fiddlstyx · 3 months
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that feeling when you don’t have the cobweb duster and are no where near level 30, but it’s night so all the pyrokenetic animals are out
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You see after all the stuff I want to let you know is that the year 2045 it's when the gray aliens magically disappear like a giant missing 411 episode
And I believe I know it sounds stupid and I sound stupid and I think I sound stupid and hearing myself say the words I just think stupid
But the only thing logical conclusion I can come to is that I think judgment Day happens that year
Keep in mind the world's going to literally look like this
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I'm not making stuff up I swear to God this stuff literally
30 years ago when the gray aliens were giving me and my people visions and they were psychically programming us and telling us basically what to think but above all they're getting his visions and basically giving us like deja vu programming
Basically they were showing us our entire life before they happened why our bodies incubated in the giant green water tanks
While our baby bodies floated they programmed our souls
Telepathy just showed that stuff but near the end they open the portal to 2045 on the earth keep in mind this was around the year 1990
And there was no planet Earth anymore and everything was fire I mean the whole planet was fire
And it stayed that way for billions of years
Hundreds of billions of years
. . .
My overall point is that at the year 2045 everyone's gone the ghosts are gone all the animal monsters we have to survive throughout the years after humanities extinction of the Year 2023 I know it sounds stupid I'm not stupid it's what I was told by them I don't think they're lying they done they work super hard to earn my trust they've intensely just because they trying to communicate in their horrified and really angry how annoying it to try to get somebody's, Trust !
So they work hard to not lie
And at this point I trust him I said I trust him I didn't say I like them 👽
But the whole world is gone and well the old world didn't burn down because of climate change and on top of it all all the souls are gone and I don't think it was because of a UFO the gray aliens are gone all the reptilians are gone it seems like 90% of all life in the universe is just disappeared and a giant missing 411 case
All the demons are gone all the ghosts are gone I think that's judgment Day ?!
I do I think that was judgment Day
The year 2045 only a few people are on the earth and they're not here to suffer they're here to start new life
Me and my people before ones the ones I've taken against our Free Will in the spirit round the ones that had no Rite
Being on the Earth ever again and was forced here because of the great alien agenda the insectoid agenda
I know it sounds stupid maybe crazy I don't care but what I know I'm telling you is true and I really think that that might be judgment Day that might be the power of the universe also known as God
He just makes everyone go missing call on one I think that was the rapture
Everyone's just gone doesn't matter where you are you just are gone like magic like someone snapped their fingers and you cease to exist
The great aliens turned and said that they're gone and they kept saying it was a glitch or mistake or an error but all the psychics on the ship which they're all psychic but there's some that are super psychic the taller Gray ...... it's complicated
Kept saying that no everyone's gone and everyone got real quiet and afraid we just wanted to leave but they got hostile towards us and said no you have to go
You have to go down to the Earth and be part of the agenda so our souls was forced into all of this our souls are forced here our souls were forced to obey and I really feel like I can compare myself to the African-Americans of 1619
And if any African-American is reading my post and they want to screen the word races I want to let you know honestly that my skin is not actually white it's actually Gray to be completely honest my skin is light gray naturally but they made a patch to make me look ultra white I hate this white skin it's ugly
And if there is an African-American watching my post I'm not mentally ill and I'm not on drugs and I'm not drinking alcohol I don't ever do that stuff ever !
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Just some thoughts of a real disturbed person
Hey! My name is Domi, and I suffer from major psychic deseases, such as anxity, depression and self destructive tendencies.
Trying to live a normal life is harder for someone like me than for average people. And I can’t help myselve anymore.
I’m too anxious and mistrusting to talk to doctors and my so-caled friends left me all by myself, misundestanding and disapproving, thinking I’m weird because I’m too sensitive… I feel all alone in this world.
My family is awesome, but can’t help me. I refuse to take pills which change my character and put my brain into a blender working at the highest level. Feels too squishy inside, feels wrong, feels just like being pulled out of myself and something else is being stuffed in, like riding a strange human-shaped vehicle with no real connection to the world around, not being able to think or feel… no pills for me…
All my ‘friends’ - those people I was at school with - are successful, have families, children or a great carrer in wonderful jobs. Someone who loves and appreciates them, or even enough money to travel, or to live well, or at least to buy health - physic and psychologic.
