#I absolutely forgot I made a bf edit for this; and that even though the post having that pic isn't that old yet
starsmuserainbow · 6 months
Came across an old post of mine having icons for this, and since there are polls by now (might have been at that point already, but I didn't actually make it a poll so I'm gonna do it now) --
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
Yandere! Jeon Jungkook Smut- Until I Can’t anymore.
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31- You need to be taught a lesson.
40- I think you’re wonderful...those horrible people you’ve dated...they don’t deserve you
48- You deserve better...someone who cares about you
I am so sorry I didn’t get to this sooner, but I have like more than 10 other requests waiting to be finished, including ones I might have to start over...but you didn’t come here to hear me complain you can’t for smuuut
I also changed this request up a little! hope you don’t mind!
Also I’m really playing on the yandere thing soooo ya also trigger warning there will be slightly dark themes like almost getting abused and getting bullied please proceed with caution if those are tough subjects for you.
For the past few weeks you had felt like someone was watching you, maybe it was paranoia or maybe you were onto something, you had no clue. it seemed as if lately you had to be more and more on guard but you didn’t know for sure. You felt an...uneasiness.
“Hey!” you were walking down the street when a familiar sounding voice caught your attention. You saw Jungkook jogging to catch up to you. “I was wondering when I’d see you again.”
“Hi Jungkook!” you cheer happily. “I haven’t talked to you in a bit. What’s new popstar?” you teased. 
“Oh stop.” he chuckled. “I’m more interested in you, lovely.” he winked, making you heat up a bit. “How are you today beautiful?”
“Better now that you’re here.” you said shyly. You may or may not have had a small crush on Jungkook. 
“Hm I’m glad.” he smirked. “Excuse me for seeming sudden but I’d love to take you somewhere.”
Your heart fell, you really couldn’t bring yourself to reject him, but you had a good reason for it.
“Jungkook...I-” you began. You stopped yourself when Jungkook tilted his head to the side like a puppy, his lips were on the verge of forming into a frown. “I’d love to.” you sighed, giving in. Guilt flooded your chest.
“Great!” Jungkook smiled. “I’ll cook for you, make you something real nice while we spend time together.” he grabbed both your hands. 
“Sounds fun.” you chuckled, slowly feeling that guilt fade. “I’m looking forward to it.”
Jungkook smiled, but he noticed your hesitation at first. He was afraid that he had come on to strong, then again...knowing you, there was more at hand. He knew that something was eating at you and if he knew you like he thought he did, it had something to do with a certain other man who had been causing you trouble, but that was just him thinking about it.
“I’ll pick you up tonight, babe.” Jungkook winked. “Until then, wear something super pretty for me. Won’t you?”
You felt your face heat up again and you looked down at your shoes. “I’ll try to.” 
“Perfect. Well I won’t keep you too long, you should get back to shopping. That jacket you were looking at just went on sale.” he smiled lightly, turning around.
The jacket you wanted went on sale?!! Awesome!.
“Wait a sec...Jungkook how did you know I wanted a-” you turned around to find him gone from your sight. “Weird...” you trailed off. “Might as well hurry up so I can get ready.”
“Hello there beautiful.” Jungkook was at your door, dressed nicely. “Perfect as always.” he chuckled. Okay it was the first time in awhile you had worn a skirt bu the didn’t need to stroke your ego that much.
“Oh hush.” you felt your face heat up. “I look a mess.”
Jungkook slipped his fingers under your chin and made you look up. “Never.”
“..O-okay.” you mumbled shyly.
“You ready to go?” Jungkook chuckled. “I plan on making the best food you’ve ever tasted so I hope you’re hungry.” He grabbed your hand.
“Yeah, hope you know I’m a real critic when it comes to good food.” you joked.
“Oh now I really have to step it up.” he replied, winking. You felt your face heat up again. Jungkook thought it was so cute, he admired your shyness. It was no wonder why he took such a deep interest in you. “Y/N...is something bothering you?”
“Hm? Oh no! I’m just..thinking.” you smiled. “Come on, let’s go.” you grabbed his hand.
Jungkook’s apartment was very clean and neat. His place was exactly as you pictured it. Not that you pictured it before...
“Have a seat! Make yourself at home.” he ventured into the kitchen.
“Actually...if you want I could help you cook. It’ll go by faster and we can talk and stuff.” you suggested. 
“Y-Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” Jungkook replied, his smile widening. Just hearing you say he wanted you two to cook together made him even happier. “You can put your jacket on the couch and join me in the kitchen.”
You two began on dinner. Both your and Jungkook’s heart were racing. It was almost like you were a couple! Jungkook watched you giggle at one of his 5-star jokes. He watched you cut some vegetables, almost like a pro. He wanted to cook with you more.
“Kookie?” your melodic voice caught his attention. ‘All done.” you said after you caught his attention again. You gave him a nickname! He wanted to hear it all the time from you. 
“Perfect.” he smiled. “We just have to do that and then everything is finished.” 
“Cool.” you turned towards him. “Hey..you got a little...” you tried to tell Jungkook something was on his face.
“Hm?” Jungkook looked confused.
“Here. Let me get it.” you reached out your hand to wipe his face. You could have sworn you saw him lean into your hand a little all you wiped his face. His face was so cute that you could just-
You stood on your toes and gave Jungkook a little peck, not even half a second of your lips against his. It however, felt like a million years to Jungkook. His heart was racing and his brain went haywire feeling your lips on his.
“Oh my gosh I’m sorry I was ju-” Jungkook gently grabbed each side of your face and kissed you himself. This time longer. You almost melted into him. You instantly pulled back when you realized you had began to entangle your fingers in his hair. 
“I’m sorry! What that too sudden?” Jungkook asked, afraid he had did something wrong. You instantly shook your head, a breathless smile on your face.
“No....it’s just I didn’t want you to burn the food.” you replied, making Jungkook turn around to flicker the stove off. You touched your lips a little...woah...just wow.
“So what did you think?” Jungkook asked you after you took your last bite.
“I take back what I said about you burning the food.” you chuckled. “Absolutely amazing.”
“It was better because you were in the kitchen with me...I’d say we make a pretty good team.” he winked. “Y/N...can I ask you something?”
“Sure!” you looked at him with bright eyes. 
“...What do you think of me?” he suddenly asked.
“You’re great!” you replied without hesitation. “Absolutely amazing.”
“Y/N...I want to know your feelings for me.” Jungkook sighed. “Because mine for you are very strong.”
“What?” you were lowkey confused.
“I love you Y/N...ever since we’ve met.” Jungkook finally confessed, feeling the biggest weight off his shoulders. “I don’t just love you Y/N...I’m in love with you-” he was cut off by your phone ringing. You looked down and groaned loudly.
“Oh come on...” you sighed. “Jungkook I’m sorry, I swear I’m listening to you.” you grabbed your phone. You had let it ring then found you got a voicemail. You looked at Jungkook with fear in your eyes. “I’ll listen to it later.”
“Who is it?” Jungkook asked. 
“Someone who I really didn’t want to think about today.” you shook your head. “It’s...very hard to explain.”
Jungkook nodded thoughtfully, even though he already knew (through extensive research) the name of the miserable punk you were about to say. Jungkook listened as you ranted about your shit stain of a boyfriend that you wanted to get rid of. Checking out other girls, talking shit about your friends, insulting your career choices.
“He even-” you stopped yourself.
“He even what?” Jungkook asked, raising an eyebrow. You shook your head. “Y/N”
“He began having his friends call me too...to tell me to forgive him and how I’d be lucky if he even took me back.”
“Y/N....is he bothering you.?” Jungkook asked seriously. “Tell me the truth.”
“...Yeah.” you finally said. “He won’t leave me alone even after I told him to jump off a cliff and die.” you looked down at your wrists. “I was so distraught that I almost didn’t show up tonight.”
