amemoryofwot · 5 months
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flavorweight-blog · 6 years
This may be the hardest article I've ever had to write, it really is the very first time I've admitted, that I might be getting older. ROB! Yes, we are receiving older but, remember the rest of the sentence...AND BETTER! Most of us remember Mufasa! The solid, brave, protecting, heroic lion from the Lion King. Make without doubt about it Mufasa was The King!! That's right just like Elvis (showing my age group). Mufasa died fighting heroically to safeguard his satisfaction now. I'm not saying it had been age group that was his undoing. BUT who knows, if he had changed his training strategy during the last few years-trained just a little smarter......probably he wouldn't have gone his battle in the gym and had even more in the tank on game time. Could the results have been different??? Ok! back again to real life or at least my edition of it. Tammy Renee my Mufasa (boss, greatest friend, blah blah blah) provides approached me more than once about writing an article designed to help the ageing athlete. That is right, us siblings in Iron are sportsmen. My thoughts were....why would I end up being asked by her? What perform I understand about aging athletes?? I train as i have always.......I'm a global champion! Hello there!! earth to rob..you're 51 years outdated!! You are a mature athlete!!!! WOW!! It dawned on me then ..the things I i did so all night take me forever to accomplish now...BUT that is clearly a different story. We can save that for a different content. GINA - Aging sportsmen? Oh my....Can't we come up with a more correct term politically? lol Rob, haven't you noticed 40 is the new 30, 50 is the new 40? I actually injured my shoulder winning the W.A.B.D.L. Masters Bench Press Globe Championship in 2005. I competed in Bodybuilding in 2006 coming in 4th place in the W.B.F.A Team USA vs the World competition. I thought that easily actually got my conditioning right down to a research and came in shredded I could do some harm in 07. I thought then...am I a bodybuilder really? Is normally that where my interest is? My pal, occasional training partner and incredible powerlifter Phil Davi was in the fitness center working out. He talked me into seeing what I got on the bench that day time. Now I hadn't benched weighty in a long time. To say my initiatives were sloppy would be an understatement. However I did so max out in the 455lb range somewhere. For those of you at home and especially us Mufasa types....PLEASE don't get a max out from the crystal clear blue and wonder why you obtain injured. Some people are slow learners just. Phil checked out the existing world records in the alphabet soup of powerlifting agencies and discovered with some schooling, I would be right there and perhaps able to break a global record or 2 in the bench press for my generation and weight course. I actually asked my good friend, fellow article writer, fitness model, fitness competitor, amount competitor, fitness center owner, fitness expert of the entire year, one of the hottest Mothers and hottest women on the planet........drum roll.......... Gina Ostarly what she thought which was her response: "I am 99.9 % sure you ALREADY 'know" the answer...so this is just a 2nd thumbs up...I think.....I always go with my interest....whats in my heart...sounds like yours is in power lifting....always has been...As long as your 2005 injury is healed and can not hinder you...go for the record! The only reason I've not made it back to fitness .....is because my body won't allow it all...We keep getting harm...hell getting old...haha...but, I have not given up....in the suggest time I will be the very best figure competitor I could be.... From the source want Gina how may i not listen. Okay...that I understand now, I am growing older let's implement a few of our fresh found knowledge, in my own quest to set the 50 to 54 age course 220 lb pounds class bench press world record. My recuperative skills are not what they were in the past. I've had to create this concession to age group already. So over-teaching is a large issue around babyboomers. I have been guilty of the especially, In my over zealousness to earn championships, break information, play soccer or what have you I want to go obtain it and throw caution to the wind just. Well, after a torn hamstring, torn bicep, ligament harm in both ankles, sore knees and over all everyday aches and pains. Training: Okay hear we go. People talk to me on a regular basis if I reside in the fitness center or how many hours a day time do I workout?? There is a period when I would train with weights 6 days weekly and do cardio 6 or seven days a week. that was a couple of years ago. The cardio part especially, that was more for sports activities than for appearances. once I used powerlifting I think my just cardio was operating from the couch to the refrigerator. (Gina) Rob, people talk to me the same issue or make the assumption, " all day long must be educated by you, everyday." Well, my secret is CONSISTENCY, as time passes. Its not really about how much you do "this week" or "this month" Getting and residing in form is a prolonged dedication. Its doesn't imply killing yourself all night in the gym, it about creating stability and living realistically. Training 2-3 days weekly CONSISTENTLY will yield a better result in a calendar year than somebody who works out everyday for a week skips 3, functions how hard direct for 3 weeks.....drops off the true face of the planet earth for 2 months....etc....You get my point. My teaching had remained the same for several years basically. Pushes on Mon & Wed - ie.. chest, shoulders, tri's & abs Pulls on Tues & Fri - ie.. back again, bi's and obliques Legs & lower back again on Wed & Sat - Wed will be more squat oriented . Sat will be more deadlift oriented Based on what We was training designed for my weights might vary but also for the the majority of part the scheme was the same. As I stated cardio was as required. EASILY was trying to accomplish something where I needed to move actually. I would run or play basketball. EASILY was training for something where movement wasn't a concern...believe me I wouldn't move. The heaviest I've ever weighed was 277 in 2003. Breathing was a problem, my ex said during the night I snored like a rhino in high temperature. When breathing becomes a nagging problem it may be time to go back to the drawing board. That is while you are still able to draw.....My blood pressure I'm sure was sky high....never had it checked. I was the epitome of the ostrich strategy. Keep my head in the sand and what I don't know won't harm me. Training Mufasa: Ok! For us old lions...what can be done? Get yourself a physical: That's right! First factor head to your Doctor get a complete check-up and make sure that finely tuned or at least soon to be finely tuned machine is ready to go. Shed a few pounds: For the majority of us that is probably the first plan of action. Help to make it less complicated on those muscle tissues and joints (not to mention your mate) and drop a few. In case you are still fighting trim you get yourself a gold star here but I'd like a notice from your own significant other, just in case you're filled with it. Do cardio: I've dropped from an average fat of approx. 265 to now even more in the 225lb range. My heart, my joints, my blood pressure and my puppy Hank (the rhino in heat noises musta taken there toll) are thankful. Although I significantly changed my diet to get right down to 215 for the BB contest. I have since been eating a complete lot more but daily cardio sessions have kept my weight down. Not to mention again the primary muscle, my center (yes I have one) is appreciative. So for all of us Mufasa's cardio is crucial. Listen to the body: Train together with your mind, not over it. No, that can be done over head presses still. Just use common sense in your workout routines. Pass feel whether it's there and you feel like lifting a little heavier go for it. If not. listen to your body. Cool off the heavier weights for a good work out or 2. Don't pressure it! Consider shorter rest periods and go just a little lighter. There are way's of keeping your workout strength without setting world or also personal records. Go for QUALITY not Volume, and yes Rob, always pay attention to your body! Great suggestions. There are therefore many variants of you skill when exercising. Hardly ever feel like you need to "force thru it." Dealing with the big headed attitude could have you pushing for the LAST TIME! Don't overtrain: As I mentioned earlier. I was and at times am still, a habitual overtrainer. This correlates with the above directly. Listen to the body. Over teaching at this stage of the overall game, is more detrimental than when we are younger. As a young child we can get away with a little more. Today all we're gonna obtain is a severe limp and some catabolism on top of that. Seriously, this is not a joke. DO NOT OVERTRAIN. For the majority of us, three resistance training sessions weekly should fill up the bill. Use the K.We.S.S. (keep it basic stupid) in your workouts. Work each muscle mass group once a week. Nutrition: Nourishment is up to 80% of the battle. Breakfast is either the most or second most important meal of the full day. Your post workout meal is definitely it's competition. Be sure to eat protein with each meal. Start your day a good hearty breakfast. This gets the machine which is certainly you in movement. Look at the body as a furnace, you should gasoline it to maintain it burning properly. Obtain it started very first thing each morning (breakfast) and maintain fueling it every 3 hours. Look at a fire, you don't throw all of the logs on simultaneously. Throw a log in at even intervals and it will burn efficiently. Throw them all in simultaneously (supper) and it'll smother and fail. Avoid the All-American meal program. The coffee is known by you and a doughnut for breakfast, more espresso and a Hostess cake off the roach trainer for break period. Deli sandwich, coke and a handbag of chips for lunch. Then devour what ever the heck you may get your hands on for dinner not to mention our 2 Vermont buddies Ben and Jerry or Krispy Kreme (right Gina??) before bed. Post workout beverage: This along with breakfast is very important. Your post workout drink should contain a quality protein drink with some simple carbs (dextrose). More hints You need to take advantage of the window of opportunity right here 30 to 45 min. after your exercise. You body is in an emergency state right here and is preparing to make use of these crucial nutrients. Glucosamine and chondroitin: This have already been a miracle treat for me. Remember they take up to 30 day's to get into your system and don't stop acquiring them once you start to experience better......or back to painsville!!! As you can see a little modification here and there and some common sense is all that is needed!! As Gina so aptly put it " we are getting older but remember all of those other sentence..... AND BETTER"
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hellohollydolly · 7 years
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20 Things To Love About Our Albert Lea Community
im·prove·ment / noun.  The action of improving or being improved.
