peentuba9-blog · 5 years
Is Your Sunscreen Killing Coral? The Science (with Video)
You might have seen that Hawaii has banned certain sunscreens that have been linked to coral bleaching. In particular, it’s the organic “chemical” sunscreen ingredients oxybenzone and octinoxate that have been banned. It sounds like a great victory for the environment, right?
But if you search a little past the headlines, you’ll find that there are actually a lot of coral experts and marine ecologists who aren’t happy with the decision. Why is that?
To find out, let’s look at the science behind sunscreen and its effects on coral.
Here’s the video – keep scrolling for the text version.
The concerns about sunscreen’s effects on coral come from studies on isolated coral samples, and the main possible impact is coral bleaching.
Coral live in symbiosis with algae (zooxanthellae) that live inside them. The algae are important to the coral because they absorb sunlight and photosynthesise to create nutrients to feed the coral. The algae are also responsible for the beautiful colours in coral.
But when the coral is overly stressed, it expels the algae, leaving the coral bleached and pale, and without their main source of food (algae provide about 90% of the coral’s energy). Bleaching is sometimes reversible, and if the stress is only temporary, the algae can return to the coral. But if the stress is prolonged or too severe, then the bleaching continues and the coral will eventually starve and die.
A lot of different stresses are known to cause coral bleaching. The main ones are temperature changes in water (usually as a result of climate change), ocean acidification, increased sunlight, and pollutants (e.g. herbicides and nutrients from farming, oil spills, silt).
Some sunscreen ingredients have also been found to cause coral bleaching in studies on isolated coral samples. The most studied filter is oxybenzone. Some of the key studies are:
Danovaro et al. 2008:
Hard corals bleached by octinoxate (1.98 ppm), oxybenzone (1.98 ppm) and 4-MBC (0.99 ppm)
All other compounds tested (octocrylene (1.98 ppm), octisalate (1.65 ppm) and avobenzone (0.66 ppm)) had minor or no effects
For non-sunscreening ingredients, butylparaben at 165 ppb caused bleaching, propylene glycol at 33 ppm had no effects
Bleaching was worst when sunscreen exposure occurred at higher temperatures
The ingredients could potentially cause coral bleaching by promoting viral infections
(Concentrations of filters are slightly ambiguous in the paper; concentrations are per volume)
Downs et al. 2016:
Oxybenzone causes bleaching and deformities in multiple coral species at 2.28 ppb – 228 ppm
The effect is worse in light
Fel et al. 2017 (symposium presentation, summarised by Wood 2018):
No effect from octocrylene, octyl triazone, ecamsule (Mexoryl SX) or drometrizole trisiloxane (Mexoryl XL)
Avobenzone had an effect only at highest concentration tested (5 ppm)
Zinc oxide had no effect at 10 ppb but caused bleaching at 1 ppm
Corinaldesi et al. 2018:
Uncoated zinc oxide nanoparticles caused rapid bleaching of stony coral at 6.3 ppm
Coated/modified titanium dioxide nanoparticles had minimal effect at 6.3 ppm
This suggests that it’s dissolved zinc ions that are harmful and not the formation of oxidising substances (like hydrogen peroxide), since it’s well known that titanium dioxide is more potent at forming free radicals in sunlight
The studies listed above have led to the headlines that sunscreen ingredients can cause bleaching at “extremely low concentrations”. But there are still varying degrees of “extremely low” that are relevant here:
ppm means “parts per million”, or milligrams per litre. This is the equivalent of one-fiftieth (1/50) of a drop diluted in one litre (around 1/4 gallon for you US people).
ppb means “parts per billion, or micrograms per litre. 1 ppb is a thousand times more dilute than 1 ppm.
ppt means “parts per trillion, or nanograms per litre. 1 ppt is a thousand times more dilute than 1 ppb, and a million times more dilute than 1 ppm.
These distinctions are important because, even though these numbers are tiny to us, they’re extremely important when working out the effects of sunscreens on coral relative to the amounts of sunscreen. The fundamental principle in toxicology is that everything can be a poison in large enough amounts, and everything is safe in low enough amounts. This is commonly summarised as “the dose makes the poison”.
In the studies, sunscreens were exposed to coral in the ppm to ppb range. And while these sound pretty low, other coral researchers have pointed out that these concentrations are much higher than those found in the vast majority of the environment.
For example, the lowest concentration of pure sunscreen filter used in the 2008 Danovaro paper that had an effect was 0.99 parts per million of 4-MBC (enzacamene), which sounds quite low – but it’s actually quite a lot.
Assuming that you applied 30 g (the recommended amount) of sunscreen containing 3% enzacamene on your entire body and it washed off completely into the water as you swam, you’d get that concentration if you swam in 909 L of water – about 3 bathtubs full.
To achieve 2.28 ppb of oxybenzone, the lowest quantity tested in the 2015 Downs study, your 30 g of 6% oxybenzone sunscreen would be diluted in 790000 L, or one third of an Olympic swimming pool.
These estimates are quite conservative, since it’s commonly found that people usually wear less than half of the recommended amount of sunscreen, and the amount that dissolves in water is far less than 100% (the 2008 Danovaro paper estimates that 25% of the sunscreen comes off in a 20 minute swim).
The ocean is also massive, containing 97% of the Earth’s water – 1.34 x 1021 L, which translates to 1.8 x 1011 L of water, or 70 thousand Olympic swimming pools for each of the 7.44 billion people who live on Earth. That’s also about 180 litres of water per grain of sand on Earth.
There are also ocean currents that carry away pollutants as they enter the water. So it shouldn’t be surprising that sunscreen is only found in almost undetectable concentrations in most of the environment (in the ppt range), or is undetectable.
But higher concentrations that realistically could affect coral have been found in some places, generally in secluded bays with hundreds of recreational swimmers in a small patch of water, like on popular beaches. For example, in Hawksnest Bay and Trunk Bay in the US Virgin Islands, concentrations of oxybenzone between 75 ppb and 1.4 ppm have been measured during busy times of the day.
It’s important to note that even though environmental concentrations are low, bioaccumulation can also occur. This is when the sunscreen ingredients build up in coral and lead to a higher concentration than in the water.
As well as the low concentrations, there’s another big question mark in the data. Unlike for other impacts on coral, there isn’t any solid evidence of sunscreens having caused harm to coral reefs.
There’s some anecdotal evidence from researchers who have seen that coral reefs in a few areas with more swimmers are more degraded than in areas with less swimmers, or with less sunscreen use – but anecdotal evidence is flawed, and there aren’t any studies with convincing evidence. This is very different from the headlines you might’ve read about how we’re all destroying coral with sunscreen!
