rosahope · 2 months
i am literally this meme right now catching up in hsr.
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anyways my comparisons between penacony and the sailor moon black dream hole movie continue.
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the boy on the right is named peruru ( english dub ) and his brothers were turned into birds by the end of the film.
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on the surface, it probably looks like misha and peruru have nothing in common, but interesting enough their english vas sound eerily similar ( sadly they are not actually voiced by the same person ).
aaaaaaand some quotes from the movie that give the penacony vibes for funsies:
❛ tell me why you're interrupting this innocent procession to happiness. ❜
❛ her intentions are good. she wants the children to have eternal happiness. ❜
❛ what's the black dream hole? ❜ ❛ it's... a place of eternal sleep. ❜
❛ i would like all of the children to follow me to the dream world. and don't worry, everyone will be safe and happy in their own dream. ❜
❛ we're just letting them stay children forever! what's the big deal? how can that be so wrong?! ❜ ❛ i think it's a silly idea. life is full of wonderful experiences. from the beginning to the end. ❜
❛ i'm merely trying to make all of your wonderful dreams come true. in my dream world, everything is sweet and happy — the way life should be. ❜ ❛ no one can be truly happy here! not in this fake, make-believe world. i want to protect the world, where children can grow up normally with family and friends. the way life is supposed to be! ❜
❛ usagi? why are you here? ❜ ❛ mamoru? can this really be your bedroom? ❜ ❛ of course it is. ❜ ❛ mamoru... a-are you sure you're feeling alright? ❜ ❛ i'm feeling much better now, thanks to my usagi. ❜ ❛ i'm so relieved! ah — i can't seem to wake chibiusa up at all. ❜ ❛ she's okay now. let her have a good sleep here. she's probably having a nice, peaceful dream. we shouldn't disturb her. we can live together in complete happiness, without any problems at all or other people to bother us. ❜ ❛ but... mamoru, we can't forget about all the children and our friends... they're in danger! ❜ ❛ i really don't care about any other people. i'll be happy as long as you're with me, usagi. ❜ [ usagi realises she's trapped in a dream. she recalls an earlier conversation and repeats it now. ] ❛ um... say, mamoru? who do you like better? me or chibiusa, and, please, tell the truth. okay? ❜ ❛ you, of course. i love you the very best in the entire world, usagi. you're the only one i ever think about. and the only woman that i'll ever have in my life. ❜ [ she uses her power to escape the dream, addressing dream!mamoru one more time ] ❛ ... even in a dream, you're just too good to be true. ❜
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melikochan · 1 year
7 Comfort Movies
I was tagged by @foibles-fables, thanks so much!
Titan AE. You can't name a planet Bob!
The Princess Bride. An absolute classic, no notes, 10/10 😌
Hackers. This movie will never not be iconic.
The Secret Garden. Honestly I don't know why, but I love the movie adaptation.
The Sailor Moon Super S movie. Peruru 🥺
Hocus Pocus. I still need to watch the new movie!
The Lion King. Still my favorite Disney movie.
