re-emerging from my brainstorming/writing cave to say I THINK I JUST CONFIRMED??? A BIG WORLDBUILDING PUZZLE PIECE???
on a whim after rewatching The Duke Of Detroit Presents, I googled "copper canyon detroit"...and surprise surprise, "Copper Canyon" is an ACTUAL NICKNAME for a stretch of neighborhood areas in Detroit, apparently between Far West Detroit/Parkland and Warrendale:
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looking up those areas on google maps will show you this:
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so. the burners have to cross "copper canyon" to get to the refinery. which means that ALLLLL OF THIS
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-- a big stretch of land that was once filled with neighborhoods and surrounded by huge parks -- now looks like THIS:
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all those neighborhoods, all that nature and wildlife...everything's gone. completely wiped out. replaced by craters and a literal CANYON.
why is Kane so obsessed with safety, peace and order?
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why is Motorcity encased in what essentially functions as a giant metal dome/cage?
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all of these environmental clues were pretty big hints (the bomb symbols/sirens, the mutants, the toxic waste issues, mentioning the areas beyond Detroit being a "wasteland", etc) but I think the sheer scale of devastation we see in Copper Canyon officially clinches it - Doomsday definitely happened and certain areas of Detroit got MAJORLY fucked up by the apocalypse/nuclear war.
so now that this IS confirmed (for me lol), I have SO many questions about where in the timeline it happened and when Motorcity's "cage" (possible shield???) was actually built.
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did Kane build this cage specifically for his Deluxe project?
or did he initially do it to shield/protect Detroit from further catastrophe and then use it as the foundation?
OR did the cage already exist (in whole or in part) before Kane's time? did he simply build Deluxe on top of what had already been put over Motorcity?
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
Whoa can you talk about Scott Peterson being innocent? I’ve never heard that before
CW: murder, death, true crime
Yea, I started out believing he was 1000% guilty like everyone else but after almost 2 decades I think it was a case that was influenced more by the court of public opinion than actual evidence. It's been a while since I've thought about this case so bear with me...
The biggest one for me is that the police were so laser-focused on their Scott theory that they completely ignored any evidence that contradicted it.... the prosecution's argument was that Laci was killed very early in the morning or maybe late the night before, and then Scott took her body out on his boat later that morning and dumped it in the San Francisco Bay (where she was later found). But there are multiple eyewitness that say they saw Lacy walking her dog at the time the prosecution says she was either being killed or already dead, after Scott had already left the house that day.
To that point, the couple's dog was found wandering the neighborhood by himself later on in the day, which supports the witnesses' stories. Maybe it was a coincidence and the dog escaped? But I think it's notable.
There was a home invasion committed across the street on the same morning around the same time of Laci's disappearance, just as she normally (per Scott and neighbors) would've been out walking the dog, and one of the neighbors that were interviewed stated that they even SAW Laci talking to strange men across the street that morning (I'm assuming the neighbor didn't know they were home invaders). The men in question were known to the police as career criminals even before this incident.
The police have dismissed all of the above evidence for no discernable reason......they basically said none of the neighbors' testimonies were credible? And the extent of their investigation into the home invasion being connected was basically that they asked the invaders if they had anything to do with Laci's disappearance and they said...........no 🙄.
And then finally, there is 0 zip zilch physical evidence to connect Scott to Laci's murder. Of course it’s possible that Scott could still be the murderer with that being the case, but that combined with all of the above points just makes that seem unlikely.....this is just my personal opinion, but he also doesn’t seem smart or savvy enough to pull off a homicide without leaving any evidence behind whatsoever.
So yea, my feelings are that he's definitely a grade-A douche bag who can't read a room and could've used some press training, but I don't think the evidence is there to say he's also a murderer. The story is juicier and has less scary implications for everyone else if the cheating husband is the murderer and not someone Laci didn't know. That combined with the fact that Scott didn't grieve or behave in the way the general public thought he should made it really easy to for everyone to just decide he was guilty from the get and ignore all other possibilities.
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saiilorstars · 4 years
Sweet Ambitions
Ch.1: Anais
Story Masterlist // Masterlist of other OCs
Fandom: Supergirl // Pairing: Winn Schott x OFC
Summary: Spending her entire life cooped up in secret, Anais relishes in her new freedom. It's only later that she learns it's not easy living as a human when she also wants to be Solar with Supergirl. She has good-hearted ambitions but that's not the case for those around her. Not everyone is Kara Danvers, or Winn Schott. "Friends" lurk by with double intentions and to top it off, CADMUS rears its ugly head to make Anais wonder what side is she really on: human or alien?
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother @anotherunreadblog @maaaaarveeeeel​ @stareyedplanet @perfectlystiles
[If you’d like to be added to this specific OC’s stories/edits, send me a message!]
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A young woman snapped a picture of the sky just as a couple of humming birds flew by. The angle was perfect! She lowered her professional camera, revealing sparkly green eyes. She was dazzled as she saw her picture on the camera screen. "Dad, I got another one!" she called for her father but noticed he'd gone inside the house. "Mom?" she then called but no one answered.
"What do you mean she's been infected?" the young woman began to hear voices from the inside. Super hearing allowed for some interesting eavesdropping sometimes, and when her adoptive parents were secret government scientists, the information was even juicier.
"We're not sure but she might have been affected," went the voice of a man she immediately recognized. It was for that reason that the woman put her full attention to the conversation. "Supergirl's civilian form is usually a kind woman and now she's acting far colder than ever before. We tracked her initial behaviors back to a fight she had. We need your expertise on Kryptonian weaknesses."
The woman's eyes widened in alarm at the important name. Supergirl? She was affected with what? The blonde let her camera hang around her chest and walked into the backdoor of her home.
"I assume you still hold the records from Superman?"
"Well of course we do. What kind of employees would we be if we didn't retain our subjects' records?"
The woman stepped into the cool kitchen and followed the voices of her parents and the man into the living room. "What's going on?" she didn't hesitate to come into the conversation despite her parents' constant reminders she was a subject the DEO was wary about no matter how long it'd been since they'd first found her.