In studies on sunscreen and coral, some researchers have tried to estimate the effects of sunscreen in the environment on coral:
Tsui et al. 2014:
In aquatic recreational areas in Hong Kong near snorkeling hotspots, it’s estimated that the risk of bleaching of hard corals by oxybenzone was 21% risk and by octinoxate was 11%
Danovaro et al. 2008:
An estimated 10% of the world’s reefs are threatened by sunscreen pollution
However this frequently-cited conclusion might not be warranted due to their assumptions – they base it on the fact that 90% of tourists are concentrated on 10% of the world’s reefs, and they say that their conservative estimate is based on tourists applying an average of 2 mg/cm2 of sunscreen to their entire body twice a day, when most studies have found that people tend to apply less than 1 mg/cm2
But a lot of researchers are of the opinion that the harm from sunscreen for the vast majority of coral reefs is actually minuscule, if you look at the bigger picture. Sunscreens don’t even rate a mention in recent textbooks and reviews on coral bleaching.
The much bigger threats to coral are climate change and agricultural management, and against these larger threats, banning sunscreens to save the reefs is a bit like rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic, or polishing a scratch on your doorknob when your house is burning down. It helps, but is it really worth doing?
Researchers Kelvin Gorospe and Austin Humphries at the University of Rhode Island point out that damage from sunscreen “is negligible against the backdrop of what really is threatening reefs […] climate change”. They advise that “if you want to do something to help save not only coral reefs but the ocean in general, sunscreens should not be high on your radar”.
These scientists are also critical about the sunscreen ban – it seems to be an easy way for politicians to show that they’re “doing something” and distract from the bigger, harder-to-fix issues of climate change and reef management.
While it may help, it’s insignificant and most likely a disingenuous (or at least misguided) way for governments to avoid dealing with issues with far great corporate interests involved. There’s limited funding for addressing environmental issues, and attention on the wrong things can distort people’s perceptions.
We seem to be losing sight of the real problems (warming / emissions), with growing focus on straws and sunscreen = displacement behaviors = pointless little things we’re doing bc we don’t wanna accept the real challenge in front of us. https://t.co/CWdxHt0zAb
— John Bruno (@JohnFBruno) June 28, 2018
If trading the fight against the many drivers of climate change for ditching your sunscreen brand sounds too good to be true, it’s because it is. Important op-ed in @projo by @URI_fisheries PI @ATHumphries and post-doc @kdgorospe. https://t.co/XIphFhdm5b
— Humphries Lab (@URI_fisheries) June 28, 2018
Another tokenistic aside to lull is into a collective delusion of #OceanOptimism and distract us from the real challenge of mitigating climate change, addressing which unsettles corporate mentality and related political camps as threatens ‘business as usual’
— Peter JS Jones (@PJSJones) May 27, 2018
Avoid harmful sunscreens if you’re swimming near coral
Sunscreen has pretty negligible effect, except perhaps if you’re planning to swim in an area close to coral. In those situations, you should try to maximise your use of other types of sun protection (shade, sun-protective clothing) so you can minimise your use of sunscreen. For the exposed areas, look for sunscreens that don’t contain ingredients that have been found to be harmful to coral, or contain lower amounts.
Common sunscreen ingredients:
Harmful: oxybenzone, octinoxate, enzacamene (4-MBC), zinc oxide
Minimal harm or no effect: octocrylene, octisalate, avobenzone, octyl triazone (Uvinul T), ecamsule (Mexoryl SX, drometrizole trisiloxane (Mexoryl XL), titanium dioxide
Unknown: bemotrizinol (Tinosorb S), bisoctrizole (Tinosorb M), diethylamino hydroxybenzoyl hexyl benzoate (Uvinul A Plus), ensulizole, homosalate
Some safe sunscreens:
It’s important to make sure you read the actual ingredients of the sunscreen, and don’t just look for labels like “reef-friendly”, “biodegradable” and “non-biodegradable”. Lots of “reef-friendly” sunscreens mistakenly assume that organic (“chemical”) sunscreens are harmful while inorganic (“mineral”) sunscreens are safe, even though zinc oxide has been found to be worse for coral than many “chemical” sunscreens, and some even contain oxybenzone.
Note on zinc oxide: Zinc oxide is toxic at around the same concentrations as the organic sunscreens (except oxybenzone), but it’s typically used at much higher levels in sunscreens (up to ~25% zinc oxide vs. below 10%/closer to 5% for organic filters). And although only zinc oxide nanoparticles were tested in the published studies (the particle size used in the Fel study is unknown), it’s possible that “non-nano” micronised zinc oxide will have this effect too (depending on how the zinc comes into contact with the coral) – one paper suggests that it’s to do with dissolved zinc ions, and both micro- and nano-zinc oxide release similar amounts of zinc ions.
Biodegradable also doesn’t mean reef-safe – both zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are non-biodegradable (again, they are often mistakenly labelled as “biodegradable” even though they don’t break down), but one is harmful while the other is relatively safe.
To minimise the amount of sunscreen that washes off your skin, choose sunscreens with high water resistance and apply them 20 minutes before you enter the water.
Act on climate change
More importantly, you can try to help with climate change. While climate change is a huge and scary problem, there are are a few things you can do to try to help:
Cut down on the biggest contributors to your personal carbon footprint: for most people, these are driving cars, going on long-haul flights and eating meat.
Opt for a green energy provider
Vote for political parties who recognise climate change as a threat, and whose policies address the problem
Contact your local representatives about climate change. If you feel like your voice isn’t heard, it might make you feel better to know that because most people stay silent, they assume that one opinion represents the views of multiple people.
Further Reading
Corinaldesi C et al., Impact of inorganic UV filters contained in sunscreen products on tropical stony corals (Acropora spp.), Sci Total Environ 2018, 637–638, 1279–1285. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.05.108
Danovaro R et al., Sunscreens cause coral bleaching by promoting viral infections (open access), Environ Health Perspect 2008, 116, 441–447. DOI: 10.1289/ehp.10966
Downs C et al., Toxicopathological effects of the sunscreen UV filter, oxybenzone (benzophenone-3), on coral planulae and cultured primary cells and its environmental contamination in Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands, Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 2016, 70, 265–288. DOI: 10.1007/s00244-015-0227-7
Gorospe K & Humphries A, To lather or not to lather? Providence Journal, 27 Jun 2018 (accessed 29 July 2018).
Gregory K, Hawaii bans sunscreens with chemicals that damage coral reefs, but Australia reluctant to follow, ABC News, 4 May 2018 (accessed 29 July 2018).
Jovanović B & Guzmán HM, Effects of titanium dioxide (TiO2 ) nanoparticles on caribbean reef-building coral (Montastraea faveolata), Environ Toxicol Chem 2014, 33, 1346–1353. DOI: 10.1002/etc.2560
Tsui et al., Occurrence, distribution and ecological risk assessment of multiple classes of UV filters in surface waters from different countries, Water Res 2014, 67, 55–65. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2014.09.013
Wood E, Impact of Sunscreens on Coral Reefs (open access), International Coral Reef Initiative, 2018.