“Y/N, You deserve better...someone who cares about you.” he made you look at him. “Someone who...”he scooted closer to you.
“Jungkook, you deserve better than someone who can’t even face their own problems.” you said honestly. You didn’t want Jungkook to think you were weak and couldn’t just punch Y/BF/N in the balls and walk off. 
“I think you’re wonderful...those horrible people you’ve dated, they don’t deserve you...” Jungkook couldn’t tame the rage building up in his chest. He had the urge to...hurt someone. Not you of course, you were the love of his life...but anyone else in close range that looked like a threat wasn’t safe.
 “ He still thinks that I want to be with him but I swear I don’t...I...like you too Jungkook.”B-but you probably wouldn’t -”
“Don’t finish that sentence my love.”Jungkook’s voice got deeper. Damn, it was weird when he talked like that...but somehow you liked it. “Would you like to be mine?” 
“Uh...me?’ your jaw sort of dropped.
“Uh yes, you’re the only person in this room Y/N.” you looked at him. You had no idea what you saw, but you swore that you saw his eyes flicker, shine, or something. “I’ll treat you so good, like you deserve.” he kissed your cheek. “What do you say?” Jungkook wouldn’t jump to the part where he told you he what he would do to anyone who dare tried to cross you or him as a couple.
Jungkook kissed your lips, caressing the sides of your face. His lips were soft, but...still rough? How would you explain it? You slowly felt yourself fell back. You caught yourself on your elbows but still easing back. Jungkook slowly crawled over you. Your resolve to run away in shock was weakening.
“Jungkook t-this is moving really fast” you shook at Jungkook trailed his mouth down your neck. “Not that I’m not okay with this because I am I promise but.... I’m lowkey kinda of inexperienced.”
Jungkook laughed, still trailing down your neck with his lips. “Then I’ll take the lead, but I’d prefer we not do this on the floor.” he chuckled. “Sooo..up you go!” 
“Wh-AAH!” before you knew it, you were in Jungkook’s arms and were being carried off somewhere into his apartment. Jungkook carried you to his bedroom, a smirk on his face and he threw you onto the bed. (Dude what is it with me and throwing people.) His bed was a plush surface, almost bouncy.
Jungkook crawled over your body, beginning to rid himself of his shirt. “May I?” he asked, playing with the hem of your shirt.
Shyly, you lifted your arms over your head and Jungkook wasted no time in yanking your shirt over your head. His lips found your collarbone. Jungkook fought the urge to leave marks and bruises all along your skin, but the urge won.
“Mmff-” Jungkook tangles his hand in your hair while his free arm wrapped around your waist. You had helped him ease off your skirt. Jungkook furiously unbuckled his belt, almost growling in a haste. He hiked his knee up between your legs, gently grazing you. 
‘J-jungkook.” your legs shook in anticipation. You were taken aback when Jungkook suddenly pushed aside your panties. Useless lace shitty bullshit. Jungkook smiled.
“Stay with me from now on. Don’t leave me, don’t go anywhere without me.” he urged, positioning himself at your entrance. “Are you...ready?”
You shyly nodded. Jungkook had his hands on either side of your head. 
“I’ll be gentle...I promise.”
“Well today is a nice day do do something!” you commented. “What do you feel like doing today?”
“I don’t know. Would would you like to do today, beautiful?” he asked.
You were at your house with Jungkook. He had come over bright and early, but now you two were bored.
“Hm...what abo-”
You suddenly heard a weird banging on the door, followed by someone calling your name. 
“Y/N! You open this door!” 
“....A visitor I’m assuming?” Jungkook joked, but his facial expression showed that he was growing agitated and annoyed with whoever was knocking.
“Jungkook I don’t think you should get that door.” you warned. 
“Hm, why not. It’s rude not to let a guest in!”Jungkook sounded delighted, it was almost scary. Jungkook opened the front door and Y/BF/N stormed in, looking absolutely pissed.
“So this is how you treat your boyfriend? I have to hear from my friends that you’re getting chummy with some pretty boy!”
“Ex-boyfriend.” you corrected. “We talked about this.”
“Shut up!” Y/BF/N barked at you. “This is the punk you leave me for?!?” he motioned to Jungkook who looked very nonchalant.
“Looking at you, I would say it’s quite the upgrade.” Jungkook said smugly. “You must be Y/BF/N.” he said tiredly.”You have been an issue in Y/N’s life for a while now.”
“Fuck off pretty boy, Y/N, you’re coming with me.”
“I suggest you not do that.” Jungkook warned. “You just might regret it.”
“And but what are you gonna do about it. She’s my property and I can do or say whatever I fucking want to her. “ Y/BF/N towered over Jungkook. Surprisingly Jungkook looked far from frightened, in fact he looked almost like he found this funny. He suddenly yawned as if this conversation bore him.
Suddenly Jungkook burst into a fit of laughter. Correction, he did find this funny.
“Ahh I didn’t want to get my hands dirty.” he shook his head. “But you leave me no choice.” Jungkook suddenly turned towards you. 
“My love...turn around and close your eyes. It would be such a shame if...you witnessed.” he chuckled. Wait when did his voice start sounding like that? “Y/N? Beautiful, I would insist you listen to me it would be better if your pretty eyes weren’t exposed to such violence..” he raised an eyebrow at you. “Especially for what’s in store for this pest.”
When you didn’t move Y/BF/N laughed out loud.
“Just what the fuck do you plan on do- ARGGHHH” You were caught of guard when Jungkook grabbed Y/BF/N’s arm and in one swift move broke his arm. Jungkook punched Y/BF/N right in the nose, most likely breaking it. Jungkook grabbed his wrist and snapped it in the opposite direction.
“How dare you even think of trying to taint and harm living, breathing perfection.” he growled, pushing your now frightened ex to the ground. By this time you had followed Jungkook’s instructions and turned away from the scene, covering your eyes. You squinted your eyes shut, only hearing Jungkook’s punches land onto Y/BF/N.
“Y/N you’d better help me!” Y/BF/N barked. 
Jungkook stomped on Y/BF/N’s shoulder, most likely dislocating it. “She’s my princess now.” stomp “She isn’t going to worry about your abuse or your worthless ass anymore.” he spat. stomp. Stomp...another stomp “I fucking warned you, you piece of SHIT! People like you infuriate me.” 
You had never heard Jungkook so violent before, it scared you. You didn’t even realize your breath had begun to pick up.
“You have ten seconds to get up, and get out of my sight.” you heard him. “TEN...NINE...or so you want me to kill you next.”
“Y/N?” Jungkook’s voice suddenly went soft. You heard his footsteps approach you. “Y/N it’s okay.” you felt his arms wrap around you. “You don’t have to worry about him anymore.” 
You turned around and opened your eyes, looking up at him. You didn’t dare look at Y/BF/N barely moving body. You only knew he was still conscious because of his pained groans. You looked up at Jungkook who didn’t have a scratch on him. You couldn’t help but bury your head into his chest. 
You cracked your eyes open to see Y/BF/N getting up. He had anger in his eyes but that quickly turned into him cowering like a little bitch when Jungkook turned back towards him, fury in his eyes.
“You know what Y/N?...You aren’t...w-worth it. H-have fun with your downgrade.” he suddenly began limping. “Don’t come crawling back to me when he turns out to be nothing but a-” he coughed. “But a hack.” he walked off. “
“Good luck with that.” Jungkook rolled his eyes. “He had better hope that’s the last we see him.” he mumbled. You were still surprised by what you saw. Jungkook must have noticed this because his face slightly fell.
“Do you still want to be with me?” he asked. You looked up at Jungkook. “I promise you, I would never act like that towards you. I wouldn’t never hurt you. I’d go to great lengths to protect you no matter what. D-don’t look at me and be scared of me. P-please?” Jungkook whispered. You were confused, maybe a bit weirded out but you still weren’t afraid of Jungkook, even if you did just see him take out a guy who legit worked out every day.