A dark-skinned man immediately laid eyes on her. They were rather cold for the first couple of seconds, something the blonde didn't quite like but was ultimately used to. It was the first impression many employees got from him. "Hello, Hank," she said cautiously. "It's been long since you've visited." She cracked a tiny bit of a smile, and how could she not? He was the man responsible for her rescue when she was a young girl who'd lost her mother.
The man gave a nod, somewhat smiling now. "It is nice to see you again, Anais. How are you?"
Anais glanced at her parents to see their typical uneasiness whenever the DEO was around. It seemed like no matter how many years passed by, the DEO would never be fully welcomed in their home. "I'm...okay. I heard about Supergirl, what's happened to her?" No one answered her. Typical. She sighed, letting her long straight blonde hair swish each time her head turned. "Seriously? I follow Supergirl's actions — I even have collages about her — so I really want to know if she's in trouble—"
"So you can help out," her father finished, settling a hard look on her. "We know how the story ends, Anais. And you know we can't allow you to go anywhere near the DEO and much less Supergirl."
"Supergirl wouldn't act so cold with me like the DEO has," Anais threw that back to Hank Henshaw. "The Department of Extra-Normal Operations should've welcomed the first benign alien just like they did with Supergirl. Did I have to be Kryptonian for that or what?"
"You being a Solista had nothing to do with our case on you, Anais. You are a peculiar case—"
Anais rolled her eyes. She heard the story far too many times already. "Yeah, yeah, what makes me different and a threat is why you keep me away. I thank you for what you did for me when I was a little girl and you know—" she glanced at her parents with all the love in the world, "—how grateful I am to you for taking me in but now I want to know about Supergirl. And good luck getting rid of me. I have the speed and the strength to outmatch you." Her straight white teeth were a pretty sight despite her sour warning of her presence.
Anais Allen(-Mjorlkand) did not play when it came to aliens, even if she was only half of one.
Bearing that in mind, while also counting for precious time, Hank decided to let the woman listen in. He knew she was virtually harmless, despite the weariness of the government. She'd only been five years old when he found her and her dead alien mother. Her now-adoptive parents fought tooth and nail to take her in and prevent her from being a full blown lab rat for the U.S. government. As far as he knew, and he did, Anais was a model citizen.
When Anais learned that Supergirl may have been affected with something they still didn't know much about, she was all for helping. Like before, it didn't quite matter how many times everyone said no.
"Supergirl can be in trouble and I may be the only other non-evil alien that has the strength to keep up with her!" she trailed after her parents and Hank towards the front door. "Not to mention more speed! I am a dedicated speedster, remember!?"
"Anais, the DEO may not be ready for you—" Mrs. Allen began but Anais shook her head to stop her.
"But I can be trained! C'mon! Just...just let me visit at least? I'll be under constant supervision! You can even tag me if you want—"
"That wouldn't be necessary," Hank cut her off, rather put off by the suggestion.
Anais set her hands on her hips. "Then let me come, please." It was clear as day her parents weren't on board with the idea. Despite being adopted and partially alien, they came to love the girl as their own child.
However, the situation was tough and no one knew that more than Hank. His dark eyes flickered from the hopeful woman to her parents. He hated making the tough calls. "You would need to be monitored—"
Everyone winced when Anais squealed in delight.
"Hank, she can't—"
Hank raised a hand to stop Anais' father. "Unfortunately, she is well over the legal age—"
"23 years!" Anais was quick to remind, even waving a hand above her head. Her parents shot her the clear look to be quiet.
"Wouldn't this go against the rules, though?" Mrs. Allen wondered, continuously glancing at her daughter with fear. "It was clear we had to keep Anais under constant supervision and away from society until we were sure…"
"That I wasn't gonna accidentally blow people up, yes I know," Anais rolled her eyes. "Which I haven't, okay? Except for that one time I accidentally blew up the garden shed."
"And?" Mr. Allen threw a mock-glare.
She sighed and added in a much quieter voice, "...and the garage." She straightened herself up and put on her more serious face possible. "But I'm 23 now. I've practiced enough times to know what I'm doing. Just give me the chance to actually help."
Her hopefulness was answered again with a conditional yes from both parties. She would be under the direction supervision of Hank and any other trusted employees he would need. Anais didn't care. All she knew was that she would finally meet Supergirl and possibly even National City if she had free time.
Oh yes, she would definitely be taking her camera!
The DEO was bustling with the newest Fort Rozz escapee and with little to no help from Supergirl herself. Her lack of presence, however, was not a complete damper on Anais' mood.
"Oh my god I know this place is meant to hate me but it is so cool!" Anais' laughter echoed in the main room, attracting the attention of most employees, among them Alex Danvers.
"Uh...who is she?" the woman came to stop Anais from touching a desk.
"Ow," Anais pouted and rubbed the back of her hand where Alex had smacked her.
"Anais Allen. She is a special DEO interest who may be able to help us with Supergirl," Hank cleared his throat, warning Anais with a glance not to disclose more about herself. Alex looked Anais over with reasonable suspicion. At a time like this Hank decided to bring in some stranger to help with her sister? "Her parents are working on a possible explanation to Supergirl's condition," Hank went on, hoping to get eyes off Anais.
"Her parents being…?" Alex expected to know the answer but Hank left it briefly with "special DEO scientists" and moved on once again.
Anais still flashed the older woman a smile though Alex didn't return it. Anais tried not to look so disappointed - she could feel Alex's concern for...Supergirl? Anais tilted her head as she tried to make sense of the feelings she could actually feel. Because yes, at times, she could be an empathic. She could literally feel other people's feelings, whether they were good or bad. It was a power she was still developing.
But Alex's concern for Supergirl went far beyond that of co-workers, though not couple feelings. It was that same love Anais felt from her adoptive mother: family. With that in mind, Anais paid extra close attention to Alex's behavior while Hank and the other DEO employees brought up the Fort Rozz escapee.
"Two armored vehicles have been attacked in the last six hours. Both carrying hundreds of thousands worth in gold," Hank was describing the situation. "Now, these two have goons managed to take out a number of highly trained and heavily armed security personnel."
"Alien weapons?" asked Alex.
"Almost. An alien is their weapon," Hank had one of the employees pull up a profile picture of a rather sizable man with—was that an eyepatch?
