umbralsound-xiv · 11 months
Silk and Smirks.
A shopping trip was the order of the sun, which was pleasant enough. I wasn't looking for anything in particular, but considering that we'd intended to go to Ul'dah, i was happy to accompany. Something Thavnairian for Sayuri to wear on her trip, and some new clothes for Vex. ...And perhaps, a few things from the market.
A slow exhale of minor relief leaves Sayuri as they step through the gates of Ul'dah, having been quite tense about wandering through Thanalan - eased only by her company.
Vex's head tilts and turns as they walk through the gates, crimson eyes squinting almost suspiciously at buildings larger than she had ever truly seen up-close before.
"Perhaps they have some sensibilities after all." Bexy remarked, walking beside Sayuri to whom she gives a concerned glance. "In any case, they weren't stupid enough to attack us. I wager they're still hiding, hm?" Her attention shifts to Vex, then. "Welcome to Ul'dah. Watch your pockets, and if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. There's many lovely things to be found here, but a lot of less pleasant ones too." She glances to the frosty Seeker once again. "So. Where's our first stop, this sun?"
".. One can hope." Sayuri mumbles, ears tilting backwards just a touch. ".. I won't let down my guard, however. I do feel.. much safer with both of you with me." Her head turns to face Bexy and Vex, displaying a soft smile. ".. I need some clothes for when Eir and I go to Thavnair, so.. The weaver's guild would be my main objective."
Vex's head turns to Bexy, hands shoving into her pockets and yanking them out - turning them inside out to reveal the amount of nothing she has in them. "They'd be disappointed as fuck." She flashes a small grin, shoving her pockets back into-- her pockets.
"If i can walk through Thanalan alone, having the both of you here with me should be enough to dissuade even the most ambitious of them." Huffing a small laugh a Vex's display, it's followed up with a shake of her head and a wry smile. "You need not worry for coin. The very least we can do is outfit you with some new attire, hm?" Bexy's brow lofts, nodding as she walked onwards, the clat of heeled boots against cobbled floor. "The Weaver's Guild it is. What do they wear in Thavnair, anyway?" Bexy muses, curling a smirk. "I can't imagine you'll need all that much in the way of clothes, considering it's your honeymoon…"
...Even if they did come for us, what fools they would be. To attack us in Thanalan? We were a force to be reckoned with, and we knew it. To come for us in the city would be even more foolish; the Blades would be on them in moments, and even those who had their pockets lined by them would be questioned by those who didn't, and wouldn't risk it.
".. Well, you are the woman who made a massive dent in their ranks." Sayuri gave an almost pained smile. ".. Silk, I suppose? I took the time to look into some styles before we left, just.. to get a better idea of things." Her voice trails, ears flickering sharply at Bexy's comment. "..We'll not spend the entire honeymoon in the bedroom, Bexy!"
".. Eh, some of 'em are pretty fucking stupid, to be honest." Vex snorted in amusement. ".. But yeah, they might reconsider seeing you." She nodded to Bexy, only to loft a brow slowly at the conversation.
"Well they shouldn't have taken you. Now look at what they have to show for it." Stepping through the gateway to the Sapphire Avenue Exchange, she walks a few paces into the stalls. "If you're hungry, Vex, here isn't too terrible a place to get something to eat. You might be spoiled for choice." Bexy grins, barking a laugh at Sayuri. "Oh, sure! Don't think i haven't noticed!" She points a gloved finger towards Sayuri's neck, where a cloud of new bruises settled. The accusatory digit falls, as her expression softens to something a little less teasing. "I've heard it's warm, but the weather won't matter to you. What are you looking for?"
"A massive decrease in numbers, is what they have." Sayuri huffs, glancing sideways to Bexy. Her lips form into a pout and she raises a hand to flick some hair closer to her neck in some attempt to hide it. ".. Hush, you!" She shushes embarrassingly, cheeks tinting red and a soft chuckle following. ".. Something flowy? Probably a short skirt with.. something that covers, well.. all of the scars.." She half-mumbles in thought.
Vex's feet comes to a swift halt, as she turns in some random direction. ".. Food?" She whispers, looking around.
Beaming as Sayuri's response, she turns her attention to the road ahead. "Silk. Shouldn't be so hard to find here; perhaps some of Thavnairian make, if we're lucky. If there's nothing that covers, suppose you could always commission something? A skirt or short dress. A decent pair of boots, if you do end up going places." Bexy tilts her head, then, looking to Vex. "We're here for clothes for you, too. What would you like? I'm not sure what your tastes are." A small stall selling roasted, skewered meats pulls into view on the corner, a quizzical brow from Bexy lofted in Vex's direction.
"That would be the preference, I can't just wander Thavnair in lesser silk, can I?" Sayuri chuckles, much more relaxed at this point. "We -are- going places, he has some areas he'd like to show me." She huffs, and then lofts a brow at Vex's sudden halt, head tilting curiously.
Vex sniffs, attention returning to Bexy and Sayuri. ".. Uh." She peers down at herself, squinting at her attire before looking back up to them - offering a shrug as she begins to move to catch up with them fully. ".. Not a fucking clue, to be honest. This wasn't exactly my choice but, I don't dislike it." Her gaze drifts to the stall, drawing in another whiff of air at the scent of the roasted meats.
"I bet he does." Bexy murmurs to Sayuri's comment, still intent on teasing her. Her attention flicks to Vex, an amused huff as her attention drifts to the stall. Setting her gloved hand into the satchel at her side, she pulls out a small handful of shiny gil-coins, to offer to Vex. "Go buy some, if you like? I'll take antelope if they have any. We'll think about what to get you on the walk up."
Sayuri -stares- at Bexy, lips kept in a pout at her teasing. ".. It's not -all- we do!"
...I will say there's some amusement i get from teasing Sayuri. I know that my tales of their private moments are likely dramaticised, but teasing her entertains me. Besides! We're sisters, aren't we? Isn't that what i'm supposed to do?
Vex slowly extends her hand over to accept the coins, staring down at them for a long, quiet moment.. Slowly raising her head back up to look to them. "… How- do I-.." She pauses. ".. I don't know what to do with these."
"I never said it was!" Bexy retorts defensively, hands outstretched in some comforting manner. Her head turns to Vex… And slowly, her brow knits, softening to understanding, then. "You… Simply walk up to the stall, and ask for what you would like. Antelope is my favourite, but i see a few different flavours. Then, they will tell you how much they are worth. You hand them the gil, and they will give you any change in return. I've given you enough to cover anything you might want from there… We'll be here if you run into any issues?"
Sayuri's pout shifts into a more neutral look, gaze shifting to Vex.
Vex lingers in a pause, staring at the coins for a moment before looking up to Bexy again. ".. Alright." She sounds a little hesitant, but ultimately turns on her heels and wanders up to the stall, with more confidence than one who knows next to nothing about money should.
Bexy watches as Vex walks towards the stall, painted lips pulling into a line. "…So many things i take for granted. I… Wonder what else will be new to her…?" She asks quietly, side-glancing to Sayuri.