“Y-yes.” you answered without another word. You looked up at him. “Y-yes I still want to be with you.”
Jungkook sighed with relief. He would protect you, keep you from anything that even posed a potential threat to you. He’d go through great lengths to keep bad things from happened, even if it meant he had to hide things from you to do it...even if it meant..
“Now that that’s over.”Jungkook sighed. “Why don’t we just stay in and order takeout.” 
(If I was allowed to, I’d make my Yandere requests a lot more sadistic...but until someone asks for that then...eh)
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thediverismylove · 5 years
i forgot that you existed — don’t like the beginning she sounds like a robot lol. “in my feelings more than drake”??? girl no thank you. not a big fan of this song. 3/10. fave lyric is “it isn’t love / it isn’t hate / it’s just indifference”; least fave is “in my feelings more than drake, yeah”.
cruel summer — love the production on this one! her voice sounds really good and i love the way she sings “cruel summer”. 8.5/10. fave lyric is “so cut the headlights / summer’s a knife / i’m always waiting for you just to cut to the bone”; no least fave lyrics here!
lover — the TENDERNESS of this song! love how easy and pretty and acoustic it it is. 9.5/10. fave lyric is “my heart’s been borrowed and yours has been blue / all’s well that ends well to end up with you”; no least fave again!
the man — okay “when everyone believes you / what’s that like?” wig! also when she’s like if i was a man…….then i’d be the man…….and the synths do That in the background? it does feel very Feminism 101 in the verses but the chorus is fun! idk i expected more from this one and it’s def fun but not an all time fave. 6/10. fave lyric is “i’m so sick of running as fast as i can / wondering if i’d get there quicker if i was a man”; least fave is “and they would toast to me, oh, let the players play / i’d be just like leo in saint tropez”.
the archer — SO gorgeous and vulnerable! love the gentle and introspective vibes of this one and how simple the backing track is. her voice is so pretty in this one! would love to hear this totally acoustic. 9.5/10. fave lyric is “i cut off my nose just to spite my face / and i hate my reflection for years and years”; least fave is the pre-chorus bit that’s similar to humpty dumpty you know the one lol.
i think he knows — ugh hate the intro again talky-singing works well for her sometimes but it really doesn’t work here. very bored by this one. it feels like it’s trying so hard to be fun but it doesn’t have particularly interesting instrumentals/synths/whatever and her voice is way too talky-singy for me here. the last chorus is kinda fun but not enough to fix the whole song. 4/10. favorite lyric is “he got my heartbeat / skipping down sixteenth avenue baby”; least fave is “he got that boyish look that i like in a man / i am an architect, i’m drawing up the plans”.
miss americana & the heartbreak prince — pretty intro! the talky-singing works a little better for me here. the pageant/prom conceit is fun. very amused by her still comparing her adult life to high school prom considering she left high school at like what 15/16 for music? jdeasjkkjcskjn it’s fun tho this song is fun. i have a feeling this one will grow on me. 8/10. fave lyric is “we're so sad, we paint the town blue / voted most likely to run away with you”; least fave is the “she’s a bad bad girl bit” lol 
paper rings — ooh fun intro! like whatever effect they have over her voice. this one has a really cool beat. like the kiss me once/kiss me twice bit. the chorus is really sweet! the tune is very dance-worthy. i could def see this being played in a romcom (cue me adding it to the playlist for my gay summer camp romcom). didn’t expect to like this one so much but i’m enjoying it a lot so far! idk abt the lyrics im not even listening that closely jfekwjakjnkjn i just love the beat and the effect they have over her voice. also can’t stop thinking about when rey @theglowpt2 said “wrap your arms around me, baby boy” sounds something the try guys would shout at each other lmfao. 8.5/10. fave lyric is “darling, you’re the one i want / and paper rings and picture frames and dirty dreams / oh, you’re the one i want”; least fave is “wrap your arms around me, baby boy” bc of aforementioned try guys energies making it humorous instead of cute as intended for me.
cornelia street — like her voice in the intro it sounds very pretty and soft! don’t like the weird synth thing going on at the beginning tho it’s giving me a headache. don’t like the way she launches into the chorus it feels very abrupt. “we bless the rains on cornelia street” lol is this a toto ref? this one is pretty underwhelming ngl. her voice is pretty in some places here though. would probably enjoy an acoustic version of this a lot more. 6/10. fave lyric is “and baby, i get mystified by how this city screams your name”; no least fave lyric but i hate those loud synth things at the beginning more than anything.
 death by a thousand cuts — totally thought this was gonna be a song about like. bitter ~haters~ or smth by the title. her voice is really pretty after the “my my my” bit! love the synths in this one. the line about the traffic lights…...wig! okay totally expected to not like this one but i kinda like it. laughing at her going “UNITED WE STAND” tho lmfao. this one will def grow on me. 8/10. fave lyric is “i ask the traffic lights if it’ll be alright / they say i don’t know”; least fave is “our songs, our films, united we stand / our country, guess it was a lawless land”.
london boy — oh excited for the absolute INSANITY of this one girls! DID SHE JUST REFER TO HER HOMETOWN AS SOCAL GIRL YOU ARE FROM PENNSYLVANIA!!!!! also so amused about she needs to reference the fact that she is american and her bf is british so many times. if i heard this song out in public i’d have to die. did she make a p!atd ref lol. unfortunate as hell but it’s kinda fun. 4/10. fave is none of it; least fave is all of it. 
 soon you’ll get better — oh this one is gonna make me SOB i just know it!!!! the vulnerableness of it all. thank you for a song about family ms taylor! the harmonies w the dixie chicks i’m ascending. this one is so so gorgeous and heartbreaking and the first song off this album that actually really made me Feel Something. 10/10. fave lyric is “the buttons of my coat were tangled in my hair / in doctor’s office lighting / i didn’t tell you i was scared”; no least fave!!! She’s Perfect
 false god — intro is fun! i like her voice in this one it’s #sexi. the line abt being nyc is funny lol…..girl what does that mean you are not a town what does that MEAAAAN. taylor swift said YES i fuck what about it in this song. the line about being the west village…...what does that mean? he’s expensive??? 6.5/10. fave lyric is “the altar is my hips / even if it’s a false god / we’d still worship this love”; least fave is “staring out the window like i’m not your favorite town / i’m new york city, i’d still do it for you, babe”.
 you need to calm down — i REFUUUUSE to listen to this song all the way it’s so corny and ridiculous. taylor rly thot she was doing smth w this one. 3.5/10. no fave lyric; least fave is like. ALL of it it’s very cheesy.
 afterglow — pretty vocals! love me some vulnerable songs. not much to say about this one lol. i like the chorus a lot. 7.5/10. fave lyric is “fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves / chemistry 'til it blows up, 'til there’s no us / why'd I have to break what i love so much?”; least fave is “tell me that it’s not my fault / tell me that i’m all you want / even when i break your heart”.
 me! — unpopular opinion but i actually prefer me! to yntcd. idk why i just feel like me! knows how ridiculous and silly it is but yntcd does not. maybe that’s just me tho? 4/10. can’t believe she killed the best line of all time aka “hey kids spelling is fun”...that was HILARIOUSLY BAD AND WONDERFUL AT THE SAME TIME. that would’ve been the fave; least fave is the awkward uncomfortable space where “hey kids spelling is fun” used to be.
 it’s nice to have a friend — very forgettable. her vocals here are pretty but the song overall is nothing special imo. do like the dreamy vibes tho! 4.5/10. fave or least fave lyrics tbh it’s just boring to me pretty but boring.
 daylight — WHY is taylor swift so obsessed w/ mentioning that some of her friends turned out to be dicks. absolutely OBSESSED w/ that edit that’s like “i wounded the good and trusted the wicked” over katy perry and karlie kloss respectively it’s peak comedy. very pretty vocals but has some unfortunate lyrics! 5.5/10. fave lyric is “i, i just think that / you are what you love”; least fave is “i wounded the good and i trusted the wicked / clearing the air, i breathed in the smoke”.