Why must villains insist on being ridiculous? Anais could never figure that out. Her father always loved watching those silly human movies with awful costumes and representation of aliens.
"A K'hund. Stronger than your average Fort Rozz escapee," Hank warned the crowd. "Now, we've obtained intel on their next heist, but we have to move fast. Lucky for us, we have an alien of our own."
"Yeah, that would be me," said another woman, a new woman that Anais immediately recognized as Supergirl. With a gasp, Anais turned around and saw Supergirl herself standing behind the crowd. She was looking rather bored by the ensemble of employees.
"You're late," Hank pointed out, not that Supergirl seemed to care for her tardiness.
Anais opened her mouth to make herself known but she began to get the same feelings from the other alien...and they were rather...mixed.
"I had other things to do," Supergirl said sourly. "You know I do have a life, right?"
Alex's eyes widened at such an imprudent - and certainly not like Supergirl - thing to say. "Supergirl…"
The alien in question raised a hand to stop Alex from whatever she was going to say. "When can I kick alien ass?"
Hank was just going to skip over her language for the time being. It was just more footage to collect and hopefully discover Supergirl's irrational behavior. "Let's move!" he gave the order to the rest of the employees.
As the employees began to spread out, Anais latched a hand to the nearest one she could. It was Alex.
The brunette woman gave Anais a clear look that said 'hands off'. Anais pulled her hand off Alex's arm and pointed in the direction Supergirl went off in. "She's your sister." The phrase made Alex freeze with shock. This only allowed Anais to continue on with what she wanted to say. "I felt that off her hostility towards you. It's not like the one she has against Hank! But to be fair, all her feelings are rather mixed up—"
"Okay, what are you talking about?" Alex grabbed Anais and led her towards the side.
Anais blinked, realizing that just like everything of the DEO was new to her, it was new to Alex too. "Oh, that's right, I'm sorry. I'm—" she gestured to herself, "—a low-level empathic." Alex's blank stare made Anais smile widely out of embarrassment. "It basically means I can feel other people's feelings on occasion. It's really low so the feelings have to be extremely strong for me to catch on sometimes. For example, when Supergirl came in you got this whole concern that...while reasonable, didn't exactly fit within the role of employees."
Alex pinched the bridge of her nose. Things were getting ridiculous now. "So you could...you think Supergirl is my sister?" she dropped her hand. "Did you forget the part where I'm a human and she's an alien?"
"I know the concept of adoption, Alex," Anais said all too calmly, furthering irritating Alex. "I was adopted by humans too. And if I ever did get a human sibling — even adopted — I would love them too."
Alex's mouth opened several times before she actually talked. "Whatever the hell you are—"
"A Solista," Anais was all too happy to name her species for anyone.
"Not the point," Alex gritted her teeth, making Anais' smile vanish to get serious. "Just….just tell me you can help her? Supergirl?"
"Your sister?"
"Fine, yes - can you help her?"
"Well, I'm not a science genius but my parents are. They studied all of Superman's records and they even got to perform some exams themselves. They've got the brains and I've got the bronze," Anais flexed an arm as a joke but Alex was in no mood for such. With a sigh, Anais got serious again. "I'm half human, okay? But physically I can keep up with Supergirl. And I will try my best to help wherever I can."
That was all Alex needed to know. "You should wear a mask or something before you leave…"
~ 0 ~
Against Hank's better judgement, Anais was allowed to accompany the DEO taskforce to get the Fort Rozz escapee. The condition was the mask - first of all - and to have her monitored from the DEO all in the meanwhile.
"Stop touching it," Alex scolded Anais the third time the blonde started fiddling with the strap around Anais' arm.
"You guys seriously couldn't have gotten me a smaller thing to monitor me with?" was all Anais could say about it.
"We're trying to get funding. And it we were a bit out of time," Alex leaned back against the wall of the van. They were on their way to Supergirl's location, hoping to just get out and catch the escapee when Supergirl was done.
"I told you I didn't even need to be here," Anais gestured to the back of the van with a roll of her eyes.
"And Hank said you had to be under my supervision," Alex reminded with a touch of a smirk.
Anais didn't have the chance to come up with a good comeback for that repeated statement due to the van making a big swerve. She screeched when Alex practically jumped over her to get out the backdoor.
"Where did he go!?" she soon heard Alex's confused voice. "Are you hurt?"
"No, I'm fine. He got away."
Anais sped out of the van and came to a skidded stop beside Alex, startling both Alex and Supergirl. "Hi, big fan!" Anais wiggled her fingers at Supergirl then looked at the dumbfounded Alex. "Right, I'm a speedster too."
Supergirl's eyebrows shot up at the presence of the knew alien in town. "Do I have to kick her ass too?"
Anais' smile faded.
~ 0 ~
"Is this really necessary?" Anais asked the female scientist reading off from a handheld tablet about Anais' tests results collected from her short moment in the field. "Because my parents have run these a thousand times. I swear."
The scientist said nothing. She merely came back to unwrap the monitor around Anais' arm.
Anais rolled her eyes and looked around for anyone she knew, and by that she just meant Alex or Hank. It was clear Supergirl was not in her right mind at the moment. Just my luck. She focused more when she started hearing voices of Supergirl, Hank and Alex not too far from the room. She shouldn't but oooooh her superhearing really wanted to make action.
"...how 'bout you get off my back for once, Hank?"
"I thought we were in a good place here."
"We're in a good place, when I do what I'm told. When I don't, you come down on me. I am tired of it! You want to catch the K'hund, go try it yourself! You're just as strong as me, if you wanted to be!"
"You know how dangerous that is for him!"
Anais made sure not to make any faces that would giveaway what she was doing. What did Supergirl mean by that? Hank couldn't possibly be as strong as Supergirl…
"And it's not dangerous for me too? Every Kryptonian on this planet wants to kill me expect my cousin. I have to live with that! What are you so afraid of? You talk about honoring your people, and yet you refuse to be one of them!"
When Supergirl finally did leave, there was a trail of awkwardness left in the building. Anais did her best not to show any indication she'd heard any of that. After being released from examinations, she was turned over to none other than her parents.
"I thought the deal was I would help if I could," Anais glumly said after catching sight of her parents.
