yung-goos ยท 4 months
irt the last post I rb'd, this topic has always intrigued me, as someone who has struggled with this sort of thing. I'll preface this by saying, I agree with everything op is saying. I think. for starters, this whole "male epdi-" blah blah hooplah shit is a bullshit. and of course it is, we know this. a "loneliness epidemic" however could hold some merit, cuz quite frankly every fucking body is lonely. but I digress. to the c e r t a i n men this speaks to, its a poignant message that needs to be said, heard and felt, and I think at some point in my life this might've hit more close to home. I can't speak for all mascs/men, and I know a lot tend to be loud and wrong about all of this. that being said.... I do think it genuinely goes both ways. and the only reason I didn't realize this sooner was the many ways in which I was socialized around sex. how we're socialized around sex. and I think thats what largely plays into this whole argument. I can go on and on about the toxic aspects around this socialization and how that plays into the way men interact with women, but I'll let yall have that. a part of me tho can't help but deeply sympathize where this might be coming from. I'ma put the rest of this under a cut for more context on where I'm hopefully coming from, cuz it's just gunna get long af, deeply personal and tbh I wanna get some shit out this section kinda summarizes what I feel for the most part. but anyways
tw. SA
*by men and women I mean masc and femmes respectively to be more clear. I aint writing both every damn time tho*
as a non-binary ass nigga let me start off this section by saying I'm under the firm belief many men are trying their best to be their best, but ultimately many are beyond saving, this message will fall on many deaf ears, and quite frankly under patriarchy and cishet norms there will always be an epidemic of men who only pursue relationships with women if sex is involved. very unfortunate. but again, I'll save that for yall to dissect. cuz yall whacking em already enough. under these same cishet norms though, the same can be said for some women towards men
for context, I rarely approach people unless its like, online or through apps, large part due to my debilitating social anxiety. and I do mean debilitating. so in order for most, if not any -ships to begin I have to be approached or have them intiate. women specifically speaking have largely pursued me for just sex and/or romance, which let me be clear, I am mostly fine with this, but I'll get more into that later. I may have not recognized this then but I do notice how this def fucks with dynamics of a friendship if the people involved aren't ready or mature enough to engage with that dynamic. but I think the root of the issue, apart from the way a lot of men view and treat sex, is on a deeper level so many men crave intimacy, and seek it from anywhere they can get it. growing up in a world, and I'm sure this would be annoying for a lot of people to hear, where your feelings as a man arent nurtured through your youth, and not taken seriously, patiently, or with the same sense of urgency as others when you're grown, I can understand the eagerness for men to want, crave, more in situations, even when its inappropriate. like, I grew up emotionally repressed thinking I was never going to be intimate ever with anyone with the way I looked. only to grow up realizing some women never minded, some even liked the way I looked, so you can rest assured I was eager to be thrown any kind of intamacy anyone offered. even when I really shouldn't have. and, well, long story short this sort of can-do attitude, in one example, is what got me sexually assaulted in a movie theatre. while it was packed. and I didn't even realize I was sexually assaulted till another women painted it clearly out for me. and then, the people who engaged with me non-sexually??? well. the one of the more recent women I tried to be friends with, whom I was friends with for awhile before then, sat down with me and expressed how much she missed me and wanted to build a friendship, only to then ghost me after I texted her telling her to lmk when shes free. we were trying to go to a board game restaurant. another wanted to be friends, fuck buddies at first, but when that was taken off the table, for a reason that "didn't involve me" nor did I need to know why apparently(?), proceeded to try and tell me she wanted to be friends and could "see something with me" but could not treat me like a friend (as in opening up or generally just being there for eachother), while in the same breath saying how she has other friends she treats as friends and even then that was a toss up??? and let me not even get started on the countless amount of times I've tried engaging with women about my interests, day, or general life, and be met with disinterest or, hell, even criticism in some cases? all this to say, could you imagine how confusing it is to then try and understand how to engage with women when this is the bulk of your interactions with women? it took me a long while to realize I was essentially groomed and primed to be ready for any and all types of sexual advances from women, sometimes desperate enough that if you gave me an inch I'd be damned if I didn't try going the mile, all because that's the only way women engaged with me seriously, up until a certain point. ultimately I did have to come face to face with how my personal deep need for intimacy encroached on these relationships in ways I did not want or intend. but looking deep down it has only left me with heartfelt, bitter questions. like. Do women treat me with the same level of empathy, patience, and care as their non-masc peers? Are women inclined to invite me to things that aren't sexual in nature? Are men allowed to be sad, emotional, silly, crass, or even wrong around the women I'm around? Can I enthusiastically engage with women about our interests that arent sexual or romantic in nature? do you see where I'm going with this.
I'm fortunate to have made and become besties with a friend who has helped break down a few of these questions that seemed like walls to me and has shown me I am capable, and more importantly, deserving of a friendship thats rooted in care and not just sex. I do not have proof, nor have a spoken to many men on this, but I'm positive a lot of men are dealing with the same or similar feeling or situations. and its seldom ever talked about cuz I don't think these conversations are taken seriously. or just met with bad faith in general. women are absolutely not the ones who are responsible for men or anyone else for that matter. and yes, I do think op is right. men will greatly benefit from divesting from this mental prison we've found ourselves in. I do think we can benefit though from trying to engage with men in more effective ways beyond "men bad", even when they're being (reasonably) ridiculous. but oh my god anyways.
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