#I REALLY miss my KOTOR 2 siblings now. maybe I should play that game again
character stats tag
tagged by @aeducanka - thank you so much, Karolina! 💜 doing this for a couple OCs and shoving it under the cut.
not tagging anybody this time around, but go for it if you want to! please. it’s always lovely seeing people talk about their OCs. :D
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Face claim: Jade Thompson.
Name: Periella Graciana Amell. She hates it when you call her Periella, please call her Perry.
Age: 20-21 (9:30, Dragon)
Height: 5′9″ (1.75 meters? I’m not great at conversions)
Species: Human
Gender: Cis-gendered woman (she/her pronouns)
Birthday: Wintermarch 10th, or January 10th in the real world. She’s painfully a Capricorn.
Residence: Formerly Kinloch Hold, later toggles her residence between the palace at Denerim and the Keep in Amaranthine.
Marital status: Married to Zevran Arainai. 
Love interest: Zevran Arainai. I’m debating an OT3 with Perry/Zevran/Leliana, but I haven’t solidified anything there.
Alignment: Lawful-Good
Drink: Spiced, warmed wine. Apple juice as well.
Food/snacks: Perry loves her desserts. Especially cookies, and especially if they’re chocolate. I will now wonder what kind of cookies are common in Ferelden.
Day or night: Day! She likes having a busy schedule to look forward to.
Pet: She and Sidane share a mabari, Steiner. I’m pretty sure Perry would probably try and catch a frog to keep as a pet too, but I haven’t decided if she’s successful in that endeavor. 
Flower: White lilies.
Color: Purple! Specifically shades of lilac and lavender. She prefers softer tones.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Body type: Tall, very curvy. Initially on the thicker chubby side, but develops some solid muscle during the Blight thanks to her arcane warrior style of tanking.
Eye color: Purple. 
Hair color: Red.
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Face claim: Alice Hirose, at the moment (but I go back and forth a lot here.)
Name: Skysargas Ozarai Starbrac, third of her name. She generally goes by Sky as a nickname, and has used “Roxa Surik” as an alias in the past.
Age: 32 (KOTOR 2).
Height: 5′1″ (1.55 m)
Species: Human
Gender: Cis-gendered woman (she/her pronouns).
Birthday: I’m absolutely blanking here. She would be a Libra in real life, though? Somewhere in the GFFA’s equivalent of early October.
Residence: The Ebon Hawk, at this point. Possibly a residence on Dantooine or Coruscant when she helps rebuild the Jedi Order?
Marital status: She’s single only in the legal sense. They’re not married, but she is in a long-term, committed relationship.
Love interest: Atton Rand, the afore-mentioned long-term, committed relationship. She was involved with Atris from when the two were 16 until Sky joined the Revanchists at 19-20, at which point they broke up.
Alignment: Neutral-Good in terms of a DnD alignment, Light Side in-game. Her Mandalorian Wars days are trickier; she hadn’t fallen to the Dark Side completely, but she was definitely a lot crueler and more ruthless with her enemies and would’ve qualified as either Lawful-Neutral or Lawful-Evil, depending.
Drink: Alderaanian honey wine. She borders on being an alcoholic, if we’re being honest. 
Food/snacks: Any and all sweets, especially chocolate cake.
Day or night: Night. She would claim it’s because she likes reflecting on the day’s accomplishments, in reality it’s more because there’s less people around and she doesn’t feel the need to keep up her mask she wears around others.
Pet: None. I feel like she would’ve tried to befriend some of the wildlife on Dantooine when she was a padawan though lol.
Flower: Hibiscus.
Color: Blue, particularly light and medium shades.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Body type: Small frame, and on the thin side because she doesn’t eat very well.
Eye color: Warm brown.
Hair color: Black.
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Face claim: Shunsuke Daito.
Name: Terranill Itenyu of House Starbrac, first of his name. Goes by Terran as a nickname.
Age: 28 (KOTOR 2)
Height: 5′4″ (1.63 m)
Species: Human
Gender: Transgender man (he/him pronouns).
Birthday: I have no idea, tbh. Maybe he’d be a Sagittarius? In that case, somewhere in the GFFA’s equivalent of early December.
Residence: Absolutely not. He loves traveling way too much.
Marital status: Single. Almost got engaged when he was younger, but that was an arranged thing and he very much did not want it.
Love interest: Nobody. I was thinking about him and Mical being in a relationship, but it just didn’t happen.
Alignment: Neutral-Good in a DnD alignment, Light Side in-game, and has stayed that way for pretty much his whole life. Kudos to Terran for being the only one of my KOTOR OCs who hasn’t fallen to the Dark Side even a bit.
Drink: Coffee, but using an energy drink instead of water to make it. Kidding, I’m gonna go with the GFFA’s equivalent of fruit punch for this one.
Food/snacks: Nerf burgers. It used to be omelettes, but he’s given up on bird products when he got Daggers.
Day or night: Day. Terran is a sunny boy who likes sunny days.
Pet: Daggers, an orobird he rescued and took in. His very best friend that he dragged onto the Ebon Hawk with him in spite of how much Mira hates that.
Flower: Tiger lilies.
Color: Crimson red.
Sexuality: Aromantic asexual.
Body type: Short and muscular. He’s actually pretty ripped underneath the clothes, definitely a tank.
Eye color: Hazel-brown.
Hair color: Black.
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