Epic Movie (Re)Watch #108 - The Road to El Dorado
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(GIF originally posted by @dreamworksmoments)
Have I seen it before: Yes
Did I like it then: Yes.
Do I remember it: Yes.
Did I see it in theaters: No.
Format: DVD
1) Not only is this one of my favorite animated movies, it is one of my favorite movies period. I found it while scrolling through Cartoon Network or HBO Family or something and watched it every chance I could get. 12 year old me found it very edgy. The mild swearing, the cigars, the blasphemy, all of it was very enticing and that’s fed my love of the film since.
2) Elton John & Tim Rice, the songwriting duo behind The Lion King, re-teamed for this film and churned out a nice set of songs. But the strange thing is if you listen to the soundtrack most of the songs are recorded differently than how they appear in the film. The one exception I think is "Someday Out of the Blue” which plays during the end credits. Still, they songs add the fun and energetic flavor to the film. The opening song in particular, “El Dorado,” does a nice job of setting up the mythology we need to get the movie started in a very short amount of time.
3) If you’re a fan of voice over work, you’ll recognize Jim Cummings as Cortez.
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Cummings is one of the most prolific and talented voice over artists out there. It would be impossible to list everything he’s done, but his most notable work has been as Darkwing Duck, Winnie the Pooh & Tigger too, Hondo on "Star Wars: The Clone Wars”, Razoul in Aladdin, and Ray the firefly in The Princess and the Frog. It’s fun knowing what he sounds like because not only do you hear him in Cortez, but you also pick up the random nameless characters he plays too with his different voices.
4) The heart of the film, the thing that makes it great: Miguel & Tulio.
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The bromance between Miguel & Tulio is what makes this film work as well as it does, it’s what makes it fun! Kenneth Branagh and Kevin Kline voice the pair respectively, and their chemistry is off the charts. It doesn’t hurt that the pair actually got to record their performances with each other, a rarity in animation (although Pixar has done it with Monsters Inc for John Goodman and Billy Crystal).
Their relationship and roles are clear from the start, they balance each other out. Tulio is mildly selfish with a great hunger for gold and an ability to think things through. Miguel’s heart is bigger than their brain, being the dreamer/softie of the group (wanting the map to El Dorado, saving Altivo the horse when he almost drowns, etc.). And they play off each other beautifully.
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5) 12 year old me was very fascinated with the slight profanities this film had.
Tulio [when he’s about to roll his dice]: “Come on baby, papa needs that crappy map.”
I thought crap was a real swear when I was twelve. I didn’t lose my innocence until thirteen.
6) Chekov’s Fake Fight.
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(GIF originally posted by @somehow-you-will)
The fight comes into play later in the film too, but is a showcase mainly for the wonderful banter between Miguel & Tulio and - therefore - the excellent writing of screenwriters of Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio. These guys were my favorite screenwriters when I was twelve, and can you blame me? Their resume consisted of: Aladdin, The Mask of Zorro, Shrek, The Road to El Dorado, every Pirates of the Caribbean film, Treasure Planet, and both National Treasure films. They have a strong penchant for strong dialogue too. Consider the exchange above, and also this:
Miguel: “You fight like my sister.”
Tulio: “I’ve FOUGHT your sister! That’s a compliment!”
I love that.
7) According to IMDb:
The film shares several attributes of its namesake, the "Road" comedies made famous by Bob Hope and Bing Crosby during the 1940s (which helps explain anachronisms such as shared language, pop culture references and lack of historical accuracy).
I just thought that was a fun share.
8) God, I love the banter between these two.
[Tulio & Miguel jump into barrels of water in a chase scene but can’t escape because the barrels are being loaded onto a ship]
Tulio: “What’s happening here?”
Miguel: “We’re both in barrels. That’s the extent of my knowledge.”
9) Even the bad guys have great dialogue!
Cortes (upon discovering Miguel & Tulio on his ship): “My crew was as carefully chosen as the disciples of Christ.”
10) I’m just going to let you know now, so many of my notes here are just quotes from the film I love.
Miguel [giddily, after Cortes tell the pair they will be enslaved in Cuba for being stow aways]: “Alright! Cuba!”
11) For example, another quote:
Miguel: Yes, that's it Altivo. Find the pry bar!
Tulio: Yes, "find the pry bar". He doesn't understand "pry bar"! He's a dumb horse, there's no way he could understand...
[Altivo drops keys into the brig]
Tulio: Well... it's NOT a pry bar.
12) The Trail We Blaze
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Animated films are usually short so as to be not too time consuming. It can take years to make 80 minutes of animation. This film has a nice device of compacting what could be very long scenes into neat little montages with the use of a song. We still get Tulio & Miguel’s fun journey through the jungles to find El Dorado, but it’s done in three and a half minutes to a fun Elton John tune. It keep the energy, the adventure, but doesn’t waste the time of the animators or the audience.
13) Immediately Tulio and Chel have great chemistry as they play “pass the golden idol” together!
14) El Dorado.
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(GIF originally posted by @dreamworksmoments)
Immediately upon entering the city the audience is filled with a sense of wonder, achieved through gorgeous animation and also Hans Zimmer’s subtle music which adds for extra bone tingling. You marvel at it with Tulio and Miguel, and you understand how it is such a mythical place.
