yioh · 1 year
i hate dramas abt people who are good at being people can we have more shows abt unemployed losers or students who r failing EVERYTHING including their social and love lives or or or adults in their 40/50s who have no idea why or how they r still alive but keep on living because haha lol what else
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jungwnies · 1 year
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synopsis . wooyoung as a boyfriend !
genre . romance, fluff, slightly suggestive ! wc . ~0.9k !
requested by anon ! sorry for taking so long to do this :C thanks 4 waiting
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A » Affection - How affectionate are they?
this man is so affectionate :(
he’s very vocal about the way he feels about you
will always let you know how much he loves you
B » Bonding - How often do they bond with you?
all the fucking time
there is literally no time this man is not strengthening his relationship with you
he’s so focused on making sure the relationship is healthy and trusting
the bond is eternal when it comes to wooyoung
C » Communication - Do they keep in touch with you when they're away?
he’s one of the facetime people
he facetimes you allllllllllll the time
after a performance
before a performance
during a performance break
he also texts you a lot but not as much as he calls you
he prefers talking to you vocally rather than talking through texts
doesn’t matter where he is
he will always make time for you
D » Date - How often do they set up a date for you two?
i don’t think he does dates often
i think he pulls up to your house a lot though for a real netflix and chill session
probably falls asleep at your house
dates don’t really exist
unless it’s the anniversary day
E » Essential - What is the thing that is important to them?
you, his members, his family
everybody he loves is important to him
F » First - Were you his first?
you are unfortunately not his first
i don’t think he’s had a lot of partners
but you are definitely not the first
you’re just the one that lasted LOL
G » Gross - What is the thing he hates in your relationship?
he hates when you don’t understand him or listen to him on an emotional level
he just wants to be loved and understood
if you don’t then he probably would break up with u
H » Holding Hands - How often do they hold your hands?
i don’t think he’s a hand holder but he’s definitely a hugger
i think he keeps you close by keeping an arm around you
hand holding isn’t really his thing
I » Intercourse - How are they in 6? (yk what I mean by 6)
wooyoung got some moves fr LOL
he definitely knows how to work with your body and how to please you
he also knows how to make sure he’s also getting satisfaction
the pleasure is always mutual during sex
J » Jealousy - How jealous do they get?
wooyoung is a healthy jealousy kind of guy to him
it’s okay to be kind of jealous
just not over protective or toxic about it
his jealousy is cute
he just gets clingy and whiny LOL
K » Kiss - How good are they at kissing?
he’s got skill
in the beginning he wasn’t very good
but with time his kissing skills got irresistible
L » Love - How do they show their love to you?
quality time
physical touch
hes very showy and vocal when it comes to how he feels
he’s genuine always
M » Mad - How often do you argue?
not often
maybe never
just playful lighthearted arguments from time to time for spice
N » Naughty - How do they deal with you annoying them?
he annoys you back LOL
play fights 100%
O » Open - How often do they open up to you?
he opens up pretty quickly
but he also doesn't reveal everything immediately he's pretty open
doesn't mind talking about his feelings all the time
P » Pet names - How are they with pet names?
LOL he loves them
he thinks they're the best thing ever
comes up w/ the most funniest or even some of the dumbest names
Q » Quiet - How long can they stand silent treatment?
literally not long at all
he likes to think that he lasts a long time in silence
but he doesn't
he gets whiny after a while
R » Ramble - How often do they talk about you to others?
all the time
he is so proud to have you
he doesn't make his whole personality about you though
S » Soft - How soft are they to you?
very soft also
he is suchhh a flirt
T » Think - What reminds them of you?
every little think reminds him of u
every time he gets food he thinks of you
every time he sings he thinks of lyrics that remind him of u
just allllll the time
U » Unhappy - What makes them break if you break up with them?
all the memories
the small dates that were the best
all the moments he hugged and kissed you
ur scent
ur touch
everything makes him break
V » Vacation - How are they with long distance relationship? (That had nothing to do with the word but I am running out of ideas)
not good
he needs you all the time
every tour he asks you to come
offers a plane ticket
all-paid-expense tour across the world LOL
W » Wholesome - The most sweetest thing they ever did to you?
just all the little moments where he remembers the smallest things about you
X » Extra Headcanon
when you come home from a long day and he's off
he plans the sweetest at home date
probably cooks a meal, not sure if it's edible but definitely has backup take-out food
a movie
u name it
just so calm
and a bath 😮‍💨
Y » Young and beautiful (how long does it last?)