Okay I started struggling at the end 😅 I'm gonna tag... @wykart @niftybottle @fait-hunter @mr-jaybird @franklywhelmed
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pxnxg · 6 years
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I wanted to show I'm still active and post the only actual drawing I've done in a while, sorry I'm a not inactive I'm really focusing my time on cherishing every minute I have with my boyfriend! but have this its a little doodle I did of my boyfriends ocs as humans @arvoze 💕💕
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arvoze · 6 years
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some people lack the energy to walk
(nothing special)
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jumarit38 · 7 years
I sighed in frustration throwing away my bow as far as I could, I’ve been trying to hunt something all the morning, but with this one it was the fifth target that I fail, since I have memory of me hunting I have never failed so much times in a same day. And is that in the moment where I had to have my mind blank, so I could concentrate all my attention in my target, Rena’s face came up in the back of my mind like a shadow that never goes. Rena had left the castle this morning, the only thing that she left back was a little note giving the thanks and the request to not follow her, and just like that she disappear without any explanation and it haven’t passed not even 12 hours since she left but I could already feel the emptiness that I hadn’t feel since she came. Not even hunting couldn’t make Rena go away from my thoughts, does this mean that I would never see her again, the mere thought make my heart ache, maybe my destiny was being alone. A lot of questions came up to my mind, ´should I go after her?’ but she asked not to, ´is she ok?’ ´would she be too far?’ ´Could have I done something to prevent this?’ ´Did I do something wrong’ more and more questions came up but not a single answer. I went back to the castle giving up to the idea of hunting something this day, in fact that only made my thoughts travel to the same person all the time, who no more than 24 made my day better but now she is gone she left behind a completely mess. Being still really early in the morning I went to the kitchen, although I didn’t had appetite, I would look for a simple thing. When I entered to the room I could felt the tension in the air, and how Rena’s presence was needed to light up the place. No one said nothing nor came up with the topic, even though everybody already knew it. Even the little argues between me and Yuki stopped. Even so I could feel her gaze over me all the time even Aiko’s, like waiting something from me “Won’t you go after her?” Yuki broke the thick silence, that was what I’ve been asking myself all the morning, but there was something that was stopping me and I always used the same excuse. “She asked not to, so I will respect her decision” I heard Aiko sighting at the bottom of the kitchen with my reply, it has been some time since I sense that Yuki and Aiko knew something that I don’t, but in fact in this moment I don’t really care anymore. I got out from the place without having eaten more than a simple apple and I went to my office, it feels like my boring and simple life came back again, and I hope that at least some numbers could Rena go away from my mind a little bit. And how wrong I was… again, being in this place only bring her memories back, how she distracted me with commentaries or with casual discussion that had nothing to do with work, the long minutes the I could spent only staring at her without getting tire of her beauty, remembering every expression and features. The memories from the past day reply on my mind, how dazzling she looked with the slight breeze brushing her hair, seeing her giving her all to learn how to ride a horse, and the free and good that I felt talk to her for hours about thing without sense or just enjoying her company. If I had known in that moment that I would be the last time that I saw her and that I’ve been feeling this way I had do something, I would have hold her tight to make sure that she would not go, I would ask her to stay with me and I would tell her that the truth is that I… and there was again, the barrier that didn’t allow my thoughts to continue from this point. What would I have tell her, what is the truth that I want her to know. “Could you please stop sighting all the time, is annoying” Paruru complained, she was the only one that hadn’t mention something about Rena, and that was something I really appreciate. “I am sorry, I’m a little distracted today” I gave her my apologies, accepting that couldn’t take Rena out from my mind. “You know, you should stop being so coward” She told me without notice, there was no need for me to ask what was she referring to, I knew exactly what she wanted to say with that. “Now you too come with that, give me a break” I answered tiredly. “I won’t tell you anything more, I can’t decide for you” “I would go out for some air” It looks like everyone had agreed to be against me today, everyone were expecting something from me, even a part of me were waiting for me to do something, but the again it was this other part of me that was holding me back, something got me in chains and didn’t allow me to go out running after Rena. After walk around the castle like a soul without direction, I went back to the room. When I entered there Yui was there too, when I saw her, her words came back to my mind like giving me clues. Fear, is that what is stopping me, but fear to what and why. Suddenly the door opened again and Yuki was the person who came into this