"Oh you still are," Alex remained in the building despite it being rather late. "After what my sister—er…" Anais smirked. "Fine, whatever. She needs help. And I'm gonna take it from whoever gives it. Your parents are keys."
"Dorks. They're dorks," Anais didn't hesitate to correct. The two women walked into the room Hank had brought the two scientists into.
"Annie!" Mr. Allen immediately went over and hugged her. "You're okay?"
"I'm embarrassed but sure…" the blonde hugged back nonetheless. By this point in her life, she was more than used to her parents' over-coddling.
"We feel we have a lead but we need to talk to the person who owned the building in the first place," Mrs. Allen remarked after hugging her daughter as well. She was worried sick as well but knew how Anais got in front of people when they happened to express too much love.
"And who would that be?" asked Hank.
"A Mr. Maxwell Lord."
It became clear to the three visitors that this name was not unknown for the DEO workers.
"Alex looks like she wants to punch this guy…" Anais couldn't refrain from commenting. This time, Alex didn't disagree.
"I hate him. And now we're gonna get him," Alex looked specifically at Hank for this one. Maxwell Lord had been one problem after the next and she was drawing the line at infecting her sister.
"That'll have to be tomorrow, I'm afraid," Hank said, not missing Alex's incredulous reaction. "It's late and we need to figure out how we're going to go to Maxwell Lord. I'm sure you'll be willing to help with that."
Seeing no other option on the table, Alex took it. "You bet."
"As for you three," Hank looked at the visitors again, "We secured a hotel for you to stay the night, all expenses paid. Tomorrow morning I will personally take you to Maxwell Lord for your questioning."
"And me?" Anais curiously wondered. The plan was great, it just didn't seem to include her as much as she wanted.
"It's best if you stay hidden," Hank replied, not surprising her too much.
"We agree," Mr. Allen said all too pleased. "We don't know if this substance is affecting all aliens in the region."
"Don't even try it, dear," Mrs. Allen softly smiled at the blonde, urging Anais to save her breath. "It's the safest option for you."
Sure. Anais put forwards her best understanding smile possible. Her mind had already come up with an assignment of her own for the next day. The best part was it had exploration in the main part.
CatCo. was busy as usual early in the morning. There were new issues being made for the following deadline and Cat Grant was not a woman who accepted tardiness. This was the spectacle Anais walked into after the elevator dinged open. She didn't even mind that two employees had nearly run into her with stacks of papers. Her smile widened when she potted the Art Department on the far left of the bullpen. She'd never been anywhere near this sort of place.
In her awe, she now bumped into someone. She stumbled back a step - as did the other person - and blinked with terrible guilt. "I'm so sorry! I'm lost!"
The other person turned out to be a dark-haired man with green eyes. He didn't seem upset when Anais did a quick and discreet look-over. "Don't worry. I'm Winn Schott, the I.T., can I help you?"
"Uh…" Anais quickly looked to the side in thought. She didn't really think about what she would do after coming into the place. It took her very little effort to figure out who Agent Alex Danvers' sister was - a Kara Danvers - and where said sister worked. It helped that she worked for the Queen of all Media. But now that she was here, Anais didn't even know how she would find Kara nor what she would say to the Kryptonian.
In all this thinking time, Winn had stared at the blonde woman, waiting for her answer. "U-uh...hello?" He waved a hand in front of Anais' face to bring her back to the present.
The woman blinked back to the present and widely smiled. "I'm, uh, looking for...uh...Kara...Danvers…"
Not a moment after she'd spoken the name did they hear an elevator ding. What confused Anais was that this elevator was set up opposite of the one she'd come in through. When the doors slid open, a dark blonde woman in a tight black dress, holding a latte in hand, emerged.
"Why are there two ele…" Anais trailed off as Winn dashed towards the second blonde.
"That's Cat's elevator!" he reminded Kara in a rush.
This did not seem to do much for the woman. She walked over to her desk, which happened to be a couple feet from the grand office. "It is absolutely ridiculous for her to have her own personal elevator, plus horrible for the environment," the woman casually rolled her eyes.
Winn winced at the loud scream of Cat. Anais still remained where Winn left her and only mouthed 'Ke-rah?' in confusion. It took her only a couple seconds to put two and two together.
Kara Danvers!
And to prove her thoughts, Winn was ever so helpful. "You are literally impervious to bullets and I'm worried for your safety right now!" he managed to get out before Cat arrived with eyes blazing in anger.
Definitely Kara Danvers, Anais began to smile.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" demanded Cat. Another woman, a dark brunette arrived just a couple seconds later, holding a couple papers on hand which Anais knew at once were photographs.
"Your latte, Ms. Grant," Kara held out the cup, still looking unbothered about the situation. "Walking from the main elevator takes an extra 90 seconds, which means your latte's 90 seconds colder."
Cat's eyes flickered from the cup to Kara. It was as if she was waiting for Kara to snap back to the one shy assistant Cat had known for a while. But when Kara didn't, Cat accepted it with conditional terms. "Brazen. That's a new color on you. I don't mind it. Yet. What do you want?"
The brunette woman was startled. Cat hadn't even turned to give her proper attention but she would take whatever she got. "I've got a scoop for you. Can we talk? In private? Allez." Cat was never one to refuse a scoop and so agreed to see the woman in her office.
As soon as they were gone, Anais moved up to Kara's desk. "U-um, hi. You don't know me but I-I—"
"I don't," Kara settled a rather cold disdain look on Anais. This was nowhere near the Kara Danvers that Winn knew and loved. He looked between the two with rather concern.
"Right, but believe me...I know you…" Anais almost shivered when she began to feel some of the coldness inside Kara. "I think you're sick…"
Kara laughed and languidly pointed at Anais. "And who's she?" she asked from Winn.
"I-I don't know...we were getting to that…" the man stuttered and motioned Anais to get on with it.
"Anais Allen, nice to meet you," Anais shook hands with Winn then attempted to do the same with Kara but the latter only offered a condescending stare. "Okay, let me try again. I'm from the DEO—" and this certainly got attention from Winn, "—and my parents are studying some...possible leads to your...odd behavior."