I do not begrudge Vex for her lack of knowledge... How else was she supposed to know? They would not teach her. They would not risk her becoming too educated, for fear of escaping them or sabotaging them, i wager. ...It makes me realise just how much damage these people do. How... calculating it all is.
".. More things than we can truly say, I imagine." Sayuri furrows her brows, returning a glance. ".. I can't.. imagine they taught her anything other than how to fight, to be of use to them." She mumbles, one ear tilting backwards.
Vex, in the meantime, finds herself staring at the list of foodstuff available for purchase, keeping a deadpan expression to hide away her lack of knowledge for a single word that sat upon the sign. She mumbles something to the merchant, who indulges in the conversation - motioning to each of their wares in sight to verbally announce what they were to the Seeker.
"What she lacks in knowledge, she makes up for with confidence. And there's nothing stopping her from learning." A small, proud smile takes her expression as Vex begins to speak with the merchant, giving a small hum. "…Being able to defend yourself counts for something. If she can learn that, anything else shouldn't be so difficult. She can get by."
"Confidence and appetite, apparently." Sayuri snickers quietly, turning her head to more fully look in Bexy's direction. ".. I'm kinda glad she didn't end up like me in that regard."
Vex motions to two different kinds of skewers, pausing for a moment to peer in Sayuri's direction with a quizzical look, gesturing to the skewers and promptly gaining a small shake of the woman's head in response. She shrugs and turns back to the merchant, counting the coins in her hand and trading them for two skewers, which she collects in one hand and makes a speedy return towards the frosty duo - a triumphant grin on her lips.
"…It can be quite the motivator for some." She gives Sayuri a small frown. "…You're improving. You're better about it than you were. But yes." Leaning away from Sayuri and towards Vex, she gives a proud grin. "Your first purchase. What did you get?" Bexy asks, hand extended for her own offering.
".. No thanks to my own efforts." Sayuri admits, ears tilting. ".. But I've definitely been worse about it." Her gaze settles on Vex as she returns, letting her ears shift back up.
Vex extends one skewer to Bexy, pausing. ".. Raptor?" She questions her own memory, squinting. ".. Raptor." She confirms with a nod. ".. I, uh.. had to improvise to find out what was what." Her lips tug into a thin line. ".. I can't fucking read."
...I can't say i'm surprised. Though i could likely teach her the basics, it would probably get complicated quickly, and it's not something i'd even know where to start with... ...Hmm.
"A good choice." She sinks her teeth into her own; antelope, if expression was anything to go by. "…A challenge, but you overcame." Bexy tilts her head, offering a faint hum. "…I can try to teach you if you like, though there are people far better for doing that than i am. Regardless, you got by." Making her way along the street and around the corner, she begins to head towards the Weaver's Guild. "So. Thavnairian clothes for Sayuri, and something new for you, Vex. I'm just here for moral support. And maybe rolanberries."
Sayuri offers a small smile, following along.
Vex peered up to Bexy, canting her head. ".. I mean, if you -want-.. I don't exactly know anyone else, myself." She traps a bit of meat between her teeth and tears it from the skewer, idly chewing on it and letting her head reel back faintly with a content noise. ".. Does this city have cheese?"
"I can teach you as best as i can. Hm…" She considers, taking another bite. "I wonder if Daidukul is still around? He's a language tutor. He has strange hobbies, but he's nice enough. Maybe i can introduce you." Snorting a laugh, she turns her head at Vex's next comment. "…Yes, Vex, they have cheese. We'll stop for proper food and something to drink before we head home, hm?" Her gaze shifts to Sayuri, then. "Any thought to colours for your new outfit, Sayuri? Unless you're buying more than one?"
Sayuri lingers in a moment of thought, head tilting as a thoughtful hum leaves her. "Likely more than one, and most likely white, possibly with some accents.." She pauses, turning her head aside. ".. Maybe a red one.." She mumbles.
"Strange hobbies will be a refreshing thing, considering the fuckers I've been around for most of my life." A pause. ".. As long as it doesn't involve hurting people, I -guess-." She tears another piece of meat from her skewer, grinning. ".. As long as I get cheese, I'm happy."
"Uh-huh." Bexy retorts, briefly lofting her brows to Sayuri as she finishes her skewer. The Weaver's Guild is at least in view now; a whole array of garments on display. "…And not as far as i know. He's quite peaceful, as far as Xaela go. And yes, Vex, you will get your cheese…" Bexy shakes her head in a dismissive laugh, heading for the guild.
Sayuri offers an innocent smile Bexy's way.
"A peaceful Xaela?" Vex raises a brow. ".. Most of the ones I know don't know what that bloody word means." She snorts, displaying a larger grin at the confirmation of cheese.
...If i consider her previous company, i can understand that. Though i doubt much of anyone was peaceful, there. ...She seeks a Xaela for vengeance, too. I know one wronged her... ...Her meeting Daidukul will be an interesting thing, for certain.
"…Well, he can defend himself. Or a least, i'm fairly sure i've seen him with a weapon. But he's possibly the happiest person i've ever met… And that's saying something." Walking into the guild, Bexy dips her head to a merchant, offering a warm smile; it would seem, at least, they knew eachother in passing. "Well, we're here. Suppose we can find what you're after, Sayuri, since you have a better idea? Any further ideas on what you might like, Vex? Material or colour…?"
Sayuri steps through the doors, head sinking into a nod and gaze wandering the area in search for anything remotely Thavnairian-esque. "It shouldn't be too hard on my part, at least."
Vex squints at their surroundings the moment they enter. "Well, if he's up to it.. I'm down." A brief pause lingers, she offers a slow, singular blink. "…What's the difference?"
"…Some things are more comfortable. Some more elegant, or… Functional. I like both." Her coat, several times repaired by now, trails by her ankles. "My coat is leather. Durable. Intimidating. Gloves are cloth, for comfort. But i like the gold trim. It makes me look more… Elegant. Silk is smooth and soft to the touch, and very strong. Lots of materials… And lots of things to make with it. The colour is entirely down to personal preference."
...I do tend to prefer darker colours. Black... Red. ...It hides blood better, should there be any... Accidents.
Sayuri quietly wanders over to a fabric's rack, gently tracing her fingers across those made of silk, humming thoughtfully to herself.
Vex pauses, squinting at Bexy, and peering down at herself and what she's wearing. ".. Well, I doubt my shit lands in the elegant category." She tugs at her half-open leather vest, the lining of the cloth top only just seen in the gap. Her trousers and bicep-length gloves, however, lands itself in what is definitely more armour than casual clothing.
"It lands in the functional category." She walks with Sayuri to the silks, admiring them with a contemplative hum. "Asides. I assume you didn't choose it, you were given it. What would you -like- to wear, Vex?"
Sayuri passes a glance to the two, opting to not disturb the conversation while she carefully rummages around in search of any a note that may suggest where the silk itself is from.