overall: probably like a 6.5/10? had some really great tracks like lover & the archer & soon you’ll get better but also some BAD ones like me!, yntcd, and i forgot that you existed. it was a fun time but not an all time fave. in terms of tswift album rankings i’m not sure where i’d put it yet get back to me on that one. anyways i’m gonna go listen to lucy dacus now bye
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kimchichigay · 8 years
first love with jaemin
dO YOU HEAR ME SCREAMING BEING NA JAEMIN’S FIRST LOVE AND HIM BEING YOURS MY HEArT alright before we start this is my first time making something like this so pls be patient with me
• ok this twerp would definitely be the kind to slyly drop a lot of subtle but not so subtle hints that he likes you before y'all started dating
• like for example he’ll tuck your hair to the back of your ears like its nothing and then flashing you his million dollar smile
• or him telling you some cringey pick up line that is worth punching his beautiful face for poor chenle nearly threw up his lunch when he overheard you both
• donghyuck, jeno and chenle makes sure to film everything down and probably make a meme out of his mishaps
• mark and renjun are probably just there for emotional support
• he’ll probably begin by wiping his sweaty (ew) palms on his trousers and nervously clearing his throat cORNY I KNOW
• you will most probably be like ??!??? at first but then you realise what was going on the second you saw the trash can moved behind jaemin. you knew this was bound to happen so you secretly kept it inside of you knowing too damn well jaemin will appreciate it if you pretend not to know anything for his sake
• this hopeless romantic smh
• “ok so y/n there’s this thing I’ve been trying to tell you all along. this may sound ridiculous but this takes so much courage from the bottom of my heart and the strength of jaehyun and yuta hyung’s fist to knock some senses into me. and if I don’t do this now johnny and ten hyung are going to call me a wimp and I have to buy them pizza later because I proved their point. I–”
• but who the hell said you were good @ keeping your mouth and excitement shut you can’t stand the tension anymore too either so lmaO
• “I like you too jaemin.”
• “pls do not interrupt me y/n”
• before he could say the three little words he’s been dying to say, he took a deep breath but stopped half way, opening his half lid eyes widely after his mind was able to process
• “wait what”
• “can I come out now???” jisung’s head pops out of the bushes
• long story short jaemin was finally able to claim your heart that day and jisung got ant bites from hiding in the bushes for too long with the bouquet of flowers jaemin planned to give you after his confession
• the dream unit with the exception of jaemin also found their new source of entertainment from the video they got that day
• he’ll get you small lil gifts of whatever reminds you of him
• he’d even turn up at your house at 2am with fried chicken if you text him at night saying you’re hungry GOALS YALL
• I call him dropping by your classroom during snack breaks/lunch breaks with food with him, knowing so damn well about your horrible habit of skipping on your meals
• he would force you to eat with him or at least take a few bites from the food he specially prepared/bought for you
• and didn’t he say he enjoys cooking in the dorm too?? imAGINE HIS HOME COOKED FOOD MADE WITH HIS LOVE
• I’m crying blood
• “say ahh, y/n”
• “jaemin I said I’m not hungry”
• “stop lying through your food deprived mouth and eat!!!”
• “jAEMIN!!”
• but lbr it’s either that really cute BF material kind of smile he be giving you through the window or that weird derpy smile he always has when he’s being dumb
• either way you’re embarrassed by this goofball
• and to add on to your embarrassment, he knows that some of your classmates may be watching the two of you so he’d blow kisses/make kissy faces at you
• he just absolutely loves to see you blush because it’s just so cute to him and he loves cute things especially you you’re his favorite cute thing and he wants to keep you by his side forever
• because jaemin has been receiving lessons from his hyungs on dating it isn’t surprising that he brought you to the movies on your first date not because it highly suggested by his hyungs…
• you both agreed to meet outside the movie theatre and he was there an hour early and boy was he nervous as heck
• the older members were also there for a little while to prep him up aw how supportive
• sO after giving him half an hour long of prep talk and re-styling his hair (for running through them anxiously mULTIPLE OF TIME) ITS FINALLY TIME
• pls excuse me for a moment here oh my god na jaemin is seriously one of the most attractive 16 years olds I’ve ever seen f U CK CALMD DJOWN
• ok lets get back
• “aigoo, my beautiful girlfriend looks even more beautiful than usual tonight. did you dress up especially for me?”
• I want to kms
• you’d just smack his arm and walk away, trying to hide your face. “let’s go buy the tickets before the show starts, you twerp…”
• the smile on his face would just become wider and he’d catch up with you, naturally reaching out for your hand and intertwining them together
• where the fuck did that nervous dipshit go and where the fuck did he find such confidence to become such a cheesy little shit
• jaemin also bought popcorn and drinks for the both of you and being the cheesy lil shit insist y'all share the drink with two straws while giving the excuse “i wouldnt be able to finish mine if we bought two” 
 • “I can buy my share myself” 
 • “nonono it’s too late for that now the movie is about to start and the line for the snacks is now really long lets go babe you don’t wanna miss out the beginning of the movie”
 • he holds your hand and leads you both inside the theatre and to your seats • “what are we watching again” 
 • “the conjuring 2” 
 • “hmm,, ok… wAIT WHAT” 
 • you stared at him wide eyed and jaemin suddenly looked remorseful and he regrets everything especially listening to his hyungs who probably learnt all their “techniques” and “moves” from watching too much corny chick flick and kdrama 
 • “sorry, I should’ve asked you. do you want to leave right now? I can get tickets to see another movie.” 
 • but your cheapskate ass just grabs him and pulled him back down in his seat but not letting go of his hand 
 • “its fine jaemin, ive seen the trailer and my friends say it’s pretty good. let’s enjoy this movie shall we? haha.”
• though your face say yes but heart say no, jaemin was reluctant but eventually decided to sit back down when the lights went off
• “but if the movie gets too scary and you dont feel like watching it anymore you can always tell me, ok y/n? we could have dinner early or something, i’ll bring you some place nice.”
• instead of watching in the beginning of the movie, jaemin was watching you the entire time with a stupid smile of his face despite worrying over the fact that you might be scarred for life
• eventually you caught him and you had to forcefully make him stare ahead at the big screen instead. at first he was pretending but soon enough he was immersed in it
• this dipshit istg
• when the climax of the movie came, you knew what was going to happen and you immediately grabbed jaemin’s hand while following your instincts and hid behind his shoulder
• he was caught off guard at first lmao since he was too immersed in the movie that he nearly forgot that hes on a date 
• after realising you had grabbed his hand and possibly squeeze it for as long as the climax part of the movie lasted, he blushed and tries to bite back a smile from forming on his face
• and when he turned to look at you, seeing that you’ve curled up in the seat, ears covered with your other hand and eyes squeezed shut, he was this close into melting into a puddle of goo because you looked so cute and squishy and he just wants to hold you 
• and he did 
• i am trying not to scream as i type this 
• he skillfully wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his embrace, stroking your hair as he teases you “aigoo my big baby i told you we should’ve watched something else instead.”