15) Edward James Olmos does some great voice over work as Chief Tannabok.
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I’ve never seen “Battlestar Galactica” so I am mostly familiar with Olmos from his work in Blade Runner, Stand & Deliver, and even “Agents of SHIELD”. I think he shows off a nice amount of range with this addition to his resume. Chief Tannabok is not an angry man. He is kind, soft, gentle, patient, but also you can tell that he’s kinda sad. You don’t HEAR Olmos, you hear the chief and that makes him an excellent addition to the cast.
16) And of course our big bad, Tzekel-Kan
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Tzekel-Kan is the opposite of Chief Tannabok. He is angry, an overlord of sorts. He wants blood because he believes it is what’s needed. He believes people are wicked and evil just for enjoying life and being kind, and it is his righteous duty to smite them. He pisses me off way more now than he did when I was twelve.
17) This whole bit with the volcano! Miguel goes too far and says that the gods should not be questioned or else they will be forced to release their awful wrath...but Tzekel-Kan wants to see that. Only they’re not gods! So he and Tulio turn away to try and figure it out and we get this...
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There’s an old addage in writing: “A coincidence to get a character out of trouble is lazy.” However in this case I’m 100% okay with that because it’s just funny as hell.
18) How many of us have used this GIF?
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19) Chel.
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Chel is a nice way of making the duo a trio. Voiced wonderfully by Rosie Perez, she is just as crafty and cunning as Tulio (if not more so) but also understand Miguel’s sense of adventure. The pair balance each other out already, bit if Miguel acts too dreamer-y or Tulio is too gold hungry they throw each other out of whack (as this film shows). Chel helps stabilize them by film’s end and is a lot of fun to watch. Also, bonus points for being an animated female character with a body that is physically possible.
Chel [on why she wants a life of adventure]: “You’ve got your reasons...and I’ve got mine. Let’s not make this personal, okay?”
21) So Chel needs to prove to Tulio and Miguel she’s a good con artist...
[Chel shows the pair the dice she stole from Tulio]
Tulio: “How did you get those?”
Miguel: “Where was she keeping them?”
I’m with Miguel, that’s the more important question.
22) Oh Miguel...
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23) It’s Tough to be a God.
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The only time this film is a traditional musical (ie: the characters themselves break into song & dance), and considering Kevin Kline’s and Kenneth Branagh’s singing here that might not be the worst thing. The interesting thing is that their version doesn’t even appear on the soundtrack. Instead we get a duet with Elton John and Randy Newman.
24) I need to remember this excuse.
Tulio [trying to convince Tzekel-Kan not to make a human sacrifice to the gods/them]: “The stars are not in position for this tribute.”
Miguel: “Like he said...”
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(GIF source unknown [if this is your GIF please let me know].)
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25) I don’t identify totally with Miguel or totally with Tulio, but with parts of them. Like I identify with Tulio being kind of the dreamer who thinks things are possible, but this is a very me thing to say:
Tulio [after Miguel tells him he worries too much]: “No, I worry just the right amount! You can never worry too much!”
Same, Tulio. Same.
26) Remember how I said this movie was edgy to 12 year old me. Well it features a scene where Chel tries to seduce Tulio. Like, more than wanting a kiss. But like she shows off her shoulders for a back massage, they’re later found on the ground together all disheveled, it’s not even very subtle when you know what’s going on. Twelve year old me was very innocent.
27) I love their banter.
Miguel [when he and Tulio end up in a big arena to play ball for the locals]: “Well don’t blame me!”
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(GIF source unknown [if this is your GIF please let me know].)
28) The ball game is a lot of fun to watch, if for no other reason then Chel on the sidelines.
Chel: “Foul! That was a foul!”
And then it’s her idea to use the armadillo as a ball replacement to cheat.
29) So earlier in the film we got this line from Miguel:
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(GIF source unknown [if this is your GIF please let me know].)
And then later in the film Miguel tries to convince Chief Tannabok that the boat they are using to leave isn’t good enough (because Miguel wants to stay) when in fact it’s perfect. When Miguel admits his mistake, we got this line from the chief.
Chief: “Hey, to err is human.”
Miguel goes to get in the boat, but then he looks over his shoulder at the chief and the chief looks at him knowingly. And they don’t say anything else about it.
I love that. I love that the chief isn’t an idiot, but he knows. He knows and he knows it’s good for his people and he knows Miguel is a good guy and...I just love it!
30) I love little things like this.
[A giant stone jaguar, controlled by Tzekel-Kan, attacks the city. It grabs a warrior, ruffs him up A LOT, then lets him fall to the ground.]
Warrior [patting himself down]: “I’m okay!!!”
[Jaguar steps on warrior]
Warrior [from under Jaguar’s foot]: “I’m still okay!”
31) Remember how I talked about Chekov’s Fake Fight?
Tzekel-Kan [when he was Miguel & Tulio cornered]: “I know what you are and I know what you are not. And you are not GODS!”
Tulio [after a beat]: “Y-you’re not a god!?”
The pair then continue to have a very real argument where they say some pretty cold things to each other...
Tulio: “You’re buying your own con!”
Miguel: “At least I’m not DATING mine!”
But it has the same effect. Tzekel-Kan is distracted, enjoying their fighting, and the audience is as surprised as he is when the pair work in sync again and punch the guy out. It’s a nice way of playing the scene out.