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Source: https://labmuffin.com/is-your-sunscreen-killing-coral-the-science-with-video/
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peentuba9-blog · 5 years
Embraced by Lilac
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When spring rolls around I turn into a blossom hunter. I stalk and capture (in photographs) my chosen prey of flowers in every corner of my region. No blossom is to be spared! With all of the cherry blossoms, apple blossoms, and magnolias blooming lately my feed has been very pink-hued causing a few people to dub me a pastel blogger (they clearly don't follow me in autumn!), so I'm excited that there are more flowers beginning to bloom in our region. Deep purple lilacs, bright yellow rapeseed and chain trees, even more bluebell woods; all of which should prove I'm not loyal to pink or really any particular color palette! I do admire people who can stick to a set editing style or color palette for their photographs, but to do so is to fight nature. Nature produces every color in the rainbow and varies wildly throughout the year. This is why my preset packs are divided into the four seasons and why my feed isn't consistent because I'm not a pastel blogger or an autumn blogger--I'm a seasons blogger! Even if I only took photographs on my in-laws apple farm that scene varies wildly through the year, right now it's a soft light green of new buds and pale fading blossoms, in summer the green is richer and stronger and come autumn the branches are heavy with deep red Katy apples and sunburnt Bramleys of green and gold. The woods by me right now are blanketed with a confetti of white wood garlic and dusky bluebells, but in autumn they'll turn rust and gold and in winter they'll be bare and brown. To me it just makes sense to attune myself to these natural cycles; letting my wardrobe echo the shades I'm seeing and spending time in every season forest bathing to absorb the subtle changes from week to week and month to month. You see the landscape change not just season by season, but year by year as well. The bluebell patches by us come back more lush and vibrant each year spreading further and further until they resemble a sea of bowing blue, while conversely one of my favorite green passages was destroyed by a farmer who tore down all the ancient trees leaving an open dirt track behind where shadowy greens and lace-like cow parsley used to beckon. While some things are lost forever there's also new areas to be explored and new marvels to be found. Spring is beckoning you outdoors with the cry of starlings and a zephyr of elusive lilac brushing your cheek.
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Source: http://www.aclotheshorse.co.uk/2019/05/embraced-by-lilac.html
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peentuba9-blog · 5 years
People Share Embarrassing Things They Said to Celebrities in Viral Twitter Thread
Imagine crossing paths with your favorite celebrity, opening your mouth to ask them a question, and...saying something entirely idiotic instead. It happens more often than you might think, as one viral Twitter thread recently proved.
Twitter user @rachyymarshall opened a Pandora’s box of embarrassing moments when she asked her followers, “What is the stupidest thing you’ve said to a celebrity?” To break the ice, she added a memory of her own, along with video evidence: “I once told [Lady] Gaga she looked like MARY Antoinette. I meant Marie.”
It didn’t take long for other people to join the conversation, and soon, a viral thread was born. One person, for example, was so overwhelmed with excitement when they met Brendon Urie, the only thing they could ask was when the last time the singer ate chicken nuggets. This fan asked Taylor Swift if she was actually a hologram (lol what?), while another Twitter user revealed they yelled “Hey, Kylie, can I get a picture?” to Hailey Baldwin. Omg no!
And the hilarious stories kept coming. There were anecdotes about Niall Horan, Daniel Radcliffe, Harry Styles, and Shawn Mendes. Memories surfaced about total “foot-in-mouth” comments and odd (yet arguably creative) explanations of name spellings. Even YouTuber Tyler Oakley joined in the fun with an LOL-worthy moment involving former President Barack Obama.
The moral of the story? We all say embarrassing things from time to time, especially when filled with an adrenaline rush from meeting an iconic celebrity. I’m sure that even celebs have some awkward stories of their own; after all, it happens to the best of us.
Let us slide into your DMs. Sign up for the Teen Vogue daily email.
Want more from Teen Vogue? Check this out: 47 Awkward Celebrity Yearbook Photos You Need to See
Source: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/embarrassing-things-said-celebrities-viral-twitter-thread
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peentuba9-blog · 5 years
Vanessa Hudgens on the Life Lessons She Learned From Her Father's Death in 2016
Vanessa Hudgens’s father, Gregory Hudgens, passed away from cancer in 2016, just before Vanessa was to perform as Rizzo in Grease Live! At the time, Vanessa tweeted about the loss, saying, "I am so sad to say that last night my daddy, Greg passed away from stage 4 cancer. Thank you to everyone who kept him in your prayers."
Now, Vanessa is opening up about the impact his death had on her life, and how she’s taking the lessons she learned in her twenties and carrying them with her into her thirties. V talked to Haute Living magazine about this major transition; she turned 30 on December 14 and celebrated with a Lord of the Rings-themed birthday party.
“At 25, I felt like I had life figured out. Like, ‘I’ve got this, I’m great at life; I understand how to do it.’ And then, at 27, I woke up on my birthday and felt like I had no idea who I was, what I stood for, what I was doing with my life. I felt kind of lost,” she told the magazine. “I realized, ‘I am not a child anymore. I am not a teen. I am fully an adult, and there are so many responsibilities that come with that.’ I felt extremely overwhelmed.”
This realization was followed by the loss of her father, something that would challenge her to change her perspective and grow as a woman. “I had so many high moments, but I lost my dad. [My boyfriend Austin Butler] also lost his mom. We dealt with a lot of death.” Vanessa was able to take that tragedy and turn it into a life lesson, saying, “I felt like [the death of my father] really pushed me to expand and grow as a person, whether I liked it or not,” she explained. “I feel like those moments are really great to have because they force you to reassess your life, what you believe in, what you stand for, who you want to be.”
The interview isn't the first time she's talked about her dad's presence in her life and how she's coped since his death. Back in 2017, she told People: "I talk to him constantly. I just continued to do what I love. He was such a supporter of allowing me to continue to follow my dreams without him driving me to L.A. for auditions all the time...without him I obviously would not be here, in many ways."
And Vanessa does have several exciting career moments in the pipeline, from appearing in the currently out film Second Act alongside Jennifer Lopez, to playing Maureen in the upcoming live production of Rent. As she told Haute Living, " I feel very empowered and very scared because I know there are big things ahead of me."
Let us slide into your DMs. Sign up for the Teen Vogue daily email.
Want more from Teen Vogue? Check this out: Dream Cast Alert: Charles Melton and Vanessa Hudgens Were Added to the "Bad Boys" Film
Source: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/vanessa-hudgens-life-lessons-learned-from-father-death
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peentuba9-blog · 5 years
Help Us End Child Hunger #RealFoodForChange
Hey guys!
As a mommy of two growing kiddos, and a #WholeLifeWellness advocate, I’d love for you to join me in supporting Beech-Nut and No Kid Hungry’s new campaign to end childhood hunger in the United States.
Continue>>> To kick off their new partnership, Beech-Nut and No Kid Hungry have created a video to shed light on food insecurity among children under the age of five. More than 13 million children in the United States live in “food insecure” households, which translates to roughly 1 in 6 children who are living with hunger. Beech-Nut will donate $75,000 to No Kid Hungry during the campaign. Additionally, for every video view, Beech-Nut will donate $1 to No Kid Hungry, up to $10,000!