1. We try hard, & we are persistent a bunch. We had the old Wal-Mart sit vacant for just a “few” years. Many whispers of new tenants floated around over time, & then one fine day last year, a 12 year lease was signed to Bomgaars. Thanks to efforts of Hoffman, ALEDA & I’m certain many other small & large working parts, shit got done, together. 2. The movement isn’t like wild fire, it’s more methodical. Wind Down Wednesday came to life about 5 years ago. Since then, it has grown & become a Summer event that’s marked on everyone’s calendar. It has spurred other events downtown, & continues to thrive. By hands, brains, time, & work of Albert Leans. Tami, Susie & everyone on deck thru the years, continue to break their backs on events like WDW because seeing Albert Lea thrive fills their hearts. When you really care, you take an active role.
3. Our restaurants are only as successful as their patrons make them, & we’ve got some awesome ones. Places like B&B, The Elbow Room, Taco King, 112 on Broadway, AND Crescendos have almost cult followings, I know this, because I “drink the kool-aid” from all of these places. These owners took chances on Albert Lea, took the leap, dove into OUR community head & heart first. In the first year of a restaurant business, they are more then 90% likely to fail. We know what we like, be it pancakes, tacos, or seared tuna, & thankfully they are just up or down the street! 4. A dog park! A splash pad! Holy crap! Sometimes the movement IS like wildfire. Sometimes people saddle up, grab the reigns & plow thru adversity for the better of the community. Sheila & others did this because our four legged pals needed to have a park for us to enjoy with them too! (In case you haven’t counted yourself, I think we are over 40 park/rec areas just in town!) And a freaking splash pad just around the corner for Summer?! The committee itself is filled with DOERS, but the outpouring of outside support has been an awesome example of what coming together can accomplish! I mean, there’s those tshirts & sweatshirts, that I know you either have a few of, or want a few of. And then there was a dunk tank, a 5k, & countless BIG donations. These things are perfect examples of needs being met. 5. LAKES! Please direct all excitement for our improvements in our local waterways to the fine folks down at the Shell Rock RWD, also, Laura & her crew with the Lakes Foundation. They are in the trenches, fighting for our water, YOUR water. 6. Oh, do you need something fun to do on the lake? The Boathouse has you covered! Canoes, kayaks, paddle boards for the Summer, & snow shoes in the Winter. Archery too! Scott has a passion for bringing new, different, & fun things into our hands. Could you imagine if everyone took that sort of initiative? In case all of those things listed above aren’t for you, there’s still ice skating, rock climbing, pickle ball, swimming, horse shoes, biking, tennis, fishing, ok, ok, I’ll stop...geocaching, roller blading, boating... you know, things you have to DO, actively. 7. There’s something going on every day, you just have to look. I’ve found the search for activities has actually gained me some pretty awesome friends, as well as activities. Did you know you can snag a game night weekly & monthly downtown at The Interchange & the Legion? Jenni always has her hands working on something for the kiddos thru the city, the theatre continues to expand it’s calendar beyond the great ACT performances, & volunteerism is a two way benefit, you could always try that, call Ann! 8. Our arts community is growing! Obviously the apple of my eye, the arts, are coming along beautifully! The feedback I get from families at my collective creative arts space (Meraki, yes that plug just happened), is a feverish “MORE”. Our families are flourishing, whether it’s guitar lessons, dance lessons (young & old), or our newly added cartooning courses. Our families did not just say thanks, they are asking for more. They are hungry, & this fuels my passion for fulfilling that need. Join me, in building our arts community. It’s in need of unity, but more so, it needs you. 9. Our streets are pretty! I’ve seen & heard the effort that has gone into making our downtown the beauty that it’s becoming. Through oppositions, & the normal set of barriers that change brings, it continues to get more friendly & glorious, from outdoor seating options at the coffee shop, Legion & 112, to all the blooming pots & colorful banners! It’s in the details, & sometimes we don’t appreciate how much time & money the little stuff takes! 10. Rock hunting; it’s a real thing Kari & Dori graced our community with this great, active, family AND budget friendly game! Anytime I see a painted rock hidden next to my studio door or by our flower pot, I smile. How many times has AL Rocks brought a little joy into your day? Probably more then you give recognition to! They saw a way to share joy & leaped at the opportunity to give it wings! 11. We’ve got a ton of really great community service peoples. You know at least 5 men & women that serve as a fireman, first responder, nurse, dispatcher, or policeman. They are real people, involved in countless other ways, besides the obvious, to help our community. Knowing that someone is just around the corner, any corner, willing to help with knowledge & heart, puts us all at ease.  