".. Good to know." Vex follows, clearly out of her element. Her crimson gaze narrows, as she silently judge every little bit of fabric, lofting one ear as Bexy speaks to her. "Only choice I got with 'em was 'how much of an ass am I gonna be today'." She snorts with amusement, stuffing her hands into her pockets. ".. I mean, I don't dislike what I have.. But I might just be used to it at this point." She peers down at herself anew. "..Something like it, I guess?"
"…Something darker in colour. Functional. Probably something comfy, too… Good for lounging about in." Some dark black silk seems to catch Bexy's attention, as she runs her gloved fingers over it. "…This would make a lovely dress…" She idly murmurs to herself. "…Though for you, Vex… Maybe something a little more durable? Perhaps armor might not go amiss, considering what you plan to do…"
Sayuri curiously glances to the silk Bexy found, gracing it with a light trace of her fingers before nodding in approval. She then peers at Vex, tilting her head. ".. Maybe we should bring you to a leatherworker, instead.. Yet some casual clothing would not go amiss, no?" She eyes her up and down. ".. Unless you plan on running about in the nude if your armor gets damaged and need repairs." She raises a brow.
Vex's head sinks into several nods, before pausing - gaze shifting to Sayuri. "Well I wasn't -planning- to, but shit happens, y'know?" She grins.
Bexy glances between the two of them, brow lofted. "…I think for everyone involved, it might be best if you have a change of clothes…" Bexy encourages. "It doesn't need to be fancy, just functional. Though a leatherworker might be a good idea…" She trails, looking over to Sayuri. "…I know someone who would specialise in working leather for combat. Her apprentice might appreciate the work, too…"
Zhav immediately came to mind. When it comes to making things designed for combat or function, i know no one better. And... I think it would be good for her and Vex to meet, too. ...I feel like they'd get along, but i feel like i'd prefer not to be in the vicinity for when it happens...
Sayuri's head dips in agreement, then she slowly raises a brow quizzically.
"Well, if you insist." Vex snorts, grinning.
"…You recall me speaking of the Karahli, yes? The ones who watch the house?" Bexy asks.
Sayuri pauses, the pieces falling into place.
"… Yeah?" Vex's head tilts.
"I'm friendly with their Warmaiden… Zhav." Bexy glances to Sayuri, then. "She made Sayuri's axe. They train together, too. As for me, we're simply friends. Ah--- You remember the stew from the other sun? That was her, too. She makes all kinds of arms and armour for her people."
Sayuri's head dips in confirmation.
Vex lingers in a small pause. "…-Warmaiden-?" She raises a brow. ".. That sounds fucking badass." Her head slowly tilts. "… That stew was amazing."
"…She's every bit as formidable as she sounds. But… I can probably persuade her…" Bexy lets out a sigh a little more full of stress than she might like, but she forces a smile. "You'll probably get along. Ask her nicely enough, she might even cook for you. She's very… Mm…" Bexy looks to Sayuri, then. "…How would you describe her?"
".. A woman who looks incredibly intimidating, and probably is in that context, but has the capacity to be incredibly kind. About as blunt as a hammer.." A brief pause lingers, before Sayuri continues. ".. Skilled in what she does, she's a good teacher."
Vex grins, folding her arms before her chest.
"…Something like that. I'll introduce you sometime." Bexy beams, thumbing through the rack of fabrics. "…Find anything, Sayuri?"
Sayuri coughs faintly, as she digs her hands into the silk to carefully wiggle loose a length of red silk, bringing it closer to Bexy. ".. It's -so- smooth.." She mumbles.
"Sounds good to me." Vex grins.
Bexy lofts a brow to Sayuri in a knowing way, glancing to the fabric. She combs her hand over it, able to feel the texture beneath the fabric of her gloves. "…It feels it. Is it Thavnairian?" Bexy asks, curiously. "…Do you think he'd notice if it wasn't?" A small snort of amusement is given. "I don't. Not in red, anyway."
"The tag says so.. And with the attached price, it better be." Sayuri narrows her eyes briefly, only to chuckle at Bexy's comment. "..Depends how much he touches it, probably." She smirks. "Otherwise.. No."
Vex slowly begins to wander, while remaining in view - letting her gaze eye all the fabrics and finished clothing items she finds, some of them certainly getting a judgemental stare from her.
"I think if he's gotten to the point of touching it, he's not going to much care." She smirks with a grin, offering a nod of approval. "I think you should get something made in it, at the very least. And if they have anything left over, i'm sure they could fashion you some undergarments to match." Bexy muses a chuckle, tail swatting at her heels. She casts a glance to Vex, watching her reactions to the displayed attire.
"It might slip his mind if he's eager enough." Sayuri flashes a small smirk, chuckling quietly. "Uh-huh? And should I wear them underneath my wedding dress, too?" She laughs softly, keeping a smirk on her lips.
Vex has, unknowingly, found herself to a section of clothing that.. certainly isn't your every-day clothing. She quietly stares at it, brows furrowed as if she's trying to figure out how exactly it should be worn, or what it would be good for.
"Oh absolutely!" Bexy beams all the brighter, for that. "Or at least your honeymoon, hm?" A brow perks at Vex, before she grins. "…Oh, speaking of. I wonder if they have anything in blue…" Bexy muses, to admire the self same garments that had caught Vex's attention.
"..Gods have mercy on my poor husband to-be." Sayuri almost whispers, snickering softly. ".. Save the red for the honeymoon, have the blue for the wedding night?" She tilts her head. ".. Or are you getting some for yourself?"
Vex's head slowly tilts, as she continues to stare at the garment.
"Oh, no. Black or red with gold is to my preference. I was thinking of the blue for you. Vex, have you seen anything with ribbons…?"
"I'm just making sure." Sayuri snickers.
".. Huh?" Vex turns to stare at Bexy, blinking. ".. No? I'm just.." She turns back, squinting at the garment. "… Trying to figure out what the hell this is meant to be for."
Bexy glances to Vex. And slooooowly looks to Sayuri.
...She's the one buying it. Why should i have to explain?
Sayuri pauses, returning a glance - lips pulled into a thin line
Vex, oblivious, continues to squint at the.. 'clothing' item.
...Fine. But she'll pay for it!
Sighing, Bexy returns the glance to Sayuri, addressing Vex. "…It's lingerie. And it's for… Well, sometimes i wear it because i want to feel nice. I wear it for me." Looking to Sayuri, she smirks. "Some people wear it for their significant others. Like Sayuri."
Sayuri's lips thin further, a small, red tint taking to her cheeks. Just a little called out.
Vex lingers in silence, studying the garment before slowly turning to the two, brows furrowed. "… But it's basically -nothing-..?"
"You usually wear it under things. Or with people you're happy to see you wear… Not too terribly much. Think of it like… Food." Bexy hesitates, for a moment. "You remember when i brought you the cupcakes? The plain ones?" She pauses, looking to Vex. "…But then there were other cupcakes. With little iced flowers, and rolanberries? The others were still good, yes… But those were much better. This… Is kind of like that."
