ready to go,” you said stepping out of the room and all the guys staring at you.
“Where did you hide?” Youngkyun asks you and you pointed at the room and then looked over at the rest of the boys and smiled.
“Don’t worry I didn’t steal anything if that’s what you’re wondering,” since they are so sure that you’re a crazy fan you just had to let them know you didn’t steal anything; not like they probably believe but still you thought you should let them know.
“We weren’t thinking that” Youngbin instantly blurts out and you smiled.
“Look it’s okay if you think I have bad intentions but trust me all I want to do is go home... So do you think you can tell me the address of this hotel?” You asked them to look around the room.
After that incident, you were expecting Youngbin to call you up a taxi and you could go home but nope. One thing you can say for sure is the boys are a bit extra with the situation.
They asked a favor for someone that was their translator in the concerts to borrow his car and Youngbin decided to go drop you off himself and you denied him over and over but didn’t seem like he knew what no meant.
Eventually, you had to say yes just because he kept insisting over and over however you were expecting just the two of you to be in the car, but Youngkyun and another member decided to tag along...
This seemed like a never-ending cycle, all you wanted to do is go home.
Was that too much to ask for?
“How long have you lived in California?” Youngkyun asks as you all sat in the car in complete silence.
“I don’t live here,” you have no idea why they are even bothering to spark a conversation however you weren’t all that rude.
“So, you’re on vacation?” Youngbin asks glancing over at you from the passenger seat and you nodded your head.
“Yes, my plans originally consisted of spending time with family, possibly reading, and maybe going out on adventures on my own instead here I am in a car with a group my sister adores,” you began to babble on and they all looked at you and you awkwardly looked away.
Maybe you should have kept your comments to yourself...
“So, wait, you came to the concert because your sister likes us?” Inseong asks and you nodded your head.
“Then why isn’t your sister around?” Now here comes more questions.
“It’s a long-complicated story that I don't feel like going in debt with,” you said glancing at the boys they all exchanged looks with one another and then stood quiet.
You weren’t being mean to them on purpose... You were just extremely annoyed with everything that just happened and right about now, you need sleep.
“Here we are,” you opened your eyes and looked over at the house and then back at the boys.
“Thank you,” you were planning to just thank the boys and go on, but you started to suddenly feel bad about how you treated them.
“And... I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting. I’m sorry to complicate your visit and I hope from this moment on we don’t run into each other, so I don’t complicate your time here,” you said looking at the guys from the window and they just stared at you.
“It’s okay... Sorry about your head,” Youngbin spoke up and you smiled and nodded your head.
After this point on you didn’t want to see them again. Not because you didn’t like them but because you didn’t have intentions of begin friends or letting your sister meet them. You know how your sister gets and this is for their safety...
You backed away from the car and watched as they took one look over at you and then drove off.
Now you can go back to normal vacation and hope that you won’t have any incident like this happen again...
We all know that’s not how life works…
To Be Continued 
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