danieyells · 4 months
Think about this idea! It's been almost a year and you didn't find the anomaly or how to solve your curse, most of the boys know but aren't really keeping track, a year is so far away and it slips away so fast but suddenly the MC one day starts skipping some classes or acting odd so one of the boys (for special angst one who has a crush on mc but didn't confess yet) ask them what is going on and they fall in the realization when they say "one week left"
I was trying to take a nap when i remembered this ask and this idea clawed its way into my head. So hey.
It's not quite what your idea was, but I hope you like it anyway, anon.
Even the previously missing Dionysia ghouls.
You'd met and bonded with all of the ghouls in Darkwick, and even a few outside of it. You'd gone on missions. You'd even begun to get the ghouls to capture anomalies instead of kill them. The anomalies were being studied and discoveries were being made.
But none relating to your own curse.
The Gala came and went, the Laurel Crown awarded. The third years had moved on to become fourth years. You'd had many hard and tearful goodbyes. Promises to meet again that you hoped could come true. Some more firm understandings that this was goodbye, and wishes of good luck.
Soon the new first years would be coming and they would be assigned their houses.
Soon. . . .
"Dandelion?" The temporary Captain of Jabberwock leaned over to stare at you, a curious look on his face. Towa had been inconsolable for a while after Haru had left, and Jabberwock had been plagued by violent storms of snow and hail and lightning. Eventually it all calmed down. You hoped the quieter and natural atmosphere of Jabberwock could heal your stressing heart. All it did was leave you to your thoughts. Thoughts that must have shown on your face. Towa seemed to have had gotten over his own problems, and seemed back to his usual self. His arms looped around you, feeling like warmth and sunshine incarnate. No wonder plants lived him so much. "Here you go! A hug to make your sad face go away!"
You laugh weakly. But it doesn't take the dread away. You turn into him and smell the sweet and floral scent about him, clinging and trying to hide your woes so he wouldn't begin to feel bad again. You thank him, and he gives you a squeeze.
"That didn't help?" Somehow you felt bad for not reassuring him. "What's the matter? Do you miss Haru too?"
You did miss Haru. You missed all your friends and loved ones.
You were going to miss all of your friends and loved ones.
"Whaddyou mean? Tell me." He gave you a squeeze of encouragement. You choked back a sob, but barely managed to whimper out your woes.
"One week left. . . ."
"One week. . .?" In one week the new first years would arrive and be assigned their houses. In one week, it will have had been a year since that concert, since that anomaly, since-- "Oh! Your curse!!"
Part of you wanted to feel angry at how Towa didn't seem bothered by it. He cuddled you, petting your hair. "You're gonna die soon, huh?"
How blunt. He was like this a lot, dismissive about life. Sometimes it scared you, but in ways it was comforting to hear it said so straightforward. Yes, you were going to die soon. Someone said it. Someone acknowledged it. Someone remembered.
"That's okay! Everybody dies eventually!"
"But I don't want to die, Towa!" You cry, snapping your head up to look at him desperately. He parted his lips as of in surprise. "I'm not ready to die! I-- I--"
"Hmm." Towa looked at you with contemplative pity. "So you don't wanna die yet? You wanna keep living?"
You nod. Did Towa think so little of his own life that he couldn't comprehend wanting it to continue? Or was he just that unempathetic? Maybe you didn't mean much to him, and he didn't care if you were gone the way he cared when Haru left.
"Why don't you ask me for help?"
"What do you mean?" You looked at him inquisitively. Towa smiled back down at you, beguiling, lavender hair framed by an inky black sky.
"Why don't you ask me to save you? So you don't die as soon."
You shook your head. "Towa, I was cursed by some anomaly--we never found another one like it, I--I can still remember its eye and nothing that erases my memory works to make me forget. Everytime I close my eyes lately I see it like--like it's coming after me, like it's getting closer. I see that eye in other people's eyes, I--"
"Do you see it in mine?" It's eerily still and quiet in Jabberwock today. You look in his eyes. It's easy, like nothing but you two exists right now. "Is it there?"