• you both went on to watch the movie like that, you clinging onto him like your life depended on it and him enjoying every second of it and lowkey wishes the movie to be longer
• when the creepy music in the background began to play as the second climax arrive, you were already gripping onto jaemin’s arm. being the perfect boyfriend material he is, he covered your ears. (BASICALLY JUST LIKE THE WAY SUNGJAE DID TO JOYIN WGM WHILE THEY WERE WATCHING A MOVIE I MISS THEM SO MUCH)
• but as soon as it was over (after all that exorcism and shit and everything becomes brighter), you’ll just look up and blush in embarrassment cos jaemin was staring back at you with a smug look on his face tHIS LITTL E SHIT
• you also notice that there are red marks on his arm from where you were grabbing him so you gasped and began apologizing for nearly tearing his arm apart during the movie while gently stroking his arm while rambling on and on about how sorry you are and also complimenting how he’s practically hairless 
• apparently you were rambling on too much that he couldn’t take it??? not in a bad wAY BUT it wasn’t just your rambles that was driving him crazy 
• it was your moving lips
• he kissed you 
• to shut you up 
• and to also finally man up and kiss you like how he should’ve 3 weeks ago when you both started dating
• mmMm gotta get me a guy like jaemin A++
• you were too stunned to kiss him back so you just stared at him wide eyed when he pulled away
• “i-what-huh-wait, jaemin-what-” you poor confused child
• “how did you know peach was my favorite flavor.” he wipes the corner of his lips as he said that with a shit eating grin, causing you to turn crimson.
• “what are you kids still doing here? the movie is over; leave.” 
• whoops 
• so basically that was how jaemin found his confidence and that was just only the beginning of this cute relationship and he just adores the heck out of you and loves you to bits you guys are practially engaged in his head and he hopes that not only you’ll be his first love you’ll also be his last iTSNT THAT THE CUTEST THING EVER
• i am crying blooODdd i hope you guys enjoyed this like how i enjoyed torturing myself ㅠㅠ
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Everything I felt when I went on a break with my bf
25/2 So I've downloaded tinder as you advised me too and ngl there's guys I'd swipe right for but I can't bring myself to do it like I don't want them to talk to me I don't want them to see me, what did that say about me then?? When 5 months ago I'd be all over this?? Spoke a lot to Elsa last night and she was so nice, gave really good advice and stuff and she thinks we'll be fine and so do I tbh it's just you now I think. I'm terrified you're gonna come back and call it quits but I'm gonna have to respect it. I get that we needed this, you more so than me but did it have to be now I can't concentrate on anything I really don't think this is enough to break us, I don't think that I would have entered into this without seeing a future that's longer than 5 months. I get we've been arguing but it's absolutely something we can get through if we both try to make changes. We need a really long discussion, a pros and cons list and a conclusion be both agree on. Otherwise that's it. I get summer will be very hard but I wouldn't break up with you just because there'd be long periods when we wouldn't see each other like I'd make such an effort to come see you and I'd like to think you'd do the same. This whole thing is horrible and I just want it to be over, I want you to fight for this bc although we have shit times I don't want to give up the good ones and I can't be the only one to do it because i can't put myself through it. I'm so conflicted with how to feel like I know it hasn't even been a day but it's constantly on my mind, obviously, so I'm not sure whether to understand, accept and move on or be like no. I have no idea what you're going to say when you get back bc you may claim the balls in my court but it's all you rn. So I think I'm just gonna prepare for the worst and start to let you go bc I'm gonna be selfish and say it's the easiest way to deal. I really don't know if I'm just being over dramatic about all this like you might just come home and be really chill about everything, I'm just not coping well at all. I love you so much, I'm really not ready for this to end. I don't want it back to how it was anymore, I was far too mean and closed off, I want to be able to express myself a lot better with you, before I was scared of opening up and getting hurt but now I'm starting to get that if I don't open up more it will end and me expressing myself better will make us better. I want what we have now without as much fighting. I want to relearn how to be independent from you but still being able to lean on you if I need you and I think you've nailed it but I'm getting there which is why I've had a problem these past few weeks. I want to learn how to sleep next to you and still have a good night sleep and vice versa. I get that you telling will and putting it n your chat that we broke up was you trying to justify why you did it but that really really hurt me and that'll take a while to get over. Also if you do decide to stay w me I'm going to be extremely insecure about everything for a while it's part of a deep seated need for constant validation and not to be hurt so you will have to decide if you can cope with this. By this I mean you'll just have to tell me how you're feeling for a while and I'll do the same until I'm (and you) are solid in us again. Tinders got me fucked up. I won't talk to anyone but I forgot how funny it is to swipe on people. I miss you I just want you to walk into the kitchen and tell me I'm stupid for looking at other guys bc I have you and you're all I want. Dw tho I swipe left on most I miss you I can't watch films and stuff where they kiss now it makes me too sad. I miss you so much. I don't want anyone else I just want you, talking to the girls tonight's made me realise I really don't want anyone else, you're exactly what I want and need right now I love you so much. I know we don't sleep very well together but going to bed with you is one of my fave things and rn I miss you more than ever. Also it was v awkward with will he was like 'you need to get under someone to get over someone' we both looked at each other and I was like hopefully not and he looked confused so I'm rolling with that. Otherwise it's been a really nice evening we watched a horror film with joe and will and it was okay, like I missed you but uni is okay without you I just want you back to make it 10x better, is that wrong of me??? I miss sex with you. I know you probs don't and that's fine but like I miss how close we were and the cuddles after. I miss kissing you and touching you. I just wanna lie in bed with you and kiss you for hours bc it makes me feel so good inside. Then I want to have sex so slowly and I can wrap myself around you and not let go. I miss you so much. This is gonna break me if you don't want me anymore. I'm so sorry when you read this, hopefully I'll chill out with all the paras during the week. I love you. Legit I'm so desperate to call you right now I need to hear if you're okay and this wait is killing me, I really don't know if I can handle missing and wanting you so much if you're not even thinking about me. If you read this and it provokes no emotions please put me out of my misery and leave me so I can get over it in my own way. I really need to start preparing for the worst like it's time I understood that maybe you can't deal with this anymore and I need to get used to the idea. I love you so much and if it means letting you go then I'll have to deal. 26/2: how have you managed to become the last thing I think about before bed and the first thing when I wake up?? I'm so scared you'll pull someone. It's that fear you're now unattached and you'll want someone new and better and I can't blame you. I miss everything about you and I hate that I can't let you know. I hate that I don't know how you're feeling and if I can help you it's heart breaking, bc the last thing I want is for you to be hurting. Tbh you might be absolutely fine, therefore if so ignore this bit. Is it weird I generally don't miss you too much when you're gone but like as soon as I see you it's like I can't describe. But now all I want is for you to walk through my door, get straight into bed and tell me you love me????? This is so therapeutic writing everything I feel down like why haven't I done this before??? I'm starting to think tho might not actually show you this, or at least rethink the timings, bc I don't think I could show you how embarrassingly needy I've been and then you split up with me. We'll see I've got ages to think about it. Blocked you on sc, I didn't like the anticipation of tapping through in case you've put one on. Like u know I'm defo overreacting here but idk I guess I'm just trying to get more space even though I don't want it?? I miss you. The uncertainty of what's gonna happen when we see each other again is not v nice, I think that's what's got me so fucked up bc I legit have no idea how it's gonna go down so I'm hoping for the best but preparing for the worst and it's a bit shit tbh. Defo gonna edit this down before you read this I'm such a clingy lil bitch. I'd fucking love some sort of sign that you're thinking of us, like right now that would ease this process so much, because I laid myself bare for you and you left so that's got my head fucked right up. I get that it's what you need and stuff but I don't know if you've stopped and thought what I need, you know I'll give you as much space as possible but a simple text at any point during this break would be enough. I'll never ask for it though I couldn't go against your wishes so I'm just going to have to wait. I miss you so much. I've got so insecure with us recently I just feel like your hearts not in it anymore, like you don't love me and that's why I think when you come home you'll be like nah bc what's the point putting up with a moody, irritating