#I admit I am a little bias toward Byler because as an Aro person I'm a little sick of the
problemswithbooks · 2 years
I’m kinda glad the next season there not adding no new characters and I’m hoping for a happy ending and according to duffers will is going to take center stage but I’ll believe it when I see it
Yeah, it'll be nice not to spend a bunch of time introducing new characters, especially since they seem to only be there so they people to kill that the audience cares about who aren't the main cast.
I do hope there's a happy ending.
Some people have speculated that Eddie might come back as an undead pawn of Vecna, who maybe they can save. I sort of doubt it at the moment sense they haven't done that sort of thing before, but I won't complain if Eddie comes back. He was a really fun character, and out of the dead cast, I think bringing him back would make the most sense.
AS for Will, I agree that he should play a big role in the last season. He has the biggest connection the the Upside Down along with El, and he has been poorly utilized for most of the show, usually ending up a damsel in destress. So it'd be nice if he got to have a better, and bigger role in the final.
I've seen a lot of talk that says Byler (Will/Mike) is going to be end game ship wise and that's going to be a part of his big role. Personally, I hesitate to say it will happen and am a little worried seeing how sure people are that it's going to be canon. I remember to much of that in past fandoms, like Sherlock or Voltron. People were so sure their ship was 100% going to happen and then were furious when it didn't materialize. With Sherlock that was understandable because the fans were purposely baited, but Voltron wasn't like that, yet people were still counting their chickens before they hatched, so to speak.
I'm not against the ship, but I do think if it happens the Duffers are going to have to be spot on with their writing to make it work and not feel tacked on. As many Byler shippers have pointed out Mike has been pretty shit to Will, while also being a crap boyfriend to El. For me at least it would be weird to have El break up with Mike because he's been shitty to her (only seeing El as a superman/weapon), and then to have Will and Mike get together, especially if he also develops powers.
Unless there's a time skip between them getting together, for me it'd just feel like Mike hadn't had enough time to grow and change after his break up with El. That he was bound to repeat the same mistakes with Will.
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