Food... Was the only way i could begin to think to describe it, in a way Vex might understand...
Sayuri slowly raises a hand to pinch the bridge of her nose.
Vex just.. stares, for a moment - gaze soon flickering upwards in thought at Bexy's explanation. ".. So the decoration… makes it nicer?" She furrows a brow, and casts a glance to the garment, before back to Bexy.
"Exactly this, yes." Bexy cuts a glance to Sayuri, then. "Oh, don't give me that look, soon-to-be Mrs Sayuri 'I don't -need- lingerie' Fellfrost! -Now- you're seeking it out on your own. And you regret not a damn thing, and don't lie!" Bexy half laughs, half grins, watching.
".. I -don't- need it! It's just.. fun.." She pouts.
Vex stares at Sayuri, cracking an almost wicked grin. "..Soon-to-be." She repeats Bexy's words, very quietly - but loud enough to gain an immediate stare from Sayuri.
"And now, you'd not be without it. Yes? You can always pick something, unless you have ideas for getting something tailored again. I'll even leave you alone for two whole suns!" Bexy snickers, smirking.
I'm aware that the time will come where i don't see her every day, as i do now. That... Too, is probably a good thing, when the time comes. That i know even if she's holed up in their room for a sun or two, that she will still leave, after it. ...And we should go to Coerthas, sometime soon...
Sayuri grumbles incoherently, cheeks remaining bright red as she tugs at the red silk still in her hands. ".. Maybe I -will-. For both of them.. And maybe the outfits, too.. There's still time before we go.."
Vex makes her way back to Bexy and Sayuri, keeping what could only be described as a shit-eating grin on her lips.
"Then, you should. It will be appreciated regardless, i am sure." A brow lofts at Vex's expression.
Sayuri huffs, keeping a small pout on her lips.
Vex peers up at Bexy, widening her grin just a touch.
"What?" Bexy clicks her tongue. "Gods forbid you enjoy yourself." Still, her gaze catches Vex. "…You seem more entertained by the idea than i expected…"
".. I sure hope they do not. Not after all the offerings we've given them!" Sayuri snickers.
Vex tilts her head. "Well, I get it, I think. I do find it amusing that -future- missus Fellfrost over here uses it against her bunnyboy." An emphasis was put upon the word 'future', that gains a sharp stare from Sayuri once more.
"She does. She got him to talk to me, the first time." Bexy smirks, glancing to Sayuri. "…It worked. We're on much better terms, these suns…"
Sayuri exhales sharply.
".. After all that shite? Fucking hope so." Vex snorts, tilting her head. "Did you not get along, initially?"
"…Not… Perhaps the best of first impressions…?" Bexy curls her lips into a small frown, shoulders rolling. "He was dating my sister. I wanted him to know what i expected of him, and what the repercussions were if he fell short. He didn't talk to me for almost half a cycle, after that."
".. Despite the fact I tried to convince him that Bexy did, in fact, not hate him." Sayuri huffed, shaking her head.
Vex pauses, pulling her shoulders into a shrug. "… I mean. Fair."
"No. It was just a warning… I was just -protective-, is all. You can't blame me for that. He's just sensitive. We'd made amends before he was taken… More so, now all is as it should be. He bakes me rolanberry tarts… He even says hello, sometimes!"
...I'm far happier with the arrangement now i know him better, and know his intentions. He adores her, would do anything for her, and would never hurt her. Sayuri is happier than i have ever known her, despite all the horrors she has so recently been through. ...Which is to say i like him. Rolanberry tarts or not.
"I'm not blaming you. I will always appreciate you looking out for me." Sayuri smiles.
".. I mean. I'd say that makes sense, but fuck knows if my opinion isn't fucked." Vex's hands slither into her pockets.
"And i always will." Bexy beams; a far softer thing than she had shown earlier. "Well… Shall we make our purchases, if there are any to be made? Any other places we might call at before we stop for lunch?"
Sayuri reluctantly tucks away the silk, stepping back. ".. I'll get my.. outfits tailored, I think. Work on some sketches of them back home." She pauses. "..Among other things. How about you, Vex? Found anything to your liking?"
Vex grimaces. ".. No, I got stuck staring at.. that." She gestures to the garment. "..I'll.. think about it, for something more.. casual. And.. meet the Warmaiden for armor?" She glances at Bexy.
"As soon as she's free, i'll arrange a meeting for you. It shouldn't be long. I'll tell her to bring stew." Bexy beams. "And at least you both have a better idea of what you like, hm?"
Sayuri offers a soft smile, nodding.
"Well, I'm not exactly in a rush so.. However long she needs." Vex nods. "Chances are I'll be in your home, or the general surrounding area."
"Well, she often isn't so far away, it's simply a matter of catching her when she's free." She begins to walk, beckoning the two to join her as she made for the rest of Ul'dah proper. "We'll stop for cheese… And for fruit. Hopefully they have some rolanberries, at least."
"I did promise Eir to bring back some fruit.." Sayuri half-mumbles to herself, steps immediately moving to follow Bexy.
Vex makes a tiny fist-pump in the air at the mentioning of cheese, quickly hurrying after them. "… Y'think you can combine cheese and rolanberries..?"
"Well, it seems we have more reason than one to visit the market." Bexy hums, tail dancing with each step as she paraded through the middle of Ul'dah. "…I… Do not know. Rolanberry cheesecake, perhaps? But as for cheese as it is now, i'm not sure. Nothing stopping you trying, i suppose!"
...I can't say i know enough about food to know what will and won't go together. I just stick to what i like... I'm not all that adventurous. Why try strange and unusual things when i already know what i like?
Sayuri's brows furrow at Vex's question, trying to imagine the combination.
"-- Are you telling me there's cakes made out of -cheese-?" Vex almost blurted out, staring at Bexy.
"…Well, they aren't cakes the way you know them, more like some… cream and biscuit based dessert. Delicious with rolanberries. Perhaps i'll ask at the company for someone to make one?"
Sayuri snickers quietly, peering over to Vex and Bexy.
Down the hallway and back around the corner from whence they came, Bexy moves back out onto the street, then. She doesn't really even seem to take too much measure of where she's going, only knowing that it will lead her to the stall that sells fruit. To her delight, there are still some rolanberries left. "…Excellent. Anything for you, Vex? To take home?"
Sayuri glances over the selection, humming to herself in thought as she inspects them, and slowly begins to pick out a selection of different fruits, in the best shape she could find.
Vex squints at the various fruits, offering a blank stare for a moment. "…What the fuck." Leaves her, very quietly. ".. I don't know what half of these are.."
Bexy looks over the fruit, beginning her purchase of two punnets of rolanberries, a basket of grapes, a plum and an orange. She turns to Vex, head tilted. "Well… Pick out what you think looks nice. What about oranges? Apples? There's plenty of choice."
Sayuri can't help but to offer an amused smile at Vex's reaction, peering over to her.
Vex furrows her brows, and slowly reaches to pick up an orange, squinting at it.