idiot if you don't love them. This is breaking my heart I need clarification of your feelings it's killing me. Everyone I speak to says well defo get back together like everyone here, everyone back home but it's so hard to think like that, get my hopes up for them to be completely crushed if you decide nah. I love you so much, I miss you like crazy. Getting over you is gonna be so difficult I hope I don't have to do it but if I do let's make this as easy as possible please. Sundays are for cuddles and I'm getting none I'm really missing you rn. Why am I glued to my phone waiting for you to text me when I know you aren't. Why am I waiting for you to walk through the door. I really want to talk to you like so much right now, I want nothing more than you to reach out to me. The worst is that I know you won't because you don't want to, you need space and I'll give it to you but I'm losing my head here. I've gone to message you so many times this past hour I really need to know how you are and what you're thinking. This is getting very hard right now I need you. Nah nah nah no fucking way are you reading this now, this is just for me. You'll do exactly what I hoped you wouldn't do and throw my feelings back in my face won't you. I think it's time I took a step back, a proper one and stop thinking about you. I hate how you make me feel. I hate that I'm doing exactly what you wanted and opening myself up more and you're fucking me off. Nah I'm over this for now. Come Monday I'm not thinking about you at all. I'm so angry at you, how dare you assume how I'm feeling, how dare you just tell me to be 'better than this' this is what you wanted and now you've got it YOU DONT FUCKING WANT IT. I'm so fed up I loved you so much and u defo don't want me anymore, so fuck you and fuck off. You've broken my heart and I hope you're happy. How can you hurt me so much but I still want to be with you. I still want everything that I told you to get you back after you broke up with me. I want everything with you even though you drive me up the fucking wall. It's because I love you so much and the only reason I'll put up with your shit is because I love you this much and if you don't feel the same don't you dare lead me on. I love you so much and I really don't want to lose you. As embarrassing as this is it's me watching ppl on Netflix being in love that's got me idk wishing I could turn around and just look at you, smile and kiss you. You know what tonight has tested me, you upset me and implied that you don't care which meant I've collected all your stuff ready for when you end it. But now I've calmed down I've reverted to desperately wishing that when you come home you'll still want and love me so I'm a little conflicted now. The one solid decision I have made is that you'll defo read this, whatever I write I'll send to you bc it's stuff i should be saying to your face rn and it just feels right. 27/2: So today feels different like I'm still thinking about you lots but I feel less emotional about it. Idk why maybe I've got over the first hurdle of the weekend and now it's like a new week and idk I just feel more chill about the situation. I'm starting to come to terms with the idea you are going to break up with me but I'm still, however much in vain, hoping you still want to give this a go. I know it's completely your decision and I won't object to what you decide and I would love to fight for you, believe me I would, I'm 100% not ready to give up on you. But I don't think I can, like i know myself and I know that I can't fight for someone who's broke up with my twice. Therefore I will accept what you decide, I'm just praying that you pick to keep me. I've been speaking to Lorna a lot about this, she's been surprisingly helpful about everything, usually she's no good with boy stuff, but I guess she knows me so that's pretty good. She's told me to make sure you know that as per usual I'm lashing out because I'm hurt, she said that you might not see that and I should tell you. I do hope you know me well enough that I lash out against you bc I'm really hurting, it must be very hard to take and I'm so sorry, my actions can be inexcusable sometimes and I hate myself but I just want you to know it isn't because I resent you for leaving or anything it's just hard to deal with. I am trying to change I promise but it will take time but I am so willing to fix this. She also says you might be feeling guilty? I know that's probs not true and you'll interpret my actions as blaming you for all of this and taking no responsibility and all that. So just know anything I say that's mean and stuff it is bc I'm hurting so much so please don't take it to heart (which is obviously so much easier said than done). If it helps I love you so much and I really am just lashing out bc I'm terrified that you're done with me. I'm missing you so much right now. My module leaders emailed me about attendance and I'm looking at getting rid of my implant and things are just getting a bit much. Obviously you'll see this as a 'I'm affecting your education and your life so we should break up' but actually it's more to do with me and how I haven't been myself so I don't want you to use this as an excuse to break up with me or an excuse to stay with me. I want you to stay with me because you want to and not for any other reason. I miss you and I don't know if you miss me and it's killing me. I woke up so good this morning as well but I'm regressing. Can Thursday just come now so I can be put out my misery, I just miss you so much. I do think you're gonna end it tho. There's been a lot of clues recently and I've defo picked up on them, so I am preparing for the worst. But I'm still praying that this break sorts your head out and we come back more solid than ever. I just love you so much and I don't want to let you go. If we do stay together this process of writing down my feelings is helping so much like rereading what I've already felt/ said is really so useful I'll use it to try and communicate better with you. Like not always but through times like this it has helped organise my thoughts and allowed me to just vent. And seriously I have no problem with you reading it as well because it's all the stuff I should be open with you about so I feel positive I can make a good change (if we stay together that is). Maybe because it's half way through and I've been without you for the same amount of time I have to wait to find out (potentially get you back). It's just a lot harder today and I'm missing you a lot even though I woke up okay which is so annoying bc I want to be okay and do as you say and not think of you, which you're probs doing perfectly, but I'm so shit at. I suppose it is part of my personality to fixate on things I can't control so while it may be easy for you to not think about me, I can't do anything but think of u. I want absolutely nothing more right now than for you to be laid next to me with my head on your chest cuddling you, I really miss you. You have no idea how much I want to tell you I miss you right now like I'm thinking constantly of how I can indirect you without properly messaging you and that's so shit of me like you ask me for space and all I want to do is do the opposite. Don't worry tho I'm too scared of rejection to actually do it. Ooo I forgot, I deleted tinder btw the novelty of having it back died off v quickly and it just made me sad and I wasn't swiping right or talking to anyone so what was the point?? Something you said the other day has got me annoyed actually, when you said you wouldn't cook for me because you can't enjoy your own food bc you're wondering how the other person likes it? that's how I feel most times, I always give myself the shittier option so you eat better. So that wasn't great to hear, but still I wouldn't make you do something you wouldn't want to do. I can't wait to have you back. Could really do with a massive cuddle rn. Is it weird that I've only missed sex with you once? All I've wanted to do for the majority of the time is cuddle you, I just want to snuggle into you and just lie there completely content. That's what I miss the most, that and your cute smile you do when you tilt your head up and close your eyes. Oh my god this is so gay, can't wait to see you laughing your ass off reading this (or not depending when I send it u). I'm eating all the food btw but I'll give you money dw. I'm literally the biggest idiot sometimes like why do I torture myself by looking through old photos and screen shots of us??? I love you. I miss you. There's not much else to say now tbh like everyone I speak to is like aw just give him space, you won't break up over this and stuff and I so desperately want to believe them and be like yeah we'll be fine, but I'm scared of not preparing for the worst. You never know tho so can Thursday hurry up the anticipations killing me. I do love you and miss you like crazy. I'm so close to messaging you tho and I have to stop myself every time, like just a simple I miss you text but I have no idea how it would be received so I'm refraining. I think the worst would be if you weren't thinking of me, like if I sent you this and you couldn't relate at all that would break my heart but it's something I can't control so I'm trying not to let it get to me too much. I know you don't like sleeping with me but I miss spooning with you so much like all I want now is to turn over and cuddle you, you're a pain when you're actually asleep but just before is the best time, cuddling you is my fave and I miss it so much. One of my goals seriously is to learn how to peacefully sleep with you bc i love waking up with you. Legit so close to messaging you, still in a half mind to do it like I just need to tell you I miss you but I can't. It's late I should chill,or send it idk. I'm so not chill it's hilarious. Finally deleted it, you've asked for space and I can't be selfish even tho I really want to don't be a twat. You know what it's one o'clock in the morning I'm allowed a moment of weakness, fuck it, feel free to ignore. Shit shit shit shouldn't have done that. 