suckmyarschkarte · 5 months
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lonleydweller · 1 month
after finally watching Texas chainsaw massacre 1974, I must say that nubbins. Nubbins kinda hot...
Anyway! Can I have a thing for after nubbins got darling back and the family reaction to darling having tried escaping?
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Raaah tyy!! I'm glad you like enough for a part 2!! I will gladly write more for the feral gremlin man!!
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!Warnings!: spoilers for tcm 1974, mentioned injuries, violence towards darling, threats towards darling, cannibalism, sadism, swearing
Yanderes are OK in fiction. They should stay fiction. They are not example of healthy relationships. These behaviors are NOT okay in real life. This is for entertainment purposes
The old, rickety, dingey screen door of the sawyer household slams shut with a groan. Your feet drag along the floor as you're hauled inside the house by Nubbins. Greeted by the all too familiar smell of rotting meat and iron. You can hear a voice shouting from the other room.
"Godammit boy! Did they try running off again? Huh? Is that what all this ruckus is about? I told you I'm already pushing it by letting you keep them here!"
You recognized it as the eldest brother of the three. A horrific trio. Bubba, Nubbins, and of course Drayton. While he appeared more normal on the surface, he was certainly no less insane as the other two. Simply wanting you dead and cooked. Which at this point may as well be an act of mercy.
"I- it ain't none of yer business! I- I've got it dealt w-with! Like I always do!"
Nubbins retorts as he shifts you around in his hold. Still with a vice grip. Arms snaked tight around your ribcage like a viper. Drayton swiftly appears in the doorway of the dining room, with his usual scowl on his face. Bickering back at his brother, gesturing at you angrily.
"They're disrupting the whole damn house! I tell you if you can't keep them in check I'm gonna-"
He's cut off by Nubbins barking at him, stomping his foot like a belligerent child.
"Y-you ain't gonna do nuthin! Yous ain't got the guts to do nuthin! You're just the c-cook!"
Drayton opens his mouth to speak again, but Nubbins cuts him off with childish mocking, blowing raspberries. He goes silent with a huff. Momentarily, everything is silent. There's a standstill. Broken by Drayton angrily grumbling out,
"Shut yer mouth!...just get them dealt with and get your ass down for dinner."
With that he stomps off somewhere else within the pigstye of a house. Leaving you with the rabid thing that was lugging you around. For a moment, there's nothing but silence. Stillness. A rarity. There was almost always blood curdling screaming, bickering, and squealing resounding throughout the house. You hear your captor mumble under his breath
"He don't know nuthin."
For a second he starts to head towards the stairs with you, then he halts in his tracks, perking up. An idea clicking in his mind. His thoughts are as rapid as his movements. He quickly hoists you up, rushing into the nearby living room. Kicking aside the bone scraps and feathers that litter the floor. Your body jolts as you're carelessly plopped onto the sofa. It creaks with the sudden impact. Nubbins quickly moves towards another doorway, but hesitates mid way. Stopping as he points at you
"Y- you stay put! I-ill be right back..!"
In a blink of an eye he darts off to wherever. Leaving you alone. A moment of peace that would only last for a few minutes at most. You can only stare blankly stare at the wall. At the old, dull, weak, washed out wallpaper. Wondering how you got to this point. What went wrong. Well, you knew what went wrong now. Foresight and all. You should have never picked Nubbins up from the side of the scolding Texas roads. You should have just left him out there to rot.
Who knew such a simple act, the simple deed of offering someone a ride would lead to.. this. It felt surreal. All because you decided to show some ounce of kindness, you're now stuck in this hellhole. A reality you're harshly reminded of as you zone back in, feeling the leather of the ghastly sofa beneath you as your hand drifts across it. You never could get used to the feeling of sitting on the disgusting piece of furniture, the leather another humans skin, the bones that built the frame from the same source.
Everything in this house was inhumane. The people. The furniture. The food. Your mind races with the same thoughts it has before. Going on a re-run. How long have they been doing this? How many people have they cannibalized? Would the cops ever find you? Were they even looking for you? What was even the likelihood in this part of Texas? How long have you even been here? Days, weeks, months? You've lost track of the days and nights, the calendar you had found was out of date, and you haven't seen a single clock.