32) Friends Never Say Goodbye. A very sad song that plays when it seems like Tulio and Miguel are going to take separate paths in life and are really mad at each other. It actually has some nice truths to it, and again is slightly different on the soundtrack. Elton John is backed up by the Backstreet Boys for the song on the album. I hope that didn’t ruin it for some of you.
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33) The film ends with the citizens of El Dorado crashing a pillar into their gate so as to keep Cortes from finding the city, only it is falling too soon. So Chief Tannabok grabs some of the ropes and holds it back for a while. And this is probably REALLY mean of me and I apologize in advance but I just thought of this:
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I’m so sorry.
34) According to IMDb:
A series of sequels featuring Miguel, Tulio, Chel, Altivo and even the armadillo going after other legends about gold was planned, similar to the Shrek (2001) series, but following the disappointing box-office results they were immediately canceled.
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While that would’ve been interesting I’m kinda glad this film just stands on its own. It’s a nice little gem that way.
I love this film, and think a lot of people out there will too. People don’t really talk about it these days except to talk about how no one talks about it. It’s a nice variation from standard Disney fare, the music is great, freaking Miguel & Tulio are just awesome, and it is just such an enjoyable/adventure filled film. I think you should all watch it now! It’s on Netflix if you have it. So go. Go follow that trail! (Too easy?)
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Marvel Studios Spider-Man: Far From Home DVD, Blu-Ray & 4K Ultra HD [PRICES UPDATED] - best prices, special features and compilation list of ALL retailer exclusives and deals!
Spider-Man: Far From Home is the twenty-third movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that has been released over the past eleven years, Acting as an epilogue to the climactic events of "Avengers: Endgame" while also being a sequel to "Spider-Man: Homecoming" from 2017, we find out what happened to Peter Parker and his friends during and after the events of "Endgame". The world is forever changed as a result and new heroes are needed. Into this brave new world comes Mysterio. He's teaming up with Nick Fury, Maria Hill, and Peter Parker to save the world from elemental creatures bent on destroying the planet! But Peter just wants to spend time on his summer vacation with his crush MJ as their school goes on a tour of Europe. But not all is what it seems to be and Peter Parker once again must put his life on the line to stop a dangerous foe. With the expectations of the world upon him, will he rise up and be the protector for not just the neighborhood, but for the Earth itself? This movie juggles several different plot threads. We have Peter just trying to live the normal teenage life while also struggling with an identity crisis in the wake of the events of "Endgame". We have a charismatic new ally in the form of Mysterio, an almost indestructible enemy and a world yearning for a new hero to fill the void and save them. Happy Hogan also has plenty to do here in a supporting role and acting as a mentor to young Peter Parker. It takes on all these different roles that also effectively brings Phase Three of the Marvel Cinematic Universe to a close while also hinting at the future to come. There are some deep connections to previous Marvel Cinematic Universe films in the series in here as well as a truly masterful twist partway through. Excellent special effects, some great character beats for all your favorites from Homecoming, heartfelt emotions, hysterical jokes, teenage misunderstandings and a mid-credits scene that will make you wonder how the next movie will handle its revelations, this movie has it all. Directed by Jon Watts, who also directed "Spider-Man: Homecoming", it opened in theaters on July 2, 2019, and over the course of its theatrical run, earned over 389 million dollars domestically and over seven-hundred forty million internationally. In total, it earned over 1.130 billion dollars, making it the fifth highest-grossing movie of 2019. Critics gave it a 90% rating on RottenTomatoes.com, while audiences gave it a 95% score. In August 2019, word leaked that Disney, owner of Marvel Studios, and Sony, owner of the rights to make Spider-Man movies, were negotiating for Spider-Man to appear in more Marvel Studios films. Negotiations reportedly broke down and fans were distraught that Spider-Man might not appear in any more Marvel movies. But, just in time for the movie's release on Blu-ray and DVD, it was reported on Sept. 27th that Disney and Sony worked out a new deal. Marvel, in conjunction with Sony, will make a new Spider-Man movie to come out on July 16, 2021, that will be a sequel to "Far From Home", and that Spider-Man will also appear in one more Marvel Studios movie after that. News here: https://variety.com/2019/film/new...203351489/ Phase Four of the Marvel movie franchise starts with Black Widow on May 1st, 2020, The Eternals on November 6th, 2020 and a bunch of new TV series on Disney Plus, a Netflix-like streaming platform launching on Nov. 12th, 2019. This movie drops on DVD, Blu-Ray and 4K Ultra HD on Tuesday, October 1st. There are three retailer exclusives for this movie as well, so let's find out the details. _______________________________________________________________________ DVD/Blu-Ray Editions: There are three editions: 1.) The DVD only set (1 Disc total) 2.) The Blu-ray + DVD + Digital edition (2 Discs total) 3.) The 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray + Digital edition (2 Discs total) A note about the digital code, it will be a code you can redeem on the Movies Anywhere website, which you can then link with your different digital movie accounts on Amazon Video, iTunes, Google Play, FandangoNow, Microsoft Movies & TV and Vudu. When you link your accounts from those digital retailers, the films from your Movies Anywhere library are imported into all of those other digital movie sites. So, no matter which digital movie platform you use, you should be able to view the movie on the device of your choice. DVD & Blu-Ray Special Features: 1.) The DVD only set (1 Disc total) The movie on DVD. No known additional features. Click image for larger version Name: spider-man-far-from-home-dvd.jpg