12. Shred at the Skatepark I couldn’t find the birthdate of the skatepark, but over 10 years is a certainty. Anytime I drive or walk by the beach, there’s more action at the skatepark! This gives a place for our youngsters (how freaking old am I, that I’m using that word?!) to go and feel free. Not only a positive for the kids, but for everyone as they’re not tempted to trespass on other areas of town to get some boarding in. 13. Shop Local Yes, we don’t have the stores of Burnsville Center, BUT we do have fabulous clothing retailers that NO ONE else has, like Country Soule, Between Friends, & BG Loft. Toys R Us doesn’t hold a candle to the personal service Tami & her dolls will give you at Celebrations. The list goes on; Pet Authority knows it’s customers by name, The Color Wheel is filled with local artisan gifts & beautiful decor, and Junction Market allows us to pick up all our Pinterest-loving-ideas, without having to actually dip a brush in paint. 14. Our City wants feedback. It seems our city officials always have an ear to the ground, which is not as common as you’d think in other cities. They hold Mayor Mondays, & send out newsletters with events concerning citizens on a variety of levels, of the serious kind, or pleasure. You can even watch the council meetings on youtube from the comforts of your couch, if you can’t make the meetings in person. They care for their business owners, knowing that only together, can we do great things. 15. Everyone knows you, and that’s a good thing. I sometimes scurry out to Walmart or HyVee looking like quite the disheveled un-showered human, and ALWAYS run into at least 3 people I know. But I find comfort in that. There’s no cloak of mystery here, people I sit in professional meetings with during the week, are the same people I run into at Harold’s having a few beers on a Friday night. You can be real. People here really get to be themselves, & you’re never really alone. 16. Evolution of the mall. Remember not that long ago when Skyline was the dead zone for retail space? And now, it’s pretty cooking!? Yes, Northbridge has seen brighter days, but malls in general are having to completely evolve in order to make it “work”. I have no fear that over the next 10 years, it will get it’s groove back into something better then before. Showing patronage to the current stores doesn’t hurt either, so go grab a tan, get your nails done, then sip a margarita (or two), & catch something on the big screen! I feel like that could be a fun afternoon, add that to the activities list! 17. Area small towns, call this their town too I grew up in Alden, and I know anyone from Glenville, Geneva, Hartland, etc. will all say the same thing when you’re 50 miles from home and asked “where are you from”, response: “Albert Lea”. I mean, it’s where we get groceries, where we come to get our hair done, when we’re sick we come for help, it’s all of ours. That’s what community means.
18. 30 under 40 Our community is at the cusp of something pretty awesome right now, the next generation is stepping up, planting roots, investing in us. I know this, because my husband & I fall into this category, and so do a lot of our friends. While there will always be people, young AND old, that will shit on the work of others, we’ll still be here working our tales off for the better of the world. Millennials aren’t so bad, neither are the Generations Xers, or Baby-Boomers, there’s just rotten eggs in any age group. It’s our job to put our heads down, & keep putting in the work, together.
19. Perspective can alter the course of everything. While in the last few years I’ve found myself back on this soap box, my guilt is lessening each time I start to type or speak. No I don’t think it’s necessary to rebuttal in the effort I have here, every single time, but I do think the opposition to Albert Lea shaming needs to be felt at every negative word or comment made. Being silent, when someone is being bullied, has equal the damage. Stand up. Be proud. Make your voice be heard. Do great things here.
20. If you leave, you’ll most likely be back....I did. I graduated high school, was around for a year or so, and then took off to the cities. I stayed up there for about 3 years. I loved my job, but in the end, I couldn’t find a decent space for myself & my Louie dog to stay, so I came back. I was uncertain how I felt about it, but I did know, I always called it “Home”. And it continues to feel more like mine, each day I’m here. Each time I glance out my office window and see families walking the lake, or neighbors going to grab a bite to eat on their lunch break together. As the wings of Meraki catch flight, I realize that in order for it to be Meraki, it needed to be here. This is home. I chose it, & in return, it chose me.
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