time, Peruru Yui and Yuki share what I can describe like a conspiratorial gaze with each other, I already knew what was coming and if I’ve been avoiding it all day, I knew that this time was going to be different, this time I wouldn’t be able to escape from their gaze. “What is what you all want, I have a lot work to do, so if y-“Yuki stopped my words throwing aside all the sheets of paper and more things that I had in the desk, making a huge bang take place in the room. “I am already done with you, stop being this coward and go after Rena” She screamed at me, I sigh trying to keep the composure, I hadn’t the desire to fight in this moment. “I won’t argue with you about this anymore” I got up from my place to get out from the the room, but was Yui who stopped my tracks. “Do you remember what I told you? Are you really going to let her go?” “No… I don’t want to let her go, but I just can’t do it. I am afraid and I don’t know why” Finally I let out my true feelings, only Yui can have this power over people that allows them to say what they really think. “You are afraid that you might lose her like you lose Mayu, you are afraid to fall in love again and go through that pain again” Declared Paruru who had been in silence until now, reading me perfectly and putting in words what I couldn’t. And that’s the true, Mayu and the pain that she left, that was what was holding me like a curse, I didn’t want to go through that again and yes, I was afraid to fall in love again, that’s why it was easier to let go Rena, like that I would stay away from the danger. “Then? You haven’t change your mind yet? Would you allow her to spend the night outside, you know too well how danger it is outside the city” Asked Yuki for the last time, because I knew that she wouldn’t try anymore. I didn’t answer anything having a battle with my own feelings inside me, trying to decide what I should do. “Fine, I’m done waiting for you to do something, if you don’t go will, I won’t allow Rena to spend the night outside” Final announced Yuki. I already took my decision. “You won’t go anywhere” I raised my voice to make her stop her tracks “Because ‘it’s going to be me the one go goes after her” it was decided, I won’t let Rena go, she came to my life when I most needed her, I am tired to feeling alone, so I won’t let this feeling vanish without doing something, not this time. Yui, Yuki and Paruru smiled with relief, I will have to thank them, because if it wasn’t for them I would still be blind and stuck in my debuts. “By the way Jurina, maybe I told Rena something like I were your secret lover, well about that… I am really sorry I went too far” Confessed Paruru with true shame and regret in her tone. That explains a lot of things now. “We will talk about that later, in this moment a have something more important to do” I didn’t want to lose more time, I wanted to see Rena and I wanted it now. I was running with all my might, taking my body to the limits, I was feeling how a fire was growing inside of me, making my heart beat wildly, and not because I was running, it was a different feeling, even different from what I felt for Mayu, it felt even bigger, so much that I couldn’t hold it back. Even though I was still scared, love was frightened, but it doesn’t stop me anymore, I was willing to go through all that if it’s for Rena, this time I’ll do it right and I won’t let go the person that I love so easy, because that is what the butterflies in the stomach and the stupid smiles means, and I am not afraid to accepted it anymore. “I AM IN LOVE WITH RENA” I screamed with all my might, finally letting those feeling to take control all over me. I rode on the horse as fast as I could, Rena couldn’t be so far, knowing her unathletic person and the fact that she didn’t took a horse with her, she could only have made it to the first town, knowing how dangerous this one is make me want go even faster, if I keep this speed which is beyond the safe one, probably I would made it when the sun is already gone. I just hope to do it on time and that she is safe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My feet were hurting for all the walking, and evening was already falling, I’ve been walking all the day without aimlessly. The only information that I could get in the time that I were in the castle about someone that maybe knows what was happening to me was just a name, Yokoyama Yui, sometimes I overheard Yuki’s conversation with Aiko about this strange woman, and it lookd like she exactly what I am looking for, but the thing is that I don’t know where start my search. While I was walking, sometimes I couldn’t helped but to look back once and once again, unconsciously whiling to see Jurina at my back, asking me that please stay with her, but of course that would never happen, after all it was already time for the people in the castle to know about my departure, and even if I left a note asking to not follow me I know that it wasn’t necessary, Jurina won’t come for me. I wonder if she took breakfast properly, after all she doesn’t take care of her own body like she should, and if she could finish with all the work without overworking herself. I feel a little bit guilty, because I didn’t finish my part and that suppose more work for Jurina. Even if one of the reasons that I left the castle was to forget about Jurina, I didn’t seem to be easy at all, because my heart was refusing to let her go that simple. Finally, after walking what felt like an eternity, I started to distinguish what I could define as a little town, but everything seems dirty and destroy, and not too much people were seen walking around, the place has a gloomy and creepy aura, completely different from what the city of the castle has. In fact the little people around were different too, all them seem like criminals with dirty clothes and scars all over their faces. The truth is that I didn’t want to spend the night in this place, I hadn’t more options since I don’t know how far the other town maybe is, and it’s getting dark already.       