Views: 30 Size: 193.4 KB ID: 8424754 2.) The Blu-ray + DVD + Digital edition (2 Discs total) This edition includes over eleven featurettes, deleted, alternate and extended scenes and much more. Here is a breakdown of what that includes: • New Original Short, Peter's To–Do List: Peter has a few errands to run before he can leave on his class trip. • Teachers' Travel Tips: Mr. Harrington & Mr. Dell present a few tips on how to traverse the European continent. • Stepping Up: Explore how Spider-Man was introduced in the MCU, the ways Tom Holland transformed the character of Peter Parker, and what the future holds for Spider-Man. • Suit Up: The suit doesn't make the hero – but it does play a big role in who they are and who they can become. This piece examines all of Peter's different suits in the movie, and with behind the scenes footage, we see why some suits are better than others. • Far, FAR, Far from Home: The film's illustrious locations serve story points and establish tone, but they're also amazing to travel to! Hear from the cast on their experiences filming on-location. • It Takes Two: A special look at the chemistry between Jon Watts and Tom Holland. • Fury & Hill: MCU stalwarts Cobie Smulders and Samuel L. Jackson are back as Agent Maria Hill & Nick Fury! • The Ginter-Riva Effect: A look at the villain sub-plot and how William Ginter-Riva ties Spider-Man: Far From Home all the way back to the beginning of the MCU. • Thank You, Mrs. Parker: A look at Marisa Tomei's reimagining of Aunt May, from Homecoming to Far From Home. • The Brother's Trust: A quick look into some of the amazing work Tom Holland and his brothers have done through their charity, The Brothers Trust. • The Jump Off: Interviews with the cast & crew take us through all of the amazing stunts of Far From Home. • Now You See Me: We examine the evolution of Mysterio and why Jake Gyllenhaal was the perfect fit for the role. • Stealthy Easter Eggs: Allow E.D.I.T.H. to reveal some of the hidden Easter Eggs you may have missed! • Select Scene Pre – Vis: A side by side comparison of the Pre-Vis with the film • Gag Reel & Outakes • Never-Before-Seen Alternate & Extended Scenes Click image for larger version Name: spider-man-far-from-home-blu-ray.jpg Views: 47 Size: 254.2 KB ID: 8424757 3.) The 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray + Digital edition (2 Discs total) All of the bonus features from the Blu-ray + Digital Code "Multi-Screen edition", with a 4K Ultra HD version of the movie included. Click image for larger version Name: spider-man-far-from-home-4k-uhd.jpg Views: 84 Size: 285.6 KB ID: 8424760 _______________________________________________________________________ Best Prices: I did a price comparison on both the internet and this week's circulars with Amazon.com, Best Buy, BestBuy.com, BarnesandNoble.com, Costco.com (no listings for some reason), DeepDiscount.com, Frys.com, FYE, FYE.com, Kmart.com/Sears.com, Overstock.com, Target, Target.com and Walmart.com. Unless otherwise noted or known by me, the prices are the same in-store and online at their respective websites. I noted shipping in the price rankings because of the competition between stores, but I will only be comparing base prices of the movie. Shipping costs will not factor into the price rankings as a result. Please note that with these price rankings, these prices are as current as I am aware of. Walmart's in-store prices don't always match its website prices, for example. As a result, these prices are as accurate as I can verify from the internet and flyers from the newspaper, I don't put prices in the rankings that I cannot verify. I fully expect there to be further price changes on Tuesday when the movie is released to stores. This is especially true with Amazon's prices, which are online this time. This is probably because this is a movie that is jointly produced by Marvel and Sony. I'll be updating this thread again on Tuesday and double-checking all the prices. For example, in the past, Kmart.com/Sears.com will presumably sell all versions of a movie, but there are no listings for it online but only in Kmart's circular. So I can only rank the price at the store and not the price on the website. I also know from experience that FYE's B&M store prices are the same as those on their website, so I made one listing for both. In other words, these stores reserve the right to change their prices and I might not know about it. Smilie That's where the SD community can help each other out and if new or different prices are verified, I will edit my post accordingly. When I checked online, I found no listings for this movie on Costco.com, Kmart (no sales circular), Overstock.com, Sears (no sales circular) or Walmart (no sales circular). A note about Walmart's prices, they have proven to be notoriously regional in the past and they rarely have a weekly circular available online. When it is available online, the circular prices in it are national or mostly national. Hopefully, the prices online will be national, with little price variation. Wink I'm making a slight adjustment to my price rankings, as I will now only include the top five prices in this thread. Basically, if a retailer's price stinks, it doesn't get to be a part of this compilation list. Big Grin I will still do a full price comparison to all the stores I listed above, but only the best prices will be included here. So if you don't see a particular store on the list, it means their price wasn't good enough to be included. It also means that if their price isn't included here, you should go to a retailer whose price WAS included on this list and try to get the other retailer to price match it, if possible. Here are the conclusions: ******************************************************************************************************** The DVD only set (1 Disc total): Here are the complete price rankings: First, BEST Price: Amazon.com - $17.99 (plus shipping costs or free shipping over $25 or free with Prime) First, BEST Price: DeepDiscount.com - $17.99 (plus shipping costs or free shipping on orders over $25) First, BEST Price: Target store/Target.com - $17.99 (free shipping on orders over $35 or use your REDcard to get free 2-day shipping on the website or free in-store pickup) 2nd: Walmart/Walmart.com - $19.96 (free 2-day shipping or free in-store pickup) 3rd: Best Buy/BestBuy.com - $19.99 ($3.99 shipping for orders on website, free shipping on orders over $35 or free in-store pickup) 4th: Barnes and Noble/BarnesandNoble.com - $21.69 ($2.98 for shipping or free shipping on orders over $35) 5th: FYE/FYE.com - $22.99 (free shipping on orders over $40 or free in-store pickup) ************************************************************************************************************ 2.) The Blu-ray + DVD + Digital edition (2 Discs total): Complete price rankings: First, BEST Price: Amazon.com - $22.96 (plus shipping costs or free shipping over $25 or free with Prime) First, BEST Price: Walmart/Walmart.com - $22.96 (free 2-day shipping or free in-store pickup) 2nd: Best Buy/BestBuy.com - $22.99 ($3.99 shipping for orders on website, free shipping on orders over $35 or free in-store pickup 2nd: Target store/Target.com - $22.99 (free shipping on orders over $35 or use your REDcard to get free 2-day shipping on the website or free in-store pickup) 3rd: Target store/Target.com - $24.99 (free shipping on orders over $35 or use your REDcard to get free 2-day shipping on the website or free in-store pickup) – Target exclusive with 48 page mini-book 4th Walmart/Walmart.com - $27.96 (free 2-day shipping or free in-store pickup) – Walmart exclusive with retro action figure 5th: Barnes and Noble/BarnesandNoble.com - $27.29 ($2.98 for shipping or free shipping on orders over $35) 6th: DeepDiscount.com - $27.99 (plus shipping costs or free shipping on orders over $25) ******************************************************************************************************** 3.) The 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray + Digital edition (2 Discs total): Complete price rankings: First, BEST Price: Amazon.com - $27.96 (free shipping for non-Prime members and free with Prime) First, BEST Price: Walmart/Walmart.com - $27.96 (free 2-day shipping or free in-store pickup) 2nd: Best Buy/BestBuy.com - $27.99 ($3.99 shipping for orders on website, free shipping on orders over $35 or free in-store pickup 2nd: Target store/Target.com - $27.99 (free shipping on orders over $35 or use your REDcard to get free 2-day shipping on the website or free in-store pickup) 2nd: DeepDiscount.com - $27.99 (free shipping) 3rd: Best Buy/BestBuy.com - $32.99 ($3.99 shipping for orders on website, free shipping on orders over $35 or free in-store pickup – Best Buy SteelBook exclusive 3rd: FYE/FYE.com - $32.99 (free shipping on orders over $40 or free in-store pickup) 4th: Barnes and Noble/BarnesandNoble.com - $38.17 (free shipping) __________________________________________________________________________ Don't forget that you can price match any edition of this DVD or Blu-Ray to the store of your choice, if they have a price matching policy. There might also be some store-specific coupons or online coupon codes floating around that could help bring some of these prices down further. Given the price competition for this movie, there are some great price-matching opportunities, especially due to the aggressive price matching policies stores like Best Buy and Target continue to utilize. _______________________________________________________________________ Deals & Exclusives: There are three retailer exclusives for this release. Which, if any, will you get? Best Buy/BestBuy.com: Best Buy and its website have a limited edition SteelBook exclusive of the 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray + Digital edition. It features a collectible steel case and the cover on this edition is different than the cover on the standard, non-exclusive editions. Priced at $32.99 with $3.99 shipping on its website or free in-store pickup: http://bit.ly/2oegDhm Name: best-buy-steelbook-spider-man-far-from-home.jpg Views: 32 Size: 141.6 KB ID: 8424763 Target/Target.com: Target has one exclusive bundle for the Blu-ray + DVD + Digital edition (2 Discs total). It comes with a 48 page mini-book called "Peter Parker's Travel Journal". Priced at $24.99, with free shipping on orders over $35 or use your REDcard to get free 2-day shipping on the website or free in-store pickup: http://bit.ly/2oXyZDt Click image for larger version Name: target-exclusive-spider-man-far-from-home.jpg Views: 23 Size: 229.6 KB ID: 8424766 Walmart/Walmart.com: Walmart has the Blu-ray + DVD + Digital + Retro Action Figure edition. This exclusive includes a retro action figurine in Tom Holland's signature Night Monkey suit, which reportedly also features a suction cup grappler. Priced at $27.96: http://bit.ly/2ocQW0G Click image for larger version Name: walmart-exclusive-spider-man-far-from-home-blu-ray.jpg Views: 33 Size: 148.5 KB ID: 8424772 You can certainly purchase this movie digitally at the online retailer of your choice. However, when you buy the Blu-Ray or the 4K editions of this movie, it comes with a digital code, so you don't have to do so unless that is your preference. nod __________________________________________________________________________ I included as much pertinent information on this new release that I could find so everyone can make a more educated decision on whether to purchase this movie or not, as well as which edition they prefer. For those of you who read these threads start to finish, there is plenty of detail for everyone. I've noticed that a lot of the questions people put in these threads could be answered if they read the OP carefully. I would heartily encourage you to do so, as it might answer the question(s) you have before you even have to ask. Wink And that is the end of this compilation, my second New Release Thread for the year 2019. Only three retailer exclusives for physical media this time around, thankfully. It should make it easier to decide what edition and which exclusive you might want. Remember, when you get a call from Nick Fury, DON'T ghost him and send him to voicemail. Otherwise, he will track you down and find you if you do. He'll also tranquilize your friends when he does. RELEASE DAY - INFORMATION & PRICES UPDATED ON OCT 1 @ 7:24 am EST. 1.) Almost ALL retailers (except one - BarnesAndNoble. com) kept their prices the same. 2.) BarnesAndNoble. com lowered their prices a little bit, moving around the bottom of the rankings. The DVD moved from 5th to 4th place in the rankings. The Blu Ray moved from 6th to 5th place in the rankings and the 4K Ultra HD stayed at 4th place in the rankings. 3.) The exclusive Target bundle of the Blu-ray + DVD + Digital edition (2 Discs total) with the48 page mini-book is now available to order online and for in-store pickup. All of the price rankings have now been updated and all the new information listed above has been added accordingly. Happy hunting!