a long time if not forever
Z » Zzz - How do they sleep with you?
he puts an arm over you
and a leg over you
literally a cuddle bug
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taglist : @duolingofanaccount , @kendalllovestxt , @fairyoftaehyun , @nanamik3nto , @seuomo , @sup-dallyboy , @simplyaghostsworld , @risuue , @jonecb-97 , @sooandbubbles [ open - bolded could not be tagged ! ]
2022 © jungwnies
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moony-t0ast · 1 year
Do u ever just-
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astromawu · 4 years
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I want to start off by saying that this in no way demeans the Black Lives Matter movement, discredits it etc. There is still systematic racism that needs to be fought. I know some dumbasses after reading this will say shit like not the time, why you trying to uproot the movement blah blah blah but I am not. In fact it's quite the opposite because my community needs to hear this the goddamn most and it will contribute greatly to the cause. This has been weighing so heavily on my heart especially when I saw the video. I am exhausted and I can't imagine how trans people are feeling. And honestly y'all should be just as annoyed, exhausted and angered.
The video of Ms. Iyana Dior being attacked by that group of black cis hetro (I am assuming their sexuality here) men is hurting me and it is fucking disgusting. In a time when we are suppose to be fucking together ur choosing hatred. In a time where we need to extend compassion you are fighting and committing acts like this.
It seems to me that a lot of people have selective compassion, empathy and justice as well as selective on who BLM is referring to. If Black Lives all of them truly matter why in God's name does what happened to Ms. Dior happens? Why is it, "Justice for these people but not them. I will extend my compassion for black men not black trans. I will extend empathy for the black men but black trans ain't getting none of that."?? This isn't pick or choose here. I saw one of my own attacked by a group of my own. And this just pissed me all the way off. Black people as a whole have been going thru a heavy week and Black People that are apart of the LGBTQ+ community has stood and marched with us because yes they are black but they are also part of the goddamn LGBTQ+ community. Yet we are proving that we don't give a flying fuck about them. It's so fucking heartbreaking because black trans ppl have to not only deal with racism but transphobia inside the black community, outside the black community and inside the LGBTQ+ community. They are being discriminated against, murdered and attacked for being black and trans.
What I fail to understand is if you know what it's like to be discriminated against, hated on and killed or attacked for just fucking breathing why in God fucking name would you do the same EXACT THING TO SOMEBODY ELSE????? This should be a liberation of all of us. THIS SHOULD BE A LIBERATION OF ALLLLLLLLLLLL OF US.
Let me make myself clear so you guys can understand what I mean when I say Black Lives Matter.
I mean:
-Black Trans Lives Matter🏳️‍🌈
-Black Gay Lives Matter🏳️‍🌈
-Black Bi Lives Matter🏳️‍🌈
-Black LGBTQ+ Lives Fucking Matter🏳️‍🌈
I mean every single black life on this rock matter. BLM as well as my compassion, empathy and justice for others will never be selective. To the Black trans community I'm so sorry that you had to witness that, I'm sorry that you go through that and I am from the bottom of my heart sorry for the shit show of a world we live in that won't show basic humanity. Everyone Do better and be better. I am tired of this. I sincerely hope Ms. Dior is ok I am praying she is home safe.
Even when we treat our own trans ppl like shit, even when we berate and murder and abuse them they still support us fully. While we try to fight this systemic racism we have to fight for their goddamn rights to because they are people. And if u don't believe that please unfollow me. Please leave my page. I don't want you here.
I will be linking down below places you can donate, books you can read and petitions you can sign. Have this conversation and further educate yourself. Because this shit gotta change. If anybody has any info they want to add feel free. This is for educational purposes not just extended to the black community but to every body.
Places to donate:
I implore you to learn about the organizations, donate and/or share the links so others can donate. Please work within your means. If you are unemployed and/or lack the funds don't feel pressured to donate. Share and spread these organizations.
Books to read:
Transgender History by Susan Stryker
Surpassing Certainty by Janet Mock
Redefining Realness by Janet Mock
Gender Outlaw by Kate Bornstein
Black on Both Sides by C. Riley Snorton
I'm Afriad of Men by Vivek Shraya
Just to name a few.
