I looked at all 1000+ publications of Ferdinand Kingsley with his dog and a new headcanon was born in my head.
During one of Hob and Dream's meetings at The New Inn, Hob says that he has made another friend besides him and shows Dream a photo of his dog on phone. Contrary to Hob's expectations, Dream reacts to this news very coldly and even a little hostile. Hob does not understand what the reason is and suggests that maybe Dream will change his attitude if he gets to know the dog personally.
But it doesn't work. When they come to Hob's house, the dog starts incessantly barking at Dream, because he feels a cat aura emanating from him or something, and Hob is completely unable to calm him down. Only when he is distracted by a phone call, Dream turns into a cat and with the help of claws proves to the dog that he is Hob's more dominant friend in this house. As a result, when Hob returns, he sees his friends in different corners of the room with obvious tension between them and contempt sparkling in their eyes.
In the end, they manage to reconcile and they even begin to be friends, but this still does not prevent them from constantly doing nasty things to each other and desperately fighting for Hob's attention.
That's all. Too many letters, and I'm not sure about the translation, but I hope the idea is clear.
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Okay, here we go! Imma do my liveblog of The Hunger Games, Chapter One, for #THGagain :
I’ll put my thoughts underneath the cut so I don’t clog up the dash 🥳
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Okay but right off the bat, Katniss says her mattress cover is rough 🥺. I don’t know, this just made me sad all of a sudden.
So okay, but the fact that Prim had a bad dream and climbed in with their mother? I don’t know if that indicates that Prim still sees their mother as a source of comfort whereas Katniss can’t let herself feel the same way or if it’s just because she didn’t want to wake Katniss.
Maybe it’s supposed to be that Prim is too naive to understand that their mother is mentally fragile? Since in Mockingjay, she says “I know there’s only so much mother can hear,” or something like that, as a way to prove she’s not a little kid anymore sooo. I don’t know. Just some thoughts.
Katniss is shady towards mama right off the bat 🤣. Katniss is shady no matter what though. It’s what makes her narration sound like a teenage girl.
If Katniss is so anti-social though, who’s telling her her mother was once beautiful?
As a cat lover, I take offense to Katniss’ insults to the poor one eyed furball 😭.
So coal miners are also women? I suspected as much but I didn’t realize it was explicitly stated? So if Katniss’ life had gone differently, would she have become a coal miner?
So none of the houses in Twelve get electricity outside of a couple hours a night? Or just in the Seam?
I always forget that Katniss had nightmares even before the games 😔😔😔. Nightmares of her father “being blown to bits.” She has a vivid way with words.
Her father made her bow 🥺🥺. I knew that. I just thought I should mention it again. She uses the bow her father handmade throughout the series 🥺.
Also she says Peacekeepers turn a blind eye to “the few of them who hunt”. A few is more than two. Who else besides Katniss and Gale go hunting?
I like that she randomly starts mumbling to herself 🤣🤣🤣
Once upon a time, Katniss was outspoken apparently. But she mentions that she has to hold her tongue even at home because Prim may repeat her words. I don’t know why, but Prim seems immature for twelve years old. At twelve, in today’s society, you’re going into sixth grade. A sixth grader should know how to keep a secret or hold her tongue.
Gale says she never smiles but in the woods but isn’t that the only place they really spend time together? 🤣
“I kind of liked that lynx but I liked the money I got for it’s pelt more” 😂😂😂
An arrow inside bread. How fortuitous 😭😭😭
I do love that Katniss’ first introduction of Gale is “he could be my brother”
“But we’re at least not that closely related” 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
“Katniss, get off your cousin”
Even though the merchant class is smaller
Meaning they’re even more inbred
And Katniss is half merch-
Okay I’m done with this line of thinking 🤭😅
So backwoods 🤣
So did Mrs. Everdeen’s parents disown her? Or what? Do they still own that apothecary shop? Does Katniss occasionally walk by her grandparents in the town square? Like I’d like more context here, Suz 🙃
Aww, I always feel so bad for Katniss when she talks about her mother abandoning her 😭😩🥺
“But to be honest, I’m not the forgiving type” me either. Me either 🤧.
This may be why I so closely relate to her when she’s angry.
And why when people in the book say she needs to be more forgiving (ala Haymitch) I’m like “no”
I’m sorry but on second glance (more like 8th glance because I’ve read this chapter since I was 16) it’s so obvious Gale was hitting on her here 😅.
She’s oblivious 🤣🤣🤣
As she should be 😆
So later on, in the second book at least, Katniss definitely has some high respect for Hazelle Hawthorne. But here it seems to be like she’s implying Hazelle and her own mother are useless without her and Gale, and like they wouldn’t be able to provide for themselves. Maybe Hazelle just wasn’t fleshed out to Suzanne when she wrote the first book, the same way the love triangle you can tell if you look is sort of just tossed in there in the first book too? Anyways, just a thought.
That line about Prim being the only person Katniss is certain that she loves is sweet (it’s actually one of my favorite lines in the series) but it’s also so shady at the same time 😅😅😅. Like girl, you’re not sure if you love your mother or even your best friend (in a platonic way)?
Katniss makes a point in mentioning it took a long time for her and Gale to become friends. And I feel like that has been simplified a lot along the way, but it never really sounded to me like Katniss and Gale were besties for as long as most people think. The movies are a lot to blame for this, I know.
I don’t actually think Katniss is truly jealous here of the other girls wanting Gale? I feel like if she were she would have unconsciously insulted the school girls who were into him instead of just outright saying she was jealous, just not for romantic reasons. But who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️.