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musiccosmosru · 6 years
ET ‘Face’ Appears on Previous Abduction MarkAlabama – 2018-02-28 – 18:00: During childhood, I experienced an otherworldly encounter which literally left a mark. This mark is oval in shape and purplish in color – located on my left leg, above my ankle. On February 28 of this year, a hologram-like image of an extraterrestrial face was photographed emanating from the mark, onto my leg (directly above the mark). I have included the photos below (removed by MUFON). The mark can be seen at the bottom of the picture, with the entity’s face above it. If the mark doesn’t appear exactly oval in the picture, it’s because it changes shape (which can only be seen when light is focused on it). Otherwise, it appears oval. The entity has both human and animal-like features, appears to be smiling or grinning, and is looking off to the side. I appreciate the weirdness of this report, but I feel that I should report the experience. Do with it what you will. – MUFON
Tick-Borne Disease Soaring
As pests go, ticks score bonus points on the fear chart for being bloodsuckers, tucking themselves behind ears or ducking under armpits.
But unlike most spiders and other crawlies in the woods, these eight-legged parasites pose real danger, even death in rare cases.
In 2013, 6-year-old Emilee Russell from Black Mountain died of Rocky Mountain spotted fever — the result of a tick bite.
North Carolina often leads the nation in Rocky Mountain spotted fever cases, with 674 reported in 2017 — a 5 percent increase over 2016, according to the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services.
But bites from ticks in North Carolina can also lead to ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease and STARI, which stands for Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness. Lyme disease reports also ramped up to 363 in 2017, rising 10 percent, DHHS reports. Read more at Tick-borne disease is soaring
Strange Darkness Blankets Siberia
Locals in north of Yakutia said daylight was completely gone for several hours.
People from remote Eveno-Bytantaisky and Zhigansky districts turned to newspapers, begging local media to explain ‘the devilry’ of what happened.
Their remote communities were plunged into darkness – even though they should have 24 hour light at this time of year.
‘The sun went out around 11am, and didn’t come back until about 2pm. I couldn’t see a thing without switching lights on. We took torches to walk outside, but actually no-one wanted to be on the street because the feeling was as if something heavy in the air was pressing on your chest’, said one resident.
After the sun returned, locals found thick layer of dust covering everything outside. Read more at Sun blanked out in Arctic Siberia
Earhart’s Final Cries For Help
Amelia Earhart waded into the Pacific Ocean and climbed into her downed and disabled Lockheed Electra.
She started the engine, turned on the two-way radio and sent out a plea for help, one more desperate than previous messages.
The high tide was getting higher, she had realized. Soon it would suck the plane into deeper water, cutting Earhart off from civilization — and any chance of rescue.
Across the world, a 15-year-old girl listening to the radio in St. Petersburg, Fla., transcribed some of the desperate phrases she heard: “waters high,” “water’s knee deep — let me out” and “help us quick.”