Kara frowned. "I am feeling just fine," her spat startled Anais. She moved around the desk, causing Winn to back up for space. "So you can tell Hank and Alex and all those little people that they can stop worrying. And you—" she got in Anais' face, "—can go back to wherever it is you came from. I don't need you. I doubt anyone here does. Bye."
She left Anais wide eyed but not offended. That darkness inside Kara was what scared her, actually.
"I…" poor Winn did not have a word to explain her friend's erratic behavior. His finger pointed after Kara and despite having his mouth open, he couldn't get past his stutter. "I don't—"
Anais raised a hand to stop him. "It's fine," she spoke serious for the first time. She turned to him with a matching earnest face. "Give me a rundown on Kara Danvers' usual personality."
"It's fine, I know who she is," Anais then leaned forwards to whisper, "I'm an alien too."
This just made Winn's eyes nearly pop out of his head. "Y-you're a…" his finger made a swirling motion above his head.
Anais smiled, mildly amused by him. "I'm a low level empathic and what I just felt from Kara was utter coldness."
"Empathic? So then you can feel…" Winn trailed off as Anais nodded to confirm his thoughts.
"Very little but right now it's enough."
""Uh, well...Kara is…" Winn paused to think about his description and soon settled on a short one, "Do you know the Powerpuff girls?" Anais gave a slow, silent nod. "Picture Bubbles."
Anais couldn't help laugh. "Okay…then...this Bubbles...has got some weird super villain-esque development going on. Can I use a phone?"
"Yeah, of course," Winn led her back to his desk which turned out not to be that far from Kara's.
"I don't have a phone, sorry," Anais offered a sheepish smile for her lack of technology.
"That's a new one," Winn gestured to the phone for her to use.
Anais was about to dial when his words registered in her mind. "Hold on, I just told you that I'm an alien with low level empathic abilities and that I'm here from an organization that deals with aliens but me not owning a cellphone is the shocker?"
Winn saw how that looked and offered his own sheepish smile. Anais' smile turned into another laugh. "So...what exactly are you going to do?" Winn asked after Anais finally dialed a number. "You're gonna call the DEO?"
"Worse, my parents," Anais didn't need to be empathic to know how angry her parents were going to be with her after discovering she left the hotel without their permission. "It was nice knowing you." She took in a deep breath and began to talk on the phone.
That same night, Anais was brought back to the DEO and had a round of lectures going from her parents to Hank...and even to Alex.
"You could have outed Supergirl to people!" the older Danvers sister was the last one to have her turn.
"But I didn't," Anais tried to point out her good things as much as she could. "That Winn guy already knew Supergirl. Plus, it's not like I went announcing who she moonlights as. I do know things."
"Well you showed poor judgement today, Anais," Mr. Allen still retained that punishment voice of his Anais knew all too well.
"No, I didn't,' Anais sighed deeply. "I am so tired of being treated like that five year old Hank found. I'm not her anymore. I'm a grown woman and it's high time you started treating me like one."
This outburst, despite calm and collected, might as well have been her screaming because her parents were offended.
"Anais," Mrs. Allen began, her voice calm but full of warning for Anais to keep it down, "You know we want you to be safe. And we just want you to be a responsible adult—"
"Then cut the leash!" Anais exclaimed, startling everyone in the room, when she stormed out of the room.
Only Alex seemed to be truly taking in what Anais was saying. It was familiar to Alex since she and Kara had a similar conversation when Kara decided to become Supergirl.
"We should get to work on that antidote," Hank pushed the two scientists towards the tables behind them. "Maxwell Lord already confessed to the red kryptonite situation. He'll be more than glad to work from his cell." He then motioned to the tablet that would produce the video chat between Maxwell and the scientists. There was no way in hell he would he getting out until they reversed what he'd done to Supergirl.
After a failed night of clubbing, Kara got to meet Cat on their usual balcony spot, as Supergirl.
Wasting my time, Kara kept thinking just as Cat emerged from her office. "What do you want?"
Cat sensed the frosty attitude already but she preferred to think it was nothing for the moment. "Well, I would like to know if Ashton Kutcher and his camera crew are hiding underneath your cape. Supergirl would never release an evil alien caught in the act of armed robbery. So, I assume I'm being Punk'd." Despite replaying Siobhan's images of Supergirl doing just that, she couldn't believe it. There had to be a proper reason for it.
"I wouldn't assume anything from now on, Cat," Supergirl casually waved the media Queen off.
"Did you just call me Cat?"
Supergirl got up from her chair and went to lean on the balcony. "You branded me in the media as a Girl Scout. 'Supergirl is brave, kind and strong.'" Mmm-hmm? Isn't that kind of a stock characterization? Very two-dimensional. Everyone knows real people have a dark side."
Even Supergirl's steps were off, Cat noticed. Usually the Kryptonian would tread lightly, determined to figure out what was wrong. The Supergirl right now, though, walked with a condescending air. A superior one. "Yes, but you don't get to be a real person. You're a superhero. You get to represent all the goodness in the world."
"Yeah, well, I'm sick of it. And you know what else I'm sick of? Enabling all of you in your victimhood. 'Oh, well, my building's burning down," Supergirl mocked the humans she now thought worthless and idiotic, "La-di-dah. Supergirl will just swoop in and save the day.' Well, get used to the flames, people, 'cause I quit."
And yet, none of this made sense to Cat. "Supergirl... I fear that you're having some sort of mental breakdown. Don't worry, it happens to the best of us, and I'm happy to take you to Dr. Shuman for emergency Lexapro, that is, if your alien brain will respond to the SSRls. But in the meantime, I would lay low. This haughty attitude is highly unsuitable."
Supergirl scoffed. "Well, I learned it from the best. Cat Grant. You're the most arrogant, self-serving, mean-spirited person I know."
Cat nearly lost it but she kept herself cool when she made her own response. "Now, you listen to me. I made you. And you are not going to let me down."
Supergirl almost laughed. "Or what? Wait, I forgot. You're the most powerful person in National City. At least that's what they say on TV. You want to see what powerful really looks like?" she struck a strong hand forwards, grabbing Cat's arm. "Watch." She threw Cat over the balcony and peered below to watch the woman scream in terror during her fall. Then, just a mere inch from the pavement did Supergirl catch Cat. By this point, there were several people on the spot watching. With hair all over her face, Cat watched as Supergirl towered over her. "True power, Cat, is deciding who will live and who will die. And don't ever call me again." She sprang into the air and left her spectacle.