"You want to try this one?" Bexy asks, before looking over to Sayuri's purchase with a smirk. "Only the finest of fruits for your fiance…"
"-Yes-." Sayuri confirms. "Only the best.. Because that is what he deserves."
Vex peers over to Bexy. ".. Sure."
"Well, a good job he has you then, hm?" Bexy grins, looking to Vex. "An orange. You can pick other things too, Vex. Something for you to eat at home."
Sayuri huffs faintly, sinking her head down.
".. How many?" Vex lofts a brow. ".. Has to be a limit -somewhere-."
"…As much as you can carry?" Deciding this is likely a terrible idea, Bexy hesitates. "…Five things? So four more. Then… We'll find some cheese, maybe stop for lunch… And head home? Unless we had other places to go, hm?"
...I think if i'd have let her go with the first option, my arms would have fallen off before we made the front door... ...And now, here i am, praying she doesn't pick a watermelon or something similar.
Sayuri finishes up her fruit collection, having an assortment of peaches, apples and grapes, among other things, in her basket.
"-At least- I can count." Vex mumbles, peering down at the fruit. ".. A little, anyhow." She fishes up a nectarine, a pomegranate, a mango and an apple. "Cheese and food sounds great to me, personally." She grins.
Strange, that she can count, yet not read. I... ---Oh gods. I... ...I think i know why, but i hate even the thought of it.
"Well, that's something. You've got a little variety in here. Now…" Bexy glances around, looking for a nearby counter selling large, round wheels of cheese, some of which are cut into wedges. "…What kind of cheese?"
Sayuri's brows furrow in some minor concern at Vex's mutter, letting it fade swiftly as she pays for her fruit and wanders with them to the cheese collection.
Vex stops, and stares at Bexy, offering a slow blink. ".. What do you mean?"
"There's… More than one kind?" Bexy admits, now more than aware she's about to drop another revelation on the poor Seeker. "…Aldgoat cheese… Karakul cheese… Some made with herbs. Some made with spices, or fruit…"
Sayuri observes in silence.
Vex blinks, again - a long stare being offered. "..What-.. what kind was in the sandwich..?"
"I… Don't know…?" Bexy admits, confessing. "…I just bought it from a stall…? ---We can try a few different kinds, if you like?"
Sayuri's ears droop just a touch, keeping her quiet.
Vex pauses. ".. Well, now I need to know what cheese it was!"
"Well, we would have to go back to Limsa Lominsa, and ask the Bismark… I don't know. All cheese is good cheese, though."
Vex offers an almost childish pout at the revelation, ears twitching slightly. ".. I would like to try them." She mumbles. "…Please."
Bexy smiles warmly at that; her coinpurse hadn't been emptied, just yet. "Pick… Three kinds? The one with herbs is my favourite."
As much as i hate to say it, i should... Probably watch my spending. Rich as i am... I do owe White some significant sum of money. ...There are better things to be had in life than coin, for certain.
Vex considers the options, opting to pick up a wedge of the one with herbs first, shortly followed by the aldgoat one, and then one with some kind of spice she has no clue what it is.
"…Excellent. And with that… Our shopping is complete, yes? We have no clothes, but we have enough groceries to last about two suns." Bexy speaks the latter words as she looks almost directly at Vex. "Anything else? We could stop for a drink, before we depart back?
A soft chuckle leaves Sayuri, head tilting with a smile. ".. A drink sounds nice."
Vex offers Bexy an innocent shrug at the stare. ".. Look, I've been eating absolute trash for fourteen cycles, I might be indulging in it a little more than I should.." She huffs.
...I hadn't intended to make her feel bad about it, just... She cannot be this way for the rest of her life, yes? There must be some... Moderation, of some sort...
"Indulge in it as much as you want. I was… Teasing, mostly. Though it would be nice if the food lasted a little longer." She chuckles. "…To the airship landing? It's a quiet spot, and has the best drinks. Good for peoplewatching, too."
Sayuri nods, tugging up her fruit basket to settle more comfortably on her arm.
"..Alright, alright. I'll tone down the indulging. Sorry." Vex makes some attempt of a genuine smile, yet it doesn't come all too naturally and looks more pained than anything. "Lets."
"Only a little. I'll still bring cakes from the company house." Bexy smiles, encouragingly. "It's not going anywhere, and you have all the time in the world to try as much food as you like. Perhaps… I'll bring you to the company house, one sun…" She murmurs, heading towards the airship landing. A small crowd has amassed next to a group of dancing Miqo'te; often there most suns - The general hustle and bustle of the street almost a dull roar.
".. They wouldn't mind?" Vex lofts a brow, speaking while her attention resides on the dancing Miqo'te as they pass, brows furrowed before she decided to simply look ahead again. ".. I mean, it'd be nice. But I'm a stranger to most, I assume.. Not to mention.." She gestures up to the irritably red mark that clings to her cheek.
"…I'd ask Mist first. But you are a friend of us, Vex. For all you have done… Some might be a little worried, but that will change when they get to know you."
".. I mean, if there's anything I can do to make them less worried.. I'm up for it." Vex's head shifts from side to side. "..But I get it, aint gonna hold it against anyone if I end up getting a no."
"…You shouldn't have to be punished further for what happened to you. It isn't like you chose this fate." Bexy walks into the airship landing, and moves to find a seat, settling the bag of fruit down. "If Sayuri can speak to you just fine, i don't see what the issue would be. If anyone would ever have a grievance, it would be her. And here we are, shopping together."
Sayuri settles down her own basket, sinking into a seat while lofting a brow. "I have absolutely nothing against it." She confirms, looking to Vex. "You risked your own life to get us out to be received by our friends, you have more than proven that you are a friend."
".. Sure as fuck didn't." Vex drops down into a seat, leaning back. "But I can imagine it's sometimes information that will go directly over other people's heads the moment they heard the other part." Her gaze briefly passes over to Sayuri, offering a small shrug to her comment.
"Ultimately, it will fall on Adelle and Mist's shoulders. The company is a place for people to do good… To make a difference. Mist would sooner give people countless chance after chance if she felt they were going to make a difference. She did for me." A small roll of her shoulders is given, as she plucks up a menu. "I had little difficulty convincing people to aid you should you have been able to join us, that sun. That must count for something, yes?"
...I imagine Mist would jump at the chance. Someone from a difficult place wanting better for herself? That's not even considering her skills in combat. Or the information she has. ...We could do it. It would take time... But we could. We could take down Grym's people. We've already taken the first step.
Vex's head sinks into a nod, one ear lifting a little higher than the other. ".. Well, I hope it does.. But I'm not exactly the best at telling how a more.. normal mindset works, considering the fuckers I've been with. Sure, there are some who were in the same boat as me, but I imagine their mindset was mostly set on survival, even if they were kind.. So I don't know how much I can rely on my knowledge of that." A brief pause, before Vex flaunts a small grin. "I'm probably great at telling if someone's an asshole, though."