The video is powerful and emotionally stirring because it features real moms… real people… people just like you and me, that are struggling to provide whole, healthy food for their young children. You’ll gain perspective and a burning drive to help make ‘no kid hungry a reality in America.’ Please watch it now, and share across your social media platforms! About Beech-Nut Beech-Nut Nutrition is dedicated to conserving the goodness of nature and is one of America’s leading companies providing safe, nutritious food for babies. It sells a wide variety of products that are natural, organic, and GMO-free. Beech-Nut baby food has been producing baby food since 1931 and was recently awarded 2015 Product of the Year in the baby food category by the Consumer Survey of Product Innovation USA. Beech-Nut Nutrition is owned by the Hero Group, a private consumer goods conglomerate based in Lenzburg, Switzerland. Visit www.beechnut.com for more information.
About No Kid Hungry No child should go hungry in America. But 1 in 6 kids will face hunger this year. No Kid Hungry is ending childhood hunger through effective programs that provide kids with the food they need. This is a problem we know how to solve. No Kid Hungry is a campaign of Share Our Strength, an organization working to end hunger and poverty.
Source: http://www.curlynikki.com/2018/09/help-us-end-child-hunger.html
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peentuba9-blog · 5 years
Cliffside Winery Wedding in Santorini with Romantic Pampas Grass Decor
It’s easy to dream up a romantic wedding when the bride already has a romantic disposition on life in general! Aleks, the lovely bride in question, told us how the inspiration behind her and Chris’ wedding began long before they met as she took a solo drive through Big Sur. Just a girl on a journey for answers to life’s big questions and great wine, she often booked last-minute trips to California to wander around wine country without a map. It was one of these such trips where she found a new sense of tranquility overlooking the magical Pacific Coast.
Fast forward a few years…I don’t remember how or when I stumbled upon the beautiful Caldera views of Santorini, but it reminded me of my “tranquil place.” Chris took note and incorporated all the things I love into our wedding planning right from day one. The day he proposed we drank the same wine we had on our first date and had dinner at Komi, an elevated Greek Michelin Star restaurant in Washington, DC. Exactly a year after our engagement, my dream became a reality as it all came together: the Caldera, the sea breeze, winery on a cliff, and my soulmate by my side. That “tranquil” feeling I’d return to in my head transformed into a moment we will remember forever.
What a journey, right? With the help of Tie the Knot Santorini, Aleks + Chris planned an intimate wedding at Venetsanos Winery in Santorini. And lucky us! We get a peek into the day thanks to beautiful photos by Anna Roussos—let’s have a look!
Cliffside Ceremony
Literally Aleks’ dream wedding! Betty Flowers Santorini‘s pampas grass designs just amplify the romance of it all!
Our Favorite Memory From The Wedding
It is hard to pinpoint just one, but my heart was overflown with gratitude as we made our way down the stairs to see the decorated venue before all the guests arrived. Seeing everything come together with the beautiful backdrop in the background had made me feel as if I’m dreaming.
Isn’t she beautiful in that sleek BHLDN gown?
The Romantic Reception
When choosing the elements of our wedding day we focused more on creating a feeling. We had an intimate group and wanted to create an intimate experience, but one that would also play on all the senses. The design definitely accomplished this while the music, food, and drinks came together to create the perfect night.
We’re kind of in awe. So much to love! The menus by Bright White, the flowers weaved into the chairs, the romantic lights, the view…we could go on!
Not even real!
Loving the flexibility of the space + floral installs. This pretty cake by PetranArt found the perfect frame in the ceremony arch!
It just doesn’t get any better than this. Congrats to Aleks + Chris from all of us here at GWS!
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photography: Anna Roussos // venue name: Venetsanos Winery, Santorini, Cyclades, Greece // event design: Tie the Knot Santorini // planning: Tie the Knot Santorini // florals: Betty Flowers Santorini // wedding dress: BHLDN // bride's shoes: Jimmy Choo // hair stylist: Marianna Nomikou // makeup artist: Renia Bledaki // groom attire: Hickey Freeman // paper goods: Paper Culture // catering: Spicy Bites // cake: PetranArt // furniture rentals: Spicy Bites // music: Multimedia Events // menu + name cards: Bright White // arch + peacock chair: Weddings & Whimsy Santorini
Source: https://greenweddingshoes.com/cliffside-winery-wedding-in-santorini-with-romantic-pampas-grass-decor/
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peentuba9-blog · 5 years
Dancing into the night at this rose gold ballet wedding in Australia
Photos by Rick Liston
Zara met Daniel met when he came to dance at her Ballet School in Canberra, Australia. The wedding itself was inspired by their latest trip to Italy after they had fallen in love with the Tuscan countryside. They chose The Stones venue because it reminded them of Italy and incorporated soft pinks and rose gold into their color palette (a new "blush and bashful?!" — I hope so!).
Zara had two dresses made by a designer in Russia sight unseen and they turned out so well. Whatever you do, don't miss the groom's gorgeous pink suit and the bride's filigree rose gold leaf heels.
Read on for more from Zara on how their rose gold ballet wedding near Melbourne all went down…
My gown was made in Russia by a beautiful designer, Milva, who I found online following my first local dress fitting, after which I felt a tad despondent about how much I'd have to alter all the dresses I tried on in order to even remotely resemble and reflect my taste. When I searched on Pinterest to find more of what I was after, I came across a gorgeous design. It took hours to locate this picture to the designer but finally I managed to track down the website and immediately got in contact with her via email.
After seeing her range of very unique and stunning dresses, it was so hard to choose the exact one for me, especially as I wasn't able to try any of them on. But Milva was able to describe each of the dresses I loved and how I would feel in them on the day. She also asked me lots of questions about the setting of the venue so she could picture exactly what I was after. I finally made a decision to purchase a beautiful soft pink gown with a milk lace overlay. The dress felt very elegant to wear and the quality of the fabrics were divine. As I wanted to dance all night, I also decided to get a very pretty and more fun short wedding dress made by the same designer.
As for my husband's attire, he has been an Arthur Gallan fan for some time, and he was beside himself when he inadvertently walked up the stairs of a 'local tailor shop' in a little side street in Toorak near the same corner of Arthur's boutique store to then be greeted by Arthur himself. Daniel couldn't say no and the rest is now history. He wore a stunning tailor-made pink suit designed and made by Arthur himself with fabrics ordered from Russia and Italy to complement the wedding dress.
Personalized vows make for a very special and emotional moment that you and your guests could never forget given the verity of words coupled with a moment of raw emotions that just cannot be anticipated. We would also love to especially thank Rick Liston, Andrew Redman, Nick and team from Rutherford Entertainment, Victoria Jade, Milva and Arthur Gallan, for going above and beyond in so many ways and bringing our dreams for this wonderful special day to fruition. Given our line of work and the number of hours we commit, we are not often 'out there' kind of people, however, these wonderful people truly made us feel comfortable and worthy of the attention that such a day bestows on you.
A great wedding is made up all those who special and who love and support you. And for this we would also like to acknowledge all our family and friends who very presence contributed to such an amazing day and evening.