"No." You swallow. You don't remember standing. You don't remember Towa standing, either. "No, it's not."
"I can help you. I promise." Why was it so dark? The sky wasn't clouded, and Towa wasn't upset. You didn't remember it being dark when you came here. The warmth of the sun was your only comfort alone with your thoughts. "You just have to ask me. Ask me to help you."
"But. . .how will you help me?" As a matter of fact, it was midday when you came here, wasn't it? Why could Towa talk in the first place. "What can you do that no one else could? Wh-why didn't you say something sooner?"
"Do you want me to grant your wish? Or not?" You could see Towa clearly, but the deep darkness around you reflected no light in his eyes. It reminded you of being in the sunken ship disguised as an undersea palace, when those anomalies tried to keep you from leaving. You didn't feel cold like that time though. You felt warm. You almost felt safe.
"I. . .I. . . ." Something told you to run away. For a moment, you saw the anomaly's eye again. Towa looked irritated, and suddenly it was gone, as if frightened away. You heard thunder crack in the distance. "I want to live. . . ."
"Tell me what you wish for." He smiled at you. It was welcoming and pitying. Like finding a lost child. "I'll keep your safe."
His face was very close, your eyes locked in his. You felt weaker than ever with him holding you like this. The words spilled out of your mouth.
"I wish my curse was gone. . .I wish I could live. . .please help me, Towa. . . ."
Towa smiled and pet your hair. Then he stepped back from you. You clung to his sleeves, afraid of being abaoned to the emptiness around you. Between you, a pale plant grew to eye level, flowering before your very eyes.
"Eat it."
The plant moved itself to your mouth. You parted your lips, allowing it in, and closed your teeth and lips around it like you'd done with so many plants Towa fed you. It ripped itself away from you, and you chewed it. Your mouth was filled with complex flavors, sweet and bitter and painful and unfamiliar. Your senses were filled with something soft and numbing. But you still felt the strong press of Towa's lips on yours, pushing the flower down your throat. Somehow, you didn't gag from the pressure.
When you swallowed, a wave of nausea hit you. The sickly feeling was followed by electricity, jolting through your mouth and down your throat and up your spine, into your stomach and brain. You felt it travel to the tips of your fingers and pores, arcing across every hair along your body.
And then the sharp pain and blast of fog filled your head.
It felt like roots implanting themself through your whole body, as if replacing every part of your nervous system. You opened your mouth ask what was happening, but all that left you was a scream so loud it hurt your throat. Your eyes and face burned with your tears.
You dug your nails into Towa's arms as he pulled Way, and he watched on without helping as you began to vomit. It hurt. All of this hurt. You vomited burning and freezing mud, and what you vaguely grasped to be seeds. The empty world around you seemed to consume the mess, drinking it up and burying the seeds into the invisible earth.
As you heaved and gasped when it finally came down, you watched another plant grow. This one was familiar. It flowered quickly, and you remembered the flowers of the anomaly that cursed you. You saw them flower and grow, and you gasped, yanking your hands away from Towa to cover your eyes.
Not again, you didn't want to see the eye again.
It wasn't until you heard lightning and hail, feeling the fall of it directly in front of you that you realized you couldn't remember how the eye looked anymore. The memory was simply gone.
"Did you feel it? It was like being struck by lightning, right?" Towa's voice echoed around you jovially. "That means we're soulmates now. Because your soul is mine now. Our pact is sealed. And your curse is gone."
"Wha--ow. . . ." You snapped your head up, pulling your hands away from your eyes to look at Towa, only to shield your eyes from the bright, warm sun of Jabberwock. It burned, after being in the dark so long--and after the sensory overload after eating that flower. Looking down and shielding your eyes from the light, you saw something smouldering between yours and Towa's feet, surrounded by charred petals. "What. . .what did you do, Towa. . .?"