I’m all alone. Every one I had in my live, every man I loved left me. I used to think it was because they were too weak, but it was because I am too sick. Not only psychological but also physical.
I never had much luck in my live. Sometimes I think I consumed all the luck of my life when I was a kid. Or more precisely a tomboy. I allways tried to keep up with the elder boys, trying stunts with the bike - hell, I think I was five or six years old - oh god, I was so fearless. I never thought of consequences, I… just… sort of… DID things. Because I thought it could be fun. Other kids were fun. Being active was fun. Just doing without thinking was fun. I was in hospitals quite often to get stitched together again. Fingers, an eyebrow…but that wasn’t so scary at all.
At elementary school - I suppose - I began to fear other kids. I lived in a small district of a small village. They called it the ghetto of the village, 2 kilometers away from the main provincial town. We were outsiders, aliens, just moved here from another part of the country. We? My sister and I. We’ve allways had a tough time. But she came out of it as the winner. Me instand…I am a real loser. We both were bullied, but she is strong. I am not.
At the age of 8, the pain I felt for about 2 years in my right hip brought me to the hospital, diagnosis: congenital dislication of the hip. And the doctors telling me not to walk one more step or I will have to live a life in a wheelchair. 2 weeks later and they would never had the chance to help me. It means no sports for a long time. No jumping around. No running or riding the bike anymore.
And I got fat…and depressed. At the age of 14 the last ridge broke. No warning, no trigger, no point at which anything could be changed or be done different. Just deep sadness. Pure loneliness. The feeling of having no control over anything. And the painful fear of people, as well as the deep fear of being alone and isolated because noone seemed to care. It was the years of one of the biggest mistakes in my whole life. Rejecting my best friend - my only true friend - telling me to love me for quite a while. Stupid…hurting the only one who stepped in when the others not only bullied but beat me up.
Secondary school was a pain in the ass. The best school in the next greater town was a catholic girls school. Yay…barbies and I-am-better-than-everyone-attitudes. And more bullying. More enemies. More fear. To wake up, to get up, to lose more and more control of what will come next.
The school psychologist told me I was not ill, but there is simply nobody who likes me or cares about me. Just like that. A teen sitting across the table of the liaison teachers room crying her heart out for chists sake and all this woman told me that I am the asshole in my own sad story. And I believed it. I must have been a realy mean person, from my 4th year of my live up to this moment at the age of 16…maybe 17 years. Fuck. I was a monster because everyone hated me. Everyone despite the outsiders. The lonely ones. The weirdos. I seemed to geather them all around me. They never liked me or loved me…but they tollerated me.
After I finished school - I did my ‘abitur’, not bad for me having depression and dyslexia and poor cognitive performance because of the depression - I was too down to chose a way in live. I lost 2 years because I had to repeat. I was unlovable, stupid, a goth/punk/what ever, a kind of outlaw and I never knew what to do. To fullfill my dreams I was to weak. As a child I wanted to become a singer and actor, I was on stage in school theatre and sang at christmas plays. But for that I was too fearful. Not self-confident enough. Not good enough. I liked sewing but no one wanted to educate me so I could go to design school…to become a fashion designer. I tried to become a goldsmith, applied me to nearly every crearive apprenticeship I could think of. But no luck. Used it up as a child, remenber? So I was bold and tried to study, together with my boyfriend. I was 22. He left me shortly after we started. And I lost my courage. I was so deep in my depression…he was a gamer as well as I was…and still am. After that I started an apprentice at a medical supply shop for patients. They gave me a chance. But what a price to pay… without my next boyfriend I don’t think I would have take the chance. The second year he left me - for my best friend. I was devastated. So deep down in my depression…I wanted to die and tried to achieve this…but my sister rescued me…and took me to an asylum.