Stationery: Giant Invitations • Photographer: Rick Liston • Videography: Michael Braun, friend of the couple • Celebrant/Officiant: Andrew Redman • Florist: Victoria Whitelaw • Dresses: Milva Russia • Shoes: Ralph and Russo • Styling: by the couple, Zara and Daniel • Groomsmen’s suits: Arthur Galan • Hair: Sammy Fyfe • Makeup: Victoria Jade • Ceremony venue: Stones of the Yarra Valley (Chapel) • Reception venue & catering: Stones of the Yarra Valley (the Barn) • Cake: Miss Lady Bird Cakes, Melbourne • Entertainment: Saxophonist and DJ from Rutherford Entertainment
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Source: https://offbeatbride.com/rose-gold-ballet-wedding/
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peentuba9-blog · 5 years
Justin Bieber’s Dirty, Dirty, Dirtcore Hair Is No More
Jayne Kamin-Oncea/Getty Images
Gone but not forgotten.
Some sad news—just for us, apparently. The rest of the world is so damn excited to learn that Justin Bieber has shaved his head. Turns out we were among the select few that approved of the long, greasy, tangled, looks-like-it-was-maybe-cut-with-dull-scissors hairstyle he rocked this summer. Which, as far as we're concerned, is kind of the wrong take—because it looked so much better than those salon dreads, or that extremely precious undercut. Bieber’s insane-o dirtbag hair was great because it captured everything we love about summer (mainly: the not giving AF) and because it showed us that Justin Bieber is reaching that stage of personhood when you’re OK being whoever you happen to be. Justin was feeling himself! And we were feeling that.
Whatever the case, despite the fact that we liked it, Bieber is now back to looking handsome with a buzz cut. We will never hate on the buzz because it's a style move that always kills, no matter how famous you are. We’re just going to sit here and say a little grooming prayer that Bieber continues to keep it loose and easy, even as he embarks on new, slightly more traditional hairstyles. Because caring too much about your hair is worse than rocking a gentle bird’s nest atop your head. We should all be able to agree on that, at least.
Source: https://www.gq.com/story/justin-bieber-got-a-buzz
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peentuba9-blog · 5 years
Sacagawea Changed the Course of History and Deserves Respect
President Donald Trump’s attacks against Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) have been relentless since his campaign began. Trump has called her “Pocahontas,” attempting to use the name as a racial slur to fire up his base — but his usage is actually an insult to this country’s Indigenous people, some of whom have even been present when the president has taken a jab at Warren by using the name.
Pocahontas's name is not an insult, but he is using it as one. Pointed requests from a plethora of Native voices that he stop disrespecting Pocahontas — myself included — have done nothing to stop his disrespectful references to a young Native girl who was kidnapped, held hostage, and raped by European invaders.
The disrespect continued in January when a member of his party, Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL), referred to Warren as “Sacagawea.” Like Pocahontas, Sacagawea was a real person, one whose life is directly tied to America’s colonialist history.
Yet another attempt from the right to turn an Indigenous person’s name into an insult didn’t go unnoticed. Newly elected Native Representative Deb Haaland (D-NM) addressed Gaetz on Twitter, reminding him of Sacagawea’s rightful place in American history and calling his remarks “offensive and hurtful.” (Haaland even offered on Twitter to meet with Gaetz to discuss the matter.) Seemingly in return, he appeared to dismiss Haaland and took jabs at yet another woman of color, Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).
While many people are more familiar with Pocahontas, Sacagawea seems to be less often discussed in pop culture. But her life greatly influenced the country we live in today. So just who was she?
The woman known as Sacagawea, whose name has seen varied spellings, was a member of the Lemhi band of Shoshone. When she was about 12, she was captured by Hidatsa buffalo hunters and brought to their lands near present-day Bismarck, North Dakota. Sacagawea was integrated into the Hidatsa people (now part of the Three Affiliated Tribes, Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara), and adopted their culture and language.
“Cagaagawia'sh, in Hidatsa, or Birdwoman, in English, has become an important figure in both American Indian history and identity and as an icon of the women’s suffrage movement,” Alisha Deegan (Hidatsa/Sahnish), a citizen of the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation in North Dakota, and the interpretation and cultural resource program manager at Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site, tells Teen Vogue. (Deegan notes that “Cagaagawia'sh’s name is often misspelled and misused,” saying these variations exist because misidentification is “not something new to the first people of this continent.”)
“She was one of three wives of Toussaint Charbonneau and went along with her husband on the Lewis and Clark Expedition because of her ties to the Shoshone Nation. There are many questions about Cagaagawia'sh and her life, but what we do know demonstrates that she was an amazing and strong woman,” Deegan says.
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were explorers charged with surveying the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase — a vast swath of land between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains and from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico — by President Thomas Jefferson in 1803. He also hoped that they would discover a Northwest Passage that would connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans through continuous waterways. This important expedition would influence the shape of the United States, on the map and as an economic power.
About a year later, Lewis and Clark reached the Hidatsa-Mandan settlement, where Sacagawea was living with her husband. Initially, Lewis and Clark were primarily interested in Sacagawea’s skills as a translator, for the continuation of their expedition, since Sacagawea was fluent in both the Hidatsa and Shoshone languages. With Charbonneau, a French-Canadian fur trader who spoke French and Hidatsa, and another member of the expedition who knew French, Sacagawea would enable Lewis and Clark to converse with the Shoshone people, from whom they needed to purchase horses. Sacagawea was also acquainted with the wild terrain and potential dangers they would face along the rest of their journey.
When Sacagawea joined the expedition, she was only about 16 years old and had a 2-month-old son. She would travel with them for two years, from October 1804 to August 1806, from North Dakota to the Pacific Ocean and back. She was the only woman in the group of 33.
She accomplished her duties as a translator, but she did so much more than that. Sacagawea would prove invaluable to the expedition. When a boat capsized, it was she who remained calm and maintained the wherewithal to rescue key papers, books, navigational instruments, medicines, and other necessities. She taught expedition members about medicinal native plants and was a natural survivalist who knew how to identify edible roots and berries. Clark would later call her his “pilot” because she was such a good navigator and knew the land so well.
Sacagawea was also a peacemaker when Lewis and Clark encountered Indigenous people who had never seen a white man before. This young Shoshone woman with a little baby in her arms helped to ease Native tension, uncertainty, and suspicion.
Even though Lewis and Clark arguably never would have completed their government-funded mission without her, Sacagawea was never compensated for her service. Her husband received 320 acres of land and $500.33. Sacagawea returned to what would later to be known as Dakota territory and died after giving birth to a daughter. She was just 25 years old. Clark took guardianship of her two children, though it is not known whether her daughter, Lisette, lived past infancy.
Her name can be found on maps today: Lake Sacajawea, in Washington state, and Lake Sakakawea, in North Dakota, are named after her. Monuments and statues of her supposed likeness exist, including one in Washington, D.C. She was an inspiration for the women’s movement for equal rights, as many have considered her a role model, and the face of the National Woman Suffrage Association in the early 20th century. Sacagawea’s likeness is even on a dollar commemorative coin, first issued in 2000.