Towa made an inquisitive sound at you, tilting his head. He once again looked innocent. He once again couldn't speak under the light of day. He smiled and giggled, covering your eyes and kissing you again, humming happily against your lips. From being around him for over a year you'd already begun to understand him when he couldn't speak. He was reassuring you. You'll be okay, he says. You don't need to be afraid anymore.
"But. . .my soul. . .a pact. . .like a. . .?"
Like a demon?
Was Towa a demon?
He pat you on the back, silently saying not to worry. And then, he leapt into the air, off to somewhere else in the former safari area, leaving you to pull yourself together.
The eye was gone from your mind. You couldn't remember anything besides the flowers and their charred state in the beautiful green grass of Jabberwock.
You held your stomach, feeling it knot with nerves.
The curse was gone. You'd live. . .but now your life was in Towa's hands.
You began to leave Jabberwock, turning over in your head how you would tell Cornelius what happened. You'd made a pact with a demon to spare your life. . .but the demon was on campus. He was a threat. He had power. A lot of power.
The moment you started to consider telling them it was Towa, you screamed out in pain. Electricity ran through your very existence, not just your body but your soul too. A warning.
You caught your breath where you collapsed in the grass, one of the anomalous animals nervously sniffing at you until your rising startled it into fleeing. Right. You couldn't share who the demon was. But you could say there had been one and that your life was safe now. . that you were aware of.
Once your shaking legs were steady and the phantom pain subsided, you made your way out into the main grounds and towards the main building. It was probably important that you share the news. . .whether or not it was good.
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danieyells · 2 months
What are some character you want to see interact like for the dynamics.Haku and Alan
Along with what are your crackships or ships you know will never come true but who cares?Mine is Zenji x Alan no reason just what to see what it will be like.
Thank you have a good day
I hope you had a good day yourself, anon! I had a regular day! Which is good enough!
I mean i wanna see everyone's dynamics!!! I love characters' interpersonal relationships haha. Haku and Alan would be interesting. I feel like they're both kinda mellow, but it depends on what Tohma's told Alan about Haku. . . . Haku's also not much of a fighter so no bonding with sparring, but if he's being honest about having an interest in cars they'd have plenty to talk about! Maybe Haku would apologize for causing Alan problems--Tohma took over for him in Frostheim and that must've been rough, being captain of Vagastrom all by himself. As long as Haku is honest and kind and chill, I think Alan would like him, unless Tohma said not to trust him.
Cut because i got rambly--
I think the dynamic I wanna see most is, understandably, between my favorites. I'd love to know Towa's relationships with everyone and what plant names he's given them. Same with Taiga and that he gives most people nicknames(so far the only one I remember him calling by name is Jin.) Do Yuri and Jiro and Nicolas have any observations or interest in Taiga's odd diet of almost only anomalies? Does Towa dislike doctors and that's why they don't have his blood type? Since it seems like Towa dislikes or is hostile towards anomalies, does he dislike Lyca or would they get along despite the language barrier? What does Leo think of Hyde, did he meet him before he came to Darkwick or did he not meet Sho until after Hyde had already gone? Does Taiga think Moby looks delicious? (I headcanon he bit him first year and Moby's a little scared of him as a result.) What sort of relationships did the third years have when they first arrived compared to now? (For example we know Romeo and Taiga used to be close but they're distant now.) What is the implied preexisting relationship between Sho and Ren? Does Leo know Ren too? Does Taiga eat the campus cats and Cornelius won't send anymore to Sinostra? Romeo hates Frostheim but was it always that way? Does he feel the same about Haku now that he's changed houses? What about Tohma? Did Kaito like Haku when he was in Frostheim? Kaito kind of recognized Leo, since Kaito's big on social media is he interested in him once he realized who he was? Kaito simping for Leo. . . . Is Luca suspicious of Obscuary students for being less human than others and thus possibly closer to demons? Ed uses the internet a lot, does he know about Leo? What does Dante think of the murder suspects? THERE ARE A LOT OF CHARACTERS WHO COULD HAVE INTERESTING RELATIONSHIPS. AND THERE'S ALSO THE FOURTH YEARS OUT IN THE FIELD, ANY OTHER DECEASED GHOULS OR FACULTY FROM DURING THE CLASH, THE DIONYSIA STUDENTS, HELL EVEN THE GENERAL STUDENTS COULD BE OF INTEREST. . . .