Petitions to sign:
Educate yourself on the history, get involved as well as respect their pronouns and right to fucking live. Also feel free to correct me when I'm wrong, correct this post, if u want to give feed back by all means do it. Let me know how to be a good ally to you. I will continue my own research and further educate myself. If u are here to say hateful shit do hateful things kindly go the fuck away.
PS I found another place to donate! It's not a link it's a picture but the info is there!
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angelicteeth · 7 years
hey bitch all the asks ha u knew i would do this
hey, yeah, i did, thanks !
Halloween Inspired Asks
1. The smell of pumpkin guts or rotting leaves? i don’t think i really enjoy the smell of plain old pumpkin guts so let’s say rotting leaves!
2. Sweet or salty pumpkin seeds? probably salty 
3. Store bought or pumpkin patch pumpkins? PUMPKIN PATCH PUMPKINS NO QUESTION
4. Wool or knit sweaters? uh i love sweaters in general i dont know ? all of them.
5. Halloween party or exploring haunted places? probably exploring haunted places because i don’t really like parties unless it was extremely planned out and there were things to do like halloween activities
6. Candy corn or mellowcreme pumpkins? i fucking hate candy corn and have no idea what mellowcreme pumpkins are
7. Apple cider donuts or pumpkin donuts? probably pumpkin ?
8. Apple pie or pumpkin pie? i’ve never had either
9. Scary costume or something silly? scary alllllll the waaaayyy
10. Still, silent nights or rainy, windblown ones? hm i enjoy both a lot
11. Hocus Pocus or Halloweentown? i’ve never seen hocus pocus but i fucking love halloweentown so fight me
13. Raking leaves or climbing trees? uh climbing trees i guess 
14. Ouija boards or ghost stories around a campfire? i dont really like fire but i love ghosts and the idea of ouija boards is cool SO 
15. Frankenweenie or The Corpse Bride? haha no offense i havent seen either 
16. October or November? OCTOBER 
17. Black cats or owls? black cats srry owls ur still cool
18. Fireplace or candlelight? candlelight 
19. Monster movies or their classic novels? oooohhhhhh uh hm let me get back to u on that one
20. Carve or paint pumpkins? carve.
-autumnal asks-
pumpkin spice: what’s your drink of choice? uh it depends but sweet tea i guess ?
wool socks: what’s something you look forward to in fall? halloween
falling leaves: you’re stranded on a desert island and here’s the twist; what three things do you NOT bring with you? oh fucking nice uh probably not makeup, not my cats, annnnndddd not any high heels? i have no fucking idea take my shit answers aND GO
smelly candles: what’s your absolute favorite scent? oh shit um uh oooh i dont know... i have a favorite scent from bath and body works which is pink chiffon sooooo... that ?
big sweaters: do you prefer the cold, warmth, or a perfect in-between? c o l d
halloween: if you could dress up as anyone/ anything and pull it off absolutely flawlessly, who/what would it be? uh honestly ? anything really gore-y. idc what just something bloody and scary, thanks xoxo
cozy blankets: where do you feel the most safe and at home? next
hot tea: when was the last time you kissed someone (if you haven’t had your first kiss, who would you like that first someone to be?) LMAO it was over 2 years ago like may 2015 smh
flannel: what’s your favorite day of the year? is there a reason it’s your favorite? uh its gonna be motherfuckin halloween !!! idk why its my favorite i just love the shit out of it !!! thank u
chilly air: what’s your least favorite and favorite type of weather? fucking hot as balls humid florida weather. suck my ass titties florida. favorite? when its rainy but also cold. chilly. nice.
