#I Hate Tophabe I Wish It Never Happened To Me. stuffs this hastily in my drafts for a slow day
raisinushigher · 4 months
i think one of the biggest factors for why the dynamic of tophabe is so addicting at least to me and Maybe other people who enjoy them is the way their motivations and needs as characters fit into eachother so perfectly. and i think the most basic summary of that is topher is very possessive of things and likes to be the one in control of things, and abe, while also wishing to be in a position of responsibility and authority, more often just wants to be accepted at all. any sort of relationship that topher has with anyone - apart from the bleacher creatures - is always doomed from the moment they meet because of how overbearing and entitled he is, however with abe, even after topher crossed him like he does with pretty much everyone at some point, abe holds pretty much no grudge against him because that’s just the type of person he is. abe’s absolute biggest weakness in the entire show apart from his cluelessness and naivety, is how he doesnt stand up for himself. this is probably going to be disproven since they haven’t even had a proper interaction at all since the whole thing so hold pretty much nothing to this, but not once has he said something like wait why am i talking to you?? you blackmailed me!! while talking to topher. abe’s whole thing is he never stops viewing people as his friends even when they mistreat him. once abe sees you as a friend of his there’s almost no turning back. and while im not entirely sure what he thought of topher during the time in season 2 where they appeared to be regularly talking to eachother, that seems to still hold true with them. tldr its the same features that hinder both of them from having truly good relationships and deter other people from them that really make them click as a duo
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