I was too smart to talk about everything in my mind. I talked about some of my fears, some of my thoughts, some of my problems, but not quite each and everything. They would have never let me go again, I’m quite sure of that. I did all the exercises I had to do and after 5 weeks I could go back home and work again. I fought…again…and again I won. But this struggle exhausted both my last bit of luck and cosmic favor AND my last fighting spirit. I simply never wanted to be forced to fight anymore. I was so tired.
My life went on. My friends who saw what heappened and pulled me out of my deep hole of sadness and disgusting self-pity are long gone now. I never gained the trust too love somebody or to let somebody in again. I am still a lonely child, stuck in a hostile world. About 7 years has passed. And I got nothing quite to live for. I loved to sew, to paint, to tinker, to collect…but I never seem to have enough energy to do both, to live AND to work. My work consumes all my energy.
I cry allot. In the evenings, when my brain runs out of chemical messengers…out of serotonin and other body’s own happy-substances…when I’m all alone in my flat that depresses me even more. The low ceilling, the missing sunlight, the location too far away from my work place. I don’t even have a pet being allergic to cats, dogs, rabbits, birds…and I love animals so much…
Why I write this? I don’t even know! Perhaps because it is much easier to write to an anonymous audiance than to speak to 'friends’ who you know never will understand a thing…a word…and you know will say: don’t be so sensitive! Stop whining! Are you like 4 or what? …I think I write this because I know there are others like me, struggelling every flarking day to just stay alive because of all the problems, the downs, the sorrows, the anxity, the depression…we love life. And some people just see crybabies whining… sure, could be worse… could be homeless, hungry and… well deadly ill… but who says I/we am/are not? I’m living in a cruel world without anyone who wants to provide a shelter. I’m hungry for love and paitence and hugs and cuddling kittens and puppies and the man I love… if there even was one. And having suicidal tendencies IS a fucking deadly illness despite everyone thinking it isn’t. So go fuck yourselfe! We are no crybabies, we are strong BECAUSE we still live! And we simply don’t know how long we can affort the strength to stay alive. That’s just tha way I feel. One girl (or rather a women despite me feeling like a teen anymore) out of 7.5 milliards of human beings. Who knows. perhaps someone will read this. and cries. And smiles. And fells accepted and undestood.
I don’t know you, but you are stong and wonderful. Stay alive and kicking. I know you can. I hope you can.
Love and appreciation from a real disturbed person
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               * Masterpost and helpful information HERE *
SAPPHIRE is a stone that enhances intuition, bringing prosperity and the fulfilment of dreams. It can be used to enhance psychic ability and to help a witch to develop increased mental powers. Despite Titanic making everyone think that sapphires are ocean blue, they actually come in a variety of colours as well. BLACK brings the wisdom and confidence in the intuition of the witch who uses it. It relieves anxiety and is a helpful little charm for seeking and maintaining employment. GREEN brings the witch using it wisdom and integrity. It encourages compassion for others and helps bring dreams and visions to life. ORANGE brings the witch who uses it creativity in all areas of the arts. PINK brings the witch who uses it resilience. Encouraging love, forgiveness, and a release of the past. VIOLET helps bring upon a deeper spiritual awakening in the witch who uses it. It encourages meditation and peace. WHITE brings the witch who uses it strength and determination, providing the kick in the butt needed to overcome difficult obstacles. It brings clarity to the mind and a better line of communication with spirit guides. YELLOW brings happiness and prosperity by assisting the witch who uses it in gaining financial abundance by putting forth the effort needed to manifest their goals and ambitions.
SERPENTINE is a stone that helps with emotional cleansing, psychic awareness and has the ability to attract praise. It allows the witch using it to open a path that lessens discomfort and hardship in their life. 
SILVER is a mineral that is a mirror to the soul of the witch who uses it. It brings a strong connection between an individual's astral and physical bodies, and it helps to enhance intuitive and psychic abilities. It’s extremely beneficial with everyday communication and helps to improve speech and eloquence. It has the amazing ability to attract, amplify, cleanse and collect the energies of gemstones. Silver is related to the moon and because of this, it is beneficial to have silver with you when grounding or sending off energy and intention into the new moons to bring upon abundance.