28/2 should not have messaged you last night, just made me feel 10x worse because it's got to be over after that. Defo in self preservation mode now. You now what it's been a good run, I'll miss you like crazy but i respect that you're done. I'd love to say I'll fight again for you bc I love you so much but i can't. I'd fucking love it for you to just come home and say you'll work at it but let's be realistic now. This is breaking my heart and I don't want it to be over. You know what if you claim your feelings are the same as they were when you text me over Christmas then how can you not be willing to fight for us?? Because I am, I know I say I won't and I probably won't but I'm ready to make changes and work at this because yeah it's nice to say don't change for anyone but I want to get rid of the shitty parts of my personality for you because I really don't want to lose you. You make me so happy and I love you so much, like I've done so much for you that will seem normal to most but are fucking ground breaking for me like I told my friends we were having issues like straight into the group chat bc I know they'd all be there for me bc they know how much I love you which is v weird bc they've always seen me as someone who doesn't care. I not only told my parents about you, I introduced you to my whole family after only 3 months???? Like wtf that's how I know we'll go long term bc never in a million years would I have done that for someone I felt more casual about, I wouldn't even have told them about u. So please don't throw away what we have you mean too much to me. This is so hard, can't wait for this break to be over it's so shit not knowing where you stand. (Also done some thinking and identified the cause of my anxiety but it's not really relevant to this). I've been thinking you know when you broke up with me and you were shocked that I wouldn't be friends with you, does that mean you're starting to see me more as a mate, like you're not in love with me anymore?? You're ruining my fave songs u rat. But you can't cry to animals so I'm gonna use that. Why are u never here when I'm freezing??? There's so many things I want to tag u in this is like the start of us all over again except now there's way more things to relate to. I miss you so much honey, like a massive amount, I hope you miss me too tbh. I love you so much and no matter the outcome on Thursday I'll just be happy to see you even if it is only short lived. I actually thought I was having a good day, I haven't thought about you that much and got a lot of my essay done. But now it's got too much. I just miss you so much all I want is for you to walk through the door, grab me, kiss me and cuddle me. Like so much I really don't want you to end this like at all, I know you've had doubts but I don't have them and I really want to work through everything with you bc I love you so much. Legit missing you so much rn. Urgh I'm listening to 90s hits and reading things from my youth and I've got that horrible nostalgic feeling you know that makes you want to either reverse 5 yrs or die. Sorry this isn't really to do with u I just had to write it down, I'm a changed woman now, so open with my feelings ew. Is it bad I can't remember the last time we kissed. Did we when we got back together for like 2 secs? I can't remember and that's got me fucked up bc if you break up with me then I can't remember our last kiss. Wow that's upset me quite a bit. Is it bad a cute little text from you rn would make everything?? 1/3 miss you. As if you've text me so much today this is weird, where do we stand? Who knows??? Not really much to say today tbh, been sooo busy w netball and essays and games that you've kinda been pushed from my mind. I can't really describe how I felt when I saw your name come up on my phone, surprise is probs easiest. Then you spoke to me for ages which was so weird. Like i found myself smiling a lot, it was really nice. No idea how tmrws gonna go now, we'll see. Was a lil bit pissed off tho bc will played the 1975 and sexual and I asked him to turn it off and he refused like I asked a lot and not in a whinging voice like I'm v big on my song association so regardless to how I feel about you I just didn't want to listen to them. What a rat. 2/3
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viralhottopics · 8 years
35 People Share Hilarious True Stories About The Time Things Went WAY Wrong During Sex
Found on AskReddit.
1. Middle of sex this girl goes, I can’t believe I’m cheating on my boyfriend for this.
One night stand in college. Middle of sex this girl goes, I can’t believe I’m cheating on my boyfriend for this. That put a damper on things.
2. She looks up and says Have I ever told you how much you remind me of my brother?
She’s in the middle of giving me head, pauses for a second, looks up and says Have I ever told you how much you remind me of my brother? She proceeded to get very upset that I lost my boner.
3. As I was climaxing, her Rottweiler licked my butthole.
I was having sex with my ex-girlfriend on her parents kitchen counter and as I was climaxing, her Rottweiler licked my butthole. Buckets.
4. She said, Mmmm….I’ve always wanted to fuck a black dick…. as she was on top of me. I’m a pale redhead with a red beard.
She said, Mmmm….I’ve always wanted to fuck a black dick…. as she was on top of me.
I’m a pale redhead with a red beard.
She just apparently figured that moment was the perfectly right time to let me know she’s always wanted to have sex with a black guy.
5. He ended up yawning during his orgasm.
A previous partner of mine was really tired while we were doing it but wasn’t really showing it until he ended up yawning during his orgasm. Never once before did I think someone would do their best Chewbacca impression to me while ejaculating.
6. Screamed, make me a baby! This was gay sex.
Screamed, make me a baby! This was gay sex.
7. You want a taste of this pepperoni? No. No, I don’t.
Old FWB liked to dirty talk (so do I ), but in one of our sessions, he kept referring to his penis as his pepperoni.
You want a taste of this pepperoni? No. No, I don’t.
Dried me up like the Sahara Desert.
8. At the moment of mutual climax she moans out her ex’s name.
Had to be at the moment of mutual climax she moans out her ex’s name. God, that’s a memory I wish had stayed buried.
There were tons of I’m sorrys and I feel so bads, etc. etc. etc. but for me it was like pulling the sword out after having not meant to run me through with it.
9. She interrupted sex to see of the old lady she was caretaking was still alive.
One-night stand. She just stops in the middle of the act, goes to the adjacent room naked and starts yelling “Mrs X, helloo… Are you alive? Are you breathing?”. Returns promptly and continues as if nothing happened.
Turns out, she was hired to take care of an elderly woman so she could live with her rent-free.
The old lady was found dead a day or two after that.
10. He screamed as loud as he could into my butthole.
My husband spread my ass cheeks…and got face real close to my butthole and just screamed. Like screamed as loud as he could. It was so violating for a second and then i died laughing.
11. I once dated a guy who giggled when he…finished.
I once dated a guy who giggled when he…finished. That was definitely unexpected the first time we had sex.
12. It was like having sex with an auctioneer.
My girlfriend is a talker. However, at one point, mid gasping orgasm, I always assumed I’d have a wide variety of sexual partners but if this is what you do then I don’t see it as a high priority! It was like having sex with an auctioneer.
13. She just broke down crying.
She just broke down crying. And it wasn’t just a few tears, but a full-blown crying. I held her tight telling her if everything was alright but she still cried for the next ten minutes. This was during fairly vanilla sex and we’ve done a lot rougher BDSM stuff before so it was confusing. I asked her if she forgot her safe word: No. Did I hurt you? No. What made you cry? I don’t know. It’s a mystery to this day and she can’t figure it out either.
14. She was on top and we were having a really good time when she says, I think we’re better apart.
She was drunk and we had just gotten back from a party. She was on top and we were having a really good time when she says, I think we’re better apart.
I completely froze and asked what she meant. She then explained why we work better apart while riding my completely still and rapidly deflating penis.
15. Her mom called mid-sex.
Her mom called mid-sex. She was expecting the call because of some family issue so when the phone rang while she was riding me, she looked at the caller ID, got off me and just said I have to take this, wait (she explained after the fact who it was and why she was expecting it, on the moment it was really unexpected for me).
The call lasted around 30 minutes and we were both sitting naked on the bed, her talking about something serious to her mom and me just awkwardly there with my now flaccid penis hidden in a cold and wet condom.
After she was done, it was clear for both of us that the mood was gone but she told me you should have finished without me. Yeah, I would have felt really weird jerking off right next to her while she was on the phone with her mom…
16. My tooth goes through my lip and I’m pouring blood all over us.
I met a girl on Tinder, and we went out a few times, she was honestly amazing and I fell for her pretty hard.
The last time we saw each other, it was late, like 3 or 4AM, and we were having sex in her room. She tells me she has a fighting fetish, and asks if I’m comfortable with it. I agree and we start getting a little rough, slapping and what not.
Out of fucking no where she winds up and punches me directly in the mouth. My tooth goes through my lip and I’m pouring blood all over us.
I freak out and run into the bathroom naked and covered in blood, and run into her roommate in the hall.
They start fighting and I grab my shit and slip out. Once I get to my car she calls me saying shit like I thought you could handle it and don’t be a pussy.