"…We have a few. Affable assholes, though. We're all capable of it when we want to be." Bexy grins, deciding on a lemonade -- Rolanberry, of course. "Anything to drink, Vex? Would you like something hot, or cold?" She offers the menu to Sayuri, head tilted. "…In regards to being more… Normal. Show me a normal person. I do not think there's any such thing. But certainly, there are people far less fucked up than those you have been surrounded with."
Sayuri reaches for the menu offered, glancing down at the options with a tilted head. ".. It's not a particularly hard standard to beat, even if.. His numbers were higher than they should've been." She mutters, avoiding to utter his name.
"I mean, I'm an asshole myself." Vex taps a hand against her chest, grinning a little wider than she should be at the admission. "Towards them, anyway. Heard the fact I was named the right thing so many bloody times I lost count.. In a more literal sense than I'd like to admit." She snorts with amusement. ".. Cold, I suppose? It won't stay cold for long with me but.. That's fine." Her head tilts, shoulders pulling into a shrug. "I'm the wrong person to determine what normal is." Vex glances to Sayuri. "Well! Significantly less high now, thanks to you two! But, yeah.. Several people don't want to be there."
"Well, there's an awful lot less of them now." Bexy smirks, throwing a glance that held some gleeful hint of malice. "…Whether it's by elimination or escape, there are less. No will want to join a group who are being actively targeted; or at least, it's less likely. And of course, there's always those who are taken in against their will…" Bexy offers a small frown, at that. "…I can keep the drink cold. I wager… So long as you aren't actively using your aether, it should hold out for a time…?"
Even if we cannot kill all of them, our actions will have made things difficult. They will be less bold, more cautious in taking people by force, though i'm sure they'll still do it anyway. And though i have relented from the bloodbath in recent suns, i hope they do not soon forget it. I'll be sure to send them a reminder soon.
Sayuri finally settles for her order; a pineapple juice. "They could do with another trimming.." She mutters, and automatically extends the menu to Vex, immediately pausing - remembering what she mentioned earlier.
"I'd like to imagine they have their hands full with the members they have, empty spots in the higher ranks will have some folks reaching for 'em. With like, six of the Trusted dead.. Folks are probably battling over grabbing the vacant spots." Vex straightens herself in her seat, peering to Bexy. ".. The girl you let go, Eyja. She intentionally failed every initiation they gave her, until they chose just to shove her in with my lot and mark her anyway." At Bexy's offer, she offers a small thumbs-up, before squinting at Sayuri and the offered menu. ".. Still can't read." She comments, flashing a tiny grin.
"They could do with a violent pruning." Bexy replies; ordering a small selection of sandwiches and tarts, as well as the required drinks as a server came along. Her attention shifts to Vex, then. "…Some people truly do want out…" She sighs. "…I knew it as much. I just hope none are caught in the crossfire. At the very least, the internal turmoil and war of succession, paired with the fear i hope they carry on the outside will keep them off our backs, for a time…"
Sayuri glances down at her own palm briefly, exhaling a faint sigh before balling her hand up and returning her attention to Bexy and Vex. ".. The Seeker both you and Eir kept me from attacking. He wore a similar collar to you." She raises a brow.
"M'yeah." Vex's head tilts, brows furrowing. ".. Two of my lot were sent after Eir and Sayuri when they ran to meet you, heard the order before I got hauled off. A Sea Wolf man and Xaela woman.. I'm not sure I know their fate." Her gaze shifts to Sayuri. "..D'khoreh? Yeah, uh.. His isn't quite like mine was, guy's a big softie. Rarely goes against orders because he's scared of getting himself or his sister hurt. -Did- heal your bunnyboy more then he was allowed, intentionally."
"…Oh, thank the Twelve. I…Spared them. Were it less frantic, i might not have. It's hard to tell who's telling the truth or not, but… We had wounded, and i was glad to avoid any conflict i could, at that moment. It's played on my mind, a worry if i was doing the right thing… Good to know my instinct paid off." Listening as they spoke, Bexy slowly tilts her head. "…Then… Why collar him, if he does not go against orders?"
...Had things even been slightly different, i would have killed them. I wouldn't have risked their survival out of fear of betrayal. But, with their healing, and with our wounded, and... I was glad to have less enemies to deal with then, even if we ended up dealing with them later. ...It's a weight of my shoulders to know that i can make the right decisions when it comes to mercy.
Sayuri nods slowly, idly poking a claw against the table.
"Shit, really? I'm glad." Vex exhales a small sigh of relief, head reeling back for a moment. ".. I hope they made it out, they at least didn't come back while I was still there." Her head shifts, eyes shifting to Bexy. ".. Well, D'khoreh is like us, aether is fucked. I assume it's to incapacitate him if he ever loses control of it. Didn't exactly tell me the reasons but.. We were the only ones out of the so-called members who wore 'em."
"…That makes more sense, if it's to control his aether. Should i be out hunting, i'll be sure to look for a collar before i strike." A small glance to Sayuri; Bexy settles her hand at her forearm for some measure of comfort. "…And yes. The Sea Wolf even healed our own, when he could. Which was… Needed. Dusk took four arrows in the altercation, and others were wounded besides. How… Bad was the second wave?" Bexy pulls her painted lips into a line. "Would we have made it?"
Sayuri glances up at Bexy at the touch, a weak smile settling on her lips.
She seems so... Melancholy. I doubt it to be anything as trivial as not finding any clothes to her taste. No... ...Vex and my own aether is in tact, and hers is... ...I'll find them, Sayuri. I promise. I won't let them take it away from you forever.
"Pale blonde hair, blue highlights. Really fucking bright eyes, if you can see them. He has a tendency to hide behind his hair. Sister has the same look about her, she's more fighty than her brother but.. Held in line out of fear of him getting hurt, usually." Vex, again, shifts in her seat. ".. Yeah, sounds like something Haldahct would do. Never liked seeing folks in pain." She pauses, trying to recall the second wave. ".. Vairg was at the bloody forefront of it, if I remember correctly." Another pause. ".. No, it's good you got out when you did."
"…The more i hear about him, the more i'd like to kill him. He sounds like a real piece of work." The drinks and small platter of food are set in the middle of the table, then. "…I'll keep in mind the appearences of the other two. I'll likely ask you to repeat this later, when i have my notes in front of me." She plucks up a rolanberry tart, sinking her teeth into it.
...Whenever the compound is spoken of, if it's not Grym's name that leaves their lips, it's often Vairg. I've seen Sayuri's sketch of him, and i know how accurate they can be. For one person, to cause so much misery, and they aren't even at the forefront of it all...
Sayuri's features sour at the name alone, teeth locking in tight grit. The claw pressed against the table digs a little deeper, ears in a backwards tilt.
"He's an arrogant piece of shit." Vex snorts. ".. Arrogant piece of shit with two fingers less than average." She flashes a grin Sayuri's way, in some attempt to cheer her up - unknowing if it'll truly work or not. "Yeah, no problem. Any information I can give, I will." She leans forth to snatch onto a tart of her own, which she promptly sinks her teeth into as she slumps back against the chair anew.