It was already mentioned earlier but I think Suzanne made a continuity error here, when Gale and Katniss mentioned fishing at the lake. The lake is a place Katniss explicitly mentioned in Catching Fire, to be private between her and her father. She even specially said she never took Gale there. I feel much better about my own writing continuity errors now.
Okay, both Katniss and Gale are so dumb. I would never prepare a feast for after the reaping. They’re just jinxing themselves. I have OCD really bad no one come for me.
I like how The Hob is a black market that’s literally just sitting in broad daylight 🤣🤣🤣.
Katniss just referenced being attacked by dogs... um I’m sorry, do we have no fear of rabies in this universe? 😭😭🙃🙃😐😐😅😅
Katniss : “me and the mayor’s daughter aren’t friends, we just hang out all the time at school, eat lunch together, sit by each other and are always partners. But weren’t not friends.” 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
I like the mention of hair ribbons for the rich girl. This is just the fic writer in me seeping into my reading.
Gale and Madge’s little dispute ...
I see why they get shipped together 😅. They’re both just taking swipes at each other here.
Awww, Katniss sticking up for Madge, even though Madge is the privileged one 😭. Katniss has such a pure heart.
The entire point of the Madge/Gale interaction though was just to set up the class divide explanation in Katniss’ head to the reader.
But my Peeta centric heart also picks up on the comments in Katniss’ head of how unlikely it is to be chosen at the reaping when you’re a town kid.
In other words, Peeta had a slim to none chance of being chosen and still was.
Now I think of it, so was Prim...
That was just an unlucky reaping for the kids without tesserae 🙃
Also it reminds me of every fic I ever read that mentioned a conspiracy in the reapings and how the kids aren’t actually chosen at random but anyways I digress
I feel Gale though, with the whole idea of knowing something isn’t this person’s fault and there’s nothing they could do but still being so angry at them because it isn’t fair that you have to suffer and they don’t.
My anger issues are really showing 😅😅😅.
Honestly though, if Katniss is saying Gale on a normal day is rational about the class divide not being merchants faults, then clearly his issues with Peeta later on really were just of jealousy and not because he was a merchant vs Seam.
I just feel like I’ve seen that around and I’m not really convinced
In my interpretation of the character, Katniss’ reasons for not sharing in Gale’s rage comes from exhaustion after a lifetime of powerlessness. Some people (re: females more often) just get worn out about the things they cannot change and can’t even let it get inside their brain because there’s nothing they could do about it.
I mean, she is a more understanding person than Gale but I feel like so much of her character is already so tired right from chapter one.
Okay, just a pointless rambling thought
“Where something pretty” these children are so shady 🤣🤣🤣 that’s a line I would say though
The fact that her like 42 year old mother still fits in a dress she wore at like 20 is really a testament to how hungry they are 🤧🤧🤧
Okay but I’m not trying to pick on her mother, but when they were starving, why did either she or Katniss sell the fancy clothes from her apothecary days? I’m nitpicking I know. I’m a nitpicker.
Also good for Katniss trying to forgive her mother.
God knows how hard it is for me to try and forgive people.
Literally, God knows.
I like that Katniss didn’t disagree with Prim saying she’s beautiful, just that she doesn’t usually look this way 😂😂😂.
I just know my sister wouldn’t let me not take tesserae if this was us. She’d be like “you’ll be fine, four entries? Please. We can have more food for an entire year, don’t be selfish.” 😅😅😅
I feel like noting that Katniss and Prim’s age gap isn’t that significant? Four years? That’s not that large. Not even at 12 and 16.
They herd these children off like they’re .... pigs going to a slaughter... 🤭🤭🤭
Katniss casually stating “I could be shot on a daily basis” 😐😐😐
Katniss and Gale agreeing they’d rather be shot than starve is honestly so sad but lowkey sounds like something two teenagers would say. They should have put dialogue like this in the movies.
I didn’t even remember District 12 has 8,000 people.... why’d I think they only had 3,000????
I need to update some of my fics with this information
Katniss just said “televised by the state”. I’ve never heard her call any region a state before?
I like that Katniss calls Effie’s grin scary and white, because tons of people (i.e me) whiten our teeth in today’s society. And to Katniss and probably all of Twelve that’s creepy. I think it’s weird to Europeans too but l digress.
Also do the people in this district brush and floss, they never seem to mention it in the books, ya know?
Honestly the idea of the hunger games sounded cooler without Songbirds and Snakes telling us it was just some dumb guy’s idea that no one ever thought would come true.
Aww, sugar is a delicacy 🤧🤧🤧
I knew already that but lemme fully feel that sentiment for a moment okey
Umm I’m sorry, did Mayor Undersee just casually state Lucy Gray Baird’s name every year and we never knew it? Did Snow just allow this? Seems suspish
Also the idea of Katniss being her distant relative and hearing the name and not knowing the connection... and yeah, anyways. I got wayyyy ahead of myself and off track sorry
Why would Haymitch hug Effie? I’m sorry, but Hayffie having a secret affair at some point in all the years they worked together seems more likely than I thought.
I mean, Katniss never mentions Haymitch hugging anyone besides her and Peeta when they just almost died, are about to die or that one time Katniss was sobbing because she thought Peeta was gonna die.
You know what though? I like that at this moment, when the name is about to be announced, Katniss worried about herself. She spends so much time worrying for her sister, babying her sister, mothering her sister, she deserves ten seconds of worrying for her own safety.
Of course, said sister is the one chosen. Ironic considering the whole encounter with Madge.
Okay, I think that concludes my thoughts for chapter one of The Hunger Games!
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