#I Become a Bonnie Hunt Fangirl
randomfoggytiger · 1 year
React: "Return to Me" (from the POV of Someone Averse to RomComs, Part II): I Become a Bonnie Hunt Fangirl
Continued from Part I (see here)
Minnie is saved!
Um... Bob's not doing too well. He wants to walk the dog. Charlie has already walked Dog (my muse from Part I.)
"Okay. Thanks."
Charlie's following him around but he respects Bob's unspoken need for distance.
Charlie's really taking it hard, but I know Bob's going to have an epic meltdown once the ice thaws (to loosely quote Grace Kelly's boyfriend-character Mark in Dial M for Murder: "Later, you're going to have a beautiful cry.")
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Ohhhhhhhhh, got it. The dog (Mel? ...still better than Bob) waits by the door for Jane Bennett every time.
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They kicked up the 90s slow memory sequence.
And Bob's crying.
Okay, he's really crying.
Okay, I dig this.
Bob, you've endeared me to Bob. I shall lay "the bit" to rest in peace. ...With Elizabeth.
Look, I know that was a low blow, Bob, but it had to be done.
Old grandfather prays to his favorite battle saint for Minnie's heart.
Bonnie? the mom friend is an actual mom wrangling her entire family, including the older generations.
Old grandpa Marty is devoted to his candle and prayers.
More 90s slow mo--
I was going to say this reminds me of the 90s slow dance slow mo sequences I typically think are in romcoms and now it's back to Bob while he continues to sob on the floor as Mel (who is no longer my stand-in, I suppose, you can't come back from a name like Mel) sits there, unfazed.
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Oooh, look--
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beautiful shot.
Grandpa is the only one awake-- prayed that heart back to life.
And the camera goes back to Bob when the heart starts beating again, waking him up.
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Coincidence? With Tuscany and vacations and romance to be had???
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Minnie Driver's painting. Good for her representing the artistic girlies.
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Old men bonding over music while grandpa keeps an eye on his granddaughter. Is this how we and our mutuals sound?
Methinks he will sniff out the jig and bring all the pieces together by the end (because there's got to be a 3/4 misunderstanding, right?)
I like how casual Bonnie Hunt's style is-- it's a gentle, lived-in world.
Grace, as we shall now call her, bikes in the street with kids-- not, as her grandfather cautioned, on the side of the road.
Doctor's appointment!
"Oh, of course I'm happy. What else am I going to be?"
..................Yeahhhhhhhhhh, you're not happy.
Grace: saved from death, still insecure about her scar, and slowly bumping herself back to life. An imperfect survivor, a normal human.
A mood.
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"I'm alive and someone else is dead." A mild form of survivor's guilt, I see, I see.
"He's a great listener" was a great joke.
Bob is grumpy and determined and driven I see.
Two morbid souls will collide at the zoo over the rubber monkey enclosure, I reckon.
Another girl, another mood:
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It's been a year and friend Bonnie finally convinces her to mail the "thank you for your heart" letter.
"Okay, everyone clap for Auntie Grace, she just mailed a very important letter." Amazing.
Bonnie shoving everyone past the construction workers was also amazing.
Bonnie's a fave (and love that she gave herself-- if this is the same Bonnie-- a great role that doesn't outshine the main leads. It's respectful and kind.)
Bob still obsessively guards Jane Bennett's memory.
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The heart's pumping again. Pumpity pump pump.
Bow chicka-- nope, they missed each other.
But Grace felt something and highlighted that her heart beating didn't hurt (hmmmmmmmmmmm foreshadowing.)
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I CALLED IT the gorilla's doing the hand thing that he used to do with Jane Bennett aka Elizabeth... lastnamehere, ahem ahem.
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Bob's mad and tells off a board room.
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"I'm here because of my wife. You got it?"
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Thank you for that shot, Bonnie.
I'm becoming a big Bonnie fan, as you can tell.
Charlie is setting his man up with a date only a year later, right after he tore apart a board room AND is working his men overtime for his late wife??? ...Charlie, my man, you're going to have to work miracles. You should meet Minnie Driver's Catholic grandpa, he'd adore you.
Wait, Charlie's a vet? Oh, wait, yeah, he works at the zoo.
Introducing new kid on skates.
"Look at you! Where are you going?"
"I don't know!"
This is the quality content I hoped for.
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Skates boy holds down the fort-- a valuable guy.
"C'mon, pal," Bob chastises because Mel won't kick the "wait for Elizabeth" habit. (In the first part I likened the dog to be my self-insert. This dog is nothing like me, and I am immeasurably disappointed.)
Subtle touch of immense irritation at someone knocking on the door.
Is it time to reenact how happy he was compared to how mad he'll get at Mel now? The set up and payoff?
Here we go.
"Eat back here like a normal person--"
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Chuckle worthy, but also.
He softens up; but the dog doesn't budge too much.
"You made it halfway."
That's the theme, I'll bet.
"You gotta snap out of it, buddy."
This makes Bob reflect, and he decides to kick some of his own Pavlovian responses-- and ends up on a truly horrendous date.
At least, I know that part's coming up and I'm pumped.
The old men's song convo comes back: they were selecting music for their restaurant. Nice touch.
Grandpa surprises her with tickets to Italy to paint cuz he was staring earlier at her painting earlier and it's these little moments that make me repeat words like "earlier" too frequently.
The waitress lady missed Grace's initial reaction and is put out. The banter is epic.