Sacagawea’s influence cannot be understated. What she did in her short life, and in the face of so much risk, was nothing short of incredible. Her work helped establish the modern makeup of this country. Dishonoring her memory is not only wildly inappropriate but also unconscionable. Attempting to use her name in a racially derogatory manner exacerbates a mounting litany of genocidal devices used to erase, oppress, and exterminate American Indians.
It is unbecoming of anyone, especially those holding public office. And everyone, including non-Natives, should demand an apology for the misuse of her name. There is an epidemic of missing and murdered Native women on the North American continent, and their continued dehumanization is vile. The fact that the remains of Olivia Lone Bear, a Native woman who went missing for nine months, were found in Lake Sakakawea exemplifies this connection between past and present. We must defend all Native women, regardless of their time or place in history.
“We have suffered and endured, but we still stand strong,” Deegan says. “Everyone can do their part by being conscious of the terms they use and how these words can affect others. The first step to creating change is being aware that using these terms and names in a derogatory manner is not okay.”
Get the Teen Vogue Take. Sign up for the Teen Vogue weekly email.
Related: Treaties Between the United States and Indigenous Nations, Explained
Check this out:
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Source: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/sacagawea-deserves-respect
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peentuba9-blog · 5 years
As an apple shape, what should I look for in jeans?
There’s one thing we know for sure: a great-fitting pair of jeans belong in every girl’s wardrobe! Rocking an apple shaped frame? Your perfect pair is out there, and we’ve got all the deets to help you find them.
Read on for the best jeans for your apple shape.
Seek Out Your Ideal Silhouette
Skinny Jeans Show Off Your Legs
As a rule of thumb, apple-shapes tend to be slimmer throughout the leg, which means you look especially amazing in a pair of skinny jeans. Try them at an ankle length, hitting right above the ankle bone. Showing some skin between your ankle and shoe will give the illusion of mile-long legs
Like wearing your jeans full length? Not a problem! Just make sure they don’t bag at the ankle/foot, as this shortens your frame.
Try Boyfriend Jeans for a Relaxed Fit
Boyfriend jeans are a tried-and-true silhouette that looks good on everyone. Plus, the relaxed fit through the hip and thigh makes them oh-so comfy! Choose a boyfriend jean that cuts a little slimmer in the leg–affectionately known as girlfriend jeans. They will still give you a loose, comfortable fit without concealing your leg line.
Stylist Tip: Balance out a relaxed fit with something a little more fitted up top. Apple shapes look amazing in a v-neck top as they narrow the shoulders and draw the eye upwards. 
Create Balance with Bootcut Jeans
A bootcut jean or pant is another great choice for an apple shape, as the slight flare at the bottom balances out a wider upper body. Again, the inseam is key for elongating—your jeans should hit right at the floor to create a fluid, lengthening line.  
Choose a Mid Rise for Extra Length  
Select a mid-rise to keep you looking long and lean as it will hit your waistline at the perfect spot to avoid muffin top. A low rise can enhance a muffin top and shorten the look of your legline, while a high rise can disguise your waistline.
Add Stretch For The Perfect Fit
The higher the cotton content in your denim, the higher the possibility that they will stretch out with wear. Denim that contains a spandex, lycra or poly blend is ideal for an apple shape. These blends help your denim hug your curves in all the right places without stretching out for the perfect fit every time you wear them.
Choose a Dark Wash for a Streamlined Finish
Denim washes are key to finding the perfect pair of jeans. Dark denim will be your best bet as it highlights your legs and narrows your hip and waist. Steer clear from whiskering which will widen your hips. If you love distressed features, keep them at the knees and ankles for the most flattering look.
Need a new pair of jeans? We’d love to send some your way.
Source: https://blog.stitchfix.com/ask-a-stylist/best-jeans-for-apple-shape/
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peentuba9-blog · 5 years
Back in 2014, it was a simpler time in the blogging world. rewardStyle had just been created – it was an exclusive affiliate platform that allowed bloggers to earn commission on the clothing they featured on their websites. You posted a picture of your outfit, linked out to each product, and earned a commission on your sales. Easy. Today, the game is mostly the same + a heavy dose of steroids.
A few years later, liketoknow.it was born. It’s essentially the tool rewardStyle uses to allow members to earn those same commissions via Instagram. Snap your picture, log into the app, link the featured products, then post your image + affiliate link. By some kind of third-party wizardry magic, ‘liking’ or ‘double tapping’ the image would generate an email with all of the links to products featured in the post.
If you’re an avid DS reader, you know I didn’t use it much. In theory, it’s a great feature. As a consumer, I loved being able to shop from my Instagram and get a detailed email with product links a few minutes later. But as a creator, I found it more of a hassle than anything else and I loathed seeing LTK on every post I scrolled through.
Cut to a few months ago, when everything changed. Instagram got rid of all third-party affiliates and LTK lost its damn mind. An email went out imploring influencers to inform readers to stop ‘liking’ content (wut) and instead, visit a separate host site they had created for consumers to shop looks. There, you could follow your favorite bloggers and shop their looks all in one place. Hard stop. You do you, but I gotta continue doing me. And this blog does not survive on affiliate commission alone. I partner with brands that I love, want to share with you, and that keep things rolling over here at the DS headquarters. Social media and affiliate platforms will come and go. What will remain are the self-hosted sites you continue to visit on a daily/weekly basis (like District Sparkle). So while you can find my profile over on the LTK page where, yes, you can shop, you will also always be able to shop my looks directly from District Sparkle. And you will continue to be able to find details for all looks, flat lays, beauty products, etc. on my blog.
Questions, comments, concerns? Share with me in the comments section, below.
follow District Sparkle on bloglovin’ + subscribe to the newsletter.
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Source: https://districtsparkle.com/wtf-is-ltk/
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peentuba9-blog · 5 years
I decided to bite the bullet and dig into the new brand called Flesh Beauty. Flesh Beauty is owned by Revlon and is available exclusively at Ulta and Ulta.com. There’s an impressive 40 shade range of foundation that does seem equally proportioned in terms of tones (fair, tan, deep, and dark).
Here are the products I in my first impression and review.
Flesh Firm Flesh Thickstick Foundation in Tiramisu // Flesh To Flesh Highlighting Powder in Rise // Tender Flesh Blush in Fever // Swipe Flesh Lip Color in Tender
Source: https://www.misswhoeveryouare.com/2018/07/flesh-beauty-review/
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peentuba9-blog · 5 years
Cody Fern Explains Portraying the Antichrist on "American Horror Story: Apocalypse"
American Horror Story has certainly had its share of terrifying villains over the years (Twisty the Clown still gives me nightmares TBH). However, it could be argued that AHS: Apocalypse might have brought fans its scariest character yet with Michael Langdon, AKA the grown-up demon child from Murder House AKA the antichrist. I mean, you can’t get much more evil than the literal spawn of Satan, right?