The next day, Alex walked into the favorite coffee shop that Kara usually visited in the mornings. She spotted the blonde alien she was searching for, ironically not her sister yet, sitting at the counter. It appeared Anais had only ordered a small espresso.
"How'd you even find me?" Anais spoke quietly in her seat. Her finger traced the espresso cup despite its heat. Knowing Alex was looking at this action, she added, "I'm impervious to heat. Part of being a Solista."
"Right," Alex made a mental note to do some research on what a 'Solista' was. There had to be a record of it in the DEO.
"So how'd you find me?"
"Your monitoring gave us a specific vitals to search for, specifically heat levels."
"Ah," Anais picked up her espresso and took a big drink from it, proving once again her impervious to heat ability.
"Listen, you and I, we don't know each other that well to have a heart to heart conversation but I know you have professionalism and initiative."
"Well that's great, any way you can pass the message to the others?"
Alex let the sarcasm slide on account of the situation. "I get you want freedom—"
"Do you really?" Anais challenged, lowering her cup. She knew that Alex meant no harm. She was probably trying to find some help for her sister. Nothing to be ashamed of. It was simply tiring to be stuck in the same spot. Anais was done with it. "They found me when I was 5 years old. My mother was an alien and my father a human who became afraid of her when he learned what she was. He left us. Humans murdered my mother out of fear and when the DEO found me, they thought that I could turn out to be a threat. But my adoptive parents, they didn't see me that way and fought and negotiated to take me in. They adopted me under special circumstances and conditions. Those conditions came from the government and it said that I could not be left unsupervised. I'm a rare species as it is, and I'm half human, so...you can imagine the interest in me. Eighteen years I've lived in isolation with only my parents and godparents. These people are older, scientists, and human. I love them but I want to go out and do something. Have a life."
Alex lowered her gaze after listening. It was easy to forget that not every alien would've had the same nice backstory like Kara and her cousin. Some of them could have very well ended up as lab rats. Anais, while being lucky to have found sympathizing human parents, didn't necessarily boast a social life. She was kept under wraps that not even Hank was able to undo. "I'm sorry," Alex truly felt for her. "I'm sorry that you have not had this opportunity. My sister sort of had a similar problem when growing up. We asked her not to use her powers, but…"
"She's now Supergirl. She got over it," Anais then added in a quiet voice, "Wish I could've met her and not the evil bitch living inside of her at the moment."
"Kara isn't right—"
"I know that," Anais showed no resentment towards Kara for the same reason. The woman wasn't in her five senses. "And that's why I wanted to help. I wanted to go see Kara for myself and assess. I felt her coldness, her... condescension. The real Kara is suffocating in there."
Alex felt tears come to her eyes as she thought about her sweet sister trapped in a woman of hell. "Can you help?"
"I'm not a scientist but I can help with the delivery of an antidote," Anais let her eyes glow a fiery orange, startling Alex for a second. "Supergirl's my hero. It would be an honor to help her."
Alex smiled with gratitude. Just as she opened her mouth, a television screen near them produced Cat Grant's face. "Citizens of National City, this is Cat Grant, live from Catco Plaza. As you all know, I have been Supergirl's most outspoken champion. So, you can imagine how difficult it is for me to tell you that I and Catco can no longer stand behind Supergirl."
Anais' mouth slowly fell open. "What is she…?"
"I made you trust her. I gave you my word that she was safe, a friend. I was wrong. Supergirl has changed. She is unstable and extremely dangerous. She threw me off of a building last night and threatened my life and…"
"She did what—"
Alex couldn't believe what she was hearing. "No one told us..."
"Who knows what else she is capable of? It's not easy being let down by our idols. Having someone who embodies our heroic ideals helps us believe that we can be heroes, too. Sometimes heroes fall. So, please, for your own safety, stay away from Supergirl."
"She just turned the city against Supergirl," Anais came to the realization not long after the transmission had ended.
"We have to head back to the DEO," Alex began to get up from the stool. "Something tells me Kara's not gonna take this lightly."
"You should go see her. I'll get back to the DEO. I promise," Anais dropped off the money for her drink and started out. She could not let the mantle of Supergirl drop like that, not when she had the means to stop it.
When she got to the DEO, she quickly passed all the warm welcome from her parents and got to business. "Look, Mom, Dad, she needs help stat. I could feel the coldness inside her and it is awful. She needs our help."
"We've got the antidote almost ready," her father promised. "Maxwell Lord might be a suspicious man but he does regret this red kryptonite situation."
"He should," Hank came into the room and shut the door. "He may have turned Supergirl into a monster now."
"One that the city might learn to fear quick," Anais knew that Cat's transmission was on a constant loop for those who hadn't caught up with the latest news.
"No need, it's coming along just fine," Mrs. Allen was in the middle of dropping in a red liquid into a beaker. "Might I suggest prison time for this Lord man?"
"We wish," Hank was bitter just thinking about their powerless situation. "Unfortunately, making red kryptonite isn't exactly a crime."
"But it was a murder weapon," Mr. Allen frowned.
"Didn't exactly kill anyone."
"Your law system isn't very good," Anais meant that in general for the humans.
"Well we do try, Miss Allen," a dark-skinned woman walked into the room with several guards. Anais instinctively took a step back towards her parents. She could practically smell the official government scent off the woman. "I'm Senator Crane," the woman introduced herself. "And as of now, you Miss Allen, are the being who will take Supergirl down."
Anais' eyes widened with alarm. She quickly glanced at her parents for some help, even Hank. Mr. Allen put his hands over her shoulders and looked directly at Senator Crane. "Our daughter is part of an exclusive contract that does not permit her to use her powers in front of civilians."
"And as of right now, that contract has been voided," Senator Crane responded with that authorization that only a person in true power could use. She motioned one of the guards to hand over a pile of papers to Mr. Allen, which turned out to be a contract. "As of now, your custody of Subject 1740, Anais Mjorkland, has been terminated. She is now DEO property—" Anais' mouth fell open in overwhelming offence, "—to which—" the Senator threw a glance at Hank, "-I order to use this new asset to take Supergirl down."