"And i could still beat the shit out of you, if i truly wanted to, Vex." A deep toned voice that reeks of cockiness calls from around the corner; Vairg doesn't even bother trying to conceal himself. Metal boots take slow, heavy steps to approach, though he keeps his distance enough, setting to lean on the railing instead. "Having ourselves a little picnic, are we?" The Viera's head tilts to the side, smirking.
No sooner had he pulled into view had Bexy recognised him; Sayuri's drawing had done justice for how accurate had been. The hand that had comfortingly settled on Sayuri's forearm now grips it more firmly as some measure of restraint, but aside from that, Bexy does not move an ilm.
You have to be fucking kidding me. We were just speaking of that bastard and now here he is, in the flesh! If we were any other place save from a city, i'd have released Sayuri in a heartbeat to tear him to pieces, and i'm sure Vex and i would have followed. ...But why here? What does he possibly have to gain from confronting us, now?
His voice alone prompts an audible scratch against the table as Sayuri's claws rip into it. The dreaded sound of his metal boots makes her ears flatten and head snap around to let her mismatched gaze lock onto him. An immediate snarl of hostility leaves her, the chill around her intensifying to the point a notable pang of pain grips her. She begins to shove herself up to stand, only to feel Bexy's hand grip her more tightly.
Vex's ears twitch at the sound of his voice, lips tugging into a thin line. "Ah. Speak of the asshole. Thought it smelled like shit, now I know why!" Vex returns a cocky expression of her own as she tilts over to peer at the Viera, one hand raising to wave at him - before promptly turning around and letting her middle finger flip up in his direction. "Sorry, only Seekers allowed."
At Sayuri's reaction, Vairg's already insufferable smile widens further. "Oh, save your hostilities. Your boyfriend isn't even here. I can't hurt him. At least, not right now…" An exhale of amusement leaves his nose, green and gold gaze flicking between the faces. "You're not terribly careful for not being seen. You expected to simply walk through Highbridge and not have someone come running?"
Bexy's icy blues don't shift from his. Her own cold causes the temperature to plummet, but her grasp of Sayuri's arm doesn't lessen an ilm. "We aren't hiding from you. By all means, find us in the wild. See how well that goes for you." Though her tone sounded much the same; the usual lilting affectation of her words in a neutral, if not vaguely toying manner, her gaze watched him like a predator.
Does he think we're afraid of him? As though any one person could frighten me, now. No, you bastard. You lay a finger on them -- One of the ones you have left, and i'll have you screaming so loud they'll hear you all the way from the compound.
Sayuri's slitted pupils thin further, the glare she gives Vairg filled with a nigh feral murderous intent. Ice laces her fingertips, the arm still held by Bexy beginning to tremble from pain. She hisses at him, but otherwise offers no words.
Vex glances over to Sayuri, slowly reaching over to grab the wrist of the arm not yet held. "Who the fuck is hiding, other than some of your fuckers hiding from her?" She nods in Bexy's direction, grinning. Her crimson gaze travels to Vairg's hand. "How's your hand?" She asks, smugly.
"Weaklings and cowards. I'm not afraid." A small twitch of irritation takes his brow. "You could ask those who have dared to fight me since, but you won't get much response from the dead. As X'llaya likely knows." He dares to pace a little closer to the table, almost circling it, finding some amusement the aggression Sayuri displayed. "Quite the run he made, in his condition. By all accounts, it should have killed him. He -should- have died the first time." He pauses, behind Sayuri, but long out of arm's reach. "…Maybe he's more durable than i thought. I'll find out next time."
"You won't get a chance to." Bexy's head inclines, then. "If you are so unafraid, why not face us in the wilds? Why wait until the safety of the city to confront us, hm?" She moves closer to Sayuri, and though it seemed almost imperceptible from the outside, she was a coiled spring, ready to lunge. "I've killed scores of your people. What's one more?"
Sayuri's eyes briefly flicker shut in response to the pain, as her aether continues to wildly stir the longer Vairg remains, and as he gets closer. Speaking her true name, and of Eir, certainly doesn't help factors. Her hands latch onto the table in any way she can, claws into the wood with one while the other grasps the side, doing her utmost to keep herself upright. ".. You.. will not.. touch him.." She snaps, words tinted with a hostile growl. "…I--.. will rip.. your head.. from your bloody neck.. before I let you.. --touch him again.."
"I have better people to speak to, nowadays. You can keep your dead buddies." Vex seems almost disturbingly relaxed, even going as far to reach over to grasp onto a new tart - which she promptly sinks her teeth into.
"You can try. I invite it." Vairg reflexively rolls the fingers of his damaged hand; and now it was healed over, the damage could be seen. His thumb and the first two digits were unscathed, but the latter two had been removed completely beyond his knuckles at his hand, affording him a distinct lack of grip had he have kept them. "I wasn't the one who saw you. I have better things to do than guard duty. No, i came to look out of my own curiosity…" His attention drifts back to Sayuri with a hum. "So he still lives. Interesting. You know, i've been thinking of new hobbies… Things to do, now that there's less fun to be had in the compound." He skirts in front of the table with slow steps, now more opposite the group. "Maybe i'll even treat myself. Go catch a performance, somewhere…"
...Bastard. He gains nothing from this save for his amusement and curiosity. That's why he's here... He's threatening her. We can't touch him here either. Much as i would like to. And there's no guarantee scores of them won't come running if we follow him. We can all fight, but i would sooner not take that risk right now... No. We get Sayuri's aether back, first.
"The Blades will be on you in seconds. Even the ones in your pocket will be forced to act to avoid implication." Bexy's tail flicks behind her, eyes narrowing. "So you've seen us. So what. We aren't hiding. You can't take us in the city, and you will not be able to follow us home. What could you possibly hope to achieve from this, aside from me getting to know your face, hm?"
His words make Sayuri freeze up for a mere second, eyes barging back open before she jerks herself back in some attempt to rip herself from both Bexy and Vex, a snarl passing her lips as she most certainly sought to lunge at Vairg - with minimal success.
Vex jerks herself to her feet and tightens her grip of Sayuri's wrist, fighting to hold her back from attacking Vairg. "-Sayuri-."
Vairg laughs at the display. "Poor little kitten. But your sister is right. I could come for you right now, but i won't. Too much trouble. The boss has enough to deal with without me making things more difficult." He looks to Bexy, then. "You're the one responsible for killing so many, hm?" A brow is lofted, as he smirks. "By all means. Hunt me down. Give me some entertainment!"
...Gods, i would love to, you smirking bastard, for all the things you've done to her. And i will, if it comes to it... ...He's smart enough to know we can't hurt him here, and that the opposite is true. He knows who i am, too. Good. ...I'm going to have to be a lot more careful on my own in Thanalan, if what Vex and Sayuri say is true.