Haven’t talked to her since.
Edit: She saw this and messaged me. Fuck.
17. She said to me, Pretend like you love me.
My first time with her (I had known her for all of two days), she tried to finger my butt hole, bit my dick rather hard, and said to me (as we were having sex) Pretend like you love me and I just want to pretend like someone cares about me.
Absolutely none of those things were turn-ons.
18. She came really hard and then sharted.
She came really hard as I did too, her vagina clenched really hard (that felt like heaven) which then pushed my penis out and she sharted.
19. I told my girlfriend I love her dick.
Well it was something that I did… Was having sex with my girlfriend and I had an extreme head cold I kept saying the wrong thing all day and sneezing and all that gross shit.
But during sex she kept talking about how good my dick feels, that dirty talk kind of stuff I got close to her ear and just said in the most absolute serious tone I love your dick.She just stopped and looked at me and started bursting out laughing almost crying from how funny and serious I sounded. I sat there in disappointment of myself she just kept saying dick so the word dick came out of my mouth instead of vajayjay.
Not proud of myself.
TL;DR Told my girlfriend I love her dick.
Edit: My first majorly up voted comment thanks Reddit. And P.S. I did laugh along with her I was just dying inside as well. But its all good now.
20. One of my first girlfriends screamed harder daddy in the middle of sex once. We were both women.
One of my first girlfriends screamed harder daddy in the middle of sex once.
We were both women.
21. I managed to smash her mouth off the headboard.
When I got together with my (now ex) girlfriend we went back to hers quite drunk. In an attempt to show off my strength and sexual prowess I hoisted her up onto my face so I could eat her out and managed to smash her mouth off the headboard. Still finished tho, thank you drink.
22. Mid-fucking, she said I fucked Chris yesterday, too, with a huge grin.
Mid-fucking, she said I fucked Chris yesterday, too, with a huge grin. I don’t think I’ve ever exited a bed that fast. She forgot that it was her /previous/ bf who was ok with her fucking other men, women etc. How one forgets that youre not with the same person, I will never know. She seemed to remember Chris from yesterday lunchtime well enough though. Epic unamused face.
23. The most ridiculously thunderous QUEEF you could imagine lazily spat my previous cum back into my own mouth.
Me and my ex had been going at it for a while, I was nearly ready for round two so I thought I’d buy myself some time and go down on her quickly. As soon as my face was fucking aligned with her fanny, the most ridiculously thunderous QUEEF you could imagine lazily spat my previous cum back into my own mouth, my nose and in my eyes. Was NOT in the mood for round 2.
24. A fly, out of nowhere, swooped into my mouth.
One time my fiance was going down on me when a fly, out of nowhere, swooped into my mouth. I coughed loudly but didn’t want to ruin the mood. She looked up and saw… that I had coughed up the fly. There it was. On the side of my face, a dead fly covered in my saliva.
She started Wait is that a fl- I told her No and pushed her head back down.
Later, I would tell her the truth, and she found it hilarious.
25. While I was in the bathroom, he had gone to the kitchen and rubbed salmon on his dick.
He had initiated things and I took a moment to get ready in the bathroom. He wanted to start things off with a blowjob, so I get down on my knees and pull my hair back and lean in, and it hits me. This pungent smell. I’m like wtf is that? but I’m a trooper and I try to go for it anyway. But it reeks, it’s like the worst fish ever. Literally fish. Salmon. So I lean back and I’m like I don’t know what’s going on, but something’s wrong. He fucking bursts out laughing and yells GOT YOU!!!!
While I was in the bathroom, he had gone to the kitchen and rubbed salmon on his dick.
I still can’t even fathom why he thought that would be a good idea.
26. She started choking me and telling me she hates me right after telling me she loves me.
My GF started choking me before she came and started getting angry saying you fucking piece of shit, I fucking hate you. Immediately after she told me how much she loved me. This basically became our form of conflict resolution for about a year until it got a little out of hand…
27. He pulled out a razor kid and wanted to do bloodletting during the middle of sex.
I was having a one night stand with this guy from the bar. Everything was fantastic until he pulled out a razor kit and wanted to cut/do bloodletting during the middle of sex. I noped the fuck out of there.
28. She cuts one of the smelliest farts I’ve ever experienced
First date. She’s kinda drunk. I am going down, just chowing her box. She cuts one of the smelliest farts I’ve ever experienced. With my nose so close to her sphincter, the pure vinegar of it went straight up. It was like smelling salts, but worse. For a minute, I thought I was going to puke in a pussy. It was tough, but I powered through. Got laid.
29. Mid-thrust he turns to the screen and points out a continuity error on .
He and I love background noise, so we put on . Something easy to ignore, or so I thought. He loves friends, can quote the show. Mid-thrust he turns to the screen and points out a continuity error.
30. I whispered the word squirrel in her ear.
Alright, this is what I did to my wife, so she did not expect it. Hope that’s OK, because it’s been years, and she is still a little pissed.
So, we are in the middle of things. Nothing crazy, missionary position, but having a good time. She’s about to orgasm, and it’s obvious. So, I get an idea, because I’m a special kind of asshole.
I keep going, and when I can tell she is just on the verge, I lean in like I’m going to kiss her neck, and whisper directly in her ear, .
She is immediately WHAT THE FUCK?! and pushes me off of her. Apparently, the surprise and awkward nature of the situation killed her progress, as well as her mood. No orgasm, just confused anger.
I fully admit, I laughed my ass off, and I am a horrible person for it.
I have never done it sense. She is still a little peeved.
31. I have never gone soft quicker in my life.
About 8 or so years back I was a party hosted by a couple of good friends of mine. The wife of the couple tells me she wants to introduce me to her sister and heavily implies that a one night stand thing is probably on the table, so I bite and chat her up. She’s pretty cool, definitely into the one night stand thing and thats where the night heads. We are both pretty drunk in one of the spare rooms when I realize I don’t have a condom. Fuck. Her response was Don’t worry I’m a good mother and tries to get on top and mount me. I have never gone soft quicker in my life. I went and slept on the floor in the living room while she passed out on a princess single bed in my shirt.
32. The sex was going well and then the Ambien kicked in.
My ex used to get very horny on Ambien. I would always take it as well. One time the sex was going well and then the Ambien kicked in and I forgot what we were doing while I was inside her and couldn’t make sense of what was going on and she started talking about Mickey Mouse and orange ice cream trucks. Needless to say things went from good to weird very quickly. After that first wild experience, we used to play a game where we both take like 5 and see how far we could get before everything fell apart. Had some interesting nights with her doing that.
33. Oh shit my wife is home…I’m a guy and the chick turned out to be a lesbian.
Oh shit my wife is home…I’m a guy and the chick turned out to be a lesbian….this was years agodefinitely an experience.
34. We both immediately realized she had also lost bowel control in the peak of the experience.
One of my exes, years ago, was on top and REALLY feeling it. Way more than usual and usual was always impressive. She started like, spasmodically wearing it out and I watched someone literally have an eye roll back and show the whites orgasm…I was like I am a God until we both immediately realized she had also lost bowel control in the peak of the experience…
So, that was an awkward shower… there was no talking. I was ready to laugh my brains out, but if I did I knew she would cry for days. Poor thing.
35. She takes the full water bottle and pushes it deep up my butt.
I met up for a one night stand with a girl from Tinder; we were doing some pre-sex foreplay when she stopped completely to tell me that she likes to use strap-ons. I thought OK maybe I’d like it and why not give this thing a try, I tell her I’ve never done it before. She says I’ll need to work more up to it before we try this, so in order to see if I can handle it she takes a water bottle that was nearby and instructs me to turn around. She takes the full water bottle and pushes it deep up my butt, crunching and spreading its way up there. I will never look Aquafina the same ever again.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2iUWW5E
from 35 People Share Hilarious True Stories About The Time Things Went WAY Wrong During Sex
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