SODALITE is a stone of logic, rationality, and efficiency. It helps the witch using it to stimulate creative thought and is beneficial to have when working in large group or team settings.  It’s a good stone for communication because it encourages truth and can help end arguments or other disagreements. It increases intelligence, the will to learn new things.
SUGILITE is a fantastic healer's stone, actually, it’s one of the best to use for witches like myself who are highly empathic and take on whatever energy and crap happens to be going on around us at the time. It is associated with the third eye and crown chakras and because of this, it has an extremely calming effect that lessens feelings of shock and disappointment. It strengthens spirituality, psychic ability and channelling in the witch who uses it and helps perfect spiritual, unconditional love. It can help manifest one's natural gifts and protect against harsh injustice and bullying by lowering hostility, anger, jealousy.  Sugilite reminds the witch using it that loving someone or something does not mean you have to accept their bad moods or actions. Remember, do no harm but take no shit either.
SUNSTONE is a super powerful stone for saying buh-bye to those stupid fears and phobias that we create for ourselves. It's a visionary's stone because it brings leadership qualities to the witch who uses it. It brings some serious good luck and abundance and turns negative energies and psychic attacks into positive energies. Sunstone also happens to be helpful in helping the witch who uses it to better contact animal or spirit guides and on top of all of that, Sunstone is associated with the sacral chakra so it lifts sexual energy too. 
TANZANITE is one of the most important crystals for incredible spiritual exploration because it brings together all aspects of communication and psychic power. It has such a high vibrational energy that automatically invites protection and safety in linking with higher realms and guides which makes for a deeply intense meditation. Now, I probably should note though that this beautiful baby is hard to come by and super expensive. So, If you manage to land some in your collection, you are one lucky person and I hate you a little bit. Not really. Maybe just a bit actually.
TOPAZ a powerful stone in a very similar way that quartz is because of its balancing nature that helps control emotions based on specific type. BLUE mirrors inner desires and helps to stimulate self-confidence and the ability to learn and think through complex concepts. It inspires creativity in the witch who uses it and increases attention span. CLEAR represents the energy of spirit, universal consciousness and uplifts awareness of thoughts and the karmic effect these have. GOLD is a stone of creativity and intention that manifests what an individual truly needs for their path. It’s also an excellent tool for connection to the highest forces in the universe and may be used to store information, energy, thoughts and love received. It recharges the mind, body and soul by boosting faith and self-worth in an individual's abilities without inflating their ego. PINK helps the witch using it in attracting a genuine twin flame love, not a romanticized soulmate version and helps clear destructive obsessions over unreciprocated love. PURPLE is perfect for decision-making as well as revealing any serious flaws in logic or information. It helps protect the witch using it against attracting the wrong person into their life and amplifies clairaudience in those who are clairaudient. BROWN represents strength, stability, confidence and commitment. It increases faithfulness and the ability to build lasting friendships. 
TOURMALINE is a stone that helps strengthen the heart and soothes emotions. It helps an individual overcome sorrow and can amplify the energies of love, joy and inner harmony. Tourmaline comes in a variety of types too such as BLACK can be used for scrying, purification and protection rituals. It also helps to soothe panic attacks. BLUE helps the witch using it to increase their commitment and passion for work, school or other important academic matters. GREEN is connected to the element of earth, because of this it is very beneficial for working with plant spirits and other forms of nature work. PINK helps the witch using it to release stress, worries, depression and anxiety. It can also be paired up with black to create an excellent shield against obsessive and abusive behaviours from others. RED helps the witch using it to banish the harmful effects of bad electromagnetic energy. It also keeps ignorant and nit-picky people from picking fights or attempting to belittle you. 
TURQUOISE is a stone that helps promote leadership and determination associated with career. It can help the witch using it avoid making unwise decisions or business investments. Turquoise also helps individuals who are writers because it is a stone of clear communication and helps the witch using it express their thoughts clearly for all to understand.
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