#I Have Not Shared Meow Meow Thoughts Publicly in a Billion Years
funwithvael · 2 years
Thoughts from Last Night: Main 4 Roommate AU where They're College-ish Age
- Kyle and Cartman's rooms are clean. Stan's is never perfect but it's not too bad. Kenny's can get pretty bad. Kyle puts on gloves and a face mask and forces Kenny to help clean it up
- It is completely normal for Kenny to be awake at odd hours, doing random shit. No one questions why Kenny is sitting on the kitchen counter at 5:32 am, making pudding from the box.
- Stan playing his music a little too loud. Cartman, ever so mature, plays his shitty pop music louder to drown it out. Kyle knocks on both their doors and tells them to turn it tf down
- (holds vegetarian Stan in my mouth) Whoever is making dinner, leaving out the meat until the end so Stan can have a bowl
- Kenny and/or Kyle are the best cooks
- Cartman does not know how to cook
- Late night drives to the gas station for snacks
- Cartman and Kyle - the only two i trust to have any amount of taste - arguing about how the shared spaces should be decorated.
- If it was up to Stan or Kenny, it would look like r/malelivingspaces
- Kenny brings home a free couch he found on the side of the road and Kyle is like >8I PUT THAT BACK IT PROBABLY HAD BED BUGS OR FLEAS OR SOMETHING. Kenny moves it to his room
- Them having to get all the alcohol out of the house for Stan's sake
- Kyle being in college, knows he has class early in the morning, but the 3 other guys are pressuring him to stay up and have fun with them.
- Choosing which movie they're gonna watch together is a nightmare. They all argue what they wanna watch
- Cartman's self care shit takes up like half the bathroom counter
- Them all doing face masks together is just a funny image to me.
- Cartman having a habit of eating other people's leftovers. Due to this, all of the leftovers are marked with who they belong too
- Kenny and Cartman doing each other's makeup <3
- Them having a cat that Stan brings home from the outside.... Kyle was never allowed to have a pet - he awkwardly interacts with it. It purrs and kyle almost thinks he fucking broke it. Cartman is canonically a big cat person so he baby talks and plays with it. Kenny likes the cat but keeps it out of his room to protect his pet rats
- Kenny not liking whenever any of the guys fr argue. The joke arguments are fine but he tries to break up and stop actual arguments when they arise
- Stan brings Wendy over. Kenny and Cartman have their ear to Stan's door. Kyle hisses at them to stop and give them privacy but probably joins in on listening. Stan opens his door and all three of them fall on top of each other
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