#Hyrule historia admins hard at work
For the 100 random questions: Part 1: 1, 5, 9 Part 4: 1, 9, 30 and Part 5: 10
Thanks fam! Since this is a long one, I’m gonna put a keep reading thingy.
Part 1:
#1: Do you like the way you look?
Honestly? No. And for the longest time it was one of those things I wish I could change the way I look but couldn’t. Like sometimes it gets so bad that I just cannot look into the mirror without thinking, 'the people who interact with me, whether it be on a daily basis or not, are forced to look at this' and just burst into tears.
And like I know make-up and decent clothing exists and is readily available whenever but part of me hates how that’s the only way I'll feel better, or to be taken seriously or to look like I put in an effort. That I can’t just exist and feel okay about it without edit myself is just bleh. I mean no offence to those who love makeup and fashion and all, but it really ruined any interest I have in those areas, that’s perfectly fine and I have no problem with either one. It's just the underlying rule that you should look a certain way to be accepted just makes me iffy.
The amount of times I’ve tried to even draw myself in a way where I don’t feel negative about it is unreal, and I'm sure I’m not the only one out there who feels that way.
But some days are better than others. Some days I can look in the mirror, some days I do feel somewhat comfortable with how I look. And I will leave it there before this entire thing becomes a full on rant.
TL;DR No, but I want to change and hopefully one day, I will.
#5: Do you collect anything?
I've been trying to get all the Zelda art books. So far, I only have Hyrule Historia.
#9: What's the most embarrassing thing that happened to you?
Oh geez, that is hard to narrow down lmao.
I used to do some admin work a couple years back and I was always the first person to arrive. It wasn’t a super early start, it was like 7:30 or something.
Anyways, everything was going fine, I was sitting down, starting my work and one of my coworkers enters walks in and says hello. Perfectly normal. Can’t stuff this up.
And I do. I say, without missing a beat, looking them straight in the eyes, no lack of confidence, 'Goodbye.'
And just to be clear, I said this with the sweetest voice, the kind of voice Regina George would use if she manned the guillotines in a 18th century France. Like those kids from the Village of the Damned. Yeah.
The minute that two syllable word was released into the wild, it was slaughtered by the realisation that I’d just said that to a coworker who I do greet frequently but like they don’t know me well enough to probably think I made a mistake.
I immediately facepalmed and apologised and they laughed and all, crisis averted and I have yet to really live that down.
Part 4
#1: Favourite feel-good movie?
Princess Bride maybe? Or Balto. Either one works.
#9: Favourite type of food?
It kinda goes without saying doesn’t it? Curry.
#30: Favourite Flower?
Roses. Always loved roses.
Part 5
#10: would you rather got to jail for something you didn’t do OR get away with a horrible crime and live with the guilt and fear?
Probably get away cause like, I can get some form of redemption arc without the jail bit. Maybe work on a farm, learn some family values.
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