Walking around the place I found what looks like a hostel, but like the rest of the buildings in the town its appearance was wasted. I sigh looking and accepting the place where I would have to spend the night, I just hope that the money is enough, in the rush when I got out from the castle I didn’t think about that, and the little that I bring with me I already spent the half in food and water. But I guess that it can’t be expensive judging the way it looks. I went into the place and indeed it was like I imagined, it was completely empty and kind of dark. There were a couple of coach but those were full of dust, in the corner I saw the counter and ringing the little bell I waited until someone to appear. I froze on my place when from a door got out the same drunk men from the city. I struggled internally if I should get out from here or not, but I reached the conclusion that it’s better here than in the streets, even if both sound dangerous at least here I would have a bed. “What do you want?” He asked contemptuously, it looks like he didn’t remember me, or at least he was pretending not to. “I would like a room please” “It cost 7 gold coins” I opened my eyes in shock hearing the ridiculous cost, and effectively I only had 5 coins. “Can’t you leave to me a little bit cheaper?” “Aren’t you a prince’s friend, you should have a lot of money, don’t you” After all he did remember me, but that’s a point for me because I knew that he likes me. “Not really it was the first time I saw her, then can’t you leave it cheaper?” Why couldn’t be this secure when I talked to Jurina, just like the Rena that I was in XXI century. The man looked at me from head to toe with that disgusting glare, I hated do this, but what another option I had. “Sure, if it’s for a beauty like you” Bingo, I gave me the keys for a room in the second floor, and without losing more time I went straight to the room. I was really tired, and the room wasn’t that bad as I thought, I wanted to go to bed as soon as possible. When I was about to fall sleep the sound of the door woke me up, I alert when I saw the same men coming in, and for the way he looked at me I knew that I was in danger. “Do you need something?” I asked “You shouldn’t have come here beauty” I couldn’t say nor do anything more because he rushed towards me, and even if I struggled with all my strength to take him off of my, he was clearly stronger. It doesn’t matter how much I screamed for help, no one would come, even though I was waiting for someone to rescue me, waiting for Jurina to rescue me. When the men was about to rip off my dress the door opened sharply, making the men freeze and my breathing stopped when I saw the person that changed my whole world, and the only one that make my heart race and my face blush standing there, it was like if all my pleads had reach Jurina who was standing there with bated breath like she had just run a marathon, she was again in front of me, saving me again and again, and being be my side when I needed her. When I saw I knew that there was no way back, I already passed the point of no return to long ago, I was fully and completely in love with Jurina.                                      
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gay-la-v · 7 years
Is there such thing as a crack BROTP? Do you have any?
LET ME TALK TO YOU ABOUT CHARACTERS NOBODY BUT ME CARES ABOUT. Precious, precious Saphir is my son and I love him and I want so much better for him. You know who would have actually DESTROYED the senshi and succeeded at overthrowing NQS had he been in charge? SAPHIR. You know who wouldn't have been manipulated by wiseman into causing apocalyptic scenarios? Saphir. You know who WOULD HAVE FOUND A PEACEFUL WAY TO RESOLVE THE DARK MOON/CRYSTAL TOKYO CONFLICT IN THE FIRST PLACE. S A P H I R. And you know who had the literal shittiest brother in the world? Poor, poor Saphir. He's smart, he's got his shit together, he's committed, and he JUST WANTS SOME FLOWERS. HOW DID HE END UP IN THE MESS THAT IS R???But imagine dear friends, a world where Saphir not only has a better brother, but can be the wiser, supportive OLDER brother.Now imagine if that brother was Peruru. Yes the lil fairy boy from the SuperS movie, THAT Peruru. He's got his lil magic flute, and he's sweet and just wants to do what's right. IMAGINE HIM LOOKING UP TO A SUPER SMART, KIND OLDER BROTHER. IT'S GREAT. They can cheer up sad children with flowers and dancing cookies and I know it's a weird as fuck combo but I THINK IT'S CUTE.REPLACE DEMANDE WITH PERURU AND REPLACE THE ENTIRE R PLOT WITH LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE.
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arvoze · 7 years
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gay culture is whatever the fuck this is
(+ @tamamago & @mythful)
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arvoze · 7 years
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i dissociated when i drew ths and its liek te best thing ive fdone in 50 years i wanna die 
nyways i lvoe orikeros please give me your orikeros i would Die 2 drwa them
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arvoze · 7 years
what if theres an au where peruru is a robot and takaka is like a normal keronian??
OOPS forgot readmore lmfao!
