rddykilowatt · 10 months
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“Hm. I’m a decent man you know, are you really gonna touch me like that?~”
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swarmishstrangers · 6 months
Hey, do you think Mallek would be into dating sims? Specifically the ones that have robot characters? <- thinks about calculester from monster prom
(anyway, I hope you're getting better and I'm not bothering you with this silly little ask that ran into my head after reading your mallek headcanons and playing the game ever! Keep yourself warm and comfortable, please)
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Bit late answering this ask! I am indeed much better and no longer sicky teehee
Also erm? You're SO right anon I literally am../j ofc! It makes me like. Stupid happy that people like how I write/see Mallek. UGHH him and Boldir are my fav trolls 5ever and I want to write them the best I can.
As for your your questionnn uhh? I'm honestly not sure? The type of games I can see Mallek playing ranges from casual games, multiplayers that he can get on calls with and talk with friends, sandbox style games, and ofc, if he's really wanting to use up his brain power, some pretty difficult and complicated RPGs that involve a lot of reading or remembering things. The last one interestingly, though, is, to no one's surprise, likes shitposty kind of games.
Mallek, on his own, I don't think seeks out to play dating sims, not the serious ones anyway. Sure, he hears about some popular ones (a lot of eastern Alternian dating sims are crazy popular) and he enjoys some eastern Alternian anime (not a lot to say he's a megafan or anything but, ya know, casually). But he doesn't seek those specific kind of games out himself.
In comes his dumbass friends that he plays online games with. Not a bunch of people. Honestly, it's only like. Five trolls at max he plays online games consistently and is one of his few bustling social groups. There used to be six..but. It brings a dull sadness to his pan if he thinks too much about him.
Anyways! His friends definitely like to pester Mallek and send him shitpost games disguised as other games to prank him. It's funny as fuck. Some of these they'd hide dating sims in them, serious or not, and Mallek would be like, "haha; oh no what do you have me playing this time;", download it, and. It's fucking dating sim. SO stupid but he thinks it's funny and humors them, playing the game on his off time.
He's. Greatly embarrassed to say he enjoyed some of them. Shitposty ones of course were great, but he finds himself shocked to enjoy some of the more serious ones in these prank hidden games his friends have him play. Not a lot of dating sims include alien type characters to romance because aliens are kill on sight on Alternia...but robots aren't. Yeah Mallek finds himself drawn to the more interesting characters in terms of looks or personalities. And that doesn't mean in terms of a character being hot or attractive. I point and laugh at Mallek, robot fucker ROBOT fucker!!
He replays some of these games sometimes, and THAT is why he keeps his friends from seeing when he does by hiding his game status online from them lmao. He still doesn't go out to purposefully play new ones, but he likes the handful of dating sims he does still play from time to time.
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