A housewife in Toronto heard a shorter message, but it was no less dire: “We have taken in water . . . we can’t hold on much longer.” Read more at Dozens heard Amelia Earhart’s final, chilling pleas for help, researchers say
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ARCANE RADIO IS BACK! on the Paranormal King Radio NetworkFacebook event announcement: Arcane Radio – Nicole Strickland – Paranormal Researcher / Author
Join me as I welcome paranormal researcher / author Nicole Strickland to Arcane Radio. Nicole Strickland currently resides in San Diego, California, and has been innately intrigued with the paranormal since childhood and has studied the field for many years. She has been actively investigating historical landmarks and private residences for paranormal activity since the early 2000s, after a profound experience with the spirit of her beloved grandmother. She is the Founder and Director of the San Diego Paranormal Research Society (SDPRS); and serves as the team’s EVP Specialist and historical locations case manager. Nicole has worked with various Southern California paranormal research teams prior to developing SDPRS in 2009. She was also a core member of the Ghost Research Society holding the GRS Southern California Area Research Director position from 2009 – 2017. Nicole also serves as a consultant to World Paranormal Investigations as well as a California Representative for the American Spectral Society. Nicole has written 5 books, including her most recent title ‘San Diego’s Most Haunted: The Historical Legacy and Paranormal Marvels.’ http://www.authornicolestrickland.com/ – You won’t want to miss this interesting show! Join us this Friday, July 27th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on ParanormalKing.com ———- Big thanks to my newest Arcane Radio Patron…rhpatton1Become a ‘Arcane Radio’ Patron for only $1 per month! https://patron.podbean.com/ArcaneRadio
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Thanks! Lon
Powerful Mystery Boom Rocks Canada’s Vancouver Island
Second ‘Mystery Sound’ Stumps Upstate NY Community
Mysterious Buzzing Noise Keeping Residents Awake in English Town
Mysterious and Fatal Books of Death Found in Denmark
Paranormal Books and High Strangeness
Lizard Man: The True Story of the Bishopville Monster
Strange Intruders and Leprechan Press
Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah
The Zozo Phenomenon
The Djinn Connection: The Hidden Links Between Djinn, Shadow People, ETs, Nephilim, Archons, Reptilians and Other Entities
UPDATED WEEKLY: Lon’s Suggested Reading List – Books & Films / DVDs
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ARCANE RADIO PODCASTS: PodBean – iTunes – Stitcher – YouTube – Spotify– Google Play – blubrry – Player FM
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comicsxaminer · 6 years
In support of this Tuesday’s Digital release of Black Panther, check out a conversation with the cast and crew about the women of Wakanda, which is the subject of one of the exclusive bonus features: The Warriors Within. Please also enjoy images from the film, including a few previously unreleased!
  The in-home release of Marvel Studios’ Black Panther is packed with bonus material including deleted scenes, outtakes and never-before-seen featurettes. The highly-celebrated story of a young African prince named T’Challa (played by Chadwick Boseman) has thrilled and inspired generations of moviegoers around the world, and dominated box office charts. Thankfully, the exhilarating adventure will be available Digitally in HD, 4K Ultra HD™ and Movies Anywhere on May 8 and on 4K Ultra HD™, Blu-ray™, DVD and On-Demand on May 15.
  To celebrate the in-home launch of the mighty Marvel movie, we chat to the cast and crew about the women of Wakanda, which is the subject of one of the exclusive bonus features: The Warriors Within. Look no further if you want to get to know Wakanda’s women and the amazing actors who portray them…
Marvel Studios’ BLACK PANTHER Dora Milaje Conceptual Character and Costume Design Sketch Costume Design: Ryan Meinderding and VisDev Team Concept Artist: Anthony Francisco ©Marvel Studios 2018
Marvel Studios’ BLACK PANTHER Nakia Conceptual Character and Costume Design Sketch Costume Design: Ruth Carter Concept Artist: Keith Christensen ©Marvel Studios 2018
Marvel Studios’ BLACK PANTHER Shuri Conceptual Character and Costume Design Sketch Costume Design and Concept Art: Ruth Carter and team ©Marvel Studios 2018
Marvel Studios’ BLACK PANTHER L to R: Danai Gurira (Okoye) on set with Director Ryan Coogler Ph: Matt Kennedy ©Marvel Studios 2018
Marvel Studios’ BLACK PANTHER Nakia Conceptual Character and Costume Design Sketch Costume Design: Ruth Carter Concept Artist: Keith Christensen ©Marvel Studios 2018
Marvel Studios’ BLACK PANTHER Nakia Dora Milaje Conceptual Character and Costume Design Sketch Costume Design: Ryan Meinderding and VisDev Team working w/ Ruth Carter ©Marvel Studios 2018
“I love the way Black Panther represents women. Each and every one of us [in the movie] is an individual. We all have our own sense of power and we hold our own space without being pitted against each other. I think that’s a very, very powerful message to send to children – both male and female.
  “In Black Panther, we see women going about their business and supporting each other. They argue with each other and have different points of view, but they are not pitted against each other and I think that’s extremely important. In doing this, audiences can get a sense of the fabric of Wakanda as a nation, where we see women alongside men and we see how much more effective a society can be if they allow women to explore their full potential.
  “Cinema has the potential to show us who we’ve been, who we are, and who we could be – and Wakanda is an example of who we could be. This is a nation that has been allowed to self-determine because it has avoided the interruption that colonialism was; that assault on a culture and the imposition of a new culture on another. It has figured out how to develop on its own terms. And with that development, it seems they have figured out how to allow their citizens to realize their fullest potential, which means that women can hold their power and not compromise or jeopardize the man’s power. In Wakanda, a woman can assume her own power – but she can also stand with and in support of the man at her side.
  “We can see that with the character of Black Panther, who is this all-powerful, vibranium-wearing guy who has Okoye [played by Danai Gurira] by his side. He also has a confidant in my character, Nakia. She’s someone that he can listen to and consider on a level plain. I think that’s really cool to see. I love the way that you get to see it unapologetic and unexplained; it’s just the way it is in a country you’ve never visited before. I feel like this gives you a glimpse as to what is possible in the real world.”
“When [Black Panther director and co-writer] Ryan Coogler sat me down and talked to me about his vision for the movie, the story, the characters – and the women – I was floored because you don’t get to hear stories like this very often. It’s not often that you sit down and hear that type of a vision. It was amazing.