Crack ships. . .believe it or not I don't think about ships as much as I used to in fandom lol I still love them but. I feel like I don't think as much about them I guess haha. Zenji and Alan are both third years so they very well could have had previous interactions before Zenji died. You never know! Tbh I wouldn't consider any ships among the ghouls crack ships except Zenji and first years since they'd have no way of meeting atm(Zenji's non-WickHive/non-Wick-Chat accounts are run by Haku so that even rules out Zenji interacting with Leo online lol)--everyone else theoretically and conceivably could have had interactions in their time there.
I feel like Alan wouldn't know what to make of Zenji. He's a totally different kind of person to him or anyone he'd be used to. Loud, artsy, fantastical, pacifistic. . .I can see Zenji worrying over Alan easily, worried he's overdoing it exercising or that he might get hurt sparring or about how he clearly has some self-loathing issues and doesn't trust himself near others. Zenji's so friendly, I don't think Alan would easily be able to deflect him if he decided to try appealing to him and befriending him haha. Zenji is very literary and Alan is so. . .he's not a bookish person by any means, we'll go with that. He wouldn't know anything about poetry or music or stories, but maybe that'd make him find Zenji interesting. Zenji would play a song and Alan wouldn't know what to say to it. . .and Zenji would interpret it as him being stunned to silence or something lol. You don't have to say anything, just feel the music in your soul! I bet no one's told Alan a story since he was a kid, if it happened then. Maybe he'd find it pleasant, who knows. Zenji would find his brutish physique and strength inspiring, and maybe accompany him on camping trips because nature would also be inspiring! I think it could work in an extremely 'opposites attract' way lol. Zenji simply wandered the way of the Vagastrom garage one day in search of inspiration and. . .the rest was history. Alternatively maybe in his first year one of the professors assigned Zenji to help him with classwork? Or they were made to work with other ghouls/members of the class to formulate a way to capture anomalies?
For me. . .everything I can think of I have a basis for or i can make something up lol. I can ship anything but coming up with things is a little hard lolol. Probably Taiga/Ren or Romeo/Ren. Ren ends up borrowing money from one of them to pay for his gacha addiction. With both he tries to sell off Jabberwock anomalies--but, uh, he has to get them to Sinostra first. Which is not easy when they are big or scary or gross. Romeo likes his men dumb, and Ren isn't the brightest guy you'll ever meet. He's probably average. And Taiga likes having playthings who react in fun ways--Ren is a little stilted in his emotions but also gives strong reactions to things and I think Taiga would like messing with him. Oh and when they learn Ren's stigma cleans stuff. . .i mean every good organized crime group needs cleaners. Ren doesn't know why he starts getting excited around them eventually it just happens and it doesn't make sense what is this some sort of awful booktok dark romance????? This is embarrassing. He doesn't know how he ended up in this situation. He's not sure if this is better or worse than the animals.
(also less crack because, again, both third years but. . .Romeo/Alan. Romeo even admits to liking dumb men. And Alan is not very bright.
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I'm just imagining Romeo watching Alan struggle during class, resisting a dumb grin. Taiga can I? Can I please? I know you don't actually care, but I care I want you to say it's okay please I just wanna flirt with him I don't think he'd even notice he's so dumb--)
Also consider, Towa x the tree on the hill. Not really crack because he clearly loves that tree and it's sentient enough to speak to him but still lmao.
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