It turns out that Cody Fern had some pretty wild ideas about his character leading up to filming the current season. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, the actor revealed that showrunner Ryan Murphy didn’t exactly divulge all the details of his role when he initially signed on. “[Murphy] told me that I’d be playing this character who would have very long, blonde hair and an affinity for capes,” Cody said. “The way that he described the character was as if he was the protagonist, and that Sarah [Paulson]’s character — who I now understand is really Venable and Cordelia — is the antagonist.”
Yep, you read that right; Cody was under the impression that he’d be playing a character who, in his words, “ultimately was a good guy.” The actor even thought his name would be Elijah Cross; he didn’t realize that he’d be portraying Michael until receiving the final draft of the script. Once Cody got to his costume fitting, however, he knew something was up. “Everything was so dark and chic with the red scarves,” the actor told THR, adding that when he learned his character’s real name, he knew what he was about to walk into.
This isn't the first time that Murphy has seemingly "tricked" his cast for the purpose of character development. Earlier this year, Emma Roberts told Variety that, while filming Coven, the showrunner had told all of the actors portraying witches that they were each the Supreme. "We were all walking around like, 'Ugh, no one knows, but I’m the Supreme,'" she said at the time. "And then later, we all told each other."
As for Michael Langdon, Cody still doesn’t think that he is 100% evil (and neither do the fans, some of whom believe that the character’s good side might actually win out before the season’s end). As Cody explained to THR, “I’m not looking at [the world] through the eyes of someone who is evil or malevolent, or who wants the world to end. I’m looking at it through the eyes of someone who is lost.” He added that Michael has been hurt and abandoned in the past, and has been looking for guidance. “He wasn’t born with this idea that he has to end the world. He was born with a compulsion and now that compulsion has become personal.”
As for where his journey will go, Cody didn’t say much (after all, AHS is known for its unexpected plot twists at every corner). But he did tease that the season’s conclusion is “satisfying and overwhelming and fun and tragic,” adding “there’s going to be a battle and it’s going to be surprising. It’s not going to go the way we all think it’s going to go.” Luckily, with only a few episodes left, it won’t be much longer before we find out.
Let us slide into your DMs. Sign up for the Teen Vogue daily email.
Want more from Teen Vogue? Check this out: 13 AHS: Apocalypse Fan Theories That Might Explain What the Hell Is Going On
Source: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/cody-fern-portraying-antichrist-american-horror-story-apocalypse
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peentuba9-blog · 5 years
Gigi Hadid Wore the New "Cage" Lingerie Trend at Rihanna's Runway Show
Remember when we introduced you to the "cage" lingerie trend? Well, the complicated look certainly seems to be picking up steam, as we've just spotted it on none other than Gigi Hadid during Rihanna's runway show for her Savage x Fenty line. The trend boasts criss-cross details that resemble a cage, and can be seen on Hadid's bra and underwear during the over-the-top runway show, which included interpretive dancing. (Cape and knee-high stockings optional). 
Gigi's sister Bella also showed off another one of Rihanna's beautiful creations: a bra with corset detailing and a lacy skirt attached to a garter belt. Meanwhile, the woman of the hour, Rihanna, took her bow in a ruched brown dress and strappy heels. Scroll down to see looks from the new Savage x Fenty show. 
Source: https://www.whowhatwear.co.uk/savage-x-fenty-runway
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peentuba9-blog · 5 years
The Best Tips for Nailing the Interview
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I asked and you answered! I wanted to compile the best advice and tips for any kind of interview you may have coming up. It's going to get good...
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Warehouse: Windowpane Check Dress in Navy / Warehouse: Windowpane blazer in Navy Check / Urbancode: Fur Mittens with Chains / Chanel: Ballet Flats / Louis Vuitton: Poche Document Portfolio Case
Before we hop in, just wanted to take two sentences to talk about my outfit. I love wearing a matching set and this definitely fits the bill! I mean who doesn't love a good windowpane dress/balzer combo that's also rather affordable? I feel like wearing something similar to this to an interview is dressed up (but not too much) without being old and boring about it! Also this post gave me a pretty good excuse to break out my LV portfolio that was a wonderful gift from my mom around the time I moved to New York!
So lets hop into the meat of the post and share your (and mine!) best tips for interviews. Thought I would break it out into before, during and after to-dos and tips. There are some really helpful and valuable lessons here that you can apply to a ton of places in your life. I hope it may help whomever is reading this.
Before: Do your homework on the company, the interviewer and the industry And I don't mean just reading their "about us" page -- really take a deep dive into the company. What are their core values? What is their mission statement? Their history? Their plan for the future? Same for the industry -- where has it been, where can it go? How can you or the company help to get there? For the interviewer, don't stalk them but get to know what they've done (LinkedIn is a good place for this!)
Practice, practice, practice.  Get ready for the commonly asked questions like "tell me about a time when you didn't agree with your supervisor"or "tell me about a time you didn't succeed" -- you know the ones I'm talking about! We all ask the same questions with a similar degree of difference. So prepare for that! Mock interviews with friends, mentors, family. Practice in the mirror. Use flip cards -- whatever helps you the best!
Get ready to talk money.  Even if it doesn't come up in the interview, it's best to be prepared. Know your worth, be ready to defend it. Be strong, brave, steady, calm. Know the industry and do your research on your position. What is fair, what is doable. And practice these negotiations! You can do it -- you just have to fight for it.
Power Pose.  Do it early and often.
Arrive early. Arrive so early that nothing could have a chance at making you late. There is nothing worse than someone who is late. Arriving early is curious and it shows you care.
Think of meaningful questions to ask.
Prepare to ask some questions! This interview is a two way street and a conversation. They want to see you've done your homework, came prepared and have really put thought and emotion into your interview. Ask them the easy things like what they like best about the company but also don't be afraid to ask some hard hitting questions like what about my resume/experience most concerns you.
During: Be nice to everyone in the building. This should be you all the time always. But you never know who is who and also being nice and happy makes you a happy person!
Don't have your phone out. Seriously, turn it off, burry it in your bag and don't even think about it until you're out of the building.
Have a firm handshake. Aint nobody want to hire a dead fish.
Listen. Don't be thinking about the next question, your answer form before, what you're having for lunch -- just LISTEN. And listen with intent. Lean in, show them with your eyes and body language that they have your attention. Take in what they are saying, understand it and use it to help you in the interview.
If you have a phone interview...  Stand up and move around-- it will get your energy up and it will come across in your voice. And always always always smile when you're talking. Do this in person too! You can hear it in your tone and voice and it will also help you relax and feel happier.
Overdress. I'm not talking like a gown or anything but it's always better to be overdressed than under. Even when applying to a casual office, it's always best to look your best. Plus you FEEL better when you're dressed up. Wear your power color, wear what makes you feel good!
Bring your paperwork. Not talking about the boring stuff -- but your resume! Bring a hard printed copy of your resume, your cover letter and even some samples of your work. Put it in a folder for them to keep and bring multiple of them. You never know who might pop in and you always want to have more than not have enough.
Be real. Be yourself.  Obviously be yourself (always) but be real in your responses and weaknesses. I know growing up we're taught to share our lowest strength "my weakness is being a perfectionist!" -- people just see right through it. Be honest with your responses (that you've thought about and prepared!!) and share a real flaw or weakness and share how you're either working on it or how you've been able to overcome it.
