vampirebutterflies · 1 year
taggied by @not-nervous-jester !!!! mwah <3
relationship status: VERY happily in one grem my love <3
favourite colours: PINK specifically like. pastel-y cherry blossom-y fairy flossy pinks 🥰 also soft purples like lilacs and lavenders, soft greens and bluey greens, and soft brushed golds and rose golds
song stuck in my head: there’s two atm so not strong enough by boygenius and stuck in a bubble by george alice. it’s an interesting combination ?
last song I listened to: in full was fall at your feet by saint raymond, got partway through in the wake of your leave by gang of youths
three favourite foods: ough uhhhh on a big hit of those choc ripple biscuits for months now they’re so good, honey sandwiches, and mie goreng
last thing I looked up: bob morley
dream trip: ngl I haven’t really imagined or fantasised travelling much?
anything I want rn: copious amounts of money, and if I can’t get a new well functioning healthier body then I’ll at least settle for a full hysterectomy + hrt. also kitty ears and a tail. I also want boyfriend cuddles
no pressure tagging ummmm @gremlin-soup @chupacactus @blackbeardskneebrace mwah <3
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pvmpkin-gvts · 8 months
2, 6, 18, 28, 29 uwu
2. What are you obsessed with right now?
I've been hyperfixating on detective fiction lately! I combed over my entire bookshelf and only found 3 books that would fit the bill (and one of them's technically a crime thriller and not even detective fic proper), so I'm planning on trying out a few Poirot novels in the near future. I used to love mystery stories as a kid but kind fell off the wagon with them as a teenager. Coming back ot them now so long after is really cozy and nostalgic. :3
I also finally saw Knives Out and Glass Onion because of this hyperfixation and I LOVED them, especially Knives Out. Benoit Blanc is my dad now.
6. Describe your dream home.
Something spacious but not like a full blown masion, with a back yard big enough to host parties and a pond with a waterfall. The walls are made of brick or stone and it's got a little tower on one side and a big wooden door with iron hinges. The garden would be full of black flowers and there'd be a trellis swing.
I'd have a room that's a dedicated library, full of dark wood and big cushy seating and warm lights with a dimmer. The door to it would be one of those hidden bookshelf doors. I'd also have a room that's just my art and crafting studio, with big worktops and lots of storage and wide airy windows for lots of natural light. Also a spare bed so if I wear myself out working on a project I can lie down right then and there.
There would also be a fully kitted out kitchen and big dining area for more gatherings, including hosting TTRPG nights for all of my friends. A plush living room, at least one guest room and a bathroom in pastel colors with a big ass bathtub for my goth bathbombs are also in there somewhere.
18. What tattoos do you want?
OOOOOOO YESSSSSS let's see. I want a tattoo of a mandrake plant, probably in the style of those goofy, scrunkly medieval marginalia illustrations.
I definitely need to get a tattoo of a faerie at some point, though I'm not sure exactly what I want that to look like yet.
And I'd really like to get something on my other inner forearm from the Murray twins in Salem, most likely a creepy ass scarecrow or other folk horror inspired piece. That would require me to actually visit Salem though XD
I also have an idea for a sternum piece based on some art from a mausoleum in my local cemetery, which depicts two snakes coiling around an upside down torch with a star above them. That'd be a post top surgery thing, though.
As would my final idea, which I am definitely going to get done, which is a quote from the poem Vultures by Jarod K. Anderson. It'll say "Your old name is not your king/ I rename you 'everything'" right under my top surgery scars.
28. Who's the funniest person you know?
(sweats) idk what you mean all my friends are hilarious....
29.What's the most overrated movie?
OUGH that's a really broad question so I'm gonna take the cowardly way out and give you a broad answer. I think movies being "good" or not is kind of an overrated concept in general. You could make an absolute dogshit movie on a cheap-ass phone camera with horrible acting and an incoherent plot but at the end of the day if someone had fun watching it, even for the "wrong" reasons, then that's all that matters. And maybe I'm biased because I love campy schlok but, really, the important thing to me is not so much that something was "good" but that it was entertaining. If it also happens to be well put together and/or thought provoking that's a bonus.
Thanks for asking my deer friend <3
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medb-like-grave · 4 years
( warning tis a lot ) Bright bubbles candlelight cuddly cutsie drizzle euphoric giggles love moonlight paddywhack smitten sugary tootsie
bright: faeries
bubbles: i don't know and if i named someone i consider to be a best friend i'm afraid they will say they don't consider me their best friend so idk
candlelight: god knows i don't think i slept enough to dream, though it was probably about nuthead,,,, i've been think abt them a lot
cuddly: ireland during the famine
cutsie: ough idk a few things, mainly friends
drizzle: oh god yea they must exist, just the sad thing is that we will never see them and they'll never see us and we can only make up theories about their existence
euphoric: ugh like they're so nice and cool,, and kind and way nicer than me and they don't deserve me,,, but then again that's the case for most ppl :/
giggles: oh i like grunge but i'm not currently hot enough to look good
love: oh probably autumn, the seasons are the best and i associate good feels with it and it is very nice and cool
moonlight: soft pastels.
paddywack: oh i mean definitely lying under a tree as the sun sets, the coulours of the autumnal leaves around us matching the oranges and reds of the sun as we lie and hold hands,,, but that's also kinda unrealistic
smitten: uhhhhhhhhh sometimes but then i forget abt the collection and it kinda stops
sugary: oh just rly nice ppl,,, like just nice ppl and then i end up upsetting them by being a dickhead
tootsie: a real annoying dickhead one that no one likes
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