  “There are so many great things I could say about how Ryan developed the women characters in the movie. I feel really blessed and excited by the fact he allowed us to collaborate, too. I love the fact that these women from the continent are very developed and very complex. I remember thinking, ‘Wow, this is something else. I just want to watch it, but now I also get to be in it.’
  “I was immediately drawn to the idea of the Dora Milaje [an all-female, special forces security team]. I loved the concept of them, but it was incredible to see them come to life [during pre-production]. I started to train with all these astounding women and then we all started to get our heads shaved for the movie. I was the first to have it done, but then all the girls started coming in with no hair. One-by-one, we’d all been balded – but we were united together. That’s when our pride started to grow. We all started to embrace this symbol of power in these women.
  “I love the moment in the movie where Okoye doesn’t want a wig. She doesn’t want to cover up her head. This is her joy and her pride, so she wants to walk in there with her bald head and that tattoo. I thought that moment was so subversive. It’s so subversive in the right way to say that you don’t have to have hair to be beautiful.”
“I think it’s great to see so many strong women in Black Panther because there’s a lack of them in cinema right now; especially black female characters. All these female characters in the movie are really well rounded, too. They are not just written one way. The women have a lot of complexity. It was really refreshing to see and it’s inspiring to be part of it, because it means a lot to me.
  “I also love the way that the men are always behind the women in Wakanda. Nobody is undermined by the other sex. The men don’t stand around and say, ‘Shuri, you shouldn’t be into technology and math.’ They’re like, ‘No, go ahead.’ T’Challa says, ‘Go ahead, Sis. This is your department. This is your domain. Do your thing. Stay in your lane.’ I love that that’s the mentality of the king. It’s brilliant. Everybody’s got their own lane.
  “I love what Marvel has done with this movie. They are saying that women are just as great as the men. It’s not one or the other. There’s a dope balance.”
“I love the fact that there are many different types of strong women in the movie. Not only are there these amazing women warriors who show the world that women are powerful – but they have a warrior spirit to conquer, as well as the ability to find the tools and strength to navigate and win.
  “The power of motherhood is displayed by Angela Bassett’s character [Ramonda] and the way she nurtures her children. She moves her son and daughter forward, and she’s willing to do anything to make sure they are well and right.
  “Then there’s Shuri, who shows everyone the technology of this world. She illustrates the fact that women can be adept with technology and math; the movie recognizes that attribute inside of women. These are very powerful statements to the world.”
“In Wakanda, the matriarchs are the backbone and the foundation on which the country is built on, and the men lean on their women for guidance and strength. I think it’s extremely important for little girls and women out there to see themselves represented in a positive, strong way in film and television – and I think Wakanda does it really well. I think Black Panther is amazing in that respect.
  “There are a lot of strong female characters in this movie. The fiercest warriors are all women. The king’s private guard – the Dora Milaje – are all women. That was something that [director and co-writer] Ryan Coogler and [co-writer] Joe Robert Cole wanted to depict in the story.
  “In African culture, the women are the backbone of society and they have such a positive influence on everyone. To not put a strong representation of that into the film would be a crime because we wanted to stay true to reality.
  “We have some very talented black women in this film, with Lupita Nyong’o, Danai Gurira and Angela Bassett. It was incredible to work alongside them – although I think the character of Shuri [played by Letitia Wright] is my absolute favorite in the movie. I think Shuri is amazing. She’s incredibly smart and witty, and her one-liners are awesome.”
“When you look at African culture, you’ll often see gender roles that are different from the norm. You’ll find issues with gender dynamics in African culture in the same way you do in other cultures, but you’ll also find things that are different. Strong women and women’s influence on culture and society is something that cannot be overlooked. That was something that we really wanted to include in the movie, although it’s something that was present in the Black Panther comics as well.
  “T’Challa’s mother, Ramonda, is a constant influence on his world. And T’Challa’s relationship with his sister is one of the more unique relationships in comic book films and action films. It was something that we looked at because there’s no super hero with a little sister – but Shuri is possibly the most important relationship in his life. That was something that we really wanted to explore. And then you have the Dora Milaje, who are these elite warriors in the country and it’s all women.
  “This film had involvement from brilliant women from start to finish. They weren’t hired because they were women; they were hired because they were the best people for the job. That includes our cinematographer, Rachel Morrison; our costume designer, Ruth Carter; our production designer, Hannah Beachler; and our assistant director, Lisa Satriano. In post-production, the film was edited by Michael Shawver and Debbie Berman, who is from South Africa. I was blessed to work alongside these incredible women and to have their perspective and their fingerprints all over the project.”
Witness the legend. Don’t miss hours of exclusive behind-the-scenes footage when you bring home Marvel Studios’ Black Panther on Digital, @MoviesAnywhere & 4K UHD 05/08/18 and Blu-ray 05/15/18
Black Panther: The Women of Wakanda – Available on DIGITAL on May 8th! In support of this Tuesday’s Digital release of Black Panther, check out a conversation with the cast and crew about the women of Wakanda, which is the subject of one of the exclusive bonus features: The Warriors Within.
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risowimo-blog · 7 years
Power Video Template Review - Formulate Engaging Videos Has Nеvеr Been This Painless
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