VERY good question. it changes a lot of things
it can go a lot of ways but i’ll go with the assumption that like, it’s just a roleswap more than anything, so the specifics in how they come about isn’t all that important (like, peruru met takaka by essentially stealing him, takaka’s appearance is meant to mirror peruru’s, etc)
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it’s mostly just removing takaka’s entire armour suit and making other changes here and there and giving that stuff to peruru instead, because visually, there shouldn’t really be too much of a difference. i’d stop it at design-wise but i love the deeper implications instead so, generally, instead of “oh they just swap roles and everything else is the same”, because it won’t be the same - they act differently, they have different morals and motives, and everyone’s too connected to eachother for these kinds of changes.
tepopo wouldn’t be out to go against either of them; assuming takaka’s taken up a role in the army, he wouldn’t have the same job peruru did. he’d be more weapons-based, and would be out on the battlefield more, whereas peruru’s job kept him inside the grand star for the most part. peruru’s rank and department is entirely different to what takaka’s would be - tepopo would still get fucked up by the rest of the “cleanup crew”, but they’d have a different fifth member, so tepopo would be out for those five, not the original four and peruru.
panana is an only child. this actually messes with his workflow, because he’s always set out to do better than peruru. he can’t compete and compare against someone who doesn’t exist.
majojo doesn’t have an older brother figure growing up, which impacts her mental state heavily. majojo and peruru were a big part of eachothers’ lives growing up, and peruru was really the only person she ever spoke to and was an especially important comforting figure (and vice-versa), so she’d be in a pretty bad place now.
tepopo succeeds in getting revenge on all of the relevant scientists that ruined his life. he remains a member of knaveve’s collective, and never strives to become a hero figure in his community. he never meets nitoto, and lives the rest of his life as a criminal/outlaw.
panana, possibly, never even gets to make the model of robot that regular takaka is (TG3). with no younger sibling to push him to greatness out of spite, he doesn’t have the drive to work on a project as big as that (thus, TG3s were never made - panana was the core engineer in that).
assuming that panana did go through with making the TG3s, and assuming that peruru is one, in this au, peruru and takaka would never end up meeting eachother.
takaka only exists because of peruru’s ignorance and lack of desire to do the right thing. takaka only exists because peruru can’t keep himself to himself - peruru is curious and acts on his curiosity, breaks into a place he shouldn’t be in, and ends up accidentally stealing takaka.
takaka isn’t like that; he always wants to do the right thing, and he wants to do his job in the army right. he plays by the books and doesn’t get into trouble. he wouldn’t do stuff behind anyone’s backs, and he certainly wouldn’t break into a storage unit and steal property of the army.
wink emojie……………. ;-)
srry this actually got rly long LOL. i like thinking about the bigger impacts these kinds of things have overall
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arvoze · 7 years
My sweet sweet daughter majojo for world building
fluxbuddies said: majojo
 delicious. finally some good fucking food
full name: majojo
gender: female (cis)
sexuality: lesbeab. lsees.bg. lesbia b. girls
pronouns: she/her
family: unnamed father; unnamed mother; peruru (sibling relationship); tumblr user mayaoishiina (he’s her dad now)
birthplace: keron
job: part-time work, god knows where, it’s just to get by. i think she might be a student, whether that’s a general student or studying magic or something of the likes in particular, i don’t know. whatever it is she does - job and education - she gets to have a couple days off if she needs it. sometimes she helps nitoto out w/ charity work
phobias: her parents; people shouting & arguing, especially when she can hear it; her friends having large falling-outs; having nobody to fall back on; not so much of a phobia as it is just a dislike, but panana makes her uncomfortable; space food - the ones that you have to kill to cook; the fear that her limited magic will backfire and mess up horrendously
guilty pleasures: she LOVES shit like .. the “cringy” fandoms. she loves shit like fnaf and undertale or whatever keron’s equivalent are. 
morality alignment?: she good.... idk what the one is for like. follows the rules and is a generally good person but is also easily influenced by other people (peruru) to break the rules and be an annoyance
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
i love her
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arvoze · 7 years
  god i shoudl probably have a sideblog just so i...
wait you have an oc talk vent ?? id love to follow that omf
YEA !! its @.peruru i dont use it much but its an absolute fuckng disaster
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