nadianecromancer · 3 years
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helloanime247-blog · 7 years
Wait a minute....you cannot possibly be doing another tag!! ;) :P
I did not go looking on the internet for these anime questions, I swear!! :P  I still have loads more questions that I want to answer, but I’m going to start with these 11 questions!
1. Who are your favourite male anime characters?
Okay…..this question is really tough….as there are just too many husbandos to choose from!! ;) I’m going to pick five male characters…..that’s allowed, right??!! ^^’
a). Osamu Dazai (Bungou Stray Dogs)- On the surface, he comes across as a big dork, who is a suicidal maniac!! However, Dazai as a character is far more than just that, as he proves to be a kind-hearted person, who takes in an orphan (Atsushi Nakajima) without a seconds thought and nurtures him into becoming a fully fledged member of the armed detective agency. He also instills in him confidence and a feeling of self-worth. Dazai is also really intelligent and can instantly deduce his opponent’s next move, meanwhile remaining calm and in control! His features are striking….as he is tall, has brown hair and brown eyes….I mean he’s just PERFECT!! :P ;)
b). Sakata Gintoki (Gintama)- Gintoki is just one of those characters who will forever make me laugh! <3 I mean, I could be having the worst day EVER, however, Gintoki will somehow find a way to make me laugh…and seriously what could be better than that! :D Initially, he may come across as lazy and self-centred, but I can tell you that this couldn’t be further from the truth! Gintoki would literally do anything for both Kagura and Shinpachi! I actually just finished watching an episode, where he helped his friend Hasegawa (which was hilarious….by the way!!). In reality, he actually values friendship higher than anything else and that’s a beautiful trait for anyone to possess!
c). Okita Sougo (Gintama)- The self-proclaimed masochist is HOT….which is his only good trait…..I’m only joking!! :P Okita is another great character because like Gintoki he’s really funny. If you’ve seen the Mitsuba arc….minor spoiler….you will understand how much of a loving brother he is towards his sister, which was both one of the most beautiful and one of the most saddest things to watch!! T.T <3
d). Hijiktata Toushirou (Gintama)- Like Okita, Hjikata is also a member of the Shinsengumi (…..and he is also really good looking….I’m just saying! :P)! Once again, I’m going to refer you to the Mitsuba arc because that truly shows how great of a guy Hijikata actually is! <33333 I mean…..I dare you to watch that arc and not cry…..!! T.T
e). Yuuri Katsuki (Yuri on Ice)- I identify with this guy so much, he is literally the male version of me….lol! All the ups and downs that he experiences through ice-skating are somewhat similar to the ones that I’ve experienced in my life…..expect for the fact that mine are in no way ice-skating related, as I’m a terrible ice-skater….lol!! :P He is definitely one of the most relatable characters that I’ve ever come across…..and that makes me love him all the more! <3
I’m sorry for picking three Gintama characters, but I’m currently in Gintama hell…….which is actually not a bad place to find yourself in!! ^^’ :P
2. Who are your favourite female characters?
a). Megumi Tadokoro (Shokugeki no Souma)- I love her…..because she’s basically ME…..except for the fact that she can cook…and sadly I can’t!! T.T </3 The self-confidence issues that she experiences are somewhat similar to my own, however, like her, I’ve also learned to push past them and come out the other side! She’s actually sort of an inspiration to me (not to sound too cheesy) but I often found myself saying…if she can overcome her nervousness then so can I!!
b). Kagura (Gintama)- Kagura is feisty and will always do things her own way, which once again I can relate to! She doesn’t care what others think of her and rightly so, it’s pointless caring about what others think…just be yourself!! :) However, deep down she is also a caring person, who loves both Gintoki and Shinpachi as if they were her brothers!
3. If you could meet an anime character who would it be?
I would actually like to meet Mikoto Mikoshiba from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun! We could talk about anime figures (which is one of my most favourite things to talk about…hahaha), we could game and even draw manga together! He would also be such a cool person to just talk to!
I decided this time to not go for another Gintama character!! :P
4. What is your favourite thing about anime?
Hmmmmmmmm….I’d probably say that anime has allowed me to pursue my other hobbies and interests….ones which I never really knew I had! Recently, I bought a camera so I could get into Nendoroid photography and I actually realised that I love taking photos of my nendoroids depicting the beauty of our natural landscape! I’ve also started to cross-stitch again, which I haven’t really done in over a year! I even made my own pattern of Midoriya Izuku from ‘Boku no Hero Academia’……which I still have to start!! I’ve always been a collector of ’stuff’ since I was a child, so therefore, it was only natural for me to start collecting anime figures, I love this hobby! The only drawback being that it’s super expensive and super addictive….eeeekkkkk!! I’ve also recently delved into the world of cosplay and it’s a lot of fun too! Drawing has been a passion of mine….since forever and I love nothing more than to draw my favourite characters! <3 Therefore, it allows me to explore my creative side! I also love learning about other cultures and anime has definitely made me want to learn more about Japan. I’m also in the process of learning Japanese, which is probably something I never would have done without anime in my life! I’m also currently writing some fanfiction! It was always my dream to write a novel and I wrote many books when I was younger, so anime has definitely reignited my desire to write again! ^^’ Last but certainly not least, it has allowed me to meet new and interesting people…both in real life and online…and that’s just a wonderful thing in itself, as it’s nice to talk to people from all around the world!
5. What is your least favourite thing about anime?
It’s probably the over obsessive fans…who call people out over a little mistake that they may have made, it’s just so petty!! I also dislike when people turn savage over an opinion that you may hold……just because it’s not in line with their own personal beliefs on the subject matter!
6. Who are your favourite anime couple?
That’s the easiest question EVER……..Yuuri Katsuki and Viktor Nikiforov (Yuri on Ice)…..they’re just soooooooooo CUTE together…..need I say anymore! <3 :P ;)
7. Who are your favourite anime animals?
I really like Keroberos (Cardcaptor Sakura), Sadaharu (Gintama), Makkachin (Yuri on Ice)….and are Pokemon animals?? Well, if they are….I LOVE them too! <3
8. What’s your favourite type of anime?
I really love anime that have amazing action scenes, a little bit of romance (although….I normally like the romance not to be the central aspect of the anime) and for there to be good humour sprinkled throughout every episode! However, I also love nothing more than an anime to adopt a really serious tone too! I actually think all of these characteristics are found in shounen anime, so I really like this genre a lot!
9. What anime would make a good game?
I actually think that Hunter x Hunter would make an excellent game, as that anime moves from one adventure to another adventure with seamless ease! I mean one minute you could be trying to collect all of the cards on Greed Island and in the next minute…you could be battling against powerful ants, who seek to destroy human life! :O
10. What was the first anime you ever watched?
It was Pokemon! :D
11. Do you think you’ll ever stop watching anime?
Definitely not!! I love watching anime, I love how there are so many different genres of anime to choose from, therefore, you can literally never be bored! My day never goes by without me thinking of anime, I’m a really sad person…..!! :P :D
I tag @akatsuki3519 and @yuratchkaplisetskys!! If you don’t want to do them……then that’s perfectly fine! :D ;) Also, if you do want to do them…..then there’s definitely no rush…please…take your time!! :D ;)
Also, if anybody else wants to do these questions…..feel free to do so! I would love to see your answers, so don’t forget to tag me…! ;) :D 
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