#I actually lowkey forgot about the 5 drabbles fic though that should probably go on Ao3
allalrightagain · 2 years
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#there’s a famous-in-certain-circles person with the same spelling as my name and it was very surreal when it first started being brought up
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OH YES character ask game i was hoping it’d find its way here!! remus and harry please ❤️ (and/or anyone else you have Thoughts about!!)
XD Thank you! Remus and Harry are good ones haha. This took me forever to nail down specifics and I still didn’t succeed, this is the best I’ve got lmao. Under a cut because I think this is even longer than the last one 😂
favorite thing about them
I could write a whole essay on each of them—how/why I project on them, a hundred little things I think about regularly— but I will try to keep it short. What sticks with me about Remus, over and over, is how much he’s able to do with so little. He is going through it literally every day. I liked Remus a lot in initial reads, but it wasn’t until I returned to the books and fandom that he really started standing out to me. A direct quote of an annotation from my last reread (Dec ’19, which I never finished) just after he’s introduced says
“Not only is Remus a dementor hotspot as it is, but Lupin’s summer goes something like this: accepts job working at hogwarts, sirius escapes, he gets on the hogwarts express (without any of his now dead or imprisoned best friends for the first time ever) falls asleep, wakes up to a spitting image of his dead best friend and a dementor outside the door, best friend’s son who he hasn’t seen since said best friend died passes out on the floor and then Remus has to come up with a happy memory?? It’s really no wonder he doesn’t notice Peter is Scabbers. He’s got too much on his mind. Like grief.”
He has seen so much, and yet despite everything he still keeps moving, keeps fighting, keeps showing up when he absolutely is not expected to. All of his little gestures, the reaching out to grab Harry’s shoulder and then thinking better of it, there’s just so much going on in his head all the time and at least 60% of it is angst (and it should probably be a lot higher than that).
Harry has been my comfort character for almost longer than I can remember— that’s not an exaggeration, my dad read the first three books out loud to me the year I started kindergarten and I reread them every summer until the last book came out when I was in middle school. I have, no joke, spent more time thinking about him than the entirety of my college major and current career combined. I think the same resilience we see in Remus stands out in Harry (a HUGE portion of DIWF planning was outlining similarities between the two for a reason— they are absolutely mirrors), the same desire to be kind, to care even when it seems foolish. If I had to pick one single thing, it’s that; the empathy he offers to others (almost) no matter what. and on the few occasions he doesn’t, I was well ahead of him in telling them to fuck off
least favorite thing about them
Voted most likely to give his kid daddy issues :( I love him dearly but at the first sign of a hiccup Remus’s instinct is to be anywhere but here and justifies it by doing something productive wherever that “not here” is. See: reading during SWM, resigning from Hogwarts, the werewolf packs, the horcrux hunt.
Excepting the epilogue/CC which I do not count against him, of course. Idk if I even have a least favorite thing. Everything that comes to mind I immediately justify lmao. I guess he can be a bit of an asshole, and he’s very quick to judge the good guys from the bad guys, which mostly works out in his favor but sometimes means he justifies things he shouldn’t (or hates someone without much cause).
favorite line
Hard-pressed not to pick the scene where Snape and Remus (and Harry) discuss the Map in POA without Remus copping to anything. OR possibly “No one’s going to try and kill you until we’ve sorted a few things out." Love scary!Remus.
Too many to count— I just spent like 3 hours rereading bits and pieces and I’ve given up trying to pick just one, or even a couple. He’s got some really great sass backs, particularly to Snape, Malfoy, and the Dursleys, plus a couple really upsetting lines like “People don’t like being locked up” or “Parents,” said Harry, “shouldn’t leave their kids unless — unless they’ve got to,” but I genuinely don’t think I can pick a favorite.
Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs <3 Although I do like Remus and Lily as friends.
Ron. 100%.
Ok this is just going to look like an unpopular opinion answer, but I love Remadora and Wolfstar about the same. Also Remus/Tonks/Sirius I love a lot. James/Lily/Sirius/Remus goes in honorable mentions.
Hinny :) Drarry I’ll read but you have to sell me on it a bit unless I’m in the mood.
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11 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
Diversity win! Your nb coworker just won a sports argument with you thanks to knowledge gained from fandom!
13 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
Hate that I’m working when I desperately want to get out resurrected Lily/James have to live with 30 something Remus/Sirius and also Harry
14 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
Out of the Woods (Wormtail Week Day 1)
Life continues after the ending of every story, happy or otherwise.  Or: Peter has a plan, after everything falls apart. He isn't totally sure if it's going to plan, though. Peter Pettigrew/Petunia Dursley Post-Halloween 1981, cheating, getting together
Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Petunia who dreamed of getting out. Out of town, out of the house, out of the way of her perfect, peculiar sister and her strange, special friends.
Unlike them, Petunia didn’t have magic to whisk her away from life as she knew it; it took time and hard work and a calculated “miracle” or two (oh that’s so funny! I just happened to…), until she got a wedding and a king and a castle far, far away, just as she’d always hoped.
But then, of course, fairy tales don’t tell the story after the Happily Ever After.
At first, it was perfect. They had a darling, delightful prince, and Petunia got to decide what foods to eat, how much to clean, what their garden should look like.
And so she cooked and she cleaned and she gardened and she cared for their son, and when she was done for the day, Vernon would return and she would do half of it over again.
Her parents died, leaving her the keys to a kingdom she’d renounced long ago. As ever, she did what was right, what was expected, and her amazing, absent sister couldn’t be bothered to show.
She kept the keys to the house she didn’t want in a little box in the kitchen, just in case. She didn’t know what it was in case of, especially once Lily had died and left her nothing but another baby to care for, but just in case of something. She knew better than anyone that anything was often well beyond the scope of the expected or the imaginable.
