ichinisankaku · 2 years
Event Scene Translation - Sunny Blanc (Chapter 7)
It doesn't seeeeeem like anyone's translating this event yet...? (Edit: it's been picked up now!) I don't really have time to do it all myself, but this chapter caught my eye, so I wanted to at least get this one out there ୧(^▽^و)
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Hisoka: Fuaa...
(I'm tired... I didn't get much sleep yesterday, either... I'll probably end up sleeping while at work...)
Chikage: --Oi.
Hisoka: ?
*car sfx*
Chikage: Watch where you're going. You'll get run over if you walk in the middle of the road like that.
Hisoka: ...I was just thinking a little.
Chikage: Thinking? You?
Hisoka: ...I smell something nice.
Chikage: That'll be these.
I found a cream puff store that Citron said he wanted to eat at near my destination, so I bought some as a souvenir.
Hisoka: ...A souvenir? Chikage did?
Chikage: Don't laugh.
Hisoka: I want one too.
Chikage: I didn't get you one.
Hisoka: (This sweet smell... that's right...)
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Hisoka: (I'm hungry... which trash can should I look through today...)
Boy: !!
Hisoka: --gh.
Boy: Tch, out of my way!
Hisoka: ?
Shopkeeper: Finally found you! So it was you who stole my stuff, huh?!
Hisoka: Eh...?
Shopkeeper: Don't play dumb! My goods! You stole this incense, didn't you?!
Hisoka: Incense? Ah... that kid just now...
Shopkeeper: I'll make sure you don't make the same mistake again!
Hisoka: It wasn't me... it wasn't...
Shopkeeper: Shut up! The evidence is right there!
Hisoka: --gh.
Shopkeeper: Ah, stop!
Hisoka: (Stop it... why don't you believe me...)
Shopkeeper: Hold it, you brat!
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???: This way.
Hisoka: !?
???: Shh, quiet.
Hisoka: ...
Shopkeeper: Damn it! Where'd you go!?
I'll make you pay the next time I see your face!
???: ...It's clear now.
Hisoka: Haa...
???: It's unfortune to be framed for something, huh.
Hisoka: How'd you know?
???: I happened to see you earlier.
Hisoka: Thank you...
???: What is it?
Hisoka: ...I smell something nice.
???: Aah, that'll be these muffins. My family asked me to buy them.
Hisoka: ...
???: ...Can't be helped. I'll give you one.
Hisoka: ...Really?
???: If I talk about this later, that guy would absolutely get on my case about why I didn't give you one.
Hisoka: Thank you...
???: See you.
Hisoka: (So there's nice people like this too... I'd like if we could meet again...)
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Hisoka: ...gh.
Chikage: What is it?
Hisoka: Uuuu...
Chikage: Hey--!
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Hisoka: Mm...
Izumi: Ah, you're awake? Thank goodness.
Homare: I shall let the others know.
Izumi: Please do.
Hisoka: ...?
Izumi: How are you holding up?
Hisoka: I'm fine...
Izumi: Do you remember collapsing after meeting Chikage-san on your way to Journey?
Hisoka: Yeah... and I remember Chikage carrying me.
Izumi: Be sure to thank him later.
Hisoka: ...I will.
Tsumugi: Hisoka-kun, are you alright?
Tasuku: His face is a better colour than before.
Azuma: I brought some water for you.
Hisoka: Thank you...
Guy: There's no need for you to push yourself to come to the store.
Hisoka: ...Sorry for taking another break.
Guy: Pay it no mind. There weren't many customers today, so I temporarily closed up.
Azuma: It's best to rest properly.
Hisoka: ...Yeah.
(Everyone's worried for me... yes, these casual, warm days aren't something I want to forget...)
Recently, there have been lots of things that remind me of the past, and it's painful...
Like memories of August, or of when I was a kid...
I felt bad that I had forgotten, and shocked that I had forgotten things that I thought I'd always remember...
I even remembered something from before I met August, and was all alone...
Painful memories I'd rather leave forgotten, and memories of kind people I shouldn't forget...
I got scared of what I'd do if I someday forgot the memories I have with all of you, just like that.
I don't want that... I don't want to forget my memories with you all...
I thought I'd be fine as long as you all remembered them, but in the end, I don't want to forget anything else...
Homare: Hisoka-kun is being surprisingly affectionate.
Tasuku: ...Yeah.
Azuma: I suppose that just means you're thinking of us fondly.
Tsumugi: Not wanting to forget things isn't unusual at all. Nobody wants to forget important memories, and they don't want others to forget them either.
Guy: Everyone feels the same.
Hisoka: ...Right.
Tsumugi: That reminds me, Hisoka-kun. If it's alright with you, why don't we go to Flower Park together next time?
The botan are in bloom. For Hisoka-kun, maybe it'd be better if I call them peonies?*
Hisoka: Peonies...
Tsumugi: It's possible that they'll make you remember something you don't want to, so...
We'll go whenever your feelings have settled.
Hisoka: ...I'll go. Right now, I feel like it'd be better to go.
*"Botan" is the Japanese word for peonies, and then he repeats it in English for Hisoka. So I kept "botan" in Japanese, since the sentence makes no sense if you replace the word with peonies.
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