#I GET THE CONFUSION so i'm sorry for this long winded tangent but i kind of don't appreciate the few labelling it as abusive
vellichorom · 1 year
Hey I have a genuine question and I dont mean it is a mean way at all. This is me being actual confused /lh
In ur pinned post it says:
"abuse-glorifying whatever freak people by ANY other name are NOT welcome here."
But you have shown a deep care for goreguts and have talked about how unhealthy it is and hold them in a light that really doesn't seem to be not glorifying their relationship? Maybe I've read this all wrong or something but it was something that kinda bothered me when I read ur pinned. Again, I ask this question in a genuine way and mean for no feelings to be hurt, sorry if it does though, im bad with that kinda communication
Highlighting ( again ) that Goreguts is unhealthy, NOT abusive.
They're impossibly, mutually co-dependent & neglect to see the other's fatal flaws or the flaws in the relationship because they're all the other has now, but are otherwise happy & content to be together. They're also freaks who kill for mutual recreation, but ultimately don't mean the other actual, malicious harm beyond what they can't themselves enjoy. Unhealthy & strange, it didn't start off great & I certainly don't recommend it, but not ABUSIVE.
Now, every abusive relationship is OBVIOUSLY unhealthy but not every unhealthy relationship is outright abusive; it's often complicated, or not great for one reason or another, but not to be held to the same comparison standards as an objectively abusive relationship just because there's negative aspects to it.
Said negative aspects I highlight regularly regarding Goreguts, as MUCH as I may highlight the many better parts of the relationship.
WHICH you can discuss! & I will! At the behest & interest of myself, my sibling, others, we're fleshing out & exploring this complex & multi-faceted relationship, which includes touching upon EVERYTHING, including the better, more positive parts of the relationship - which Goreguts still retains a lot of for still being unhealthy. That much you CAN still discuss while also while also acknowledging it's obviously not the best relationship overall & still stating as much.
Which I do. I certainly don't beat around the bush with this ship & will eagerly tell you or anyone that they kind of suck together ( at least within the canon default ), but I'm not going to tack an addendum saying as much every time I say something positive about the ship or hype it up to any degree or joke about it, nor should I have to just to convey that I'm not glorifying it or the more questionable aspects of it.
I'm genuinely sorry if you took any of the silly shenanigans OR positive highlights my sibling & I do with this ship as glorification, but that's not the case, nor is it intended to be whatsoever. So I hope this ask clears things up a little bit.
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olivieblake · 4 years
pat here that was a great read I'm sorry I was so confusing I want to clear up that I have no issue with voting Biden he is who is needed to be president right now of the options we have I have no doubt. He's not perfect as you said but I don't understand those who say they are the same. I am going to take a couple asks to hopefully be clearer about what I was attempting to say feel free to ignore if I'm repeating myself but please know I've never even considered not voting Biden once he was it
you've made some great points so some of what I was thinking may be invalid now, I'm a fairly new voter I'm not totally familiar with the process yet. I was trying to say as someone in the christian circle I know a lot of people who know trump is a bad person yet are lining up to vote for him anyway due almost entirely to wanting to see abortion overturned. These are people who would (obviously wrongly) consider themselves loving and kind people ignoring the many of their values for 1 issue. yes, I agree this is a common source of confusion for me in terms of right-wing voters abortion is about control especially to the men in charge and many others its also about life I know lots of women and I'm sure there are men, who really believe the stories about babies fighting while being aborted. its the defining issue of the party but the people are coming out to vote for whatever benefits they think anti abortion laws will bring them at least that's the experience with the people around me, it might not be universal no, I think you’re right about that. but I also think that is generally how things tend to go; we could probably look back at history and see people choosing their stances on one “hot” issue. say, prohibition, for example.
so when I say the left is fractured I mean that we want health care we want action on climate change we want something to be done about policing but we don't agree on how it should be accomplished and I have seen many people outright refuse to vote for Biden because he doesn't offer every single thing they are looking for on every issue on these issues. Thats what I was trying to say by saying its fractured. I am refraining from trashing Biden/dems during this particular time because I don’t think it serves a purpose, especially since the GOP agenda is much more concerning, but yes, once the election is over we should continue to be critical of policy decisions because to me voting 3rd cause Biden changed some of the GND is so selfish yet they are so like my grandmother believes trump was anointed by god to stop abortion yikes (and end the world??) and so though she's conflicted cause she knows he's bad she'll ultimately vote for him due to that. My long winded point (lmao) was I think there are many like her and they don't see they are being used (they aren't victims they are very complicit in his evil but I think trump takes advances of easy targets and pandering to christians is one of those targets) “trump” aka every GOP lawmaker I don't see the right struggle so hard with the 3rd party or not voting and so I wondered if the GOP lawmakers are actively not seeing through one of the core party values in order to keep the party together and voting for them, (they are a mess but they are typically a mess that agrees I think? cause they are selfish and the inconsistent policies consistently benefit only them) only one more left I promise god I'm so sorry I'm insufferable I at least hope this all made more sense 
last one, maybe my flaw is that its just trump who has no intention of overturning abortion yes, this is a major flaw in your reasoning. we’ll discuss (there is no way he was anointed by god!!) and is using it for reelection maybe other lawmakers actually want too and he's held them up idk I think you already answered how i'm wrong anyway aha but I wanted to clear up 2 party system sucks but its not what I was mad about and I am very very clear about voting Biden and I hope I didn't make it seem like people shouldn't!!! please folks vote early & safely the conversation took a slight turn after your asks which is why I wrote my follow-up, but thanks for clarification!
I realized everything I wrote is still probably confusing just ignore it my adhd mind connects things that make like no sense cause its dumb sorry to waste your time! It was a general musing I had like wow how can a chunk of the left take their rights so for granted they'd not vote Biden cause he's not perfect. yes this is a fair source of confusion. people are astoundingly selfish, it’s wild I wonder if the GOP lawmakers see that and purposely don't pass a core issue so their base doesn't get apathetic one day too oof, I wish, but no & I like u so I shared 😂😂 thank you! it’s not a problem to ask, and I’m glad you took the time to clarify.
here is my original answer, with this portion of your question answered in this video; I went off for a bit on a tangent about how abortion politics have basically led to the alienation of women who suffer miscarriages because of recent events on the subject, so I hope you know you’re definitely not the only one who has general musings that can sometimes go on for a bit
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