And sure enough, one winter afternoon, she found a rat in her kitchen.
She’d only just put the boys down for a nap (and what a hassle that was with two of them! Each setting the other off crying again when they’d almost fallen asleep, over and over, until she wanted to leave them both alone in the hopes that they’d tire each other out and maybe maybe let it be quiet again) and she had returned downstairs with the intent of starting dinner when she found it— him— sitting cool as you please on Petunia’s sparkling counters, drinking a snifter of Vernon’s most expensive brandy.
She let out a scream before she thought of the boys she’d only just gotten to sleep and swallowed it back. But the rat seemed uninterested, and… did he just raise an eyebrow?
She cast around for a broom or a pan to scare him off but the only thing closer to her than the rat was the teddy she’d planned to mend after Dudley had ripped the head off. It would have to do.
Careful not to get too close— she didn’t want to hit the glass— she swung out with the stuffie, and still the rat looked unimpressed.
“Out,” she cried, with another swing, this one a bit closer, “Get out of my house! I don’t want you here!”
This had never worked on Lily or the Snape boy either, but she knew magic had all sorts of rules to learn, and, well, she could hope that was one. In films, Dracula needed permission to enter, maybe that was true of witches, too.
The rat had put down his drink to face her directly.
“Didn’t you hear me?” she said, as loudly as she dared. “Leave!”
But the rat did not, and when she swung out once more, the snifter wobbled precariously.
“Fine! Fine,” she conceded, slumping back against the refrigerator, beheaded teddy leg still clutched in her hand. “Well? If you’ve got a message for me, or whatever, say it now before my husband gets home.”
Finally, the rat moved. A step away from the brandy, then a running leap at her that made her shriek again and swat it away with her makeshift weapon— except when it made contact it was with a fully grown man, not a rat at all.
He stood before her, wand held casually in one hand— not exactly brandishing it at her, but showing it off. He was short, not quite as tall as she was, with bright, straw blond hair, and he looked like a strong wind would bowl him over, despite having a bit of bulk on her. If it wasn’t for the stupid wooden stick in his hand, she thought she could easily take him.
That, and the rat thing.
“First of all, we’ve got to work on your security system. D’you know who I am?”
He didn’t ask like Vernon— or his father— did, full of expectation and impatience. The man-who-was-also-a-rat asked like he expected to have been overlooked, like he was afraid even now that he’d be thrown out for not being recognized. It was a look Petunia had trained away from her own expression when she’d lost her accent.
“I’m afraid I don’t, mister…”
“Pettigrew,” he said cautiously, “Peter Pettigrew.” And then, after a moment of hesitation, “I was— I was friends with your sister and your… brother-in-law.”
“Yes, well, they’re both dead now, and they’ve left me their son, as I’m sure you’re aware, seeing as you’ve let yourself into my kitchen.”
“Like I was saying, better security system. Which brings me to why I’m here.”
He made a sort of gesture to imply he’d like to sit down at the table and discuss it, but when Petunia didn’t budge from her place against the fridge, he stayed standing in the middle of the room.
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15 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I don't have time or energy to tease out @impishtubist's prompt of resurrected James/Lily need to learn to live with Sirius, Remus, and Harry, but have five drabbles (really! 100 words each!) on their first dinner together. Canon divergence, somewhere around OotP.
Harry had gone to the Ministry expecting death—his or Sirius’s or one of his friends— and hoped to survive. Instead, he’d gotten something more miraculous than even he could wish for. Every minute since his parents— parents! He’d never really had those!— had stumbled out of the veil has been spent learning something new: the way his mother flicks away the ends of her hair, the weight of his father’s hand on his shoulder, the way they smiled at each other. He learns and he waits for it to all be ripped away and enjoys it while he can.
They’re all sat at a kitchen table in a house none of them own. Six chairs. Five people, five place settings. There should be six of them and James hasn’t quite accepted that there aren’t. Remus and Sirius have had a whole life— Harry’s whole life— or at the very least years to try and understand what could never be explained. James is angry and upset and happy to be alive and so, so confused by this world that’s wrong in unexpected ways. Five of them are here and Harry had flinched when the sixth was mentioned, and James aches.
Remus blinks again, still expecting the mirage to dissipate and leave him full of pain and drugs and regret. Magic didn’t bring people back from the dead. If it could, he would have gone to the Ministry sometime before now and dragged them back himself and saved them all the trouble. Remus was supposed to struggle through it, to make it to the finish line decades too soon, die in some tragic or heroic way and be greeted with pity and love as he had in life. Cobbling together a table full of loved ones had never been the plan.
The last few moments of Lily’s life keep flashing behind her eyes; her toddler’s confused face, the cold, cruel laugh, a blinding flash of death-green light. She keeps them open, watches the room instead of memories fifteen years and hours old. Sees how her son looks to Sirius before he moves or speaks, how he flinches and shrinks in on himself, how he shakes. He doesn’t look to Remus, and Remus can’t stop looking at her and James. They aren’t a family, they’re just a ball of tangled strings, tied up in all the wrong ways, impossible to untangle.
Sirius had dreamt this, truly dreamt instead of nightmares, that first night after Azkaban—all of them together: Sirius his own age, James and Lily forever twenty-one, Remus somewhere in between. Harry had just been there, one and eleven all at once. It didn’t compare to this moment of absolute lightness Sirius feels watching his family— free from death and that horrible house— joyous at the most perfect dinner he’ll ever eat. They have time to fight, to learn to live together, to not set off each of their particular traumas. That will come, because they, somehow, have time.
29 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
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