scarves: if you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life what would it be? oooohhhh uuuuuuhhhhh idk i only have a favorite shirt so im just gonna say that- it says ready or not here i come and its got a reaper/skeleton guy on it :^)
apple cider: if you could throw a party, and invite absolutely anyone, who would they be? OH BOY OH BOY uh all of my fictional boyfriends/girlfriends and all of ambers fictional boyfriends/girlfriends- its a really long list it would be a swanky party ok, cant promise a fight wont break out tho
haunted houses: what’s your scariest memory? (if you don’t have one/ don’t want to talk about it, what’s your biggest fear?) UH i don’t think i have a scariest moment ? if so i probably blocked it out lmao but my biggest fear is either driving or being pregnant
fuzzy boots: if you could live in any year/era, which would it be and why? uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
thanksgiving: what is something/someone you’re the most thankful for? any particular reason? uh something im thankful for is GOOD, WELL WRITTEN lgbtq+ books AND someone im thankful for is amber for obvious reasons
black friday: what is one thing, if anything, you would sell your soul to own? honestly, truly, completely- nothing. there’s nothing i would absolutely sell my soul for to own
apple picking: if you could go anywhere, where would it be and why? uh i really wanna go back to italy and i’d love to go to japan bc i was young when i went to italy and it’s beautiful there and japan just seems amazing :^)
corn mazes: do you have any secret talents/abilities? no ? i dont think so ? i dont do anything ever
hay rides: if you could pick absolutely anything to be your form of transportation, what would it be? kinda want it to be by train
the color orange: do you have a specific song that reminds you of autumn? what is it? no i don’t really connect songs to things
windy nights: if you could go to any concert whose would it be? well i’ve already seen my 2 top ppl but uh... maybe lana del rey or marina and the diamonds tbh
holding hands: do you believe in soulmates? nooooooo, not at allllllllllll soulmates? what are thoooooseeeee? i hope my sarcasm got thru lol
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I think I figured it all out.
I’m not confident with my own assumptions, but I’d like to believe my thoughts as how it is. I know I have big pores and holes on my nose and cheeks. I have acne all over my face - like a constellation of the hills of Pimpleland (my friend, Geena would get this reference). My stomach has not been feeling at its best, my hair is greasy, my skin is oily, everything is going really bad and here I am feeling that at this point of my life, it is okay. Despite every single thing that irritates or upsets me, anything that lowers my self-esteem and confidence, I am all for the movement of “not giving a flying fuck to the cool kids except me” mood. However, there’s this bad bitch in my head that just wants to let me know that I’m fugly like allllllllllll the freaking time. Oh, and don’t let me get to comparison with my friends and other people I look up to as role models who are mostly gorgeous as fuck. And and and - you know, I really hate that my psychology teacher in class talks about dieting and wanting to lose weight all the freaking time. With this annoying shithead named Syafiq who just can’t stop obsessing over how he has lost so much weight and shit and I’m just here like, “Hey, I don’t really am proud of my physical achievements so far but at least I am considerate enough to shout all of my selfish complains into the void of the mother freaking earth you  rich ass kids a=can buy some freaking organic shit smoothies and all going out and all but I’m broke as shit so I’M GONNA WORK HARD FOR IT U MOTHAFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS.” soon. gonna go back to my studies now.
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cupkayke · 7 years
EDIT - So because mobile fucked up my formatting when I originally answered this ask and I couldn’t remember what I wrote... I had to re-write everything. UGH. ANYWAY.
The first character I first fell in love with: I really liked En and/or Atsushi at first, though perhaps I wouldn’t say I fell in love with them. I just really liked their designs and dynamics- also I wanted bae to cosplay En lolololol he shot me down. I also really liked Ryuu at the start because well... he’s pink.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Probably Io. he seemed kinda one-note and boring at first but damn that boy has some layers.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: I don’t 100% get Arima’s appeal. Like... it seems he’s everyone’s fave (him or Akoya) and he just doesn’t really do it for me. I don’t dislike him I just don’t particularly find him interesting. But perhaps I need to read more of the other media to really get to know him.
The character I love that everyone else hates: Yumoto and the Beppus! Lololol everyone got sick of sunshiney main character and ineffective villains but I DIDN’T~ -drowns in s2-
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: I love pretty much all of them to some degree but Atsushi kinda fell off my radar after the end of s1. Oops.
The character I would totally smooch: Considering I am like 10 years older than most of these characters NONE.... but sign me the fuck up for Yumoto cuddles.
The character I’d want to be like: Akoya or Ryuu. Confidence like whoah.
The character I’d slap: Fuckin’ Zundar
A pairing that I love: Allllllllllll the pairings! IoRyuu! Enatsukin! AkoIoRyuu! BeppuMoto! HaruMoto! GIVE ME ALL THE SHIPS.
A pairing that I despise: I don’t despise any of them but Akorima doesn’t particularly do it for me... and any ship where the characters don’t interact in canon much... like Ibuatsu and Ibuyu and Enkin by itself... I’ll read just about any fic with any ship but those ones aren’t really my favorites.
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