You're dragged out of your train of thoughts by the sound of heavy thuds against the old wooden floorboards. Heavy footsteps. A figure moves into the doorway, along with the sound of a pig like squeal. The youngest. Bubba. Looming in the doorway, staring at you through the sagging skin mask that was affixed to his face. He tilts his head at you. You can't help but do the same.
If he really wanted to he could rev up his chainsaw and hack right through you, hang you up on a meat hook, then toss your remains in a icebox. Then you'd join the rest of the bodies. Squeals, grunts, and gargled noises emit from him. Even without solid words, the tone seeps through. Sad. Pitying. Perhaps the only reason he left you alone. Torturing you would just be kicking a dead horse at this point. You two just stare, and stare, and stare at each other. Only broken up by Nubbins skittering back into the room. Face souring a bit when he sees his brother.
"H-hey, I t-thought I told you I got this dealt with! Ain't you supposed to be helpin' s-set up dinner anyways? G-go help Drayton before he starts hollerin!"
He stammers out, passive aggressively shooing his brother away from you. He didn't like them being too close to you. Especially when it came to Drayton, he'd snap, shout, and throw fits if he came even relatively close. No threats of beatings from a broomstick dettered him. Bubba was allowed a bit closer without as volatile reactions from Nubbins. Bubba in the end slinks off somewhere else in the house, presumably wherever Drayton is. Now it was just you and him again.
In Nubbins hand you can see a roll of white cloth, slightly battered and torn. It didn't look absolutely horrid but it had certainly seen better days. It clicks in your mind, was it a gauze? Surprised they even had medical supplies. Even more surprised as he grabs at your leg, your knee jerk reaction is to to recoil, to kick, to yank your leg away. He just as quickly pulls your leg back towards him. Nails digging into your skin. He pouts
"S-stay still, I- I'm trying to help you! I can't do that if ya k-keep movin..!"
He starts to half hazardly wrap the bandaid around your leg. Wrapping up the major cuts and gashes, slowly the bleeding. The stinging feeling still hasn't left. You can feel the gritty pieces of dirt stuck in them. You can clench your jaw in dread. With your luck you'd end up with an infection. He finishes up patching up one leg, guaze snug around your skin. He fixes up your other leg just as quickly. Finishing off with some loose wrap around your torso. Layered on top of all your worse for wear clothing.
"..T-there! A-all better.. now ya won't bleed out on me or nothing like that."
He sounds proud of himself. As if he hadn't been the one to put the gashes and tears there, or maybe he just didn't give two shits.
"..I'd be better if I was at home."
You weakly choke out through a sniffle. Nubbins just parrots back your cries and mocks your sad expression, before retorting
"W-well this is your home now, and you ain't g-going no where!"
His feral giggling fills the room, along with his faint little snorts. You want so badly to punch the smug toothy smile off his face, but you damn well know you're not in the position to. His greasy hand reaches up, your body instinctively tenses, he gingerly grabs a few strands of your hair. Messing with it mindlessly between his fingers. Tugging lightly at random intervals. Your attention is caught by something in the corner of your eye, Drayton entering the room. His face twisted in a annoyed frown, his default expression at this point.
"Dinner's done."
He announces, causing Nubbins to take his focus off of you. Letting go of your hair. Drayton briefly glances at you before grumbling out
"Get them to the table.. Bubba's already brought grandpa down."
With that he disappears back into the dining room. Nubbins arms wrap around you, lifting you up off of the sofa, dragging you once more through the rooms and into the dreaded dining room. A lamp made of someone's face illuminates the room, plates and silverware set out on the table, abhorrent food made with human meat are served up, a chair made with human arms for the arm rests, then to top it all off the barely living head of the household sits at the end of the table. His chair like throne. Grandpa sawyer. 'The best there ever was' in their words. A man kept alive far past his prime. He looks like a mummified corpse.
The stuffy, humidity, rancid air fills your lungs. Your stomach churns with nausea. You can feel all their eyes on you as you're plopped down onto a chair. Right beside Nubbin's. You stare down at your plate, where odd looking sausage sits. This.. this was your dinner. This was your life. This was your home now. You just stare at your plate. You didn't want to eat it. You knew what it was. They all stare at you expectantly. It was either you eat your dinner, or they'd force you to.
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