"Excuse you—" Anais was about to go on a full rage rampage but she felt her father squeeze her shoulders, urging her to keep calm.
"Senator," Mrs. Allen began, her motherly concern etched across her face, "My daughter is not an 'asset' and she most definitely is not property you can just hand around—"
"I am sorry," the Senator repeated her apology, not that any of the family believed her. "I understand the terminology is difficult—"
"Offensive," Anais snapped. "It's offensive."
"—but the condition to keep the child was to give conditional custody to the U.S government. The custody is now the DEO's and Mr. Henkshaw knows how to utilize his materials. We thank you for all the years you put into her but you are now relieved of any responsibility of her."
"Are you kidding me!?" Anais exclaimed, her head repeatedly looking from her parents to the Senator. "I'm 23! You can't—you can't do this! I want to help Supergirl, not kill her. I could never hurt her."
"As of now, you follow the orders the DEO gives you," the Senator flexed a finger for Anais to come to her and Hank.
Anais shook her head, unable to take a step away from her parents.
"Senator…" Mr. Allen pleaded with the woman, but the deal was done.
Anais belonged to the DEO.
"You need to get ready, Miss Allen. We are sending you out."
"Dad…" Anais' eyes filled with tears. Suddenly her fight with her parents seemed petty and now all she wanted to do was take refuge with them. "Mom?"
Mr. Allen brought a hand to his forehead after reading the contract. "This is...it's legal...I don't…"
"I order you to assemble the troops for backup," the Senator warned Hank before taking her leave with her guards.
"I don't want to hurt anyone," Anais repeated, not that it mattered anymore. There wasn't much anyone could do at the moment and she knew it.
"Sweetheart, no one is going to let you become property, alright?" Mrs. Allen cupped her face. "We're going to fix it, I swear. You're not a subject to us, you're our daughter."
Hank cleared his throat to get their attention. "Anais, for now, it's best to just follow the contract. Afterwards we can personally go over it and change it again. But we really do need to bring Supergirl the antidote."
"We trust you, Hank," Mr. Allen warned him. "You saved her the first time...don't let anything happen to her."
"Of course," Hank's gesture for Anais to follow him was hard enough seeing, let alone following it.
With a gulp, Anais took one last look at her parents then walked out of the room with Hank. For the girl who'd always wanted to go out, she was terrified now that she had the opportunity.
~ 0 ~
Hearing what the DEO was planning on doing was probably the second most horrible thing Alex had heard that night. Her visit to Kara's apartment had been unsuccessful on her part — evil Kara got to say everything off her chest.
"Take this," Alex gently handed over a simple mask to Anais as the troops readily got into the vans that would soon go on the hunt for Supergirl.
Anais stared blankly at the mask in Alex's hands. Alex thought this entire thing was difficult enough, she really didn't want to deal with a refusing alien. "Look, please just take the mask. Hank said you need to protect your—"
"I know what it means," Anais quietly said and crossed her arms. "I don't need it."
With a sigh, Alex held the mask closer to Anais. "I don't like this any more than you do, believe me, but they're orders."
"No, I meant, I really don't need it," Anais raised her head and let Alex in on her secret. Anais' face glowed golden as something formed over her eyes - a mask.
Alex watched in awe as the golden light formed a mask that went around Anais' eyes with small flame-figures streaking midway down her cheeks. "How'd you do that?" asked Alex who now lowered the mask in her hand.
"It's just creating shapes with my powers, honestly. My mother said it was basic enough so that all Solista toddlers knew how to do it, even a half-Solista."
"Oh…" Alex knew this was just as troublesome for Anais. Honestly, she felt ready to die.
"Ladies," Hank called to them from the other end of the room, "Are we ready?"
"Don't really have a choice, do we?" Anais glanced at Alex, neither of them ready for the plan. The antidote was ready, but the way they would deliver it and the circumstances of it were not very pleasing.
~ 0 ~
Supergirl had made herself known for the wrong reasons all on her own. Cat's informative transmission remained on a constant loop and so that was the first thing she took down. Strong, white lasers shattered the street screen hanging from a freeway bridge. She laughed maniacally as the humans screamed in terror.
"Idiots," she flew to the next closest transmission and proceeded to punch it with a sole fist. She watched with satisfaction as it too shattered and crumbled to the ground.
And then she began to think why just go for the transmissions? All those pathetic humans waiting for her to rescue them like she had no other things to do. Well, now they would have to save themselves. She started causing havoc around the streets, making cars crash into each other and cracking cemented roads.
It was all just too much fun.
In all that fun, she missed the speedster coming in from behind who rammed into her. Supergirl's scream as she tumbled across the street almost matched that of the humans'.
Anais skidded to a stop, wide, blinking eyes taking in the destruction Supergirl was causing. "Oh my God…"
Supergirl raised her head, her blonde hair flipping over her shoulders. "Who the hell do you think you are?"
"Hopefully, the girl who saves Supergirl," Anais answered with nothing but honesty.
"I'm not the one who needs saving," Supergirl got back on her feet and dusted off her new black one-suit.
Her eyes flickered to the side. Anais followed it and saw a couple of humans still inside their car, trying to get away from them. "Supergirl…" she barely got the words out when Supergirl picked up a sewer lid and threw it like a boomerang at the car. "No!" Anais sped towards the car while Supergirl laughed once again.
Anais reached the sewer lid first and grabbed it like nothing, redirecting it somewhere else. She glared at Supergirl for that awful trick. "We have the antidote, see?" She pulled out a small metalic gun with the red liquid showing off in the back. "Just let us cure you."
"I don't need cures. I need people to understand that their Girl Scout superhero is gone," Supergirl gestured to the mess around them. "Though if you want to take the mantle...then it's me vs you."
"No, that's really okay—"
Supergirl fired her heat vision at Anais, something the alien speedster hadn't really processed in time. This time it was Anais whose screams echoed down the street. She scrunched her face and decided to fire back with the same power, only a bigger one. Her heat vision met Supergirl's, and the two's powers reverberated in a deadly manner.