Rather than simply hold Sayuri's arm, Bexy stands with her to half wrap an arm to her side, restraining her. "---Sayuri!" She warns, trying to urge her to sit. "I will. We'll see how well that goes for you, hm? I wonder how many arrows it will take to kill you. I'm not afraid of -you-."
Ice creeps along Sayuri's hands, slipping up all the way to her wrists at this point - half-battled on the wrist Vex holds due to her own heat. The dreaded word hitches Sayuri's breath, head canting downwards for her hair to fall before her face. Despite that she quite visibly wants nothing more than to lunge at Vairg, the agony that wrecks her with the stirring of her aether makes her lean quite heavily into Bexy, lips parting to exhale a sharp breath of pain. She does end up slipping into her seat, unable to keep herself upright.
Vex quietly glances at Sayuri as she sits, the grip of her wrist loosening but not releasing - brows furrowing in mild concern at her pain. The expression fades as she lifts her head anew, replaced with a cockier smile as she inserts herself into the conversation. "With your aim? Just one." Her free hand raises, one finger flicking against her own temple.
"And i see Eanwin's work finally holds. There would be no fun in fighting you anyway, girl, broken that you are." Vairg huffs in Sayuri's direction, peering down at Sayuri as she sat, which only serves to widen the smirk further. "We will see about that." Comes his retort, aimed at Vex and Bexy, both.
Bexy gives a steady exhale, still protectively half in front of Sayuri. She opts not to give him another word, watching him to see if he would move; either around them, or for his blade.
"..B-broken.. S-still.. took.. your.. f-fingers.." Sayuri hisses beneath a pained breath, ears gluing flatly to her skull.
"I sure hope we will. It'd be great to watch an arrow pierce your head." Vex smiles.
"That was my foolishness. Not your strength. It won't happen a second time." Vairg remarks, looking over them. "Well, i'll leave you to your little tea party. I'm sure we'll meet again, sometime soon…" Whether anyone would respond or not, he didn't seem to care, retreating around the corner to the city proper.
Bexy watches as he leaves. And then, long after he leaves, does she continue to stare. She doesn't bother asking if Sayuri is okay, already knowing the answer. Her arms wrap around her in the comfort of an embrace, looking over to Vex. "…There will be no true rest while he lives. How serious is he, do you think?"
Sayuri sinks further against Bexy, body trembling from the pain. She doesn't say a word, and merely tries to catch her breath to calm down.
".. Hard to say, with him. I'd take precautions, personally." Vex releases Sayuri's wrist, glancing after Vairg before looking back to Bexy and Sayuri. ".. At least he confirmed Eanwin did this." She gestures lightly to Sayuri.
"…We know this much. If she can do this, she can fix it… Or perhaps one of the underlings can." She casts a glare towards where Vairg left, sighing quietly from her nose. "…I'll look forward to putting that particular bastard in the ground, if i get a chance."
Sayuri quietly stares down at her own shaky, ice-clad hands - teeth gritting.
"Yeah, I doubt we'll get a hold of her specifically.. My best bet would be Q'kura, he was the one mostly involved with Eir and Sayuri's captivity from what I saw." A sharp huff leaves her. ".. I hate to say it, but he has the skill to back up his bloody arrogance. He'd be long fucking dead if he didn't, barely a soul in that place that fucking likes him."
Bexy clearly doesn't like hearing it, exhaling with a quiet sigh. Slowly, she releases Sayuri, gaze now full of concern. "…Then i'll look for him. For Q'kura. Anything we can do to lure him out? Surely, he can't just stay in there the entire time, yes?"
...If even Vex warns me, for the fearlessness she shows... ...No. I need to be more careful.
Sayuri sits in her silence, keeping her head low and face hidden away.
Vex pauses, lingering in thought. ".. Only thing I can think of is snatching some fucker and forcing them to call for a healer, but that.. wouldn't guarantee Q'kura's the one who arrives." Her head tilts. ".. He's enough of a coward to do that."
"Bastard." Bexy huffs. The drink that had settled so close to her is now frozen solid, long beyond the point of being consumable. "…It's a start. Even if it's not him that comes, i'll kill them too. They'll have to send him eventually." Her teeth are almost bared, but she stills her fury for the sake of Sayuri. "…Sayuri…?" Bexy begins, reaching for one of her hands. "…We won't let him take Eir. You know this… You know this, yes? And when you get your aether back, he won't stand a chance. Not against you."
Sayuri's hand grips Bexy's tightly as it reaches for hers, she doesn't look up, but offers a small nod.
"Might catch on to what's happening, but.. Who they send sometimes depend on how important the person wounded is. Aint gonna send a Trusted for an initiate, as an example. Best bet would be to target another Trusted, or the ones just a step below." She cants her head slowly. ".. I know their names, I know their faces. I lack the ability to put them on paper, but I know them."
"…Together. We'll build our report. We still have the advantage. Eir is home, waiting for you; not in their clutches. You are here, safe. They can't touch you." Bexy reminds, though seeing Sayuri's sorrow sets like a stone in her gut. Gazing over the sandwiches, she slowly begins to pile the food into a napkin, to keep for later. "…We should go home. I can keep you safe from all the things out here, but there's only so much i can do for the things inside your head. His arms would work wonders far better than mine." She at least tries to sound encouraging as she stands, offering a hand out when all the table was packed away. Brow still knit with concern, she gazes to Sayuri, still. "…Will you tell him…?"
Sayuri slowly stands on unsteady feet with Bexy's aid, a glimpse of her eyes showing the telling blankness of tears threatening to well, yet she somehow manages to keep herself from letting them fall. She leans over slightly to bump her head against her shoulder in some mute form of a thanks. A brief pause lingers at her question, head soon sinking into a reluctant nod.
...It will be an unpleasant knowledge, for him. But it's best he knows. If someone was breathing down the back of my neck with intent... I would want to know, too.
Vex frowns softly, reaching across the table to aid in packing away the food. ".. We got your back." She speaks carefully, attempting some form of reassurance that she doesn't seem completely sure would work.
"We've got you. Now, and always." She promises, gesturing for Vex to pick up Sayuri's basket. "…We'll go outside, and i'll take us home through the aether. The sooner we're back… The better." Bexy bumps her head to Sayuri's then. "…I have you, Sister."
"..T-thank you.." Sayuri manages in a mere whisper, swallowing harshly afterwards in some attempt to keep herself at bay.
Vex nods, leaning over to grasp onto Sayuri's fruit basket, shuffling closer to the two.
With one arm around Sayuri, and Vex close at hand, Bexy settles a handful of gil on the table as payment, and departs towards the exit. It's only moments later that her aether swirls to take them home, only a flurry of snowflakes in her wake that would soon melt in the Thanalan heat.
...It was supposed to be a pleasant sun. Just us three, going shopping for sweeter things, not having to worry about the threat that loomed. ...It's never so simple. We're never given a long enough rest from it all. But i refuse to hide from them, or allow them to dictate where we can and cannot go. I will not allow them to take any of them as prisoner again. Either in the compound, or far, far from it.
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