gokua-blog · 7 years
wrote a drabble of how Kogu got the nickname/name Kogu :”v
tagging @bidobing bc he’s heavily involved and @supergalacticsoldier bc Bo’s in there for a bit
word count; 2,490 words
rating: T
content warning: very brief sexual implication bc Bido, otherwise very tame
He should have been sleeping hours ago, especially at this age, he really should have been sleeping. But it had been barely a week since he'd joined them and sleeping had been a lot more difficult than he had expected, in fact, it was the second night he had gone with little to no sleep and the young boy was growing more and more restless. Even if the others would forcefully place him on curfew, that never meant he'd listen to them. This was such an example for the young Hera, Karu, as he was out of his designated room at such an obscene hour that no one really caught him, most of the others might have been asleep already. Such was the case with Bujin and Zangya, whom both Karu had tried to wake them due to his discomfort, but nothing seemed to work.
Karu certainly didn't want to disturb Bojack, there was little left to be done as he wandered the barren, empty halls of their ship. The darkness, the silence that was occupying most of the ship by now was the only thing that really made the young Hera boy nervous. He wasn't scared of the dark per say, but sleeping on his own was something he hadn't done since he was in his prepubescent years. Jozu, even Kawa, they were always the ones he shared his bed with, because sleeping on his own brought back the cold, distant memories of sleeping, starving in the streets when he was all on his own that felt too close in his memories to be distant. He frowns, it's something he doesn't want to think about at this time, he doesn't need any of them finding him in tears again, especially if he was going to have to prove to them he was a capable soldier.
He thinks he's close to approaching Bido's room by now, even if he was the more irritable one of the group, not including Bojack, Karu didn't care for that fact. He just needed SOMEONE to be awake, he needed someone to let him sleep in their room, he absolutely despised being on his own at this hour. By the time he's actually at Bido's room, there's nothing that can be heard from inside and Karu visibly sighs at this from his disappointment. That wouldn't stop the young man, he'd tried waking both Bujin and Zangya, he would try just the same with Bido. He doesn't hesitate to knock on the other's door as loud as he possibly can without making too much noise to wake up the others, although he doesn't relent with this. Even if Bido was asleep, Karu wouldn't stop until the other was awake, otherwise it would be another night without him sleeping.
However, the moment that Bido decided to open the door after a long moment of silence, Karu made no hesitation to squeeze between the small gap of the open door, running underneath Bido's arm and lunging his smaller body onto his bed. But he paused once he noticed the bed wasn't completely unoccupied, and between the curses underneath Bido's breath, and someone speaking in a language he didn't understand, Karu quickly looked between Bido and the unknown person in the bedsheets with an expression of confusion on his face. Bido also began to speak in that same language, which only made the young Hera boy begin to pout, he often didn't like the others speaking in a different language than the one he knew, he often felt excluded and as if they were speaking ill about him. Though, he freezes once he sees that it had been a woman in the bed, both her and Bido beginning to get dressed and Karu promptly lowers his purple headband over his eyes to give them at least some privacy. A moment of silence passes as Karu can hear the door slam, with what sounds like apologizing in that language he doesn't understand.
"The hell is your problem, huh?" Once he hears his native tongue, he lifts part of his headband up, exposing one of his eyes though his face is still covered, giving him the image of a young child who'd been playing pirate just seconds ago. All Karu sees is Bido giving him the angry stare he'd grown used to seeing the week he had been here, and immediately he can feel his chest begin to sink. Because that's the face he gets before his punishment and technically, Karu hadn't even done anything out of place yet! He scoffs at this, now his face being pulled into an almost pout like frown at the other. 
"I didn't know, alright?" Karu mutters out, promptly leaning back on the other's bed with a sigh.
"If you would have just waited one damn minute- why the hell are you even here?"
"Can't sleep."
Bido gives him an exasperated look, only then does he sigh and make his way towards his own bed, currently occupied by the young boy they had recruited a little over a week ago. This was why he hated the idea of recruiting children, but Bojack was so adamant on getting this one specifically due to his talents. While Bido could respect that decision, this kid was just heinous to deal with whenever he got into one of his whiny moods. Whether it was the adults leaving him out of scenarios that clearly weren't allowed for kids his age, or just ignoring him at times, he had a tendency to whine and Bido absolutely could not stand it. 
"Does that sound like it's my problem? Go bother Bujin." He's trying to be patient with the boy, trying not to raise his voice because if there was one more thing that could ruin his night, it's if he makes this little terrible creature start crying in the early hours of the morning.
He waited for protest from the young Hera boy, but when he heard none, he'd looked over for a moment only to see the boy beginning to curl up in HIS bed, which made Bido even MORE irritated than he wanted to be right now. Another sigh of frustration and he walks over to the bed, yanking the blanket clean off of both the bed and the boy, resulting in a rather angry glare from Karu. Bido doesn't even need to do much, he simply grabs the boy by the collar and drags him out of his bed, giving him a firm shove towards the door.
"Out, you've ruined my night already."
"Bido, please! I told you I can't sleep!"
"Then go be awake elsewhere, I need my own sleep." The older Hera huffs before promptly making himself comfortable in his own bed, closing eyes to avoid the impending look Karu would eventually give him in an attempt to sucker him in to giving him what he wanted.
After a moment of silence, Bido grew more irritated at the fact he hadn't heard his door open and closed, but before he could open his eyes to see whether or not Karu was there, he could hear the sound of someone trying to hide their runny nose. He'd suspected he'd upset the kid, but crying? That wasn't intention, and he let out a deep sigh as he rolled over to the look at the pathetic kid, only to see his suspicions confirmed.