And Angelo talked the grandpa into it and Minnie knows this and thanks them all in a way that reflects their separate bonds. Good storytelling.
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Angelo set her up with a hair transplant man (reminds me of a joke Bill Burr? told about stapling ants to your head for vanity's sake.)
Angelo's taste in vacations? Top tier.
Angelo's taste in men? Absolute bottom tier... though the guy's cheerful, so there's that.
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I love this.
I don't even need a romance at this point I just want to watch the two live their separate, slowly recovering lives.
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tenebraevesper · 11 months
Five Nights at Freddy's (Movie Review, Part 2)
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So, let's continue with my FNaF Movie Review. If you want to see Part 1, the link is below:
Five Nights at Freddy's (Movie Review, Part 1)
I had to make two separate parts because of crossing the image limit I was allowed on Tumblr. Part 1 contains a non-spoiler review, as well as a spoiler review of the characters and story with a warning for those who haven't seen the movie. Part 2 covers the finale of the movie, as well as the main villain.
Now, let's get to our main attraction!
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Ahhh, William Afton... Seriously, whenever the animatronics weren't stealing the show, this guy would take the spotlight in every scene he was in. I was legit looking forward to his character in the movie, and he never disappointed.
He appears as an unassuming career counselor, Steve Raglan (missed opportunity there to call him Dave Miller), who gives Mike a job after learning that he is the older brother of the kid he had murdered, even saying how the owner ''was too sentimental to let go of the pizza place''. Yeah, when I heard that, I knew immediately he was talking about himself.
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During the movie, we learn that William has somehow influenced the Ghost Children to trust him and hunt down Abby to make her his next victim, with the climax having Chica almost stuffing Abby into a springlock suit and Foxy hunting her down (this is both a The Silver Eyes and Into The Pit reference!), while Mike deals with all of them (and gets his leg damaged by Carl the Cupcake).
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I will admit, I almost screamed when I saw Spring Bonnie approaching Mike, and the latter's futile attempts to fight him off.
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William as Spring Bonnie is legit the creepiest and most awesome part of the whole movie, and I absolutely love how he chews the scenery as he confronts Mike, telling him he was behind the murders and how he will kill Mike as well, as well as siccing the animatronics on him.
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Oh, and I love the Ghostface reference here, gotta allude to Scream given the actor's career. X3
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I know I shouldn't be fangirling over the main villain of the story, but COM'N!, this guy is stealing the show and he enjoys what he's doing.
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As the movie reaches its climax, William confronts Vanessa, while Mike realizes that he can turn the Animatronics against William and asks Abby to help him. What does she do?
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She makes a drawing that shows the truth (something that happened in The Fourth Closet). Also, just look at the gaze Abby gives to William. It screams: ''Now you're dead.''
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And William knows this. There is genuine fear and shock in his eyes, especially when the realization hits and the Animatronics surround him.
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They are pissed, and you'd think that William would turn into a sniveling coward and beg for mercy as they move to kill him. Yet, that doesn't happen.
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Instead, he remains defiant, delivering an epic rant to the Animatronics:
"Look at you… Look at the nasty things that you have become! Look at how small you are! How worthless you are! You are wretched, rotten little beasts! I made you!"
This prompts Chica to unleash the Cupcake, who takes the bite out of the suit and causes the springlocks to snap.
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The iconic springlock failure we're all familiar with is not a fountain of blood with William quickly dying. Instead, it is slow and agonizing, and William is doing his best not to scream in pain, falling onto his knees as he is dying and quickly grabbing the Spring Bonnie head as he delivers his iconic line:
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''I always come back!''
Now, this made me scream in excitement!
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Not only is this William's iconic line, but it also has a deeper meaning behind it. He knows that he can return to life by having his soul possessing an animatronic, and he's taking full advantage of it.
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While Mike, Abby and Vanessa book it out of the pizzeria as everything starts falling apart, the Animatronics grab the dying William and slowly drag him away, and it seems like the story of Freddy's is finally over... or is it?
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We see William inside the Spring Bonnie suit, whimpering in agony as the Ghost Child that possessed Golden Freddy stares back at him, before closing the door on him, sealing the room shut, and honestly, I legit thought Hello Zepp from Saw was about to start to play during this scene.
Seriously, look at the scene and tell me you didn't think the same thing. Unfortunately, it doesn't, but the song that does play is more than appropriate!
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Overall, I LOVE this movie, and the very ending with Spring Bonnie...
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...or shall we call him, Springtrap, makes for a solid base for a sequel.
If you want to hear my ideas for a FNaF sequel or just want to discuss the movie, leave a response or a question in the inbox. I have SO much to say about this.
Five Nights at Freddy's (Movie Review, Part 3)
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
React: "Return to Me" (from the POV of Someone Averse to RomComs): All Parts
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After getting intrigued by this gif set (and getting encouraged by @baronessblixen and @dd-is-my-guiltypleasure), I began a fun, crazy weekend of watching "Return to Me" slowly, gathering screenshots, and typing down my in-real-time reactions.
Here's the accumulated stash for simplicity's sake:
“Return to Me” Part I
Part II: I Become a Bonnie Hunt Fangirl
Part III: Wherein I Rename Bob the Builder
Part IV: It Seems I Am Terrible with Names
Part V: My Headache Loses the Bob-Ben War
Part VI: Bob, Bowling, and Joe Nearly Kills Me
Part VII: Scars and Hearts, Dining and Dashing
Part VIII: The Perfect ¾ and Ending
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