And then suddenly, Supergirl swerved to the side and forced Anais to fall forwards from the lack of an opponent's response. Supergirl flew towards Anais and delivered a punch right on her stomach. Anais felt that to the core, literally, as she landed against an already crashed car.
At the same time, a D.E.O. car arrived and Alex jumped out from the back with another weapon similar to Anais', only much bigger. Supergirl glanced over her shoulder. "Outnumbering will not help you." She turned around just as Alex took aim. "Classic Alex. Always in time to ruin the fun."
"Supergirl!" Hank arrived on the spot as well. "Stand down!"
Supergirl's smirk said the opposite. "Supergirl, yes." She threw her heat vision at Alex which then made Alex drop the weapon to the side. She charged directly for Alex, and twisted Alex's arm before slamming the human against the D.E.O. van. Hank couldn't let anything happen to either woman. The man changed into a green creature - an alien - and crashed with Supergirl onto the ground.
Anais had shaken off the stars from her attack and sped back to the scene. Her mouth fell open at the sight but she could see that this was not enough to stop Supergirl either. Just as Supergirl fought against the green alien - later to be known as a Martian - Anais summoned up as much power she could.
"Back for round two—"
Anais punched Supergirl across the face and then rose in the air for a final trick. A golden light encircled her body and released blasts of golden energy directly at Supergirl, proving to be quite a menace as Supergirl was knocked onto the roadside. Her skin shined with the same energy of Anais' as the former screamed, hands nearly carving into her face to get the energy off her. Still in the air, Anais fired the antidote from her small gun and hoped to God it would be over. Supergirl's skin then showed streaks of red but ultimately wore off as a black cloud steamed from her body. After such an attack, the Kryptonian collapsed on the ground.
Anais lowered herself to the ground with a growing smile. Supergirl would be alright now.
"Go, please" she heard Alex. She turned her head and remembered Hank's reveal. Bringing her hand to her mouth, Anais watched as multiple DEO troops surrounded Hank and despite having the ability to escape...he changed back into his human form and put his hands behind his head, lowering himself to the ground.
He was arrested on the spot.
~ 0 ~
When Kara woke up, she felt her forehead connected to some machine. Her eyes flickered to the side and immediately saw Alex standing beside her. "Did I kill anyone?" Kara's voice was quiet and weak.
"No, you didn't kill anyone," Alex could see the emotion just about to pour from her sister's eyes.
Kara then noticed the cast around Alex's arm and remembered what she'd done. "Your arm..." she choked on her own tears.
"Broken bones heal and this will too," Alex promised her.
Kara sniffled until she couldn't hold it any longer. She burst into sobs. "It was so horrible, Alex. It was so bad. It was so horrible. Every bad thought I've ever had, it just came to the surface. I couldn't stop it. I didn't mean it...I didn't mean what I said to you! I'm sorry, I'm sorry for what I said!"
Alex set a comforting (healed) hand on Kara's arm. "Kara, you're my sister and I love you. No matter what. There's some truth to what you said. We're going to have to work on that."
Kara could only nod. More memories began to surface into her mind. "What about J'onn?"
There, Alex could not answer very well.
~ 0 ~
Anais watched her parents go back and forth with different calls attempting to open up negotiations with anyone in power to redo the contract of her custody. Now that Hank Henshaw was revealed to be another alien - one presumed to have killed the real Hank Henshaw - the contract was even harder to change. The only thing Anais could do to pass the time was to visit the quaint coffee shop she had the previous day. Her parents refused to leave the city until the custody battle was done and won so they would be staying in the hotel to see it through. She herself had no legal say, ironically, in her own battle.
"Thank you," Anais accepted an espresso from the counter girl and gazed up at the screen above her to see her own figure in the screen. A small smile came to her face as CatCo. passed the few shots of her they'd gotten from people last night, fighting Supergirl. No one knew where the mysterious new fighter came from, but unlike Hank, she was being rejoiced as a new hero.
Poor Supergirl, Anais inwardly sighed. This was never how she pictured her first meeting with her favorite superhero. Fate was a tricky thing. But perhaps it was only getting started.
Someone cleared their throat behind Anais' stool and when Anais glanced back she saw a much different Kara Danvers standing there. Even her clothes had reverted to a preppy assistant type. It fit her, thought Anais.
"Hi, um…" Kara didn't know what to say and so awkwardly pushed her glasses up. "Uh...I wanted to thank you, um...for helping my sister and...me...last night. Um...I bought a gift." Anais watched her quickly lay a manila folder on the counter. "It's for you and your family."
Anais reached for the folder and opened it up. She found a couple papers inside and skimmed it (speed reading was a big no in public). With widened eyes she glanced back at Kara who awaited with a sheepish smile. "This is a new contract," Anais lowered the contract to the folder. "The one my parents are fighting for right now."
"I know," Kara managed a small smile through her utter sorry and embarrassment. "I talked to Alex about you and she told me what happened with you and your parents. It was my fault—"
"No, none of it was—" Anais tried to intervene but Kara kept going, determined to finish.
"I said and did awful things and it hurt a lot of people. I want to make amends and fix what I can. You are not property. You are not an experiment. That contract gives you your freedom to decide on whatever you want. The only clause is that you must work with the DEO. as I am, and follow up with them and the government with your training sessions."
"Tr-training session?" Anais repeated. It was the only thing her mouth could form because everything else was still being processed with all its implications.
"Um...given your abilities, I thought I could use a hand...a partner...out in the field," Kara admitted then added, "Especially since the city hates me right now." It was how she got the contract pushed through. Supergirl was in dire need of some help to regain her reputation and since Anais had already done such a good job before, she would be the perfect partner.
"I would...I would love to," Anais began to smile at the prospect of working with Supergirl. "This is like a dream…"
The two women shared a small laughter in their seats.
"You know, yesterday...and the day before...you didn't meet the real me," Kara began again, this time quiet and guilt-riddened. "I would really like to start new again, if you would give me the opportunity."
"Of course," Anais didn't have any doubts who the real Kara Danvers was. Bubbles. She inwardly laughed at Winn's comparison.
Then, out of nowhere, Kara held a hand out. "I'm Kara Danvers, nice to meet you."
With another smile, Anais shook Kara's hand. "Anais Allen."
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