#HxH is my favorite story ever out of everything I've experienced
i-heart-hxh · 23 days
Could you ever see yourself falling out of love with hxh completely? I ask because I find myself going through phases of being obsessed and then not thinking about it at all but I always find myself coming back to it. But sometimes I wonder if one day I’ll just never come back. I feel like this fandom is really emotionally tiring to be w sometimes bc of how rarely togashi releases chapters, it feels like there’s kinda no hope? lol
It really helps though when I see users like you who have just been a constant for so long though
Hmmm, I strongly doubt I'll ever move on from HxH. For one thing, once something truly wins me over I'm often a lifelong fan (I have multiple things I've been a fan of for many, many years and still deeply love), and also I feel like HxH has a few different factors that make it a source of endless fascination for me.
It's a multi-layered masterpiece with many different aspects and details to explore and enjoy and notice upon revisiting it
It fits my personal taste and interests very well, both as a series and as a fandom
The emotional hold it has on me has yet to fade at all--I think it just resonates with me so deeply that it's become a well of emotion that continues to fill
That said, part of how I can sustain interest in things over a long period of time is because I don't limit myself to HxH by any means: I watch/read a lot of other anime/manga, and I have other hobbies and interests as well. Even though I'm definitely obsessed with HxH primarily at this point, I'll get side obsessions with other things that give me some variety.
I definitely don't expect others to feel like they "have" to stick with HxH or any other fandom interest over the long-term, though, even though that's what makes me happy. Please do what feels right to you--whether that's staying, coming and going when you feel like it, or leaving and not coming back. There's not a set right or wrong way to enjoy things and ultimately only you can determine what brings you joy and what you want to spend your time and energy on.
It's true that the future of the series is very up in the air; it's certainly possible we won't ever get to see the end. But, I'm grateful for every chapter we get, I'm grateful for Togashi's hard work and amazing storytelling, and if we don't ever get to see how it ends, I'm still happy to have been on the journey nonetheless. I've taken Ging's words to heart in that sense. If Togashi is unable to finish the series, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, but in the meantime I'll keep cheering him along and being excited for what's ahead.
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