Don't talk badly. About your previous employer, your boss -- anyone! Talking bad about other people in general is no way to showcase yourself. It only in turn hurts you and how you look.
Remember your body language. This goes hand in hand with being confident/faking confidence -- let your body language speak for itself. Sit up straight, lean in when appropriate, maintain eye contact -- the main things to showcase you are interested, eager and confident in yourself and your ability.
Answer the question. Make sure you always answer the question. Don't skirt around, be straight forward (don't ramble in general) and make sure what you've said answered every part of the question. There is nothing worse then waisting time and still not getting an answer to what you were looking for.
Listen, think, pause, answer. Never be afraid to take a moment to answer a question. Think about what you're trying to say, take a moment to yourself, calm your nerves -- it's ok!
After: Say thanks. Wether it be via email or personal note card, always make sure to follow up and thank the person/people who took time out of their day to meet with you. In general this is good practice and is almost so common now it's a big strike against you when you don't do it. It's never too early to send it but don't wait longer than 12 hours to do so. Also, never send from your phone! A good rule in general. If you don't get hired, don't be afraid to ask why. Every loss is a learning experience (just got that from Game of Thrones tonight lol). Ask them what you can do better for next time, what you can work on, their thoughts on your interview -- people are always happy to help and give feedback where they can.
And a favorite tip: be early, honest and hungry
Do you have any more tips to share? Would love to hear them below!
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Source: http://www.coveringbases.com/2019/01/the-best-tips-for-nailing-interview.html
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peentuba9-blog · 5 years
Lakeside love at sunset at this Ithaca farmers market wedding
Photos by Alexandria Photography
Offbeat partner: Rebecca, High School Chorus teacher
Offbeat partner: Shyla, College English + Literature professor
Date and location of wedding: Ithaca Farmers Market, Ithaca, NY — August 7, 2016
Our offbeat wedding at a glance:
There was no specific theme per se. We did have a specific color scheme of plum, turquoise, and burnt orange. Our bridal party — we called them our "friends of honor" — was coed and we let them pick their outfits as long as they were purple or turquoise and then we supplied the "pops of orange." This was cool because everyone brought their own flair. My MOH got her dress made for herself in Nigeria (she is Nigerian) and another friend worked his family kilt into his outfit. Rather than floral bouquets for the bridal party, we used lanterns (IKEA lanterns which we painted), so that it wouldn't be gender-normative.
We tried to have meaning and community in all of our choices. My shoes were hand-painted by my good friend who is a silk artist, the rings were made from diamonds from my grandmother's pin by a friend who is a jeweler, the ring pillow I made from the lace from my mother's wedding dress that my two aunts also wore, the cake was made by our two friends (and life lesbian mentors), our guest book my mother made, our engagement photography was done by our maid of honor, and all of our music was made by our friends as a gift, It was definitely a perk of graduating from music school (even my mother played the cello during our ceremony)!
Tell us about the ceremony:
Our ceremony was on the water (Cayuga Lake) at Ithaca Farmers Market (the reception was in the pavilion to follow). We had a "Y" aisle so we could both walk down the aisle at the same time. Both of my parents brought me down and Shyla's mom and favorite professor/mentor walked her down. We met at the middle of the Y and walked the rest of the way together. We had a chuppah to represent my Jewish heritage made by our florist, and our ceremony was officiated by my college voice teacher (and amazing life mentor to us both).
The ceremony began with a reading of one of our favorite children's books "Peace is an Offering" by Annette LeBox. This was followed by a very special unity ceremony. Both Shyla and I quilt so we asked all of our guests to bring a small pieces of fabric to the ceremony that was special to them (we also had extras which we offered at the beginning). We collected these while my mother played my favorite Bach prelude on the cello. We then promised our families we would make a quilt to represent the community that these pieces of fabric represented.
We wrote and read our own vows (so emotional!), and finished the ceremony by both jumping the broom (an African American tradition) and stomping on the glass (a Jewish tradition). We left our ceremony venue to an acoustic version of "Love on Top" while our guests blew bubbles.
Tell us about your reception:
The reception was wonderful! It started with a very low pressure cocktail hour — with AMAZING food. Can you say fresh rolls, mac and cheese tarts, and dumplings? For beverages for the night we had sangria, wine, and beer, and mocktails — neither Shyla nor I are big drinkers and this was the perfect compromise.
We had an amazing dinner (complete with vegetarian and vegan options), followed by speeches by our best friends of honor, and family. Our first dance was to "Ribbon in the Sky" which was magical, and my father and I shared a wonderful dance to "My Funny Valentine," something we have been looking forward to since I was young. The dancing was a blast, with a great combo of a playlist we made ourselves and live music from our extremely talented friends.
We had a gorgeous lighting scheme in the pavilion set up by our amazing caterers, and instead of flowers we had lanterns at our table settings (reflecting what we did for our friends of honor). Cake was made by friends, with lesbian cake toppers we found online, and was absolutely delicious. We gave our friends of honor all homemade notebooks (by my mother) with individualized notes in them. Our friends ended the night by spontaneously making a circle around us while we danced!
What was your most important lesson learned?
The biggest lesson we learned is to trust your friend-vendors. We read a lot of things warning us about not using friends as vendors (and we did in a lot of ways), so we were nervous about them not coming through. They all did amazing jobs. If you are confident enough in your friend that you ask them to be a part of your wedding in such a big way, be confident that they won't let you down!
Photography: Alexandria Photography • Engagement Photography: Carmen Ladipo • Flowers: Plenty of Posies Farm • Catering and decor: Serendipity Catering • Guestbook: Passionato Books • Music (one of many musicians): Travis Knapp • Venue: Ithaca Farmers Market • Sound System: McNeil Music
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Source: https://offbeatbride.com/ithaca-farmers-market-wedding/
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peentuba9-blog · 5 years
Palace and Ralph Lauren’s Long-Awaited Collab Is a Love Letter to Unapologetic Style
After teasing out news of the partnership for a while, Polo Ralph Lauren and Palace have finally revealed their full collaboration in a video lookbook. It's full of Palace-branded cars throwing up dust in the desert, picturesque horses and mountain vistas, and clothes that are sure to inspire line-ups around the globe before they (almost instantaneously) sell out.
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Among the standout pieces are a printed pajama set, a pair of boldly patterned and embellished smoking slippers, and, of course, a Polo Bear sweater involving what looks to be a kickflip—the perfect piece for skaters and Lo Lifes alike.
In a statement, Palace wasn't shy about its RL fandom: "Palace Ralph Lauren is a timeless collection that represents a love letter from a young London skateboard company to their favorite brand in the universe."
According to Hypebeast, the collection is available November 9 on Palace's web store, and will also be available via the Ralph Lauren app in North America, in addition to select RL, Palace, and Dover Street Market brick-and-mortar locations.
Source: https://www.esquire.com/style/mens-fashion/a24399329/palace-ralph-lauren-collaboration/
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