Karu hadn't meant to cry, honestly, he hated crying in front of the others, but he was so damned desperate for sleep at this point, and he physically could not sleep if no one else was in the room. He had only fell asleep the past week he'd been with them because of exhaustion, he didn't want to go through that again. He was beginning to panic because if his performance began to dwindle due to his lack of sleep, who knew how Bojack would react to that and the thought TERRIFIED the young Hera. He shook his head, trying to compose himself. "Please, I won't take up much room.."
"..tch, I'll give you thirty minutes to fall asleep, but after that I'm dragging you back to your room." Hopefully, the damn kid knew better than to go telling the others about this situation, better yet, if he did carry him to his room after this, no one would ever need to know. Bido just didn't want to see the damn kid look so scared out of his mind while he was crying, he might not have known what was going on, but he looked a little too genuinely terrified and it made the older Hera uneasy. The boy looks at him with uncertainty, but the moment Bido ushered him with the wave of his hand, the boy was already beginning to climb onto the bed, though Bido promptly stopped him.
"Sword, off. Ain't gonna have you tearing up my perfect sheets in your sleep."
"No." Karu spoke almost completely casually, as if he just nonchalantly shrugged off a fly buzzing around him. He was already under the sheets at this point, already curling up into the usual ball that he was found in during the rare moments he eventually fell asleep on his own. Bido always found it to be weird that the kid ALWAYS slept with that damn sword, as well as being completely balled up but so long as the kid wasn't whining or crying, he wouldn't say much about the situation. He sighs, closing his eyes before muttering a single word under his breath.
"You say something?"
"Shut up and sleep."
"You called me something, I heard you-"
"Go to sleep before I change my mind."
"Whatever, just don't call me kogu, whatever the hell that means."
"If you don't go to sleep I'm gonna keep calling you that."
By the time Bido had woken up, he knew it was just around the morning time. Damn, he was supposed to wake up and take the little brat back to his room, but he supposed it shouldn't be too late for that. He sighed, trying to pull himself up, but found himself being held down, mostly around his neck and shoulders, which resulted in a less than pleased grunt from the Hera man. Once he looked over, he saw that the kid was holding closely to him, as if his own life depended on it. Not that Bido was comfortable with it, it caught him off guard completely and he immediately tried to pry the kid's hands away from him, to no avail. He wasn't sure why this kid was so clingy or why he was only able to sleep with others, but he had a feeling the kid wouldn't be in a position to answer him easily.
Bido sighs again, managing to pull himself out of bed with the kid dragging along closely to him, all things considered. The next thing he was aware of, he was holding the kid close to his chest like a damn infant, while he was still wrapping his arms around him. This was embarrassing, no questions about it, and if Bido wanted to go by to the kid's room unnoticed, he'd have to be fast. Though, he didn't want to wake the kid up either, sleep was something this kid needed and he didn't want him to be even more whiny due to lack of sleep on his part.
"You cause me too much trouble for your own damn good, Kogu." If this was the kid's plan to get him to carry his ass to his room, then Bido was happy to call the kid heinous for possibly the rest of his life. He grumbles even more once exits the room, his hair a mess and only in his pants with the sleeping kid practically clinging to him like he was his own mother. Bido was sure he caught the eye of someone as he continued to walk down the halls discreetly, grunting as he had to adjust the kid's body in his arms.
"Bido, what the hell are you doing?"
If the kid's arms weren't wrapped around him, Bido was certain he would have dropped the kid by accident. He quickly swings himself around, careful to avoid having the kid's head slam against anything in the vicinity. His heart drops at the sight of Bojack staring at him with the look of questionable concern on his face, eyeing both him and Karu, he's sure of it. Bido makes sure to address the other in a low voice, because he doesn't need this kid waking up to see his boss staring at him with a look that he's sure will make him wet his pants, and given he was the one holding this brat, he didn't want that in the slightest.
"Long story, taking Kogu back to his room."
"Kogu?" Bojack inquires with a raised eyebrow, though he doesn't seem to ask anything else. In fact, he does seem to expect an explanation from Bido, which causes him to bite his lip, trying to avoid cursing audibly.
"He was acting like the heinous brat he is earlier, he didn't like me calling him that, so that's his nickname now."
Not much else is said as Bido continues to open the door to the child's quarters, and once he's in there he's already trying to pry the boy off before he even makes it to his small bed. 
Bido was genuinely surprised that this kid's grip was this strong, but it was also infuriating because now he was practically attached to him and Bido was NOT willing to go through the whole day with this kid sleeping on him. His boss seemed to find the situation in itself entertaining, because without even having to turn around, Bido could hear his laughter.
"Look- the damn kid had trouble sleeping on his own and I felt bad, alright?! Not my fault he's clinging onto me!"
"If it helps the kid get his sleep and not act like a fumbling, tired fool during training, then perhaps I should allow this to continue." Bojack's smile seem to grow when Bido's panic and disbelief began to grow as well, more laughter resulting in Karu groaning and shifting his head to rest on Bido's shoulder in his sleep. Bido exhales in exasperation, looking towards his boss with a genuine look of lost and confusion on his face.
"So long as the kid gets his act together and the both of you are able to perform today, I could care less about what happens."
The taller Hera could only wince as the visage of Bojack begins to leave down the hallway, leaving Bido to helplessly carry the boy in his arms for who knows how long. He supposed, he'd be stuck like this for quite sometime, though unaware that 'sometime' would mean that Kogu would soon become his roommate for years to come.
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